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The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With Math

  • 0:03 - 0:08
    My name is Leslie Lamport and I am a computer scientist,
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    which is something that didn't really exist
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    when I started being a computer scientist
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    and it took me a while to figure out that I was one.
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    My relationship with computers began.
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    As a programmer, it's never quite occurred to me
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    that I was doing anything scientific
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    until after I had published enough papers
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    that it finally occurred to me.
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    My education was as a mathematician.
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    It was just natural for me to think about computers as a mathematician.
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    When you write an algorithm,
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    you need to have a proof that it's correct.
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    An algorithm without a proof is a conjecture,
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    it's not a theorem.
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    And if you're proving things well, that's means "Mathematics".
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    Computer scientists tend to think in terms of programming languages.
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    One of the epiphanies in my career was the realization
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    that I was not writing programs as a computer scientist
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    I was designing algorithms.
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    I came to realize that if I'm not writing a program,
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    I shouldn't use a programming language.
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    People confuse "Programming" with "Coding".
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    Coding is to programming, while typing is to writing.
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    Writing is something that involves mental effort.
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    You're thinking about what you're going to say.
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    The words have some importance
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    but in some sense, even they are secondary to the ideas.
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    In the same way, programs are built on ideas.
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    They have to do something.
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    And what they're supposed to do,
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    I mean it's like what writing is supposed to convey.
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    If people are trying to learn programming
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    by being taught to code
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    well, they're being taught writing by being taught how to type.
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    And that doesn't make much sense.
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    The best way I have for teaching about programming
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    as distinct from coding is to think about
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    what the program is supposed to do mathematically.
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    There's a very big practical problem with this.
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    The mathematical education in this country is pretty terrible.
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    Most people wind up being afraid of mathematics.
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    This is even senior programmers.
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    I've developed a language called TLA+
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    for writing down the ideas that go into the program.
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    Before you do any coding, it's a pretty hard thing for engineers to get into.
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    But when they do, it develops their ability to think mathematically.
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    A distributed system is one
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    in which your computer can be rendered useless
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    by the failure of a computer that you didn't even know existed.
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    Non-distributed computing is when different processes communicate
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    by using the same memory.
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    And distributed computing means that
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    they're communicating with one another by sending messages.
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    Now my interest in distributed systems came about by serendipity.
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    I received a preprint of a paper by Robert Thomas and Paul Johnson,
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    who had an algorithm for implementing distributed databases.
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    These are databases
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    where you could have multiple copies of the data sitting at different computers.
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    So that programs on each computer could have rapid access to the data.
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    But they had to be synchronized
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    so that processes on all the computers got consistent views of what the data was.
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    I happen to have become quite familiar with special relativity.
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    One of the things that special relativity teaches you
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    is that two different observers
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    have different notions of what at the same time means.
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    But there's one notion that is invariant:
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    there's a certain notion of one event happening before another event.
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    And that means
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    that it's possible for information to be transmitted from one event to the others.
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    When the information cannot travel faster than the speed of light,
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    I realized that
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    that notion of causality was violated by the algorithm of Thomas and Johnson.
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    It's completely analogous to the relation in special relativity.
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    So what I did is I wrote a paper that explained this notion of causality.
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    One could solve any distributed system problem
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    by building what I called a state machine.
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    Think of it as an abstract computer that has one thing at a time.
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    You make sure that all the computers in this distributed system
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    cooperate to implement a single state machine.
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    And that idea has become fundamental
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    in the way, people think about building distributed systems.
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    I had never even thought about a distributed system before I wrote that paper.
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    As I progressed in my career,
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    I came to appreciate the idea of working in industry.
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    That's where most of the interesting problems that I found came from
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    You know from engineers having a problem to solve.
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    It reminds me actually of something that ''Auguste Renoir''.
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    Once said if someone asked him why he painted outside rather than in his studio.
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    And what he said is
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    "If I were painting in the studio and I wanted to paint a leaf,
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    I would be able to you think of only a half dozen
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    or so different kinds of leaves that I could paint.
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    But when I was painting outdoors,
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    there were just these millions of different kinds of leaves
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    that were there that I could paint from."
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    I found my research the same way
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    that if I sat down, you know, and just,
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    you know, contemplated my navel
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    and think about problems, you know,
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    there's a small number of problems that I could think of.
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    But there were just scares of them,
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    sitting out in industry, waiting to be, to be solved.
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    My favorite of my algorithms is the bakery algorithm.
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    It's to solve the mutual exclusion problem
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    that is keep two processes from using the printer at the same time.
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    Processes choose a number, based on the numbers
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    that have been chosen by other processes, and use an algorithm,
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    so that the lowest is allowed to use the printer.
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    But what is amazing about it
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    is it does not make an assumption
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    that almost every other algorithm makes
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    the assumption being that
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    if I say I'm changing my number from 47 to 100
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    and you read that number, you'll either get 47 or 100.
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    But that algorithm works even if instead of getting 47 or 100,
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    you maybe got 4 700 or maybe you got 9 999.
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    The algorithm still works.
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    I didn't intend it to, I mean I didn't intend that
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    I just discovered that when I wrote the proof.
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    I never needed to make the assumption.
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    That is just so beautiful!
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    And, you know, I'm really proud that I stumbled on it.
The Man Who Revolutionized Computer Science With Math

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English subtitles
