I still can't believe it
let's move beyond the surprise now
How so? you stood in front of me so suddenly after all these months
I thought I would never see you again
so you had already forgotten about me
I did not say that I had forgotten you
I didn't ask you last night.. what you've done during this period, tell me
I traveled round the world
traveled round the world?
One day I received a call from someone
who said that they needed a clarinet player for a band
We talked and we agreed
We went to Ankara and Antalya
then we started touring outside the country
We participated in festivals and performed in night clubs
there hasn't a place that I didn't visit and see
Europe, South America, I even went to Tokyo
I am happy for you
The saying goes "It's best to have a son, even if he was made of mud"
Look he missed me and came to be with his mother
- Congratulations Kadriye
- Thanks
Jihan came back and Cobra didn't
he will come too, very soon
what if something bad happened to him
he doesn't have his phone
Cobra knows how to manage Gülnaz
don't you think about these things
Eat.. now you need lots of nutrients
Is brother Jihan returned to stay long?
No they're on vacation now and he returned to stay with his mother
I don't know if he will stay or return
at the time that my sister is busy
I'm talking about her work with Mr. Murat on the single
let Mr. Murat wait!! Wo's more important Mr. Murat or my son?
Sometimes we were very busy
that as soon as we finish a concert, we rushed to the airport
For the next days's concert
we have no other choice
Either we catch the plane or we cancel the concert
One day, in no time I found myself in another country
that must be tiring a lot for you
yes tiring, but I'm not complaining
We shared nice things, Hasret
If I had stayed here, what would happen? I would be playing music
But it is different now. Thousands of people listened to our music
I can not explain to you how it feels Hasret
you made me jealous of you
I have talked a lot and you have you done?
aren't you two done talking after all this time?
Come I need to see you too
Come,your mother's pride and joy, come
Come on Come on, Come
did you search a lot for this house?
Come on in
why is this bag?
Don't be afraid, I'm not moving in with you
are you going back to France?
I will explain everything to you.. I'm your guest
I just arrived, my throat is dry.. offer me a drink
I'll be right back
What did brother Jihan tell you
Don't ask Kadir! they travelled all round the world
He can't count the number of concerts they have given
so when will he be leaving
Nothing, I'm just curious
I do not know
Why did he come?
I don't know Kadir and stop asking too many questions
- Thank you
- you're welcome
did you get used to your new home?
Not yet
Did Hasret see it?
She'll see it today, we will start working here
you still didn't talk to her yet?
Not yet
Murat you'll drive me crazy, and.. Even your answers are the same!
Not yet, I don't know, maybe
We need more time
I feel that Hasret is still hurt and feels angry towards me
you tell her you love her she will not be cross with you at all
the girl is waiting for this
nevermind I don’t care about your love life anymore
I've got issues of my own now
one minute.. you didn't explain about the suitcase?
I'm moving out from your home
Did you rent a house?
well the house was already being used
And I have a flatmate
Who is he?
Is it someone from the course?
I am moving in with Levent
what is going on?
I will tell you…
I prepared green tea for you Mrs. Nesrin
- Thank you
- Enjoy it
The house became empty after Jeren left
And soon you'll be leaving too
are you staying here after marriage NaKiye?
I will go in the evening and come in the morning
this can't be.. you'll be a newly married bride
and perhaps Shewket doesn't want you to work
and he has extra hours of work
is that true?
What would you do alone in this house after I leave?
don't upset yourself now.. I feel that things will get better
God willing, Nakiye
Don't be sad because everyone left
When they calm down, they will return
you were surprised, right?
I just didn't expect this to happen
Anyway, I've to go now
I'll move to my new home
I'm going out too
Where are you going?
I should bring some things from home
- let's go together
- Ok
fresh bagels
Jihan has changed a lot aunt Kadriye, he has become a man
Of course he's a man.. after all I'm his mom
The restaurant is open!
did Cobra return?
- did he return?
- I do not know
Cobra?? man??
who openned the restaurant?
Oh my God!
- Jafer?
- Hello Gülnaz
Hello Mrs. Kadriye.. Hello Mrs. Saime
- who open the restaurant?
- I opened it
there was a lot of the garbage I threw it all
wait, I will see
- Listen to me, boy
- yes, my sister Gülnaz
go find Balçiçek and tell her that Jafer returned
I'm busy now
- Go! quickly or...
- Ok.. Ok
Ok Jafer.. Where is the Cobra?
Cobra.. First Place winner in lying
Short stature, and wearing a hat
Do you remember him?
Where is he?
No.. I didn't see Cobra
- you didn't see him?
- No
wasn't he the one who brought you back here?
No.. I came back by myself
- Oh girl? girl?
- Gülnaz
- Gülnaz Calm down
- get up
Make her sit here Jafer .. Ok Gülnaz
Make her sit .. Make her sit.. Pour her some water Mrs. Saime
I'm going to die
Cobra said he was going to find Jafer
he has gone and we cannot find him
Who's Jafer?
Balçiçek’s fiancé
Balçiçek got engaged?
Of course she got engaged.. They were madly in love but now it's complicated
- Welcome Jihan
- Welcome sister Safiya.. How are you?
- Fine thanks.. And how are you?
- I'm fine too.. Thank you
- The lovebirds found each other
- don't interfere.. min your own business
I heard that Gülnaz became the Mayor.. Is this true?
Oh, don't ask.. She entered the elections with Cobra and won
Wow!! How many things have changed
you also have changed
Did I really change?
yes you have.. you are not the cihan I remembered
And the Hasret that I remember wasn't like that
I mean, on the outside
But I know that the florist girl still lives inside you
and you do have the old Jihan inside you
We are the same people.. our past lives within us
Coming... You have came finally
- Hello Nakiye
- Welcome
Thank you
- Welcome my son
- Thank you
you came back?
I came to pick up some stuff
Murat let's talk for a little bit.. Don't leave immediately
mom, I know that nothing has changed, and I don't want to repeat the same things over again
I'm going to my room
I released an album in your absence
I Know
How did you know?
I have read your news on the internet
I even downloaded the songs and listened to them
so you know that the album didn't succeed
This is not your fault?
Of course
Are you sure?
it lacks organizations..
it would have the same fate even if someone else released it
But also, I could've sang the songs better
Hasret, you sang beautifully
there's nothing wrong with you voice
For that matter I'm here
How so?
the singer in our group is leaving soon
we're looking for someone to replace her
And I thought about you
Don't decide now.. Our next tour will start in a month from now
You can think as much as you like
Jihan, there is something you don't know
I am working with Mr. Murat on a single
It's your decision Hasret..I won't say anything.. Just think good
a person does get always such opportunities
You know there's a lot of money and you'll travel around the world
can we have tea?
- I must go home first
- Ok
- Are you Ok?
- I'm fine, but there is no Cobra
Where is Cobra?
I told you he ran away.. he ran away
Stop.. Don't think worse things now
I'm sure something bad happened to him
otherwise he would have returned by now
girls, did Jafer return?
- He's inside.. inside.. run
- Hello Jafer.. Welcome back
- Thanks
- How are you?
- Fine
Are we at odds? Don't you wanna talk to me?
I have work to do.. I have to clean the floor
if you may leave, so you won't dirty your clothes
as you know, Cobra isn't her.. I'm now responsible for the shop
I must take good care of it.. That's why I came back only
And not for any other reason
Well, then I will go
Are you seriously going?
I thought that you will return to the house
Mrs. Nesrin too
I don't think of returning Nakiye
From now on I will live in my house
Where is it located?
It's the shipping company.. They came for the piano
you're taking the piano?
Murat Turali
Allow them to enter Nakiye.. come in
Aisha Shabbir
can you pls upload this whole series with English subtitle