THIS IS WATER - By David Foster Wallace
0:02 - 0:05Estan estos dos pequeños peces nadando juntos
0:05 - 0:08y se encuentran a un viejo pez nadando en direccion contraria
0:08 - 0:12quien,,,, y dice, buenos dias muchachos, como esta el agua?
0:12 - 0:14y los dos pequeños peces nadan por un rato
0:14 - 0:15y luego eventualmente uno mira hacia el otro
0:15 - 0:21y dice "Que diablos es agua?"
0:21 - 0:23El punto de la historia de los peces es simplemente que
0:23 - 0:25las realidades mas obvias e importantes son usualmente
Not Syncedlas mas dificiles de ver y conversar.
- Title:
- THIS IS WATER - By David Foster Wallace
- Description:
In 2005, author David Foster Wallace was asked to give the commencement address to the 2005 graduating class of Kenyon College. However, the resulting speech didn't become widely known until 3 years later, after his tragic death. It is, without a doubt, some of the best life advice we've ever come across, and perhaps the most simple and elegant explanation of the real value of education.
We made this video, built around an abridged version of the original audio recording, with the hopes that the core message of the speech could reach a wider audience who might not have otherwise been interested.
Read the full speech here: Glossary - Video Language:
- English