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Software Heritage - Preserving the Free Software Commons

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    Hi, thank you.
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    I'm Nicolas Dandrimont and I will indeed
    be talking to you about
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    Software Heritage.
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    I'm a software engineer for this project.
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    I've been working on it for 3 years now.
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    And we'll see what this thing is all about.
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    [Mic not working]
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    I guess the batteries are out.
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    So, let's try that again.
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    So, we all know, we've been doing
    free software for a while,
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    that software source code is something
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    Why is that?
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    As Harold Abelson has said in SICP, his
    textbook on programming,
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    programs are meant to be read by people
    and then incidentally for machines to execute.
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    Basically, what software source code
    provides us is a way inside
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    the mind of the designer of the program.
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    For instance, you can have,
    you can get inside very crazy algorithms
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    that can do very fast reverse square roots
    for 3D, that kind of stuff
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    Like in the Quake 2 source code.
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    You can also get inside the algorithms
    that are underpinning the internet,
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    for instance seeing the net queue
    algorithm in the Linux kernel.
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    What we are building as the free software
    community is the free software commons.
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    Basically, the commons is all the cultural
    and social and natural resources
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    that we share and that everyone
    has access to.
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    More specifically, the software commons
    is what we are building
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    with software that is open and that is
    available for all to use, to modify,
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    to execute, to distribute.
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    We know that those commons are a really
    critical part of our commons.
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    Who's taking care of it?
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    The software is fragile.
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    Like all digital information, you can lose
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    People can decide to shut down hosting
    spaces because of business decisions.
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    People can hack into software hosting
    platforms and remove the code maliciously
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    or just inadvertently.
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    And, of course, for the obsolete stuff,
    there's rot.
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    If you don't care about the data, then
    it rots and it decays and you lose it.
Software Heritage - Preserving the Free Software Commons

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