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Vegan For Health vs. Ethics, Yam Birth Control?, Activism Across Cultures & More | Q&A

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    There are so many and I want to...answer them all!
  • 0:07 - 0:11
    Hi it's Emily from Bite Size Vegan
    and welcome to a vegan Q&A.
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    It's been quite a while since I've done a Q&A for you guys. Except the time that I did the back-to-back live
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    Q&As on Facebook and YouTube in October. And I'll have the link to those and all the of the other
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    Q&As I've ever down in the description below, along with all of the questions that I answer today and
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    additional resources for each. Before I jump in—because this is one of the rare
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    times that i have a kind of non-formulated video,
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    I thought it would take this
    opportunity to let you guys know
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    to click the bell.
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    If you are subscribed or you want
    to subscribe and you would like
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    for that to actually do something as far as letting you know when videos are coming out:
  • 0:50 - 0:55
    Click the bell. It's a two-step process—you
    aren't ever told about the second step.
  • 0:55 - 0:59
    So it's kind of like just figuring out
    what YouTube might want today...
  • 1:01 - 1:03
    It's not a healthy relationship...
  • 1:04 - 1:08
    I have been hearing that a lot of people are still not getting notified, even when they have selected
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    notifications. And there are still
    people being unsubscribed.
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    So if you'd like to know when I do stuff...
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    ...click the bell.
  • 1:18 - 1:23
    So I got of great questions from you guys and a good number of them are going to need their own dedicated
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    videos so if you don't see your question answered today, it might be that I'm answering it later in its own
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    full video, or that I'm saving it for another Q&A, but because there was quite a good number of them
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    And you guys, Ii did answer on the actual... platform
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    So Clara Rodriguez—I'm sorry if I'm not
    pronouncing that correctly—asked:
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    "What's the best for doing activism in a place where veganism is very unknown and rejected by most people,
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    and where animal agriculture is
    something normal? I live in Uruguay."
  • 1:53 - 1:58
    That's a really great question and that's something that I even faced when I was looking into doing the speech
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    for Ireland. I think there is great value in considering the differences and coming from a perspective that will
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    most effectively connect with whatever kind of cultural framing there is. And at least what I tried to do, is use
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    that framework to kind of bring down people's walls and meet them where they're at.
  • 2:18 - 2:24
    But the end message and the core
    of what I always end with is the same.
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    I kind of try to use the the framework of the familiar.
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    And so in a lot of my videos you'll hear me say
    things like "pets," or in my "Bestiality video,"
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    if you abandon it within the first couple minutes, you might think I'm going in a super shady direction...
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    So I try to start kind of in the framework with which most people are familiar. And so you would know that
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    in your culture in Uruguay far more than I would.
  • 2:50 - 2:56
    So kind of starting with the language, the beliefs,
    the concepts that are familiar and that are
  • 2:56 - 3:03
    espoused by the majority of people. But then it using that in a way to kind of, you know, at least identify, and
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    connect with your with the people that you're talking to.
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    But the heart of a message is the same. The way that we exploit non-human animals, and even one another,
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    is pretty universal— these are living beings,
    they're sentient. They feel just like we do.
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    Mother cows want to have their babies with them
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    just like mother humans want
    to have their babies with them.
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    It's kind of just bringing it down to these base logical things. And showing people—
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    I think one of the most effective things showing people how the values
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    that they already have aline with veganism
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    and so it's not like this big radical change or this, you know, turning
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    against one's culture and country but rather just starting to act the way that
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    we believe already and if you're looking
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    through the the human perspective and
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    and we think about there's a tradition
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    maybe within our culture that involves
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    consuming the bodies of certain animal
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    if you just come straight out that and
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    say you know this is wrong to do this
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    that can be interpreted as my family
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    history is wrong with these very
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    deep-rooted things of value our are
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    being threatened whereby if we can
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    disarm and in bringing people through
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    this thought process to the point of
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    things from the perspective of that
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    animal then it becomes far more evident
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    that to that being the one who is going
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    to have to throat slit or who is going
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    to die in some terrifying painful manner
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    how does it being a tradition alleviate
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    that suffering and how did it justify
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    that suffering There's all kinds of examples
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    throughout human history of things that
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    we've done because of its the way that
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    we've always done it or it's been tradition
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    or it's been widely accepted
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    and we even look back on these things
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    in horror today. And you can wonder like how
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    could that even have been acceptable?
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    The final thing that I would say is to dig
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    through the the actual laws and
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    regulations of your country if you can
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    find them, if they have them, because
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    a lot of times what we think happens is
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    not even close to what actually does happen.
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    And what the laws say is like the
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    ideal and usually what's happening is
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    far less than ideal, but when we actually
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    look at the laws in and of themselves
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    they can be pretty awful a lot of times
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    which is what i found in any country that I've looked into.
  • 5:14 - 5:16
    Peace.and.plants asks:
  • 5:16 - 5:22
    Have you heard about taking wild yam pills as "herbal contraception"?
  • 5:22 - 5:26
    I have not, but I did do a quick search on it and
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    this is by no means expensive, but I will
  • 5:28 - 5:30
    put links to the rest of the resources
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    on the blog post so that will be down
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    below because there's a number of them
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    and it's too much to pop into the
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    description. What I did find was actually
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    a lot more information and research on
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    wild yam being used for like menstrual
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    cramps and menopause and things like that.
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    And not really any research
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    directly on birth control.
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    So from what I found is then used for
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    quite some time for a number of
  • 5:53 - 5:54
    applications. But as far as the birth
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    control aspect, it does contain diosgenin
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    which is a phytoestrogen or
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    plant-based estrogen. And diosgenin was
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    used to make the first birth control pill.
  • 6:03 - 6:06
    But even with the studies but I did find
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    on treatment for menopause, menstrual cramps and those kinds of things
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    there doesn't seem to be any kind of
    conclusive proof of the effectiveness.
  • 6:12 - 6:17
    And again like I said nothing actually
    looking at it as a birth control method.
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    And the reasoning for this might be that our bodies cannot convert diosgenin into progesterone
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    on their own. It has to be done in a lab setting.
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    I do have a whole video on birth control methods, and talking about whether they are vegan or not.
  • 6:30 - 6:31
    So there are options.
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    And there are ones that have, you know , pluses and minuses for each.
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    And I'll put that down below.
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    So zm_vegan asked: As a new vegan,
    how do I get the balance right
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    between being true to my values -
    WITHOUT annoying my family and friends?
  • 6:46 - 6:48
    I think we'd all like to know the answer to that question.
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    I think that's a huge concern for new vegans and even long-term vegans.
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    Family and friends, family especially, can be
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    very difficult to navigate. I think that
  • 6:58 - 7:01
    maybe re-framing this might be a little helpful.
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    Just even having to ask the question about how to balance your values
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    based on making other people comfortable
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    I mean that alone in and of itself is a bit of a troubling question.
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    Especially because the value that you're you're talking about are
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    you know, not harming innocent beings.
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    I guess for your own sanity and comfort, continuing to educate yourself
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    and knowing that you're not alone in this.
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    And, you know, many of us have been there before and many of us will go there again.
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    And so, I would really also recommend reaching out to other vegans or just people that you do feel you can
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    talk to and knowing that... you shouldn't have to apologize or feel bad about not wanting to harm others.
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    you know, you shouldn't feel bad or like your family is going to turn against you because you want to be non-violent
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    and you don't feel like it's your right to break up other people's families
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    or sentence them to an early death or confine them
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    or violate them in any number of ways.
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    I know that doesn't make it easier or give you a blueprint necessarily for exactly what to say
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    to your family... but I just want to emphasize that, you know, you shouldn't have to
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    sacrifice your values, especially when they're the values of not wanting to hurt.
  • 8:30 - 8:36
    Family can be the most difficult. And, sometimes, just living by example and continuing
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    to educate yourself and sharing that with them when it feels appropriate.
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    But also, know that you can set boundaries if you need to.
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    And it doesn't mean arguing or yelling or even telling them that they're horrible people.
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    But, coming kind of more from the perspective of: This is something that's really important to me.
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    This is a decision I've come to based on these things that I've learned
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    and I'm happy to share them with you and to tell you what it is that made me decide to make these changes.
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    But regardless of whether you agree with them, I would love to have your support in just doing what I feel is right
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    and being able to follow through with my own core values.
  • 9:18 - 9:23
    Rebecca Clark asked: What are your thoughts on the growing criticism of people who come to veganism only for health reasons
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    or the argument that we should not use health claims to promote veganism?
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    So I've said from the very beginning of my channel that there are a million reasons to go vegan
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    and that I've actually yet to find a reason NOT to go vegan.
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    People often ask me why I'm vegan. And honestly, I haven't found a reason not to be.
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    So I decided to do a number of little clips that have bite size information about different reasons to go vegan.
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    And I have always been of the mind that whatever gets you there, GOOD!
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    As long as it can keep you there or you can find something that will keep you there.
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    And I do find that, you know, the health perspective of veganism can bring a good deal of people into veganism.
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    When I say "the health perspective", that's again an infinite range of approaches within that.
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    I do think that it's important to have scientifically backed up, accurate claims or studies, or even
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    at least saying we're not sure, but these kinds of things.
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    But, I tend to interview Dr. Greger or bring on specialists instead of myself trying to make any kind of health claims
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    when I don't have any formal training, it's really not my place.
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    However, as far as it bringing people in for the health, good!
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    Whatever is going to connect with them, and make them feel that this is a choice that is in line with their values
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    go for it!
  • 10:39 - 10:46
    Because, I mean, that's really what I've always said, that I think the vast majority of people already are vegan in their mentality.
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    You know, whether that's - I do think a lot of that is ethical because I even think that people who go vegan
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    for health reasons would still not stab a pig in the throat if that baby pig was in front of them.
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    I don't think they would do it.
  • 10:58 - 11:03
    I have a whole video on bacon lovers who melt when they actually have a pig in front of them.
  • 11:03 - 11:11
    So, I just think sometimes it's depending on the intensity of the reason that got you into being vegan - at times
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    there needs to be... or can be... a shift or a further rooting, or further identification with other aspects
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    of it that really kind of locks it in. And makes it less of a "I'm gonna try this" and more of something that
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    "this is of vital importance". emkat14 says: I'm in middle school and my friends always make fun of me for being vegan.
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    In the past it made me want to give up, but I kept going and even though they still make fun of me,
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    I tell myself that I don't care what they think, but sometimes it makes me want to quit and I definitely don't want to do that.
  • 11:42 - 11:45
    Can you give me some tips on how to deal with hate from kids my age?
  • 11:45 - 11:51
    Oh, man! I'm so sorry that you're going through that and I do hear that from a lot of people of all ages.
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    And I would love to tell you that it gets better with age and that people grow up and are more mature.
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    I've been kind of waiting for that to happen for quite some time and I'm still waiting. We'll see.
  • 12:04 - 12:09
    I mean I really wish I could just kind of protect you and everyone from that kind of experience
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    It's an indication of how far we've come from our true nature that someone just saying,
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    "Hey, I would like to not hurt these beings; these animals"
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    - As kids, you know, we adore, we love movies with them. And instead of saying, "I'm gonna love this
  • 12:32 - 12:38
    particular animal and I'm gonna eat this other one and this one doesn't deserve to live",
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    you're basically saying, "Hey, this makes no sense. They can hurt, they can feel, they have families
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    and I don't want to hurt them".
  • 12:47 - 12:51
    I mean that's— that is nothing to mock, that is nothing to make fun of.
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    That's certainly not something anyone should feel bad about.
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    I don't think it's going to make everything better, but, sometimes it can
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    be helpful to kind of take a step back and realize that that kind of reaction
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    from people is never really about you or what you're doing. A lot of times
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    it's more of the individual feeling implied judgement that because of you
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    being vegan, it's this attack on the way that they eat and what they do.
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    And that—in and of itself—is pretty telling. We don't tend to get defensive
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    unless we kind of feel deep down that maybe something we're doing is wrong.
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    There's a big pressure as well to fit in and to go with the flow, go with the mainstream
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    go with the, you know, the "popular kids." And not be kind of the one "sticking out"
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    or the "different person," the "different kid." I was always the the
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    "different kid," and I'm still very much the "different kid," so to speak.
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    But for me it helps thinking about the animals and what they're going through,
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    and thinking about the environment and where our planet is headed.
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    And even if it's uncomfortable for me at times, or it's hard at times, and
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    even if it can be a struggle, I still don't want to be part of that.
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    I still don't want to hurt innocent beings and I still don't want to be part of the world
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    racing towards destruction. And I would rather take being unpopular or having people
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    give me a hard time over that. And I don't say that to imply that what you're going
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    through isn't valid, isn't important, isn't incredibly painful—because I'm sure that it is.
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    It's not easy. My hear goes out to you and I just want you to know that you're not alone.
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    And you're not wrong. And you're incredibly strong for making this choice, especially
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    early on in life. So please know that you're doing the right thing. And you can reach out
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    to others. If you don't have anyone in your area, you can reach out online, find some community.
  • 15:03 - 15:09
    I do have a number of videos interviewing vegan kids and a number of them have, in the videos
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    even, said that they would be open to people contacting them. So I'm going to link those
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    videos down below and you can maybe even try to get in touch with the kids in the videos who
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    have their own channels and their own platforms and are very receptive to helping others.
  • 15:22 - 15:25
    Okay, just a few quick ones because it's getting kind of long.
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    So Wendy Linton asked about when people say that they buy organic, humane, free-range type of products
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    and using that as a kind of solution
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    to the way that animal are treated. I have a number of videos on the Humane Myth and an
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    entire in-depth speech that I gave in Ireland called "The Best We Have To Offer."
  • 15:41 - 15:43
    And I'm going to link all of those below.
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    meghs_muggs ask about palm oil and said that she didn't know if I already
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    had addressed this. I have—I have a video on palm oil, so that will be below.
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    And Lauren Walker wanted to know the story of my tattoos and necklace
  • 15:56 - 16:00
    I've actually answered those as well so I will link below the Q&A where I talk
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    about the necklace and then I have three tattoo videos that will be linked below as well.
  • 16:04 - 16:08
    So I know I didn't get to SO many questions and I'm really sorry about that.
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    I also wanted to let you guys know: If you've emailed me, if you've messaged me
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    and I haven't gotten back to you, it is by no means anything personal.
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    I kind of have a good bit of overload with all of the different avenues that are
  • 16:22 - 16:28
    coming in. And it doesn't make it okay, it doesn't make it excusable for you guys
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    to not get a response, especially because I know a lot of the things that are
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    sent are very important and it does really break my heart to find these things
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    months later sometimes. I'm just I'm not that kind of person— I've never been
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    that kind of person. I've always been someone who's very accountable and
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    good on my word and consistent and reliable. And it just seems, you know, especially
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    in the last year that the the workload has almost necessitated or created... me being
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    this this kind of person that I really don't want to be. So please know that it's
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    never intentional. And I honestly truly want to answer every single person,
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    and I want to be able to address concerns. I want to be able to help as much
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    as I can... It's... it's just not possible at this point. And I'm trying my best to put
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    together the systems where I can be more effective, I can be more available, I can
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    create more content. And it's just going a lot more slowly than I would like it to.
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    And a lot of that kind of area of navigating— these kind of, you know, business side
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    of stuff, or structural side, legal sides—I'm not terribly well-versed with these.
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    So it's a bit difficult to navigate, and I'm doing the best I can. So, thank you guys
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    for your patience, thank you for your support, thank you for sticking around.
  • 17:44 - 17:52
    And I will keep doing the very best I can. And I can never thank you enough, for everything.
  • 17:53 - 17:57
    So I hope that what I did a dress was helpful. And please find a bunch more information below.
  • 17:57 - 18:04
    If you like this, subscribe and click the— click the bell, because you don't have enough to do:
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    Subscribe it! Like it! Share it!
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    There's a lot! There's a lot you can you can do.
  • 18:09 - 18:11
    I feel like a flight attendant.
  • 18:14 - 18:16
    The bell just gets me, man.
  • 18:18 - 18:23
    I feel like maybe YouTube just thinks— it's like, they just want to see how far they can mess with us
  • 18:24 - 18:29
    Just see how much we're gonna tolerate before we just go: "No more! No more, YouTube!"
Vegan For Health vs. Ethics, Yam Birth Control?, Activism Across Cultures & More | Q&A

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