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What's up cinephiles,
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I'm Evasive,
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and this piece of paper right here
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means two things:
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Number one,
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I am tens of thousands of
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dollars in debt,
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and number two,
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I know a lot about movies.
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And since it looks like
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the U.S. government is not
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going to be giving me
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any debt relief this year,
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I have no choice now
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but to torture myself on the Internet
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for money to pay off the loans
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I took out to go to film school.
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So for this video, I watched
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every movie that's ever won
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a Razzie Award for Worst
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Picture of the Year.
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This was an extremely painful experience
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and I regretted my decision immediately,
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but for the sake of my adoring fans
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and my bank account,
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I went ahead and watched all 46 of these
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movies so I could explain them to you.
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But after the grueling experience
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of watching all these movies,
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I'm not about to tackle this
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breakdown alone.
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So I went ahead and roped in another video
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essay girly and a talking trash can
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to help explain some of these
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movies for me.
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But before I get to the movies,
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let me explain what the Razzies are.
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The Golden Raspberry Awards
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are an annual event,
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usually held the night before the Oscars,
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to give out awards for
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the worst movies of the year.
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It was founded by Hollywood copywriter
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John Wilson and editor Maureen Murphy.
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The idea for the Razzies came about
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in 1980 when Wilson saw
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Can't Stop the Music and Xanadu
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back to back and hated them both
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so much he thought there ought
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to be an award show
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for this type of thing.
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Months later, Wilson hosted an
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Oscars watch party at his house,
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and after the Oscars had finished,
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he and Murphy passed out ballots
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to everyone at the party to vote
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on the worst movies of the year,
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and then he announced
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the winners in his living room.
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Over time, the ceremony grew and grew,
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and today they're considered a staple
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of the Hollywood award season
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as a low-budget Bizarro World Oscars
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that distributes awards in categories
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such as Worst Actor, Worst Director,
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and Worst Screenplay.
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Unlike the qualifications for
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voting at the Oscars, though,
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becoming a Razzie voter is very easy:
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either be friends with
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one of the producers
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or just pay a $40 membership fee.
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That's all it takes.
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So that's the story of the Razzies.
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Now, are you ready to learn
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about every single movie
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that won Worst Picture?
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Because I wasn't.
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There's 46 of these things,
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so I'm going to talk about each one
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just a minute or two
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and hand off a few to my guests
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so I don't completely lose my mind here.
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Also, I put a content warning
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on a bunch of these movies
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because of the sensitive subject
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matter I discuss.
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Not trying to traumatize anybody
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but myself in this video...
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well, me and my guests,
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but I commissioned them for this,
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so i-- it's fine.