Greetings ladies and gentlemen of the Croatia
Driven by contant misinformation
that is released by the Agency for Hydrocarbons
regarding the process of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Adriatic sea
is adhering to Croatian law
and reported to the media to minimize the potential impact of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons on the environment and economy.
As a representative in the European Parliament
I decided to react and protect the public interest of all citizens of Croatia
The duty of all citizens
as well as the Croatian Government to respect the Constitution
which in Article 70
guarantees all citizens the right to a healthy life
and requires the government to guarantee a healthy environment.
Under the same law, everyone is required
based on their ability work to preserve human health
nature and the environment.
In the matter of exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Adriatic sea
The agency for hydrocarbons and the Croatian government
has violated articles 55 and 56 of the environmental protection laws.
The contract with the exploration company Spectrum
should have happened only after the Parliament passed the law
"Strategiju upravljanja morskim okolišem i obalnim područjem"
The procedures defined by the law require public consultation
environmental impact studies, consultations
with other countries that surround the Adriatic sea
establishing that the actions maintain the public interest
and the main economic interests.
and the adoption of the actions as prescribed by the law.
"The current Law on exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons
does not comply with Directive 2013/30 / EU.
The agency for hydrocarbons and the Minister of the Economy
has just announced a law on the safety of offshore oil and gas activities
that describes the procedure for public tenders
and obtaining permits for offshore oil and gas activities.