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STOP WASTING TIME - Motivational Video for Success & Studying

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    The one commodity that is most valuable
  • 0:03 - 0:09
    on this earth is time. Time to love, time
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    to live. From the moment the human body
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    is born it begins dying. I don't think you,
  • 0:17 - 0:19
    you quite caught that. Let me say it again. From
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    the moment the human body is born
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    it begins dying. Some happen faster, some
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    happen slower, some of us help them
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    go faster, and some of them prevent it from
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    happening sooner than later. How many seconds
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    how many minutes do we waste every day
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    doing things that are nowhere near the
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    goals and aspirations and passions that
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    we have inside? How many times you go
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    through the course of a day and realize
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    did I do anything I set out to do today?
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    Write down those goals each and every
  • 0:57 - 1:01
    day. No matter if there's two goals a day if
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    you can accomplish those then you're
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    doing more than just making it through the day.
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    You are living and achieving your dreams.
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    Find time to better yourself. Read
  • 1:14 - 1:18
    explore, research, live life do things
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    you've never thought of doing before.
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    That's what it's all about. When you're
  • 1:23 - 1:24
  • 1:24 - 1:26
    that's that date that they put on the
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    left side of the tombstone. When you die
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    they put another date on the right side
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    of the tombstone but that dash in the
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    middle is the most important thing on
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    that tombstone. That is a line that
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    throughout that entire time frame you
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    were able to impact and touch others
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    lives. You were able to leave your mark on
  • 1:50 - 1:53
    this earth. You were able to build a
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    legacy that nobody could change. You were
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    able to have it to where people remember
  • 1:59 - 2:02
    who you are no matter what. When you're
  • 2:02 - 2:04
    living for that dash in the middle you're
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    going to remember your why.
  • 2:06 - 2:09
    Your why, why you're here not, not the
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    why, why did you do something, your why.
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    Your, your reason for getting up in the
  • 2:14 - 2:15
    morning. Your reason for pushing yourself
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    past the brink of exertion and giving
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    up. Your reason for moving on and getting
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    things done in life. That dash in the middle
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    that's the thing that pushes you. How do
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    you rate yourself on a scale of one to
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    ten in terms of your physical appearance?
  • 2:36 - 2:40
    In terms of your health? Do you take care
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    of yourself? Are you allowing yourself to
  • 2:43 - 2:45
    get overweight and out of shape? Are you
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    conscious of your health? Are you
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    watching the food that you take into
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    your body? Do you make a deliberate
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    effort to exercise, you know it was
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    George Burns, he said we cannot help
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    getting older but we don't have to get
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    old and many of us get old before our time
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    because we don't take time to take care
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    of ourselves. Your environment is a very
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    good indicator on a scale of one to ten
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    is it what you want it to be? Do you
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    find it desirable? Are you satisfied? The
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    job or career that you're involved in
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    someone said that 85% of the American
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    public are unhappy with their jobs. Are you
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    spending eight hours a day just doing
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    time? Doing something that you don't find
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    challenging, that does not make you
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    stretch mentally, that does not stimulate
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    you, that does not inspire you, something
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    that you don't find a sense of
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    fulfillment in it? If you're doing that
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    day in and day out, it has to affect how
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    you feel about yourself, your level of
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    motivation, your relationships.
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    What kind of impact is that having on
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    your life? Is it nourishing or is it a
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    toxic relationship? Does it drain
  • 3:53 - 3:56
    you or does it build you up? Ask yourself
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    that. How motivated are you to do
  • 3:59 - 4:00
    something about it?
  • 4:00 - 4:05
    Your contribution, your actions... what are
  • 4:05 - 4:07
    you giving? Many people will leave the
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    universe without a trace. No one will
  • 4:11 - 4:13
    know they were here and in fact under
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    their name we could put under there,
  • 4:14 - 4:19
    'not used up.' Will anybody know that you
  • 4:19 - 4:22
    came this way? What contribution are you
  • 4:22 - 4:25
    giving? What will you leave? What will be
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    different because you came this way? Just,
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    just stop for a second. Write down your
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  • 4:38 - 4:41
    What are you doing this for in life? If
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    your why doesn't make you cry, that's not
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    your why. Again, if your why doesn't make
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    you cry, then that's not your why. Your
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    why should be something so big that it
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    moves your family tree. Your why should
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    be something so big that it changes the
  • 5:01 - 5:03
    whole outlook on how things are with you
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    and your home, your family, your religion,
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    your purpose. Think about your passion,
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    think about your opportunities and that's
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    how you find your purpose. OPP. When that
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    why meets up with your passion, your
  • 5:24 - 5:27
    opportunity, your purpose, then you'll
  • 5:27 - 5:30
    find out. The most important day in your
  • 5:30 - 5:34
    life is the day you remember why you
  • 5:34 - 5:56
    were born.
STOP WASTING TIME - Motivational Video for Success & Studying

Stop Wasting Time! This is a powerful Motivational Speech Video on why you need to stop procrastinating and start using your time wisely. I created it for students to motivate them to study for their exams and do their homework!

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Videos used:

Mariana's Study Corner: http://bit.ly/MarianaStudyYT
Study Quill: http://bit.ly/StudyQuill



Coach Hite
Les Brown


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Video Language:

English subtitles
