4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro)
0:00 - 0:03Hello and welcome back to my channel!
0:03 - 0:05I'm very excited about today's video.
0:05 - 0:07It's a topic that I have wanted to do
0:07 - 0:08for a very long time. We're
0:08 - 0:09talking about lighting
0:09 - 0:12I'm going to give you ideas for
different lighting setups. -
0:12 - 0:15We're in a pretty small space
right now So, keep that in mind. -
0:15 - 0:18You are not limited by the size of room
that you're in. -
0:18 - 0:22But first, before, we get into the meat
of this video -
0:22 - 0:25I would like to take a moment to thank
today's sponsor [meow] smart home. -
0:25 - 0:28So, we'll be using their devices to help
0:28 - 0:30us make these lighting setups
0:30 - 0:32more convenient and intuitive.
0:32 - 0:35You'll see what I mean in just a second
so let's get into it. -
0:35 - 0:38We set everything up for this particular
lighting setup yesterday -
0:38 - 0:40because we just wanted to get ahead
0:40 - 0:44so, unfortunately there is no BTS of how
we set this up but I am going to -
0:44 - 0:49walk you through exactly what we're using
to light this beautiful scene -
0:49 - 0:50that you're seeing right now.
0:50 - 0:55The coolest thing about this setup is that
most of what we're using as light sources, -
0:55 - 0:57you probably already have at home.
0:57 - 0:59So our first light, our key light--
1:00 - 1:01Thanks Luna.
1:01 - 1:03As I was saying, our first light,
our key light, -
1:03 - 1:07is actually the beautiful window that
I am facing right now. -
1:07 - 1:10So it's a little bit sunnier in here today
than it was yesterday -
1:10 - 1:14when we originally set it up
It was way more overcast yesterday -
1:14 - 1:19and that was giving us beautiful diffused
soft light on my face and that's -
1:19 - 1:21typically what I love
about natural light -
1:21 - 1:24is it is really flattering
especially when it is an -
1:24 - 1:25overcast day
1:25 - 1:26cause it's already adding
1:26 - 1:27that natural diffusion.
1:27 - 1:30But today, because it's much more harsh,
and usually it is -
1:30 - 1:31in this room in the morning;
1:31 - 1:33it's very very sunny so we've
1:33 - 1:35added a diffusion panel
1:35 - 1:38If you don't have something
like this at home, you can repurpose -
1:38 - 1:42a sheer curtain, you can use
a sheet off of your bed. -
1:42 - 1:46Anything white and sheer
that's a little bit opaque -
1:46 - 1:49that'll allow you to just nicely diffuse
that light source on your face. -
1:49 - 1:52So, you don't necessarily need
to go to Amazon and buy -
1:52 - 1:54your own diffusion panel
if you don't want to. -
1:54 - 1:57Next, behind me we've got some
practicals lit. -
1:57 - 2:00We have our own lamp that--
2:00 - 2:04I love this lamp. It's from (Streptube?).
I think it was only about $100 -
2:04 - 2:07and what I love about it is you can
position the head of it -
2:07 - 2:10to kind of shine in any
direction you want. -
2:10 - 2:14So we have it tilted at just
the right angle to give a little bit -
2:14 - 2:17of a glow and reflection on the
cabinets over here which -
2:17 - 2:19actually quite like 'cause it's
a little bit golden -
2:19 - 2:24and it's a little bit higher so that
it's giving me sort of a low hair light -
2:24 - 2:27on this side light which I like
because it adds a little bit of depth -
2:27 - 2:29to the frame.
Then we just lit a candle. -
2:29 - 2:33All of those little light sources
in the back just add some depth -
2:33 - 2:35and some interest to your overall shot.
2:35 - 2:40My favorite thing about how all
of the lights are set up in this office -
2:40 - 2:42and actually how all of
the lights were set up -
2:42 - 2:46in our previous office space as well
is that they're all voice-controlled -
2:46 - 2:47using a smart speaker.
2:47 - 2:51In this office, we have the
echo dot setup. So, when we're -
2:51 - 2:53lighting everything, I can just yell
at [meow] to do -
2:53 - 2:56whatever I want: to turn on lights,
to change the color of them. -
2:56 - 2:58So, allow me to demonstrate.
2:59 - 3:03[Meow] please change the light to blue.
Echo: Okay -
3:03 - 3:06I didn't even say lamp, I said light.
She's so smart. -
3:06 - 3:10So in the old office space, if you guys
remember my setup, I had -
3:10 - 3:12multiple pendant lights hanging
in the background and -
3:12 - 3:14I didn't always want to run around
and -
3:14 - 3:15turn on each of them at once.
3:15 - 3:18so I had those set up with a smart switch.
3:18 - 3:23And, with this lamp, I actually have
a smart bulb. So that bulb connects -
3:23 - 3:26directly to my smart speaker
and it's really easy to pair. -
3:26 - 3:30It honestly just saves me so much time
from walking over, -
3:30 - 3:31manually changing the color.
3:31 - 3:35You can do it on your phone too
but it's always just easier to just -
3:35 - 3:37yell out a command and have it happen.
3:37 - 3:40so lets show you
a couple more lighting setup and -
3:40 - 3:43they'll increase with complexity
as we go -
3:43 - 3:47I could have sworn I heard footsteps
coming from the second floor. -
3:47 - 3:54they got louder and louder and I knew they
were something that was out of this world -
3:54 - 3:57do not use camexa if you have
certain medical conditions. -
3:57 - 4:00Camexa may cause new or worsening
your urinary retention problems. -
4:02 - 4:06some people are just here
for the wrong reason -
4:06 - 4:09and I am just trying to find love. okey
4:12 - 4:15this is really hard for me to make.
4:15 - 4:19but I recognize that I've made a mistake
4:19 - 4:23and I want to apologize
to every single one of you -
4:24 - 4:26and thank you from the bottom of my heart
4:26 - 4:28for supporting this channel
4:28 - 4:31right now join planet fitness
for only one dollar -
4:31 - 4:33only 10 dollars a month
4:33 - 4:34no commitment.
4:36 - 4:40hey turn on the ring light.
- ok -
4:40 - 4:44oh yeah.so as you can see this is
a very versatile setup -
4:44 - 4:46yet very very simple.
4:46 - 4:50all we have behind us is an RGB ring light
that we got off Amazone. -
4:50 - 4:54then we hooked it up to a smart plug
so now I can tell to turn it on and off -
4:54 - 4:55and do whatever I'd like;
4:55 - 4:59however, this isn't
a lifx bulb so I do have to... -
4:59 - 5:04the control please. I do have to change
the colors with this handy dandy remote. -
5:04 - 5:06but I can do that all by sitting here.
5:06 - 5:10it's so easy. I set this up completely
on my own. well shone helped a little bit -
5:10 - 5:14thanks shone. just cause I am weak
like a pelican. as our key light we have -
5:14 - 5:18the aperture 120 d2 with
the mini light dome on it. -
5:18 - 5:21and that's all we need
in a small space like this. -
5:21 - 5:24we're just doing some really simple..
that was my shoulder what the hell. -
5:24 - 5:28we're just doing
some really simple split lighting. -
5:28 - 5:31you could go ahead and add
a hair light to this. you could add a fill -
5:31 - 5:35you can really dress it up, but again we
are still doing this simple -
5:35 - 5:38lighting setup right now.so I want
to keep it nice and simple for you guys -
5:38 - 5:43as you saw with my very fun characters
and acting demonstrations I just did. -
5:43 - 5:47this lighting setup can literally be
anything you want it to be. -
5:47 - 5:50it can really set the mood for
whatever you're shooting, -
5:50 - 5:54so whether you're shooting something
for the bachelor, or you're having -
5:54 - 6:00a very sad moment, or I don't knew,
maybe want to have a dance party. -
6:01 - 6:06you can really set the mood
for your interview setup. I would say -
6:06 - 6:10this is a very good, like
one-on-one moment if you want to do like a -
6:10 - 6:12cameo for a Reality show
6:12 - 6:15even just a really simple like interview
setup. -
6:15 - 6:18yes we are using the one 20d2 as our
key light which is a little -
6:18 - 6:19on the privier side,
6:19 - 6:23but you can buy other constant
video lights on amazon that are at a lower -
6:23 - 6:25price point for you so
6:25 - 6:29all together this setup could run you
for maybe a couple hundred bucks max. -
6:30 - 6:34welcome to the second most complex
lighting setup we are going -
6:34 - 6:38to be featuring in today's video. so we've
got our key light again -
6:38 - 6:44it's the apeture 120d2 I've got
a bounce here just to fill the left side -
6:44 - 6:50of my face just a touch. and we have..
look at this little crown light going on -
6:50 - 6:56behind me. these are called nano leaf.
nano leaf lights, and you can attach them -
6:56 - 7:00and build like all kind of different
designs with them. they'll actually have -
7:00 - 7:03different like lighting modes to
different songs if you like -
7:03 - 7:06that kind of thing, but for the purpose
of this video we're just using it has -
7:06 - 7:08little accent light in the background
7:08 - 7:11and actually little pieces of it fade
on and off -
7:11 - 7:13which is a very cool, practical to have on
7:13 - 7:16in the back. and on the bottom
of the shelf right here, we have -
7:16 - 7:20a nan tube light; you could also use
strip lights that you can find on Amazon. -
7:20 - 7:25but we have this and I didn't feel like
sticking anything to my disk area yet. -
7:25 - 7:30so just to give you a sense of what
a little bit of either surface lighting -
7:30 - 7:36or under shelf lighting can do to just
level up that shot, also I've small pair -
7:36 - 7:40of peeking, can you show her. can you stop
distracting me miss; over here we have -
7:40 - 7:44a little Himalayan salt lamp.
that's just another practical that I had -
7:44 - 7:47around the house that I like to add
into my shots cause it's a nice orangey, -
7:47 - 7:52warm light. this guy over here is actually
a lifx bulb it's the same lifx bulb -
7:52 - 7:56that we had in the lamp in our previous
lighting setup, and the cool thing about -
7:56 - 8:00them is that you can change the color
of them, they connect straight to the[maw] -
8:00 - 8:05and you can turn it on and off that way,
change the color with voice control -
8:05 - 8:08all of that cool stuff. these are actually
the bulbs that I used in the that -
8:08 - 8:12previous backdrop. they just Edison
style bulbs. they do look really cool -
8:12 - 8:16and vintage, and give of a nice warm light
however, you can't change the color -
8:16 - 8:19of these necessarily, and that's what
I love about the lifx light -
8:19 - 8:21if I just wanted to go ahead and add
a lampshade, then -
8:21 - 8:25the whole look of the bulb itself when
bother me so much in this type of shot -
8:25 - 8:27then I could change it to
whatever color I want. so -
8:27 - 8:31for example:
hey change the pendant to blue. -
8:31 - 8:36that's one easy way just by changing
the color that you can change up the whole -
8:36 - 8:39lighting setup or mood or vibe of your
shot. -
8:39 - 8:41the other thing you can do
8:41 - 8:45with all of these different smart bulbs
and smart plugs is you can add them -
8:45 - 8:48to a group in the app. you can give it
a name, and then you can turn them -
8:48 - 8:52on and off with the simple voice command.
Hey turn off the studio. -
8:55 - 8:56ok
8:56 - 9:00and obviously our key light which is
the aputure 120d stayed on because you -
9:00 - 9:04can't use that with a smart plug, but
that's ok. it comes with its own remote. -
9:04 - 9:09And last but not least, one of my favorite
features is that you can set this group -
9:09 - 9:13to a timer so if I want to come into
my office and have everything be on at 9am -
9:13 - 9:17I can set everything to turn on at 9am
and off again at 5pm. so just another way -
9:17 - 9:22that all of these smart accessories are
making my life that much easier and can -
9:22 - 9:26help you create a beautiful, cool lighting
setup. This isn't 100% my taste, -
9:26 - 9:30but it just give you a sample of all
the different cool things that you could -
9:30 - 9:36add to your beautiful home office
background the thing. -
9:36 - 9:38and lets move on to the final
lighting setup. -
9:42 - 9:47this is our final and most complex and
also expensive lighting setup. -
9:47 - 9:53we have two aputure 120d. behind me
we have a godox light panel as our key. -
9:53 - 9:58and we have a fill on this side. now this
took a lot of finagling. you might think -
9:58 - 10:02oh you just stick up both lights, stick up
your key light , it's super easy.NO -
10:02 - 10:06you have to play a lot with the depth,
how close these backlight are to you, -
10:06 - 10:08how bright they are,
10:08 - 10:11your over all exposure in camera,
there is a lot of tweaks that have -
10:11 - 10:14to be made for this setup to be perfect.
10:14 - 10:18this lighting setup would be perfect for
any kind of interview especially -
10:18 - 10:23documentary interview maybe if you wanted
to do like a behind-the-scenes interview -
10:23 - 10:28with an actor from a show or something
like that. I love it it's very dramatic ah -
10:28 - 10:31I stole this lighting setup from
becky and chrisand they used it in a very -
10:31 - 10:34serious and dramatic video.
10:34 - 10:36you'll notice in becky and
chris's video that -
10:36 - 10:38the background is even darker in thiers.
10:38 - 10:42because I believe they were shooting in an
even bigger room, and so there will be -
10:42 - 10:45even more fall off behind these two
apertures lights behind me, and that -
10:45 - 10:48will give the impression of an even
darker background,but -
10:48 - 10:50we're shooting in a fairly small space
10:50 - 10:51as you can see from this angel,
10:51 - 10:53and the wall behind me is white
10:53 - 10:56so it's naturally going to look
a little bit brighter. -
10:56 - 10:59this one was a really fun setup.
I'm very happy with it. -
10:59 - 11:01thank you guys so much for watching this
video. -
11:01 - 11:04we had a lot of fun creating these
different lighting setups -
11:04 - 11:09and using he Amazone Echo Dot,
the smart plug, the lifx bulbs, -
11:09 - 11:11all the fun little lights
11:11 - 11:16we had going on, and I actually have some
smart switches here in the office for our -
11:16 - 11:21just house lights that I can't wait
to actually hook up to it as well -
11:21 - 11:25and get this whole office perfectly
synced up with my smart speakers -
11:25 - 11:29so I never have to move. I just can turn
everything on with my voice and we are -
11:29 - 11:34in the middle of our office renovation so
I've definitely got a few new ideas for -
11:34 - 11:36our lighting set up going forward.
11:36 - 11:39so if you like this video pleas give it
a like down below -
11:39 - 11:40subscribe if you're not already
11:40 - 11:44and make sure to hit the bell. so you're
notified for all future videos and I'm -
11:44 - 11:47I'm just going to look at myself in the
viewfinder now because this lighting -
11:47 - 11:50is really cool. you also enjoy my
very tiny purse -
11:50 - 11:52these are my most dramatic sunglasses.
11:52 - 11:56I took three acting classes.
I'm sure you can tell.
- Title:
- 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro)
- Description:
Thanks to Alexa Smart Home for partnering up with me on this video!
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- Duration:
- 12:16
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) | ||
Malakoot edited English subtitles for 4 CREATIVE LIGHTING SET-UPS (From Beginner to Pro) |