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What is metallic glass? - Ashwini Bharathula

  • 0:07 - 0:08
    Steel and plastic.
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    These two materials are essential to so
    much of our infrastructure and technology,
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    and they have a complementary set
    of strengths and weaknesses.
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    Steel is strong and hard,
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    but difficult to strength intricately.
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    While plastic can take on
    just about any form,
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    it's weak and soft.
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    So wouldn't it be nice if there
    were one material
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    as strong as the strongest steel
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    and as shapeable as plastic?
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    Well, a lot of scientists
    and technologists
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    are getting excited about a relatively
    recent invention called metallic glass
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    with both of those properties, and more.
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    Metallic glasses look shiny and opaque,
    like metals,
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    and also like metals,
    they conduct heat and electricity.
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    But they're way stronger than most metals,
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    which means they can withstand
    a lot of force
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    without getting bent or dented,
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    making ultrasharp scalpels,
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    and ultrastrong electronics cases,
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    the list goes on.
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    Metallic glasses also
    have an incredible ability
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    to store and release elastic energy,
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    which makes them perfect
    for sports equipment,
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    like tennis raquets,
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    golf clubs,
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    and skis.
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    They're resistant to corrosion,
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    and can be cast into complex shapes
    with mirror like surfaces
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    in a single molding step.
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    Despite their strength
    at room temperature,
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    if you go up a few hundred
    degrees Celsius,
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    they soften significantly,
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    and can be deformed into
    any shape you like.
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    Cool them back down,
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    and they regain the strength.
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    So where do all of these wonderous
    attributes come from?
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    In essence, they have to do with
    metallic glass's unique atomic structure.
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    Most metals are crystalline as solids.
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    That means that if you zoomed in
    close enough to see the individual atoms,
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    they'd be neatly lined up
    in an orderly, repeating pattern
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    that extends throughout
    the whole material.
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    Ice is crystaline,
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    and so are diamonds,
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    and salt.
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    If you heat these materials up enough
    and melt them,
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    the atoms can jiggle freely
    and move randomly,
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    but when you cool them back down,
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    the atoms reorganize themsleves,
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    reestablishing the crystal.
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    But what if you could cool
    a molten metal so fast
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    that the atoms couldn't
    find their places again,
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    so that the material was solid,
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    but with the chaotic, amorphous internal
    structure of a liquid?
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    That's metallic glass.
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    This structure has the added benefit
    of lacking the grain boundaries
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    that most metals have.
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    Those are weak spots where the material
    is more susceptible to scratches
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    or corrosion.
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    The first metallic glass was made
    in 1960 from gold and silicon.
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    It wasn't easy to make.
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    Because metal atoms crystalize so rapidly,
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    scientists had to cool the alloy down
    incredibly fast,
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    a million degrees Kelvin per second,
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    by shooting tiny droplets
    at cold copper plates,
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    or spinning ultrathin ribbons.
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    At that time, metallic glasses could
    only be tens or hundreds of microns thick,
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    which was too thin
    for most practical applications.
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    But since then,
    scientists have figured out
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    that if you blend several metals
    that mix with each other freely,
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    but can't easily crystalize together,
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    usually because they have very different
    atomic sizes,
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    the mixture crystalizes much more slowly.
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    That means you don't have to cool
    it down as fast,
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    so the material can be thicker;
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    centimeters instead of micrometers.
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    these materials are called bulk
    metallic glasses, or BMGs.
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    Now there are hundreds of different BMGs,
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    so why aren't all of our bridges
    and cars made out of them?
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    Many of the BMGs currently available
    are made from expensive metals,
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    like palladium and zirconium,
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    and they have to be really pure
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    because any impurities
    can cause crystallization.
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    So a BMG skyscraper or space shuttle
    would be astronomically expensive.
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    And despite their strength,
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    they're not yet tough enough
    for load-bearing applications.
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    When the stresses get high,
    they can fracture without warning,
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    which isn't ideal for, say, a bridge.
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    But when engineers figure out
    how to make BMGs from cheaper metals,
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    and how to make them even tougher,
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    for these super materials,
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    the sky's the limit.
What is metallic glass? - Ashwini Bharathula

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English subtitles

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