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The forgotten history of autism

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The forgotten history of autism
Steve Silberman

Decades ago, few pediatricians had heard of autism. In 1975, 1 in 5,000 kids was estimated to have it. Today, 1 in 68 is on the autism spectrum. What caused this steep rise? Steve Silberman points to “a perfect storm of autism awareness” — a pair of psychologists with an accepting view, an unexpected pop culture moment and a new clinical test. But to really understand, we have to go back further to an Austrian doctor by the name of Hans Asperger, who published a pioneering paper in 1944. Because it was buried in time, autism has been shrouded in misunderstanding ever since. (This talk was part of a TED2015 session curated by Pop-Up Magazine: popupmagazine.com or @popupmag on Twitter.)

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closed TED
Òscar Aznar Alemany declined Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Òscar Aznar Alemany edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Esperanza Escalona Reyes edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Esperanza Escalona Reyes edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Esperanza Escalona Reyes edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Esperanza Escalona Reyes edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
Esperanza Escalona Reyes edited Catalan subtitles for The forgotten history of autism
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