My name is Sajjad (Haider Ali) Aminan and I am a member of the revolutionary armed forces of Iran. I am leader of a five-member
special team. I entered Syria on October 16, 2011. The others entered Syria on different dates.
(What are your names?) Ahmad Gertabadi. Hasan Hasani. Majid Qanbari. Kyumars Qobadi.
My team and I entered Syria and supported the security intelligence forces of Syria in suppressing and shooting civilians.
After we were done with our daily activities, we would return from our 'jobs' to where we used to live.
We have killed many civilians in the city of Homs, including many women and children. We received our
orders directly from the airforce intelligence forces of the city of Homs. We have a request from
Sayyed Ali Khamenei, the leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, to take action in bringing back all
the Islamic republic forces who are in Syria and supporting the suppression of the Syrian people so we
could also come back to our homes.