34C3 - Inside Intel Management Engine
0:00 - 0:1634c3 preroll music
0:16 - 0:22Herald: Last year he presented how to get
JTAG over USB at the 33C3. Today he will -
0:22 - 0:28tell us how to interrogate the Intel
Management Engine in a similarly ingenious -
0:28 - 0:36and devious way. Please join me in
welcoming Maxim Goryachy to 34C3. -
0:36 - 0:44Applause
0:45 - 0:55Maxim Goryachy: Hello guys. I'm speaking
about Intel debug capabilities at the CC -
0:55 - 1:03Conference for the second year in a row.
Last time I talked about how new Intel -
1:03 - 1:12CPUs allow debug technology called Intel
Direct Connect Interface or DCI and now -
1:12 - 1:25I'm going to talk how activates DCI for
Intel Management Engine. (Sorry) DCI is a -
1:25 - 1:32private implementation of widely known
industry standards for debugging hardware -
1:32 - 1:41and low level software from Intel. And
addition I will talk about how it can be -
1:41 - 1:52used for research and how to use it in
practice. Unfortunately my colleague Mark -
1:52 - 2:01couldn't come and I will introduce our
research alone. And I think that you some -
2:01 - 2:10hungry and I will be quickly. Out our
Management Engine research team at -
2:10 - 2:16Positive Technologies includes following
researchers: my colleague Dmitry Sklyarov -
2:16 - 2:27and Mark Ermolov and myself. Mark Ermolov
is my colleague. With him, with whom we -
2:27 - 2:33found Intel vulnerability in Intel
Management Engine. He is a system -
2:33 - 2:39programmer and a reverse engineer and
Dmitry Sklyarov a well known reverse -
2:39 - 2:46engineer who did 5 #research of the ME
filesystem. He recovered Huffman codes for -
2:46 - 2:59version 11 of ME and you can find his tool
for unpacking ME image and for parsing ME -
2:59 - 3:10file system on our Github pages. How you
can see our previous talk related to ME -
3:10 - 3:17and our contacts so you can feel free to
communicate with us for any question -
3:17 - 3:25you're interested about our research. How
I have just said I will talk about what is -
3:25 - 3:32Intel ME, how it's implemented and how we
activated JTAG for ME Core vulnerability -
3:32 - 3:41which Mark and I found. Then I disclose in
details how our technique works and show -
3:41 - 3:55proven our achievements. How many people
in this hall know what is ME? Oh cool! But -
3:55 - 4:05in here, a review. As a topic, the
Management Engine is very popular now. -
4:05 - 4:09First it's almost fully undocumented and
very powerful at the same time. For -
4:09 - 4:15example it has full access to your
platforms hardware including CPU complex, -
4:15 - 4:23it has capabilities to intercept all that
you are doing on your PC. For example -
4:23 - 4:34keyboard, he has access to keyboard to
USB and of course PCI buses. It is also a -
4:34 - 4:47root of trust for many Intel security
features like TPM, like DRM and APT. Intel -
4:47 - 4:52has chosen the following design for ME
version 11: independent microcontroller, -
4:52 - 5:04own operating system based on Minix, built
in Java Machine. It gets started before -
5:04 - 5:13main CPU. Its firmware has parts in PCH,
beyond in memory and in SPI flash. Many -
5:13 - 5:19Intel technologies are implemented with
help of Management Engine for example -
5:19 - 5:34Active Management Technology or PVT and we
think that SGX, too. Another question how -
5:34 - 5:52many people in this hall know what is
JTAG? Cool! But some review of JTAG. JTAG -
5:52 - 5:58stands for Joint Test Action Group and you
can find its description in IEEE standards -
5:58 - 6:06which the details available in the
standard itself. As the results of the -
6:06 - 6:16paper available on our blog where the
design is described in close details. Out -
6:16 - 6:23often manufacture extend standard JTAG by
adding their own functions. JTAG in Intel -
6:23 - 6:32processor is described rather poorly and
some information can be found in documents -
6:32 - 6:46and patent. You can see our paper on the
slide and starting with Skylake, Intel -
6:46 - 6:51introduced
Direct Connect Interface technology -
6:51 - 6:56and you can find the description
6:56 - 7:07of it in the documents and in our works.
The diagrams show two types of connection: -
7:07 - 7:15using a specific device, a so-called Intel
SVT Closed Chassis Adapter or a common -
7:15 - 7:23used USB3 debug cable. I would like to
note that the target system in this case -
7:23 - 7:31doesn't require the use of a hardware
agent. The drawback of this technology is -
7:31 - 7:38that it works out of box. Intel or Silicon
Valley technology closed unintelligible -
7:38 - 7:51provides access to day fix features like
JTAG and RAM control through USB3 ports on -
7:51 - 8:02platforms. It works through USB3 links but
implements a private protocol and makes it -
8:02 - 8:08possible to manipulate the target system
in deep sleep mode. It means that in this -
8:08 - 8:26mode you have independent links between
JTAG adapter and PCH. USB3 host on DCI is -
8:26 - 8:33common USB3 debug cable which works as OTG
device that means that a special device -
8:33 - 8:39appears on the host system and activation
and commands are sent to device through -
8:39 - 8:47the common USB interface. As the device
itself is integrated into PCH and it -
8:47 - 8:58transforms the command into JTAG. If you
have JTAG for ME devices it means you have -
8:58 - 9:05almost full control of ME. Two main
questions: Doesn't who provides of any -
9:05 - 9:10technique for debugging ME on public
platforms? And the second: What does -
9:10 - 9:21software and hardware need for any
debugging? Ok. The answer to the first -
9:21 - 9:28question: Yes they found a special
partition called UTOK which allocated on -
9:28 - 9:41the special, on the SPI flash where
storage ME. This partition has same -
9:41 - 9:48structures FPT and another partition of
ME. Partition builts entry of available -
9:48 - 9:56debug capabilities. One of this records
means types of unlock: Red or orange. -
9:56 - 10:05Please pay attention, it will be important
later. And what is, what means DFx? DFx is -
10:05 - 10:13collective term for next to privation DFT
designed for testability and DFD designed -
10:13 - 10:27for debugging. DFT is set of technique
used for manufacturing defects finding of -
10:27 - 10:38integrated chips and standard DFT it
generally buys it on ordinary boundaries -
10:38 - 10:49can detect comments but Intel extends it's
DFT in its branded silicone view -
10:49 - 10:55technology. DFD joins all internal chip
level logic used to organize Hardware -
10:55 - 11:02level debugging of course sequences
executed by chips. DFx is connected to -
11:02 - 11:14internal world by a special thing called
embedded day fix interface. This bridge -
11:14 - 11:20connects dayfix whith external industry
interface like USB there is a special -
11:20 - 11:27device in interpret from controller hub
called defects aggregator its function is -
11:27 - 11:45to control access to DFx. 2 types : orange
types it means that vendors may use the -
11:45 - 11:55JTAG debugging for ICH for example and
auto partition for orange unlock must be -
11:55 - 12:07signed by vendor scheme. This key stored
in FPF fuses and more interesting is read -
12:07 - 12:18unlock because this unlock provides full
access to besiege. The internal devices -
12:18 - 12:32unlocks JTAG for ME core and provides
unlimited access to ME memory. Intel -
12:32 - 12:37management engine uses two devices for
support Hardware debugging the fixed -
12:37 - 12:44aggregator management's defects
functionality and the CSE zeroing register -
12:44 - 12:56from device called GEN and only
BUP and ROM uses this device. -
12:56 - 13:03It is CSE zeroing register
when we know only -
13:03 - 13:09about 1 bit.
We called it Intel unlock -
13:09 - 13:26request and this register means that you
asked the platform to do read unlock. More -
13:26 - 13:36interesting is DFx aggregator register and
personal to register. Personality register -
13:36 - 13:45specifies type of unlock red or orange and
consent used for allowed right to personal -
13:45 - 13:59to register. It means that consent
register or it means that this bit to -
13:59 - 14:17allow write data in DFx personal to
register and read and lock works in 2 -
14:17 - 14:29steps. On the first, the BUP fun is
finding who talked partition. If partition -
14:29 - 14:43found, the BUP checked is checking
partition signatory and platform ID. Also -
14:43 - 15:03BUP checks time because the talk has time
limitation and after that if all is okay, -
15:03 - 15:12BUP parses an entry in who talked
partition called knobs if intel knob -
15:12 - 15:27unlock founded and platform is not already
unlocked BOB set these aren't register and -
15:27 - 15:38do not reset in it. After set in ROM,
check is checking TCS errant register and -
15:38 - 15:54if it's set, it to clean this register and
switch on consent and personality it means -
15:54 - 16:12read and lock after that ROM is cleaning
ME keys and working but if you have active -
16:12 - 16:18but if dci is active immediate doesn't
latch the fix consent register. It means -
16:18 - 16:32that if you want to switch on JTAG you
don't need to reboot ME. if you have the -
16:32 - 16:44second action inhales deply and how active
how to wait read and lock without intel -
16:44 - 16:51keys on blockhead Europe we disclosed bug
in BUP model. This function as you can see -
16:51 - 16:57has a vulnerability when it called other
function reading in BUP CT file it gives -
16:57 - 17:05incorrect size of data to read instead of
local buffer size the buffer DFS file read -
17:05 - 17:14function gets the size of the role file
how we exploited this vulnerability you -
17:14 - 17:23can found in our presentation from
blockhead and using the vulnerability we -
17:23 - 17:35also have activated attack for management
engine and to research ME in internal of -
17:35 - 17:48in ME right activation without intel keys
may be doing after 4 simple steps on the -
17:48 - 17:57first activate manufacture mode for target
it means for DCI and set the size drop in -
17:57 - 18:03a flash descriptor and using the
vulnerability to a lot well with 3 to -
18:03 - 18:20defects personal register and after that
you you will have MEquerem? and you can do -
18:20 - 18:33research in internal semi but
unfortunately you will have one problem -
18:33 - 18:44because you don't have software for
debugging Keeney but it is small problem -
18:44 - 18:53and next let's talk about software part of
technologists tech it's presented by DAL.. -
18:53 - 19:00Intel DFX abstraction layer package
it's alleged library exposes all power of -
19:00 - 19:10DFx software model as we found DAL
heslage history supports various platform -
19:10 - 19:23and CPU architecture designed to work with
different debug ports and hardware were we -
19:23 - 19:29know that DAL is a core of all
instruments that Intel uses for testing -
19:29 - 19:38and debugging of its hardware and firmware
components so it's provided with Intel -
19:38 - 19:48systems studio for example and can be
download without an ID and DAL is almost -
19:48 - 20:02writen in C# and has same structure on the
top DAL has console interface -
20:02 - 20:14and GUI interface and library
layer and Driver transport and DFX on -
20:14 - 20:24target we found a patient from Intel in
public description corelation of DFX exci -
20:24 - 20:34internal interfaces you can see our
previous work to details about how -
20:34 - 20:49internal structure of dialogues DAL's
architecture is based on notion there -
20:49 - 20:58are two type of nodes physical and logical
physical nodes represents 3 of hardware -
20:58 - 21:09components organized from probe unit and
including the following levels gdect e to -
21:09 - 21:16c bus and an other logical nodes
represents certain functionalities that -
21:16 - 21:22can be used to perform debugging stuff and
many problems at public version of DAL -
21:22 - 21:28doesn't include configuration for
ME core however that didn't stop us -
21:28 - 21:47and we found the solution how I said DAL
has some configuration and as -
21:47 - 21:53we investigated during reverse engineering
of the DAL library each configuration is -
21:53 - 22:01included in encrypted XML files DAL uses
aes cipher and key derivation function -
22:01 - 22:13pbkdf2 with fixed key and salt the first
of lines of poem it is salt and ATP is -
22:13 - 22:23easy key the simple program on is a simple
program allows the crypto device -
22:23 - 22:27configuration of DAL
applause -
22:27 - 22:34Thank you.
applause continues -
22:34 - 22:42Maybe another poems to decrypt,
for example -
22:42 - 22:51microcode of CPU, I don't know.
How there is no configuration of any -
22:51 - 22:57devices, we found that ME core is an LMT2
devices and the configuration of this -
22:57 - 23:02device can be found in decrypted XML
files, before anybody can write -
23:02 - 23:12configuration for ME. I don't know, for
example on the slide you can see internal -
23:12 - 23:26structure of LP series of PCH. It is U
series of cpu and at the top divided -
23:26 - 23:43on four part and on top connected parts
in the end ME core. and how to do -
23:43 - 23:52custom configuration, four first
steps: on the first decrypt XML files, the -
23:52 - 24:02second adds the following clients to top
SPT XML and use DAL environment for any -
24:02 - 24:41debugging and it will make you computer
personal again. Some demo. One moment. -
24:41 - 24:56Okay. It is version of systems studio
and we decrypt files, with configuration -
24:56 - 25:18of DAL, and to edit to add some lines.
The top is for each series of PCH and the -
25:18 - 25:35bottom for LP series. It is ME core, it is
linked between ME core and unintelligible -
25:47 - 26:01We halt the execution, we load some,
reloading some library, our library, we -
26:01 - 26:31set up reset breaks, it needs for to stop
on the reset vector in ME. How you can see -
26:31 - 26:51GDT table and current instruction and the
register value, LDT value and we are doing -
26:51 - 27:32a reset on ME and step in
instruction in to ME. Then initialize -
27:32 - 28:17of segments and new GDT value, ok and okay
and demo from black hat. it is our stand, -
28:17 - 28:54it is host platform, already halted, init
settings for any core. Oh sorry. It is not -
28:54 - 29:12ME. The reset vector, how you can see in
catcher interface it is -
29:12 - 29:26special device between which manufacture
for for links between host CPU and ME and -
29:26 - 29:40now we read some read only register for
CPU from (???????) and set the value of -
29:40 - 30:01this register from ME. The magic.
applause -
30:01 - 30:07And then my demo
is more interesting than my english -
30:07 - 30:54sorry and I have a live demo if internet
will be good. One moment. It's my machine -
30:54 - 31:32at work and the internet is not good
sorry. maybe maybe later. Okay. And our -
31:32 - 31:39achievement: JTAG activation, we we do
JTAG - well achievement in respect to the -
31:39 - 31:49vulnerability, in addition we activate
JTAG for ME. Also we dumped the ME startup -
31:49 - 32:02code and found the way to extract
platform's key used by the flash file -
32:02 - 32:17system. It means that you can decrypt and
integrate your files into ME and ME -
32:17 - 32:29doesn't detect it. And our links: on our
GitHub page you can find our tools for ME -
32:29 - 32:37reversing researching and our blogs, where
is our article, our reference and thank -
32:37 - 32:40you for your attention. Questions please.
32:40 - 32:50applause
32:50 - 32:54Herald: So anyone that has a question for
Maxim please line up by one of the -
32:54 - 32:59microphones. They are 1, 2, 3, 4 on this
side of the room and 5, 6, 7, 8 on that -
32:59 - 33:03side of the room. If you are watching
online we have a signal angel, who is -
33:03 - 33:08monitoring the internet for all of your
interesting questions and they will be -
33:08 - 33:12asked. So already here
at microphone number one. -
33:12 - 33:18Mic 1: Okay so it mentions, you mention
that you dumped the ROM. And previously, -
33:18 - 33:22as there were some rumors with ROM bypass
available, did you compare the dumped -
33:22 - 33:24Maxim: Yeah.
Mic 1: ROM against ROM bypass -
33:24 - 33:25Maxim: Yeah.
Mic 1: and is it the same? -
33:25 - 33:26Maxim: No.
Mic 1: No? -
33:26 - 33:38Maxim: We found there's some difference
but it relates with that ME bypass code -
33:38 - 33:47starts into protected mode but a
real ROM starts into real mode. -
33:47 - 33:52Mic 1: Okay, so otherwise it's
functioning almost the same. -
33:52 - 33:59Maxim: Hmm, we found some difference in
cryptography but I think it is not -
33:59 - 34:03important.
Herald: So, if you if you are leaving -
34:03 - 34:06please be quiet, so the talk is still
going on, we're still having questions and -
34:06 - 34:13answers and please be considerate of the
people asking questions. Thank you. The -
34:13 - 34:20next one, from microphone number five.
Mic 5: Yeah, so you set the personality -
34:20 - 34:27register to read and then you reset the ME
and it will break at the reset. Is that -
34:27 - 34:33register persistence over reboots or you
have to do the exploit and set it every -
34:33 - 34:37time?
Maxim: Yeah, you need to do it every time. -
34:37 - 34:47This only persist between resets.
Herald: Signal angel, is there's a -
34:47 - 34:51question from the internet.
Signal Angel: Yes, they'd like to know -
34:51 - 34:54where to find the internal USB port on the
34:54 - 34:59main board.
Maxim: Sorry please repetition. -
34:59 - 35:06Sig Ang: The question is where to find the
internal USB port on the main board for -
35:06 - 35:14the JTAG access.
Maxim: How I know all USB ports now has -
35:14 - 35:23access to this functionality. You don't
need to find its ports on your system. If -
35:23 - 35:35you have platform with Skylake you always
has this functionality on your USB ports. -
35:35 - 35:49Oh, of course if this ports link directly
to PCH, if if it is port- link- connected -
35:49 - 36:01where some another controller you probably
don't have to stay on these ports. -
36:01 - 36:09Herald: Microphone, microphone number two.
Mic 2: Does it work, means you can extract -
36:09 - 36:15any key from ME, for example key for SGX
remote as a station? -
36:15 - 36:26Maxim: I didn't know. We are starting this
research how ME relates with SGX and we - -
36:26 - 36:42I don't know how key in ME extract, derive
and loaded and relate with SGX. I don't -
36:42 - 36:45know, sorry.
Herald: Microphone number one. -
36:45 - 36:52Mic 1: Did you receive any any messages,
any recognition about this from Intel? -
36:52 - 37:00Maxim: You mean that - did we share this
information with Intel? -
37:00 - 37:06Mic 1: No, did they react to, did they
react in any way to that? -
37:06 - 37:10Maxim: After our vulnerabilities they said
"okay" -
37:10 - 37:13audience laughs
37:13 - 37:15Mic 1: Okay, so nothing much
except for patches? -
37:15 - 37:17Maxim: Yeah.
Mic 1: Okay, thank you. -
37:17 - 37:20Herald: Signal angel, is there another
question from the internet? -
37:20 - 37:28Sig Ang: Yeah - how can you disable the
JTAG access? is just disabling the ME -
37:28 - 37:37enough or what do you have to do?
Maxim: Sorry, you mean how Intel disabled -
37:37 - 37:45decide functionality for ME and
Sig Ang: How can you fix it now, how could -
37:45 - 37:49the Intel fix it or how can you secure
your own system? -
37:49 - 37:59Maxim: It is not, it is just feature it is
not bug, sorry. You don't have any chance -
37:59 - 38:07a chance to switch on JTAG for in ME if
you don't have UTAG or you don't have -
38:07 - 38:23vulnerability. And JTAG for ME switch on
only inter BUP mode module - in inter-in -
38:23 - 38:31BUP module. If we have vulnerability in
other module, for example in AMT, we -
38:31 - 38:46mustn't do it. And if you have to try -
it's its feature, it is not bug. You can -
38:46 - 38:54switch off the HECI flash descriptor and
to fix this side problem which we found in -
38:54 - 39:01last year, and it will be ok.
39:01 - 39:04Herald: Microphone number four
in the back. -
39:04 - 39:08Mic 4: I believe one of your previous
slides mentioned that they incorporated a -
39:08 - 39:12Java Virtual Machine - why in god's earth
did they do that? -
39:12 - 39:30Maxim: How I know; this it is DAL and it
has some relative with jeeks when I know. -
39:30 - 39:36I didn't have details.
Herald: So microphone number five. -
39:36 - 39:45Mic 5: The last slide mentioned the
extraction of platform keys. So a simple -
39:45 - 39:54question - are they enough to sign a
firmware update which you would modify so -
39:54 - 40:05that ME would accept it--
Maxim: No, sorry. Please repeat. -
40:05 - 40:16Mic 5: Okay so let me rephrase
Maxim: I understand. You, okay, the -
40:16 - 40:27firmware sign it by Intel public key. I
don't have private key of Intel and this -
40:27 - 40:36key is not built-in into ME. It is
platform it is only platform key - this -
40:36 - 40:47key for symmetric encryption files and
sign it files on the file system. If you -
40:47 - 40:56have this key, you can only modify any
file system. But unfortunately the -
40:56 - 41:09execution module start in in other places.
Mic 5: Okay, I get it so now is the path -
41:09 - 41:14for castrating system from ME yet,
thank you. -
41:14 - 41:19Herald: Signal angel?
Signal Angel: Can you have only free -
41:19 - 41:23software running on the ME?
41:23 - 41:27Maxim: Sorry,
please repeat question, slowly. -
41:27 - 41:34Signal Angel: Can you have only free
software running on the ME by modifying -
41:34 - 41:42the flash contents?
Maxim: I don't understand, sorry. You mean -
41:42 - 41:51that how how how we can modify the file
systems or not? -
41:51 - 41:56Signal Angel: Yeah replace the ME firmware
with free code -
41:56 - 42:11Maxim: No no, unfortunately because we we
mustn't to change the the chain between -
42:11 - 42:21ROM and BUP module. And we mustn't to
change kernel of ME and BUP module. I -
42:21 - 42:33don't now how use it functionality for
change in need to open source solution. -
42:33 - 42:42But of course you can to do you can do
special device with detection finality -
42:42 - 42:50which to replace after reboot all ME from
reset vector and executed. But it is some -
42:50 - 43:06quirks, somehow some - impossible, I think
Herald: Microphone number two. -
43:06 - 43:12Mic 2: Are you aware anywhere the MINIX
image has been leaked somewhere where -
43:12 - 43:15perhaps it could be
downloaded and analyzed? -
43:15 - 43:23Maxim: Unfortunately the kernel of ME only
43:23 - 43:36based on MINIX. And the Intel guys almost
all to rewrite all, almost all kernel. And -
43:36 - 43:44on the reverse engineering. And maybe
indeed you can get information from Intel -
43:44 - 43:52after signs NDA, I don't know.
Herald: Microphone number eight. -
43:52 - 43:58Mic 8: Do you think it do you think it
would ever be possible to add your own -
43:58 - 44:02public keys or are the Intel public keys
for signing the firmware -
44:02 - 44:05stored in a ROM only?
44:05 - 44:12Maxim: I'm sorry, you mean..
Mic 8: Could you add your own public keys -
44:12 - 44:20for signing firmware with, or is not
possible because the ME checks the public -
44:20 - 44:30key.
Maxim: ME checks only hash of public key -
44:30 - 44:45and we know that ROM has that in ME major
a lot version of any which signs on two -
44:45 - 45:08keys. We saw only one keys front from bus.
And a ROM checked that check SHA from -
45:08 - 45:26public key exist in whitelist. ROM has
hard-coded 8 hashes of keys and some lists -
45:26 - 45:40for some white list of all these hashes.
And if you keys in this list you can run -
45:40 - 45:44your ME firmware
45:44 - 45:47Mic 8: Okay but that
list of hashes is in ROM? -
45:47 - 45:49Maxim: Yeah yeah.
Mic 8: Okay, thank you. -
45:49 - 45:54Herald: Signal angel.
Signal Angel: What is your general -
45:54 - 46:01impression of this security of ME - how
vulnerable is it to attacks? -
46:01 - 46:13Maxim: Sorry, you mean how vulnerable you
mean have an ability to help us do it? -
46:13 - 46:15Sorry.
Signal Angel: You know, how vulnerable is -
46:15 - 46:20it to other attacks?
Maxim: On other module, yeah? -
46:20 - 46:26Signal Angel: Sorry, on what?
Maxim: In other module. -
46:26 - 46:32Herald: So I think the question is in
general how good is the security of the -
46:32 - 46:35Intel ME?
Maxim: So sorry.. -
46:35 - 46:43Herald: In general, how good is the
security of the Intel ME, altogether? -
46:43 - 46:50Maxim: I think it is because is
independent researcher can use it for -
46:50 - 46:58dynamic analysis of any codes - it's it's
cool I I think. -
46:58 - 47:05Herald: Microphone number seven.
Mic 7: Do you have plans to research some -
47:05 - 47:10specific parts of the
Intel ME in the future? -
47:10 - 47:19Maxim: Yeah of course. Intel will publish
47:19 - 47:28an ME 11 version and I know that they
changed Huffman tables for example. And -
47:28 - 47:38the next the next round of this game will
start it. -
47:38 - 47:42Herald: Is there another
question at microphone 7? -
47:42 - 47:52Mic 7: So if I understood you correctly,
just to make sure, this means that you - -
47:52 - 48:00if you have a CPU of this Skylake
architecture and a USB 3 port, you can -
48:00 - 48:07always get low-level access to the ME.
Maxim: Exactly. -
48:07 - 48:12Mic 7: So, if I were to own such a chip,
I would want that patched. What's the -
48:12 - 48:20usual path? Does the patch come in a
Windows patch or a BIOS update or what is -
48:20 - 48:27it?
Maxim: You have some some ways to use it. -
48:27 - 48:38If you have a SPI programmer, you you can
rewrite flash. You mean how we can exploit -
48:38 - 48:45it?
Mic 7: No, how does, sorry, how will Intel -
48:45 - 48:54distribute a patch for this vulnerability?
Maxim: Oh, unfortunately because downgrade -
48:54 - 49:02always possible. Intel punched only error
in BUP function. -
49:02 - 49:11But researcher or attacker
can always to downgrade version or to -
49:11 - 49:17earlier ME and exploit it without any
problem. -
49:17 - 49:27We are is SPI controller or a SPI
programmer and maybe another way. -
49:27 - 49:32Mic 7: Okay, thank you.
Herald: Microphone number one. -
49:32 - 49:37Mic 1: In the demo with video, we saw the
connection between the two machines with -
49:37 - 49:44this blue box, but I think there's another
one way to connect them with just a USB -
49:44 - 49:51cable. Is there anything you can do with
the blue box that you can't do without it? -
49:51 - 50:00Maxim: Yeah we checked it - we use only
USB3 debug cable. But it is not possible -
50:00 - 50:13for us because we need to to recover the
state of work for loading in ME. I do it -
50:13 - 50:26but I don't like that because I need to
stop execution for my research. It easy -
50:26 - 50:31for me and because
we were using a blue box. -
50:31 - 50:33Mic 1: Thank you.
50:33 - 50:37Herald: Signal angel.
Signal Angel: Do you plan to publish -
50:37 - 50:45mask ROM dump in the future?
Maxim: Yeah, we will plan to do it, yeah. -
50:45 - 50:52Herald: Signal angel again.
Signal Angel: Just give me a moment. -
50:52 - 51:02Maxim: I didn't know, maybe when I
come back to Moscow. -
51:02 - 51:10Herald: Any other burning questions?
Please come up to one of the numbered -
51:10 - 51:19microphones. Then with that let's give
Maxim of great warm well applause- -
51:19 - 51:22Maxim: Thank you much for your attention.
Herald: Thank you so much Maxim. -
51:22 - 51:25Applause
51:25 - 51:4134c3 outro
51:41 - 51:47subtitles created by c3subtitles.de
in the year 2020. Join, and help us!
- Title:
- 34C3 - Inside Intel Management Engine
- Description:
Positive Technologies researchers Maxim Goryachy and Mark Ermolov have discovered a vulnerability that allows running unsigned code. The vulnerability can be used to activate JTAG debugging for the Intel Management Engine processor core. When combined with DCI, this allows debugging ME via USB.
Maxim Goryachy Mark Ermolov
- Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 51:47
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taam edited English subtitles for 34C3 - Inside Intel Management Engine | ||
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Lukas Graphen edited English subtitles for 34C3 - Inside Intel Management Engine | ||
Bar Sch edited English subtitles for 34C3 - Inside Intel Management Engine |