1st Timothy 2.11 says: "Let a woman
learn quietly with all submissiveness."
So according to the Bible, a woman is
supposed to sit in church and be quiet.
Right, she's supposed to keep her mouth shut and leave the talking to the men.
"- Yeah, good luck with that Honey!" - I love
you sweetie." Alright, so that's not the
meaning of that verse. Rather it goes
with the full instruction that follows: "I
do not permit a woman to teach or
exercise authority over a man. Rather she
is to remain quiet." The context here is
church leadership which continues on in
the chapter 3. Basically a woman can't be
a pastor or an elder in a church. That's
no less controversial but it's what the
Bible says. And this instruction is
universal to all people, in all cultures,
at all times. It's not exclusive to the
time period in which the Apostle Paul is
writing this. How do we know that? Because Paul,
exercising his authority as an
apostle, goes all the way back to Adam
and Eve, with his explanation. "For Adam
was formed first then Eve. And Adam was not deceived,
but the woman was deceived and
became a transgressor." So because Adam was formed first
and because Eve was deceived
by the serpent, a woman is prohibited
from being an authority in the church.
She can teach children and she can teach
other women. And she can lead others to
Christ. Priscilla did that for Apollos,
along with her husband Aquilas. But she
can't be a pastor. Any church that
appoints a woman as a pastor would be in
biblical disobedience. There are other
ways a woman can find godly fulfillment
that a man cannot. But the authority in the
church is commanded for men to step up
and lead. "- Was that a good explanation, love?
- Yes, very good Sweetheart. - Oh, thanks" And that's when we
understand the text.