Aaron Swartz Memorial at the Internet Archive
0:08 - 0:14[Brewster Kahle] Welcome. And welcome to the
celebration of the life and work of Aaron -
0:14 - 0:22Swartz, a man who was a spark for many of
us. I would like to thank the staff of the -
0:22 - 0:29Internet Archive, Lisa Ryan, the organizer,
Shannon Lee, Steve Walling, Karl Malamud and -
0:29 - 0:34Cindy Cohn for helping pull this together.
0:34 - 0:37[applause]
0:37 - 0:46[Brewster] As you probably know, there are
memorials going on all over the world. Hackathons -
0:46 - 0:55going on. There's an AaronSw IRC Chat for
those that are following the hackathons. And -
0:55 - 1:05these proceedings are in the public domain.
This isn't the type of event we imagined for -
1:05 - 1:10this space, but I can think of no better.
1:10 - 1:20To the organizer and coordinated for this
evening is Shannon Lee, and he will start -
1:20 - 1:23our program. Thank you very much.
1:23 - 1:32[Shannon Lee] Thank you all for being here.
Aaron Swartz has left behind a challenging -
1:32 - 1:38legacy. Tonight, we're going to talk about
Aaron and what he left behind, and what we -
1:38 - 1:43can do to carry it forward. We're going to
have an array of speakers, beginning with -
1:43 - 1:48Danny O'Brien and ending with Karl Malamud,
and after that we'll have an opportunity to -
1:48 - 1:56share right here. I will see you at the end
of the speakers. -
1:56 - 2:04[Danny O'Brien] So I first met Aaron in 2001,
when Aaron was, I guess, 14, and was already -
2:04 - 2:12a leading light working with Tim Berners-Lee
on the project that we know as the Semantic -
2:12 - 2:19Web, an incredibly ambitious idea to encode,
in machine-readable form, all of the world's -
2:19 - 2:19knowledge.
2:19 - 2:26And of course being a journalist at the time,
I seized on this opportunity to sneak an explanation -
2:26 - 2:32of the Semantic Web past my editor. It's almost
impossible to get any editor to understand -
2:32 - 2:38the Semantic Web. But the idea of a 14-year-old
boy helping Tim Berners-Lee will always pass -
2:38 - 2:43muster, even if they don't know who Tim Berners-Lee
is. -
2:43 - 2:49The editor, of course, is in charge of titling
the article, and with that supreme lack of -
2:49 - 2:54understand, he actually titled it, "A Teenager
in a Million," which of course was to miss -
2:54 - 3:01the point entirely. The point was that Aaron's
age wasn't a particularly unique thing and -
3:01 - 3:04Aaron himself wasn't the exceptional part
of this. -
3:04 - 3:09The exceptional part of this was an institution
that allowed someone like Aaron to walk in -
3:09 - 3:15through its door and, before anyone had noticed
where he came from or what age he was or what -
3:15 - 3:20his background was, they allowed him to start
contributing good work and learning from his -
3:20 - 3:23peers.
3:23 - 3:29An institution is not truly open until somebody
you could never even imagine exists walks -
3:29 - 3:35through the door. When Tim Berners-Lee describes
these moments at Aaron's funeral a week ago, -
3:35 - 3:40you could see, in a way that only Tim Berners-Lee
can convey, the sort of glee he had that at -
3:40 - 3:45last the system was working. These open mailing
lists, this open discussion, this exchange -
3:45 - 3:50of information was bringing new people into
building the web. -
3:50 - 3:56He told me then, "I was worried about revealing
my age and I did my best to keep it a secret. -
3:56 - 4:03Now, I let my words speak for themselves,"
and since then, so many words. Some written -
4:03 - 4:11in machine-readable form in Python, in computers.
Some written in brimstone and sulfur for Congress-readable -
4:11 - 4:18forms and all of it in plain text. All of
it in plain language for everyone to read. -
4:18 - 4:23And if he could not read enough words himself,
his programs read and scraped and passed the -
4:23 - 4:29rest. Aaron loved beautiful code. I think
the only time I really ever pained him was -
4:29 - 4:34when I'd said some program that he'd written
and I'd looked at was unreadable. It turned -
4:34 - 4:40out that it wasn't actually his code at all.
He'd written some code that had, in turn, -
4:40 - 4:42written that code.
4:42 - 4:44[laughter]
4:44 - 4:51And yet I think it still hurt, that somehow
his own child had not inherited his own delicate -
4:51 - 4:54sensitivities.
4:54 - 4:57Words fail me now, even though I have them
written down here. I mean, try as hard as -
4:57 - 5:03Aaron did, I don't think you could ever encode
all of his experience in words, and I don't -
5:03 - 5:08think that all of the relationships that he
built between so many different peers and -
5:08 - 5:14so many new people coming in could be ever
expressed in any number of RDF triplets. -
5:14 - 5:20I mean I can sort of try and convey the look
Aaron's face when he played with my daughter -
5:20 - 5:26Erin, nine. There were some pictures downstairs
that you may have saw him. But you can't really -
5:26 - 5:30convey that childish glee that most of us
lose long before we begin we begin work on -
5:30 - 5:33the semantic web at least.
5:33 - 5:40And I can't really describe to you the pain
and frustration when Aaron so effectively -
5:40 - 5:47demolished a defense I had of John Searle's
Chinese room argument, that I actually threw -
5:47 - 5:52down my knife and fork and stormed out of
my own Christmas dinner. -
5:52 - 5:53[laughter]
5:53 - 5:59Leaving, of course, the Turkey for Aaron to
fail to eat. -
5:59 - 6:01[laughter]
6:01 - 6:06There was always a sort of pleasure and ease
in forgiving Aaron for those sort of arguments. -
6:06 - 6:12And also, to watch him so easily forgive the
rest of us. And I don't think any archive -
6:12 - 6:19can hold those moments. But if I can share
with you some code, if I can't share with -
6:19 - 6:26you the code that made up Aaron, I can, I
hope, share with you the code that Aaron believed -
6:26 - 6:29could make more Aarons.
6:29 - 6:34Aaron became Aaron because of his unfettered
access to information and the knowledge and -
6:34 - 6:40sharing of his peers. He was very lucky in
that respect. He had an incredibly loving -
6:40 - 6:47family who supported him who would pay for
him to fly out to meetings. He had a computer. -
6:47 - 6:52He had all the privileges and benefits that
being a young man in the United States of -
6:52 - 6:56America in the end of the 20th century have.
6:56 - 7:01But he also had something new. He had a new
advantage, which was that the gates of the -
7:01 - 7:07construction of this technology that was beginning
to share information, was beginning to open -
7:07 - 7:11up, and he was one of the first, yes the youngest,
but one of the first to take advantage of -
7:11 - 7:18that and use his curiosity and his drive,
even at that age, to nip into there and beginning -
7:18 - 7:20sharing almost immediately with his peers.
7:20 - 7:26And if anything bound together all of Aaron's
crusades, it was his belief that he was not -
7:26 - 7:31alone in this. That he was not exceptional,
and he believed he was not unique, and that -
7:31 - 7:37there were more than him out there with his
curiosity and talent. -
7:37 - 7:46People say, when we talked about Aaron's work
of taking the content of academic papers or -
7:46 - 7:52the content of the US legal system and opening
it up for anyone to use and see and crunch -
7:52 - 7:57and peruse. You know, who really is this for?
7:57 - 8:03Who wants to know about the legal system,
can't in some way ask a friend or a contact -
8:03 - 8:11to get access to PACER? Who really has a craving
for academic knowledge can't find somebody -
8:11 - 8:17and sneak their way in to MIT or another institution
and just get that information, or work to -
8:17 - 8:18access it?
8:18 - 8:25And those people forget, they forget that
if Aaron was a teenager in a million, that -
8:25 - 8:31soon, very soon, as we continue the great
work that we're indulged in here, that there -
8:31 - 8:36will be six billion people that we will connect
to the world information networks. And out -
8:36 - 8:41of those six billion people there will 1.2
billion teenagers. -
8:41 - 8:47And if my editors' statistics are correct-and
he never understood statistics either, then -
8:47 - 8:53there will be 1,200 Aarons out there, there
are 1,200 Aarons out there right now who are -
8:53 - 8:59as smart and engaged and as curious and as
driver as Aaron was. But they simply don't -
8:59 - 9:05have access to that information. There is
no closed archives, no carefully guarded Ivory -
9:05 - 9:11Tower, that can seat billions. But the open
society, the open and world wide web, the -
9:11 - 9:15free culture that Aaron worked for, is for
all of those people. -
9:15 - 9:18And if give them what they need, if we give
them the knowledge to feed their curiosity -
9:18 - 9:26and the care we must never forget they, that
amazing sort of resource of future Aarons -
9:26 - 9:32from Kabera, from Guangzhou or Asan. All of
those people will come, and they will build -
9:32 - 9:34the kind of things that Aaron was dreaming
of. -
9:34 - 9:42And so even though we've lost one Aaron, we
do have a potential, by continuing his work, -
9:42 - 9:49to find so many more. Aaron told me back in
2001 that one of the things that the web teaches -
9:49 - 9:53us is that everything is connected, hyperlinks,
and that we should all work together, standards. -
9:53 - 9:59Too often school teaches us that everything
is separate, and that we should all work alone. -
9:59 - 10:05I think one of the many, many tragedies of
the situation that we find ourselves in now -
10:05 - 10:11is that, at least in some moment of Aaron's
life, his belief that he was not alone failed -
10:11 - 10:16him, and for a few moments he believed himself
to be alone. -
10:16 - 10:21And I'm sure, out there, there are many, many
14-year-old children who feel the same way. -
10:21 - 10:28That they have that binding curiosity, that
fascination and that urge to change the world. -
10:28 - 10:33And that worry for a moment that it's just
them. And there are no tools and no capabilities -
10:33 - 10:37and no friends to help them continue in that
path. -
10:37 - 10:41I don't think it's ever too soon to begin
working with the rest of the world, and I -
10:41 - 10:48think we all need to stay together, and never,
ever again leave our friends too alone. A -
10:48 - 11:02boy's will is the wind's will, and the thoughts
of youth are long, long thoughts. -
11:02 - 11:05[applause]
11:05 - 11:07[silence]
11:07 - 11:19[Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman] The night before
Aaron died, he and I shared a grilled cheese -
11:19 - 11:25sandwich. This was one of his favorite foods.
As probably many of you know, there weren't -
11:25 - 11:28many of those favorite foods. It was a really
good grilled cheese sandwich. He was really -
11:28 - 11:29happy about it.
11:29 - 11:41A week before he died, we woke up one morning,
and he said, "We really need to talk about -
11:41 - 11:47Bayesian statistics." I said, "Right now?
It's Sunday morning. It's like 7: 00 AM. Can -
11:47 - 11:52it wait?" He said, "No, it's really important."
We spent the next couple of hours working -
11:52 - 11:58through a naughty Bayesian statistics he'd
already asked the Internet with no useful -
11:58 - 11:59responses.
11:59 - 12:04I have the notes. We ended up with a naughty
double integral that neither of us could solve, -
12:04 - 12:14but if anybody here wants to help me with
the solution, let me know. -
12:14 - 12:21He was really excited the last couple of months.
He was working on a drug policy research with -
12:21 - 12:30a friend of his, Matt Stoller, for GiveWell,
and he would read these articles, all the -
12:30 - 12:33academic literature, talk to the experts.
12:33 - 12:40He got really into this one particular study
about an intervention that had been tried -
12:40 - 12:48in Hawaii for alcoholism. Control tests indicated
that it got 90 percent of alcoholics dry in -
12:48 - 12:54the first month, and he was so bubbling over
with excitement about all of it. -
12:54 - 13:03We went to Burlington, Vermont over New Years.
He got the flu, but he came out and played -
13:03 - 13:08Mafia one evening with the friends that we
rented a house with. I was really surprised, -
13:08 - 13:13because he didn't like playing games at all,
but Ada, Danny's daughter, was there with -
13:13 - 13:20us, and he really wanted to see what would
happen if Ada was the Mafia. [laughs] Unfortunately, -
13:20 - 13:28nobody selected Ada as the Mafia, which Ada
was really annoyed about. [laughs] -
13:28 - 13:34One of the things that I loved about Aaron
was the sheer number, and variety, and multitude -
13:34 - 13:39of wonderful, fascinating people who animated
his life. I had the great privilege of sharing -
13:39 - 13:45that life with him for the last 20 months,
but I know that I only met a small fraction -
13:45 - 13:47of the people whose lives he touched.
13:47 - 13:53That's why I came out here today, because
I know that many of you were important to -
13:53 - 14:01him, and I wanted to meet you, and I want
you the stories like the stories I just told, -
14:01 - 14:06because I think it's really important that
his friends, his family, his colleagues, his -
14:06 - 14:11admirers know that he had a lot to live for,
and that he had a lot of happy moments in -
14:11 - 14:17those last few weeks and months.
14:17 - 14:26I'm also here with another message. Aaron's
death should radicalize us. The trial and -
14:26 - 14:30the case hung over our entire relationship.
We started dating a few weeks before he was -
14:30 - 14:40indicted, a couple of months after he had
been arrested. -
14:40 - 14:46I met his parents for the first time at 12:
30 AM the night before the indictment, and -
14:46 - 14:49spent five hours with him in the courthouse
the next day. They didn't know I existed before -
14:49 - 15:01that, so that was an interesting first meeting.
[laughs] He hadn't told me what was going -
15:01 - 15:03on when we first started dating.
15:03 - 15:07All I knew was that there was something bad
happening in his life, and that I was a good -
15:07 - 15:14distraction from it. He called it the "bad
thing," and I had wild speculation about what -
15:14 - 15:19it might be. My leading candidate theory at
one point was that he was having an affair -
15:19 - 15:23with Elizabeth Warren and was going to ruin
her career. -
15:23 - 15:26[laughter]
15:26 - 15:31He called me one night when I was at Frisbee
practice in DC, and he was in Boston. He said, -
15:31 - 15:34"The bad thing might be in the news tomorrow.
Do you want to hear what it is from me, or -
15:34 - 15:38do you want to read about it in the news?"
I said, "I want to hear from you." -
15:38 - 15:44He said, "Well, I've been arrested for downloading
too many academic journal articles, and they're -
15:44 - 15:49trying to make an example out of me," and
I said, "Well, that doesn't actually sound -
15:49 - 15:55like a very big deal." [laughs] He paused
for a second and he said, "Yeah, I guess it's -
15:55 - 16:03not like anybody has cancer." In the end,
it kind of was like that. -
16:03 - 16:10The only time I was ever really worried about
him, before the last week, was when he was -
16:10 - 16:23trying to decide whether to accept the plea
bargain. The whole thing was so hard and so -
16:23 - 16:30stressful, and he felt he carried so much
of the weight of it on his own. He didn't -
16:30 - 16:34want to involve any of his friends. He wanted
to protect people, but he wasn't very good -
16:34 - 16:39at protecting himself.
16:39 - 16:49I went to Boston with him last month in December
for a hearing, and the judge granted another -
16:49 - 16:54evidentiary hearing about whether evidence
should be admitted, and the trial was delayed -
16:54 - 16:57for another couple of months.
16:57 - 17:05He came out of the courtroom, and I tried
to give him a hug, and he pushed me away. -
17:05 - 17:09He said, "Not in front of Heymann. Not in
front of Steve Heymann, the prosecutor." He -
17:09 - 17:17said, "I don't want to show him that. I don't
want to show him any vulnerability." -
17:17 - 17:22I think Aaron made the wrong choice two weeks
ago. I think the odds were decent at the trial, -
17:22 - 17:28and I think, even if he hadn't won, that life
still was worth living, but I think he woke -
17:28 - 17:33up two years after this ordeal started, and
I think he just couldn't face another day -
17:33 - 17:40of the stress, the uncertainty, the lack of
control over his own destiny. -
17:40 - 17:45Aaron's death should radicalize us, and I
mean that specifically about us, about you, -
17:45 - 17:50if you're here in this room or if you're watching
this online. Aaron died because of deep injustice -
17:50 - 17:58in this world. Aaron loved to talk about the
"5 Whys" of the Toyota management system, -
17:58 - 18:02so I'm going to ask why. Why did Aaron die?
18:02 - 18:09Aaron died in part because we live in a system
where the constitutional rights we've all -
18:09 - 18:14come to believe in, through civic classes
and through watching "Law & Order," don't -
18:14 - 18:18actually apply in the real world. There's
no right to a speedy trial. It had been two -
18:18 - 18:22years since Aaron was arrested. We still didn't
have all the evidence that the government...the -
18:22 - 18:27government still hadn't turned over all of
the evidence to us, that they were constitutionally -
18:27 - 18:31required to do so.
18:31 - 18:35Why does that happen? In part, it's because
the system is so clogged up with cases, and -
18:35 - 18:40has so few human resources, it takes years
for practically anybody who actually wants -
18:40 - 18:45to go to trial to find out whether they're
guilty from a jury of their peers. -
18:45 - 18:50It takes them years because the system is
so clogged up, and so under-resourced, with -
18:50 - 18:56drug cases and with the senseless overcrowding
of our criminal justice system. Prosecutors -
18:56 - 19:01aren't used to going to trial. Last year,
only three percent of all federal charges -
19:01 - 19:06were taken to trial. Most of the rest were
resolved in plea bargaining. -
19:06 - 19:12Plea bargaining processes give prosecutors
enormous amounts of power. Imagine being totally -
19:12 - 19:16innocent of any crime and not having the resources
that Aaron had at his disposal, and the networks, -
19:16 - 19:21and the support. Many people feel they have
no choice but to accept a plea bargain. They -
19:21 - 19:25can't afford lawyers for two years.
19:25 - 19:31You could say, in some sense, that Aaron's
death was caused by the war on drugs. He wasn't -
19:31 - 19:35a victim directly, but he was a casualty at
that war, that's aimed, actually, at quite -
19:35 - 19:40different people from Aaron.
19:40 - 19:46Aaron's death should radicalize us. He died
because of a prosecutor and a US attorney -
19:46 - 19:50who had immense individual power over his
life, and were more interested in making a -
19:50 - 19:55high-profile example out of Aaron than in
justice or in mercy. -
19:55 - 20:01Why did they do it? In the case of the prosecutor,
Steve Heymann, the best theory I can offer -
20:01 - 20:05is that he's simply a vindictive old man who
really doesn't like young, upstart whippersnappers, -
20:05 - 20:11like Aaron, who are trying to save the world.
Heymann's the kind of guy who wants to claim -
20:11 - 20:16a notch on his belt and high-five other prosecutors
at lunch, but we have to follow the "Whys." -
20:16 - 20:22Why does this man have the power to ruin the
life of someone like Aaron? We can trace the -
20:22 - 20:26problem to tough-on-crime initiatives that
have systematically transferred power from -
20:26 - 20:29the hands of judges to prosecutors.
20:29 - 20:33We can trace it to punitive sentencing guidelines
and ambiguous overreaching laws, like the -
20:33 - 20:40CFAA, that give prosecutors the power to charge
someone with decades in prison for a victimless -
20:40 - 20:46crime. In the case of Carmen Ortiz, the US
attorney who's Heymann's boss, Aaron's case -
20:46 - 20:49was a stepping stone to higher political ambitions.
20:49 - 20:53Ortiz wanted to be a judge, or a governor,
or a senator someday. She probably still wants -
20:53 - 21:00to be. Unfortunately, in our society, one
of the well-trodden paths to elected office -
21:00 - 21:02is through the prosecutor's office.
21:02 - 21:07That means that from mayors' offices to congress,
leaders are disproportionately people who've -
21:07 - 21:12made their name in being tough on crime, the
people who've spent the bulk of their career -
21:12 - 21:18trying to lock people up. They're people whose
job it is to be punitive and not just or merciful. -
21:18 - 21:22That's how we end up with these kinds of laws
to begin with. -
21:22 - 21:26They're people who embody a legal system that
locks up more than 25 percent of the prisoners -
21:26 - 21:31in the world, and we have only three percent
of the world's population. Why do we vote -
21:31 - 21:37for these people? Why do we provide them with
the incentives we do? Why do we, as a country, -
21:37 - 21:41applaud and reward them, and build structures
around them, as they lock up more than one-third -
21:41 - 21:46of the black men in our country?
21:46 - 21:50Aaron's death should radicalize us because
he's probably the first person that most people -
21:50 - 21:56in this room have ever met who got swept up
by this system, but there are literally millions -
21:56 - 22:01of others whose lives are destroyed in this
country, and Aaron would've been the last -
22:01 - 22:07person who would want us to fetishize his
experiences or to treat him as exceptional. -
22:07 - 22:13In response to Aaron's death, I and his family
are calling for five things. First, Steve -
22:13 - 22:16Heymann and Carmen Ortiz must be held accountable.
22:16 - 22:18[applause]
22:18 - 22:26Second, MIT has lost its way, and it must
find it again. MIT could've saved Aaron with -
22:26 - 22:31a single public statement, and it refused.
22:31 - 22:32[applause]
22:32 - 22:37Third, all academic research from all time
should be made openly accessible to anyone -
22:37 - 22:40with an Internet connection.
22:40 - 22:43[applause]
22:43 - 22:50Fourth, we have to amend the Computer Fraud
and Abuse Act to prevent prosecutors from -
22:50 - 22:53these kinds of overreaches.
22:53 - 22:56[applause]
22:56 - 23:02Fifth, we have to reform a criminal justice
system where we incarcerate millions of people, -
23:02 - 23:06and prosecutors through the book at someone
like Aaron, but not a single banker has gone -
23:06 - 23:13to prison since the financial crisis.
23:13 - 23:19[applause]
23:19 - 23:24Aaron's death should radicalize us, but Aaron's
life should also radicalize us in a very different -
23:24 - 23:32way. One of Aaron's favorite shows was "Louie."
There's an episode, and I'm going to do my -
23:32 - 23:37best Louie impression, which probably isn't
very good, the episode where Louie gives a -
23:37 - 23:39little stand-up routine.
23:39 - 23:47"I drive an Infiniti. That's really evil.
There are people who just starved to death. -
23:47 - 23:52That's all they ever did. There are people
who are born and go, 'I'm hungry.' Then they -
23:52 - 23:57die, and that's all they ever got to do. Meanwhile,
I'm driving in my car having a great time, -
23:57 - 23:59and I sleep like a baby."
23:59 - 24:04"It's totally my fault, because I could trade
my Infiniti in for any other car, and I'd -
24:04 - 24:09get back like $20,000, and I could save hundreds
of people from dying of starvation with that -
24:09 - 24:18money, and every day, I don't do it. Every
day, I make them die with my car." -
24:18 - 24:22Aaron loved that routine, and he realized
something when we watched it together. He -
24:22 - 24:27realized that Louie copied this bit right
out of Peter Singer. This is a Peter Singer -
24:27 - 24:33essay as a comedy routine. Peter Singer was
one of the Aaron's favorite philosophers, -
24:33 - 24:36and he's a really uncomfortable philosopher.
A lot of people don't like thinking about -
24:36 - 24:39Peter Singer. Here's why.
24:39 - 24:43Let's say you knew you had the power to change
a law that would save innocent people's lives, -
24:43 - 24:48maybe stopping a carcinogen from polluting
ground water near a town. Let's say you knew -
24:48 - 24:53it would save 10 people's lives, and you chose
to do something else instead, something that -
24:53 - 24:59didn't have much bearing or impact on the
world. Are you culpable? Peter Singer would -
24:59 - 25:01say yes.
25:01 - 25:05Most of us studiously avoid answering that
question, because the truth is, we're faced -
25:05 - 25:09with questions like, "Should we trade in our
Infiniti?" or, "Should we work on the carcinogen?" -
25:09 - 25:18every day. It's really hard to live your life
thinking about that, but Aaron's life should -
25:18 - 25:19radicalize us.
25:19 - 25:26Aaron lived a Singerian life more than anyone
else I've ever met. Aaron had money, we all -
25:26 - 25:31know he could've had a lot more if he had
tried, but he lived out of backpacks and he -
25:31 - 25:32stayed on people's couches.
25:32 - 25:37Sometimes, I'll admit, it went a little too
far, like the time we'd been dating for a -
25:37 - 25:41few months, and we were meeting up in Boston,
and it was his responsibility to find us a -
25:41 - 25:46place to stay. He thought that an air mattress
on his brother Noah's bathroom floor was perfectly -
25:46 - 25:51sufficient, [laughs] but I respected him for
it. -
25:51 - 25:55He didn't buy an Infiniti. He didn't get a
nice apartment. When he died, he left his -
25:55 - 26:02estate primarily to GiveWell, probably the
most Singerian of all charities, but living -
26:02 - 26:07a life of personal austerity and charity isn't
enough. Aaron felt responsible not just for -
26:07 - 26:11the direct costs of his lifestyle, but for
the opportunity costs. He felt responsible -
26:11 - 26:15for the carcinogens he wasn't stopping.
26:15 - 26:20Here in Silicon Valley, the idea of changing
the world is no mirage. You see examples all -
26:20 - 26:26around you, every day, of people who changed
the world, and Aaron was one of those people, -
26:26 - 26:28but the question is, how are they changing
the world? -
26:28 - 26:34Facebook has changed the world, sure, but
is the world better off because of Facebook? -
26:34 - 26:38Even more importantly, if you're deciding
whether to take a job at Facebook, is that -
26:38 - 26:41the place in the world where you can do the
most good? -
26:41 - 26:48Aaron wanted to do the most good. He wanted
to apply the Lean Startup framework to impact. -
26:48 - 26:54He was learning and iterating. He thought
we all needed to think both bigger and smaller. -
26:54 - 26:59He said to a few of my friends once, "The
revolution will be A/B tested." -
26:59 - 27:00[laughter]
27:00 - 27:07That's what he was trying to do. I'm here
to ask the hard questions today. If you're -
27:07 - 27:12not already working to change the criminal
justice system in the US, what are you working -
27:12 - 27:16on? Is it more important than that? It might
be. There are more important things. There -
27:16 - 27:23are places where you can have more impact,
but there are so many ways, so many things, -
27:23 - 27:30that need to be changed about this world.
Which one of them are you working on? -
27:30 - 27:34Aaron's death should radicalize us, and his
life should radicalize us. The fact is, we -
27:34 - 27:39live in a world in which very few people we
know pay the ultimate price for their political -
27:39 - 27:44beliefs. We live in a world in which very
few people we know even suffer serious life-altering -
27:44 - 27:49consequences for their political beliefs,
but we live in a runaway global political -
27:49 - 27:52economy that's taking people's lives every
day. -
27:52 - 27:58Aaron wasn't trying to become a martyr when
he downloaded those JSTOR articles, but he -
27:58 - 28:02was taking a risk on behalf of the billions
of people around the world who grew up without -
28:02 - 28:07his privilege. More of us need to do that.
28:07 - 28:16There are so many ways to have impact, so
many ways to help people. Aaron had an exchange -
28:16 - 28:21with David Segal, who runs Demand Progress,
the group that he founded, that many of you -
28:21 - 28:24know from the SOPA fight.
28:24 - 28:29Aaron loved recounting this conversation.
David called him one night, and said to Aaron, -
28:29 - 28:35"Remember that year when we defeated SOPA,
got indefinite detention ruled unconstitutional, -
28:35 - 28:41and got both political parties to incorporate
Internet freedom into their platforms at the -
28:41 - 28:46conventions?" That was Aaron, David Segal,
and a couple other people. They did all that -
28:46 - 28:48in one year.
28:48 - 28:52Everybody here is capable of that kind of
change. There are so many places in our world -
28:52 - 28:57where that kind of change can happen, just
from having somebody there, somebody paying -
28:57 - 29:01attention, somebody pushing.
29:01 - 29:06If you're a programmer or technologist, like
many of you in the audience today, you have -
29:06 - 29:12special powers and special responsibilities.
I went to a talk once that Aaron gave, where -
29:12 - 29:17he spoke to maybe a couple dozen people, like
the people in this room, to programmers who -
29:17 - 29:23he was trying to convince to work in politics.
He told them, "You can do magic." -
29:23 - 29:28Aaron really could do magic, and I'm dedicated
to making sure that his magic doesn't end -
29:28 - 29:44with his death. I hope you'll join me.
29:44 - 29:46[applause]
29:46 - 30:03[Lisa Rein] I first met Aaron online on various
W3C mailing lists for XML and RDF. He kind -
30:03 - 30:11of came out of nowhere at the end of 2001,
as far as I could tell. Aaron's comments were -
30:11 - 30:15thoughtful and informative, and it became
clear pretty quickly that he had a better -
30:15 - 30:20understanding of markup languages and data
modeling than a lot of others on the list, -
30:20 - 30:23even some of the veterans.
30:23 - 30:29Aaron had a talent for simplifying things
and getting to the heart of everyone's concerns. -
30:29 - 30:35He was also rather politically disarming because
he was, well, a kid, a kid with no ulterior -
30:35 - 30:42motives except wanting to be included and
taken seriously, as seriously as others. -
30:42 - 30:48In April 2002, during the very early stages
of the Creative Commons, I let Aaron know -
30:48 - 30:53that we were having a technical meeting at
Harvard that I wanted him to attend. That -
30:53 - 31:01was it. I really wanted to include him in
the whole project almost as equally as I was -
31:01 - 31:09involved in the project. I told him this was
happening for real, and with him included. -
31:09 - 31:16It was then that he let me know that he was
only 14 years old, and that I needed to give -
31:16 - 31:20his mother a call so he could figure things
out. -
31:20 - 31:22[laughter]
31:22 - 31:28When I first insisted that Aaron attend this
meeting, everybody, even Lawrence Lessig, -
31:28 - 31:35at first thought that was really weird. "Do
you need Aaron to do your job?" was a pretty -
31:35 - 31:42popular question, and the answer was clearly,
"Yes." I needed Aaron to make sure that our -
31:42 - 31:48licensing markup was the absolute best that
it could be. -
31:48 - 31:52People were usually skeptical about Aaron
and his abilities when they first found out -
31:52 - 31:58he was only 14. But once they spoke to him
for even a little while, he would always win -
31:58 - 32:06them over. I knew if Lessig met him in person
that that would be that, and it was. Aaron -
32:06 - 32:12was growing up to become quite the technological
statesman. -
32:12 - 32:17So my strategy, in the spring of 2002, was
to introduce Aaron to as many people as I -
32:17 - 32:25could, and to introduce him to the right people.
This included people from the EFF and the -
32:25 - 32:31Internet Archive, mainly, and also included
going to cool events like South By Southwest. -
32:31 - 32:38In 2003, when he tried to get his own room
in the cool hotel, right across from the venue, -
32:38 - 32:45but ended up getting a room in the janky hotel
down the road with me, where I could be his -
32:45 - 32:47official adult supervision.
32:47 - 32:49[laughter]
32:49 - 32:54In October 2002, Aaron flew out to Washington,
DC, to camp out in front of the Supreme Court -
32:54 - 33:00with me and about eight other people. This
was the night before Lawrence Lessig's oral -
33:00 - 33:10argument in Eldred v. Ashcroft. This is the
Eldred shirt from that. We were rather surprised -
33:10 - 33:15that Aaron convinced his mother to let him
go. But there he was, staying in the same -
33:15 - 33:17bed and breakfast where I was staying.
33:17 - 33:23I told them he was sort of like my little
brother, and that wasn't very far from the -
33:23 - 33:32truth. He was a little brother that I ended
up [crying] looking up to. EFF staff technologist -
33:32 - 33:39Seth Schoen took over as Aaron's chaperone
pretty quickly during that trip to Washington, -
33:39 - 33:40DC.
33:40 - 33:46There was a moment at about one AM when Aaron
asked if he could walk around the block with -
33:46 - 33:53Seth. I thought they were kidding at first.
Were they serious? Were they crazy? But then -
33:53 - 33:58I realized it was one of those right-of-passage
moments. Plus I realized he wouldn't be by -
33:58 - 34:02himself, he was with Seth.
34:02 - 34:07I think at that moment I passed on the torch
to Seth as Aaron's west coast guardian. But -
34:07 - 34:14we always stayed in touch. His birthday was
two days before mine, and he would remember -
34:14 - 34:19my birthday almost every year, and would send
me a nice little email wishing me a good next -
34:19 - 34:30year. Thank you.
34:30 - 34:42[Seth Schoen] As Lisa was just recounting,
I met Aaron at the Supreme Court in October -
34:42 - 34:49of 2002, and we had gone to hear the oral
argument in Eldred v. Ashcroft. Most of us -
34:49 - 34:54non-lawyers had to spend the night sleeping
in the street in line in front of the court -
34:54 - 34:55in order to get a ticket.
34:55 - 34:59The line for the oral argument starts the
night before. But even though Aaron was a -
34:59 - 35:06teenager, he was Larry Lessig's personal guest
at the argument. So since he had a ticket, -
35:06 - 35:10he had the luxury of spending the night in
a hotel, which his parents apparently really -
35:10 - 35:12appreciated.
35:12 - 35:16But Aaron decided to spend most of the night
and most of the morning before the argument -
35:16 - 35:22hanging out with us at the encampment in front
of the court. In part to show solidarity with -
35:22 - 35:28the people who hadn't received a ticket, and
in part for the thrill of meeting actual, -
35:28 - 35:31grown-up copyright activists.
35:31 - 35:32[laughter]
35:32 - 35:37Aaron was truly star struck to meet people
he thought of as legendary copyright reform -
35:37 - 35:43activists. But within a decade, Aaron himself
would be among the most effective grassroots -
35:43 - 35:47copyright activists in the whole world.
35:47 - 35:52At that moment he was the little kid markup
and metadata expert that Larry Lessig admired -
35:52 - 35:58enough to give him a front row Supreme Court
seat. And Aaron spent the evening with us -
35:58 - 36:03as we ordered pizza, which he could actually
eat, for delivery to the sidewalk outside -
36:03 - 36:08the Supreme Court, which was apparently not
a very unusual request for pizzerias in DC. -
36:08 - 36:09[laughter]
36:09 - 36:15And all of us gossiped about copyright law
for a couple of hours. I saw Aaron again in -
36:15 - 36:24December. My friends Leonard and Sumana found
a picture, he's visiting my house, and I come, -
36:24 - 36:29like some people here, from a book family
and I have a lot of books and we spent about -
36:29 - 36:35three hours with Leonard and Sumana and Aaron
and I just sitting on my bed sort of manually -
36:35 - 36:38following hyperlinks between books.
36:38 - 36:38[laughter]
36:38 - 36:45"Oh, that book! Oh, well that's a reference
to that book." Aaron was there because Larry -
36:45 - 36:51Lessig was unveiling his Creative Commons
project in San Francisco. And Lessig had invited -
36:51 - 36:57Aaron, clad in a T-shirt, probably the youngest
person in the entire hall, up on stage to -
36:57 - 37:03talk about metadata. It was very awkward.
Aaron was trying to describe why it was useful -
37:03 - 37:07to be able to represent bibliographic information
in a machine-readable format. -
37:07 - 37:11And in fact Aaron was always trying to describe
why it was useful to be able to represent -
37:11 - 37:14bibliographic information in a machine-readable
format. -
37:14 - 37:15[laughter]
37:15 - 37:19The audience had had a few drinks, I think,
and wasn't as focused as it might have been, -
37:19 - 37:23and didn't really care to envision this beautiful
feature in which search engines would make -
37:23 - 37:28it easy for everyone to find works they could
legally reuse and build upon. Which they now -
37:28 - 37:31can, thanks to Aaron's work.
37:31 - 37:36But the audience didn't seem to get it. Lessig
was very gracious and he basically said to -
37:36 - 37:42the crowd, "See, our project is going to succeed
and it's going to succeed because we have -
37:42 - 37:48this genius creating our infrastructure."
Aaron reminded me how frustrating it is to -
37:48 - 37:52be curious about things that other people
don't understand. Or that other people regard -
37:52 - 37:54as trivial or bizarre.
37:54 - 38:00He wrote a blog post about a theory that one's
degree of nearsightedness is affected by blood -
38:00 - 38:05oxygen levels, and that it might be possible
to use eye exercise to systematically reduce -
38:05 - 38:06nearsightedness.
38:06 - 38:11"Aaron," he wrote, "was already experimenting
on himself to see if it would work, and he -
38:11 - 38:17said he wished he could meet a girl who wouldn't
laugh at this project." Later, Aaron met Seth -
38:17 - 38:23Roberts, a researcher who advocates self-experimentation
as a way of generating potentially-useful -
38:23 - 38:25wild ideas about health.
38:25 - 38:30Roberts and Aaron got along extremely well.
I think that Roberts, like many other people, -
38:30 - 38:36felt that Aaron naturally generated potentially
useful wild ideas about absolutely everything. -
38:36 - 38:42I visited Aaron in his dorm at Stanford a
few years later. I was thrilled that he had -
38:42 - 38:45the opportunity to study at such a great university.
38:45 - 38:50But Aaron was alienated from Stanford. He
had few friends, and the students around him -
38:50 - 38:56weren't curious about the things he was curious
about. This wasn't the way his Stanford adventure -
38:56 - 39:01was supposed to pan out. I helped him pack
for his flight to Boston for his interview -
39:01 - 39:07with Paul Graham, who was starting a fund
to invest in young people just like Aaron. -
39:07 - 39:15It want well. Aaron dropped out of Stanford
and moved to Boston. In 2006, just after Condé -
39:15 - 39:19Nast acquired reddit and just before they
fired Aaron, Aaron and I were at a hacker -
39:19 - 39:26conference together in Berlin. To Larry Lessig's
chagrin, Aaron and Lessig had, at that time, -
39:26 - 39:30fallen out of touch. Perhaps neither of them
were deeply involved in the day-to-day work -
39:30 - 39:34of Creative Commons, which had brought them
together. -
39:34 - 39:38Aaron had gone off to work in the startup
world while simultaneously deepening his study -
39:38 - 39:44of left-wind politics, macroeconomics, and
sociology. Lessig and Aaron were both planning -
39:44 - 39:49to tell America, as matter of some urgency,
what had gone wrong with the American project, -
39:49 - 39:52but they had slightly different diagnoses.
39:52 - 39:57Our friend and I took Aaron out to Wannsee,
where Lessig was spending a year at the American -
39:57 - 40:04Academy in Berlin. Lessig looked extraordinarily
proud to see Aaron. Their meeting had, for -
40:04 - 40:08me, the sense of an extraordinarily poignant
reunion, as if they hadn't seen each other -
40:08 - 40:13in 20 years. Of course they had actually seen
each other a few months before. -
40:13 - 40:17But my friend and I left the two of them alone
for an hour or so, and I remember as we walked -
40:17 - 40:24away, seeing Lessig and Aaron leaning a wall
at the Wannsee train station, talking animatedly -
40:24 - 40:29to each other. It reminded me of the scene
at the climax of the German film "Goodbye -
40:29 - 40:34Lenin!" where we can see but not hear the
actors talking about incredibly urgent matters, -
40:34 - 40:39and we have to imagine for ourselves what
they must be saying to each other. -
40:39 - 40:43And I thought, Lessig is so proud-his protégé
is all grown up and he's come back to show -
40:43 - 40:51his respect for his teacher. Aaron was a free
speech absolutist's, free speech absolutist, -
40:51 - 40:57an idealist's idealist, an activist's activist,
and, I must say, a libertarian socialist's -
40:57 - 40:59libertarian socialist.
40:59 - 41:01[laughter]
41:01 - 41:07His credo was that bits are not a bug, that
come hell or high water we should celebrate, -
41:07 - 41:11and not fear, people's ability to communicate
to each other whatever they might choose to -
41:11 - 41:16communicate, and the infrastructure that supports
that ability. -
41:16 - 41:21Aaron came of age a long time after the end
of the cypherpunk movement. But he always -
41:21 - 41:23seemed like a cypherpunk movement. But he
always seemed like a cypherpunk and lived -
41:23 - 41:27up to the notion that cypherpunks write code.
41:27 - 41:32He channeled all sorts of different idealisms
of supposedly bygone eras. You would have -
41:32 - 41:37thought he was too young to know about those
idealisms. And he did it in a way that mixed -
41:37 - 41:43intelligence, creativity, and humor. In the
long run, Aaron felt that he was going to -
41:43 - 41:47fix the world, mainly by clearly explaining
it to people. -
41:47 - 41:48[laughter]
41:48 - 41:54I believe Aaron grew up to be exactly the
person that he would have been most astonished -
41:54 - 41:59and excited to meet in the line in front of
the Supreme Court. I've never known anyone -
41:59 - 42:04else like him.
42:04 - 42:18[Peter Eckersley] So I know we have all been
spending a lot of time thinking about Aaron -
42:18 - 42:24and his life and what kind of person he was
and what he did. And I know many of you in -
42:24 - 42:30the room knew him, knew him well. Others probably
never got to meet him in person, saw him on -
42:30 - 42:38a mailing list or read his blog posts. And
then now, trying to figure out what we've -
42:38 - 42:40lost, who we've lost.
42:40 - 42:46And for me, you know I was lucky enough, I
got to live with Aaron for a while, and we -
42:46 - 42:51got to be good friends and work on things
together. But I found I was always trying -
42:51 - 42:57to figure out exactly who he was and what
he was up to. Because he was such a complicated -
42:57 - 43:06and contradictory human being, and he'd get
you in these ways that you weren't expecting. -
43:06 - 43:11Some of this was simple, obvious stuff. You
know, I, look-he and I had met before, but -
43:11 - 43:17we moved to San Francisco at the same time.
I came here to work for the EFF. He was just -
43:17 - 43:22in the process of selling reddit and going
to Condé Nast and going through the messy -
43:22 - 43:28divorce that he had with the other cofounders.
And so I sent him an email and said, "Hey, -
43:28 - 43:35I'm setting up a sharehouse. Like, do you
want a place to live?" And he said yes. -
43:35 - 43:39And so we had this rambling Victorian in this
apartment building. And I said, "Oh, we've -
43:39 - 43:43got all these open rooms we need to fill."
And he's like, "Oh, there's this tiny little -
43:43 - 43:51one in the corner, I'll take that." This room
was the size of a-you know, it was a closet, -
43:51 - 43:54basically. We were pretty sure he was the
wealthiest person in the building. He'd just -
43:54 - 44:00sold reddit, but he wanted this tiny little
thing. -
44:00 - 44:08And getting to know him was weird, like...I'd,
I knew him, I knew his blog, I had met him -
44:08 - 44:17before. But living with him, the first experience,
he was so shy. Like, he'd just be there, and -
44:17 - 44:24like, in his own little world, struggling
to talk to people, until the conversation -
44:24 - 44:31took the right turn. You'd say the right thing
to him, and he would come alive, and he would -
44:31 - 44:33come so alive.
44:33 - 44:39I remember Danny mentioned the Chinese room
argument, but I remember the day that somehow -
44:39 - 44:45I prodded him about that. And then for the
next week, you know, like we were going at -
44:45 - 44:49it. Like, I think he was totally wrong about
the Chinese room argument, actually. I still -
44:49 - 44:50do.
44:50 - 44:51[laughter]
44:51 - 44:57His position was crazy. He defended a crazy
position very well, and I had to argue him -
44:57 - 45:03into so many weird corners to get anywhere.
I remember another scene, we had a film crew -
45:03 - 45:07who showed up and stayed in our house and
filmed this thing, "Steal This Film." You -
45:07 - 45:10can go and see it on the Internet. You can
see Aaron in it. -
45:10 - 45:15They were a documentary crew talking about
copyright and trying to film these takes in -
45:15 - 45:18the middle of the night. You know, our cramped
little living room, and everyone was kind -
45:18 - 45:24of drunk and there was chaos and I remember
some of us were struggling to say anything -
45:24 - 45:30coherent to a camera. But someone pointed
a camera at Aaron and he caught fire. -
45:30 - 45:39Like, he just...he taught me how to, like,
speak to a room or speak to a television or -
45:39 - 45:45whatever it was. He just had a message that
he'd simplified out of the ether and could -
45:45 - 45:52deliver. And that was the same skill he turned
to politics and to so much else that he did -
45:52 - 45:59in his intellectual life, and it was beautiful
to watch. -
45:59 - 46:05And he paired that with this...you know, honestly,
he had a flare for self-promotion. There wouldn't -
46:05 - 46:10be hundreds of people in this room and hundreds
of people in all the rooms for all the memorials -
46:10 - 46:14that he's had in different cities, and millions
of people reading about him, if he didn't -
46:14 - 46:20have some little talent at getting the things
he was doing out to the world in a way that -
46:20 - 46:27people would notice. People noticed his 16-year-old
self. His 14-year-old self. -
46:27 - 46:33But he wasn't just a giant ego who kind of
was out there promoting himself because he -
46:33 - 46:40thought he was awesome. He actually...The
one thing he failed to care about, often, -
46:40 - 46:48was taking care of himself. And I remember,
like, living with him and trying to get him -
46:48 - 46:52to eat and...He wouldn't...
46:52 - 46:57He had medical things that he was struggling
with, and I said, "Aaron, you know, like, -
46:57 - 47:01how does this work, like let's talk about
it. Surely you've read the research on this -
47:01 - 47:05condition. Like, we can go through what's
been tried...And he said, "No, I haven't read -
47:05 - 47:06any of it." Like, "I don't know anything about
it." -
47:06 - 47:11And I said, "Aaron! You devour books! Like,
I can see you devouring books, you've read -
47:11 - 47:19five this week. Like, you have a stack of
academic journal articles by your bed. We're -
47:19 - 47:23talking about half of them. Why haven't you
read anything about this condition that is -
47:23 - 47:28making your own life harder?" And he just
said, "Well, I don't think I'm that important. -
47:28 - 47:34The world's important," like...
47:34 - 47:46Watching that happen was hard. You struggle
to take care of him. He also had these days -
47:46 - 47:51that were down. I mean, I guess it was a down
day in the end that got him. In between the -
47:51 - 47:54days when he was doing amazing amounts of
stuff. You all know how much he did. -
47:54 - 48:01He was too young to possible have done a third
of the things he managed, and who knows what -
48:01 - 48:05he would have achieved with another 50 years.
But in-between those days, there'd be days -
48:05 - 48:12when he was just blue. I remember I caught
him on one of those and said, "Aaron, this -
48:12 - 48:16is amazing stuff. We can go and do it right
now." -
48:16 - 48:22And he just said, "No, the code, it's all
terrible, it's ugly, it's broken." I'm like, -
48:22 - 48:29"OK, let's do some science." And he'd say,
"No, the data doesn't work, it sucks, it's -
48:29 - 48:37too hard." And I said, "Surely, there must
be something that you'd be doing. That really -
48:37 - 48:45would feel right." And he stopped for a while
and said, "Yes, actually. Typography." -
48:45 - 48:47[laughter]
48:47 - 49:00I could do typography. Anyway, so he was contradictory.
You never knew exactly what to make of him. -
49:00 - 49:04He was brilliant and sometimes and infuriating
and wrong. Like, the Chinese room argument. -
49:04 - 49:12But then sometimes...I guess I'm talking about
paradoxes in Aaron. Sometimes he was infuriating -
49:04 - 49:04[laughter]
49:12 - 49:18and wrong and brilliant at the same time.
And I have one story about a paradox. He and -
49:18 - 49:21I were talking about moral philosophy, ethical
philosophy. -
49:21 - 49:26We were both interested in these ideas, the
[inaudible 00: 49:23] ideas of...actually, -
49:26 - 49:31we have a responsibility to find the thing
that we can do that makes the most difference -
49:31 - 49:35to the universe, to the world, and makes it
better, whatever that means. -
49:35 - 49:43But I had just read a paper about a paradox
showing that actually, if you write down all -
49:43 - 49:48of our most compelling intuitions about what
it is for the world to be good, so that we -
49:48 - 49:52can know how to make it better. You write
them all down, you can actually mathematically -
49:52 - 49:59prove it's a recent result, 10 years old by
a Swedish philosopher. Our deepest intuitions -
49:59 - 50:04about this are flatly contradictory. It's
a 'paradox. There is actually no completely -
50:04 - 50:10coherent definition of what makes the world
better. -
50:10 - 50:13And Aaron just looked at me and said, "That's
completely wrong." Like, "Actually, no, it's -
50:13 - 50:18this, this and this." And I said, "Aaron,
you're arguing with a mathematical theorem. -
50:18 - 50:24I have a proof of it right here. You're not
pointing out any flaws in the logic in this -
50:24 - 50:26paper."
50:26 - 50:33And he said, "No, no, it's like..." Then I
stopped and I stared at him for a while and -
50:33 - 50:39I said, "I'm not sure you're right, but actually
maybe we can find a way out of this theorem." -
50:39 - 50:44It's not an impossibility theorem, it's not
a paradox. -
50:44 - 50:49Actually, maybe it's more like an uncertainty
theorem. We can rehabilitate it as a kind -
50:49 - 50:53of Heisenberg's uncertainty principle for
morality. You can't be completely sure about -
50:53 - 50:58what's right. But you can actually pin the
amount of uncertainty down to minimum and -
50:58 - 51:03still get the right answers to obvious moral
dilemmas. -
51:03 - 51:07So he and I actually sat down and wrote a
paper about this which we still haven't published. -
51:07 - 51:12I now actually have a...this is a thing I
promised to Aaron's ghost. I'm going to finish -
51:12 - 51:20that paper and maybe people will read it.
But he was paradoxical and yet he got so much -
51:20 - 51:24done, did so many amazing things at the same
time. -
51:24 - 51:34There's a lot more I want to say and there
are a lot of things that we all need to do. -
51:34 - 51:40Because Aaron's loss reminded us or pointed
out that they needed to be done. Some of them -
51:40 - 51:47are things that matter a lot to this community
here in this room. We need to free the literature, -
51:47 - 51:50the scientific literature, that Aaron died
trying to free. -
51:50 - 51:59And we also need to figure out what we can
do to fix the insane criminal justice system -
51:59 - 52:03in the United States.
52:03 - 52:06[applause]
52:06 - 52:17But I've said enough for tonight, and there
other people who will take up these threads. -
52:17 - 52:34[Tim O'Reilly] I've been asked how I as a
publisher who has an online service that puts -
52:34 - 52:43content behind a paywall could possibly be
a support of Aaron Schwartz, this guy who -
52:43 - 52:53downloads content from services like that.
And my answer is that we're trying to invent -
52:53 - 53:04the future, and the future does not look like
the past. And the future is uncovered by struggle -
53:04 - 53:14to figure out what works and what doesn't
work. And the people who figure that out are -
53:14 - 53:16people to whom we owe an enormous debt.
53:16 - 53:23I was trying to think of, you know, past experiences
with Aaron. When I first met him, he came -
53:23 - 53:31to our Foo Camp and our Etech Conferences.
But what I decided to share with you is a -
53:31 - 53:39poem that I read as part of a talk that I
gave at our Etech Conference in 2008. And -
53:39 - 53:46I checked, and just to refresh memory, Aaron
was there. -
53:46 - 53:53The poem was part of a talk entitled, "Why
I Love Hackers." And I started out with a -
53:53 - 53:59picture of some berries, some poisonous ones
and some ones that were good to eat. And I -
53:59 - 54:04said, "Somewhere way back in time, somebody
had the courage to figure out which of these -
54:04 - 54:14things were good to eat." And I talked about
people wanting to fly, and how it was this -
54:14 - 54:22crazy dream, and eventually, we figured it
out, and lots of other stories from the history -
54:22 - 54:23of hacking.
54:23 - 54:29And then I ended with a poem, which seems
singularly appropriate for Aaron because it's -
54:29 - 54:36about both the courage to try to do what hasn't
been done, to change the world, but also how -
54:36 - 54:41hard that is, and the challenge of it. It's
a poem called "The Man Watching," by Rainer -
54:41 - 54:44Maria Rilke, in translation by Robert Bly.
54:44 - 54:51He said, "I can tell by the way the trees
beat, after so many dull days on my worried -
54:51 - 54:58window panes, that a storm is coming, and
I hear the far-off fields say things. I can't -
54:58 - 55:01bear without a friend. I can't love without
a sister." -
55:01 - 55:09"The storm, the shifter of shapes, drives
on across the woods and across time, and the -
55:09 - 55:16world looks as if it had no age. The landscape,
like a line in the psalm book, is seriousness -
55:16 - 55:18and weight and eternity."
55:18 - 55:27"What we choose to fight is so tiny. What
fights us is so great. If only we would let -
55:27 - 55:33ourselves be dominated, as things do, by some
immense storm. We would become strong too, -
55:33 - 55:35and not need names."
55:35 - 55:43"When we win, it's with small things, and
the triumph itself makes us small. What is -
55:43 - 55:50extraordinary and eternal does not want to
be bent by us. I mean, the angel who appeared -
55:50 - 55:55to the wrestlers of the Old Testament. When
the wrestler's sinews grew long like metal -
55:55 - 55:59strings, he felt them under his fingers like
chords of deep music." -
55:59 - 56:07"Whoever was beaten by this angel, who often
simply declined the fight, went away proud, -
56:07 - 56:13and strengthened, and great from that harsh
hand, that needed him as if to change his -
56:13 - 56:21shape. Winning does not tempt that man. This
is how he grows, by being defeated, decisively, -
56:21 - 56:26by constantly greater beings."
56:26 - 56:32I don't know whether Aaron was defeated or
victorious, but we are certainly shaped by -
56:32 - 56:38the hand of the things that he wrestled with.
56:38 - 56:41[applause]
56:41 - 56:56[Molly Shaffer Van Houweling] I didn't know
Aaron quite as well as many who have been -
56:56 - 57:01so generous in sharing their memories. But
as a member of the board of directors of Creative -
57:01 - 57:08Commons, I am honored to be here to convey
CC's grief, our gratitude, and our commitment -
57:08 - 57:13to continuing to work toward the world of
openness and sharing that Aaron worked to -
57:13 - 57:16architect for all of us.
57:16 - 57:20Many of you recently helped us celebrate the
tenth birth of Creative Commons, commemorating -
57:20 - 57:27the launch in December, 2002 of our first
suite of open content licenses at the party -
57:27 - 57:33that Seth described. But of course there was
a gestation period before the birth of CC -
57:33 - 57:38and that's when I met Aaron thanks to Lisa.
I think he was 15 when I met him, but appeared -
57:38 - 57:42to be about 11.
57:42 - 57:48As most of you know, Creative Commons is a
steward of a set of public content licenses. -
57:48 - 57:54They have licensed deeds and legal code and
RDF metadata that is designed to make the -
57:54 - 58:02license human-readable and lawyer-readable
and machine-readable. That's the beauty of -
58:02 - 58:03the CC vision.
58:03 - 58:08But it's also a challenge. It's a challenge
to find any one person who can really wrap -
58:08 - 58:16their heads around and talk about this idea.
A person who understands humans and lawyers -
58:16 - 58:24and machines. So when Lisa and I first described
CC at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference -
58:24 - 58:29in May, 2002, we needed some help.
58:29 - 58:38Speaking for myself, I was human and I was
a lawyer, but I didn't read or speak machine. -
58:38 - 58:45So the idea of explaining what CC would have
to do with HTML, XML, RDF, and the W3C terrified -
58:45 - 58:52me. So I gave a presentation in which I said
some boring things about law and some vague -
58:52 - 58:59things about metadata. Lisa gave a demonstration
that I think was more exciting. But when the -
58:59 - 59:05complicated questions from the audience started,
we handed the mic down to little Aaron. -
59:05 - 59:13With some trepidation...I'd just met the kid-but
it was an act from me of pure desperation. -
59:13 - 59:22I couldn't answer those questions about RDF,
and I figured, well, at least he's adorable. -
59:22 - 59:25[laughter]
59:25 - 59:32Of course, I found Aaron's notes on the presentation
still online this afternoon. They read almost -
59:32 - 59:38like poetry. "We did the Creative Commons
intro in the morning. Lisa forgot the VGA -
59:38 - 59:44dongle for her iBook, so I donated mine instead.
Whole thing seemed to go over pretty well. -
59:44 - 59:47I answered a couple of questions at the end."
59:47 - 59:53I think Aaron answered all of the questions,
and I was wrong to be nervous about it. Of -
59:53 - 60:00course he could answer the questions and delight
the audience, not with his adorableness, not -
60:00 - 60:08only that, with his vision and with his ability
to communicate it to all of us. -
60:08 - 60:13We were finally hearing from someone who could
explain to humans, and even to lawyers, how -
60:13 - 60:22to harness the power of machines to overcome
unnecessary limits on sharing. Aaron's vision, -
60:22 - 60:29more powerful than I could explain or even
comprehend, how to harness the power of machines -
60:29 - 60:34to overcome unnecessary limits on sharing.
60:34 - 60:39It was a vision Aaron pursued for CC, but
far beyond CC as well, as many of you can -
60:39 - 60:48attest better than I, but Aaron was not a
machine, and he was not a lawyer. He was a -
60:48 - 60:57human, and tragically mortal, but his vision
was not. The answers he gave to our questions -
60:57 - 60:59were not.
60:59 - 61:05He shared them, and so we still have them,
and the people in this room are dedicated -
61:05 - 61:11to sharing them forward, and to making the
machines for sharing them forward work better -
61:11 - 61:18and better, and to making the law for sharing
them forward work better and better. -
61:18 - 61:24I want to end with something else that Aaron
shared. It's just a casual email to a W3C -
61:24 - 61:31list from August 2002. To me, it captures
his brilliance, his gift for communicating, -
61:31 - 61:35his vision of sharing, and his generous spirit.
61:35 - 61:43"Hi there. If you haven't already heard, Creative
Commons is a new nonprofit organization working -
61:43 - 61:47to make it easier for copyright holders to
share their work by dedicating to the public -
61:47 - 61:53domain, or licensing it to the public on generous
terms. As part of that effort, we've been -
61:53 - 61:57working hard to develop our licenses and metadata
strategy over the past few months." -
61:57 - 62:02"When we launch our site, we want to not only
give our users licenses, but also a sample -
62:02 - 62:06of RDF that they can add to their web page.
We're hoping that by spreading these chunks -
62:06 - 62:12of RDF around the web, we'll provide a useful
base that interesting projects and applications -
62:12 - 62:15can exploit. For more information, please
check out our website." -
62:15 - 62:20"We'd appreciate your comments, thoughts,
and code. Please send them to the cc-metadata -
62:20 - 62:27mailing list. We'll be monitoring the list
and responding to your questions. Thanks. -
62:27 - 62:28Aaron."
62:28 - 62:35"We'll be monitoring the list and responding
to your questions." I hope that, somehow, -
62:35 - 62:40Aaron is monitoring this list.
62:40 - 62:43[applause]
62:43 - 62:49I hope we return to his words and his vision
to help answer our questions, and that we -
62:49 - 63:01share those answers with our fellow humans.
To Aaron, thank you. Thank you for sharing. -
63:01 - 63:05[applause]
63:05 - 63:18[Alex Stamos] Unlike a lot of the people here,
I didn't know Aaron. I never met him, didn't -
63:18 - 63:22speak to him on the phone, never even got
to exchange emails with him, which, ironically, -
63:22 - 63:25is why I'm here.
63:25 - 63:29The fact that I didn't know him is the reason
why I was going to be the person that was -
63:29 - 63:36put forth to objectively explain to the jury
of what Aaron did, and I think I was able -
63:36 - 63:41to hold onto that objectivity until the last
week and a half, and per Teran's comments, -
63:41 - 63:45I've perhaps become much more radical than
I was before, which you can tell, because -
63:45 - 63:49I'm wearing my radical tie today.
63:49 - 63:52[laughter]
63:52 - 63:57What we were going to do is...I was objectively
going to go in front of that jury, and explain -
63:57 - 64:02to them that these horrible hacking crimes
that Aaron was accused of is functionally -
64:02 - 64:08the same as putting in the incorrect email
address to an airport WiFi, or going down -
64:08 - 64:12the street to Starbucks to change your IP
address. -
64:12 - 64:18Dan Purcell was going to get up there and
grill MIT and JSTOR witnesses, and talk to -
64:18 - 64:22them about how this kind of thing happens
dozens and dozens of times a year at MIT, -
64:22 - 64:28and yet Aaron is the first person to ever
have the Secret Service get involved. That -
64:28 - 64:31JSTOR witness was going to talk about how,
"Oh, there wasn't really any damage. We were -
64:31 - 64:36a little ticked off, but this isn't a big
deal for us, and we don't want this to happen." -
64:36 - 64:41Then Elliot Peters was going to get up and
give this fiery defense attorney speech, pounding -
64:41 - 64:47the table, and pointing to Boston Harbor,
and invoking the American Revolution, and -
64:47 - 64:53the spirit of freedom, and how Aaron lives
up to the greatest ideals in our founding -
64:53 - 64:54documents.
64:54 - 64:59Then Aaron's future was going to be in the
hands of 12 normal people, I mean, normal -
64:59 - 65:04people who couldn't get out of jury duty,
but hopefully people who, I think, would have -
65:04 - 65:12had the sense to understand that there is
a huge chasm between the way Aaron was being -
65:12 - 65:17portrayed by the government and the young
man who was sitting there at that table. -
65:17 - 65:21I had faith in them, and we're not going to
get that chance to do all those things, and -
65:21 - 65:27we can't help Aaron anymore, but I think we,
and by "we," I mean everybody who is listening -
65:27 - 65:33to this, we can help the next Aaron, and we
didn't have to wait very long for the next -
65:33 - 65:33Aaron.
65:33 - 65:39The next Aaron is the Chinese-American man
who is accused of stealing source code from -
65:39 - 65:45a hedge fund, and is being prosecuted under
the Espionage Act. The next Aaron is the Canadian -
65:45 - 65:51student who was expelled from his university
for pointing out security flaws to the university -
65:51 - 65:54in their software that exposed his personal
information. -
65:54 - 65:59The next Aaron is going to be that young lady
whose DEFCON speech is interrupted by the -
65:59 - 66:07clink of handcuffs, or that grandfather who
is mystified by the demand for $50,000 to -
66:07 - 66:11pay for copyright violations, because his
next door neighbor uses open WiFi to do a -
66:11 - 66:16little BitTorrent. Those are the next Aarons,
and those are the people we can help. -
66:16 - 66:20One of the reasons, I think we really to need
help them is, while I think all of us feel -
66:20 - 66:29gratified about the outpouring of love and
care, and the feeling of momentum that has -
66:29 - 66:32come out of the last week and a half.
66:32 - 66:38We also have to be really aware that we want,
that when people face the same kind of odds -
66:38 - 66:45that Aaron faced, many of them without Aaron's
resources, that we want them not to think -
66:45 - 66:49Aaron's final moments of weakness and doubt
to be the kind of thing that they need to -
66:49 - 66:52do to bring about change.
66:52 - 66:54There are two things we need to do for that.
One... -
66:54 - 66:54[applause]
66:54 - 67:04One, we need to give those people as much
as much support as Aaron was able to give. -
67:04 - 67:12Those people don't know Larry Lessig. They
don't hang out with MIT professors, yet they -
67:12 - 67:16need the kind of support that Aaron was able
to muster. -
67:16 - 67:20One of the things I realized through this
whole thing is we never considered computer -
67:20 - 67:27science to be the kind of thing that is a
profession that changes lives, and something -
67:27 - 67:31this has demonstrated is that being able to
make an argument of whether a MAC address -
67:31 - 67:37is just something that you use to keep collisions
from happening on a network, it is not equivalent -
67:37 - 67:39to the serial number on a gun.
67:39 - 67:44Making that argument is the kind of thing
that can mean spending decades in prison. -
67:44 - 67:49There are other professions that are life-changing,
medicine and law, and in those professions, -
67:49 - 67:54people have an idea about equal access and
helping people, and that doesn't happen in -
67:54 - 67:56reality, but at least they try.
67:56 - 67:59There's an idea that everybody has a defense
lawyer. There's an idea that you can go and -
67:59 - 68:03get treated by a doctor, and they have an
ethical obligation to you. I think those of -
68:03 - 68:09us in the computer world need to see, via
Aaron's tragedy, that we have the same kind -
68:09 - 68:11of obligation.
68:11 - 68:13[applause]
68:13 - 68:20The second thing we all need to do is when
we are up here speaking, or we're commenting -
68:20 - 68:27on Reddit, or Hacker News, or talking to people
about Aaron, while we talk about the positive -
68:27 - 68:34change that is going to come out of his death,
we have to make it clear that all of those -
68:34 - 68:38positive things pale in comparison to what
he would've done had he lived. -
68:38 - 68:39[applause]
68:39 - 68:45That's an important part of the message, because
we don't want those young people to think -
68:45 - 68:51that their only way out is to sacrifice themselves,
that they deserve to live too, and that they -
68:51 - 68:58have people who are standing behind them.
Thank you. -
68:58 - 69:00[applause]
69:00 - 69:14[Cindy Cohn] Good evening. Thank you everybody.
We're all starting with how we met Aaron. -
69:14 - 69:18I think I met Aaron before this, but my first
real memory of him is on the steps of the -
69:18 - 69:25United States Supreme Court on the night before
the Eldred argument in 2002. I remember thinking, -
69:25 - 69:29"Does your mother know you're here?"
69:29 - 69:34I recently found his account of that night,
and it reminded me of how very young he was, -
69:34 - 69:39how excited he was to be at the court, and
yet, his understanding of the nuances of the -
69:39 - 69:46Copyright Term Extension Act were better than
mine at that time. I also realized that by -
69:46 - 69:52having our first...or least, the first I'd
met, really, Fanboy, that we were building -
69:52 - 69:55a movement.
69:55 - 70:01Since the early morning of January 12th, when
I learned that Aaron had passed away, I feel -
70:01 - 70:07like I've had a little Aaron on my shoulder,
reminding me that we are still part of a movement, -
70:07 - 70:13and demanding that we push forward, push further,
and that the tragedy of his death be parts -
70:13 - 70:17of the roots of something good and something
better. -
70:17 - 70:24I don't think Aaron named his organization
Demand Progress by accident. At EFF, we feel -
70:24 - 70:29this intensely, and I think we feel it in
two directions. First, we feel the need to -
70:29 - 70:34continue his work, opening access to publicly
funded and public domain information for all -
70:34 - 70:39people, so that you don't have to be in an
ivory tower to learn. -
70:39 - 70:40[applause]
70:40 - 70:49The second, though, is the one that I've spent
most of my time on for the last few weeks, -
70:49 - 70:54and that was number four on Taren's list,
which is trying to fix the Computer Fraud -
70:54 - 70:56and Abuse Act.
70:56 - 71:01EFF has a draft of some modest fixes that
would reduce the ability of prosecutors to -
71:01 - 71:07use the CFAA, and similar computer laws, to
ratchet up threats on people like Aaron. It's -
71:07 - 71:10on our website. It's on Reddit.
71:10 - 71:14Representative Zoe Lofgren, as many of you
know, had led the way, and remains willing -
71:14 - 71:22to help, but we have to create the space for
real change, not not-real change, and that -
71:22 - 71:26remains to be done. Her initial proposals
are not sufficient. -
71:26 - 71:32We have a lot of work to do to get this where
it will be, but we need to ensure that what -
71:32 - 71:37happened to Aaron never happens to another
bright, idealistic, geeky kid who wants to -
71:37 - 71:41make the world a better place, and if we can't
do it in Congress, then we need to do it in -
71:41 - 71:49the courts, but we need your help. In fact,
we need the help of everyone you all know. -
71:49 - 71:53We need to marshal the same sort of support
for this fight that we were able to marshal -
71:53 - 71:59with SOPA about SOPA and PIPA, and maybe even
more, since this involves not just Hollywood, -
71:59 - 72:06but federal power, and we won't have Aaron.
72:06 - 72:11I was hesitant to make this bold pitch at
Aaron's memorial, but honestly, I don't think -
72:11 - 72:16Aaron would've forgiven me if I didn't. We
can't help Aaron directly anymore, but we -
72:16 - 72:21can help the next Aaron, and the one after
that, and all of us who would be the beneficiaries -
72:21 - 72:27of what those next Aarons will create for
us, and the knowledge that they will make -
72:27 - 72:32available to all the rest of us and all the
people around the world. -
72:32 - 72:39I think we built the movement that I first
saw by seeing the little fanboy, Aaron Swartz, -
72:39 - 72:46in 2002, so now, let's use it.
72:46 - 72:50[applause]
72:50 - 73:06[Brewster Kahle] Wow. I learned from Aaron
what living an open source life was like. -
73:06 - 73:15I think he really live that way. He floated
and helped others. He gave everything away. -
73:15 - 73:23He really wasn't tied to an institution. He
really was not a company man in any sense. -
73:23 - 73:31He was really quite pure in his motivations,
and it made him incredibly effective of cutting -
73:31 - 73:39through a lot of the stuff that most of us
deal with, an open source life. He was able -
73:39 - 73:46to keep his self-interests at bay, which is
kind of remarkable for a lot of us, but he -
73:46 - 73:55was able to do it, and he was able to communicate
well with an open smile and a kind heart. -
73:55 - 74:04He had a way of spending time, and his energy,
on things that mattered, and he had a genius -
74:04 - 74:10at finding things that mattered to millions
of people. There are lots of things to work -
74:10 - 74:14on, but the things that he worked on were
incredibly effective. -
74:14 - 74:25We first met, I think, in 2002, at the Eldred
Supreme Court case in Washington, DC, when -
74:25 - 74:30we drove a bookmobile across, celebrating
the public domain by giving away books that -
74:30 - 74:36kids made, and also, then, at the Creative
Commons launch. -
74:36 - 74:41I really got to know Aaron when he said, "I'd
really like to help make the Open Library -
74:41 - 74:49website with the Internet Archive, to go and
give books, and integrate books into the Internet -
74:49 - 74:56itself." He said, "I've got this cool technology
called Infogami. It made possible to make -
74:56 - 75:01Reddit happen. Let's use it again for this
other thing." -
75:01 - 75:06It was wonderful to work with him, but it
was really unlike working with anybody else -
75:06 - 75:13I've ever met. You certainly couldn't tell
him what to do. He just did what was the right -
75:13 - 75:20thing to do, and he was right, certainly,
a lot more often than I was. -
75:20 - 75:26We worked together in other areas when he
was a champion of open access, especially -
75:26 - 75:32of the public domain, bringing public access
to the public domain. Most people think that's -
75:32 - 75:38kind of an obvious thing. "Isn't the public
thing mean that it's publicly accessible?" -
75:38 - 75:40Of course, all of us are like, "No."
75:40 - 75:47It's sort of like there are these national
parks with moats, and walls, and guns, and -
75:47 - 75:53turrets pointing out in case somebody might
want to come near the public domain, and Aaron -
75:53 - 76:00didn't think this was right, and he spent
a lot of time and effort freeing these materials. -
76:00 - 76:05One of the first ones that we were actively
working together on was freeing government -
76:05 - 76:11court cases, so that anybody could see this
without having to have special privilege or -
76:11 - 76:15money, and also, to make it so you could data
mine it, and go and look at these things in -
76:15 - 76:18a very different way.
76:18 - 76:26He freed and liberated a lot of court cases
from the PACER system, and uploaded them in-bulk -
76:26 - 76:31to the Internet Archive, so that people could
have access to these. There are now four million -
76:31 - 76:38documents from 800,000 cases that have been
used by six million people because of the -
76:38 - 76:43project that Aaron Swartz and others helped
start. -
76:43 - 76:46[applause]
76:46 - 76:53It was an interesting project because it went
over many different organizations, each playing -
76:53 - 77:02a role, and all cooperating in a very non-corporate
way. It was a very Aaron style way of making -
77:02 - 77:07things happen, and the idea of making court
documents and legal documents available more -
77:07 - 77:14easily struck a chord with me, because in
college, I was trying to figure out how I -
77:14 - 77:17was going to try to get out of the draft.
77:17 - 77:26My college didn't have a legal collection,
and the only way I could try to get to legal -
77:26 - 77:35court documents was to get an ID from my professor
and break into the Harvard Law Library to -
77:35 - 77:38go and read court documents.
77:38 - 77:41[applause]
77:41 - 77:49That sucked. It really makes no sense, and
Aaron not only saw that it doesn't make sense, -
77:49 - 77:58he decided he was going to try to help solve
this, not just for himself, but for everyone. -
77:58 - 78:01Then there were other public domain collections,
like the Google Books collection. -
78:01 - 78:08Google Books was a library project to go and
digitize lots and lots of books. A lot of -
78:08 - 78:14them were public domain. Google would make
them available from their website, but really, -
78:14 - 78:19really painfully. It would make it so that
if you wanted one book, you could get one -
78:19 - 78:26book. If you wanted 100 books, they'd turn
off your IP address forever. -
78:26 - 78:32This is no way to have public access to the
public domain. The Internet Archive started -
78:32 - 78:42getting these uploads of Google Books, going
faster, and faster, and faster. It was like, -
78:42 - 78:49"Well, where are these coming from?" Well,
it turns out, it's Aaron. -
78:49 - 78:52He and a bunch of friends figured out that
they could go and get a bunch of computers -
78:52 - 79:01to go slowly enough to just clock through
tons of Google Books and upload them to the -
79:01 - 79:06Internet Archive. Interestingly, Google never
got upset about it. The libraries, on the -
79:06 - 79:11other hand, grumbled. Anyway, they'll get
over it. -
79:11 - 79:12[laughter]
79:12 - 79:19When this started happening, we said, "OK,
what's going on? Should we be concerned?" -
79:19 - 79:25"No, it's public domain. We just made sure
that we got the cataloging data right, and -
79:25 - 79:28we linked back to Google, so that if you're
on the book, you can go back to the original -
79:28 - 79:37page and see..." It all worked well, but there
was Aaron doing it again, bringing public -
79:37 - 79:40access to the public domain.
79:40 - 79:49What is crushing to me is that Aaron got ensnared
by the Federal Government for doing something -
79:49 - 79:56that the Internet Archive actively encourages
others to do for our collections, and we think -
79:56 - 80:04all libraries should encourage, which is bulk
downloading to support data mining and other -
80:04 - 80:13research using computers. This is just the
way the world works. -
80:13 - 80:16[applause]
80:16 - 80:22The first step is, for a computer to read
and analyze materials, to download a set of -
80:22 - 80:32documents. When Aaron did this from one library,
JSTOR, they strongly objected, and demanded -
80:32 - 80:39that MIT find and stop that user, which then
led US prosecutors to pull out their worst -
80:39 - 80:41techniques.
80:41 - 80:50Did anybody stop to ask if bulk downloading
is a crime? I say, "No." Bulk downloading -
80:50 - 81:01is not in itself a crime. Let's stop this
practice of discouraging bulk downloading -
81:01 - 81:07because there are encouraging projects that
are learning amazing new things by having -
81:07 - 81:14computers be part of the research process.
Let's not stop this, and discourage young -
81:14 - 81:22people from coming up with new and different
ways to make access, to learn things from -
81:22 - 81:25our libraries.
81:25 - 81:35What resulted, in this case, was tragic and
not necessary. Really, what we want is computers -
81:35 - 81:43to be able to read. Aaron knew this, we were
all building this, and he got ensnared anyway. -
81:43 - 81:47Let's let our computers read.
81:47 - 81:54Because of this tragedy, JSTOR, I talked to
this morning, and the Internet Archive have -
81:54 - 82:00agreed to meet to discuss the broad issue
of data mining and web crawling. I hope that -
82:00 - 82:07we really make progress. At least there are
reasons to be positive. -
82:07 - 82:16This assault on Aaron would disillusion, discourage,
and depress a principled young man, and if -
82:16 - 82:24there ever was a principled young man, it
was Aaron Swartz. We miss you, and we will -
82:24 - 82:30carry on your important work.
82:30 - 82:33[applause]
82:33 - 82:47[Carl Malamud] Do not. Do not think for a
moment. Do not think for a moment, that Aaron's -
82:47 - 82:52work on JSTOR was a random act of a lone hacker,
some kind of crazy, spur-of-the-moment bulk -
82:52 - 82:59download. JSTOR had long come in for withering
criticism from the net. -
82:59 - 83:04Larry Lessig called JSTOR a moral outrage
in a talk, and I suppose I have to confess -
83:04 - 83:12he was quoting me, and we weren't the only
ones fanning those flames. Sequestering knowledge -
83:12 - 83:19behind pay walls, making scientific journals,
only available to a few kids fortunate enough -
83:19 - 83:25to be at fancy universities, and charging
$20 an article for the remaining 99 percent -
83:25 - 83:28of us, was a festering wound.
83:28 - 83:34It offended many people. It embarrassed many
who wrote those articles, that their work -
83:34 - 83:42had become somebody's profit margin, a members-only
country club of knowledge. Many of us helped -
83:42 - 83:49fan those flames, and many of us feel guilty
today for fanning those flames, but JSTOR -
83:49 - 83:51was just one of many battles.
83:51 - 83:56They tried to paint Aaron as some kind of
lone wolf hacker, a young terrorist who went -
83:56 - 84:05on a crazy IP killing spree that caused $92
million in damages, but Aaron wasn't a lone -
84:05 - 84:11wolf. He was part of an army, and I had the
honor of serving with him for a decade. You've -
84:11 - 84:19heard many things about his remarkable life,
but I want to focus tonight on just one. -
84:19 - 84:25Aaron was part of an army of citizens that
believes democracy only works when a citizenry -
84:25 - 84:30are informed, and we know about our rights
and our obligations, an army that believes -
84:30 - 84:37we must make justice and knowledge available
to all, not just the well-born, or those that -
84:37 - 84:42have grabbed the reins of power, so that we
may govern ourselves more wisely. -
84:42 - 84:49He was part of an army of citizens that rejects
kings and generals and believes in rough consensus -
84:49 - 84:54and running code.
84:54 - 84:58[applause]
84:58 - 85:05We worked together on a dozen government databases.
When we worked o something, the decisions -
85:05 - 85:11weren't rash. Our work often took months,
sometimes years, sometimes a decade, and Aaron -
85:11 - 85:19Swartz did not get his proper serving of decades.
We looked at and poked at the US copyright -
85:19 - 85:27database for a long time. It was a system
so old it was still running [inaudible 01: -
85:27 - 85:2825:25] .
85:28 - 85:29[laughter]
85:29 - 85:35The government had, believe it or not, asserted
copyright on the copyright database. Now how -
85:35 - 85:43you copyright a database that is specifically
called out in the United States Constitution -
85:43 - 85:49is beyond me. But we knew we were playing
with fire by violating their terms of use. -
85:49 - 85:55So we were careful. We grabbed that data and
it was used to feed the Open Library here -
85:55 - 86:00at the Internet Archive, and it was used to
feed Google Books, and we got a letter from -
86:00 - 86:06the Copyright Office waving copyright on that
copyright database. -
86:06 - 86:11But before we did that, we had to talk to
many lawyers and worry about the government -
86:11 - 86:16hauling us in for malicious, pre-meditated
bulk downloading. -
86:16 - 86:17[laughter]
86:17 - 86:23These were not random acts of aggression.
We worked on databases to make them better, -
86:23 - 86:29to make our democracy work better, to help
our government. We were not criminals. When -
86:29 - 86:36we brought in 20 million pages of US District
Court documents from behind their eight-cent-per-page -
86:36 - 86:43PACER paywall, we found those public filings
infested with privacy violations. -
86:43 - 86:50Names of minor children, names of informants,
medical records, mental health records, financial -
86:50 - 86:57records, and tens of thousands of Social Security
numbers. We were whistleblowers, and we sent -
86:57 - 87:03our results to the chief judges of 31 District
Courts. And those judges were shocked and -
87:03 - 87:08dismayed, and then redacted those documents,
and they yelled at the lawyers that filed -
87:08 - 87:12them, and the Judicial Conference changed
their privacy rules. -
87:12 - 87:12[applause]
87:12 - 87:19But you know what the bureaucrats did? You
know what the bureaucrats did who ran the -
87:19 - 87:24Administrative Office of the United States
Courts? To them, weren't citizens that made -
87:24 - 87:32public data better. We were thieves that took
$1.6 million of their property. So they called -
87:32 - 87:38the FBI. They said they were hacked by criminals,
an organized gang that was imperiling their -
87:38 - 87:47$120 million per year revenue stream selling
public government documents. -
87:47 - 87:53The FBI sat outside Aaron's house. They called
him up, and tried to sucker him into meeting -
87:53 - 87:59them without his lawyer. The FBI sat two armed
agents down in an interrogation room with -
87:59 - 88:03me to get to the bottom of this alleged conspiracy.
88:03 - 88:10But we weren't criminals! We were only citizens.
We did nothing wrong. They found nothing wrong. -
88:10 - 88:16We did our duty as citizens and the government
investigation had nothing to show for it but -
88:16 - 88:19a waste of a whole lot of time and money.
88:19 - 88:27If you want a chilling effect, sit somebody
down with a couple FBI agents for a while -
88:27 - 88:33and see how quickly their blood runs cold.
There are people who face danger every day -
88:33 - 88:39to protect us, police officers, and firefighters,
and emergency workers, and I am grateful and -
88:39 - 88:45amazed by what they do, but the work that
people like Aaron and I did, slinging DVDs -
88:45 - 88:51and running shell scripts on public materials,
should not be a dangerous profession. -
88:51 - 88:59We weren't criminals, but there were crimes
committed, crimes against the very idea of -
88:59 - 89:06justice. When the US attorney told Aaron he
had to plead guilty to 13 felonies for attempting -
89:06 - 89:13to propagate knowledge before she'd even consider
a deal, that was an abuse of power, a misuse -
89:13 - 89:15of the criminal justice system.
89:15 - 89:16[applause]
89:16 - 89:25That was a crime against justice, and that
US attorney does not act alone. She is part -
89:25 - 89:33of a posse intent on protecting property,
not people. All over the United States, those -
89:33 - 89:39without access to means don't have access
to justice, and face these abuses of power -
89:39 - 89:40every day.
89:40 - 89:47It was a crime against learning when a nonprofit
corporation like JSTOR charged with advancing -
89:47 - 89:55knowledge, turned a download, that caused
no harm and no damage, into a $92 million -
89:55 - 90:01federal case, and the JSTOR corporate monopoly
on knowledge is not alone. -
90:01 - 90:08All over the United States, corporations have
staked their fences on the field of education, -
90:08 - 90:14for-profited colleges that steal from our
veterans, nonprofit standard bodies that ration -
90:14 - 90:20public safety codes while paying million dollar
salaries, multinational conglomerates that -
90:20 - 90:26measure the work of scientific papers and
legal materials by their gross margins. -
90:26 - 90:28[applause]
90:28 - 90:36In the JSTOR case, was the overly aggressive
posture of the department of justice, prosecutors, -
90:36 - 90:41and law enforcement officials revenge, because
they were embarrassed that, in their view -
90:41 - 90:45at least, we somehow got away with something
in the PACER incident? -
90:45 - 90:51Was the merciless JSTOR prosecution the revenge
of embarrassed bureaucrats because they looked -
90:51 - 90:57stupid in the "New York Times," because the
United States Senate called them on the carpet? -
90:57 - 91:03We will probably never know the answer to
that question, but it sure looks like they -
91:03 - 91:10destroyed a young man's life in a petty abuse
of power. This was not a criminal matter. -
91:10 - 91:12Aaron was not a criminal.
91:12 - 91:18If you think you own something, and I think
that thing is public, I'm more than happy -
91:18 - 91:22to meet you in a court of law, and if you're
right, I'll take my lumps if I've wronged -
91:22 - 91:29you, but when we turn armed agents of the
law on citizens trying to increase access -
91:29 - 91:35to knowledge, we've broken the rule of law.
We've desecrated the temple of justice. Aaron -
91:35 - 91:37Swartz was not a criminal.
91:37 - 91:39[applause]
91:39 - 91:50Aaron Swartz was a citizen, and he was a brave
soldier in a war which continues today, a -
91:50 - 91:56war in which corrupt and venal profiteers
try to steal, and horde, and starve our public -
91:56 - 91:59domain for their own private gain.
91:59 - 92:04When people try to restrict access to the
law, or they try to collect tolls on the road -
92:04 - 92:11to knowledge, or deny education to those without
means, those people are the ones who should -
92:11 - 92:20not face a stern gaze of an outraged public
prosecutor. What the Department of Justice -
92:20 - 92:25put Aaron through for trying to make our world
better is the same thing they can put you -
92:25 - 92:25through.
92:25 - 92:31Our army isn't one lone wolf. It is thousands
of citizens, many of you in this room, who -
92:31 - 92:37are fighting for justice and knowledge. I
say we are an army, and I use the word with -
92:37 - 92:43cause, because we face people who want to
imprison us for downloading a database to -
92:43 - 92:48take a closer look. We face people who believe
they can tell us what we can read and what -
92:48 - 92:50we can say.
92:50 - 92:57But when I see our army, I see an army that
creates instead of destroys. I see the army -
92:57 - 93:03of Mahatma Gandhi walking peacefully to the
sea to make salt for the people. I see the -
93:03 - 93:09army of Martin Luther King walking peacefully
but with determination to Washington to demand -
93:09 - 93:15their rights. Because change does not roll
in on the wheels of inevitability, it comes -
93:15 - 93:20through continuous struggle.
93:20 - 93:24[applause]
93:24 - 93:31When I see our army, I see an army that creates
new opportunities for the poor. An army that -
93:31 - 93:37makes our society more just and more fair.
An army that makes knowledge universal. When -
93:37 - 93:44I see our army, I see the people who have
created the Wikipedia and the Internet Archive, -
93:44 - 93:50the people who coded GNU and Apache and BIND
and Linux, I see the people who made the EFF -
93:50 - 93:55and the Creative Commons. I see the people
who created our Internet as a gift to the -
93:55 - 93:57world.
93:57 - 94:03When I see our army, I see Aaron Schwartz,
and my heart is broken. We've truly lost one -
94:03 - 94:10of our better angels. I wish we could change
the past, but we cannot. But we can change -
94:10 - 94:16the future and we must. We must do so for
Aaron. We must do so for ourselves. We must -
94:16 - 94:22do so to make our world a better place, a
more humane place, a place where justice works -
94:22 - 94:26and access to knowledge becomes a human right.
Thank you. -
94:26 -[applause]
- Title:
- Aaron Swartz Memorial at the Internet Archive
- Description:
A gathering to remember Aaron Swartz on the evening of Thursday, January 24th.
aaron swartz
november 8, 1986 -- january 11, 2013memorial program
part 1
danny o'brien
taren stinebrickner-kauffman
lisa rein
seth schoen
peter eckersley
tim o'reilly
molly shaffer van houweling
alex stamos
cindy cohn
brewster kahle
carl malamudpart 2, open microphone, will be posted shortly
- Team:
Captions Requested
- Duration:
- 01:34:41
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