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La Haine 1995 Multi Subtitles Full Movie HD

  • 0:01 - 0:20
    Subtitles downloaded from www.OpenSubtitles.org
  • 0:20 - 0:25
    You murderers!
    It's easy to gun us down! We only got rocks!
  • 0:25 - 0:39
    H A T E
  • 0:39 - 0:42
    This film is dedicated to friends and family
  • 0:42 - 0:47
    who died while it was in the making.
  • 0:47 - 0:51
    Heard about the guy
    who fell off a skyscraper?
  • 0:51 - 0:54
    On his way down past each floor,
  • 0:54 - 0:57
    he kept saying to reassure himself:
  • 0:57 - 0:59
    "So far so good..."
  • 0:59 - 1:06
    "so far so good..."
  • 1:06 - 1:10
    How you fall doesn't matter.
  • 1:10 - 4:45
    It's how you land!
  • 4:45 - 4:48
    More rioting in the projects outside the city.
  • 4:48 - 4:50
    Last night a mob of youths
  • 4:50 - 4:55
    attacked a police station
    in the Muguet projects.
  • 4:55 - 4:58
    Pitched battles left 14 officers injured.
  • 4:58 - 5:00
    33 arrests were made.
  • 5:00 - 5:04
    A mall and nearby buildings
    were damaged by looters
  • 5:04 - 5:07
    who dispersed around 4 a.m.
  • 5:07 - 5:11
    Alleged police brutality
    sparked the riots 2 days ago.
  • 5:11 - 5:15
    A local teen was severely beaten
    under questioning.
  • 5:15 - 5:17
    The officer was suspended.
  • 5:17 - 5:21
    The victim, Abdel Ichaha, is in hospital
  • 5:21 - 6:03
    in critical condition.
  • 6:03 - 6:32
    Got a looter under arrest, a minor.
  • 6:32 - 6:41
  • 6:41 - 6:45
    Vinz! Where the fuck is he?
  • 6:45 - 6:47
    - Whadda ya mean "what"?
  • 6:47 - 6:49
    Can't fuckin' say hello?
  • 6:49 - 6:51
    Chill, Sayid. What's up?
  • 6:51 - 6:53
    Tell your bro to come out.
  • 6:53 - 6:55
    What for?
    - Tell him!
  • 6:55 - 6:58
    What for?
    - Just tell him!
  • 6:58 - 7:00
    What for?
  • 7:00 - 7:02
    Is this a TV game show?
  • 7:02 - 7:05
    Quit hollering!
  • 7:05 - 7:08
    You guys made enough noise last night!
  • 7:08 - 7:12
    You see me last night? I wasn't here.
  • 7:12 - 7:13
    Shut up!
  • 7:13 - 7:15
    Don't play dumb!
  • 7:15 - 7:18
    You'll burn next, asshole!
    - Idiot!
  • 7:18 - 7:21
    You gonna get him?
    - Don't asshole me, asshole!
  • 7:21 - 7:23
    You still there? Beat it!
  • 7:23 - 7:27
    If I wake him, he'll get mad. You try!
  • 7:27 - 7:45
    I hope the cops tan your hide!
  • 7:45 - 7:49
  • 7:49 - 7:50
    Shut up, Sayid.
  • 7:50 - 7:54
    Shut up? Be nice or you're history, fuckface!
  • 7:54 - 7:57
    Go away. You stink!
  • 7:57 - 8:00
    You want to play this early? One...
  • 8:00 - 8:01
  • 8:01 - 8:03
  • 8:03 - 8:04
    You lose.
  • 8:04 - 8:06
    Fuck your sister.
  • 8:06 - 8:09
    I told you not to talk about her!
  • 8:09 - 8:11
    She sucks Donald Duck. Get lost!
  • 8:11 - 8:12
    Jew boy!
  • 8:12 - 8:16
    You bogus kike, you're nowhere!
  • 8:16 - 8:18
    I saw a cow.
    - What?
  • 8:18 - 8:19
    A cow.
  • 8:19 - 8:20
    Got some smoke?
  • 8:20 - 8:25
    In the box.
  • 8:25 - 8:30
    Last night, during the riot,
    I dashed behind a building:
  • 8:30 - 8:32
    Wham! I ran right into a cow.
  • 8:32 - 8:34
  • 8:34 - 8:36
    Stop smoking, your brain's fried!
  • 8:36 - 8:39
    Off my bed! I'll say you're taking drugs!
  • 8:39 - 8:41
    I'll cut your throat, hang you up,
  • 8:41 - 8:44
    you'll drown in your blood!
  • 8:44 - 8:47
  • 8:47 - 8:50
    Get off the bed.
  • 8:50 - 8:51
    You get out.
  • 8:51 - 8:53
    Stay off my bed!
  • 8:53 - 8:55
    Get lost, you snitch!
  • 8:55 - 8:58
    Move it.
  • 8:58 - 9:00
    Watch your mouth with my sister!
    You'll skip temple!
  • 9:00 - 9:03
    Got any salt?
    - Respect your granma!
  • 9:03 - 9:04
    You my father?
  • 9:04 - 9:06
    What about Dad?
  • 9:06 - 9:09
    You my mother now?
  • 9:09 - 9:10
    Go to school!
  • 9:10 - 9:12
    It burned down.
  • 9:12 - 9:15
    Burned down! Savages!
  • 9:15 - 9:18
    Start that way and soon you'll skip temple!
  • 9:18 - 9:20
    - What?
  • 9:20 - 9:21
    I didn't burn the school!
  • 9:21 - 9:25
    And you don't go to temple!
  • 9:25 - 9:27
    You win! I surrender!
  • 9:27 - 9:30
    If everyone ran from an argument,
  • 9:30 - 9:32
    there'd be a stampede, already!
  • 9:32 - 9:35
    But we'd all be going the same way!
  • 9:35 - 9:36
  • 9:36 - 9:56
    You talkin' to me?
  • 9:56 - 10:10
    You talkin' to me, mothafucka!
  • 10:10 - 10:14
    ...the guy says: "For cash, I'd even murder!"
  • 10:14 - 10:18
    He tells his friend: "I'd even waste you."
  • 10:18 - 10:20
    The friend freaks, so the guy says:
  • 10:20 - 10:23
    "Don't worry, you're a buddy.
  • 10:23 - 10:26
    "I won't waste you for cash,
    I'll do it for free!"
  • 10:26 - 10:29
    What a killer line! "For free!"
  • 10:29 - 10:33
    "I'll waste you for free!" What a line, Vinz!
  • 10:33 - 10:34
    I got it the first time.
  • 10:34 - 10:37
    Tell your brother to come see me!
  • 10:37 - 10:41
    What a killer put-down!
    "I'll waste you for free!"
  • 10:41 - 10:48
    Shut up and gimme the joint.
  • 10:48 - 10:50
    A killer line!
    - Killer.
  • 10:50 - 10:57
    "I'd waste you for free."
    Can't do better than that!
  • 10:57 - 11:04
    Why you so uptight?
  • 11:04 - 11:09
  • 11:09 - 11:15
    Bastards wrecked everything!
  • 11:15 - 11:22
    Check that!
  • 11:22 - 11:26
    I don't believe it!
  • 11:26 - 11:28
    How'd they get the car in?
  • 11:28 - 11:33
    The doorway's too narrow.
  • 11:33 - 11:36
    Chill, Sayid! There he is.
  • 11:36 - 11:38
    He must be pissed off.
  • 11:38 - 11:58
    Took him two years to get this gym!
  • 11:58 - 12:01
    Your dope's good, Vinz.
  • 12:01 - 12:09
    Not mine. It's Hubert's.
  • 12:09 - 12:11
    Don't bogart, Sayid.
  • 12:11 - 12:13
    Thought you quit smoking?
  • 12:13 - 12:16
    Me too.
  • 12:16 - 12:18
    What happened here?
  • 12:18 - 12:20
  • 12:20 - 12:23
    A fire?
  • 12:23 - 12:26
    You win the prize, Einstein!
  • 12:26 - 12:27
    Kiss mine, cousin!
  • 12:27 - 12:30
    I knew it'd go up in smoke one day.
  • 12:30 - 12:32
    So why'd you bust ass to get it?
  • 12:32 - 12:34
    'Cause he wanted to, dickface!
  • 12:34 - 12:36
    You're the dick.
  • 12:36 - 12:37
    You know who did it?
  • 12:37 - 12:42
    I don't want to know.
  • 12:42 - 12:44
    How'd the car get in here?
  • 12:44 - 12:54
    The doorway's not big enough.
  • 12:54 - 12:57
    We dissed them, spit on them!
  • 12:57 - 13:00
    But the cops didn't move an inch.
  • 13:00 - 13:10
    Then the mothers stepped aside
    to make a path...
  • 13:10 - 13:15
    Then these plainclothes pigs
    came out with wooden clubs.
  • 13:15 - 13:18
    They hit a homeboy, like real bad!
  • 13:18 - 13:21
    Kept clubbing him till we tore into 'em.
  • 13:21 - 13:36
    I kicked a pig right in the head!
  • 13:36 - 13:37
    That's a Yamaha.
  • 13:37 - 13:39
    More like your Mom on a Harley!
  • 13:39 - 13:42
    It's Mohammed's bike. He fixed the exhaust.
  • 13:42 - 13:45
    No, it's Vinz's Mom on a Yamaha!
  • 13:45 - 13:48
    Which Mohammed?
  • 13:48 - 13:50
    Farida's brother?
  • 13:50 - 13:52
    Farida with the driver's licence?
  • 13:52 - 13:56
    No, Farida from the supermarket.
  • 13:56 - 13:58
    Anyway, it was a scene.
  • 13:58 - 14:03
    You should've been there Hubert.
    It was intense.
  • 14:03 - 14:06
    Tear gas, 2 nights in a cop shop,
  • 14:06 - 14:08
    all the fists you can eat,
  • 14:08 - 14:10
    getting hell at home:
  • 14:10 - 14:15
    "Sorry cousin, but I ain't buyin'!"
  • 14:15 - 14:20
    Gimme a break!
    It was war against the pigs, in living color!
  • 14:20 - 14:23
    I was trying to make some cash.
  • 14:23 - 14:27
    Your bogus riot fucked it up!
  • 14:27 - 14:30
    When a brother goes down, I stand up!
  • 14:30 - 14:34
    What brother? Do I know the guy?
  • 14:34 - 14:42
    I won't take hits for a homeboy gangsta I don't know.
  • 14:42 - 14:44
    Let's go.
  • 14:44 - 14:45
    I mean it!
  • 14:45 - 14:47
    Abdel's no gangsta.
  • 14:47 - 14:57
    OK, but I'm not faster than a speeding bullet!
  • 14:57 - 15:00
    Hey, hands off the hot dogs!
  • 15:00 - 15:01
    Gimme one.
  • 15:01 - 15:02
    And go broke?
  • 15:02 - 15:04
    Don't make us cry!
  • 15:04 - 15:07
    I'll make you cry, Sayid!
  • 15:07 - 15:09
    Everyone pays the same!
  • 15:09 - 15:12
    Except Hubert, it's his building.
  • 15:12 - 15:13
    A buck?
  • 15:13 - 15:16
    A buck for one, OK two!
  • 15:16 - 15:18
    You're a drag!
  • 15:18 - 15:20
    You should try one.
  • 15:20 - 15:22
    Got a buck?
    - Yeah, for me!
  • 15:22 - 15:23
  • 15:23 - 15:26
    No way, I'll remember this!
  • 15:26 - 15:30
    So remember.
    - Never forget.
  • 15:30 - 15:34
    Don't be a jerk. I'll pay later.
  • 15:34 - 15:37
    How? With your sister?
  • 15:37 - 15:39
    Don't talk that way about her!
  • 15:39 - 15:42
    Chill out, you bogus Arab!
  • 15:42 - 15:52
    Sayid! Come back with that!
  • 15:52 - 15:53
    Got any change?
  • 15:53 - 15:56
    We're broke!
  • 15:56 - 15:59
    2 bits.
    - We're broke.
  • 15:59 - 16:02
    ...The judge says I go to jail,
  • 16:02 - 16:04
    or do jobs for the City.
  • 16:04 - 16:06
    Community service? The pits!
  • 16:06 - 16:09
    Ever do it? Jail's bad enough!
  • 16:09 - 16:11
    You'd rather do time?
  • 16:11 - 16:13
    Your bro stole a dog!
  • 16:13 - 16:16
    - His mouth is full!
  • 16:16 - 16:17
    Put it on my tab.
  • 16:17 - 16:20
    Liar! Your nose is growing!
  • 16:20 - 16:24
    I'll bust your nose, Sayid!
  • 16:24 - 16:37
    Beat it!
  • 16:37 - 16:39
  • 16:39 - 16:42
    Like the gun in "Lethal Weapon."
  • 16:42 - 16:46
    We saw that movie together!
    It was a 9mm. Glock!
  • 16:46 - 16:48
    - No, it wasn't!
  • 16:48 - 16:53
    That was a Desert Eagle.
  • 16:53 - 16:55
    He shot at the truck!
  • 16:55 - 16:57
    That wasn't "Lethal Weapon"!
  • 16:57 - 17:03
    What are you talking about?
  • 17:03 - 17:05
    A cop lost his handgun during the riot.
  • 17:05 - 17:08
    That's a good one!
  • 17:08 - 17:12
    I don't know the pig who lost his piece.
  • 17:12 - 17:16
    But I'd like to know who found it!
  • 17:16 - 17:22
    No joke!
  • 17:22 - 17:25
    ...I'll sleep, eat, lift weights.
  • 17:25 - 17:28
    Everyone's been inside, except me.
  • 17:28 - 17:31
    A month for theft is pathetic!
  • 17:31 - 17:33
    Not in your league!
  • 17:33 - 17:38
    What league? I was never inside!
    - You got nabbed.
  • 17:38 - 17:40
    I quit in time!
  • 17:40 - 17:41
    Come look!
  • 17:41 - 17:43
    We got visitors.
  • 17:43 - 17:45
    Over here!
  • 17:45 - 17:48
    It's the mayor!
  • 17:48 - 17:55
    Up Your Honor, Mr. Mayor! Mothafucka!
  • 17:55 - 17:57
    Cut the stereo!
  • 17:57 - 18:02
    Who's in charge here? You, Nordeen?
  • 18:02 - 18:04
    What's going on here?
  • 18:04 - 18:07
    Think you're in Disneyland?
  • 18:07 - 18:10
    You're not allowed up here.
    You gotta go down.
  • 18:10 - 18:11
    We're causing no trouble.
  • 18:11 - 18:16
    Still, you've got to get off the roof.
  • 18:16 - 18:17
    We like it up here.
  • 18:17 - 18:19
    Off the roof.
  • 18:19 - 18:25
    You learn that shit at Notre Dame?
  • 18:25 - 18:31
    Cut it out! Quiet everyone!
  • 18:31 - 18:35
    I'll handle this!
    - Forget it!
  • 18:35 - 18:37
    You can't stay here!
  • 18:37 - 18:41
    So fold your little tents, grab your chairs...
  • 18:41 - 18:44
    and let's all go downstairs nice and easy.
  • 18:44 - 18:47
    Who's gonna make us leave?
  • 18:44 - 18:44
  • 18:47 - 18:50
    Your goons or you, in your little uniform?
  • 18:50 - 18:56
    Nordeen, we're doing our job.
  • 18:56 - 19:00
    Leave us alone!
  • 19:00 - 19:04
    Don't talk to me like that, I don't know you.
  • 19:04 - 19:05
    Now get lost!
  • 19:05 - 19:06
    Sitting duck!
  • 19:06 - 19:16
    Your mother drinks Bud!
  • 19:16 - 19:19
    Anyone who wants to stay, stay! Heat's off.
  • 19:19 - 19:22
    I'm staying.
    - You're going.
  • 19:22 - 19:24
    Let me stay, Nordeen.
  • 19:24 - 19:27
    What did I say?
    - You said go.
  • 19:27 - 19:30
    So what do you do?
    - I go!
  • 19:30 - 19:32
    OK, I'm going!
  • 19:32 - 19:36
    Vinz, c'mon!
  • 19:36 - 19:37
    Don't play tough guy!
  • 19:37 - 19:59
    You always wimp out!
  • 19:59 - 20:01
    ...You see 'em in porn stores.
  • 20:01 - 20:02
    What are they called?
  • 20:02 - 20:03
  • 20:03 - 20:05
    - G-strings, moron.
  • 20:05 - 20:08
    She had one on, I swear it.
  • 20:08 - 20:10
    I fucked her like an animal.
  • 20:10 - 20:14
    We were in the room...
  • 20:14 - 20:17
    she kept screaming for more.
  • 20:17 - 20:21
    Guy next door pounded
    the wall we were so noisy.
  • 20:21 - 20:24
    You dreamt you fucked her!
  • 20:24 - 20:27
  • 20:27 - 20:29
    You know the bitch?
    - I know her, she has AIDS.
  • 20:29 - 20:32
    Get outta here!
  • 20:32 - 20:35
    Hi, we're from TV.
    - What's this?
  • 20:35 - 20:37
    Were you in the riot last night?
  • 20:37 - 20:39
    Did you break things, burn cars?
  • 20:39 - 20:43
    We look like looters, lady?
    - I didn't say that.
  • 20:43 - 20:45
    So what do we look like?
    - Nothing special.
  • 20:45 - 20:48
    Get out the car! This ain't Thoiry.
  • 20:48 - 20:49
    We got work to do.
  • 20:49 - 20:54
    What kind of work?
    Stirring up shit?
  • 20:54 - 20:57
    For a juicy scoop!
    - No camera!
  • 20:57 - 21:01
    Quit snooping in the 'hood,
    fuckface! Stop taping!
  • 21:01 - 21:04
    Quit taping, dickhead!
  • 21:04 - 21:07
    This ain't Thoiry!
  • 21:07 - 21:10
    What's with all the assholes today?
  • 21:10 - 21:16
    That fuckin' broad...
  • 21:16 - 21:17
    What's Thoiry?
  • 21:17 - 21:21
    A drive-in safari park.
  • 21:21 - 21:24
    This ain't no zoo!
  • 21:24 - 21:29
    Open up, WalMart!
  • 21:29 - 21:30
    You fuckin' jerks.
  • 21:30 - 21:34
    Talk nice, we're in France.
  • 21:34 - 21:39
    It's 1 p.m. And you're in bed?
  • 21:39 - 21:42
    What's with the hair net?
  • 21:42 - 21:45
    Lay off!
  • 21:45 - 21:48
    You a movie star, WalMart?
  • 21:48 - 21:49
    What's this shitty TV?
  • 21:49 - 21:51
    Watch where you sit!
  • 21:51 - 21:52
    Just sweat pants!
  • 21:52 - 21:55
    Where's the new TV?
  • 21:55 - 21:57
    It's too big to move.
  • 21:57 - 22:00
    I came by for my cash. Where were you?
  • 22:00 - 22:03
    I don't have it.
  • 22:03 - 22:06
    Don't you know what happened?
  • 22:06 - 22:17
    Go see what your pals did.
  • 22:17 - 22:20
    Foued's brother did that.
  • 22:20 - 22:21
    So what?
  • 22:21 - 22:23
    Give me his address.
  • 22:23 - 22:27
    Look what he did to my car!
  • 22:27 - 22:29
    Look what he did!
  • 22:29 - 22:31
    Just look!
  • 22:31 - 22:33
    Leave that alone.
  • 22:33 - 22:38
    I lost ten grand! I can't work now.
  • 22:38 - 22:42
    WalMart, it's just a car!
  • 22:42 - 22:44
    That's what you say!
  • 22:44 - 22:46
    You don't realize.
  • 22:46 - 22:49
    It's all I got.
  • 22:49 - 22:51
    Cut it out!
  • 22:51 - 22:52
    Leave that alone!
  • 22:52 - 22:54
    A homeboy's dying, fuck your car!
  • 22:54 - 22:58
    "A homeboy!" Big deal!
  • 22:58 - 23:00
    You disgust me!
  • 23:00 - 23:03
    That car's all I have. It's my life!
  • 23:03 - 23:07
    They're showing the riot!
    - My car's more important!
  • 23:07 - 23:09
    Look, the riot.
  • 23:09 - 23:10
    Some TV!
    - Sure, bust it!
  • 23:10 - 23:14
    Fix the antenna!
    - I'm trying!
  • 23:14 - 23:15
    It's David!
  • 23:15 - 23:17
    How'd he get on TV?
  • 23:17 - 23:20
    I was over there, they missed me!
  • 23:20 - 23:25
    Fix it! I can't see a thing!
    - This TV sucks!
  • 23:25 - 23:28
    How'd that fucker get on TV?
  • 23:28 - 23:31
    Hey, gimme my money!
  • 23:31 - 23:33
    I don't have it. Snoopy has it.
  • 23:33 - 23:36
    Gimme my coat and get outta my face!
  • 23:36 - 23:38
    You guys must be happy.
  • 23:38 - 23:44
    A cop lost his gun in the riot.
  • 23:44 - 23:46
    I hope the guy who finds it
  • 23:46 - 23:48
    uses it uptown, not here for once!
  • 23:48 - 23:49
    Forget it,
  • 23:49 - 23:56
    we'll get even!
  • 23:56 - 23:59
    You know that show, "Candid Camera"?
  • 23:59 - 24:02
    So this celebrity's sure he's been set up.
  • 24:02 - 24:07
    His buddy's fixed it with the camera guys.
  • 24:07 - 24:10
    The celebrity thinks they're out to get him.
  • 24:10 - 24:13
    He always eats in the same joint.
  • 24:13 - 24:16
    He's sure they'll film him there.
  • 24:16 - 24:20
    The others convince him there's a hidden camera.
  • 24:20 - 24:24
    He sees the TV truck,
    a camera behind the mirror
  • 24:24 - 24:27
    and the guy with him pretends to act weird.
  • 24:27 - 24:31
    The celebrity thinks he'll fool 'em,
  • 24:31 - 24:35
    pretending he hasn't noticed.
  • 24:35 - 24:39
    He thinks all hell will break loose.
  • 24:39 - 24:43
    But they just film him, jumpy,
    waiting for shit to happen.
  • 24:43 - 24:45
    So you see this guy...
  • 24:45 - 24:47
    Cut it out, Sayid!
  • 24:47 - 24:50
    Wasn't me!
    - Then who?
  • 24:50 - 24:54
    The celebrity's sweating, trying to act cool.
  • 24:54 - 24:57
    Each time the waiter passes
  • 24:57 - 24:59
    he thinks it'll happen.
  • 24:59 - 25:03
    Then a guy asks him for his autograph.
  • 25:03 - 25:06
    The celeb thinks it's a trick
  • 25:06 - 25:08
    and Starts ranting at the guy,
  • 25:08 - 25:13
    who doesn't know what's up, so he gets mad.
  • 25:13 - 25:16
    They Start fighting,
  • 25:16 - 25:19
    and the Candid Camera guys have to break it up.
  • 25:19 - 25:23
    It was a killer punch out.
  • 25:23 - 25:25
    Then what?
  • 25:25 - 25:41
    That's all.
  • 25:41 - 25:42
    Who was the celebrity?
  • 25:42 - 25:45
    Dunno, but he was real famous.
  • 25:45 - 26:01
    I don't remember.
  • 26:01 - 26:20
    This looks like trouble. See ya.
  • 26:20 - 26:36
  • 26:36 - 26:39
    What did they want?
  • 26:39 - 26:41
    "Don't get mad, get even."
  • 26:41 - 26:46
    It's Abdel's brother. He's got a pump gun.
  • 26:46 - 26:53
    Party time!
  • 26:53 - 27:00
    We go visit Abdel in the hospital?
  • 27:00 - 27:10
    I gotta show you something...
  • 27:10 - 27:13
    That's real steel!
  • 27:13 - 27:25
    Get a load of it.
    - What a mother!
  • 27:25 - 27:27
    What'll you do with it?
  • 27:27 - 27:28
    Stop it, Hubert.
  • 27:28 - 27:29
    What you gonna do with it?
  • 27:29 - 27:31
    Depends if Abdel dies.
  • 27:31 - 27:33
    You gonna kill a cop?
  • 27:33 - 27:35
    Best way to get respect!
  • 27:35 - 27:38
    Smoking a cop will get you respect?
  • 27:38 - 27:40
    It'll even up the score.
  • 27:40 - 27:44
    I coulda got you a piece.
    - This one's special.
  • 27:44 - 27:45
    Think you're on a mission?
  • 27:45 - 27:49
    Well, I did find the gun. Leave me alone!
  • 27:49 - 27:55
    Will it help Abdel?
    - It'll help us.
  • 27:55 - 27:56
    Stop fronting!
  • 27:56 - 27:58
    You pussy!
  • 27:58 - 28:00
    You're headed for big shit!
  • 28:00 - 28:02
    I'll do my thing, you do yours.
  • 28:02 - 28:09
    I don't want to know.
    - So don't ask!
  • 28:09 - 28:11
    One thing's sure...
  • 28:11 - 28:21
    With that piece you're the big man.
  • 28:21 - 28:34
    Hey, wait for me!
  • 28:34 - 28:42
    Fuck it...
  • 28:42 - 28:44
    What the fuck ya doin'?
  • 28:44 - 29:21
    OK, don't have a shit fit!
  • 29:21 - 29:23
    Sorry, fellas, you can't go in.
  • 29:23 - 29:25
    Let us in. We came to see Abdel.
  • 29:25 - 29:27
    Sorry, I have my orders.
  • 29:27 - 29:31
    Just a couple of minutes. Then we'll leave.
  • 29:31 - 29:33
    He's our friend.
  • 29:33 - 29:36
    The docs won't let you in. He's in a coma.
  • 29:36 - 29:38
    We won't make trouble!
  • 29:38 - 29:41
    If I let you in,
  • 29:41 - 29:43
    I'll lose my job.
    - Sure, flunkey!
  • 29:43 - 29:46
    Tone it down. His family's here.
  • 29:46 - 29:48
    They need peace and quiet!
  • 29:48 - 29:52
    We're not as good as reporters?
  • 29:52 - 29:53
    Get going!
  • 29:53 - 29:56
    Hands off, man!
  • 29:56 - 29:59
    You gonna make me leave?
  • 29:59 - 30:02
    Gonna shoot me? Pull out your pop gun!
  • 30:02 - 30:04
    What's going on here?
  • 30:04 - 30:07
    Look at that fuckface!
  • 30:07 - 30:11
    We came to see our pal Abdel!
  • 30:11 - 30:13
    We won't leave till we see him.
  • 30:13 - 30:15
    Beat it, before I take you in.
  • 30:15 - 30:16
    Oh, yeah?
  • 30:16 - 30:20
    You shut up!
  • 30:20 - 30:25
    Move 'em out!
  • 30:25 - 30:30
    We can be nice or nasty.
    It's up to you!
  • 30:30 - 30:32
    Calm down!
  • 30:32 - 30:35
    Lieut., these kids made trouble.
  • 30:35 - 30:39
    I got the ringleader.
  • 30:39 - 30:41
    He did nothing.
    - I arrested the leader.
  • 30:41 - 30:43
    What leader?
    - He means Sayid.
  • 30:43 - 30:53
    Sure, Uncle Tom!
  • 30:53 - 30:55
    Things aren't bad enough.
  • 30:55 - 30:58
    You had to go to the hospital?
  • 30:58 - 30:59
    They were only doing their job.
  • 30:59 - 31:01
    Doing their job?
  • 31:01 - 31:04
    Shut your yap, once and for all!
  • 31:04 - 31:07
    You shut yours!
    - Don't talk to me like that!
  • 31:07 - 31:09
    Same to you!
    - Shut up, will ya!
  • 31:09 - 31:11
  • 31:11 - 31:13
    You don't know a fucking thing!
  • 31:13 - 31:13
    What do you know?
  • 31:13 - 31:16
    Cut it out, asshole.
  • 31:16 - 31:19
    Watch your tongue!
    - If you watch yours!
  • 31:19 - 31:22
    The bastards who beat up Abdel
    will go to jail!
  • 31:22 - 31:24
    You're dreaming.
  • 31:24 - 31:26
    The cops at the hospital
  • 31:26 - 31:29
    protect Abdel and his family.
  • 31:29 - 31:32
    You just fuck things up!
  • 31:32 - 31:36
    You idiot, you got it all wrong.
  • 31:36 - 31:40
    Those cops are just protecting Abdel!
  • 31:40 - 31:45
    Most cops don't beat on you.
    They protect you!
  • 31:45 - 33:05
    Who protects us from you?
  • 33:05 - 33:07
    Never do it again!
  • 33:07 - 33:09
    Who writes your jokes?
  • 33:09 - 33:11
    Watch your tongue!
  • 33:11 - 33:16
    Watch your mother!
  • 33:16 - 33:18
    You ever trash me again,
  • 33:18 - 33:20
    you go to central lock-up.
  • 33:20 - 33:23
    Your brother can bail you out.
  • 33:23 - 33:26
    I didn't ask no favors.
    - I did it for your brother.
  • 33:26 - 33:30
    He'd rip you apart!
  • 33:30 - 33:37
    You're the ripper.
  • 33:37 - 33:41
    About the boxing gym:
    I can get you a City grant.
  • 33:41 - 33:44
    You'll get another gym.
  • 33:44 - 33:48
    Kids want to punch more than bags now!
  • 33:48 - 33:52
    It's hopeless.
    Once I could talk to the kids. No more.
  • 33:52 - 33:57
    And they know me!
    A rookie cop wouldn't last a month.
  • 33:57 - 34:02
    An Arab in a police station
    doesn't last an hour!
  • 34:02 - 34:05
    I have to go.
    Try to keep cool.
  • 34:05 - 34:08
    Yeah, we'll try.
  • 34:08 - 34:11
    Outta my face, you fucker!
  • 34:11 - 34:14
  • 34:14 - 34:16
    You shook his hand?
  • 34:16 - 34:18
    He's always been cool with me.
  • 34:18 - 34:20
    You don't shake a pig's hand!
  • 34:20 - 34:25
    You shoot him, I shake his hand!
    You're a fuckin'pain!
  • 34:25 - 34:27
    And you're out of it!
  • 34:27 - 34:30
    I knew it!
  • 34:30 - 34:32
    You acted so weird at the hospital.
  • 34:32 - 34:36
    Take it easy.
    - Let me see.
  • 34:36 - 34:38
    You didn't tell us?
  • 34:38 - 34:39
    You didn't want to know!
  • 34:39 - 34:41
    Packing that!
    You retard!
  • 34:41 - 34:44
    I'm a big boy.
    Quit preaching!
  • 34:44 - 34:46
    I'll bust your chops!
  • 34:46 - 34:49
    Stop it!
  • 34:49 - 34:53
    You feel big with that gun!
    I'll kick your ass!
  • 34:53 - 34:54
    Like how?
  • 34:54 - 34:57
    Cut it out. Let's grab a sandwich.
  • 34:57 - 35:00
    You shut up!
  • 35:00 - 35:01
    I'm splittin'.
  • 35:01 - 35:03
    So split!
  • 35:03 - 35:06
    Stay with us.
  • 35:06 - 35:08
    Sayid, let him split!
  • 35:08 - 35:11
    Don't go!
  • 35:11 - 35:16
    Back off.
  • 35:16 - 35:21
    What's with him?
  • 35:21 - 35:39
    Jerk thinks too much.
  • 35:39 - 35:42
    Where's Mom?
    - Explain this to me.
  • 35:42 - 35:51
    I can't now.
  • 35:51 - 35:54
  • 35:54 - 35:55
    What's the answer?
  • 35:55 - 35:56
    I don't know.
  • 35:56 - 35:59
    You never know.
    - OK, I never know.
  • 35:59 - 36:01
    Hi, Mom.
  • 36:01 - 36:02
    How's the kid brother?
  • 36:02 - 36:04
    He's fine.
  • 36:04 - 36:08
    But your brother in jail isn't so good.
  • 36:08 - 36:09
    What's with Max?
  • 36:09 - 36:12
    He needs textbooks.
  • 36:12 - 36:13
    What for?
  • 36:13 - 36:19
    To get a high school diploma
    while he's inside.
  • 36:19 - 36:23
    He never made grade school!
  • 36:23 - 36:27
    Hands off the pots!
  • 36:27 - 36:28
    I didn't do nothing!
  • 36:28 - 36:31
    I dunno how I'll buy his books.
  • 36:31 - 36:34
    By the way...
  • 36:34 - 36:41
    There's the money
    for the power bill.
  • 36:41 - 36:44
    And my machine?
    - What machine?
  • 36:44 - 36:47
    My new sewing machine!
  • 36:47 - 36:50
    Shit, I forgot to ask WalMart.
  • 36:50 - 36:53
    Mine's ready to croak.
  • 36:53 - 36:56
    Patou, go study in your room.
  • 36:56 - 36:59
    - Don't argue.
  • 36:59 - 37:02
    Who's WalMart? That fence in Tower B?
  • 37:02 - 37:04
    No, he's in Tower D.
  • 37:04 - 37:06
    I don't know him.
  • 37:06 - 37:08
    Could he get us textbooks?
  • 37:08 - 37:10
    That's not his line, Mom.
  • 37:10 - 37:12
    Officials now admit
  • 37:12 - 37:16
    that a policeman lost his gun
    in the riot last night.
  • 37:16 - 37:18
    It is still missing.
  • 37:18 - 37:22
    We asked locals if a loose gun is dangerous
  • 37:22 - 37:25
    in this explosive situation...
  • 37:25 - 37:26
    What a fuck up!
  • 37:26 - 37:30
    They burned down the gym.
  • 37:30 - 37:35
    I'm sick of the projects.
    I want out. It's getting worse.
  • 37:35 - 37:39
    I'm sure Vinz helped torch the gym.
  • 37:39 - 37:43
    He's going wild, like Max.
  • 37:43 - 37:46
    I have to get out.
  • 37:46 - 37:48
    I have to leave this place.
  • 37:48 - 37:52
    If you see a grocery, buy me a lettuce.
  • 37:52 - 37:53
    No credit for you.
  • 37:53 - 37:57
    My granma's a regular here!
    So I'm 2 bits short!
  • 37:57 - 38:01
    You're not your granma.
  • 38:01 - 38:03
    Hands off!
    - Just looking!
  • 38:03 - 38:05
    Got two bits?
    - How about one?
  • 38:05 - 38:09
    One OK?
    - One not OK.
  • 38:09 - 38:12
    Gimme a coin, you dinosaur!
  • 38:12 - 38:14
    No coins for you.
  • 38:14 - 38:16
    OK... Now what?
  • 38:16 - 38:19
    So what'll it be?
  • 38:19 - 38:21
    I saw you!
    - You saw what?
  • 38:21 - 38:24
    Gimme the red peppers. They're cheaper.
  • 38:24 - 38:29
    My granma'll kill me! She hates 'em.
  • 38:29 - 38:31
    So shoot the Chink, grab the green peppers!
  • 38:31 - 41:04
    It'll make granma's day!
  • 41:04 - 41:56
    Fuck, fuck the po-lice...
  • 41:56 - 41:58
    He's intense.
  • 41:58 - 42:01
  • 42:01 - 42:10
    A mother killer!
  • 42:10 - 42:13
    Sayid, check out the cow.
  • 42:13 - 42:15
    Fuck off with your cow!
  • 42:15 - 42:18
    I swear!
    - You said you'd cut my hair.
  • 42:18 - 42:20
    The same cow! I saw it!
  • 42:20 - 42:22
    You're the cow!
  • 42:22 - 42:25
    It was the same fuckin' cow!
  • 42:25 - 42:26
    You gotta believe me!
  • 42:26 - 42:32
    Shut up!
  • 42:32 - 42:40
    I'm Segnor Duck...
  • 42:40 - 42:43
    I fucka you, I fucka her, I fucka him...
  • 42:43 - 42:47
    OK Granma! So they're red peppers!
  • 42:47 - 42:50
    You know this cow business.
  • 42:50 - 42:52
    It's a weird trip.
  • 42:52 - 42:56
    Don't wreck my hair!
  • 42:56 - 42:58
    I gotta get laid! So watch it!
  • 42:58 - 43:00
    I can mow a lawn, I'll try.
  • 43:00 - 43:01
    A lawn?
  • 43:01 - 43:04
    Sit your ass down.
  • 43:04 - 43:06
    It's hot, Vinz.
    - What?
  • 43:06 - 43:08
    A cop's piece is hot.
  • 43:08 - 43:13
    You said that already. Sit still, loser!
  • 43:13 - 43:14
    I'll whack you.
  • 43:14 - 43:17
    Don't move.
  • 43:17 - 43:19
    If Abdel dies, you'll kill?
  • 43:19 - 43:22
    Wanna be the next Arab iced by the pigs?
  • 43:22 - 43:22
    Well, me neither.
  • 43:22 - 43:24
    Well, me neither.
  • 43:24 - 43:26
    So now you're an Arab!
  • 43:26 - 43:29
    They think we're full of shit.
  • 43:29 - 43:34
    But I'm not bullshitting about this, Sayid.
  • 43:34 - 43:35
    Watch it!
  • 43:35 - 43:37
    It's cool.
  • 43:37 - 43:40
    Is this gun legit for a cop? What'd you do?
  • 43:40 - 43:42
    Nothing, I swear it!
  • 43:42 - 43:45
    Why swear?
  • 43:45 - 43:46
    Because it's nothing.
  • 43:46 - 43:48
    I'm cold there!
  • 43:48 - 43:52
    It's cold in this room!
  • 43:52 - 43:55
    I'll even it out, it'll be great!
  • 43:55 - 43:58
    I got a date! Lemme see!
  • 43:58 - 44:01
    No fuckin' trust!
  • 44:01 - 44:02
    I didn't see!
  • 44:02 - 44:05
    You didn't look!
  • 44:05 - 44:07
    Trust me, dammit!
  • 44:07 - 44:09
    It's a nice hole.
  • 44:09 - 44:11
    A nice what?
  • 44:11 - 44:17
    Trust me, or no haircut!
  • 44:17 - 44:18
    Look at me, Sayid!
  • 44:18 - 44:20
    Get outta here!
  • 44:20 - 44:24
    Don't get bummed out!
  • 44:24 - 44:26
    It's the style in New York.
  • 44:26 - 44:29
    The killer cut, so stop whining!
  • 44:29 - 44:30
    New York?
  • 44:30 - 44:34
    They got hair like this in New York?
    I look punk!
  • 44:34 - 44:35
  • 44:35 - 44:36
    Don't laugh!
  • 44:36 - 44:39
    Give us a kiss, Sayid.
  • 44:39 - 44:41
    Outta my face!
  • 44:41 - 44:47
    No hard feelings, sucker!
  • 44:47 - 44:56
    Hey pooch, your master's an asshole!
  • 44:56 - 45:04
    There's your sister.
  • 45:04 - 45:07
    Why're you here?
    - And you?
  • 45:07 - 45:09
    I'm asking the questions!
  • 45:09 - 45:12
    You should be in school.
  • 45:12 - 45:15
    Get outta here!
  • 45:15 - 45:19
    Get lost, you cows.
  • 45:19 - 45:23
    You still here?
  • 45:23 - 45:25
    Get lost!
  • 45:25 - 45:27
    You talk to my friends!
  • 45:27 - 45:28
    To Vincent.
  • 45:28 - 45:32
    The name's Vinz, not Vincent!
    And don't talk to him!
  • 45:32 - 45:39
    Get a move on!
    - Don't push!
  • 45:39 - 45:42
    Coming tonight?
    - Where?
  • 45:42 - 45:45
    Jason's brother's in a prize fight.
  • 45:45 - 45:47
    Got tickets?
    - Freebies.
  • 45:47 - 45:51
  • 45:51 - 45:54
    Who cut your hair, Sayid?
  • 45:54 - 45:56
    Kids these days!
  • 45:56 - 47:02
    Check that!
  • 47:02 - 47:15
    Shit's happenin'!
  • 47:15 - 47:20
    Abdel's my brother, pig!
  • 47:20 - 47:23
    You're gonna pay!
  • 47:23 - 47:25
    Step on it!
  • 47:25 - 47:27
    It's stalled!
  • 47:27 - 47:39
    Outta the car, freeze!
  • 47:39 - 47:46
    Drop the gun!
  • 47:46 - 48:09
  • 48:09 - 48:10
    Get back!
  • 48:10 - 48:12
    Get the fuck out!
  • 48:12 - 48:15
    Riot cops are coming!
  • 48:15 - 48:28
    Get back, scum!
  • 48:28 - 48:34
    Vinz, Hubert, this way!
  • 48:34 - 48:38
    This way!
  • 48:38 - 48:42
  • 48:42 - 48:48
    You crazy?
  • 48:48 - 48:50
    Where were you?
  • 48:50 - 48:57
    We fucked your mother!
  • 48:57 - 49:01
    I swear the pig was right in my sights.
  • 49:01 - 49:06
    I had him like I have you now!
  • 49:06 - 49:08
    The sucker froze, shit his pants.
  • 49:08 - 49:11
    Without Hubert, I'd have smoked him!
  • 49:11 - 49:13
    Right in the mother!
  • 49:13 - 49:16
    Hubert slugged him so hard he went into orbit!
  • 49:16 - 49:17
  • 49:17 - 49:19
    I swear it!
  • 49:19 - 49:21
    Slugged a pig?
  • 49:21 - 49:34
    You were great!
  • 49:34 - 50:15
  • 50:15 - 50:21
    Now what do we do?
  • 50:21 - 50:31
    I gotta call to get my bucks.
  • 50:31 - 50:33
    Got Snoopy's address?
  • 50:33 - 50:38
    I'll wait, but not forever!
  • 50:38 - 50:43
    This cost me a $3 chocolate milk!
    I'd better collect!
  • 50:43 - 50:46
    You want some, Vinz?
  • 50:46 - 50:47
    Want some?
    - No.
  • 50:47 - 50:50
    You sure?
  • 50:50 - 50:53
    Want some, Cousin Hubie?
  • 50:53 - 51:00
    You're already chocolate!
  • 51:00 - 51:04
    Will you guys stop sulking?
  • 51:04 - 51:08
    Who's sulking? Not me!
  • 51:08 - 51:09
    - Ask him!
  • 51:09 - 51:11
    A couple of kids!
  • 51:11 - 51:16
    Who's the kid?
    - 2 kids worrying over jackshit!
  • 51:16 - 51:19
    I'm 100% behind you!
  • 51:19 - 51:22
    Wanting to kill a cop is jackshit!
  • 51:22 - 51:27
    Tell your buddy to back off!
    I never said I wanted to.
  • 51:27 - 51:28
    Yes, you did!
  • 51:28 - 51:29
    - No!
  • 51:29 - 51:30
    I didn't say that!
  • 51:30 - 51:32
    I said if Abdel died,
  • 51:32 - 51:36
    I'd smoke a cop. Not for the hell of it!
  • 51:36 - 51:38
    Without my gun back there,
  • 51:38 - 51:40
    we'd have been history!
  • 51:40 - 51:43
    My name's not Rodney King!
  • 51:43 - 51:44
    Not the same thing!
  • 51:44 - 51:49
    Expect us to bring you gifts in jail?
  • 51:49 - 51:54
    I expect nothing!
    Not from a guy who kisses cop ass!
  • 51:54 - 51:56
    Go ahead, laugh!
  • 51:56 - 51:58
  • 51:58 - 52:01
    I'm fuckin' sick of the goddam system!
  • 52:01 - 52:05
    We live in rat holes,
    you do fuck-all to change things!
  • 52:05 - 52:08
    Neither do you!
  • 52:08 - 52:10
    You're my homeys, so I'll tell you:
  • 52:10 - 52:12
    If Abdel dies, I hit back.
  • 52:12 - 52:16
    I'll whack a pig!
  • 52:16 - 52:20
    So they know we don't turn the other cheek now!
  • 52:20 - 52:22
    Wow, what a speech!
  • 52:22 - 52:25
    Half Moses, half Mickey Mouse.
  • 52:25 - 52:29
    Forget it, Vinz. You're out of your league.
  • 52:29 - 52:32
    If Abdel dies, we lose a friend?
  • 52:32 - 52:33
  • 52:33 - 52:36
    If a cop dies, do all cops go away?
  • 52:36 - 52:40
    You're just one guy!
    You can't blow 'em all away!
  • 52:40 - 52:41
    Who made you a preacher?
  • 52:41 - 52:45
    You know what's right and wrong?
  • 52:45 - 52:48
    Why do you side with the assholes?
  • 52:48 - 52:50
    Who's the asshole?
  • 52:50 - 52:55
    In school we learnt that hate breeds hate!
  • 52:55 - 52:58
    I didn't go to school, I'm from the street!
  • 52:58 - 53:00
    Know what it taught me?
  • 53:00 - 53:04
    Turn the other cheek, you're dead mothafucka!
  • 53:04 - 53:09
    Bullshit! You pointed a gun at a cop!
    We coulda been killed!
  • 53:09 - 53:13
    Nothing like a good shit!
  • 53:13 - 53:17
    You believe in God? That's the wrong question.
  • 53:17 - 53:19
    Does God believe in us?
  • 53:19 - 53:23
    I once had a friend called Grunwalski.
  • 53:23 - 53:26
    We were sent to Siberia together.
  • 53:26 - 53:30
    When you go to a Siberian work camp,
  • 53:30 - 53:34
    you travel in a cattle car.
  • 53:34 - 53:38
    You roll across icy steppes for days,
  • 53:38 - 53:40
    without seeing a soul.
  • 53:40 - 53:43
    You huddle to keep warm.
  • 53:43 - 53:48
    But it's hard to relieve yourself,
    to take a shit,
  • 53:48 - 53:50
    you can't do it on the train,
  • 53:50 - 53:53
    and the only time the train stops
  • 53:53 - 53:57
    is to take on water for the locomotive.
  • 53:57 - 54:01
    But Grunwalski was shy.
  • 54:01 - 54:03
    Even when we bathed together,
  • 54:03 - 54:05
    he got upset.
  • 54:05 - 54:09
    I used to kid him about it.
  • 54:09 - 54:14
    So, the train stops
    and everyone jumps out to shit
  • 54:14 - 54:16
    on the tracks.
  • 54:16 - 54:19
    I'd teased Grunwalski so much
  • 54:19 - 54:22
    that he went off on his own.
  • 54:22 - 54:26
    The train Starts moving,
  • 54:26 - 54:28
    so everyone jumps on,
  • 54:28 - 54:31
    because it waits for nobody.
  • 54:31 - 54:34
    Grunwalski had a problem:
  • 54:34 - 54:37
    He'd gone behind a bush
  • 54:37 - 54:39
    and was still shitting.
  • 54:39 - 54:44
    So I see him come out from behind the bush,
  • 54:44 - 54:49
    holding up his pants with his hands.
  • 54:49 - 54:52
    He tries to catch up.
  • 54:52 - 54:54
    I hold out my hand,
  • 54:54 - 54:57
    but each time he reaches for it
  • 54:57 - 54:59
    he lets go of his pants
  • 54:59 - 55:01
    and they drop to his ankles.
  • 55:01 - 55:03
    He pulls them back up,
  • 55:03 - 55:05
    Starts running again,
  • 55:05 - 55:08
    but they fall back down,
  • 55:08 - 55:13
    when he reaches out for me.
  • 55:13 - 55:16
    Then what happened?
    - Nothing.
  • 55:16 - 55:18
  • 55:18 - 55:22
    froze to death.
  • 55:22 - 55:29
    Good day.
  • 55:29 - 55:40
    Why'd he tell us that?
  • 55:40 - 55:46
    I got the address. I'll call you.
  • 55:46 - 56:04
    Why'd he tell us that?
  • 56:04 - 56:06
    'Xcuse me, I'm just out of the hospital.
  • 56:06 - 56:09
    I haven't eaten for 2 days.
  • 56:09 - 56:15
    My child's hungry, I need your spare change...
  • 56:15 - 56:17
    I wanna date with Mina!
  • 56:17 - 56:20
    I'll lasso her!
  • 56:20 - 56:23
    What d'you want? My dad's in jail,
  • 56:23 - 56:26
    my mom's in jail, my whole family is!
  • 56:26 - 56:28
    Get a job like everyone else!
  • 56:28 - 56:34
    What is this, Mardi Gras?
  • 56:34 - 56:38
    I want Mina!
  • 56:38 - 56:42
    I'm homeless, my welfare ran out.
  • 56:42 - 56:47
    I got out of a halfway house...
  • 56:47 - 56:50
    It's a block away.
  • 56:50 - 56:51
  • 56:51 - 56:52
    Have a nice day, sir.
  • 56:52 - 56:58
  • 56:58 - 57:02
    The pigs are fuckin' polite around here!
  • 57:02 - 57:15
    Even called me sir!
  • 57:15 - 57:22
    Maybe he won the lottery!
  • 57:22 - 57:26
    Damn, it's locked!
  • 57:26 - 57:28
    What's his real name?
  • 57:28 - 57:38
    I only know him as Snoopy.
  • 57:38 - 57:41
    - Sorry to bother you.
  • 57:41 - 57:43
    I'm looking for...
  • 57:43 - 57:45
  • 57:45 - 57:49
    It sounds weird.
    - Very funny!
  • 57:49 - 57:52
    The fucker hung up.
  • 57:52 - 57:53
    You try.
  • 57:53 - 57:56
    Why me?
    - Try!
  • 57:56 - 58:01
    Darkie and me will get shot at!
  • 58:01 - 58:02
    - Yes?
  • 58:02 - 58:05
    Is Snoopy there?
  • 58:05 - 58:11
    No, but Charlie Brown is!
  • 58:11 - 58:14
    You fucked it up, you asshole!
  • 58:14 - 58:16
    Stop that!
  • 58:16 - 58:17
    Sorry to bother you.
  • 58:17 - 58:22
    Our pal Snoopy lives here,
    we don't know his real name.
  • 58:22 - 58:26
    Stop ringing! You thinka da world is yours?
  • 58:26 - 58:31
  • 58:31 - 58:37
    No, we're staying!
  • 58:37 - 58:38
    So call the cops, you spic!
  • 58:38 - 58:41
  • 58:41 - 58:42
  • 58:42 - 58:45
    What floor?
    - 5th.
  • 58:45 - 58:49
    We're coming!
  • 58:49 - 58:51
    Snoopy? Is no name!
  • 58:51 - 59:06
    You always make a trouble!
  • 59:06 - 59:08
    Were you followed?
    - No.
  • 59:08 - 59:10
    No one?
    - Nobody!
  • 59:10 - 59:11
    You sure?
    - Why?
  • 59:11 - 59:16
  • 59:16 - 59:17
    You cool?
  • 59:17 - 59:19
  • 59:19 - 59:21
    Check that kitchen.
  • 59:21 - 59:24
    Who's this dude?
  • 59:24 - 59:27
    Nice space! You win the lottery?
  • 59:27 - 59:31
    A guy loaned it to me. He ain't gettin' it back!
  • 59:31 - 59:34
    This is no apartment, it's a palace!
  • 59:34 - 59:36
    I don't believe it.
  • 59:36 - 59:38
    Bitchin' apartment!
  • 59:38 - 59:43
    Snoopy, meet Vinz.
  • 59:43 - 59:45
    This is Cousin Hubert!
  • 59:45 - 59:48
    We've met before!
  • 59:48 - 59:50
    Line of coke?
    - No.
  • 59:50 - 59:52
    You sure?
    - No thanks.
  • 59:52 - 59:55
    A little line of coke?
  • 59:55 - 59:58
    No one for coke?
  • 59:58 - 60:00
    How's your bro?
    - OK.
  • 60:00 - 60:01
    Mean fuckin' dude!
  • 60:01 - 60:04
    He still a maniac?
    - And you?
  • 60:04 - 60:07
    Fuckin' A! Watch!
  • 60:07 - 60:09
    So you got my cash?
  • 60:09 - 60:10
    My bread!
  • 60:10 - 60:14
    Make it snappy, Snoopy!
  • 60:14 - 60:19
    Cut the bullshit!
  • 60:19 - 60:21
    Come get it.
  • 60:21 - 60:29
    Comin' at you, Bruce Lee!
  • 60:29 - 60:31
    Hands off!
    - What?
  • 60:31 - 60:36
    Not for kids! It's my gun!
  • 60:36 - 60:41
    So what? I got a piece too.
  • 60:41 - 60:43
    Let's see!
  • 60:43 - 60:48
    Whip it out.
  • 60:48 - 60:49
  • 60:49 - 60:51
    Don't, Vinz!
  • 60:51 - 60:52
    He knows guns.
  • 60:52 - 60:56
    A snub-nosed Smith & Wesson Magnum 44.
  • 60:56 - 60:57
    Watch it!
  • 60:57 - 61:00
    It's loaded.
  • 61:00 - 61:02
    Mean piece.
  • 61:02 - 61:04
    You're a gangsta.
  • 61:04 - 61:06
    It's for self-defense.
  • 61:06 - 61:08
    You into magic?
  • 61:08 - 61:10
  • 61:10 - 61:15
    One bullet.
  • 61:15 - 61:17
    I missed.
  • 61:17 - 61:18
    You're nuts!
  • 61:18 - 61:22
    That's live ammo!
    - It's an old trick!
  • 61:22 - 61:23
    Cool it.
  • 61:23 - 61:28
    We up the stakes: 2 bullets!
  • 61:28 - 61:29
  • 61:29 - 61:32
    Wiggin' out, guys?
  • 61:32 - 61:34
    You're nuts.
  • 61:34 - 61:37
  • 61:37 - 61:38
    Your turn.
  • 61:38 - 61:41
    Let's go, he's fried.
  • 61:41 - 61:42
    Gonna do it?
  • 61:42 - 61:46
    - Do it!
  • 61:46 - 61:48
    I did it, you do it!
  • 61:48 - 61:50
    Man, you want trouble?
  • 61:50 - 61:52
    Do it!
  • 61:52 - 61:56
    Chill, guys!
  • 61:56 - 61:57
    Stop, Vinz!
  • 61:57 - 61:59
    You aiming at me?
  • 61:59 - 62:01
    You're off your head!
  • 62:01 - 62:03
    You bet I'm aiming at you!
  • 62:03 - 62:06
    No one fucks with me!
  • 62:06 - 62:10
    I'm not some ass-wipe!
  • 62:10 - 62:11
    Wanna see a gun?
  • 62:11 - 62:17
    A fuckin' gun?
  • 62:17 - 62:21
    Sayid, get him out!
  • 62:21 - 62:25
    We're outta here!
  • 62:25 - 62:29
    Up your mother's slash, sucker!
  • 62:29 - 62:34
  • 62:34 - 62:38
    That's right, asshole!
  • 62:38 - 62:39
    He was bluffing!
  • 62:39 - 62:44
    Now I'll never get my cash!
  • 62:44 - 62:47
    Leave us out of your games, Vinz!
  • 62:47 - 62:52
    Games? We got a pal in the hospital!
  • 62:52 - 62:54
    Don't take on the world!
  • 62:54 - 62:56
    You got the wrong build!
  • 62:56 - 63:01
    I'm not like you, Mr. Black Hercules, right?
  • 63:01 - 63:02
    Go fuck yourself!
  • 63:02 - 63:11
    Fuck myself?
  • 63:11 - 63:13
    Alright, kids!
  • 63:13 - 63:15
    Who're you?
    - Easy!
  • 63:15 - 63:17
    You had your fun!
  • 63:17 - 63:22
  • 63:22 - 63:23
    Search them.
  • 63:23 - 63:26
    Fast work! In my 'hood, the cops come
  • 63:26 - 63:29
    a week after you're dead!
  • 63:29 - 63:31
    Hey, you!
  • 63:31 - 63:34
    You together?
    - I don't know them.
  • 63:34 - 63:36
    Why you here?
  • 63:36 - 63:38
    I live with my aunt!
  • 63:38 - 63:40
    What's her name?
  • 63:40 - 63:43
    Mrs. Zyl...
  • 63:43 - 63:54
    Got I.D.?
    - I'm on the level...
  • 63:54 - 63:57
  • 63:57 - 63:59
  • 63:59 - 64:01
    Don't move, boy!
  • 64:01 - 64:02
    You know him?
  • 64:02 - 64:04
    - Your pal.
  • 64:04 - 64:07
    I don't know him.
  • 64:07 - 64:10
    We'll see about that, wise guy!
  • 64:10 - 64:14
    This is humiliating!
    - Too bad.
  • 64:14 - 64:16
    What's this?
  • 64:16 - 64:18
    Good stuff!
  • 64:18 - 64:22
    I'm keeping it.
  • 64:22 - 64:25
    Afghan's the best.
  • 64:25 - 64:27
    Good buzz going up and down.
  • 64:27 - 64:30
    Same with Black Bombay.
  • 64:30 - 64:32
    Lebanese can really vary.
  • 64:32 - 64:36
    This is crap but I'll keep it... Well?
  • 64:36 - 64:40
    The little fucker outran me. Take them in.
  • 64:40 - 64:42
    Get in the back.
    - Why me?
  • 64:42 - 64:54
    Get in!
  • 64:54 - 64:59
    Listen, scumbag. You know what I think of you?
  • 64:59 - 65:02
    You're like poodle shit on a sidewalk.
  • 65:02 - 65:04
    I can't take a step
  • 65:04 - 65:09
    without squashing your ugly dog-turd face.
  • 65:09 - 66:08
    So watch where the dog dumps you!
  • 66:08 - 66:10
    You're all alone!
  • 66:10 - 66:13
    Far from the slums...
  • 66:13 - 66:15
    and your looter pals.
  • 66:15 - 66:18
    Pick it up with your feet.
  • 66:18 - 66:22
    Like your people do back home.
  • 66:22 - 66:25
    They're great with their feet.
  • 66:25 - 66:31
    This is the hard part.
  • 66:31 - 66:35
    OK, there's no big hurry.
  • 66:35 - 66:37
    In 2 hours, they may be free.
  • 66:37 - 66:42
    Make the most of it.
  • 66:42 - 66:46
    How 'bout a bullet in the back of your head?
  • 66:46 - 66:48
    A nice little bullet?
  • 66:48 - 66:50
    You gotta stop in time.
  • 66:50 - 66:53
    You need self-control.
  • 66:53 - 66:55
    Gotta be a pro.
  • 66:55 - 66:59
    This takes control.
  • 66:59 - 67:04
    Don't get mad! It won't last!
  • 67:04 - 67:08
    You got something to say?
  • 67:08 - 67:12
    Don't touch him!
  • 67:12 - 67:14
    You know this one?
  • 67:14 - 67:16
    The Shanghai Squeeze.
  • 67:16 - 67:20
    It's an oldie.
  • 67:20 - 67:25
    Wait, I think he's thirsty.
  • 67:25 - 67:26
  • 67:26 - 67:29
    Don't hurt yourself!
  • 67:29 - 67:32
    Take it easy!
  • 67:32 - 67:35
    Don't get me aroused.
  • 67:35 - 67:37
    You look like a bitch from behind!
  • 67:37 - 67:42
    A nice bitch to suck me off!
  • 67:42 - 67:44
    Blow jobs!
  • 67:44 - 67:46
    Bitches to suck my dick!
  • 67:46 - 67:49
    That's the way. Then you relax!
  • 67:49 - 67:52
    But it's hard to stop in time.
  • 67:52 - 67:59
    You gotta stay in control.
  • 67:59 - 68:00
    That's the trick.
  • 68:00 - 68:02
    I like his face.
  • 68:02 - 68:03
    He's cute.
  • 68:03 - 68:07
    What was the name?
  • 68:07 - 68:11
    Are you cute?
    - Yes! I'm cute!
  • 68:11 - 68:15
    I'm cute!
  • 68:15 - 68:17
    Which one?
    - He's Hubert.
  • 68:17 - 68:19
    That's no Hubert!
  • 68:19 - 68:21
    He's French, he's Sayid.
  • 68:21 - 68:23
    Sayid? That's pretty!
  • 68:23 - 68:26
    Is Sayid a French name?
  • 68:26 - 68:29
    Aren't they pretty?
  • 68:29 - 68:34
    Take a good look!
  • 68:34 - 68:36
    The little guy's excited.
  • 68:36 - 68:47
    Leave him alone!
  • 68:47 - 68:49
    It's so easy to go too far!
  • 68:49 - 68:53
    But you mustn't! Though you're dying to!
  • 68:53 - 68:59
    Right, you Arab sonofabitch?
  • 68:59 - 69:22
    OK, let's go.
  • 69:22 - 69:24
  • 69:24 - 69:26
    We'll miss the last train!
  • 69:26 - 69:28
    Forget it.
  • 69:28 - 69:29
  • 69:29 - 70:04
    Did I talk to you?
  • 70:04 - 70:07
    Yo, Vinz!
  • 70:07 - 70:09
    Where's Sayid and Hubert?
  • 70:09 - 70:11
    Dunno. They pissed me off tonight.
  • 70:11 - 70:44
    You guys are always fussin'!
  • 70:44 - 70:46
    Your sister's hot.
  • 70:46 - 70:49
    Shut up, asshole.
  • 70:49 - 70:51
    Sorry, but she's hot.
  • 70:51 - 70:52
    You don't stand a chance.
  • 70:52 - 70:56
    Don't you try.
  • 70:56 - 70:59
    Don't even look at her!
  • 70:59 - 71:00
    Check the turn!
  • 71:00 - 71:03
    I won't try 'cause she's pregnant.
  • 71:03 - 71:19
    Don't diss my sis', butthead!
  • 71:19 - 71:21
    Brothers, I gotta make it
  • 71:21 - 71:24
    by any means necessary
  • 71:24 - 71:32
    'cos my mind's playin' tricks on me.
  • 71:32 - 71:34
    You won't let us in?
  • 71:34 - 71:37
    Beat it!
  • 71:37 - 71:41
    That nigger bouncer never lets us in!
  • 71:41 - 71:43
    We know his bro for 10 years!
  • 71:43 - 71:47
    And he still gives us shit!
  • 71:47 - 71:49
    Drives me crazy!
  • 71:49 - 71:53
    What's up with the flare gun?
  • 71:53 - 71:55
    Where you going?
  • 71:55 - 71:59
    Don't be a hot dog!
  • 71:59 - 72:01
  • 72:01 - 72:06
    I told you I'd be back!
  • 72:06 - 72:08
    Not so big now, fuckface!
  • 72:08 - 72:11
    You and your stinkin' club!
  • 72:11 - 72:15
    Fuck your club!
  • 72:15 - 72:36
    Goddam nigger!
  • 72:36 - 72:38
    That cop made us miss it.
  • 72:38 - 72:54
    Dickless fuckin' Tracy!
  • 72:54 - 72:56
    When's the next one?
  • 72:56 - 73:38
    Tomorrow morning.
  • 73:38 - 73:41
    How much did Snoopy owe you?
  • 73:41 - 73:41
  • 73:41 - 73:43
    What'd he owe you?
  • 73:43 - 73:45
  • 73:45 - 73:47
    - No, $100.
  • 73:47 - 73:49
  • 73:49 - 73:50
    All this shit for a lousy $100!
  • 73:50 - 73:56
    It's the principle that counts.
  • 73:56 - 74:00
  • 74:00 - 74:02
    Coyote's a bad motherfucker.
  • 74:02 - 74:05
    Roadrunner's a pussy.
  • 74:05 - 74:08
    Pick between Tweetie and Sylvester.
  • 74:08 - 74:10
    Fuck you and Tweetie!
  • 74:10 - 74:14
    I don't take shit from a guy who sees cows!
  • 74:14 - 74:18
    I say Sylvester's the real gangsta.
  • 74:18 - 74:20
    Bottom line! 'Nuff said!
  • 74:20 - 74:24
    Can't talk with you guys if you won't listen.
  • 74:24 - 74:25
    'Cause you listen?
  • 74:25 - 74:28
    You got it all wrong.
  • 74:28 - 74:32
    I say Tweetie's the baddest. He always wins.
  • 74:32 - 74:34
    That's bullshit!
  • 74:34 - 74:38
    Sylvester fucks Tweetie and you!
  • 74:38 - 74:40
    Come again?
  • 74:40 - 74:42
    Who does he fuck? Me?
  • 74:42 - 74:44
    Anyway, Sylvester's a black brother.
  • 74:44 - 74:46
    A black brother?
  • 74:46 - 74:48
    Full of shit!
  • 74:48 - 74:51
    Shall we, gentlemen?
  • 74:51 - 75:01
    What can we lose?
  • 75:01 - 75:11
    It's positively frightful!
  • 75:11 - 75:15
    Is this guy famous?
  • 75:15 - 75:35
    He will be when he grows up!
  • 75:35 - 75:39
    There's Champagne, Cinzano, Bogardi...
  • 75:39 - 75:41
    I don't drink.
    - I mean Bacardi.
  • 75:41 - 75:43
    Outta my way.
  • 75:43 - 75:48
    I want peanuts.
  • 75:48 - 75:50
    Cheers, Charles!
  • 75:50 - 75:52
    Hey, Charles!
  • 75:52 - 75:57
    Behave, asshole!
  • 75:57 - 76:01
    Let 'em through, Sayid!
  • 76:01 - 76:03
    Check out the babes!
  • 76:03 - 76:06
    That's what I call women!
  • 76:06 - 76:10
    The sister is hot.
  • 76:10 - 76:11
    Do me a favor.
  • 76:11 - 76:13
    I'm not going!
  • 76:13 - 76:16
    Who bought the tacos last week?
  • 76:16 - 76:18
    You owe me one.
  • 76:18 - 76:20
    Get me the sister.
  • 76:20 - 76:22
  • 76:22 - 76:24
    There's just two!
  • 76:24 - 76:25
    Who cares?
    - Shut up!
  • 76:25 - 76:34
    Get her for me, Hubert!
  • 76:34 - 76:37
    Excuse me, my name's Hubert.
  • 76:37 - 76:41
    My friend's a romantic, he's really shy.
  • 76:41 - 76:43
    He'd love to meet you.
  • 76:43 - 76:47
    That's him.
  • 76:47 - 76:48
    What d'ya say?
  • 76:48 - 76:51
    Look what you did to me!
  • 76:51 - 76:53
    He's really cool.
  • 76:53 - 76:57
    He's too nice.
    - OK, then!
  • 76:57 - 76:59
    C'mon Sayid!
  • 76:59 - 77:02
    Hold this.
  • 77:02 - 77:04
    Haven't we met before?
  • 77:04 - 77:06
    Don't I wish!
  • 77:06 - 77:07
    Hi, girls!
  • 77:07 - 77:10
    I'm Sayid.
  • 77:10 - 77:13
    Please don't lean on the painting.
  • 77:13 - 77:16
    You're the painting!
  • 77:16 - 77:17
    I'm good at what?
  • 77:17 - 77:18
    Guess, babe!
  • 77:18 - 77:20
    We heard you were shy!
  • 77:20 - 77:24
    Shy? That's my middle name!
  • 77:24 - 77:27
    What's your number? We'll go out.
  • 77:27 - 77:30
    You're all alike!
  • 77:30 - 77:32
    He said you wanted to talk.
  • 77:32 - 77:36
    Talk? What about?
  • 77:36 - 77:39
    Lighten up! We were ready to talk,
  • 77:39 - 77:43
    but with your attitude, how can we respect you?
  • 77:43 - 77:47
    Who are you? The Wonderbra bitch?
  • 77:47 - 77:49
    Who asked you?
    - I'm asking you!
  • 77:49 - 77:51
    He's nuts.
  • 77:51 - 77:54
    What are you staring at?
  • 77:54 - 77:55
    Got a screw loose?
  • 77:55 - 77:59
    You're the screw.
  • 77:59 - 78:03
    - What's wrong with you?
  • 78:03 - 78:07
    Leave us alone, we didn't ask you over!
  • 78:07 - 78:09
    Gentlemen, please!
  • 78:09 - 78:11
    It's cool, Pops!
  • 78:11 - 78:15
    Nobody's been hurt! What's your beef?
  • 78:15 - 78:19
    Keep your heads, please.
    - Please what?
  • 78:19 - 78:21
    Let's go!
  • 78:21 - 78:22
    Pretty please!
  • 78:22 - 78:25
    Let's all calm down!
  • 78:25 - 78:27
    Stop that!
  • 78:27 - 78:28
    Stop your friend.
  • 78:28 - 78:32
    You're not my friend! Fuck you!
  • 78:32 - 78:35
    Know what?
  • 78:35 - 78:37
    Go suck cocks in hell!
  • 78:37 - 78:41
    With your mothers!
    - You're all ugly!
  • 78:41 - 78:46
    I'm fuckin' sorry, sir!
  • 78:46 - 78:52
    Have fun, mothafuckas!
  • 78:52 - 78:53
    Troubled youth!
  • 78:53 - 78:55
    We shoulda swiped a bottle.
  • 78:55 - 78:59
    I got the sucker's charge card!
  • 78:59 - 79:01
    Hubert! Up to your old tricks!
  • 79:01 - 79:04
    Like riding a bike: You don't forget.
  • 79:04 - 79:08
    Mr. David Moe?
  • 79:08 - 79:11
    He's not here?
  • 79:11 - 79:12
    We keep it for him!
  • 79:12 - 79:16
    Give it to me.
  • 79:16 - 79:18
    What's the score?
  • 79:18 - 79:20
  • 79:20 - 79:23
    Know what I'm saying?
  • 79:23 - 79:25
    Your name's not David!
  • 79:25 - 79:27
    And cabs don't take plastic.
  • 79:27 - 79:29
    Just this once.
  • 79:29 - 79:36
    Gimme a break!
  • 79:36 - 79:37
    You fart?
  • 79:37 - 79:38
    It was you. Who else?
  • 79:38 - 79:41
    It stinks. Had to be you.
  • 79:41 - 79:42
    That's not my stink.
  • 79:42 - 79:44
    I know your farts.
  • 79:44 - 79:52
    Mothafucka, we're locked out.
  • 79:52 - 79:53
    Who farted?
  • 79:53 - 79:57
    He did.
    - He did.
  • 79:57 - 80:00
    Can't you tell?
  • 80:00 - 80:02
    It was him.
  • 80:02 - 80:05
    Your ass reeks.
  • 80:05 - 80:09
    Motherfucking goddam steering wheel!
  • 80:09 - 80:11
    Cut the poetry
  • 80:11 - 80:13
    and pull the thing!
  • 80:13 - 80:17
    Jean-Claude does this in five seconds flat.
  • 80:17 - 80:18
    Which Jean-Claude?
  • 80:18 - 80:19
    The mailman?
  • 80:19 - 80:23
    No, that's Sylvie's boyfriend.
  • 80:23 - 80:26
    This guy got 2 years for car theft.
  • 80:26 - 80:28
    Move it, bust the fucker!
  • 80:28 - 80:53
    Use your foot!
  • 80:53 - 80:54
    Don't be a sissy.
  • 80:54 - 81:01
    Who's a sissy?
  • 81:01 - 81:13
    Relax, Max.
  • 81:13 - 81:19
    "Night of the Living Car!"
  • 81:19 - 81:25
    The wipers!
  • 81:25 - 81:27
    Rip open that plastic box.
  • 81:27 - 81:32
    Open sesame!
  • 81:32 - 81:36
    Connect the green wire to the red one.
  • 81:36 - 81:38
    Nah, that's for the blinkers.
  • 81:38 - 81:41
    How'd they do it in on TV?
  • 81:41 - 81:43
    Fuck TV!
  • 81:43 - 81:51
    Start the mother!
  • 81:51 - 81:54
    Who the fuck's he?
  • 81:54 - 81:57
    Freaked me out!
  • 81:57 - 81:58
    Who the fuck are you?
  • 81:58 - 82:01
    - What you doin'?
  • 82:01 - 82:02
  • 82:02 - 82:04
    So go somewhere else.
  • 82:04 - 82:06
    Move, you'll get us nabbed.
  • 82:06 - 82:07
    It's my wife...
  • 82:07 - 82:10
    What about her?
  • 82:10 - 82:12
    She left me.
  • 82:12 - 82:16
    Do we fuckin' care?
  • 82:16 - 82:18
    Don't wait for the law, Start it.
  • 82:18 - 82:20
  • 82:20 - 82:23
    The red wire to the green wire.
  • 82:23 - 82:25
    Lay off, that's for the horn!
  • 82:25 - 82:28
    Try the blue, jerk!
  • 82:28 - 82:31
    You do it! If you're so smart.
  • 82:31 - 82:34
    I'll kill you!!
  • 82:34 - 82:37
    You're a drag.
  • 82:37 - 82:40
    That wire's for the horn.
  • 82:40 - 82:43
    No, that's the horn!
  • 82:43 - 82:45
    Sayid's right.
  • 82:45 - 82:47
    You see?
  • 82:47 - 82:50
    Who was right? We do it my way!
  • 82:50 - 82:52
    Gimme some metal!
  • 82:52 - 82:55
    Move it!
  • 82:55 - 82:59
    You're a good guy. What's your name?
  • 82:59 - 83:03
    You got a name?
  • 83:03 - 83:07
    At least we put it to good use!
  • 83:07 - 83:22
    Ready? Watch this.
  • 83:22 - 83:25
    Anyone know how to drive?
  • 83:25 - 83:27
    Vinz does.
    - Wait a second.
  • 83:27 - 83:30
    I never learned, I got no licence.
  • 83:30 - 83:33
    He does. He was in the Army.
  • 83:33 - 83:35
    The Navy! I can't drive.
  • 83:35 - 83:37
    I can!
  • 83:37 - 83:40
    Shut up!
  • 83:40 - 83:41
    - What?
  • 83:41 - 83:46
    You took that bitch around Israel in a Mercedes.
  • 83:46 - 83:49
    Not the same thing!
  • 83:49 - 83:51
    That was different. It was... uh...
  • 83:51 - 83:54
    It was an automatic...
  • 83:54 - 83:58
    More like a dream!
  • 83:58 - 84:03
    You guys are so lame!
  • 84:03 - 84:06
    Now what?
  • 84:06 - 84:10
    Sorry, but a cop car's coming.
  • 84:10 - 84:12
    - That's a cop car.
  • 84:12 - 84:16
    It's real close.
  • 84:16 - 84:19
    On three, we're outta here, OK?
  • 84:19 - 84:20
  • 84:20 - 84:28
  • 84:28 - 84:32
  • 84:32 - 84:52
    Out of the way!
  • 84:52 - 84:55
    Sometimes you feel so fuckin' small...
  • 84:55 - 84:57
    Got any more bullshit wisdom?
  • 84:57 - 85:00
    "The early bird catches the worm."
  • 85:00 - 85:03
    "A stitch in time saves nine."
  • 85:03 - 85:06
    "Haste makes waste."
  • 85:06 - 85:09
    "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity."
  • 85:09 - 85:13
    I save that one for special occasions.
  • 85:13 - 85:16
    Holy fuck!
  • 85:16 - 85:18
    I'm wasted.
  • 85:18 - 85:22
    Your shit is dope!
  • 85:22 - 85:25
    Sayid, watch it!
  • 85:25 - 85:26
    He's a big boy!
  • 85:26 - 85:29
    Spray cans!
    - You're the can!
  • 85:29 - 85:33
    What was that old guy
    in the john trying to say?
  • 85:33 - 85:36
    Talked about God and shitting.
    What was the point?
  • 85:36 - 85:38
    I see skinheads.
  • 85:38 - 85:39
    You're the skinhead.
  • 85:39 - 85:40
    Fuck Nazis!
  • 85:40 - 85:43
    The point is: God's inside you,
  • 85:43 - 85:45
    so He helps you dump!
  • 85:45 - 85:47
    God loves your bowels.
  • 85:47 - 85:52
    Pass the joint.
  • 85:52 - 85:54
    Check this shit out:
  • 85:54 - 85:59
    "Pinhead is to skinhead, as teeny is to weenie."
  • 85:59 - 86:01
    Get my drift?
  • 86:01 - 86:13
    Out of the way.
  • 86:13 - 86:17
    Vinz, Know the one about the guy
    falling off a skyscraper?
  • 86:17 - 86:20
    On the way down he says to himself:
  • 86:20 - 86:28
    "So far so good... so far so good..."
  • 86:28 - 86:30
    I heard it with a rabbi.
  • 86:30 - 86:35
    Like us in the projects. So far so good,
  • 86:35 - 86:37
    but how will we land?
  • 86:37 - 86:44
    I feel like an ant lost in intergalactic space.
  • 86:44 - 86:53
    Watch, I'll switch off the Eiffel Tower.
  • 86:53 - 86:55
    That only works in movies.
  • 86:55 - 86:57
  • 86:57 - 86:58
    You in a movie?
  • 86:58 - 87:00
    In a porn flick with your mother!
  • 87:00 - 87:02
    Look who's talking!
  • 87:02 - 87:07
    Yours sticks carrots up her ass!
  • 87:07 - 87:19
    You're the carrot!
  • 87:19 - 87:33
  • 87:33 - 87:43
  • 87:43 - 87:47
    How did they get the car in the gym?
  • 87:47 - 87:49
    Search me... Ask God!
  • 87:49 - 88:00
    Very funny.
  • 88:00 - 88:03
    Look at those sheep in the system.
  • 88:03 - 88:09
    They look cute in their fancy leather jackets.
  • 88:09 - 88:10
    But they're scumbags.
  • 88:10 - 88:14
    They ride escalators, carried by the system.
  • 88:14 - 88:17
    They vote far right, but aren't racists.
  • 88:17 - 88:20
    They can't move without escalators.
  • 88:20 - 88:25
    The worst!
  • 88:25 - 89:06
  • 89:06 - 89:16
  • 89:16 - 89:42
  • 89:42 - 89:51
    Where's Vinz?
  • 89:51 - 90:13
  • 90:13 - 90:15
  • 90:15 - 90:17
    Dumb fuck!
  • 90:17 - 90:23
    What did I do?
  • 90:23 - 90:27
    Why hit me?
  • 90:27 - 90:31
    What did I do?
  • 90:31 - 90:32
    What'd I do, asshole?
  • 90:32 - 90:34
    You suck big time!
  • 90:34 - 90:36
    So what'd I do?
  • 90:36 - 90:39
    Help me, Sayid! Please.
  • 90:39 - 90:42
    Help you what? What'd I do?
  • 90:42 - 90:43
    Abdel's dead now!
  • 90:43 - 90:45
    He's sick of your shit!
  • 90:45 - 90:46
    What shit?
  • 90:46 - 90:49
    What the fuck I do?
  • 90:49 - 90:54
    You wanna kill a pig, go right ahead.
  • 90:54 - 90:56
    But you're on your own.
  • 90:56 - 91:02
    We're outta here.
  • 91:02 - 91:04
    Get lost.
  • 91:04 - 91:07
    Both of you!
  • 91:07 - 91:14
    I don't need you!
  • 91:14 - 91:17
    I know who I am and where I come from!
  • 91:17 - 91:19
    So go home and shut up!
  • 91:19 - 91:39
    Fuck your mother!
  • 91:39 - 91:40
    Don't bug me, Sayid.
  • 91:40 - 91:46
    Think we should've...
  • 91:46 - 91:47
    Just what we need!
  • 91:47 - 91:50
    A nigger!
  • 91:50 - 91:53
    You're the fucker who dissed us from the roof!
  • 91:53 - 91:55
    The gang banger from the roof?
  • 91:55 - 92:02
    Let's see you fight!
  • 92:02 - 92:08
    Hold him!
  • 92:08 - 92:11
    Come back!
  • 92:11 - 92:13
    You fuckin' asshole!
  • 92:13 - 92:13
    I done nothing!
  • 92:13 - 92:16
    Faster than a speeding bullet?
  • 92:16 - 92:19
    I done nothing!
  • 92:19 - 92:22
    Check it out!
  • 92:22 - 92:32
    Whadda you say?
  • 92:32 - 92:44
    Get the fuck in there!
  • 92:44 - 92:48
    Whatcha gonna do?
  • 92:48 - 92:50
    You think I'm all talk?
  • 92:50 - 92:54
    I'm all talk?
  • 92:54 - 92:59
    Watch! Don't try and stop me!
  • 92:59 - 93:03
    Vinz, don't do it!
    - Let him!
  • 93:03 - 93:05
    Do your good deed!
  • 93:05 - 93:07
    Shut up!
  • 93:07 - 93:08
    There are good cops.
  • 93:08 - 93:12
    But the only good skinhead is a dead one!
  • 93:12 - 93:14
    Shoot him.
  • 93:14 - 93:18
    We took your shit all day. Fuckin' shoot him!
  • 93:18 - 93:23
    You got the piece.
  • 93:23 - 93:27
  • 93:27 - 93:32
  • 93:32 - 93:34
    Fuck his mother!
  • 93:34 - 93:38
  • 93:38 - 93:42
    Abdel's dead! Get even, for fuck's sake!
  • 93:42 - 93:48
    Do it for Abdel!
  • 93:48 - 93:59
  • 93:59 - 94:30
    Get outta here!
  • 94:30 - 94:45
    See ya tomorrow.
  • 94:45 - 94:50
    Take it.
  • 94:50 - 94:52
    Gonna sing a love song?
  • 94:52 - 94:54
    Go home, loser.
  • 94:54 - 94:57
    Let's go, Vinz.
  • 94:57 - 94:59
    Later, Hubert.
  • 94:59 - 95:02
    Hear the one about the nun?
  • 95:02 - 95:04
    This drunk guy comes out of a bar,
  • 95:04 - 95:08
    and walks up to a nun in this big black cape.
  • 95:08 - 95:12
    Wham! He slugs her in her teeth. She goes down
  • 95:12 - 95:16
    and he keeps on pounding her.
  • 95:16 - 95:19
    After about 5 minutes he stops,
  • 95:19 - 95:21
    looks at her and says:
  • 95:21 - 95:23
    "You're not so tough, Batman!"
  • 95:23 - 95:26
    That's a killer!
  • 95:26 - 95:28
    He thought the nun was Batman!
  • 95:28 - 95:31
    I heard it with a rabbi.
  • 95:31 - 95:33
    Over here, you!
  • 95:33 - 95:34
    What's the matter?
  • 95:34 - 95:39
    I know you!
  • 95:39 - 95:52
    You were on the roof!
  • 95:52 - 95:55
    What're you doin'?
  • 95:55 - 95:58
    Got a problem, you fuck?
  • 95:58 - 96:00
    Scared without your pals?
  • 96:00 - 96:02
    Not so tough now!
  • 96:02 - 96:32
    Look at him!
  • 96:32 - 96:34
    It's about a society falling...
  • 96:34 - 96:39
    On the way down it keeps telling itself:
  • 96:39 - 96:42
    "So far so good...
  • 96:42 - 96:44
    "so far so good...
  • 96:44 - 96:48
    "so far so good..."
  • 96:48 - 96:51
    How you fall doesn't matter.
  • 96:51 - 96:54
    It's how you land!
  • 96:54 -
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La Haine 1995 Multi Subtitles Full Movie HD

My favorite movie of all time.
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