The greatest machine that never was
0:00 - 0:02So the machine I'm going to talk you about
0:02 - 0:03is what I call the greatest machine that never was.
0:03 - 0:05It was a machine that was never built,
0:05 - 0:08and yet, it will be built.
0:08 - 0:10It was a machine that was designed
0:10 - 0:12long before anyone thought about computers.
0:12 - 0:14If you know anything about the history of computers,
0:14 - 0:17you will know that in the '30s and the '40s,
0:17 - 0:19simple computers were created
0:19 - 0:22that started the computer revolution we have today,
0:22 - 0:23and you would be correct,
0:23 - 0:26except for you'd have the wrong century.
0:26 - 0:27The first computer was really designed
0:27 - 0:31in the 1830s and 1840s, not the 1930s and 1940s.
0:31 - 0:33It was designed, and parts of it were prototyped,
0:33 - 0:35and the bits of it that were built are here
0:35 - 0:37in South Kensington.
0:37 - 0:41That machine was built by this guy, Charles Babbage.
0:41 - 0:43Now, I have a great affinity for Charles Babbage
0:43 - 0:45because his hair is always completely unkempt like this
0:45 - 0:48in every single picture. (Laughter)
0:48 - 0:49He was a very wealthy man, and a sort of,
0:49 - 0:51part of the aristocracy of Britain,
0:51 - 0:54and on a Saturday night in Marylebone,
0:54 - 0:56were you part of the intelligentsia of that period,
0:56 - 0:58you would have been invited round to his house
0:58 - 1:01for a soiree — and he invited everybody:
1:01 - 1:04kings, the Duke of Wellington, many, many famous people —
1:04 - 1:07and he would have shown you one of his mechanical machines.
1:07 - 1:10I really miss that era, you know, where you could
1:10 - 1:12go around for a soiree and see a mechanical computer
1:12 - 1:13get demonstrated to you. (Laughter)
1:13 - 1:16But Babbage, Babbage himself was born
1:16 - 1:18at the end of the 18th century,
1:18 - 1:20and was a fairly famous mathematician.
1:20 - 1:23He held the post that Newton held at Cambridge,
1:23 - 1:26and that was recently held by Stephen Hawking.
1:26 - 1:29He's less well known than either of them because
1:29 - 1:32he got this idea to make mechanical computing devices
1:32 - 1:34and never made any of them.
1:34 - 1:37The reason he never made any of them, he's a classic nerd.
1:37 - 1:39Every time he had a good idea, he'd think,
1:39 - 1:41"That's brilliant, I'm going to start building that one.
1:41 - 1:43I'll spend a fortune on it. I've got a better idea.
1:43 - 1:46I'm going to work on this one. (Laughter) And I'm going to do this one."
1:46 - 1:49He did this until Sir Robert Peel, then Prime Minister,
1:49 - 1:51basically kicked him out of Number 10 Downing Street,
1:51 - 1:54and kicking him out, in those days, that meant saying,
1:54 - 1:57"I bid you good day, sir." (Laughter)
1:57 - 1:59The thing he designed was this monstrosity here,
1:59 - 2:02the analytical engine. Now, just to give you an idea of this,
2:02 - 2:04this is a view from above.
2:04 - 2:07Every one of these circles is a cog, a stack of cogs,
2:07 - 2:10and this thing is as big as a steam locomotive.
2:10 - 2:12So as I go through this talk, I want you to imagine
2:12 - 2:15this gigantic machine. We heard those wonderful sounds
2:15 - 2:17of what this thing would have sounded like.
2:17 - 2:18And I'm going to take you through the architecture of the machine
2:18 - 2:20— that's why it's computer architecture —
2:20 - 2:23and tell you about this machine, which is a computer.
2:23 - 2:27So let's talk about the memory. The memory
2:27 - 2:29is very like the memory of a computer today,
2:29 - 2:32except it was all made out of metal,
2:32 - 2:35stacks and stacks of cogs, 30 cogs high.
2:35 - 2:37Imagine a thing this high of cogs,
2:37 - 2:39hundreds and hundreds of them,
2:39 - 2:41and they've got numbers on them.
2:41 - 2:43It's a decimal machine. Everything's done in decimal.
2:43 - 2:45And he thought about using binary. The problem
2:45 - 2:47with using binary is that the machine would have been so
2:47 - 2:50tall, it would have been ridiculous. As it is, it's enormous.
2:50 - 2:52So he's got memory.
2:52 - 2:54The memory is this bit over here.
2:54 - 2:57You see it all like this.
2:57 - 3:01This monstrosity over here is the CPU, the chip, if you like.
3:01 - 3:04Of course, it's this big.
3:04 - 3:06Completely mechanical. This whole machine is mechanical.
3:06 - 3:11This is a picture of a prototype for part of the CPU
3:11 - 3:13which is in the Science Museum.
3:13 - 3:16The CPU could do the four fundamental functions of arithmetic --
3:16 - 3:19so addition, multiplication, subtraction, division --
3:19 - 3:22which already is a bit of a feat in metal,
3:22 - 3:24but it could also do something that a computer does
3:24 - 3:26and a calculator doesn't:
3:26 - 3:30this machine could look at its own internal memory and make a decision.
3:30 - 3:33It could do the "if then" for basic programmers,
3:33 - 3:35and that fundamentally made it into a computer.
3:35 - 3:40It could compute. It couldn't just calculate. It could do more.
3:40 - 3:42Now, if we look at this, and we stop for a minute,
3:42 - 3:44and we think about chips today, we can't
3:44 - 3:48look inside a silicon chip. It's just so tiny.
3:48 - 3:50Yet if you did, you would see something
3:50 - 3:52very, very similar to this.
3:52 - 3:55There's this incredible complexity in the CPU,
3:55 - 3:57and this incredible regularity in the memory.
3:57 - 3:59If you've ever seen an electron microscope picture,
3:59 - 4:01you'll see this. This all looks the same,
4:01 - 4:04then there's this bit over here which is incredibly complicated.
4:04 - 4:07All this cog wheel mechanism here is doing is what a computer does,
4:07 - 4:10but of course you need to program this thing, and of course,
4:10 - 4:13Babbage used the technology of the day
4:13 - 4:16and the technology that would reappear in the '50s, '60s and '70s,
4:16 - 4:19which is punch cards. This thing over here
4:19 - 4:22is one of three punch card readers in here,
4:22 - 4:26and this is a program in the Science Museum, just
4:26 - 4:30not far from here, created by Charles Babbage,
4:30 - 4:32that is sitting there — you can go see it —
4:32 - 4:34waiting for the machine to be built.
4:34 - 4:38And there's not just one of these, there's many of them.
4:38 - 4:41He prepared programs anticipating this would happen.
4:41 - 4:43Now, the reason they used punch cards was that Jacquard,
4:43 - 4:45in France, had created the Jacquard loom,
4:45 - 4:48which was weaving these incredible patterns controlled by punch cards,
4:48 - 4:50so he was just repurposing the technology of the day,
4:50 - 4:52and like everything else he did, he's using the technology
4:52 - 4:57of his era, so 1830s, 1840s, 1850s, cogs, steam,
4:57 - 5:01mechanical devices. Ironically, born the same year
5:01 - 5:03as Charles Babbage was Michael Faraday,
5:03 - 5:06who would completely revolutionize everything
5:06 - 5:08with the dynamo, transformers, all these sorts of things.
5:08 - 5:12Babbage, of course, wanted to use proven technology,
5:12 - 5:13so steam and things.
5:13 - 5:15Now, he needed accessories.
5:15 - 5:16Obviously, you've got a computer now.
5:16 - 5:19You've got punch cards, a CPU and memory.
5:19 - 5:21You need accessories you're going to come with.
5:21 - 5:22You're not just going to have that,
5:22 - 5:25So, first of all, you had sound. You had a bell,
5:25 - 5:27so if anything went wrong — (Laughter) —
5:27 - 5:30or the machine needed the attendant to come to it,
5:30 - 5:32there was a bell it could ring. (Laughter)
5:32 - 5:33And there's actually an instruction on the punch card
5:33 - 5:36which says "Ring the bell." So you can imagine this "Ting!"
5:36 - 5:38You know, just stop for a moment, imagine all those noises,
5:38 - 5:39this thing, "Click, clack click click click,"
5:39 - 5:42steam engine, "Ding," right? (Laughter)
5:42 - 5:45You also need a printer, obviously, and everyone needs a printer.
5:45 - 5:48This is actually a picture of the printing mechanism for
5:48 - 5:50another machine of his, called the Difference Engine No. 2,
5:50 - 5:52which he never built, but which the Science Museum
5:52 - 5:54did build in the '80s and '90s.
5:54 - 5:57It's completely mechanical, again, a printer.
5:57 - 5:59It prints just numbers, because he was obsessed with numbers,
5:59 - 6:03but it does print onto paper, and it even does word wrapping,
6:03 - 6:06so if you get to the end of the line, it goes around like that.
6:06 - 6:07You also need graphics, right?
6:07 - 6:09I mean, if you're going to do anything with graphics,
6:09 - 6:11so he said, "Well, I need a plotter. I've got a big piece of paper
6:11 - 6:14and an ink pen and I'll make it plot."
6:14 - 6:15So he designed a plotter as well,
6:15 - 6:19and, you know, at that point, I think he got pretty much
6:19 - 6:21a pretty good machine.
6:21 - 6:24Along comes this woman, Ada Lovelace.
6:24 - 6:26Now, imagine these soirees, all these great and good comes along.
6:26 - 6:29This lady is the daughter of the mad, bad
6:29 - 6:32and dangerous-to-know Lord Byron,
6:32 - 6:34and her mother, being a bit worried that she might have
6:34 - 6:37inherited some of Lord Byron's madness and badness,
6:37 - 6:40thought, "I know the solution: Mathematics is the solution.
6:40 - 6:43We'll teach her mathematics. That'll calm her down."
6:43 - 6:47(Laughter) Because of course,
6:47 - 6:51there's never been a mathematician that's gone crazy,
6:51 - 6:53so, you know, that'll be fine. (Laughter)
6:53 - 6:57Everything'll be fine. So she's got this mathematical training,
6:57 - 7:00and she goes to one of these soirees with her mother,
7:00 - 7:02and Charles Babbage, you know, gets out his machine.
7:02 - 7:04The Duke of Wellington is there, you know,
7:04 - 7:06get out the machine, obviously demonstrates it,
7:06 - 7:09and she gets it. She's the only person in his lifetime, really,
7:09 - 7:11who said, "I understand what this does,
7:11 - 7:13and I understand the future of this machine."
7:13 - 7:16And we owe to her an enormous amount because we know
7:16 - 7:19a lot about the machine that Babbage was intending to build
7:19 - 7:21because of her.
7:21 - 7:23Now, some people call her the first programmer.
7:23 - 7:27This is actually from one of -- the paper that she translated.
7:27 - 7:30This is a program written in a particular style.
7:30 - 7:33It's not, historically, totally accurate that she's the first programmer,
7:33 - 7:35and actually, she did something more amazing.
7:35 - 7:37Rather than just being a programmer,
7:37 - 7:39she saw something that Babbage didn't.
7:39 - 7:42Babbage was totally obsessed with mathematics.
7:42 - 7:46He was building a machine to do mathematics,
7:46 - 7:49and Lovelace said, "You could do more than mathematics
7:49 - 7:52on this machine." And just as you do,
7:52 - 7:54everyone in this room already's got a computer on them
7:54 - 7:56right now, because they've got a phone.
7:56 - 7:58If you go into that phone, every single thing in that phone
7:58 - 8:00or computer or any other computing device
8:00 - 8:02is mathematics. It's all numbers at the bottom.
8:02 - 8:07Whether it's video or text or music or voice, it's all numbers,
8:07 - 8:11it's all, underlying it, mathematical functions happening,
8:11 - 8:13and Lovelace said, "Just because you're doing
8:13 - 8:16mathematical functions and symbols
8:16 - 8:19doesn't mean these things can't represent
8:19 - 8:22other things in the real world, such as music."
8:22 - 8:25This was a huge leap, because Babbage is there saying,
8:25 - 8:27"We could compute these amazing functions and print out
8:27 - 8:31tables of numbers and draw graphs," — (Laughter) —
8:31 - 8:33and Lovelace is there and she says, "Look,
8:33 - 8:35this thing could even compose music if you
8:35 - 8:39told it a representation of music numerically."
8:39 - 8:40So this is what I call Lovelace's Leap.
8:40 - 8:44When you say she's a programmer, she did do some,
8:44 - 8:47but the real thing is to have said the future is going to be
8:47 - 8:49much, much more than this.
8:49 - 8:51Now, a hundred years later, this guy comes along,
8:51 - 8:57Alan Turing, and in 1936, and invents the computer all over again.
8:57 - 8:59Now, of course, Babbage's machine was entirely mechanical.
8:59 - 9:02Turing's machine was entirely theoretical.
9:02 - 9:05Both of these guys were coming from a mathematical perspective,
9:05 - 9:07but Turing told us something very important.
9:07 - 9:10He laid down the mathematical foundations
9:10 - 9:12for computer science, and said,
9:12 - 9:15"It doesn't matter how you make a computer."
9:15 - 9:17It doesn't matter if your computer's mechanical,
9:17 - 9:22like Babbage's was, or electronic, like computers are today,
9:22 - 9:25or perhaps in the future, cells, or, again,
9:25 - 9:28mechanical again, once we get into nanotechnology.
9:28 - 9:30We could go back to Babbage's machine
9:30 - 9:32and just make it tiny. All those things are computers.
9:32 - 9:34There is in a sense a computing essence.
9:34 - 9:36This is called the Church–Turing thesis.
9:36 - 9:39And so suddenly, you get this link where you say
9:39 - 9:41this thing Babbage had built really was a computer.
9:41 - 9:44In fact, it was capable of doing everything we do today
9:44 - 9:49with computers, only really slowly. (Laughter)
9:49 - 9:51To give you an idea of how slowly,
9:51 - 9:54it had about 1k of memory.
9:54 - 9:57It used punch cards, which were being fed in,
9:57 - 10:03and it ran about 10,000 times slower the first ZX81.
10:03 - 10:05It did have a RAM pack.
10:05 - 10:08You could add on a lot of extra memory if you wanted to.
10:08 - 10:10(Laughter) So, where does that bring us today?
10:10 - 10:12So there are plans.
10:12 - 10:15Over in Swindon, the Science Museum archives,
10:15 - 10:16there are hundreds of plans and thousands of pages
10:16 - 10:20of notes written by Charles Babbage about this analytical engine.
10:20 - 10:24One of those is a set of plans that we call Plan 28,
10:24 - 10:26and that is also the name of a charity that I started
10:26 - 10:29with Doron Swade, who was the curator of computing
10:29 - 10:31at the Science Museum, and also the person who drove
10:31 - 10:32the project to build a difference engine,
10:32 - 10:35and our plan is to build it.
10:35 - 10:39Here in South Kensington, we will build the analytical engine.
10:39 - 10:41The project has a number of parts to it.
10:41 - 10:43One was the scanning of Babbage's archive.
10:43 - 10:45That's been done. The second is now the study
10:45 - 10:48of all of those plans to determine what to build.
10:48 - 10:53The third part is a computer simulation of that machine,
10:53 - 10:56and the last part is to physically build it at the Science Museum.
10:56 - 10:58When it's built, you'll finally be able to understand how a computer works,
10:58 - 11:00because rather than having a tiny chip in front of you,
11:00 - 11:03you've got to look at this humongous thing and say, "Ah,
11:03 - 11:06I see the memory operating, I see the CPU operating,
11:06 - 11:10I hear it operating. I probably smell it operating." (Laughter)
11:10 - 11:13But in between that we're going to do a simulation.
11:13 - 11:14Babbage himself wrote, he said,
11:14 - 11:16as soon as the analytical engine exists,
11:16 - 11:20it will surely guide the future course of science.
11:20 - 11:22Of course, he never built it, because he was always fiddling
11:22 - 11:24with new plans, but when it did get built, of course,
11:24 - 11:27in the 1940s, everything changed.
11:27 - 11:29Now, I'll just give you a little taste of what it looks like
11:29 - 11:32in motion with a video which shows
11:32 - 11:36just one part of the CPU mechanism working.
11:39 - 11:42So this is just three sets of cogs,
11:42 - 11:45and it's going to add. This is the adding mechanism
11:45 - 11:48in action, so you imagine this gigantic machine.
11:48 - 11:49So, give me five years.
11:49 - 11:51Before the 2030s happen, we'll have it.
11:51 - 11:54Thank you very much. (Applause)
- Title:
- The greatest machine that never was
- Speaker:
- John Graham-Cumming
- Description:
Computer science began in the 30's ... the 1830's. John Graham-Cumming tells the story of Charles Babbage's mechanical, steam-powered "analytical engine" and how Ada Lovelace, mathematician and daughter of Lord Byron, saw beyond its simple computational abilities to imagine the future of computers. (Recorded at TEDxImperialCollege)
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
closed TED
- Project:
- TEDTalks
- Duration:
- 12:14
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Thu-Huong Ha edited English subtitles for The greatest machine that never was | |
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Morton Bast edited English subtitles for The greatest machine that never was | |
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