161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017 03 02. Subtitles.
0:14 - 0:17(Keshe Foundation's Private
Weekly Medical Teaching Workshop) -
0:17 - 0:19The Keshe Foundation
is extending an Invitation -
0:19 - 0:22to Medical Doctors of
any practice and speciality, -
0:22 - 0:26to apply to the Foundation's Private
Weekly Medical Teaching Workshop, -
0:26 - 0:31this includes Medical Doctors,
Dentists, and Veterinarians. -
0:31 - 0:33Scientists at the Keshe Foundation
0:33 - 0:37developed different types
of Plasma therapies, and cures, -
0:37 - 0:41that utilize advanced
non-invasive Plasma Technology. -
0:42 - 0:44The Weekly Private
Medical Teaching Workshop -
0:44 - 0:49educates Doctors to the
Plasma science behind the therapies, -
0:49 - 0:55along with the functionality and operation
of revolutionary Plasma medical devices. -
0:55 - 0:59The goal of the Private Teachings
is to add Plasma Health Knowledge -
0:59 - 1:02to the profound knowledge
of Medical Doctors. -
1:02 - 1:06The weekly Class is broadcast live
over the Internet -
1:06 - 1:08through a secure Private Channel,
1:08 - 1:14every Wednesday from 2 to 5 pm
Central European Time (CET). -
1:14 - 1:18Presently the Class
is only offered in English, -
1:18 - 1:22however you are free to bring
a translator to the Class. -
1:22 - 1:25If you can't participate
in a live broadcast -
1:25 - 1:27you can watch them later
at your convenience -
1:27 - 1:30through a Private Internet portal.
1:30 - 1:33Every patient's case
that is discussed in the Workshop -
1:33 - 1:36will be kept anonymous and private.
1:36 - 1:38This includes catalogued
findings and data, -
1:38 - 1:42gained from the analysis
of the patient's health issues. -
1:42 - 1:46Any Medical Doctor in the world
who wants to participate can do so, -
1:46 - 1:48by sending an email to :
1:48 - 1:54doctors@spaceshipinstitute.org
1:54 - 1:57In your email, please state
your willingness to participate -
1:57 - 2:00in the Medical Teaching Workshop.
2:00 - 2:02If you're planning on bringing
a translator to the Workshop, -
2:02 - 2:06please state this in your email as well.
2:06 - 2:08After we receive your email,
2:08 - 2:12we will contact you with the instructions
on how to apply to the Workshop. -
2:13 - 2:17As a part of the application process,
applicants who apply, -
2:17 - 2:20including any translators
brought into the Workshop, -
2:20 - 2:25will be required to sign the:
Keshe Foundation's World Peace Treaty, -
2:25 - 2:27which can be found
at the following web address: -
2:27 - 2:28http://keshefoundation.org/worldpeacetreaty/WorldPeaceTreaty.pdf
2:28 - 2:32All applicants will be required to
provide proof of their education, -
2:32 - 2:34and ability to practice medicine,
2:34 - 2:38and will also be required to pass
an extensive security background check, -
2:38 - 2:42before they are granted access
to the Teaching Workshop. -
2:42 - 2:45Helpful Plasma Technology is here now.
2:45 - 2:49The use of which is increasing
exponentially on a day to day basis, -
2:49 - 2:51on every continent.
2:51 - 2:56We encourage you to come and learn
about this revolutionary technology. -
2:56 - 2:58Apply today!
2:59 - 3:03[Private Weekly Agriculture Teaching]
3:03 - 3:07The Keshe Foundation is extending
an invitation to experienced Farmers, -
3:07 - 3:10Agricultural Specialists,
and Researchers, -
3:10 - 3:15to Apply to the Foundation's Private
Weekly Agriculture Teaching Workshops. -
3:15 - 3:17If you fall into one of these categories,
3:17 - 3:21and are interested in Plasma Technology
integration into agriculture, -
3:21 - 3:23you're invited to apply.
3:23 - 3:27Scientists and agricultural practitioners
of the Keshe Foundation, -
3:27 - 3:32continually develop and apply
new methods of food and fiber production, -
3:32 - 3:36soil fertility management,
plant and livestock health management, -
3:36 - 3:40and increased farm productivity,
using the most advanced Plasma Technology -
3:40 - 3:44that is taught at the Keshe
Foundation Spaceship Institute. -
3:44 - 3:46In the teaching workshop,
3:46 - 3:48you'll leatrn the science
of Plasma Technology -
3:48 - 3:50and it's applications in
the fields of agriculture, -
3:50 - 3:54for enhanced and
equitable global food production, -
3:54 - 3:57while minimizing costs
and external input. -
3:57 - 4:00Practicing farmers and
Keshe Foundation Scientists -
4:00 - 4:04will demonstrate their application
of Plasma technology in agriculture, -
4:04 - 4:07and the ensuing results
of such applications, -
4:07 - 4:09thus deepening and enriching learning
4:09 - 4:12for all participants in
the private teachings. -
4:12 - 4:14Participants are encouraged
to demonstrate -
4:14 - 4:17their farming practices
in the teaching workshop. -
4:17 - 4:22The private teachings are broadcast
in English live over the Internet -
4:22 - 4:29through a secure private channel
every wednesday at 10 AM to 1 PM, CET. -
4:29 - 4:32If necessary you may bring a translator
to the Workshop. -
4:33 - 4:36All applicants are required
to provide proof of their educational -
4:36 - 4:38and professional qualifications.
4:38 - 4:40Must pass a security background check
4:40 - 4:44and are required to sign the
Keshe Foundation's World Peace Treaty, -
4:44 - 4:47which can be found
at the following Web address: -
4:47 - 4:48(http://keshefoundation.org/worldpeacetreaty/WorldPeaceTreaty.pdf)
4:48 - 4:51Translators that attend
must also pass a security check -
4:51 - 4:53and sign the World Peace Treaty.
4:53 - 4:57For details on how to join
the private teachings in agriculture, -
4:57 - 5:01send an email to: agriculture@kfssi.org
5:01 - 5:04stating that you would
like to participate. -
5:04 - 5:07Include in the email your educational
and agricultural experience, -
5:07 - 5:11and reasons for your interest
in Plasma technology. -
5:11 - 5:14Applicants will be contacted
with further instructions -
5:14 - 5:16and details on the application process.
5:34 - 5:36The Keshe Foundation
is proud to announce -
5:36 - 5:41the 2nd Universal Council
and 2nd Science Conferences -
5:41 - 5:46which will be held in Rome
March 27th-31st, 2017. -
5:46 - 5:49If you are interested in attending
both or either conferences -
5:49 - 5:54please go to:
www.keshefoundation.org -
5:54 - 5:57and click on NEW Webshop
at the top of the home page. -
5:57 - 6:00You can attend the conferences
as an audience member -
6:00 - 6:03or participate as
a science conference presenter. -
6:03 - 6:06Presenters will be allocated one hour
6:06 - 6:10to present products and innovations
in Keshe Plasma Technology -
6:10 - 6:12in any of the following categories:
6:12 - 6:19Space Technology, Health, Materials,
Energy, Agriculture, Transportation, -
6:19 - 6:25the Environment, GaNS and Nanotech
and any other area that applies. -
6:25 - 6:29Foundation distributors and manufacturers
will be attending the conference -
6:29 - 6:32affording you the opportunity
to build relationships -
6:32 - 6:34to promote and market your products.
6:34 - 6:40The full package price for both
conferences is 1,650 Euros per person -
6:40 - 6:43which includes:
daily attendance to the conferences -
6:43 - 6:45six-night stay in Rome
6:45 - 6:48as well as breakfast, tea and lunch
on the days of the event. -
6:48 - 6:52Accommodations for this package
is based on double occupancy. -
6:52 - 6:56Check-in on the 26th of March,
check-out on the 1st of April. -
6:56 - 7:01The full package price for two persons
for both conferences is 3,300 Euros, -
7:01 - 7:06which includes daily attendance
for two persons, six-night stay in Rome -
7:06 - 7:09as well as breakfast, tea and lunch
on the days of the conferences. -
7:09 - 7:14Accommodations for this package
include a twin room with a king-size bed. -
7:14 - 7:18Check-in on the 26th of March,
check-out on the 1st of April. -
7:18 - 7:20You can stay additional nights
if you wish -
7:20 - 7:23at a cost of a 175 Euros
per night, per person. -
7:23 - 7:28A single ticket for those who wish to only
attend the Universal Council conference -
7:28 - 7:34which takes place
on the 27th and 28th is 750 Euros, -
7:34 - 7:37which includes the price of admission
plus two night stay in Rome, -
7:37 - 7:39in a two single-bed room,
7:39 - 7:43as well as breakfast, tea and lunch
on the days of the event. -
7:43 - 7:46Accommodations is based
on double occupancy. -
7:46 - 7:50Check-in on the 26th of March,
check-out on the 29th. -
7:50 - 7:51A two-person ticket
7:51 - 7:55for those who wish to only attend
the Universal Council Conference -
7:55 - 8:00is 1,500 Euros, which includes,
the price of admission, -
8:00 - 8:03plus two nights stay in Rome in
a hotel room with a king-size bed, -
8:03 - 8:08as well as breakfast, tea and lunch
on the days of the event. -
8:08 - 8:11Accommodations is based
on double occupancy. -
8:11 - 8:15Check-in on the 26th of March.
Check-out on the 29th. -
8:15 - 8:19A single ticket for those who wish to only
attend the Universal Science Conference -
8:19 - 8:23which takes place on March 29th,
through March 31st, -
8:23 - 8:27is 1,150 Euros, which includes
the price of admission, -
8:27 - 8:31plus 4 night stay in Rome,
in a two single-bed room, -
8:31 - 8:35as well as breakfast, tea and lunch
on the days of the event. -
8:35 - 8:38Accommodations is based
on double occupancy -
8:38 - 8:42Check-in on the 28th March,
check-out on the 1st of April. -
8:42 - 8:45A two person ticket,
for those who wish to only -
8:45 - 8:49attend the Universal Science Conference
is 2,300 Euros, -
8:49 - 8:51which includes;
the price of admission, -
8:51 - 8:55plus four nights stay in Rome,
in a hotel room with a king-size bed, -
8:55 - 8:59as well as breakfast,
tea and lunch on the days of the event. -
8:59 - 9:02Accommodations are based
on double occupancy. -
9:02 - 9:06Check-in on the 28th of March,
check-out on the 1st of April. -
9:06 - 9:07If you would like to attend,
9:07 - 9:10and prefer to make your own
arrangements for accommodations, -
9:10 - 9:15the price of admission to either
conference is 200 Euros per day. -
9:15 - 9:20We look forward to meeting you at the 2nd
Universal Science and Council Conferences -
9:20 - 9:25in Rome, March 27th,
through 31st, 2017. -
9:49 - 9:53[Flint intro video]
11:52 - 11:58(RC) Welcome, Welcome everyone to the
161st. Knowledge Seekers Workshop -
11:58 - 12:02of the Keshe foundation
Spaceship Institute. -
12:02 - 12:07And once again we'll have Mr Keshe
of the Keshe Foundation. -
12:07 - 12:11Available to speak to us about
the latest developments -
12:11 - 12:15of the Keshe Foundation and
Spaceship Institute. -
12:15 - 12:23And, some of the new directions that the
Organisation is taking in the future. -
12:24 - 12:28Mr Keshe are you available
in the background there? -
12:29 - 12:31(MK) Yes! Good morning
good day to you, -
12:31 - 12:37as usual whenever and wherever you listen
to these Knowledge Seekers programs. -
12:37 - 12:44As you aware, we are in a,
what we call, 'massive move'. -
12:44 - 12:48In the direction of delivering and
developing new Technologies, -
12:48 - 12:53and conditions and the
facilities for development. -
12:56 - 13:03The Keshe Foundation project in Ghana
as taken next steps, -
13:03 - 13:09that we have now appointed the
architects and the builders of the site. -
13:10 - 13:13The plans have been given
to them of the site. -
13:13 - 13:18We have been given 220.000 plus
Square meter of land -
13:18 - 13:20by the Government
to develop this technology. -
13:22 - 13:26It will come in fruition as
we'll see in coming weeks. -
13:26 - 13:29What we we'll do
we'll release the pictures, -
13:29 - 13:33or the designs by the architects
of the land. -
13:33 - 13:35What they going to developed
and how it's going to be. -
13:36 - 13:39And, in a way,
you can all participate in it, -
13:39 - 13:43in what you see,
what would like to share. -
13:43 - 13:45In a coming time,
we most probably set a site up, -
13:45 - 13:47especially for the development,
13:47 - 13:51Because, this development
is One Nation development, -
13:51 - 13:53and world wide
we are all One Nation. -
13:53 - 13:58So, we can all with our provisions,
if you want to see some thing done, -
13:58 - 14:00or be developed,
can participate in it, -
14:00 - 14:05and, or ask for it, to see if
it can be done, or is a point we missed. -
14:05 - 14:09We rely on your judgments and your
knowledge and expertise to guide us. -
14:09 - 14:13It's got to be understood,
this is an International work -
14:13 - 14:17at this moment in time,
to become One Nation. -
14:18 - 14:25The properties to be done, in the stages
of the, what we've been asked -
14:25 - 14:28to open a clinic on-site,
is the first phase. -
14:28 - 14:32We've been asked by the officials
to open the clinic, as a priority. -
14:33 - 14:37Then, the factory will open
in the same time. -
14:37 - 14:41The research center next to it,
and the Space Launch lab. -
14:42 - 14:46This becomes, in a way,
Pan Continental work. -
14:46 - 14:49We, all of us, have to participate in it.
14:50 - 14:52As I have said before,
14:53 - 14:56"Once, we show the plans,
people understand. -
14:56 - 14:57We will see
the momentum starting." -
14:57 - 15:02We already have seen, donations
coming in for the development. -
15:02 - 15:05These'll all be ear-marked
for that purpose. -
15:05 - 15:07And, this allows us to do it.
15:07 - 15:11Donations can not be financial only,
we need donation of thoughts. -
15:12 - 15:15The knowledge, the information,
the time to do things, -
15:15 - 15:18that can be brought into Ghana.
15:19 - 15:23We have seen, those people
who are trying to disturb, -
15:23 - 15:25been calling newspapers heavily.
15:25 - 15:27We had a meeting
with the newspapers yesterday, -
15:27 - 15:29and they said, they've
received so many calls, -
15:29 - 15:31and they just
told them, to "Get lost!" -
15:31 - 15:35"People across Accra in Ghana
are benefiting by it. -
15:35 - 15:36You are not,
nothing but terrorist" -
15:36 - 15:40especially mister,
Sir Sylvester. -
15:40 - 15:43Your reports with the newspaper,
it's well documented here, -
15:43 - 15:47and we will respond
according to your work. -
15:47 - 15:52The press was very impressed by how
they claim everything. -
15:52 - 15:56And, in a way, we.. they say,
"We see the benefit to Africa." -
15:56 - 15:59This is again...
What they say ... -
15:59 - 16:03?Agonize? is trying to force their way
to stop the progress. -
16:04 - 16:06We are One Nation,
we see, we monitor. -
16:06 - 16:10We talk to Securities, we talk
with people in what they do. -
16:11 - 16:12In time
16:12 - 16:15We.. We will pass
these short-comings, -
16:15 - 16:18of the short cycle,
people benefiting their pocket. -
16:19 - 16:22We will develop
and we'll go further. -
16:23 - 16:28I've been asked, why i don't
comment anymore on, regarding DL? -
16:28 - 16:31This is now in
the hand of prosecutors. -
16:31 - 16:36This is a highly
involved Pan European, -
16:36 - 16:39Pan-, actually,
World Security. -
16:39 - 16:41That, we cannot
disclose anymore. -
16:41 - 16:45You will find us, will not discuss
anything, any further in this matter. -
16:45 - 16:49As prosecutors in three or
four Nations are working heavily. -
16:49 - 16:51And we've been told,
"Do not make any comment." -
16:52 - 16:54So, it's not
that we step back. -
16:54 - 16:58Is that we've been told
due to the massive investigation -
16:58 - 17:01Bank account in Cayman Islands,
and everything else which is involved. -
17:01 - 17:05Setup by DL to defraud
taxes in European Countries -
17:05 - 17:06All been revealed.
17:06 - 17:08And now, their responses
17:08 - 17:10have to be answered through
the prosecutors, not us. -
17:10 - 17:12And, all the other things.
17:12 - 17:15So when you see we don't
comment it's not weakness. -
17:15 - 17:17It's instructions we have and the
amount of information's -
17:17 - 17:20been delivered to the Securities
and there Governmental Officers -
17:20 - 17:24That shows the plan to defraud
17:24 - 17:28... have goes back,
Cayman Island accounts to 1990's -
17:28 - 17:30So it's not something new.
17:30 - 17:35And others companies In Luxembourg
and in Australia, and emptying now. -
17:35 - 17:38It's in the hand of
the authorities in Europe. -
17:38 - 17:42How DL and his team have
defrauded the Government. -
17:42 - 17:45In due course we've
been told by the researchers, -
17:45 - 17:49these documents of
the banking, defrauding -
17:49 - 17:54will be released on
the 'Facts about Dirk' -
17:54 - 17:57You will see it,
It's highly tainted, -
17:58 - 18:00with all source of things.
18:00 - 18:02So, please do not
take it as our weakness. -
18:02 - 18:05We have to stand firm in
instructions, we have from the police. -
18:05 - 18:09and other prosecutors,
in completing their affairs. -
18:10 - 18:16In respect to developments of
the technology, we have to go further. -
18:16 - 18:18We have to start looking
18:18 - 18:21As it takes time,
for you to understand. -
18:21 - 18:24How Technology
develops into Space -
18:24 - 18:26We've done, most
of the work on the ground. -
18:26 - 18:27We've done the GaNS work.
18:27 - 18:29We've done, the Plasma work
18:29 - 18:33We've done, every other thing,
which is possible. -
18:33 - 18:38And we have done everything
witch could, more or less, -
18:39 - 18:41to bring inside, in how
18:41 - 18:46the ultimate goal was to
see the interaction of fields. -
18:47 - 18:49As I said before,
18:49 - 18:52"We start with the Copper,
we nano-coated it. -
18:52 - 18:57Then, we create an environmental condition
that a nano-coating became GaNS. -
18:57 - 19:01And then, in the
production of the GaNS, -
19:01 - 19:05we came to understand the interaction
of the fields of the GaNS with each other. -
19:05 - 19:07On the
body of the Man. -
19:07 - 19:08On the environment.
19:08 - 19:10On production of material.
19:10 - 19:15These were,
step by step, of teaching. -
19:16 - 19:20These were, step by step,
to mature the knowledge. -
19:20 - 19:24But don't forget,
we started with a few. -
19:24 - 19:27Now, there are those others,
who are coming in the background. -
19:27 - 19:30As you are teaching, more and
more, so they are catching up. -
19:30 - 19:34The numbers is becoming
an avalanche of Knowledge Seekers. -
19:34 - 19:39It's become a point for us, that we
don't walk into a meeting with the -
19:39 - 19:43Officials and Scientist,
trying to prove a new technology. -
19:43 - 19:46It's how we go
to the next step faster? -
19:47 - 19:50We are setting meetings,
more or less, on a daily basis. -
19:50 - 19:53Two, three a week,
with high ranking scientists, -
19:53 - 19:56of different Governments
and Governmental Organization -
19:56 - 20:02In, not proving the technology
anymore it's "What is the next?" -
20:02 - 20:04What do we need to learn
to be part of it? -
20:04 - 20:07What is needed to be done that
we can bring nations in line, -
20:07 - 20:09that they can be developed?
20:10 - 20:13This pressure comes on you,
I've done my work. -
20:14 - 20:18This teaching, National teachings,
across Africa, -
20:18 - 20:20across Europe, across Asia
comes to you. -
20:20 - 20:22The Knowledge Seekers programs
you are running, -
20:22 - 20:24the workshops you are running,
20:24 - 20:30has to be not only making
coils, not making GaNS'es, -
20:30 - 20:34but understanding and teaching of,
what is to come because of it. -
20:35 - 20:37This is the point
of the turn. -
20:39 - 20:42What this thing is gonna develop,
what it's going to deliver, -
20:42 - 20:45what it's going to bring for us
as a humanity, -
20:45 - 20:49in the progress of the understanding
of the work of the Universe? -
20:50 - 20:54This is where we are coming to,
not just making coils and GaNS. -
20:54 - 21:02You make coil making, GaNS making,
nano-coat making, all as part -
21:02 - 21:05of, small part of the teaching.
21:05 - 21:06When you do Workshops,
21:06 - 21:09maybe in the first
couple of hours, -
21:09 - 21:11explain, let them feel it.
21:11 - 21:15You have to enlighten
your Knowledge Seekers -
21:15 - 21:19in what is to deliver, what
does it have in interaction -
21:19 - 21:23with my body, with your body, with the
environment, with a tree, with this fish? -
21:23 - 21:27In further step teaching them
21:27 - 21:33the time, how we connect with the others
beyond the boundaries of this planet. -
21:34 - 21:39We are like a little fish in
the ocean of the Universe. -
21:39 - 21:41A tiny Omnip.
21:42 - 21:45We always thought
the whole ocean was our World, -
21:45 - 21:49that we are happy with
a little square, with a little pot. -
21:49 - 21:55Now the pot has opened, we'll see
other dimensions of the existence. -
21:56 - 22:00We came from individuals,
to village life, -
22:00 - 22:03to town life, to city life
then we made the countries, -
22:03 - 22:07and then we made the continents
and we made the planet. -
22:07 - 22:11Now is the next step: opening
...the Universe. -
22:12 - 22:15And it's the job of you
to enlighten people -
22:15 - 22:19not to just look for the energy, not
to look for the cancer, it'll be over -
22:19 - 22:22What next, now
we have everything? -
22:23 - 22:26This is where your teaching becomes
enlightening. -
22:26 - 22:32When you can share knowledge
in the hand of the people, -
22:32 - 22:36who can change and bring
transformation for humanity. -
22:37 - 22:38What are the things we do?
22:38 - 22:40In the last teachings,
22:40 - 22:45I referred in understanding the
impressions of thoughts, the emotion. -
22:46 - 22:47For example:
22:47 - 22:53We looked at putting different GaNS
of different slight mixtures of Zinc, -
22:53 - 22:58maybe with a slight mix,
different mixture of the salinity strength -
22:58 - 23:02and, maybe with
two different type of Zincs, -
23:02 - 23:06from two different
salinity of two different salts -
23:06 - 23:12that we can see how,
which one is the emotion -
23:12 - 23:15of which strength?
23:15 - 23:20If you make the
GaNS of salt with Potassium -
23:20 - 23:25and then you make
a GaNS with a salt of Sodium, -
23:26 - 23:29would one be the
strength of the emotion -
23:29 - 23:34and one would be the strength
of the physical emotion? -
23:34 - 23:37Don't forget in the body
of the Man, the motion, -
23:37 - 23:42contraction and expansion, comes
from what we call the pumps. -
23:42 - 23:44Sodium Potassium pump.
23:45 - 23:47That is the physical looking at it
23:47 - 23:51on the aisle side, on the other side,
is the strength, field of the matter -
23:51 - 23:53in the 'pumps', is what they call it.
23:55 - 23:57So is now, it's time
23:57 - 24:01for us to develop the knowledge
of the interaction of -
24:01 - 24:07different strength of ... same
material, in different environment. -
24:08 - 24:12Would the GaNS produced by
24:13 - 24:17Sodium chloride be
the same as Potassium? -
24:18 - 24:19It's a slightly different.
24:20 - 24:25Would one of Magnesium,
will be of the happiness, -
24:25 - 24:30and Potassium of different, will be
of joy and the other one, of sorrow? -
24:31 - 24:35The real work of
Space Technology starts from now. -
24:36 - 24:40We've spent years showing how
24:40 - 24:45to be born in the world of Plasma,
how to start to crawl. -
24:45 - 24:47This is the time to stand up now,
24:47 - 24:50and observe and
understand the situation -
24:50 - 24:53and the physicality of
the work of the Plasma. -
24:57 - 25:02Standing up, it means being prepared to
take the steps up the ladder -
25:02 - 25:03of the knowledge of the Universe.
25:03 - 25:05And this is our job.
25:05 - 25:09From now on we go back to nano,
we go back to GaNS, -
25:09 - 25:12just for referral, just a sweet old time.
25:12 - 25:16The new life, the new depth of
information has to be gathered -
25:16 - 25:20that by the time we finish the
Space Institute buildings in Ghana, -
25:20 - 25:23we understand the teaching.
25:23 - 25:26That we are ready to take
in the stand of the Universe. -
25:26 - 25:29Not then: "Oh wait now,
Do you know how to speak? -
25:29 - 25:33Do you know how to see?
Do you know how to interact?" -
25:33 - 25:37The teachings from now on will
prepare Man into that destiny. -
25:39 - 25:41And this is our
job from now on. -
25:42 - 25:46You still have to teach the GaNS,
you still have to teach the nano-making, -
25:46 - 25:49but has to become a small part
25:49 - 25:51that the enlightenment of
the beauty of the future -
25:51 - 25:55in the span of the Universe and the
Peace on this planet becomes the goal. -
25:57 - 26:05This is where Keshe Foundation, KF SSI,
and KF SSI Keshe Foundation Teachings, -
26:05 - 26:09come in to one point,
merges as One. -
26:11 - 26:14In the time, few weeks ago,
couple of weeks ago, -
26:14 - 26:16we explained about the emotion.
26:17 - 26:22See which layer will move,
see which bucket, -
26:22 - 26:27with which GaNS, will
start rotating faster and slower. -
26:28 - 26:30When you feel it.
26:30 - 26:31When your emotion interaction,
26:31 - 26:35interacts with the fields
of the Plasma of the material. -
26:36 - 26:41Now, consider, if
26:41 - 26:44you have these different
boxes in front of you, -
26:44 - 26:50and you see your joy translates
to motion, slower or faster, -
26:50 - 26:56of one of the containers with given
GaNS, now consider that container -
26:57 - 26:59as one of your
27:01 - 27:05let's say "Brothers in a Deep Space".
27:06 - 27:09He feels your emotion of happiness.
27:14 - 27:20This is not as you are working
with a box, this is a practice -
27:20 - 27:22to see how your emotion
is transferred in -
27:22 - 27:26the dimension of the GaNS,
to another entity. -
27:28 - 27:33The ultimate goal will be to reduce
everything to GaNS of Hydrogen. -
27:34 - 27:36But, we have to
start somewhere. -
27:37 - 27:44One of the biggest problem for a Man,
will be the trust in the emotion -
27:44 - 27:48and the dimension of the observation,
without the eye. -
27:51 - 27:58We'll become to rely on the feelings
and our emotion, more than the eyes. -
27:58 - 28:04We will see through the light of the Soul,
not through the eye of the Man. -
28:09 - 28:11How can we do this?
28:11 - 28:13How can we practice?
28:13 - 28:18How can we make a sand bag
that we can practice with? -
28:21 - 28:22Go back.
28:22 - 28:25Go back to the understanding
of the work of the GaNS. -
28:25 - 28:32Go back on the understanding
of the principle of the CO2 box. -
28:33 - 28:41On Copper Oxide and Zinc, you didn't
get Copper or Zinc, you got the CO2. -
28:43 - 28:47Start playing with the mixtures
28:47 - 28:52that you understand how you
can control your emotion, -
28:52 - 28:55in respect to the environment
you have created, -
28:55 - 29:00and how you can transfer this
knowledge, to what you have created? -
29:04 - 29:07Put a camera,
close your eyes. -
29:07 - 29:12Use your emotion to
communicate to see, -
29:12 - 29:15and see what you see?
29:16 - 29:21Afterwards, it's the same as what you
see in the camera, in the recordings? -
29:26 - 29:30Put the box of GaNS in front
of you when it's in motion. -
29:30 - 29:35And try through the
emotion without the eyes -
29:35 - 29:41to develop your senses of beyond
the boundaries but through the fields, -
29:42 - 29:44beyond the boundaries of physicality.
29:45 - 29:48Let me explain to you
why you need this. -
29:49 - 29:56In Space,
our horizon is very, very short. -
29:58 - 30:03Even through we can see into Deep
Space, we can not see the details. -
30:05 - 30:08At the speeds we travel
in Deep Space, -
30:08 - 30:12our eyesight become nothing
but blurred things, -
30:12 - 30:16that, as we say,
"by the experience on this planet." -
30:17 - 30:22If you live in the Western world,
and if you listen to the News, -
30:22 - 30:27sometimes when the news goes out,
there is a little notice: -
30:27 - 30:35“Please be warned, there are
flashing lights in this report”. -
30:36 - 30:39What does it mean,
translate the knowledge. -
30:41 - 30:45With many people,
flashing lights, rapid flashing lights -
30:45 - 30:49is the information which enters the eye
and by going to the brain, -
30:49 - 30:54but the brain not being able to
decipher the amount of light, -
30:54 - 30:56and the knowledge
comes in one together, -
30:57 - 31:00you go into the seizure,
you go into epilectic attack. -
31:02 - 31:06That’s why people with
migraine and epilepsy -
31:06 - 31:12are advised not to watch movies with a
flashing lights, or in those conditions. -
31:12 - 31:17Because, when the brain cannot
decipher information to react, -
31:17 - 31:21then it produces information
which the physicality cannot accept, -
31:21 - 31:25it switches off, you call it
epilectic attacks, or seizures. -
31:26 - 31:29Now imagine you travel in a
Deep Space, -
31:29 - 31:32and the speed you travel,
the light passing you, -
31:32 - 31:35is beyond the comprehension.
31:35 - 31:39So, the survival teaches you
to close the eye. -
31:43 - 31:45But, how much
can you close the eye? -
31:46 - 31:48And, when
you close the eye, -
31:48 - 31:52how are you going to trust
the environment you’re traveling into? -
31:52 - 31:55Fear of unknown
becomes the burden -
31:55 - 31:59and the nose around the neck
of the Man for his survival. -
32:00 - 32:02That is why,
you have to understand, -
32:02 - 32:07we start the teaching in
understanding without the vision. -
32:08 - 32:13This way, we won’t see
17 kilometers horizon line. -
32:13 - 32:16or 17 miles horizon lines.
32:16 - 32:20You will see
in the depth of the Universe. -
32:21 - 32:26The brain of the Man is... been
developed in the way to work with this. -
32:27 - 32:31It’s the Man, of the fear
of his own understanding -
32:31 - 32:33has never opened
the gates of the brain. -
32:38 - 32:42The evolution of the brain
of the Man, will be horrendous. -
32:43 - 32:47We will see the shrinkage
in the physical part, -
32:47 - 32:53but we will see expansion in it's parts
of the emotion and the Soul of the Man. -
32:53 - 32:58In the way, the brain of the man
will become like the jacket, -
32:59 - 33:01turned inside out.
33:05 - 33:07Because, we need
more of the emotion -
33:07 - 33:10we need more
of the strength of the Soul -
33:10 - 33:13to be able to see the higher speed
33:13 - 33:17higher strength fields
in the Deeper Space -
33:17 - 33:23that we don’t see 17 kilometers,
but we see 17 light years ahead of us, -
33:24 - 33:25This is not fallacy,
33:25 - 33:29the man will understand this
when he comes, to come to Space. -
33:32 - 33:36It is part of us,
who has ignored the existence, -
33:36 - 33:40to confirm our existence
in the physical world. -
33:41 - 33:44Deep Space
opens the Soul of the Man. -
33:49 - 33:53Where the physicality
is just a boundary, -
33:53 - 33:55of the confirmation of the existence,
33:55 - 33:59of the internal strength,
the Soul of the Man. -
34:02 - 34:05How do we judge?
34:06 - 34:13Passing so many lights, so fast, becomes
comprehensible to the brain of the Man. -
34:14 - 34:16And, the only way
he can do -
34:16 - 34:21is to increase the dimension
of the higher speed order matters -
34:21 - 34:27that can read, can decipher
the information which comes to it. -
34:29 - 34:34The brain of the Man burns out
with a little bit of stress, -
34:34 - 34:36we call it a 'stroke'.
34:36 - 34:39Imagine how you’re
going to handle this? -
34:39 - 34:43Unless you bring the
strength of the level, of the -
34:44 - 34:47emotional part of the Man,
to be more or less, -
34:47 - 34:50the totality
of the outer boundary -
34:50 - 34:56with a very small, small bound
for his physicality. -
35:00 - 35:03This is the secret,
this is the key. -
35:05 - 35:12We have to and we will train
our people to be able to do this. -
35:16 - 35:19By the time, we take into
the Deep Space, -
35:19 - 35:22we have to understand
the control of emotion, -
35:22 - 35:24we have to understand
detachment, -
35:24 - 35:28from the physicality of the body
of the Man, as is on this planet. -
35:28 - 35:32We have to learn the peaceful
application of our own emotion -
35:32 - 35:36and interaction of our emotion
with our Souls and other Souls. -
35:37 - 35:43We are moving away from physicality, where
physicality is just for the manifestation -
35:43 - 35:48of the confirmation,
of existence of something, -
35:48 - 35:51in the environment
of the others. -
35:52 - 35:56Deep Space is so beautiful!
35:57 - 35:59It’s for man to discover.
36:03 - 36:10It’s for man to trust in it, and live and
obey the rules of the Universe. -
36:15 - 36:17Live in it,
for millions of years. -
36:17 - 36:22If the man learns what we know,
man will follow blind. -
36:22 - 36:25Because, this is the
promised Beauty Land. -
36:25 - 36:27This is
The Promised Land, -
36:27 - 36:32The Promised Land is Deep-space,
where man finds peace, in every corner. -
36:35 - 36:39This is what, is
our work from now on. -
36:43 - 36:46We have to raise
the level of the humanity, -
36:46 - 36:51in totality, that one,
does not fall behind. -
36:52 - 36:55My work will show this
in the coming weeks. -
36:57 - 37:01The Foundation will make effort,
Pan-Continental -
37:01 - 37:05to raise in one level,
the whole of understanding. -
37:05 - 37:09Keshe Foundation management team
is getting prepared for it. -
37:09 - 37:13To be able to handle this
in the coming months. -
37:14 - 37:20In time, we hand over
the whole control to the World Council -
37:20 - 37:22and then to
Universal Council. -
37:25 - 37:27We prepare the ground,
and it’s our job. -
37:27 - 37:31Those of us who always
talked about peace, -
37:31 - 37:35wanting peace,
not to fight the war makers, -
37:35 - 37:38but prepare the ground
that they become irrelevant. -
37:41 - 37:45When I don’t need arms,
you can produce as much as you like, -
37:45 - 37:48when you don’t sell,
you run out of money, you stop. -
37:51 - 37:54I had one of
the most beautiful news, -
37:54 - 37:57coming from the
new United State President. -
37:57 - 38:00"Because the African
readers are so corrupt, -
38:00 - 38:03we are going to
stop the aids to Africa." -
38:03 - 38:08Thank you very much your Excellency,
this is the wish of Africa. -
38:10 - 38:16When so much, so called
cheap food has been put into Africa, -
38:16 - 38:19that the African farmer
is not worth farming anymore. -
38:19 - 38:23Now don’t send anymore aids
that we can go back -
38:23 - 38:26to producing what is
needed by this continent. -
38:27 - 38:32At least, one sensible things
we have heard from the new President, -
38:32 - 38:33and we
thank you for it. -
38:33 - 38:38If you can follow, if the American farmers
allow you to carry it out. -
38:38 - 38:40Because, they've
been making a lot of money -
38:40 - 38:43out of false economy farming.
38:47 - 38:50This is what we need to do.
38:50 - 38:52This is what we have to do.
38:52 - 38:55This is what is
needed to show -
38:55 - 39:00we do not need to be bounded with the
physical material world for feed. -
39:03 - 39:06This is what we have to offer
39:06 - 39:10from the bank of the knowledge
of the Plasma Technology. -
39:12 - 39:16Teachings must go on,
you cannot stop teaching. -
39:16 - 39:18Because, amongst
the ones you teach, -
39:18 - 39:21will be the future men,
children, -
39:21 - 39:28and the life to carry information of the
existence on this planet into the Universe. -
39:30 - 39:34Nowadays we’re happy we say
“I’m from Iran”, -
39:34 - 39:37“I’m from United State”,
“I’m from China”. -
39:38 - 39:41In Deep-space, we say,
“We are from Earth”. -
39:42 - 39:43And when they ask you,
39:43 - 39:46"Why you are in
different colors and shapes?" -
39:46 - 39:49"Because we have different
environments." -
39:49 - 39:52"In your planet, you have one,
all look the same." -
39:52 - 39:54The planet Earth
is beautiful! -
39:57 - 40:04He has the diversity,
allows the diversity of the existence -
40:04 - 40:08but unisons in thought and action.
40:11 - 40:15The way we invite
people from other countries -
40:15 - 40:19to come to Italy,
to come to France, to come to Africa. -
40:20 - 40:22See the beauty of what we have
40:23 - 40:25this is what we'll do in Deep Space.
40:25 - 40:28"Come to Earth and see,
40:30 - 40:32the Unity of Mankind."
40:39 - 40:43We have to understand,
how to see without the eye. -
40:45 - 40:52We have to understand,
how to feel without touching, tasting. -
40:53 - 40:58We don't need to eat another entity,
just to see how it tastes. -
40:59 - 41:04If he likes he gives us,
the texture of his feeling -
41:04 - 41:07for us to know how it feels.
41:10 - 41:13I always refer to and old movie,
where... -
41:13 - 41:18very famous actress,
in her childhood's sitting -
41:19 - 41:28white, blonde, blue eye,
with a dark black eye brown skin -
41:28 - 41:29and he says,
41:29 - 41:33"Can I lick you?
Do you taste like chocolate?" -
41:37 - 41:41Man has to pass this border,
to taste. -
41:42 - 41:46Man has to learn, how
to use his emotion, his Soul. -
41:47 - 41:51To feel, to share,
to give and to take. -
41:51 - 41:57And, this is where the real job
of a Spaceship Institute starts. -
42:03 - 42:07Keshe Foundation, taught
the work of the Man on this planet. -
42:08 - 42:14KF SSI brings out the
connection between the two. -
42:15 - 42:19And, Spaceship Institute
opened the door into Space. -
42:19 - 42:27But, the real dimension's not in clothes,
that you have to be trained for seven years, -
42:27 - 42:32how to learn to turn one screw,
in one position, somewhere in Space. -
42:36 - 42:40As I was talking in
the Medical Teaching yesterday. -
42:44 - 42:48When we go into Space, the fear...
42:48 - 42:54of our own fear, like jumping in the
water, we're afraid we might get drowned. -
42:54 - 42:59We have never walked
into Deep Space without any cover. -
43:02 - 43:06The fear of death,
has prevented us from testing. -
43:06 - 43:10But, in fact, if you tune your brain,
43:10 - 43:14if you tune your emotion,
if you tune your Soul, together. -
43:15 - 43:21When you leave the boundary of,
what you call, 'Spaceship', -
43:22 - 43:26you adjust yourself into
the environment you're walking into. -
43:26 - 43:31There is no need for Space Suit,
and practicing for seven years. -
43:33 - 43:34as I always say.
43:34 - 43:39How many of you've been
to the training school, had to pass a test -
43:39 - 43:45to be able to get a flight to go from,
let's say, China to India? -
43:48 - 43:51We have accepted
that the conditions are made. -
43:51 - 43:53It's the same as what we accept.
43:53 - 43:55We buy a ticket, we walk in,
43:56 - 44:01but now the ticket is, for Man
to understand his own emotion and Soul -
44:01 - 44:05and how it connects to his physicality,
in respect to his environment. -
44:06 - 44:09Would we open the schools of..?
44:09 - 44:13Instead of jumping in the pool
and see how you behave, -
44:13 - 44:19we jump or enter into the environment when
the Plasmatic magnetic field changes. -
44:19 - 44:22And, we have to change to it,
to see how much we can change, -
44:22 - 44:25where is a weakness in our emotion,
in respect to the environment, -
44:25 - 44:27that we can survive it?
44:27 - 44:29We don't need a Space Suit.
44:29 - 44:36This is what you will receive,
in Ghana Spaceship Institute Research... -
44:37 - 44:41It will come very easy.
The way you go for a driving license, -
44:41 - 44:44is to go for development
of your emotion, in respect to change, -
44:44 - 44:48that in space you
can learn how to survive. -
44:49 - 44:54If you like to stick with a Space Suit,
you're perfect, no problem. -
44:55 - 44:56There is nothing wrong with it.
44:56 - 45:01But, if you decide,
to work without the Oxygen -
45:01 - 45:04that you breath,
but receive the energy of the Oxygen, -
45:04 - 45:10that your Amino Acid can survive,
you'll be taught, you will teach yourself. -
45:13 - 45:18The horizon for opening space for Man,
is beyound Man's imagination -
45:23 - 45:27It's taken us three years,
ten years to walk you from matter, -
45:27 - 45:29into Plasma and Fields.
45:30 - 45:33I hope, I don't have to wait
a thousand years for man to change -
45:33 - 45:39to learn that Space is safe. It's him
who has put the barriers for himself. -
45:39 - 45:43You don't need
to go through evolution of changing. -
45:43 - 45:47The brain of the Man
has a common denominator, Hydrogen. -
45:47 - 45:52And the beauty of it is,
as I was explaining in a teaching yesterday -
45:52 - 45:58the existence of Nitrogen, allows
you the conversion and application, -
45:58 - 46:01release and absorption of Helium.
46:02 - 46:09Or, if you look at the Helium,
the interaction of double Hydrogen. -
46:11 - 46:12Deuterium.
46:15 - 46:23In fact in the Deep Space,
your whole body will behave as one. -
46:24 - 46:28Your structure of the Plasma
will behave in a way, -
46:28 - 46:33that it behaves as
a... multiples of Deuteriums. -
46:37 - 46:43So, the whole body interacts
as the soup of the Universe. -
46:48 - 46:54Look. Carbon12,
six of them. -
46:56 - 47:00Look. Nitrogen14,
seven of them. -
47:01 - 47:04Look at Oxygen,
eight of them -
47:08 - 47:15Put them together,
you have oddity. -
47:19 - 47:20What is the odddity?
47:22 - 47:26It's the Hydrogen again,
which allows the transformation. -
47:26 - 47:30In the condition
of the Plasma-strength. -
47:30 - 47:34In confirming the existence
and line of communication. -
47:42 - 47:49We have to understand,
that by fluke of accident, -
47:49 - 47:56by the position of the planet,
the way has been in it being tilted -
47:56 - 48:00in it's is gas composition,
in it's matter composition. -
48:01 - 48:05The Human race
has been given a unique position -
48:07 - 48:11to be able to live
the spans of the Universe. -
48:20 - 48:27If we understand this,
we enter into the next level, -
48:28 - 48:34of being able to live,
at least for the next few million years, -
48:34 - 48:36till the Man matures
into the next step. -
48:37 - 48:41To be able to move
fro the Universe in the Unicos. -
48:45 - 48:51I've been asked before,
has Man ever been to Unicos? -
48:51 - 48:53Yes!
48:53 - 48:56Some of our ancestors,
who have come across -
48:56 - 49:01and been in line of communication,
have made the journey. -
49:01 - 49:04Through and with the others.
49:07 - 49:09I've been asked.
49:09 - 49:15Can I clarify, if there has been
or there is a contact with the Human race? -
49:15 - 49:16Yes there is!
49:16 - 49:19Especially in the recent past,
at the highest level, -
49:19 - 49:25irrespective of Governments,
especially those who are in a War Zone. -
49:28 - 49:32Those who incite
wars have been excluded. -
49:32 - 49:38Those who support Peace,
share of knowledge, communication, -
49:38 - 49:43is taking step by step, that the mistakes
of the past is not repeated, -
49:43 - 49:48that it stays elite,
only to few. -
49:48 - 49:54We teach from the bottom, and on the same,
on the top we enlighten the top. -
49:54 - 49:58That then, we do
not create the Christianity. -
49:59 - 50:02for the satisfaction of some,
50:02 - 50:05for the others on the top,
to still be in charge and control. -
50:08 - 50:12For those who don't understand,
go back in the past Teaching -
50:12 - 50:16I have explained how Christianity
has become, to become what it is -
50:16 - 50:20through the Roman Empire's
trying to hold on -
50:20 - 50:24to the hidden way
of path of belief, -
50:24 - 50:26which they learned
from the Persians. -
50:26 - 50:32And, at the same time allowing by fitting
it into, what the common people wanted -
50:32 - 50:36making a fake presentation
of the Truth. -
50:38 - 50:41This time,
this cannot happen in Space. -
50:42 - 50:46We work on both levels,
enlightenment of the Man -
50:46 - 50:49from the ground floor
to the top. -
50:49 - 50:55And, in a way not enforcing
but Teaching the World Leaders, -
50:55 - 50:59that the time,
to be all equal, has come. -
50:59 - 51:02And the people
on the ground are learning, -
51:02 - 51:05what you think,
is the exclusivity of your's. -
51:06 - 51:10My confirmation goes to
the leaders of China, -
51:10 - 51:13you understand exactly
what we are talking about. -
51:17 - 51:19You have to understand,
51:20 - 51:25the education has to come,
this time from both side, -
51:26 - 51:28from the top
in equal -
51:28 - 51:32and from the bottom,
in understanding the equality of the Man -
51:32 - 51:34in the level of his Soul,
51:36 - 51:39that one, cannot abuse the other.
51:40 - 51:45There are no Kings,
in the kingdom of God, except him. -
51:50 - 51:55You have to understand,
start testing your emotion. -
51:56 - 51:59We have given this privilege to
the Universal Council members. -
51:59 - 52:04We have given this as a right
to the members of the World Council. -
52:09 - 52:16The right of insight into the Universal
Community, in a slow space and time -
52:16 - 52:20will become the right of the
members of the World Council -
52:20 - 52:25that they can see and understand,
in the interaction of both. -
52:25 - 52:30The Universal Council members possess it
as long as they are members -
52:30 - 52:35of the Universal Council, and thereon,
they will not be, even remember. -
52:36 - 52:41Because, as we said,
"My wish is my command." -
52:41 - 52:46The command of the Universal Council
is to bring understanding amongst Man, -
52:46 - 52:48in understanding,
the Soul of the Totality. -
52:48 - 52:54Where the Universal Council
is to bring everyone on the same level. -
52:55 - 53:02The work of the World Council, is to be
able to unite and unify the both side, -
53:02 - 53:06the Universal Council
and the Universal Community. -
53:07 - 53:09They are the channels of wisdom,
53:11 - 53:16but the wisdom of the Universe,
in time they will translate. -
53:19 - 53:24You have to teach yourself
how to see without the eye, -
53:25 - 53:30how to feel without touching,
without eating, -
53:30 - 53:34without smelling and without
putting your finger in there. -
53:34 - 53:36If I touch
how it feels? -
53:41 - 53:48Man will come to understand in parts,
it will become like the Clown Fish, -
53:50 - 53:55where it mutates between the male
and the female, as it needs. -
54:00 - 54:02We have to learn,
these are the processes -
54:02 - 54:05which are embedded
in the Soul of the Man, -
54:05 - 54:09but in the physical dimension
we have tried to ignore. -
54:10 - 54:17The freedom of physicality, has suppressed
the power of the soul and emotion, -
54:17 - 54:20and with this technology
we are opening the reverse, -
54:20 - 54:22because that's the way
the Universe works. -
54:23 - 54:29Make yourself GaNS which are
at the level of the emotion of the Man. -
54:30 - 54:35Make yourself GaNS which are
at the emotion of the Soul of the Man. -
54:35 - 54:39Make yourself GaNS
at the emotion of the vegetation. -
54:39 - 54:45Make emotions and the GaNS
and emotion of the level of the solid, -
54:45 - 54:49as they are still the same,
of a stone. -
54:49 - 54:53And try to see
without the eye. -
54:53 - 54:58Try to see, how your interactions
will bring reactions from them. -
55:00 - 55:03Do they move
further away from you? -
55:03 - 55:08Would the GaNS take a dip and move away,
because it wants nothing to give, -
55:08 - 55:12but in a way I need further distance
to be able to be in balance, -
55:13 - 55:19and see if when you give with a joy, the
whole GaNS moves to one side, towards you. -
55:19 - 55:22I want to be closer
because you give what I need. -
55:24 - 55:29These are the schools of the training
of the man for Deeper Space. -
55:29 - 55:33And in next few weeks and months,
the more and more of you practice, -
55:34 - 55:38then we open the schools
of the Space Institute in Ghana -
55:38 - 55:41for man to be able to enter
the kingdom of God. -
55:44 - 55:50When you decide,
you see through the eye of the soul -
55:50 - 55:55not the two holes which are not worth
even opening, with the body of the Man. -
55:59 - 56:04The real Teaching of
The Spaceship Institutes has started -
56:04 - 56:06as I said,
"From Christmas" -
56:06 - 56:10Slowly, slowly, we're building up
the openness of the knowledge. -
56:15 - 56:18Those who get enlightened will join in
56:18 - 56:23those who still need to have attach
to physicality, will still be there -
56:23 - 56:28and those who teach
will be enlightened to teach more. -
56:28 - 56:33But try to practice how,
try to see, -
56:33 - 56:39in which way you can communicate
without the physicality. -
56:41 - 56:48Try to taste
the CO2 GaNS, -
56:49 - 56:54and then try to put the CO2 GaNS
and without touching it, feel it's energy -
56:54 - 56:58that it gives the taste
and pleasure of what you did. -
57:00 - 57:05Try to do what was done before,
where you put an orange, -
57:05 - 57:12you put the amino acid,
you put the CO2, you put the CH3, -
57:12 - 57:17and you put CUO around it
with a Zinc oxide, -
57:17 - 57:21and you drank the water,
and it tasted like orange. -
57:22 - 57:29By God, your body is the water,
contains that water, -
57:29 - 57:33your body contains that Zinc,
your body contains that amino acid. -
57:34 - 57:40If you are matured enough, when you look
at the orange you'll feel the taste of it. -
57:40 - 57:44You take the energy, what is prepared
to take, without you touching it. -
57:45 - 57:48Now you understand
the point of maturity. -
57:52 - 57:56You had to transfer
the taste of orange into a water -
57:56 - 57:59which had these
Plasma's around it. -
57:59 - 58:01Your body
is made of that Plasma. -
58:01 - 58:06The containment, the glass
and the water, is the body of the Man. -
58:09 - 58:12Did you need to consume the orange?
58:14 - 58:18Or the orange stayed intact, with what
it gave out, you took, you tasted. -
58:18 - 58:20You took the energy of it,
58:20 - 58:25you had the pleasure
of it's existence without consuming it. -
58:25 - 58:28This is the maturity
of the man in Deep Space. -
58:32 - 58:35"Thy shall not kill."
58:43 - 58:48You have done all the experiments
in the physical dimension. -
58:49 - 58:53All I'm doing, I'm connecting
the links to your emotion, -
58:53 - 58:56to understand
you are the cup. -
58:59 - 59:01You are the Holy Grail,
59:02 - 59:04and you never knew.
59:10 - 59:14The body of the man contains everything,
59:15 - 59:19it's the man who has to know
how to tap into it. -
59:19 - 59:22And we have opened
the knowledge, -
59:22 - 59:26that, you can see
because you have tasted it. -
59:27 - 59:32When you see
the work, -
59:32 - 59:37where you put a few dynamic things
together and you get the matter, -
59:39 - 59:43do the same with the body of yourself.
59:43 - 59:47The blood in one hand
and the other -
59:47 - 59:51is a dynamic Plasma of the existence
with a current. -
59:52 - 59:55Make your emotion
to see the hand. -
59:55 - 60:00You wish Gold, there shall be Gold
in the hand of the palm of the Man. -
60:01 - 60:03Peter has shown you.
60:03 - 60:09The plastic which collected the metals
is the palm of the hand of the Man. -
60:12 - 60:15Two cores is the hand of the Man,
60:15 - 60:19and the brain of the Man
from outside, with his emotion -
60:19 - 60:24dictating what he wants to see,
will create the material you need. -
60:24 - 60:28Even the existence,
within the hands of the Man. -
60:30 - 60:32Now you understand.
60:33 - 60:37You've been
to the school of teaching fully. -
60:39 - 60:47Man has every knowledge from now on,
how to do what has been his wish, -
60:47 - 60:49but has never connected it
to himself. -
60:49 - 60:52And, from
now on we connect! -
60:52 - 60:55We bring examples,
for you to understand. -
60:55 - 60:59"I've done this, but I didn't see it,
now I can do it!" -
61:01 - 61:07Put a Lover in front of you
and see how much Love you can give? -
61:07 - 61:13And see, if the love is reciprocated,
or is, there is a true love? -
61:18 - 61:20Then you don't
waste your time. -
61:24 - 61:26Loving an Idol,
61:31 - 61:35where there is no reflection
of the emotion back. -
61:39 - 61:47Man will participate in creating
new generation of beings in the Universe -
61:47 - 61:52in interaction of the Soul, of emotion
of the man with other entities -
61:52 - 61:56where in physical life
is impossibilities. -
61:56 - 62:01The children of the Universe are made
of every race in the Universe -
62:01 - 62:04for those who understood
this interaction. -
62:09 - 62:15Making Love and the beauty of it,
of it's offspring, -
62:15 - 62:18does not need
physical interaction, -
62:20 - 62:23the way the Man has
got used to it on this planet. -
62:25 - 62:27I said many years ago to Caroline.
62:29 - 62:34"We come to this planet,
to the physical dimensions like this, -
62:34 - 62:37to enjoy the touch of physicality.
62:37 - 62:41Where in fact, we are committed to
the dimension of the Soul, -
62:41 - 62:43of the existence of the Universe."
62:49 - 62:52Caroline and I, here in Africa
we see a lot of things, -
62:52 - 62:55we see a lot of pain
but we see a lot of serenity, -
62:55 - 63:02We see a lot of self-control in our
understanding of the emotion, -
63:02 - 63:06and through it, the fear has been, existed
and confirmed in their Souls, -
63:06 - 63:10that they can be controlled
by one little Man in the West. -
63:10 - 63:14We call it the Christ,
and we call it Mohammad, -
63:14 - 63:17here they call it the 'Witch Doctor'.
63:19 - 63:23Control of the emotion through
the Soul of the Man. -
63:23 - 63:27Miniature version of a bigger structure.
63:27 - 63:30But in fact,
the work of the same thing. -
63:32 - 63:35The Man has got to
go through this barrier, -
63:35 - 63:40has got to go through the point
where he trusts in his own Soul, -
63:40 - 63:43and sees
without the physicality. -
63:44 - 63:50This is the job of the KF SSI and Keshe
Foundation to bring man to that level -
63:50 - 63:53that when they come to
Spaceship Institute, -
63:53 - 63:58they are matured enough,
to enter the next dimension. -
63:58 - 64:04Which is detachment from physicality,
but understanding the totality. -
64:06 - 64:09Not many will pass this level.
64:12 - 64:15Not many will take their journey.
64:19 - 64:26In the past when I discuss this that
we are here to save those and very few, -
64:26 - 64:30there was outcry,
by Carolina and Dr Kostova. -
64:30 - 64:35"You cannot do, leave the children behind
you have to take all!" -
64:35 - 64:40We give the opportunity to all,
it's for the Soul to choose. -
64:43 - 64:45Maybe now,
they understand? -
64:49 - 64:54Maybe now they comprehend,
what is to come? -
64:55 - 64:58The choice is given to the Man.
64:59 - 65:03And it's for the man
to take the next step. -
65:06 - 65:11Stay within the confinment of
the pleasure of the physicality of -
65:11 - 65:19this village of Earth, or take a step
to see what the village of the Universe -
65:19 - 65:22in the World of
the Unicos has to give. -
65:23 - 65:26Once the Man starts
travelling the spans of this Universe -
65:26 - 65:28he will find out it's too small.
65:28 - 65:31"I can travel faster,
I'm going from one end to another. -
65:31 - 65:33I've seen this many times!"
65:34 - 65:38Because the life of the Man will not be
in 60, 100 years, as you are used to it. -
65:38 - 65:41It runs in thousands, and
you have time to be everywhere. -
65:41 - 65:44And you learn the speed of
the transformation. -
65:44 - 65:48And the speed of transportation.
65:49 - 65:53The shell of the life of the village
of this Universe becomes too small. -
65:55 - 65:58And then we start getting
that itching foot, -
65:58 - 66:02to see what's behind the
line of this Universe. -
66:03 - 66:07Then, we have to learn
the rules of the Unicos. -
66:07 - 66:10Which is totally different,
but very much similar, -
66:10 - 66:13to what we learn
in the village of the Earth. -
66:17 - 66:21You got to learn that
in the village of the Unicos, -
66:21 - 66:24each village has it's own behaviour,
has it's own environment, -
66:24 - 66:28it's like when you come to Africa it's hot
day and night. -
66:28 - 66:32You go to the North Pole,
it's freezing and everything else. -
66:32 - 66:36It's the same in the dimension
of the Unicos. -
66:36 - 66:41Each Universe has it's own composition
that's why it stays in that direction, -
66:41 - 66:42and in that
dimension. -
66:43 - 66:47It's for Man in the future
to learn how to adapt. -
66:48 - 66:49In the new dimensions.
66:50 - 66:54But, you'll find out by
carrying the basic fundamental -
66:54 - 67:00Hydrogen as a part of the existence,
Man has already been given an key, -
67:00 - 67:03into the level of
the existence in the Unicos. -
67:03 - 67:08But, he has to graduate, he has to
go through it to understand it. -
67:10 - 67:16For some, will take a few seconds,
and for some, will be Century travels, -
67:16 - 67:19millions of years,
and never succeed. -
67:19 - 67:24Because they have not matured enough
to go to the inner sanctum of their Souls, -
67:24 - 67:27to see the totality
of the Creation. -
67:31 - 67:38Try to practice, make as many different
GaNS, and see how you can influence, -
67:38 - 67:44those GaNS which are matter-level,
in those GaNS which are emotion-level, -
67:44 - 67:49those GaNS which are in
the dimension of the Soul of the Man. -
67:49 - 67:52And start testing yourself.
67:52 - 67:56And then you'll be graduated
when you come to the school. -
67:57 - 68:03This is a very much like, what we call,
the 'evening classes'. -
68:05 - 68:11You practice at home. You teach at home.
And come to the institute to graduate. -
68:11 - 68:15And we teach you the final part.
There are no failures. -
68:15 - 68:20It's just the lack of understanding which
gives us the limitations of the existence. -
68:27 - 68:33Try to teach, as much as you can.
68:33 - 68:37It's upon us to build the Spaceship Institute.
68:38 - 68:42I have put all my effort into it
and you shall see. -
68:46 - 68:54The Spaceship Institute in Ghana,
will become the focal point of Humanity, -
68:54 - 68:56and the door
into the Universe. -
68:57 - 68:59I have made my commitment.
69:01 - 69:04I stay here till my dieing day's.
69:04 - 69:10But, I teach the man how to
enter the Universal Council. -
69:12 - 69:18And how to enter through
the Universal Council the World Council, -
69:18 - 69:21and through the respect for them,
69:21 - 69:25to see the door,
in the opening of the Universe. -
69:25 - 69:30You cannot open
the key to the Universal Community, -
69:30 - 69:33if you have no respect for
where you came from. -
69:33 - 69:38And understand that when you
take into the World of the Universe, -
69:39 - 69:42you are the Ambassadors
of this Planet. -
69:43 - 69:50Ambassador means representation of the President
and the leader of your Nation. -
69:50 - 69:54So you have to carry his integrity,
and his Ethos. -
70:00 - 70:07Nowadays we have 180 Countries
and we have 180, -
70:07 - 70:10if we can afford it,
Ambassadors in each. -
70:10 - 70:12Not many Nations can afford that.
70:12 - 70:15Now that we opened
the spans of Universe, -
70:15 - 70:19there are billions
of stars and gaps -
70:19 - 70:22and cavities of
creations in the Universe. -
70:22 - 70:28That, 7 Billion Man is not enough,
to have an Ambassador in every corner. -
70:31 - 70:33We don't want to be out,
when they say, -
70:33 - 70:36"Look at the wild guys,
from that planet have come." -
70:37 - 70:41The Ambassador has to be
the one that says, -
70:41 - 70:46"The man of Peace arrived, they understand
the work of the Universe and abide by it." -
70:46 - 70:50"That, we stand as a beautiful rose,
70:50 - 70:54not as a thorn in the back
of the Universal Community." -
70:58 - 71:01We teach you,
let's start, slowly, slowly. -
71:01 - 71:05try to practise the...
71:06 - 71:11as I call, 'in the sandbox',
with your emotion, -
71:11 - 71:17and find out, what gives what
emotion of you, in different boxes. -
71:18 - 71:21Bring the boxes together,
separate them and feel. -
71:21 - 71:24Give emotion
and see how they interact. -
71:24 - 71:32Then close your eyes, and make
a recording of what you want, -
71:32 - 71:34what you see.
71:34 - 71:40Then make a further test,
in wanting to touch to reach, -
71:40 - 71:43without reaching,
you touch and you feel. -
71:48 - 71:52The size of the body of the Man,
will be the extension of his emotion, -
71:54 - 71:56we do that on Earth.
71:59 - 72:03Now, we learn to do,
within the freedom of the Space. -
72:04 - 72:10Teachings from now on
is at the Spaceship Institute level. -
72:11 - 72:18In a way, you have all been around
to upgrade yourself very rapidly. -
72:20 - 72:25Playing in the Kindergarden
of the Earth, is over. -
72:26 - 72:28Now, you are
in the first class. -
72:28 - 72:34You got to learn, how to hold the pen,
to be the pen of Peace. -
72:34 - 72:40You have to learn where to sit,
that it becomes the seat of Justice. -
72:40 - 72:46You have to learn how to speak,
that the Soul of the Man speaks, -
72:46 - 72:48without the word of the Man.
72:51 - 72:54Then, I will take you
to step number two. -
72:58 - 73:02And by God's name,
I hope this won't take centuries, -
73:03 - 73:05I don't have the time.
73:10 - 73:12Try to practice.
73:13 - 73:18Try to, the way you are
happy with, record. -
73:22 - 73:26That you can start teaching yourself
the control of the emotion, -
73:27 - 73:33the taste of the food,
the energy of desire, -
73:34 - 73:37the physicality of a touch
without the touch. -
73:37 - 73:41I have taught this physicality touch
many times. -
73:42 - 73:47You remember? When I tell you
to put your hand out and count, -
73:47 - 73:51and send the information
to your finger, but don't move it. -
73:53 - 73:55And then, do it a second time,
73:55 - 73:59don't move it, just relearn how
the information has to go, -
73:59 - 74:03and the third time,
do it, send the information and move it. -
74:03 - 74:06This was a practice for you,
to learn how you can send the energy, -
74:06 - 74:09of the motion,
of the touch and movement, -
74:09 - 74:12and feeling,
without the physicality. -
74:12 - 74:15Now you see,
I have taught many things. -
74:15 - 74:17But, you looked at the physicality.
74:17 - 74:19But, the aim was to teach you
74:19 - 74:22the eventuality,
of the control of the emotion, -
74:22 - 74:25without the touching,
but being able to feel, -
74:25 - 74:28without actually,
getting there to touch -
74:28 - 74:31to be able,
to do something wrong. -
74:31 - 74:34We stop Man,
from doing anything wrong. -
74:34 - 74:39It's for Man to understand it,
and to practice it. -
74:43 - 74:48Try to make,
as I was explaining before, -
74:48 - 74:52I've done this to Armen recently,
on the end of one of the teachings. -
74:52 - 74:58Try practice multiple GaNS making.
75:01 - 75:02What does this mean?
75:02 - 75:10If you remember, very short time, we sent
some GaNS boxes, which are like ... -
75:10 - 75:17six-sided, and then they had plates,
you could put inside or outside. -
75:19 - 75:21Do the same!
75:22 - 75:28Instead of having a Copper nano-coated
and a Zinc not nano-coated, -
75:29 - 75:33get a big box,
square box. -
75:33 - 75:39Put one plate in front of the other,
change the salinity in one part, -
75:39 - 75:42put some salt
in the other part, -
75:42 - 75:48and gradually, graduate yourself,
to build up the emotion of the condition. -
75:49 - 75:53Because, now you had a Copper plate
and you had a Zinc plate -
75:53 - 75:57but this time,
you have a nano-coated Zinc -
75:57 - 76:00and a Copper plate
which is not nano-coated. -
76:00 - 76:04You have a Iron which is nano-coated,
and the Iron, which is not nano-coated. -
76:04 - 76:06Now you have
a salt of Magnesium, -
76:06 - 76:10and salt of Potassium,
and you have the other salt. -
76:10 - 76:14Then start,
interacting with the GaNS. -
76:14 - 76:18Don't make everything like a big soup,
you don't know what's in it. -
76:18 - 76:21Start practicing,
step by step, -
76:22 - 76:26you'll find the key,
to the Universal Community. -
76:30 - 76:35Try to connect,
the nano-coated Copper plate -
76:35 - 76:40into the Iron, non Copper plate,
and the Iron Copper plate. -
76:40 - 76:42With a direct line,
which is nano-coated. -
76:42 - 76:44And, see what happens?
76:45 - 76:51Connect the Magnesium
to the Amino Acid pot, -
76:51 - 76:55and see if,
it changes the colour to green? -
76:55 - 77:01Using the Iron as the source,
of creation of the hemoglobin. -
77:05 - 77:10Would you see yourself, in the color green
of the Martian in the box? -
77:10 - 77:13And say,
"I can behave even though I'm green" -
77:14 - 77:17Because, somewhere in Space
you have to change or you look green, -
77:17 - 77:19because, it's the interaction
of the field's, -
77:19 - 77:23that in that environment,
allows you to confirm your existence. -
77:25 - 77:29Color white,
does not exist in Deep Space. -
77:29 - 77:31It's been the imagination
of the Man, -
77:31 - 77:35for confirmation
of his stupidity of superiority. -
77:38 - 77:44The color of Universe,
is transparent, without any colour. -
77:44 - 77:47And the power of it,
comes from it's transparency. -
77:47 - 77:53Because you can never find the
real essence and the point of the source -
77:53 - 77:56as, every point,
is the source on it's own. -
77:58 - 78:01I teach you, from now on,
the language of Universe, -
78:01 - 78:03it's for you to catch up.
78:04 - 78:07If you don't want
to be a tomato in Space. -
78:14 - 78:16It's for you to move on.
78:16 - 78:20For those of you who are on the edge
of the understanding -
78:20 - 78:22of the technology of the Foundation.
78:23 - 78:28You have a race,
the time and the clock is ticking. -
78:30 - 78:31Teach and show!
78:32 - 78:34Instead of just showing
your GaNS box, -
78:34 - 78:37show the confirmation
of different GaNS boxes, -
78:37 - 78:39and, let people,
78:39 - 78:46"Now, sit in the front of this
and show me how I feel, in respect?" -
78:46 - 78:51"This box, is it box of my anger, or
my joy, or my happiness, or my feeling?" -
78:53 - 78:56There are those of you,
who were in Desenzano with me. -
78:57 - 78:58Seven of you.
79:00 - 79:06You sat for this test, and
those who were the murderers -
79:06 - 79:10knew on the spot,
because I put them on the spot. -
79:14 - 79:15I made
79:18 - 79:20a Star-Formation
79:21 - 79:26and I put two detectors,
facing each other, -
79:26 - 79:29and I put the
student in front of it. -
79:30 - 79:35And, I sat in front of the monitor,
and I asked questions. -
79:37 - 79:41And the truth, was detected
in the level of physicality. -
79:42 - 79:44Armen can tell you that,
he sat for it. -
79:46 - 79:47And the others.
79:48 - 79:50I knew what I have in my hand,
79:50 - 79:54by sitting them in front
of the level of their own physicality. -
79:55 - 79:58Their lies, the cheat
and the murderers. -
80:04 - 80:10I knew the Judas in front of me,
sitting in front of the box. Two of them. -
80:14 - 80:17The one and the collaborator.
80:22 - 80:26They know who they are because
they know the test they sat in front of. -
80:30 - 80:34Now you become
the GaNS box and you, -
80:34 - 80:37and then you know if you say,
"I Love you.", -
80:37 - 80:41if the box moves, the GaNS moves,
it shows your emotion, -
80:41 - 80:46away it mean you're lying to your self,
if it comes close, I need more. -
80:46 - 80:55So you test how your words and emotion
and the Soul will reflect in the box. -
80:55 - 80:59And this box in time,
will be another entity of the Universe. -
80:59 - 81:01You cannot say,
"I'm Man of the Peace", -
81:01 - 81:02in the back of your mind,
81:02 - 81:05"How I'm gonna kill this guy,
he's gonna taste good." -
81:05 - 81:07Cause the box will show you.
81:10 - 81:16Start teaching the next level,
when you go from now on in workshops, -
81:16 - 81:21when you taught that,
bring the box of the truth in front of you. -
81:22 - 81:24Give them different GaNS,
81:25 - 81:28let them make different GaNS
because they carry their emotion, -
81:28 - 81:31and let them,
for them to see, -
81:31 - 81:35how close they are between
their physicality and emotion. -
81:35 - 81:38And, connection
to their Souls. -
81:40 - 81:44But don't make it a magic box,
and don't make it a Voodoo box -
81:44 - 81:47that I'm gonna ask the box what
the box thinks because what the box thinks -
81:47 - 81:50is actually you what you feel,
in truth, -
81:50 - 81:52which you don't want to confirm
to yourself. -
81:52 - 81:59So it's not the stranger, it's you,
showing the reality of how good -
81:59 - 82:02you are connected
to your Soul and emotion. -
82:03 - 82:09The journey of the Man into Space is
going to be horrendous. -
82:09 - 82:14Because man will learn that
he cannot hide anything. -
82:18 - 82:21We will be as
naked as the light itself. -
82:21 - 82:23And that's why we will shine.
82:29 - 82:35We have to understand
the reality of the existence. -
82:36 - 82:41We have to understand
the reality of the existence of ourselves, -
82:41 - 82:44our own Souls
and nobody else's. -
82:49 - 82:53Because, in the Space,
if you are the Last Man Standing, -
82:53 - 82:58it's your Soul, who makes the path
for you into salvation, and nobody else. -
82:59 - 83:02The salvation of the Peace that,
83:02 - 83:07"I am prepared to give the rest of what
I don't have, what I don't need, -
83:07 - 83:12to the Universal dimension.
83:12 - 83:17That, it can be used by somebody
somewhere else in an other dimension." -
83:17 - 83:22The ultimate Truth about
World of existence. -
83:22 - 83:27"I came from,
what I've become of." -
83:29 - 83:37"I created man in the image of myself.
As my self is the image of the creator." -
83:38 - 83:41"In truth there are all One."
83:48 - 83:51Those who are wise
understand. -
83:51 - 83:53And those
who look at the physicality, -
83:53 - 83:57Is far-fetched in the
realms of understanding. -
83:58 - 84:01The teaching of
the Spaceship Institute, from now on, -
84:01 - 84:06brings man to judge himself,
and nobody else. -
84:08 - 84:13It's you who have to
stand the time, in the Space. -
84:14 - 84:19If you go back to the teachings,
some times ago, I said that, -
84:19 - 84:23"There are those, who'll walk to the
Spaceship, but they would not enter, -
84:23 - 84:28because there is no border control,
but except the Soul of the Man -
84:28 - 84:32he knows he carries
the wrong intention. -
84:33 - 84:36And, you cannot fool,
your own Soul." -
84:37 - 84:40As you remember
I said many times, -
84:40 - 84:45"There shall be no place for the
World leaders, as their hands is dirty, -
84:45 - 84:48with too many
suffering of the others." -
84:53 - 84:59They would learn it,
the prison becomes the Earth -
84:59 - 85:02that they don't see
the pleasure of the Universe. -
85:03 - 85:06The hell for man will be the
village of Earth, -
85:06 - 85:10where he's forbidden
to see the beauty of -
85:10 - 85:14what the Creator has created
for the Man to see. -
85:14 - 85:16That's the point of suffering.
85:16 - 85:19You always thought
it's gonna be heaven and hell, -
85:19 - 85:26the hell will be Man knowing that he's not
access to others beauty and pleasures. -
85:30 - 85:33Welcome to
the Truth of the Universe. -
85:36 - 85:40Welcome to the reality,
of what is to come in the coming time. -
85:45 - 85:49Welcome to understanding,
your own existence. -
85:51 - 85:57Welcome in you comprehending further,
in how much is to be learned -
85:57 - 86:01and how little we knew,
and we thought we know everything. -
86:02 - 86:05We called ourselves
86:07 - 86:08رئيس صانعي
ملك المملكة -
86:08 - 86:14In Arabic means, "The head of the Creators
the King of the Kingdom". -
86:15 - 86:21The ultimate top-dog
of the creation. -
86:21 - 86:25Where, we're actually,
the bottom-eaters of the Totality. -
86:27 - 86:30So, let's learn,
let's change, -
86:30 - 86:34let's bring that faith in,
that we move on. -
86:35 - 86:37As individuals,
and with us, -
86:37 - 86:41we take the others
in development of the technology. -
86:41 - 86:45We still have to deal with
the physicalities and the existence -
86:45 - 86:49in bringing the others
who need to be part of it. -
86:49 - 86:53Who will be part of it,
those of you who teach, -
86:53 - 86:57you have become the messengers,
of the message of Peace. -
86:58 - 87:02But this time you don't carry the message
of Peace as a Bible, -
87:02 - 87:06or Quran, or Torah
or any other thing. -
87:06 - 87:08You carry the message of Peace
in the boxes -
87:08 - 87:13where you teach man
the creation of the Fields, the GaNS, -
87:13 - 87:18that the man decides the interaction
of his own Soul with it's environment. -
87:19 - 87:24In a way we are all
teachers of one thing, -
87:24 - 87:27Peace, not only on this Planet,
87:28 - 87:33but Creators and
the creation of Peace across the Universe. -
87:35 - 87:38Not many will pass the test.
87:41 - 87:46As Man has learned over time,
87:46 - 87:48the greed
of posessing more, -
87:49 - 87:52and thus will become
the nose around his neck. -
87:52 - 87:57And, the limitation of his development
of understanding of the Totality. -
88:03 - 88:08Try to understand,
try to go into the next level of teaching. -
88:09 - 88:15You have taught yourself the matter-state,
into Plasma and Fields. -
88:15 - 88:21Now it's time to see even without
the GaNS, how the Fields respond to you. -
88:21 - 88:27Do you see light in the vision of the
horizon of your eyes without an eye, -
88:27 - 88:33where the light shall speak, in the
dimension at the strength of the Soul, -
88:33 - 88:37without the ear you shall see hear,
and without the eye you shall see. -
88:38 - 88:43This was the position of when
the Soul of Moses was elevated -
88:43 - 88:45he spoke about
a fire. -
88:47 - 88:52All the prophets, speak about the light,
in that instance they see -
88:52 - 88:57the opening of the light of the knowledge
of the Universe, -
88:57 - 89:01and as they did not understand,
they call it 'the God' and 'the Creator'. -
89:01 - 89:06Where in fact it is the essence of
the creation of the Universe. -
89:07 - 89:12Enlightenment should have brought Peace,
but enlightenment when it translated -
89:12 - 89:17it's power, it became greed,
murders in the hand of Moses. -
89:17 - 89:22We saw the following of the same
in the hand of Christians, -
89:22 - 89:24and the worse came with
the Muslims. -
89:25 - 89:29The knowledge became Chinese whisper,
because it's changed it's level -
89:29 - 89:33from level of the Soul,
to the greed of physicality of the Man. -
89:40 - 89:44In the time of Moses,
he carried the murders in his own hand. -
89:44 - 89:48In the time of Christ,
the ones who became his followers, -
89:48 - 89:52they tried to do it as priests,
and then, -
89:53 - 89:57in the time of Mohammad went really low,
to the level of the man killing man -
89:57 - 90:00to confirm
the existence of the God. -
90:00 - 90:02How low could we go?
90:10 - 90:14We've seen the repetition of the same
of work of Muhammad, bless his name, -
90:14 - 90:18with the rulers of Islamic World,
90:18 - 90:22and in the past 30-40 years
in the name of Mohammad, his name. -
90:27 - 90:30In time it's getting worse,
than getting better. -
90:30 - 90:32We see the same with Christianity.
90:32 - 90:34We see the same with Judaism.
90:34 - 90:36We see the same with the others.
90:38 - 90:41The only ones who have walked away
and understood more -
90:41 - 90:46because they look at the enlightenment,
is the ones in the Far East. -
90:47 - 90:50Because, they work in the path
of the emotion of the Soul, -
90:50 - 90:54not the physicality of the
greed of the land. -
91:00 - 91:05Try to make,
now you made the GaNS, -
91:05 - 91:10make combination of GaNS,
and test your own emotion , -
91:10 - 91:14because you are the judge of yourself
and nobody else. -
91:14 - 91:18You all have these little tiny
mobile cameras on your phone -
91:19 - 91:23record it next to your eye,
see what you see in your eye -
91:23 - 91:28and see what the reality,
the camera records. -
91:29 - 91:32Do not force it, feel it.
91:35 - 91:36And then we'll see.
91:36 - 91:41The education has started,
it's you who have to educate yourself. -
91:41 - 91:48Try to work with the dimension of
no Matter-State but the fields -
91:48 - 91:50and then you'll breakthrough.
91:50 - 91:53Those of you who are happy
to stay teaching GaNS -
91:53 - 91:58and making motors and everything else,
this is the level you have to work -
91:58 - 92:01because in time you teach,
or inspire somebody. -
92:01 - 92:04Those who jump the steps to
understanding more -
92:04 - 92:06will become the Spaceship makers,
92:06 - 92:11and those who go to the further steps,
become the passengers of the Universe. -
92:15 - 92:19And, there are many passengers
on this planet. -
92:19 - 92:21But not all of Mankind.
92:26 - 92:32Try to, not to exert your wish,
92:32 - 92:37your knowledge, your emotion
and your Soul's power, -
92:37 - 92:42but be the recipient, that in receiving
what is needed, is given. -
92:45 - 92:51Never take, but accept what is given,
because of it, -
92:51 - 92:54you shall give more,
that you receive more. -
92:58 - 93:03Try to understand the totality.
93:04 - 93:09Try to understand the reality
of the essence of the Creation. -
93:09 - 93:14And now you have a sandbox,
you have all your GaNS boxes. -
93:14 - 93:16Start testing it.
93:17 - 93:21Put it in the core
and see with your emotion, -
93:21 - 93:24you can create motion in the core,
without the motor. -
93:25 - 93:29You've seen that, with the tests
we showed last week with Jon. -
93:31 - 93:35You've seen that 2 - 3 years ago,
93:35 - 93:41when the decision was made that the
physicality and dimension of the emotions, -
93:41 - 93:45could stop
the reactor number 2 in Desenzano. -
93:47 - 93:52Now, make that stopping of the reactor,
the stopping of the Man -
93:52 - 93:56in physical dimension, that he can work
through the energies of it, -
93:56 - 93:58through the Soul of the Universe.
93:58 - 94:00Then you walk through.
94:05 - 94:11Try to practice from now on,
not making GaNS boxes, -
94:11 - 94:13or making GaNS materials
94:13 - 94:17but the interaction
of the fields of the GaNS boxes -
94:17 - 94:20you made with your own emotion.
94:20 - 94:23You'll find the truth about yourself.
94:23 - 94:27And, many of you will not like to see,
what you will see. -
94:27 - 94:33You think you felt good, but in fact what
you wished was opposite because -
94:33 - 94:35the Soul was aware of the reality.
94:35 - 94:38You just wanted to know if
I can make that wish -
94:38 - 94:41because I thought of it,
I can show it... -
94:41 - 94:47But in the Universe, there are no masks
and no cover-ups. -
94:50 - 94:53Try to understand your own emotion.
94:53 - 94:58Try to understand your own existence
that you don't need eye to see. -
94:58 - 95:00You see through.
95:03 - 95:05Try to test yourself.
95:05 - 95:11From now on, the race is on
for Man to know his own Soul, -
95:11 - 95:17the connection of his own Soul,
with his own emotion of physicality -
95:17 - 95:22and, how he wants to show
that physicality. -
95:22 - 95:28Many of you who wish to be black,
will become black. -
95:28 - 95:30Many of you who want to be white,
95:30 - 95:33overnight, you will change
your colour to white. -
95:33 - 95:38And then you see if the heart
is black or still white, -
95:39 - 95:42even though the colour
of the skin has changed. -
95:46 - 95:50The emotion of the Man is not
in the heart of the Man -
95:50 - 95:52but is in the Soul of the Man.
95:52 - 95:54And you shall see.
95:54 - 95:58You become the chameleon of the
Universe because the condition -
95:58 - 96:02of the environment dictates for you
to be, for to survive. -
96:02 - 96:07That you don't give too much,
that you have no more to give, -
96:07 - 96:10and you endanger your own existence.
96:10 - 96:13And you don't take too much,
that you endanger others. -
96:14 - 96:17Balance is the order of the Universe.
96:17 - 96:19You made the boxes.
96:19 - 96:22Now these boxes of GaNS you made,
96:22 - 96:26is a box of the judgement
of the level of understanding -
96:26 - 96:29of your own emotion and your Soul.
96:29 - 96:35And then make boxes of the others,
and see if you're correct in conduct. -
96:36 - 96:41Then make boxes in the understanding
of the insight of the Man -
96:41 - 96:45because now when you look at
the emotion, the box cannot be made -
96:45 - 96:50of those materials and their fields
which are in the Soul level, -
96:50 - 96:54You have to make a new box
with the emotional level of the Man -
96:54 - 96:57where the Zinc and Copper
play a little bit, -
96:57 - 97:00where in the other one is Iodine
and something else, -
97:00 - 97:02And then, you play only with the
physicality of the Man, -
97:02 - 97:07where there is nothing but, the
Matter-States of this planet's GaNS. -
97:08 - 97:12And then, you see how you interact.
97:12 - 97:17Start playing the piano, and see which
key you have to press, to what you get. -
97:23 - 97:24Welcome ...
97:25 - 97:31to the first lessons
of joining the Universal Community. -
97:32 - 97:37You cannot sit behind the driver's seat
till you learn what is the ignition key, -
97:37 - 97:41what ignites it, which one is the clutch
and which one is the brake -
97:41 - 97:45and what happen you press the wrong
one the engine collapses on you, -
97:45 - 97:47get pulled to the other side.
97:49 - 97:53The steering wheel is the emotion
of the Soul of the Man -
97:53 - 97:56and you see how you steer
the whole thing together. -
97:57 - 98:01Start making as many boxes
and sit in the middle of it, -
98:01 - 98:07and see, record: what emotion,
at what time, created what. -
98:07 - 98:14And try to tune, fine tune and fine tune
that you end up with one box, -
98:15 - 98:19but in that box you become
the true light of yourself. -
98:21 - 98:25Then, you are ready to become
passengers of the Universe. -
98:28 - 98:30Any questions?
98:36 - 98:40You just thought you are graduated in
nano-coating and making GaNS -
98:40 - 98:45and now you find out, you are back
in the school of holding a pen, -
98:46 - 98:49Just to learn the alphabet
of the Universe. -
98:57 - 98:59(RC) Thank you Mr Keshe ...
99:00 - 99:06I did have a short question earlier,
before there was a lot of other -
99:06 - 99:09questions and comments put in.
99:09 - 99:12And, we just get back to it here.
99:13 - 99:16Somebody else...
I'll just remind our viewers that... -
99:16 - 99:19I do have a viewer with his hand up.
99:19 - 99:23Dick, who does have a question,
of some sort. -
99:23 - 99:27...maybe we can have him
make a comment. -
99:28 - 99:31I'd would just like to remind people
try to keep the questions -
99:31 - 99:35relevant to our talk here,
today so far. -
99:37 - 99:41I'll promote you,
I think it's Dirk actually, not Dick. -
99:43 - 99:46I'll put my glasses on (RC chuckles)
and see for sure... -
99:46 - 99:48Sorry! Yes it is Dirk.
99:49 - 99:51Perhaps we can start with Dirk?
99:51 - 99:56Dirk are you there?
Do you want to ask a question? -
100:02 - 100:05I'll try to unmute you, as you did
have your hand up. -
100:06 - 100:07Hello? Go ahead!
100:15 - 100:17(MK) Hello, we can't hear.
100:19 - 100:22(RC) Do you have a micophone?
Can you speak up? -
100:23 - 100:25(D) Yeah, right now?..
100:25 - 100:27(MK) We can't hear!
100:27 - 100:30(RC) No, it's not very good.
100:30 - 100:34You going to have to get your
microphone situation better there. -
100:34 - 100:38Maybe, you have to choose the
microphone in the Zoom correctly? -
100:43 - 100:46So, sounds like a bad connection.
100:46 - 100:49Sounds like
your microphone connection. -
100:52 - 100:55Okay, we can't...
100:55 - 100:57Sorry, we can't
take your question like that. -
100:57 - 101:00You're gonna have to sort out
your microphone. -
101:00 - 101:02(D) Okay, I'll try.
101:07 - 101:10(RC) Maybe it's better now?
Can you try it now? -
101:10 - 101:14(D) Ah....
I'll just check it, -
101:14 - 101:17(RC) Okay...
(MK) It's very low, your level is low. -
101:17 - 101:20(RC) Yeah! We can hear you now.
101:21 - 101:23(D) Is it louder?
Perhaps that's the reason? -
101:23 - 101:28(RC) Now's... it's breaking up there but,
try it again? -
101:28 - 101:31(D) Ah...Okay, then it's...
then it's the connection perhaps? -
101:31 - 101:37So I will put it up on...
on the system. -
101:37 - 101:39(MK) He writes it up,
and you read it -
101:39 - 101:40(RC) Okay!
101:40 - 101:43(D) Okay, I'll write it up.
... Okay. -
101:43 - 101:45(MK) Thank you very much.
101:46 - 101:51(RC) Okay ... I'm trying to mute and
it won't mute... -
101:53 - 101:56Vince, can you try to mute
that person? I can't mute. -
101:56 - 102:00Or Dirk can you mute
your microphone please? -
102:01 - 102:03For some reason it won't
mute from this end. -
102:07 - 102:10Dirk can you mute your microphone
or not, there? -
102:11 - 102:16(D) Yes... I just have some problems.
I don't know what happened else I can do. -
102:16 - 102:19(RC) Okay! I'm going to
demote you to viewer, -
102:19 - 102:22and you can still put
your comment in. -
102:23 - 102:26(D) Okay! Thank you.
102:29 - 102:32(RC) Okay! Well ...
Let's try again here. -
102:32 - 102:36Maybe we have somebody else in
the panelists who has a question? -
102:36 - 102:41Otherwise, let me go back to that
one I was looking for ... here. -
102:49 - 102:51(AB) ...think
102:53 - 102:56(RC) I hear
a voice in the background -
102:56 - 102:58(AB) Mr Keshe, good morning.
102:58 - 103:03(MK) I think it's something wrong with it,
with... could be our system? -
103:03 - 103:06we have the same problem
with Azar now... -
103:06 - 103:10(RC) Well she usually starts a little weak
but comes on stronger... -
103:11 - 103:13(AB) Can you hear me now?
(MK) This is typical... -
103:13 - 103:16This is typical Persian woman.
Don't worry... (chuckles) -
103:16 - 103:21(RC) It's actually the software
but...(chuckles) -
103:21 - 103:23there's part of their
software too, I think. -
103:23 - 103:25(AB) Good morning!
103:25 - 103:26(MK) Good morning,
Doctor Azar. -
103:26 - 103:28(AB) Can you hear me now?
103:28 - 103:30(MK) Yes!
(RC) Yes it's coming through, thank you. -
103:30 - 103:34(AB) Okay so I can ask questions now,
I guess nobody has any questions? -
103:35 - 103:35...
103:36 - 103:38(MK) Limit it to numbers, please.
103:38 - 103:43(AB) Okay! In terms of GaNS of the salt:
I have made the GaNS'es of all the salts -
103:43 - 103:47Calcium, Potassium,
Magnesium, Nitrogen. -
103:47 - 103:54And...so each of them should give
me different kind of emotion? -
103:54 - 104:00When I interact with them, I gather,
from what you are talking about... -
104:00 - 104:01and...
104:01 - 104:05(MK) It depends, depends, depends...
how you made them? -
104:05 - 104:07What you made,
the way you made it? -
104:07 - 104:09(AB) I made them
the same way I made -
104:09 - 104:16the CO2 and Zinc GaNS with the
nano-coated Copper, and ... -
104:16 - 104:21(MK) And, now sit in in front of it,
and see what emotion moves what? -
104:22 - 104:27(AB) Okay, because I actually,
have them all together, -
104:27 - 104:30and I made patches
of them, as well too. -
104:30 - 104:35And ... also what I did,
I made the 'Cup of Life'. -
104:36 - 104:42I took a cup that, I put water
in the two layer of the cup, -
104:42 - 104:48and I measured their strength, and
each of them had different strength's. -
104:49 - 104:54Like Calcium and Potassium had higher
strength's than the other ones. -
105:00 - 105:05(MK) You have to test,
You see what emotion... -
105:05 - 105:07Don't mix the GaNS together.
105:07 - 105:11Try to keep them separate,
even, not near to each other, -
105:12 - 105:14that you
start understanding. -
105:14 - 105:17Not the first one, not the tenth one,
not the hundred one. -
105:17 - 105:22If it's not in the right strength, is
not necessarily mean you have found it. -
105:22 - 105:26But when you find the first one, then
you'll know what you are looking for. -
105:28 - 105:30(AB) ...Can I drink them?
105:31 - 105:34(MK) As long as you don't drink
the GaNS itself. Yes! -
105:36 - 105:37(AB) Okay.
105:37 - 105:39(MK) Water GaNS
is no problem with it. -
105:39 - 105:43Let me explain to you a couple of things,
which I think it will be interesting. -
105:43 - 105:50When you make a Plasma water
of Plasmatic GaNS ... -
105:52 - 105:56You ... carry the energy,
you don't carry the Matter-State. -
105:56 - 105:58When...
106:02 - 106:06We had ... Vernie ...
106:06 - 106:08If he is on the line he can explain it,
106:08 - 106:12because he explained beautifully
in the teaching yesterday. -
106:12 - 106:14Do you see Vernie
in the background? -
106:14 - 106:17(VG) Yes I'm here Mr Keshe
(MK) ...in how to use GaNS and -
106:17 - 106:19the way you got
to use the GaNS -
106:19 - 106:23the orders you gotta to use the
GaNS'es, or even mix them together, -
106:23 - 106:26and how you want to mix them,
to want to get an outcome. -
106:26 - 106:29Do you see Vernie in the back ground?
Is he there? -
106:29 - 106:31(VG) I'm here Mr.Keshe, I'm here.
106:31 - 106:33(MK) Vernie, could you please explain
106:33 - 106:37in... how you explained yesterday
in the teachings? -
106:37 - 106:38(VG) Okay!
106:38 - 106:42(MK) That people understand, because
this is important and many people -
106:42 - 106:46never understood this but, at
least this way you will understand it, -
106:46 - 106:50and you will see how you even interact
or mix different GaNS together, -
106:50 - 106:52for whatever reasons,
106:52 - 106:55you want to measure your Soul,
or your sight, or whatever? -
106:56 - 106:58Go ahead please!
(VG) Thank you. -
106:58 - 107:02... When I bring Liquid Plasma to water.
107:02 - 107:06especially multiple Liquid Plasma
of different strength. -
107:07 - 107:13It is best to add first, the lightest
strength, and then add next, -
107:13 - 107:18then next in strength and last should
be the heaviest in strength. -
107:18 - 107:24This is done to have a consistent flow
from heavier to lighter strength. -
107:25 - 107:34So, we have to be consistent in this flow
that we do not create an opposing flow. -
107:34 - 107:37When we put different...
in different manner. -
107:37 - 107:42So the effect of doing this
on the water -
107:42 - 107:50or even on our body, it's much better
than doing it the other way. -
107:51 - 108:02So I've observed this, and even tasted ...
drinking water with an additional of, -
108:02 - 108:04let's say CH3 and CO2
108:05 - 108:11the taste is different when done this way,
than the other way. -
108:12 - 108:14And I've been observing the effect also,
108:14 - 108:27I would say, I feel... it is much better
doing from ... doing this method. -
108:27 - 108:31Lighter, then heavier,
then the heaviest, the last one. -
108:36 - 108:38(VG) Okay?
108:42 - 108:46(MK) Yes, thank you very much.
What is... -
108:46 - 108:51What Vernie is trying to explain is that,
how you mix the GaNS -
108:51 - 108:55you dictate the elevation
and the position in the Plasma strength. -
108:56 - 109:03It's better if you are mixing GaNS
to build up, from the base up. -
109:07 - 109:09Those are with
the Plasmatic Atomic mass -
109:09 - 109:12of strength of the lowest ,
you put in first. -
109:12 - 109:15So you cover base from outside.
109:15 - 109:21You fulfill the full requirement of what
is needed, at the point of interaction. -
109:21 - 109:26Then, you add ...
CH3 is fifteen. -
109:26 - 109:31Then for example, if you want
to add CH4, it's the second one. -
109:31 - 109:36If you want to add CO2,
that's the third one. -
109:36 - 109:40If you want to add amino acid,
is the fourth one. -
109:41 - 109:47If you don't do that process,
even if you are taking GaNS, -
109:47 - 109:49mixture of GaNS
for different application -
109:49 - 109:53for whatever the reasons, you always
start with the lightest first. -
109:53 - 109:56You give it a space,
you take the next one. -
109:56 - 109:59And, this is how
it should be done. -
109:59 - 110:04If you mix the 1st one with the 4th one
you get totally different energy transfer -
110:04 - 110:07even then you are asked,
you put the second one in third. -
110:08 - 110:12So, it's important for us
to watch very much -
110:12 - 110:15the way, step by step, you follow
to get a perfect GaNS, -
110:15 - 110:20how now to mix the GaNS
to get the perfect condition you want. -
110:23 - 110:30The beauty with a lot of work you do,
especially, if you're looking for -
110:30 - 110:37understanding of the work of the GaNS with
the physical dimension, need of the man, -
110:37 - 110:41you always have
to add two things to it. -
110:42 - 110:47One is the Amino Acid,
secondly Hemoglobin. -
110:50 - 110:55Then the condition will be
of those which is in reality -
110:55 - 110:58at the strength of the Plasma,
of the body of the Man. -
111:00 - 111:04If you just put the Amino Acid
and put Magnesium, -
111:04 - 111:10you will get with it,
what is to be a plant. -
111:10 - 111:12And you don't want to be there.
111:12 - 111:17So, you dictate with the presence
of the materials and the GaNS -
111:17 - 111:22the condition that you want to create
to be connected to man, -
111:22 - 111:26to you , to a dog,
to a tree, to a stone. -
111:29 - 111:30Learn
111:34 - 111:37the process of interaction
of the fields, -
111:37 - 111:40not the physicality observation,
of the matter. -
111:44 - 111:48Because, when you put
liquid GaNS of the CH3, -
111:48 - 111:54in a water, and the liquid GaNS of the
CuO in a water and a CuO2, -
111:54 - 111:57we don't see, it still
is the same water. -
112:02 - 112:05They all are so transparent!
112:07 - 112:14And this is one of the problems we have,
in measuring what's what, and what it does. -
112:18 - 112:23This is important for us,
because in this knowledge, -
112:23 - 112:30we have to understand to be blind
to the world of physicality, -
112:30 - 112:36because this is what
we have decided to do. -
112:36 - 112:43This is what we have wanted,
how we wanted it, the way we wanted it. -
112:43 - 112:50And, would this be
in the condition that we want? -
112:55 - 113:05Do we want to add, in so many ways, how
and where, and the way we want to do it? -
113:05 - 113:11And, would it be better
to put the heaviest first, -
113:11 - 113:14and go from heavy
to the light? -
113:15 - 113:18If you go from the heavy
to the light, -
113:18 - 113:23then you create the condition of
existence of the Plasma. -
113:23 - 113:30The heavier stronger fields
will dominate and overpower the weaker. -
113:30 - 113:35But, where the other one is vice versa,
you already stand out, -
113:35 - 113:39in the condition how you want it,
the way you want it, -
113:39 - 113:42and how you want it
to change. -
113:44 - 113:50It is important for us to be,
in so many ways, -
113:50 - 113:54have a full understanding
of our own -
113:55 - 113:59existence,
through our own work. -
114:00 - 114:01When you put
114:02 - 114:08different strength Plasma fields,
they all look the same. -
114:15 - 114:22When we will show the pictures,
of the products which are to be marketed, -
114:22 - 114:27in a coming time, you will understand this
very fast, very clearly. -
114:29 - 114:33That it all looks water,
transparent. -
114:36 - 114:39The new products coming out of
the Keshe Foundation Ghana, -
114:39 - 114:44clearly explains it, this is the dilemma
for the world of science. -
114:45 - 114:48And this is what is driving people crazy
in the world of science. -
114:48 - 114:52"It's water but I feel it,
I drink it, -
114:52 - 114:55in a certain sequence
I don't have a blood pressure, -
114:55 - 115:00I drink it in a different sequence
I loose my diabetic. -
115:00 - 115:05I use it in different way,
I get rid of Typhoid, -
115:05 - 115:10I use it in different way, I walk away
with Cancer, but it's still a water." -
115:16 - 115:20We'll release these pictures,
you will see it it's amazing -
115:20 - 115:27the mayhem we have created in the world of
commerce and science. -
115:27 - 115:33And, those who want to understand it,
are in more confusion than anybody else. -
115:42 - 115:46It's the way we should understand,
how, what we want. -
115:48 - 115:53In a way what happens,
if you make a bath tub of these, -
115:53 - 115:55and you go inside it?
115:56 - 116:03If you make a bath box, would you
disappear physically not to be seen? -
116:04 - 116:09Because, the Plasmatic Magnetic Field
of you, -
116:09 - 116:12and the environment created,
is of the same. -
116:15 - 116:18We shall show this
in Accra very soon. -
116:23 - 116:28It's what you call,
'the hidden energy of the Plasma'. -
116:30 - 116:33It's very hard for a lot to understand.
116:33 - 116:39But, there is no difference
in structure. -
116:39 - 116:43But, in the energy carrying,
it does. -
116:43 - 116:47Now try to make
a water -
116:47 - 116:52which carries the energy of your Soul,
and carry it with you in your hand, -
116:52 - 116:53God help you!
116:57 - 117:05Make a water GaNS which carries
the emotion of the happiness, in it, -
117:05 - 117:08of your Soul and your emotion,
and put it in your pocket, -
117:08 - 117:11wherever you walk
you’re always happy because -
117:11 - 117:14it's so powerful that override
anything else in you. -
117:14 - 117:16They say, "Oh the happy chap!",
he say, "and they feel it." -
117:16 - 117:18They become happy with you
because they receive. -
117:18 - 117:21I hope you’re happiness,
is not their little anchor point. -
117:25 - 117:30The time of playing and enjoying life with
the Plasma Technology has just started. -
117:30 - 117:32If I tell you the things
you can do with it, -
117:32 - 117:34you'd go crazy
and mad with it. -
117:35 - 117:40Because, it's so much to do
as Alekz says -
117:40 - 117:46"I don't want nothing else to do,
I eat, breath, sleep Plasma Technology". -
117:47 - 117:52When it touches your Soul,
you get the pleasure of understanding it, -
117:52 - 117:54It changes your life.
117:57 - 118:00It depends if you manage
to make the strength. -
118:00 - 118:04which gives you the satisfaction
of the existence, and then that's it. -
118:04 - 118:08It's like falling in Love,
when you are touched, you can't let go. -
118:09 - 118:13Because, the freedom from it,
is beyond understanding of the physicality. -
118:15 - 118:17Any other question?
118:18 - 118:22(IG) Yes! Mr Keshe this is
Ioannis from Greece. -
118:22 - 118:24(MK) Can you speak a bit louder please?
118:24 - 118:28(IG) ... Yeah I'm trying to speak loud,
can you hear me now? -
118:28 - 118:31(MK) Rick I think
our filter level is too low. -
118:31 - 118:34Vince, somebody in the background.
118:35 - 118:38Is that possible you could check,
somebody can raise it? -
118:39 - 118:44(RC) I'm not sure there is, there was
a new update to the Zoom today. -
118:44 - 118:49So maybe, that altered something,
the Zoom may be different now? -
118:50 - 118:52(MK) Okay!
Carry on please. -
118:52 - 118:56(IG) Okay, I've got one question
that has to do with GaNS. -
118:56 - 118:59(MK) Can you explain to us who you are.
Please introduce yourself... -
118:59 - 119:03(IG) Yes! Yes I am Ioannis,
and I am from Greece. -
119:03 - 119:06(MK) Yes, thank you very much.
119:06 - 119:12(IG) ...Thank you, my first question is,
if we add two GaNS'es together, -
119:12 - 119:18for example CH3 which is Atomic mass of 15
and CO2 which is 44. -
119:18 - 119:24Is the result the new Plasma
of the fields 59, is it simple addition? -
119:24 - 119:30(MK) No! What you have to learn;
How much of which you have put in? -
119:30 - 119:35Is it one, let's say, gram of one,
and two gram of the other? -
119:35 - 119:37(IG) Okay!
119:37 - 119:41(MK) Yeah, you have to learn
the mass ratio is important. -
119:42 - 119:45Because, there's more of to give,
so they dominate the strength. -
119:45 - 119:50It's like in the medical applications,
we put two, double the mass of, -
119:50 - 119:51the one in the back,
then the front. -
119:51 - 119:55The transfer of the energy
from back to front -
119:55 - 120:00It's the directional in Magnetical level
but in Gravitational level it's in reverse -
120:00 - 120:03where the highest
goes to the lowest. -
120:04 - 120:08(IG) So, I'm not sure
I understood that last part? -
120:08 - 120:14(MK) When you put higher
order strength Plasma -
120:14 - 120:18with a lower order
in strength of the Plasma. -
120:18 - 120:19(YG) Yes!
120:19 - 120:24(MK) You receive higher order
gravitational magnetic fields -
120:24 - 120:28from the strongest to the weakest.
120:29 - 120:34But, when you release the fields
from the weakest, -
120:34 - 120:38it's on gravitational,
is weaker that the stronger, -
120:38 - 120:40from the other side
can put to itself. -
120:44 - 120:48So, if you look at it,
the fields from -
120:48 - 120:52the north pole of the weakest,
is gravitationally weaker, -
120:52 - 120:56than the gravitational
fields of the strongest, -
120:56 - 120:59of the south pole of the strong.
120:59 - 121:02That it allows to pull it to itself.
121:02 - 121:04Otherwise it will be feeding back.
121:05 - 121:08And it's the same on
the magnetical side. -
121:08 - 121:10You have to understand that,
121:10 - 121:15the fields carry both gravitational
and magnetical, it's not one-way. -
121:16 - 121:21And, at the same time,
your magnetical poles, similarity, -
121:21 - 121:22they repel each other.
121:22 - 121:27So it means, the part of the field flow
goes for separation. -
121:28 - 121:31And, the same
is from your South Pole. -
121:31 - 121:34You have 2 fields,
1 on the top and 1 on the bottom, -
121:34 - 121:36which they interact.
121:36 - 121:39And then you have 2 fields,
which from the top of one, -
121:39 - 121:41interacts with
the lower of the other. -
121:41 - 121:43And from the top
of the other one, -
121:43 - 121:45with the lower
of the other one. -
121:46 - 121:49This has to be taken into consideration.
121:49 - 121:54And that's why, when we speak,
the field strength of the Plasma, -
121:54 - 121:58we deduct the 2 repulsion,
121:58 - 122:02to keep the total mass of
the gravitational mass balance. -
122:02 - 122:05Let me explain
to you, to understand. -
122:05 - 122:07Can I share please?
122:13 - 122:15(SC) Just go ahead Mr Keshe.
122:19 - 122:23(MK) This is what we,
we've been teaching, and that's... -
122:23 - 122:25You have a Plasma.
122:28 - 122:32You have 4 field-forces.
122:32 - 122:36North pole, north pole.
122:37 - 122:40This gives a repulsion.
122:41 - 122:46You have the south pole,
122:50 - 122:51in a way
122:54 - 122:58which again,
creates a repulsion. -
122:58 - 123:05And then you have
the magical north pole to the south. -
123:05 - 123:09And then you have another one,
which is, -
123:10 - 123:12if I can choose,
123:14 - 123:16is this one, to this one.
123:19 - 123:25So, your total balance, we always say
is about 20 to 30% -
123:25 - 123:27sometimes up to 50%.
123:27 - 123:30It's, when the balance here,
123:30 - 123:36is the deduction of
the yellow and the red -
123:37 - 123:39and the blue
123:40 - 123:44and the,
what do you call it... -
123:44 - 123:47This, the other one,
the other red at the bottom, -
123:47 - 123:48(YG) Pink?
(MK) What you call it, -
123:48 - 123:51the brighter, pink one.
Whatever you call it? -
123:52 - 123:55So, this is the balance which you get.
123:55 - 124:00Because, these 2 are repulsion,
which means they are releasing. -
124:00 - 124:06These 2 are the absorption.
Which they are interacting to receive. -
124:07 - 124:10These are the 4 field-forces,
that we always have to consider. -
124:10 - 124:15And when you take, in a way
B and P away from it. -
124:15 - 124:21It gives you total mass
exclusion by 30% or 50%. -
124:21 - 124:24This gives you the
atomic mass of the Plasma. -
124:24 - 124:27Because, you never
consider Plasma on its own. -
124:27 - 124:29You consider Plasma
in respect to interaction with -
124:29 - 124:31the other
Plasmas in his environment. -
124:31 - 124:34Because, Plasma
on its own does not exist. -
124:34 - 124:36So. its potentially real.
124:36 - 124:42And, the more you have,
the heavier elements you have as a Plasma. -
124:42 - 124:43the more you lose here.
124:43 - 124:46So we got to ba...
(coughing) -
124:47 - 124:50In the balance field
of 20%, on reverse. -
124:50 - 124:53And then, the lighter
you become like Hydrogen -
124:53 - 124:56is so much, that you
can go up to 50% reduction. -
124:57 - 124:59(cough)
125:00 - 125:06Because, the extraction of the fields
in their balance equal level, -
125:06 - 125:10is too much, so you lose a lot
to keep the balance. -
125:10 - 125:14If you get ring magnets and play with it,
you'll understand it very quickly. -
125:16 - 125:18So you cannot go and say,
125:18 - 125:20"If you balance with this,
what's created?" -
125:20 - 125:22You have to consider...
125:25 - 125:27every aspect of the interaction.
125:27 - 125:29So it doesn't become,
125:29 - 125:32" because you add one to the other,
it gives you that level." -
125:36 - 125:38I hope I'm clear!
125:38 - 125:41(IG) Thank you for
your answer. -
125:41 - 125:46So, is the first part of the equation
the magnetical part of the Plasma, -
125:46 - 125:48and the second the gravitational?
125:48 - 125:54(MK) Yes you have 2 magnetical
and you have 2 gravitational. -
125:54 - 125:55(IG) Yes!
125:55 - 125:59The magnetical are the north
poles repelling each other, -
125:59 - 126:02and the south poles
repelling each other. -
126:02 - 126:03(IG) Yes!
126:03 - 126:06Gravitational is the
interaction of the north pole -
126:06 - 126:08what goes to the bottom
of the south, -
126:08 - 126:10end of the bigger one,
to the weaker one. -
126:10 - 126:13But when you have Hydrogen,
Hydrogen is about 2 of the same -
126:13 - 126:16which is about 50% reduction.
126:16 - 126:17So in a way
126:17 - 126:22when you consider Hydrogen environment,
you consider not as one. -
126:22 - 126:23You consider as half.
126:24 - 126:27But when you go, on the other hand,
to higher atomic mass -
126:27 - 126:29you go back in the same position,
126:29 - 126:31because you have too many neutrons
which are giving out. -
126:31 - 126:36So the fields coming out
is much stronger than the balance field. -
126:36 - 126:40And then you go back again,
sometimes up to 30 to 50%. -
126:40 - 126:44But half of one is not much.
126:44 - 126:50But when you are in 200 and 300,
20%, 30%, it's a lot. -
126:54 - 127:00Where you look at ... atomic Hydrogen,
with one you lose half. -
127:00 - 127:03But if you look
at something like 200 -
127:03 - 127:0720% is 40, it's a huge amount.
127:08 - 127:12And, in all the interaction, depending
on the environment, you don't get 40. -
127:12 - 127:16You have some which are on 40.
Some are on 39, some of them 35. -
127:16 - 127:18Some are them are zero,
127:18 - 127:21which means the balance,
equals balance atomic structure. -
127:22 - 127:25When you do the test
with the GaNS of the, -
127:26 - 127:29for example Zinc
and near Zinc. -
127:29 - 127:34Always consider
the presence of the B12 in the Iron -
127:34 - 127:37with the existence
of the amino acid. -
127:37 - 127:41Because, its not the Zinc emotion
on its own which is there. -
127:41 - 127:47It depends how much
the Cobalt has changed -
127:47 - 127:53that... or the Cesium amount
of Cobalt radiation exists near the Iron. -
127:53 - 127:57That it gives you the strength,
difference strength of the gamma rays. -
127:58 - 128:02Some of the gamma rays in Cesium plays
the same strength as the Cobalt. -
128:02 - 128:04But not all of them.
128:07 - 128:11And then that affects
the ratio of the energy -
128:11 - 128:16which is released
in the ... interaction of -
128:16 - 128:21the Zinc and copper
in the same container. -
128:21 - 128:23Then you decide how
much you feel, -
128:23 - 128:25you feel good if you bad?
128:25 - 128:27And how you
want control the atomic mass? -
128:28 - 128:33It's not a simple game. The
Universe has many games in the stake. -
128:35 - 128:41(IG) Yes it does.
If it's all about this question, -
128:41 - 128:43could you be able
to answer one more please? -
128:43 - 128:45(MK) Yes! Go ahead.
128:46 - 128:48(IG) So, this one has
to do with the Man -
128:48 - 128:52and ... if I can say,
the different bodies the Man has. -
128:52 - 128:55If the physicality of the
man is the Plasma, -
128:55 - 128:58is also the emotionality of the
Man a different Plasma, -
128:58 - 129:02and the the mentality of
the man another Plasma? -
129:02 - 129:07(MK) In a strength,
could be the same entity. -
129:09 - 129:12Is a strength? Yes!
(IG) So it's..? -
129:12 - 129:16(MK) Emotion...
The Soul of the Man is much stronger. -
129:18 - 129:24And.... What you call, 'the emotion
of the Man', it's a level down. -
129:24 - 129:27Because it changes,
it reduces to become. -
129:27 - 129:31And then the emotion, then reduced
in strength, becomes the physicality. -
129:32 - 129:36But, in a way if you look at it, you
can have a spectrum of the same thing -
129:36 - 129:40but, if the gap is big enough,
you can have the Soul, -
129:40 - 129:45the emotion and the physicality,
within the structure of one element. -
129:49 - 129:53(IG) So, they are all parts
of one bigger Plasma? -
129:53 - 129:55But they are
not the exact same, right? -
129:55 - 129:57(MK) No, not in the strength.
129:57 - 130:01Because, one in reducing its strength
becomes the other of the weaker. -
130:04 - 130:06Thank you for this.
130:06 - 130:07(MK) Thank you very much.
130:07 - 130:10(AB) Mr Keshe I have a question?
130:10 - 130:11(MK) Yes Azar
130:11 - 130:14(AB) ... Who is the one
who talks then? -
130:17 - 130:19(MK) Ask yourself,
130:20 - 130:26We have changed, we have changed
in the physicality of the existence. -
130:26 - 130:32We have converted some of our emotions
into vibration, what you call the sound. -
130:37 - 130:41The dump does not speak but
understand all the emotions, -
130:41 - 130:43does not need the word to speak.
130:43 - 130:47Nor does the deaf to hear,
but he understand the emotion, -
130:47 - 130:51and feeling of the laughter with
joy and everything else. -
130:51 - 130:54It's as who's is translated
it to be comfortable, -
130:54 - 130:56to understand which
one is which. -
130:58 - 131:00Laziness I call it.
131:02 - 131:05(AB) So when, when I
talk do I filter? -
131:06 - 131:09(MK) Yes, you filter your
emotion to sound level, -
131:10 - 131:12because that way you
can explain to those, -
131:12 - 131:15who do not see your
Soul or your emotion. -
131:16 - 131:21(AB) So, it's a kind of
hiding my true identity? -
131:22 - 131:26(MK) No, is way of
being able to..., -
131:26 - 131:28because of the pieces
we have created -
131:28 - 131:33to be able to use it, to be like the others,
that we do not stand as a dumb or at death. -
131:36 - 131:39"اگر نمی خواهید به ایستادگی
از، تبدیل شدن به مانند بقیه." -
131:39 - 131:43It means, 'if do not want to stand
out, become like the rest.' -
131:45 - 131:48(AB) But you know sometimes...
I feel like ... -
131:48 - 131:50the way I feel about my body,
131:50 - 131:53I just wanna get out of this,
but I do not know how to do it though. -
131:53 - 131:54It just ...
131:54 - 131:58(MK) It is very easy, many, many
times done, it's very, very easy. -
131:59 - 132:03I do this frequently,
because as I have said many time: -
132:03 - 132:05"I am ashamed to be in
the body of the man, -
132:05 - 132:07but the body of the Man,
is only I can serve Mankind, -
132:07 - 132:09to get rid off this of this trap"
132:13 - 132:15(AB) Thank you Mr Keshe.
132:16 - 132:17(MK) You're welcome!
132:17 - 132:19Any other questions?
132:19 - 132:23(PB) Hello Mr Keshe!
It's Pawel, from UK speaking -
132:24 - 132:25(MK) Is who ?
132:27 - 132:28Hello
132:28 - 132:30(PB) Pawel from the UK.
132:30 - 132:33Hello Mr Keshe! Actually
I've got two questions? Hello, Hello? -
132:33 - 132:36(MK) How are you nowadays?
132:37 - 132:38(PB) Very good.
132:38 - 132:40(MK) Very good!
Okay carry on. -
132:40 - 132:42(PB) Thank you,
132:42 - 132:46... Actually Mr Keshe, I've
got two questions? -
132:46 - 132:48(PB) If I can obviously,
132:48 - 132:52The first is: that what you
mention earlier on regarding, -
132:52 - 132:55to creating a
box with GaNS, -
132:55 - 132:59...If we start considerating
a human body as a -
132:59 - 133:04big container of the different GaNS
with the different strengthnesses, -
133:04 - 133:08(MK) You don't need to consider,
You don't need consider it, it is! -
133:08 - 133:12(P) Yeah! Thank you for correcting
me, yes of course it is, yes. -
133:12 - 133:16...So in this case, when we
start playing with emotions, -
133:16 - 133:23and this... during this games
with emotions is our physicality, -
133:23 - 133:28is start, let say, recognizing
a certain phenomenons, -
133:28 - 133:30on certain parts of our body,
133:30 - 133:32and...
133:32 - 133:36lets say... is that pretty
much same for all Humans ? -
133:36 - 133:37In a way?
133:37 - 133:39(MK) Yes!
(PB) Creating some kind pattern -
133:39 - 133:42of progress,
let say, of understanding? -
133:44 - 133:46(MK) ...Let me tell you something,
133:46 - 133:50maybe we can expand what
you said, in very short way, -
133:51 - 133:52(PB) Thank you, yes.
133:52 - 133:55(MK) Scientists nowadays
they put electrodes and say, -
133:55 - 133:58"this is the part of your brain
which is your emotion, -
133:58 - 134:01this is part of the brain which
is your arm", and the rest of it. -
134:02 - 134:05Why we go all the way
to go to the physicality, -
134:05 - 134:08go back to where it is, and not go
directly to where it is in the brain -
134:08 - 134:10without going through
the physicality, -
134:11 - 134:15and then see how the physicality
response, in the respect to the emotion -
134:15 - 134:18of the feeling in that
part of the brain. -
134:20 - 134:25But, why don't we by-pass the
physicality and go directly in our brain? -
134:25 - 134:27" I know this is part when
my emotions , -
134:27 - 134:30and I want the emotion
to be happy." -
134:30 - 134:35And that happy part is that box,
because when I feel happy, -
134:35 - 134:39when I remember the joy of who
I Love, that box is start moving, -
134:39 - 134:42with that Zinc or
a Calcium in it. -
134:42 - 134:45So, that is the box of Love.
134:46 - 134:50And then, see if you
put that box of Love, -
134:50 - 134:52try to bring it to
the physicality. -
134:52 - 134:55Does it come out like a kiss
or a cuddle? -
134:55 - 134:57And then, you find out,
which way is how? -
134:57 - 135:02You want to be physically emotion, or you
want to feel direct energy transfer? -
135:03 - 135:05We've got a lot to learn.
135:06 - 135:12(PB) So that means some,
let's say, certain .... how to say it. -
135:12 - 135:15Sensations on our
physicality which one occurs, -
135:15 - 135:20on different, let's say, people in
pretty much... pretty much same way. -
135:20 - 135:22We can..?
(MK) Not really, -
135:22 - 135:26Not really!
Near enough maybe? -
135:26 - 135:31(PB) Yeah, can we... can we just start
understanding this, as a pretty much, -
135:31 - 135:34of indication, what's going on,
135:34 - 135:37and how far we go with it,
the understanding. -
135:37 - 135:39(MK) That is a purpose of
the teaching from now on, -
135:39 - 135:45for Man to understand his own,
control of emotion without a physicality, -
135:45 - 135:47and then through it
to see his Soul, -
135:47 - 135:51and then you see the
opening to Universal Community. -
135:52 - 135:53(PB) Right, Okay.
135:54 - 135:58(MK) When we call it Spaceship,
Space is the body of the Man, -
135:58 - 136:03the Ship is his emotion to be able
to carry it, where he wants to. -
136:08 - 136:10(PB) Yeah! That's
very interesting. -
136:11 - 136:15(MK) You always look at the ship,
for as to carry something in it. -
136:17 - 136:20(PB) Absolutely agree
with this, and the 2nd... -
136:20 - 136:23(MK) Which makes the physicality and
this where we look at the wrong way, -
136:23 - 136:27we look... We use the physicality
to get to the emotions. -
136:30 - 136:33(PB) Yeah, thank you... thank
you very much Mr Keshe, -
136:33 - 136:38and the second one is related let
say, if we create the Plasma Banking, -
136:38 - 136:40let's say, in the way.
136:41 - 136:47And... we doing, this let's say, through
our emotions with the different entities, -
136:47 - 136:50... I mean the
people, like the Human beings. -
136:50 - 136:55Can we... Are we able to exchange,
you know, different things, -
136:55 - 136:58which we name like,
you know, wisdom, -
136:58 - 137:02intelligence, health, and you know...
(MK) Of course, -
137:02 - 137:06Of course, you will be amazed how
you start speaking new languages, -
137:06 - 137:08without you ever spoken it.
137:09 - 137:13(PB) Yeah! That's what I waiting
for to get to it, absolutely, -
137:13 - 137:15(MK) It is very easy.
137:15 - 137:18...They say some people learn
languages very easy, -
137:18 - 137:22but if you look in the background,
through it, you'll find out, -
137:22 - 137:25is the emotion which they
put in to it which allows, -
137:25 - 137:30that connections of the learning,
or to tap into as level of Souls. -
137:33 - 137:37(PB) Yes. So... so that's means if
we expose fields, through our emotions, -
137:37 - 137:42using let's say, our interface with
this environment which our body is, -
137:42 - 137:46can we, let's say ... observe some kind of
phenomenons, when other people, -
137:46 - 137:49obviously, they dictate what
they want to receive not we? -
137:49 - 137:55(MK) You will feel it before they talk,
you feel them before you see. -
137:56 - 138:01You understand emotion, in
so much Martial Arts did teach that, -
138:01 - 138:04but the man doesn't
go beyond the expansion of it, -
138:05 - 138:07but you can increase it.
138:07 - 138:10As I said, when you go into Deep
Space you try to look at the light, -
138:10 - 138:15so much you do not see, because
on the other hand, if you can extend, -
138:15 - 138:17you will see beyond
the boundaries of -
138:17 - 138:20even the Spaceship which you created,
because you have that strength. -
138:21 - 138:24The vision of the Man will
come through his Soul, -
138:26 - 138:30and in the way if you look at it,
you become the center of the Universe, -
138:30 - 138:34as you will shall see the boundaries of
the field-strength of your own Soul. -
138:35 - 138:37One day, Man will understand.
138:38 - 138:42(PB) Thank you very much Mr Keshe
indeed, thank you very much. -
138:42 - 138:44(MK) Any other question ?
138:45 - 138:51(RC) There is a question, that's somewhat
related from Trevor in the Livestream. -
138:51 - 138:56"Rick could you please
ask Mr Keshe, about the Jinn?" -
138:56 - 139:01Jinn, which he, which she
says are "Plasma beings", -
139:01 - 139:04Are they controlling Mankind?
139:04 - 139:10As in the Quran, that says, that "they
were here on Earth, before mankind", -
139:10 - 139:11"Thank you".
139:14 - 139:18(MK) Mankind came out
of the condition, -
139:18 - 139:22of... which was created physically,
that it let to his existence, -
139:22 - 139:25but the life has been
here by the others who, -
139:25 - 139:30do not depend on the condition
of the atmosphere of this planet, -
139:30 - 139:32for them to exist.
139:34 - 139:39It is very much, when Man...
when Man understands the ... -
139:39 - 139:41the work of the Universe,
139:41 - 139:46Man will understand the
Space is full of nomads. -
139:47 - 139:50They don't need to wait for
something to be created, -
139:50 - 139:54they come, they visit, they go,
they see, they feel. -
139:57 - 139:59As I've said many,
many times, -
139:59 - 140:03"When we open the video
of the life of the Man on this planet, -
140:03 - 140:05Man will be
ashamed of what he's done. -
140:07 - 140:10One of the things which has been kept
and it will be disclosed, -
140:10 - 140:13and in so many ways,
I go back to it sometimes. -
140:14 - 140:19We will show the true behavior of Moses,
because he made a huge problem. -
140:21 - 140:25And then will see how people
would like to called the 'Jew'. -
140:33 - 140:36Seen it and he's shamed
to be part of humanity. -
140:44 - 140:50(RC) Maybe that comes just to our
next question here from Danny who ask: -
140:50 - 140:54Can lost Souls still be elevated?
140:55 - 140:59(MK) You never loose souls.
No Soul is ever lost. -
141:01 - 141:05(RC) Maybe wandering Souls,
would that be another word? -
141:05 - 141:10(MK) No, you exist in your own dimension,
you are not aware, aware of loss. -
141:10 - 141:14You live with the condition you've been,
you have chosen to be in. -
141:14 - 141:16It's like what we call...
You know, -
141:16 - 141:19a fish in the fish tank,
is only but five seconds memory. -
141:19 - 141:22He doesn't remember,
it's been there five seconds before, -
141:22 - 141:24so it can exist in the tank.
141:24 - 141:31Because, it's the easiest way to forget,
his imprisonment, in a way, -
141:33 - 141:38in the physical contraption,
in, look what you call it, 'entrapment'. -
141:39 - 141:43Man's Soul or any Soul,
it never gets lost. -
141:43 - 141:46It's just a condition
they accept to exist. -
141:51 - 141:52Any other questions?
141:52 - 141:55You have
something to show from the teachings, -
141:55 - 142:01from the Swiss teachings last weekend,
am I correct Rick? -
142:01 - 142:05(RC) Yeah!
I think Jacky does actually? -
142:05 - 142:08Jacky are you there?
(MK) Go to that, to see it. -
142:08 - 142:13... We try to promote teachings
as much as possible, -
142:13 - 142:18because it got time, it has time,
has come to start mass teaching. -
142:18 - 142:22Do not be afraid of teachings
because those who object, -
142:22 - 142:24it's just that they don't understand.
142:24 - 142:27Give from your Soul
and they'll be enlighted. -
142:30 - 142:32Go ahead Jacky please.
142:32 - 142:33(JS) Yes!
142:33 - 142:36(MK) I'll stop sharing,
that you can share. -
142:36 - 142:38Let me come out please,
one second. -
142:40 - 142:41Yeah!s! Go ahead please.
142:41 - 142:43(JS) Okay, perfect.
142:45 - 142:50So, I have just make a little
presentation of what we have done. -
142:50 - 142:55It was first conference
for the French speaking, -
142:55 - 142:58under the
Keshe Foundation Education part. -
142:59 - 143:05It was on the Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
near Lyon in France. -
143:06 - 143:14So, then we have the Friday,
Saturday and Sunday. -
143:14 - 143:17Was eighteen hours of teaching,
143:18 - 143:23then we will go through
what we giving in the teaching. -
143:24 - 143:30So, the people was sleeping
and eating, inside the Workshop. -
143:31 - 143:33So everybody stay there.
143:33 - 143:37So, first thing we start,
it's build the team, -
143:37 - 143:41who... where
making all the organization. -
143:41 - 143:45So, it was some beautiful Souls,
143:45 - 143:49the French people who take
the responsibility to organize. -
143:49 - 143:51So, they organize everything.
143:52 - 143:56The room, the coordination,
everythings. -
143:56 - 144:03So this is some people,
who be part of the organization. -
144:04 - 144:07Then, we have a beautiful,
144:07 - 144:11because we choose,
to don't have high price, -
144:11 - 144:15so we stay, we try to keep
it very low, the price. -
144:16 - 144:22So we found a really nice place,
it's some... like a school, Internat. -
144:22 - 144:27But, the weekend there is nobody,
so they rent this kind of place. -
144:27 - 144:32So, the tariff is very low
and not so expensive. -
144:32 - 144:38But very nice, very secure,
because all is close, -
144:38 - 144:43so nobody can come,
and we are just with us. -
144:43 - 144:47So, it was a place for,
quite hundred person. -
144:47 - 144:50We were
eighty five people. -
144:51 - 144:55And, it don't
takes too much material, -
144:55 - 144:58just the beamer for the presentation,
144:58 - 145:03and a good sonor because it's a lot of
teachings, so the sound needs to be good. -
145:03 - 145:08But, no fancy things, you know,
just the strict minimum. -
145:09 - 145:12Then, we just have some few things,
145:12 - 145:14You know, just some magnets,
145:14 - 145:16that the people
can play with the magnets, -
145:16 - 145:19start feeling the fields.
145:19 - 145:26We have the people from the...
re-selling part of the Keshe Foundation, -
145:26 - 145:29So, they have put some MaGrav
Pain Pad and Pain Pens, -
145:29 - 145:33so they can show the products,
different products of the Keshe Foundation. -
145:34 - 145:41We see the difference with the magnets
in space and on the flat tables, -
145:41 - 145:48so the people can start have this feeling,
in space and no more in the flat manner. -
145:49 - 145:52There is, there was
some GaNS and nano-coating, -
145:52 - 145:57so the people can have some feeling
of the sensation of this. -
145:58 - 146:05Then, it was really nice and soft,
you see room nothing fancy, -
146:05 - 146:11but ten Euros per person, per night,
so it was quite wonderful. -
146:12 - 146:17Then the food was the same,
it's very low, low price, -
146:17 - 146:23so no problem,
and a very nice place. -
146:23 - 146:27So, I would say this place
was really a good choice. -
146:28 - 146:32Then different pictures
of the different teachings, -
146:32 - 146:36and all the community,
the eighty three persons. -
146:36 - 146:43So, if we go through the process,
we start with the presentation, -
146:43 - 146:46One Planet, One Race, One Nation.
146:46 - 146:50Then who is Mr Keshe.
146:51 - 146:57Then, we have the promotional video from
the Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute. -
146:58 - 147:00Then, we start with
the magnetic fields, -
147:00 - 147:04and what’s a magnetic fields,
what's a Plasma. -
147:05 - 147:14Then, you have some tips after the videos,
then you go to the next step, -
147:14 - 147:18because when you understand
what's magnetic field and Plasma, -
147:18 - 147:22you understand you have both
gravity and repulsion. -
147:22 - 147:28So magnetical and gravitational,
so lot of examples, lot of stories. -
147:29 - 147:33The when you understand this,
people just start understanding, -
147:33 - 147:38the difference between an element,
an atom, a molecule and a cell. -
147:38 - 147:44And, at that point we can go,
because now we understand the Plasma, -
147:44 - 147:49the magnetical, the gravitational,
so we can make the difference between, -
147:49 - 147:57Plasma, Physics, Chemistry and Biology,
and we go in depths of that. -
147:57 - 148:02Then, when we understand all this,
we just understand this is a science, -
148:02 - 148:07and with this science, with this power
you get, you need to have some ethos, -
148:07 - 148:12because it's a lot of power,
so we go through this subject. -
148:12 - 148:17And then, as we understand the Plasma,
the fields, we just understand, -
148:17 - 148:22we are here to create the condition,
and we dictate the condition, -
148:22 - 148:27and everything is creating,
created from there. -
148:28 - 148:31Then, when you understand
that, you going to the nano-structure, -
148:31 - 148:38what is the nano-structure, was some
examples, some very good... with the people. -
148:38 - 148:42You know, because we make... understand
the people are the Plasma, -
148:42 - 148:48and so they start creating nano-layers
between them and the field-interaction. -
148:49 - 148:52And, at that point, yeah,
you go on the field-interaction, -
148:52 - 148:58because you understand the Plasma
interacts between each other’s, -
148:58 - 149:01and how they interact
to create new matter... -
149:01 - 149:06and you can dictated
by the condition, you decided. -
149:07 - 149:10And, at that point
you are ready to understand -
149:10 - 149:15that we come from matter, we go to the nano,
to the GaNS, to the Free Plasma, -
149:15 - 149:22So, all the teaching, every time with
examples of this. Stories and all that. -
149:22 - 149:26Then, to go outside the matter-state
149:26 - 149:29you need to have
no connections with the matter, -
149:29 - 149:33so you need to understand
the secret of perfect nano-coating. -
149:33 - 149:37So you had, no more,
connection with the matter-state. -
149:38 - 149:43And, we end up with the history,
149:43 - 149:47and how can we write
the next phase in the history, -
149:47 - 149:50and what's the
next step for planet Earth? -
149:50 - 149:53Perhaps, it's time
to take the next step? -
149:54 - 150:00And, at that point we tried,
to make the people who wants -
150:00 - 150:03to make the same conference
be able to do that. -
150:03 - 150:08This is why we choose
some really easy parts of the video. -
150:08 - 150:13So, everyone
can make it really easily. -
150:13 - 150:18And, there is some,
just a few testimonies; -
150:18 - 150:21"Great weekend, very good
organization, very good teaching." -
150:21 - 150:25"Super, super, super thank you,
for this moment of sharing, sympathy, -
150:25 - 150:29generosity, good will,
perfect organization." -
150:29 - 150:32"Thank you all. wonderful.
Appreciate the simplicity." -
150:32 - 150:36"your big heart, the organization,
the organizer, the tariff" -
150:36 - 150:42"Jacky and his clear explanation the beauty
of each person's heart's sharing." -
150:42 - 150:47So, this is some of
the testimonies, a lot of testimonies, -
150:47 - 150:55And, it was so beautiful because,
I see a lot of building workshop, -
150:56 - 151:01with the people showing the light,
when they showed the MaGrav System. -
151:01 - 151:05And, then this is our light,
showing the light -
151:05 - 151:10showing the 85 reactors,
built during this weekend. -
151:11 - 151:15And, I think the...
the French people really understand -
151:15 - 151:18this concept that,
they are the true, the true reactors -
151:18 - 151:23and how many
infinite possibility they have. -
151:24 - 151:27And, they start building
a huge collaboration, -
151:27 - 151:31and field-interaction between
all these Plasma. -
151:32 - 151:38And, at that point,
this is not the important part, -
151:38 - 151:40but, it's important
that the people understand. -
151:40 - 151:47We are, eighty percent paid, the price was
200 Euros for everything. -
151:47 - 151:51Room and board, eating everything.
So, this is the price. -
151:51 - 151:57Then the cost was for us
was 120 Euros. -
151:57 - 151:59So, you have the difference,
152:01 - 152:08it's 6... 4 hundred's and then,
from that we just give 6, -
152:08 - 152:13...approximately,
6,000 Euros to the Foundation. -
152:14 - 152:17...Because with the people organizing this
152:17 - 152:21we just understand, we have
received so much from the Foundation -
152:21 - 152:23And, we don't want
to keep this money. -
152:23 - 152:28We just take for pay our room
because we paid the room and everything. -
152:28 - 152:34So, we just take some money to pay
our room and the fuel and that's it. -
152:34 - 152:37And, we send
everything to the Foundation. -
152:38 - 152:40And we have an extra donation,
152:40 - 152:45because, people during the Workshop,
can give to us some money -
152:45 - 152:50for the keshe foundation,
and we collect the 1,000 Euros more. -
152:50 - 152:56So, we have said,
"Send 7,000 Euros to the Foundation." -
152:57 - 153:01And, I would say,
"It was a so beautiful for myself", -
153:01 - 153:08because, I do quite nothing, you know,
the people just believing to this project -
153:08 - 153:13and make it possible. So, they organized
everything, it was so perfect. -
153:14 - 153:19And then I was just the coming and
taking the presentation, -
153:19 - 153:24and then start building the Plasma
bringing such interaction and ... -
153:24 - 153:26Yeah!
It was really beautiful. -
153:28 - 153:32And at that point the Powerpoint,
can be... -
153:32 - 153:37In the future, will be available,
for the people who wants this. -
153:38 - 153:45And here, you just have
all the videos for all the people. -
153:45 - 153:47We'll have all the videos from,
153:47 - 153:51the Friday night,
Saturday morning and the rest. -
153:51 - 153:56So, I want just to show you
one minute how it looks. -
153:57 - 154:01I have already,
translated this beginning in English. -
154:02 - 154:05[start of Workshop video]
154:12 - 154:17(RC) Gentlemen, music off please!
Turn the music off... -
154:19 - 154:22Turn the music off!
Thank you! -
154:22 - 154:28Can't have background music like
that Jacky, unless it's already okay'd. -
154:28 - 154:30Is that non-copyright music?
154:31 - 154:33(JS) It's the
Flint intro video. -
154:35 - 154:37(RC) I don't think
that's allowed to be played. -
154:38 - 154:41(JS) Yeah, we play it
without the sound, no problem. -
154:41 - 154:42(RC) Okay.
154:46 - 154:47(JS) And, now
154:48 - 154:50[Workshop video]
155:10 - 155:14And so, you have
the 18 hours ... teachings. -
155:14 - 155:20So, we are becoming
fully open, we have nothing to hide. -
155:20 - 155:28We show everything all the teachings,
and all the other repartition, everything. -
155:28 - 155:33So, I think in the future,
it's the good way to work, -
155:33 - 155:38you know, in total collaboration
and total transparency. -
155:39 - 155:44And, everybody was happy, because,
we send the money to the Keshe Foundation. -
155:44 - 155:50We receive so much, the people
were really happy with this weekend. -
155:50 - 155:54And ... I think it's the
future of the Plasma Technology. -
155:54 - 156:00And I really want to, thanks a lot
Mr Keshe for all he's doing for us. -
156:00 - 156:02So, Thank you very much.
156:05 - 156:07(MK) Thank you very much Jacky.
156:07 - 156:10Thank you for the hard work,
and everything you are doing. -
156:11 - 156:14And, this is the path
we go we... -
156:15 - 156:22The teaching has to become the cornerstone
of the new technology, new understanding. -
156:22 - 156:26And lucky, this time around,
156:27 - 156:31large number of human race, have been
educated, that they can understand. -
156:31 - 156:35And, hopefully we don't leave many behind
that it can be abused by those -
156:35 - 156:37who think, they
know a little bit more. -
156:38 - 156:45Use these teachings to... to not
only teach Nano and GaNS making, -
156:45 - 156:47but, to elevate the Soul of the Man.
156:47 - 156:51That, he understands how,
to help his Soul, his emotion. -
156:51 - 156:56That, this can
become part of his existence. -
156:56 - 156:59The course of the teaching,
has to take this into account, -
156:59 - 157:01as in the major part.
157:01 - 157:04But, what you have donated will,
go again, towards what we are setting up. -
157:04 - 157:08We have a target of 250 millions,
to build the whole centre. -
157:08 - 157:12It can go even higher,
now we're looking at more details. -
157:12 - 157:15But, one way or another,
it'll come together. -
157:15 - 157:19We see talk from
certain Governmental Organizations, -
157:19 - 157:24to donate as they cannot do for
themselves, Space Technology on one go. -
157:24 - 157:29To become part of it, we will see donations
from the Government Organizations. -
157:29 - 157:32That, their participation allows,
157:33 - 157:37one Nation, organization
for their Space Technology. -
157:37 - 157:42We've been approached, by a number of
Governments, a handful of them. -
157:42 - 157:46That they would like to participate
at the same, of donating -
157:46 - 157:50having their scientists to be part
of this technology in development, -
157:50 - 157:52as they cannot
do it on their own. -
157:53 - 157:56And, this is the beginning of it,
we will see the changes. -
157:56 - 157:59It will come and will be
very open and transparent. -
157:59 - 158:04Just while Jacky was talking,
I received the contractual letters -
158:04 - 158:07to confirm, to
start of the project, -
158:07 - 158:10and, it'll be signed today and,
more or less, -
158:10 - 158:14we start the whole procedure
of building the site for Humanity. -
158:14 - 158:18We started from Africa
as a Human race. -
158:18 - 158:22Maybe, it's the Africa is the place where
we go to Space through, too as well? -
158:22 - 158:28But ... I hope this journey of
few million years, have taught us a lot. -
158:28 - 158:31To a change,
a change of behavior and attitude. -
158:33 - 158:36Thank you very much
for your presentation, -
158:36 - 158:40and if you are doing
other presentations, please bring it. -
158:40 - 158:42For what we
learned from each other, -
158:42 - 158:45and we can add
some of the teachings to the other parts. -
158:45 - 158:49But from now on, try to concentrate more,
in part of your teachings, -
158:49 - 158:54on how people can see the benefit of it
in changing their own emotion and Souls, -
158:54 - 158:57and understanding to
bring them comfort and pleasure. -
159:00 - 159:04The Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute.
Centre, in Ghana, -
159:05 - 159:08Will be the center point for Humanity.
159:09 - 159:12In so many ways we start calling upon
159:12 - 159:17most of the scientists of Keshe Foundation
to converge into Ghana, -
159:17 - 159:21to start the teaching center
We have already called the 'GaNS Valley'. -
159:22 - 159:27And, you've seen the
building's been provided for us, -
159:27 - 159:30and the land,
which is been given to us. -
159:30 - 159:33And, now we see
Governmental Institutes, -
159:33 - 159:36and other Governments
who want to be part of it. -
159:37 - 159:43Initially, it's us who started it,
but very soon you, -
159:43 - 159:49you will see the influence and the
prestige will bring Government's -
159:49 - 159:53trying to, what we call it,
they want to be part of it. -
159:53 - 159:56They want
to be a major part of it! -
159:56 - 159:59You.. We will announce this
in the coming time that, -
159:59 - 160:06how the government military and, different
dimensions of securities are coming in. -
160:06 - 160:08because they see
they need to know, -
160:08 - 160:12to be part of it,
that they can have -
160:12 - 160:15at least understanding
of what is to come. -
160:15 - 160:17There's no fear, it's a joy.
160:17 - 160:21We've been talking to military
for a long time, -
160:21 - 160:26but now, gradually, they are coming to
understand the time has changed. -
160:26 - 160:32Maybe we have to
use the energy in a positive way. -
160:32 - 160:36And, in so many ways,
you shall see. -
160:37 - 160:41We can show you
a range of ... organizations -
160:41 - 160:43we are communicating
and walking with. -
160:43 - 160:45And it was very interesting.
160:45 - 160:51It was amazing that ...
how people are doing good for us. -
160:51 - 160:56Yesterday, when I heard about the
press, and then, them understanding -
160:56 - 161:02what was going on, it gave them
that they stood for the Foundation. -
161:03 - 161:10When this Sir ... calls repetitively
the press here to press them, -
161:10 - 161:15they tell him "we've seen the good
for this nation, ... just get lost " -
161:17 - 161:21And they go to another
and this has caused a lot of -
161:21 - 161:22Governmental Organizations to look:
161:22 - 161:26"What is this that we receiving? So much
calls from this guy, and these people." -
161:26 - 161:29And then, when
they see where we sit, -
161:29 - 161:31the people will sit,
and they go, references. -
161:31 - 161:33"We want to be part of it".
161:33 - 161:35They were not informed.
161:35 - 161:37Now they are fully informed,
and now they want to be part of it. -
161:37 - 161:41The enemies of us,
are serving us better than, -
161:41 - 161:43sometimes,
better than ourselves. -
161:45 - 161:47This is fantastic.
161:48 - 161:51He came to destroy the Foundation,
and now he's still serving it -
161:51 - 161:53trying to destroy himself.
161:53 - 161:58But we have... we got to
concentrate on the positive way -
161:58 - 162:02and I've just been told
by the security people -
162:02 - 162:09on another site, the confirmation
of his thefts, has been released. -
162:10 - 162:16I would like to know, how you can walk
away with 265,000 of the... Knights. -
162:17 - 162:21The e-mails have been released
so you can see we don't talk out of lie. -
162:21 - 162:25The same ... surprise,
I've just been told by Securities. -
162:26 - 162:31The Panama documents of the hidden
accounts in use for terrorism by DL, -
162:31 - 162:33has been or will be released,
in short time. -
162:33 - 162:35You can see, we don't talk.
162:35 - 162:40Panama accounts is secured to a lot of
documents that there are. -
162:40 - 162:41Now we show the account.
162:42 - 162:46They thought they can defraud
the Nation and tell lies with the others. -
162:46 - 162:48Now it's on the table,
the government's after it. -
162:48 - 162:53And they want to know how and
how much they've been stolen out of. -
162:54 - 162:56Goes back 27 years, 30 years.
162:56 - 163:00It's become a habit, they think it's
their right to steal from the Man, -
163:00 - 163:02they've stolen their life
and their poison. -
163:05 - 163:10You got to understand
the development of the technology -
163:10 - 163:13is part of Man understanding himself.
163:14 - 163:16We teach, please teach.
163:16 - 163:20Those of... who are happy with the
power, let them have the power, -
163:20 - 163:25with receiving the power, a pain
in paying electricity bills goes, -
163:25 - 163:28then, they have more time
to enlighten themselves. -
163:28 - 163:32The more pain and pressure
we take off the public, off people -
163:32 - 163:35through the development
and delivery of the technology. -
163:36 - 163:38The more they have time,
that, -
163:38 - 163:40"What this help me,
I want to show." -
163:42 - 163:45We had an example,
without us knowing. -
163:48 - 163:49A few months ago,
163:51 - 163:55a man in Ghana,
in United States, going to save his life, -
163:55 - 163:59with a blood pressure
of 220 plus. -
164:00 - 164:04They can't do anything for him.
164:04 - 164:08His family works in Atomic,
they tell him, -
164:08 - 164:14"Come back the technology has come, it's
inside the Atomic, they can help you." -
164:14 - 164:19The man is a, is a priest.
If you can call him that way? -
164:19 - 164:23They fly him back, because in the State
he would have died. -
164:23 - 164:26The blood pressure was going and
so they brought him back. -
164:26 - 164:32Benjamin helps him, very little,
through the GaNS Technology, -
164:32 - 164:35and the blood pressure just drops.
164:35 - 164:37Now he says,
"I have nothing." -
164:37 - 164:39He's such a happy man.
164:39 - 164:44And him, the position he has,
as being the position of a priest, -
164:44 - 164:49or man who they trust,
has contacted very powerful places. -
164:49 - 164:51He just goes out and said,
"This is me." -
164:51 - 164:53they all knew,
he was dying from it. -
164:53 - 164:54He would have died
from the high blood pressure. -
164:54 - 164:57So he just brings them in he says,
"I'm the example" -
164:57 - 164:58and the people
who come with him now, -
164:58 - 165:02they have a problem, they see it now,
become, a talk and talk. -
165:02 - 165:04And it's just gone viral.
165:05 - 165:09That the technology is in Africa.
165:09 - 165:14We don't need to pay these prices
of high blood pressure tablets -
165:14 - 165:16and whatever ... whatever
165:18 - 165:22It's become a joy to serve Humanity
in Ghana. -
165:22 - 165:24And then we transfer this knowledge.
165:24 - 165:27When now, we go to a Minister
165:27 - 165:30who, he himself, his family has been
touched by the technology -
165:30 - 165:35not by energy, by the suffering he
could not help, by all the latest medicine -
165:35 - 165:39...another Minister, another country ...
just the job is done -
165:39 - 165:43We are going crazy in the way
the technology is gonna spread. -
165:43 - 165:47We've done the work, now has moved
into the level of Government -
165:47 - 165:50and senior politicians,
World politicians. -
165:50 - 165:53Because, whatever they are,
they have a disease, -
165:53 - 165:56they have a problem they cannot solve,
otherwise it would have been solved. -
165:59 - 166:01And, when they come to us, we serve,
166:02 - 166:04unconditionally.
166:04 - 166:05And now we see it.
166:06 - 166:11Now, the discussion runs into the
Ministerial and Presidential level. -
166:11 - 166:14"this is this, they all have a problem,
you know I have a cancer, -
166:14 - 166:16I have a high blood sugar. Oh!"
166:16 - 166:17Ghana Keshe Foundation just come in,
166:17 - 166:21they just give us a call,
we go with the ambulance like, -
166:21 - 166:23delivering water!
166:27 - 166:33We go into the highest legislation,
medical application or a Standard Boards -
166:33 - 166:36In a board meeting of 10 or 15
they don't want to know, say, -
166:36 - 166:40"it's already proven and we said we've
seen our secretaries everybody else -
166:40 - 166:42Now what is next?
How we go to the next step? -
166:42 - 166:44Can we have this"
and then they call back, says, -
166:44 - 166:47"The order has increased,
can you bring more?" -
166:49 - 166:52And then, it's the management,
it's the people who run the countries -
166:52 - 166:55and then it's gone to the ...
beyond the borders of Ghana now. -
166:56 - 166:59This is how we said, us with the
teaching like this, -
166:59 - 167:00it's what we see with Jacky.
167:00 - 167:04With the work of the Keshe Foundations
supporters around the World. -
167:04 - 167:08The work is there because, when we say
Keshe Foundation they say, -
167:08 - 167:10"Oh! In Ghana"
"No there is in Philippine. -
167:10 - 167:12There is in China."
167:12 - 167:13So they can see it has...
167:13 - 167:18It can move up to the level,
that is coming from both sides. -
167:18 - 167:21We are paying off our hard work.
167:23 - 167:27When I walk in past couple of,
two, three weeks ... -
167:27 - 167:31...around with the Ghana, with...
167:31 - 167:35outside, with other people who are working
with the Keshe Foundation, -
167:35 - 167:37different Governmental
Organization level. -
167:37 - 167:39It's just, I said to Benjamin,
167:39 - 167:45"It's just like, looks like the key to the
Heaven has opened up for the Foundation". -
167:47 - 167:52But we have to keep, we have to
keep on teaching the seven billion. -
167:53 - 167:57We showed the Nano, now we have to
show the Ethos of the Space, -
167:57 - 168:00As I start teaching slowly, slowly
since New Year. -
168:05 - 168:09The Governments who opposed us,
now they're inviting us. -
168:10 - 168:13But, they want to know what they can
make for their Nation. -
168:15 - 168:20Last year we've seen it,
this year we've seen more of it. -
168:20 - 168:23Now the inquiries coming from
Governmental level. -
168:23 - 168:28"We don't have an answer for this,
you've shown it, can you expand on it" -
168:28 - 168:35There are 1.4 million farmers in Europe
who, their structure have asked for help. -
168:35 - 168:40Because, otherwise they cannot sell their
products, because of the contamination. -
168:40 - 168:431.4 million farms!
168:43 - 168:46I'm working on it. In the next few weeks
we release it back -
168:46 - 168:50and we work everything through Italian
Government, who we respect and -
168:50 - 168:52in addition we reside in.
168:52 - 168:55And we work through
the Italian government. -
168:56 - 169:03But, the products will be produced here in
Ghana, exported from Africa into Europe. -
169:05 - 169:09The first contracts are signed,
and everything is on the motion. -
169:10 - 169:11Because nobody has a solution.
169:11 - 169:14Now, Governments
see us as a solution. -
169:14 - 169:17And the people who go out and write
all the rubbish ... -
169:17 - 169:20Let them write, they are bringing more
and more people in. -
169:26 - 169:31When you look, at the way we work,
it has paid off. -
169:34 - 169:42Our, way of exchanging technology,
knowledge and energy for Peace, -
169:42 - 169:46has touched a chord with
the World Leaders, with Humanity -
169:46 - 169:48and that's
where we got to go. -
169:49 - 169:52We have no choice,
Man has tried everything. -
169:53 - 169:59Invading, forcing, building walls,
and everything has fallen apart. -
170:04 - 170:07Teach from now on
170:08 - 170:13technology of Human level
and start teaching the technology -
170:13 - 170:15of the emotion
and the Soul of the Man -
170:15 - 170:17at the same time
170:19 - 170:23then you see,
you touch a cord with everyone. -
170:23 - 170:26Because
everyone's to be elevated -
170:26 - 170:29that they leave
a perfect clean life -
170:30 - 170:32and that's where
you're going to score. -
170:32 - 170:34not with the nano,
with the GaNS. -
170:34 - 170:37You might help them
on the way with their physicality, -
170:37 - 170:40but when you
touch the Soul of the Man -
170:40 - 170:42you free the Man.
170:43 - 170:45Show them how.
170:45 - 170:50In the coming time we will sell units,
that people can measure their Souls, -
170:50 - 170:53measure their
strength of their emotion. -
170:53 - 170:57They can measure the strength of their
communication with the physicality -
170:57 - 170:59This all
will become part of you -
170:59 - 171:03as the Keshe Foundation,
worldwide will put in the public. -
171:05 - 171:06We have no choice.
171:06 - 171:09We come into the
Space Technology, we passed. -
171:09 - 171:13We went through 2-3 years
of transition, from one to another. -
171:13 - 171:16Now, we are in the "another"
and we are... -
171:16 - 171:20All of you who listen,
understood, have joined it. -
171:27 - 171:29You got to understand,
171:32 - 171:37how and the way
we are working. -
171:38 - 171:42We teach in every level
and we enlighten the Man. -
171:42 - 171:47The beauty of it is, when you make people
to make the GaNS of Zinc Oxide -
171:47 - 171:50You, in that process,
because they are in the vicinity of, -
171:50 - 171:55gradually enlightens and
it uplifts their emotion and their Soul. -
171:57 - 172:01That's how you see people get stuck with
the Keshe Foundation. -
172:01 - 172:02Work with the research.
172:02 - 172:06Once they make that Zinc,
the transition of... -
172:06 - 172:09Anyone you've seen which goes
into opposition and everything is -
172:09 - 172:10because, they never made anything.
172:10 - 172:12Talk is cheap.
172:16 - 172:18We have to make
that difference. -
172:18 - 172:24It's our job now, to educate Man
into the Universal Community. -
172:24 - 172:27We are all
Ambassadors of it, -
172:27 - 172:29we've been
given the tools -
172:29 - 172:32This process will take
a few weeks a few months. -
172:32 - 172:35Once a number of you start
building these boxes, -
172:35 - 172:37start showing it.
172:37 - 172:40Start asking
somebody in Australia -
172:40 - 172:42I will like you
because I'm calling you, -
172:42 - 172:45feel connected
to you, to feel angrily. -
172:45 - 172:48And, I want to see if the box
shows your anger or your joy. -
172:49 - 172:52You don't need to be in
the position. -
172:52 - 172:54The freedom of the Soul of the Man
172:54 - 172:58will come
in the accessibility of the Universe. -
172:59 - 173:04We'll have access to everything,
if you understand the secret of motion, -
173:06 - 173:08in the Plasma condition.
173:10 - 173:13We don't preach,
we enlighten. -
173:13 - 173:16It's for you to understand
the strength of the light. -
173:16 - 173:20And then, you'll take
into the spans of Universe -
173:20 - 173:23through the speed of the light
of the Universe, not the matter-state -
173:23 - 173:27which has limitation
of it according to Einstein. -
173:32 - 173:36Work and
upgrade your teaching. -
173:38 - 173:42Go away from, at the same time
as you teach in 2 - 3 days. -
173:43 - 173:48Spend a day and a half in man
to understand how it interacts with it -
173:48 - 173:52with this thing with this ball,
you don't need to have a box, -
173:52 - 173:57make different GaNS in transparent ball
and let them interact with it. -
173:57 - 173:59See how it rotates,
how it evolves. -
173:59 - 174:00Does it evolve?
174:00 - 174:02Is it at their strength?
174:06 - 174:11But teach one thing, don't force it.
Let it come from the joy of interaction. -
174:14 - 174:15Any other question?
174:17 - 174:19Or shall we call it a day?
174:28 - 174:31(RC) Just having a look here,
there's a... -
174:33 - 174:35ah some...
174:37 - 174:41ah... minor questions perhaps.
But that, let me see here. -
174:41 - 174:46Is there anyone else in the panelists
who has a question for Mr Keshe? -
174:46 - 174:51Or it's been what,
3 hours now, probably? -
174:53 - 174:56propose that the day is done... Okay...
(MK) I think -
174:56 - 175:00I think the teaching of today
if you understood, -
175:00 - 175:05is not showing system, but
teaching the reality about ourselves. -
175:06 - 175:08Where we have to go.
175:08 - 175:10Please do not forget.
175:10 - 175:18The building of the Spaceship Institute,
is the target, the priority, -
175:18 - 175:21and every effort will be
made for it to be done, -
175:22 - 175:25that we free the Man.
175:25 - 175:29Very interesting will be,
how we get the Governments -
175:29 - 175:32to challenge,
to be part of the bigger part. -
175:32 - 175:34It's started we've seen it.
175:35 - 175:39The military want to be in it,
the Governments want to be in it, -
175:39 - 175:43and strange enough is,
the condition to participate -
175:43 - 175:46to be part of it
is very simple -
175:47 - 175:52and the Government has
to sign themselves into the Peace Treaty. -
175:52 - 175:54Let's see how many
will join the Spaceship -
175:55 - 175:57and participate
and develop it -
175:58 - 176:01by signing it
committing their Nation to Peace. -
176:01 - 176:04And as we know Government
of Ghana has already -
176:04 - 176:06committed themselves to it.
176:06 - 176:08It was shown in January.
176:08 - 176:11So, we are in the right place.
176:12 - 176:14And those of you
who listen to the teaching -
176:14 - 176:17and whatever you do
and you teach, -
176:17 - 176:20understand the condition's
very simple. -
176:20 - 176:22It's for us and
not for our neighbor, -
176:22 - 176:26my wife, or your husband,
or whatever. -
176:26 - 176:29It's for us to understand our own
and then through it -
176:29 - 176:32we become our passengers
of the Universe. -
176:32 - 176:34Thank you very much
for today. -
176:36 - 176:41(RC) Okay. Thank you Mr Keshe,
and I guess we can remind people -
176:41 - 176:45that they can donate
towards the Ghana -
176:45 - 176:47...
176:48 - 176:52expedition sort of what your doing.
(MK) It's the Spaceship Institute. -
176:52 - 176:56(RC) this Spaceship Institute and so on
through the website, correct? -
176:56 - 177:02That would be the best way
for people to donate toward that cause? -
177:03 - 177:07(MK) Or you can pay through their PayPal
of the US Keshe Foundation -
177:07 - 177:08It'd be the way...
177:08 - 177:15(RC) Right, that's the, probably the best way
for PayPal or alternative ways to pay. -
177:16 - 177:19(MK) We have a target
of $250 million. -
177:19 - 177:22considering the land
has been donated to us -
177:22 - 177:24by the government of Ghana.
177:24 - 177:26They have made
the biggest contribution. -
177:26 - 177:28The land worth millions.
177:28 - 177:31The land donated
to the Foundation -
177:31 - 177:34for the work
of our Keshe Foundation -
177:34 - 177:38is already in millions
is in a prime, prime site, -
177:38 - 177:40and it's a big sacrifice
for the Nation, -
177:40 - 177:42but they see it needed to go
to the next phase. -
177:44 - 177:47So we have received
our first multi-million donation -
177:47 - 177:48from a Government.
177:48 - 177:50We thank
the Government of Ghana. -
177:50 - 177:54We thank their Officials
of Ghana Atomic Commission -
177:54 - 177:56for their relentless support.
177:56 - 177:59And, in a way,
supporting us to be where we are, -
177:59 - 178:01that we can
support a Nation and then the World. -
178:01 - 178:03Thank you very much indeed.
178:03 - 178:07(RC) ...Mr Keshe, I'm wondering
if there's other ways that people can -
178:07 - 178:11help or donate
...in Ghana -
178:11 - 178:16or, or toward the Ghana project
other than money? -
178:16 - 178:19...their other needs?
(MK) Yes, there is a lot of ways -
178:19 - 178:21There is a lot of ways.
We... -
178:21 - 178:24We at the moment,
we got to structure -
178:24 - 178:26we are moving
into SNAZZ building. -
178:26 - 178:28The building we've shown,
the headquarters of the Keshe Foundation -
178:28 - 178:30until the site is built.
178:30 - 178:36And ... in next 2-3 weeks
Caroline and I we move to Italy -
178:36 - 178:38for the Conference.
178:39 - 178:42Then we come back,
178:42 - 178:45and the building project
should start by then. -
178:45 - 178:47We need support by equipment.
178:48 - 178:53We need a large at least 2 to 3
Raman spectroscopy. -
178:53 - 178:54We need
infrared spectroscopy. -
178:54 - 178:56We need magnetic field detectors.
178:57 - 179:01These labs needs to be
equipped with the latest -
179:02 - 179:06... that we can understand
we have already... -
179:06 - 179:10Armen is putting a lot of effort
in sending the systems here, -
179:10 - 179:12that we can
show the flight system. -
179:12 - 179:15In the coming time, you'll see
the full structure flight system -
179:15 - 179:19which is getting
developed in the US. -
179:20 - 179:22We did the field tests.
179:22 - 179:29We need a lot of public teachings
179:29 - 179:32on understanding
of the process of the flight. -
179:32 - 179:39We need a lot of support,
in bringing Governments in -
179:39 - 179:42Interaction with the Governments and the
Keshe Foundation has to... -
179:42 - 179:44has to come very rapidly
179:45 - 179:48In a way...
we had experience with this. -
179:49 - 179:53When we started speaking,
and when we start giving the USB stick. -
179:53 - 179:58If you remember,
three years ago four years ago. -
179:58 - 180:02The Government of Sierra Leone
was the first government. -
180:03 - 180:07The ambassador which received the key,
one of the first ones. -
180:07 - 180:12It snow-balled
into Japan Ambassador. -
180:12 - 180:14It snow-balled
to the Italian Ambassador. -
180:14 - 180:18It snow-balled
to the Chinese and the Russians. -
180:18 - 180:23And we saw, because everybody else had it
Americans came to get it. -
180:23 - 180:27They asked for it. We released the e-mail
where they asked for it. -
180:27 - 180:32And that led to the peace between Iran
and the United States and 5 plus 1. -
180:32 - 180:37We have... we've seen the path of
knowledge for peace has paid off. -
180:37 - 180:39We've got to do the same now.
180:39 - 180:44We are releasing
the knowledge of the information -
180:44 - 180:47of the Space Technology
to African Nations. -
180:48 - 180:52Surely Europeans and Americans
are not gonna fall behind. -
180:53 - 180:56Surely the Chinese are
not gonna fall behind. -
180:57 - 181:01When you build, we show you the banners
which are made for Ghana. -
181:01 - 181:05It says,
"Flying to Space from Accra" -
181:05 - 181:08When we showed this to the Governments,
they could not... -
181:08 - 181:11the officials, the people who've
come to see, they cannot believe it. -
181:11 - 181:15"Africa? Ghanaians?
Going to Space?" -
181:18 - 181:21When we explained the simplicity
of the knowledge they say, -
181:21 - 181:24"It's possible, why not? We are in it."
181:25 - 181:31We don't go to fight, we don't
make satellites, to do this and that, -
181:31 - 181:35we are teaching the knowledge freely
and we show it can be done. -
181:39 - 181:42It shows when, the same as I said,
181:42 - 181:48"We started with Sierra Leone,
with the patents, keys." -
181:49 - 181:52Now, starts with Ghana.
181:53 - 181:58Nations can participate,
as long as they are committed to Peace. -
181:58 - 182:03Our biggest problem is where we're going
to expand in a few month. -
182:04 - 182:11When we show Ghana as Keshe Foundation,
worldwide has a centre, and all the -
182:11 - 182:15Keshe Foundation supporters participate
in this development & expansion. -
182:15 - 182:17Cameroon want's to be there.
182:17 - 182:21"We don't want to be behind,
what they call, a 3rd World Nation." -
182:21 - 182:24Now it's become
a lead in Space Technology. -
182:25 - 182:27It works!
182:29 - 182:35We crossed the borders through knowledge,
and with it Governments will follow. -
182:37 - 182:39We need to build this centre.
182:39 - 182:45We have enough strength in numbers
across the World, to change it. -
182:49 - 182:55We need to have those who write against
us, for the people to see our beauty. -
183:01 - 183:02When they write,
183:02 - 183:06"He promised to go to Space", but they
say "Why don't you go do it?" -
183:06 - 183:10Because, you're enemies, you killed our
people, you did whatever you do to delay. -
183:10 - 183:13So they say,
when we explained to them, -
183:13 - 183:15"Now we are there,
we make sure it happens." -
183:16 - 183:19The more they write,
the more they bring us up. -
183:21 - 183:25The more they they call,
the more support we receive. -
183:25 - 183:29Because, strange enough
the press people, -
183:29 - 183:31yesterday, when they come
to the factory, -
183:31 - 183:36because there was
a big meeting in Atomic. -
183:37 - 183:38They said,
"We heard from this guy" -
183:38 - 183:42he says he's from Indonesia or whatever it
is, he even lies about where he is. -
183:42 - 183:47Then, he says
"Here we've seen the benefit", -
183:47 - 183:49and the reporter says,
183:49 - 183:53"Can I have the medicine, and the water?
Because, I have a high blood pressure." -
183:53 - 183:54And they go and they come back
183:54 - 183:58because there's more of them in the press
who need help, because they're all sick. -
183:58 - 184:03So voilà. Make as many calls,
because now we know the Truth. -
184:03 - 184:08Let them oppose, because
these are the fertilizers -
184:08 - 184:10of the development and opening.
184:15 - 184:21The assurity of the success,
is in serving humanity, and we do. -
184:21 - 184:24We do unconditionally.
184:24 - 184:29For us, with my family, to stay here is totally
opposite to what we are used to, -
184:29 - 184:40but the price of Peace for Mankind
after thousands of years is worth it. -
184:45 - 184:49It's not a suffering,
it's a pleasure of serving humanity. -
184:49 - 184:52We need things, we have,
we need everything. -
184:53 - 184:58Ghana is very advanced but we are
bringing the most advanced technology -
184:58 - 185:01into Ghana so we need to support it,
185:01 - 185:05we need to bring dimensions
into the understanding. -
185:06 - 185:09We need to understand how?
What we need? -
185:09 - 185:11We need everything,
185:11 - 185:14we need furniture,
we need...you .... -
185:14 - 185:15I will send you the pictures,
185:15 - 185:19you will see the beautiful lush land,
which is given to us. -
185:20 - 185:24We walked on it with the architects,
couple of days ago -
185:25 - 185:27and they are cultivating on the land.
185:27 - 185:31It's a fertile land.
There's sugar canes on it. -
185:31 - 185:37They are growing Plantain on it,
they are growing Casaba on it. -
185:38 - 185:46It's a prime land position worth millions
but, the advancement of the Nation -
185:46 - 185:49for the Government and Authorities
is worth to give this land. -
185:49 - 185:54The farmer says,
"We move the other way, no problem." -
185:54 - 185:59We have a beautiful small brook,
river crossing the land. -
185:59 - 186:02It'll be used to show
the beauty of the nature. -
186:03 - 186:06We will not destroy anything,
to build something, -
186:06 - 186:08to prove we can do something.
186:08 - 186:10We incorporate
and we collaborate. -
186:10 - 186:14I have given,
thoughts to the architects. -
186:15 - 186:17There are such huge Mango trees.
186:17 - 186:20I said,
"No trees should be touched." -
186:21 - 186:23"Find the buildings around it."
186:28 - 186:34... We try to bring everything possible
in a normal way. -
186:35 - 186:38We have to build,
to bring the progress, -
186:38 - 186:42but, we don't build just to be there,
because we are somebody. -
186:42 - 186:44We are there to make a change.
186:44 - 186:48We've given instruction, that the
buildings have to be on one-storey only. -
186:51 - 186:55We are in collaborating, we're
incorporating all the knowledge of the -
186:55 - 186:58Keshe Foundation, in every
material used in the building. -
187:00 - 187:06We're collaborating, GaNS in the brick
work, not to use air-conditioning. -
187:07 - 187:13We are collaborating,
in bringing the GaNS materials we know -
187:13 - 187:17to block the sun rays,
that the building stays cool. -
187:17 - 187:20The power,
energy unit the same. -
187:22 - 187:25The power, purification,
we can use the river, -
187:25 - 187:27we don't need to
put pressure on the outside. -
187:28 - 187:32Everything we have and we
use all our knowledge to show: -
187:32 - 187:35a new environment,
using a new technology -
187:35 - 187:38but at the same time,
being able to go to Space. -
187:41 - 187:43Being able to open
the Space to Man in a right way, -
187:43 - 187:45that it is open to everyone.
187:45 - 187:49When I explained to the scientists,
how easily we can go to Space, -
187:49 - 187:54without having what is been 7 years
of, what I call, 'swimming pool training' -
187:55 - 187:59that it can go. It touches cord with them,
they understand it. -
187:59 - 188:02Say, "What a fool,
why have we gone this way?" -
188:04 - 188:07But, we had to go because,
it was part of knowledge gain. -
188:07 - 188:09Now we understand more.
188:10 - 188:13We don't kick the bike,
because we have a jumbo-jet. -
188:13 - 188:14We still ride the bike,
when we need. -
188:14 - 188:16We get on the plane where
we need to go. -
188:16 - 188:19Now we go faster
in a different way into Space. -
188:20 - 188:21We need everything.
188:22 - 188:25You can donate,
but it's the right way to do, -
188:25 - 188:28we set up organizations
and groups to control working. -
188:28 - 188:35We need furniture, we need vehicles
we need everything you can imagine -
188:35 - 188:38Computers, Laptops
- all needed. -
188:39 - 188:42But, it cannot
be what is a left over, -
188:42 - 188:44pieces of somebody,
I don't need. -
188:44 - 188:46It has to fit into
the structure of the work, -
188:46 - 188:50that is a unisense in the whole structure,
we can control it, -
188:50 - 188:52we can have it
that it can be beneficial. -
188:53 - 188:57Our priority at the moment,
especially on the research side, -
188:57 - 189:03to understand the materials, is latest
Raman spectroscopy systems. -
189:03 - 189:07That we can quantify, what kind of GaNS,
gives what field strength? -
189:07 - 189:09Because if you work
with Raman spectroscophy -
189:09 - 189:14it doesn't give you if it's a Hydrogen,
it gives you a spectrum of 22 elements, -
189:14 - 189:18to 25 elements
in infrared spectroscopy. -
189:18 - 189:22That we can see,
this material creates these fields, -
189:22 - 189:25and which way we can use it,
for what, if we change something. -
189:26 - 189:29We need field detectors,
of the highest order, -
189:29 - 189:33that we can see how the reactors behave,
how the Space built. -
189:35 - 189:38We need finances
to build the place. -
189:39 - 189:40There's no doubt!
189:40 - 189:45We will be given the protection by the
Ghanian military, as a military base -
189:45 - 189:49we are part of the Ghana Atomic,
so everything is protected. -
189:49 - 189:52When we went on the land,
the protectors of the land, -
189:52 - 189:54they were in such
a hurry to come to see us. -
189:54 - 189:57"Thank you for bringing
this into Ghana". -
189:57 - 190:01We met one of the kings,
couple of weeks ago, he says: -
190:24 - 190:25As I said ...
190:27 - 190:31we need those of you who are
knowledgeable in the correct way -
190:31 - 190:38to build ... Plasma fields,
to build ... equipments -
190:38 - 190:44for upright GaNS units
for medical application. -
190:44 - 190:48The first unit have been donated
to the Keshe Foundation Ghana. -
190:48 - 190:52Thank's to his Excellency
Dr Rodrigo in United States. -
190:52 - 190:57He should be on his way here, he
will see the latest models build by him. -
190:57 - 191:01And his wife donated to Keshe Foundation
Ghana, the first equipments are arrived. -
191:04 - 191:06We need to do the conferences.
191:06 - 191:08We need to show the paper work.
191:08 - 191:10We need to show the research.
191:10 - 191:12But at the same time,
we need to do other things, -
191:12 - 191:14that it brings everything together.
191:16 - 191:22In a coming time, it's us who can change
the course of thousands years of ... -
191:22 - 191:25the wrong doing of our parents.
191:25 - 191:27That we put everything right.
191:28 - 191:29For all of us!
191:34 - 191:36Thank you very much for today.
191:37 - 191:40(RC) Thank you for that additional part
there Mr Keshe. -
191:42 - 191:48Okay! That wrapped up for the
161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop -
191:48 - 191:53for Thursday, March 2nd, 2017.
191:53 - 191:58And, as always,
thank you everybody for attending. -
191:59 - 192:02Okay, we'll close
the Livestream now. -
192:02 - 192:13[Thank you to all
transcribers and translators] -
192:13 - 192:17And we will just take a minute
to shut down the Zoom here -
192:17 - 192:20and allow everything to catch up.
- Title:
- 161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017 03 02. Subtitles.
- Description:
00:00:16 Intro videos.
00:11:51 Rick's presentation.
00:12:29 Start teaching of MT Keshe.
01:43:37 Azar. GaNS with different salt.
01:59:05 Ioannis. Adding GaNS together.
02:08:45 Ioannis. Man's Plasma.
02:10:10 Azar. Who is the one who talks then?
02:12:40 Pawel. Body GaNS.
02:16:32 Pawel. Plasma Banking.
02:18:45 Trevor. About Jinn.
02:20:49 Danny. Can lost Souls still be elevated?
02:21:50 Jacky. New KF SSI Education Workshop.
02:56:36 How to help in Ghana. - Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 03:12:45
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KF SSI Education edited English subtitles for 161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017-03-02.Subtitles. | |
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KF SSI Education edited English subtitles for 161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017-03-02.Subtitles. | |
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KF SSI Education edited English subtitles for 161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017-03-02.Subtitles. | |
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Dennis Hasselbaink edited English subtitles for 161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017-03-02.Subtitles. | |
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KF SSI Education edited English subtitles for 161st Knowledge Seekers Workshop, 2017-03-02.Subtitles. |