you really thought I'm finished here
this video is direct continuous previous one
originally we had 2 days of
exploration but this time it's supposed to be much simpler climb
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we're doing
another caving today it's just straight next day everything is already dirty so
please comea the same
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same as I do look terrible feels terrible
tired and yeah my team
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I feel so alive do you feel alive
Anon he is too optimistic funny that there is a road
for tourists
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and we're just going straight to the forest like a through
uus people are very very surprised okay if someone would
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I don't even see how deep is that but probably going to die my
forehead is so H or my for hat is very pain because
it's this
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just on on my hat it's pushing too
much damn I need to do it again
I know
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I should have taken stickers for helmet but I didn't
know about that even more I didn't think about
that get in your hole
o yeah Here We Go
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Again climbing up would be hard yeah no this is going to be a bit of
a honestly my body is so weak right now
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that I just suffering my muscle are so
tense that I had to constantly balance to avoid falling but even that was quite
difficult up more down yeah just a little bit
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okay be
careful there's a big drop there okay that's the way this way
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do I hold just fall it's fine I'm allow no I don't want to
have no idea so weird feelings just just to do everything like
[Music] that how the [ __ ] people find
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way what's up there no entrance
it's a legal entrance
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a legal entrance into the tourist cave
okay it looks like we're an legal tourist now but just went by a weird
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entrance that looks
fine fully like tourist way so where do we go
walk this for a tiny
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bit you see what like it's drilled
yeah nice it looked like this place made
already by people
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it's not like we did yesterday like climbed the place where
it's made by Nature just
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holes tinies and everything tiny holes and everything
like that like here I don't know like part of it looks like part of it and
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finally I have a lot of lights here that I can see and you can see
me what the hell
oo such a
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nice in winter this is is completely flooded yeah like all of it full of
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and then in Spring and Autumn the water is like in the middle so you can get it all boat and
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paddle but this uh like in the winter water is on the roads all of it but on
the spring
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and Autumn it's like the water is like here so those roads it's not existing on the spring and Autumn
right uh
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yeah most of it yeah like just closes in Winter okay
no I like how it looks like it's beautiful it's like Anyway underground
it's it's
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beautiful oh so glad just just to walk around
after yesterday for sure yo yo so this is as far as the
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come all the tourists come in here they see this and then they turn around and go back
we get wet well let's
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try yep yes really confus o really
I don't
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o water comes inside
a o it's [ __ ] cold
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constant how the [ __ ] did I do do it ah
o where did it come from
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honestly um that's pretty low
that's really low I have done it where it's up
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to here no okay like everything
is like my pants it's quite no it's not I'm not mean about wet so stay fully wet
no no no anything else for it's like okay no uh pants completely uh
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like I I forgot all words it's too cold no uh it's warm like here is warm there
not so but it warm up [Music]
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yo bouldering no literally bouldering
yeah but it's such a weird if bouldering is climbing up here you're you do
bouldering just climbing down
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where did they go yeah what
direction come back I haven't seen where did they
go but I see only
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one like logic IAL way go that way for now huh go that way
there is no oh no whatever way yeah okay yeah okay okay we see it's that way
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right yeah yeah okay can you take a back yeah yep and this
ah so first thing we do when
here beauti
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I think this is the only place that you can realize you're fat or
not TIN Tiny
weing ouch
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watch your head yep I can't
there is helmet this place is dirty uh
yeah how go do I get it
down just sliding
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Yep this is the time where I can say if I will fall I will not be able to get
up I already super excited to go back the same way
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oh w w okay oh wo wo
sit and slide but I'm already stuck
okay it's
fine ooh
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okay this backpack is [ __ ] Mass no I mean like it's disturbing too
much it's not better to go from this I see him his legs uh no no cuz that rock
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will [ __ ] hit yourest okay it's again with
without backpack Mission no no no I SED you there yeah
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are you enjoying and yourself are you having fun yeah are you loving life uh I
don't like here it's too dirty yesterday I thought I haven't been in dirtiest
places before
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now I can now I can tell this is the dirtiest
Place wo wo wo
I think we went the \
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wrong way yeah so we got to turn around again goodbye yeah I think we went the wrong
way why wrong no way from here we're looking the beautiful white white stuff
yeah wrong way
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okay o GoPro is [ __ ]
God ready to get wet again no well to no I refuse it
I think I crashed the screen
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yeah I don't like it
[Applause] W that's what I