Keshe Reactor - components: 1. Inner core
is made of one material that can be penetrated by ray of particles.
The hydrogen and the radioactive microscale potassium will be within placed.
2. Outer core is made of metal.
Hydrogen will be within placed.
3. In the outer core, the surface of sphere of the inner core
is covered with conductive copper coils.
We select hydrogen as the gas of the experiment, because it is the lightest element in the universe,
there is no neutrons in your nucleus, but only one proton and one outer electron,
so the Coulomb Barrier of it is the smallest.
Firstly, let us understand the theory of Keshe:
Each material has a circuit of outer magnetic attraction (Magrav),
and it will always be in reaction with other substances
to find their own inner balance and your outer position again.
In the experiment, we use potassium in microscale
to induce hydrogen and cause the ionization/dilution.
When the magnetic attraction circuit of potassium atom
attracts the magnetic attraction circuit of hydrogen atom, in the vaccum,
the Coulomb Force of hydrogen is disentangled
and the proton and electron are separated and some launched out of core.
There will be a new dynamic plasma field formed in the inner core.
The particles in the inner core will find their situation of comfortable again
and reorganized itself and can be restored while they close to each other.
The inner core which is led by the attraction of dynamic field of plasma from the potassium then start to rotate
the green and purple colors represent the magnetic attraction circuits of atoms.
Then the outer core will rotate slowly as well,
its repulsion will fix the 'central position' of the inner core
and your gravitation will prevent larger leakage of the free electrons of hydrogen from this core.
There will be light produced at the junction of the magnetic fields of the inner and outer core due to the collision.
KESHE REACTOR - The BASIC principle of operation:
1. The hydrogen and microscale potassium after are placed in the inner core.
The ionization and the enlargement in the vaccum (electric dillution?) will be started by the radioactivity of potassium
and then a magnetic and gravitational field of dynamic plasma will be produced.
2. The reacted hydrogen will separate and release electrons and protons.
The repulsion of this electrons will be pushed it
toward out of the inner core (material that can be penetrated by ray of particles).
3. The particles (electrons-protons) which have been launched out
will be pulled back by the attraction field of the own inner core.
Then, the free particles in the inner core will be restructured to hydrogen atoms again,
and then undergo reaction with potassium again, and so on.
4. An magnetic field will be produced in the outer core
due the interaction with the free particles originating from the inner core and the hydrogen element in this other core
(previously entered, and and being static until now).
This field can prevent happening the leakage of particles (?).
5. The inner core will rotate in the opposite direction after the device start working.
The gravitational field and the magnetic field will be formed such like the north and south poles of the Earth.
The inner core will rotate in the opposite direction and your rotation will make the particles move directionally,
and when the particles (or the strength in the electron nivel) pass by the condutive coil,
with wired extensions out of the reactor, the electricity will be produced.
producing for us the sky, ground, mountains, rivers, wind, fire, etc.
Do you have a feeling that already seems to have met this before?
Exactly, this have something of our ancestors: in the eight diagrams of I Ching.
The hydrogen with 0 number of neutron, plus the element with the number of neutron more than 1 (potassium?),
then the force of Yin and Yang can push the cores rotate endless
and make leave materials from the outer core of Earth on the surface,
The wisdom of the 0 and 1 from our ancestors
was used already by the foreigners to invent the computers
and, at present moment, again as a Keshe generator of free energy.
We believe that the our generation, which is
between the most intelligent civilizations of the Earth, need wake up, urgently.