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- I went to the woods because
I wanted to live deliberately,
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I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of live.
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It's anybody here?
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To put to to rout all that was not life
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and not when I had come to die, to discover I had not lived.
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If you become a better person, you start
to be good for things.
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You can fix problems.
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There are going to be plenty of times in your life when your are not happy, there might be years; so it's a shallow boat in a rough ocean.
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Happiness is something that descends upon you. Everyone knows that. It comes upon you suddenly .
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Happiness will descend upon you from time to time. That's the best you've got.
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And also perhaps during sorrowful times or worse, evil times.
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- People are depressed of just realistically reacting to a crappy circumstance in their life, realistic reaction to a bad spot in their life.
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- The fact that you've strengthened your character and you are aiming at the highest that you can conceptualize - that will give you the moral fortitude to endure without becoming corrupted at those times and to be someone who can be relied upon in a crisis.
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- I see a lot of depressed people that, in a sense, it makes sense. I mean, I look at their life and you say "If you are not down about this, you should be."
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- Let's have a dream which isn't under control. While something is gonna happen to me that I don't know what is gonna be.
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- And you would take that and come out of that and say "Wow, that was a close save, wasn't it"
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Then you would get more and more adventures and you will make further and further out gambles of what you would dream.
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And finally you would dream, where you are now... You would dream the dream of living the life that you are actually living today.
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- You should be pursuing who you could be.. that would be your first thing, cause you are not who you could be and you know it. You have guilt and shame and regret.