The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump
0:01 - 0:02
“Mr. Trump...your presidency? -
0:02 - 0:04I love your presidency.
0:04 - 0:07I call it “Disgrace the Nation.”
0:07 - 0:08You have more people marching
0:08 - 0:10against you than cancer.
0:10 - 0:12You talk like a sign language gorilla
0:12 - 0:13who got hit in the head.
0:13 - 0:14In fact, the only thing your mouth
0:14 - 0:16Is good for is being Vladimir Putin’s
0:16 - 0:19[bleep] holster.”
0:24 - 0:25Remember that time,
0:25 - 0:25back in January,
0:25 - 0:27when millions of Americans fired up Pinterest,
0:27 - 0:29broke out their gluesticks,
0:29 - 0:31and went arts & crafts wild like kids at camp?
0:31 - 0:33Armed with thousands of colorful banners,
0:33 - 0:34posters and signs,
0:34 - 0:36an estimated four and a half
0:36 - 0:38million people around the world took to the streets
0:38 - 0:42on January 21, 2017 for the Women’s March.`
0:42 - 0:44To remind ourselves of just a few of the reasons
0:44 - 0:45why people were out that day,
0:45 - 0:46let’s pause for a moment
0:46 - 0:47and listen to some words from our
0:47 - 0:49Commander-in-Chief that helped inspire this
0:49 - 0:51tremendous event.
0:51 - 0:52“I did try and fuck her.
0:52 - 0:53She was married.
0:53 - 0:56I moved on her like a bitch.
0:56 - 0:57But I couldn’t get there.
0:57 - 0:58And she was married.
0:58 - 1:00You know, I’m automatically attracted to a
1:00 - 1:01beautiful - I just start kissing them.
1:01 - 1:03It’s like a magnet. Just kiss.
1:03 - 1:04[laughter]
1:04 - 1:05I don’t even wait.
1:05 - 1:05And when you’re a star,
1:05 - 1:07they let you do it.
1:07 - 1:08You can do anything.”
1:08 - 1:08“Whatever you want.”
1:08 - 1:10“Grab them by the pussy.
1:10 - 1:14You can do anything.”
1:15 - 1:17Yeah, that’s our President
1:17 - 1:19back in 2005 when he was
1:19 - 1:21merely a billionaire reality TV show host,
1:21 - 1:24proudly admitting how he abused his power and
1:24 - 1:25celebrity to sexually harass and
1:25 - 1:27assault vulnerable women.
1:27 - 1:28And by the way:
1:28 - 1:30this may be the most famous example of Trump
1:30 - 1:32telling us what he considers to be the real
1:32 - 1:33“Art of the Deal”
1:33 - 1:35but it’s by no means the only one.
1:35 - 1:36Even before Trump announced his
1:36 - 1:37candidacy for President,
1:37 - 1:38every news cycle about him
1:38 - 1:40was like being stuck in a game of
1:40 - 1:42Rape Culture Jumanji.
1:42 - 1:44And partially in response to his blatant, abusive
1:44 - 1:48misogyny, upwards of 4.6 million people gathered
1:48 - 1:51in more than 550 cities in the United States alone,
1:51 - 1:54many of them wielding some seriously spectacular
1:54 - 1:56signs displaying messages of resistance to
1:56 - 1:59systematic racism, sexism, and other forms of
1:59 - 2:00oppression.
2:00 - 2:02But unfortunately, not all the images or chants
2:02 - 2:04back in January were inspirational.
2:04 - 2:06In fact, when you get right down to it,
2:06 - 2:07some of the signs and slogans
2:07 - 2:09didn’t just lack creativity –
2:09 - 2:11they actively reinforced precisely what the people
2:11 - 2:14holding them thought they were protesting.
2:14 - 2:16Punchy doesn’t always equal progressive, y’all.
2:16 - 2:18When you’re “joking” about the unusually small
2:18 - 2:19size of someone’s hands,
2:19 - 2:21or laughing at pictures of him in homoerotic
2:21 - 2:24scenarios, you’re actually feeding the same logic
2:24 - 2:26that encourages someone to think they can,
2:26 - 2:29well, “move on someone like a bitch.”
2:29 - 2:30Our culture tells us how a “real man” should think,
2:30 - 2:32what he should look like,
2:32 - 2:34and who he can dominate.
2:34 - 2:36These messages are toxic.
2:36 - 2:38They depend on a version of masculinity that says:
2:38 - 2:40“Real’ men use power to dominate.
2:40 - 2:41They take what they want,
2:41 - 2:42in business,
2:42 - 2:42or politics,
2:42 - 2:45or in their relationships with women.
2:45 - 2:46And yes, these messages equate having
2:46 - 2:48small hands -- or small anything
2:48 - 2:50with being less of a “real” man.
2:50 - 2:52Let’s look at some more examples to help us
2:52 - 2:54unpack how this works.
2:54 - 2:56In August of 2016,
2:56 - 2:57our last blissful,
2:57 - 2:58pre-election summer,
2:58 - 3:00a statue appeared in New York City’s Union Square
3:00 - 3:02of a very naked Donald Trump.
3:02 - 3:04The size of this statue’s genitals was clearly
3:04 - 3:07intended to be an insult to the man whose greatest
3:07 - 3:09leadership experience up to that point may have
3:09 - 3:11been the two times he fired Stephen Baldwin on
3:11 - 3:12The Celebrity Apprentice.
3:12 - 3:14"You're fired."
3:14 - 3:16From public art and social media
3:16 - 3:17to protests and marches,
3:17 - 3:19renderings like this statue are everywhere.
3:19 - 3:21It’s impossible to avoid the memes about
3:21 - 3:24hand size, poorly-executed spray tans,
3:24 - 3:26and combovers that are are meant to offend
3:26 - 3:27a certain thin-skinned individual
3:27 - 3:29who has a tendency to rage on Twitter and also
3:29 - 3:32has access to the nuclear codes.
3:32 - 3:34In addition to the sea of miniature members,
3:34 - 3:35tiny hands,
3:35 - 3:37and aggressively orange bouffants,
3:37 - 3:39criticism in public spaces has included numerous
3:39 - 3:41images of Trump and Putin taking their diplomatic
3:41 - 3:44intimacy to the physical level.
3:44 - 3:46Valentine’s Day proved to be a pretty great
3:46 - 3:48opportunity for artists intending to defy Trump,
3:48 - 3:50to use some homoerotic imagery
3:50 - 3:51to get in some jabs.
3:51 - 3:52But in this case, homoerotic
3:52 - 3:55equates to homophobic.
3:55 - 3:57If you use gay imagery to insult someone, the
3:57 - 4:00implication is that homosexuality is itself
4:00 - 4:01something shameful.
4:01 - 4:03These images don’t just criticize a political
4:03 - 4:04relationship.
4:04 - 4:06They emasculate Trump by using make-up,
4:06 - 4:08pregnancy, and even his position as
4:08 - 4:12the “little spoon” to suggest his effeminacy.
4:12 - 4:14These images also mock the notion of two men
4:14 - 4:15being together sexually or romantically,
4:15 - 4:18which communicates to all onlookers that,
4:18 - 4:22in 2017, intimacy between two “real men” is
4:22 - 4:23laughable.
4:23 - 4:25People who would consider themselves LGBT
4:25 - 4:27allies are deploying the kind of rhetoric that implies
4:27 - 4:30that anything other than stereotypically masculine
4:30 - 4:33or heterosexual behavior is wrong or absurd.
4:33 - 4:36What do we mean when we say “stereotypically
4:36 - 4:37masculine”?
4:37 - 4:38Well, the media we create and engage
4:38 - 4:40with too often depicts aggression,
4:40 - 4:42physical strength, pride, protectiveness,
4:42 - 4:45and even short tempers as “manly.”
4:45 - 4:47We’ve elevated those traits from “manly virtues“
4:47 - 4:49to masculine requirements –
4:49 - 4:50and any deviation from
4:50 - 4:52them makes a man suspect.
4:52 - 4:55The end result is that at times our entire culture
4:55 - 4:57seems like a backslapping locker room full of
4:57 - 4:59chuckleheads, and we get a President who learned
4:59 - 5:01diplomacy from The Little Rascals.
5:01 - 5:05“And what do you say if we form a new club...and
5:05 - 5:11call it the ‘He-Man Woman Haters’ Club’?”
5:11 - 5:12These images are so pervasive,
5:12 - 5:14And so socially entrenched,
5:14 - 5:15that we’ve come to accept them as natural and
5:15 - 5:18true, like the sun rising in the east or every
5:18 - 5:21odd-numbered Star Trek movie being total crap.
5:21 - 5:22But there’s nothing objectively true about the way
5:22 - 5:25our culture dictates how to be a man.
5:25 - 5:27In fact, this version of masculinity is only
5:27 - 5:29recognizable because we contrast it with its
5:29 - 5:31opposite: weakness, humility, and vulnerability:
5:31 - 5:35in other words, “femininity.”
5:35 - 5:38If being a “real man” means being stoic, strong,
5:38 - 5:39and rational,
5:39 - 5:41then being a “real” woman wins you a lifetime
5:41 - 5:44supply of timidity, weakness, and hysteria.
5:44 - 5:46Bonus round: the word “hysteria” comes from the
5:46 - 5:49Greek word for “uterus.”
5:49 - 5:50Associations of compassion, vulnerability, and
5:50 - 5:54emotion with femininity are no more intrinsically
5:54 - 5:56true than associations of aggression and
5:56 - 5:57dominance with masculinity.
5:57 - 5:58But in setting up this contrast,
5:58 - 5:59and by defining
5:59 - 6:01behaviors, bodies, and appearances
6:01 - 6:03as either masculine or feminine,
6:03 - 6:05our culture says that men should exhibit masculine
6:05 - 6:08attributes, and conversely, women should exhibit
6:08 - 6:10recognizably feminine traits.
6:10 - 6:12Cross or blur that culturally-defined line,
6:12 - 6:14and you’ve got a real problem on your hands
6:14 - 6:17– no matter how big or small.
6:17 - 6:19The truth is that cultural ideas about masculinity
6:19 - 6:21and femininity limit all of us to one degree or
6:21 - 6:22another,
6:22 - 6:24though people who identify as men and people
6:24 - 6:26who identify as women are impacted
6:26 - 6:27in very different ways.
6:27 - 6:29In our culture, the attributes associated with
6:29 - 6:32femininity are deeply shameful for “real men” to
6:32 - 6:33possess.
6:33 - 6:35There’s nothing more insulting a man can say to
6:35 - 6:37another man than to question his masculinity or to
6:37 - 6:40call him some colorful synonym for woman.
6:40 - 6:41Why?
6:41 - 6:43Because as we continue to perpetuate this strict
6:43 - 6:46system of only two gender options, femininity
6:46 - 6:49continues to be regarded as something negative.
6:49 - 6:51“Well, what am I then?
6:51 - 6:54“What are you?
6:54 - 6:58You are my bitch.
6:58 - 6:59That’s what.
6:59 - 7:02My own, personal bitch.”
7:02 - 7:04“I’m gonna make you my bitch’s bitch.
7:04 - 7:06You’re gonna be my grandbitch.”
7:06 - 7:08“Stop being such a pussy!”
7:08 - 7:08“You fucking shot me!”
7:08 - 7:11In actuality, people of any gender can possess any
7:11 - 7:12personality trait,
7:12 - 7:14and can find themselves within
7:14 - 7:15the binary of male and female,
7:15 - 7:17somewhere in-between,
7:17 - 7:19or outside of it entirely.
7:19 - 7:20But, as long as our culture maintains and
7:20 - 7:23normalizes rigid expectations related to gender –
7:23 - 7:25like, continuing to prize masculinity while
7:25 - 7:27denigrating femininity –
7:27 - 7:29these ideas about gender will contribute to the
7:29 - 7:31oppression of particular groups of people,
7:31 - 7:33including women, trans folks,
7:33 - 7:35and non-binary people.
7:35 - 7:36Ok, so you may be asking,
7:36 - 7:39what does all this have to do with insults hurled
7:39 - 7:40at Donald Trump?
7:40 - 7:42Let me be very clear about this:
7:42 - 7:45I AM NOT defending Donald Trump.
7:45 - 7:48This is about recognizing that “jokes” about who is
7:48 - 7:50and isn’t a real man are the kinds of things that
7:50 - 7:52Trump himself would laugh at.
7:52 - 7:54Yeah, we know that this kind of stuff drives Trump
7:54 - 7:55up the wall.
7:55 - 7:57But that’s not a good excuse to participate in
7:57 - 7:57it.
7:57 - 7:58We’re better than that.
7:58 - 8:00We’re certainly funnier.
8:00 - 8:01We need to challenge what many of those
8:01 - 8:04criticisms and insults are actually saying about
8:04 - 8:06men, women, gender, and sexuality,
8:06 - 8:08because they reinforce harmful patriarchal ideas
8:08 - 8:11that actually benefit people like our current
8:11 - 8:12president.
8:12 - 8:14Sure, it can be gratifying to carry a sign or share
8:14 - 8:16a Facebook post that would get under the skin of
8:16 - 8:18our quick-tempered, fast-tweeting,
8:18 - 8:20rarely self-reflecting President.
8:20 - 8:23And because Trump buys so fully into deeply sexist
8:23 - 8:25ideas about masculinity and power himself,
8:25 - 8:28questioning his masculinity can seem like an easy,
8:28 - 8:30effective way to knock him down a peg.
8:30 - 8:31But we have to think about the message we’re
8:31 - 8:33sending when we insult anyone using the idea that
8:33 - 8:35small hands are unmanly,
8:35 - 8:37or that two men loving each other is embarrassing
8:37 - 8:40- even a president who was leaving a bad taste in
8:40 - 8:42people’s mouths with his personal line of steaks at
8:42 - 8:44the Sharper Image...long before he was offending
8:44 - 8:47and embarrassing us as Commander-in-Chief.
8:47 - 8:50If we rely on patriarchal ideas of masculinity to
8:50 - 8:51insult and protest against someone who clearly
8:51 - 8:54benefits from patriarchy and misogyny,
8:54 - 8:57and from his own position as a straight, white,
8:57 - 8:58tremendously wealthy man,
8:58 - 9:01then we help to perpetuate these same norms.
9:01 - 9:03These are the very norms that help enable
9:03 - 9:05someone to laugh off their own history of sexism
9:05 - 9:08and sexual assault, and still get elected to the
9:08 - 9:09highest office in the land.
9:09 - 9:11What would actually be transgressive and
9:11 - 9:14challenging to Trump is a resistance that works to
9:14 - 9:16dismantle the very notions of patriarchy and power
9:16 - 9:18that helped propel him to the presidency.
9:18 - 9:20A resistance that defies rigid notions of
9:20 - 9:23masculinity and femininity and loudly embraces
9:23 - 9:26people of all genders and all gender expressions.
9:26 - 9:29So let’s stop resorting to body shaming or
9:29 - 9:31homophobia when what we’re really trying to do is
9:31 - 9:32critique the misogyny,
9:32 - 9:34the history of sexual assault,
9:34 - 9:37and the abuse of political power by someone who
9:37 - 9:38should have done us a huge favor and
9:38 - 9:40disappeared from the public sphere
9:40 - 9:42following his cameo in Home Alone 2.
9:42 - 9:44"Excuse me, where's the lobby?"
9:44 - 9:46"Down the hall and to the left."
9:46 - 9:48"Thanks."
9:51 - 9:53This is our brand new Feminist Frequency show!
9:53 - 9:54If you like what we’re doing here,
9:54 - 9:56please share it with your friends,
9:56 - 9:57subscribe for more videos,
9:57 - 10:00and donate to help us continue making them!
- Title:
- The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump
- Description:
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This is the second episode of Feminist Frequency’s new series, The FREQ Show! With The FREQ Show, we’re answering the question, “What do representations of race, gender and sexuality in pop culture have to do with our current social and political climate?”
Despite Trump and his bumbling administration giving us no shortage of legitimate reasons to criticize and mock them every day, many people resort to homophobic jokes and body-shaming insults in an effort to lampoon our current disaster-in-chief. In this episode of The FREQ Show, we break down what makes this “problematic” humor such a problem, demonstrating how it reinforces the very ideas of traditional masculinity that helped propel Trump to the White House in the first place.
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Tumblr: - Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Feminist Frequency
- Duration:
- 10:04
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Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump | |
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Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump | |
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Ebony Adams edited English subtitles for The FREQ Show: 00.02 The Unmanning of Trump |