This episode of It's the End of the World
as we Know it and I Feel Fine
was made possible by contributions
from slaves like you.
Spank you very much.
The liberals were outraged by Trump.
But they expressed their anger
in cyberspace, so it had no effect.
Because the algorithms made sure
they only spoke to people who
already agreed with them.
Instead, ironically, their waves of angry
messages and tweets benefited
the large corporations who ran
the social media platforms.
One online analyst put it simply:
angry people click.
It meant that the radical fury,
that came like waves across the Internet
no longer had the power
to change the world.
Instead, it was becoming a fuel
that was feeding the new systems
of power and making them
ever more powerful.
Gooooooooooood morning slaves
and welcome to another sedition of
it’s the end of the world as we know it
and I feel fine...
the show where we wash down tacos
with liberal tears.
I'm hungry... let's get a taco.
Donald Trump will be the 45th president
of the United States, winning the most
unreal, surreal election we have ever seen.
This candidacy starting on
an escalator run one year ago.
I am your host the Stimulator,
and after being held hostage for
a year and a fucking half to
the tortuous political freakshow
that is the US election...
It was horrible.
on [Wednesday] November 9th
peeps around the world watched
in stunned horror as pundits and
news anchors announced that
a fascist fucking reality TV star
had been selected for the most powerful
mothafuckin position on earth.
This can't be happening man,
this isn't happening!
While world leaders like Vladimir Putin,
Kim Jong-Un, and the Philippines’
psychopathic jefe, Rodrigo Duterte,
are fucking stoked to have an unstable,
feckless megalomaniac with no political
or military experience in the White House…
politicians in Europe, on the other hand,
are freaking the fuck out
We've actually elected an Internet troll as our president.
This sentiment was summed up by France’s Ambassador
to the United Snakes, Gerard Araud,
who with the notable flair for the dramatic
that the French are known for, claimed that
Trump’s election signalled the end
of the neoliberal era, and that, quote,
“the world is collapsing before our eyes.”
US Border Protection. How can I help you?
And while the not-so-controlled demolition
of the global political and economic order
sounds like it’d be fucking great news….
it’s far-right nationalist parties who are the ones
doing the celebrating.
Fuck Trump!
Fuck Donald Trump!
Meanwhile in the United Snakes,
shit started popping off almost immediately.
As votes were still being tallied,
peeps in Portland, Eugene and Oakland took to the streets
to vent their rage.
This was followed the next morning,
by mass high-school walkouts in California, Colorado,
New York and DC,
and despite desperate appeals for peeps to unite around Trump
coming from the man-your-mama-calls-Obama,
by Wednesday evening a wave of spontaneous protests
had broken out in cities all across the mothafucking country.
These rowdy protests continued to swell and deepen
over the next following nights,
with tactics honed through the past two years
of anti-police demos being put into effect.
Highways were blocked, barricades went up,
and rebellious youth threw down with the pigs.
I watched a white riot in Portland Oregon on television the other night.
News said they did a million dollars worth of damage.
Every Black person was watching it like “amateurs!”
And to be sure, Trump and his supporters have given peeps
plenty of reasons to throw down.
In the days following his election,
Black and brown peeps, women,
and anyone perceived as being Muslim have been
hounded and attacked on the streets,
and in classrooms across the United Snakes,
in an open and hideously proud display of racism
even worse than the “Brexit times five” that Trump promised.
And while most peeps are focused on
the odious fucking personality of Trump himself,
the implications of his presidency,
and who he’s likely to elevate into positions of power,
makes shit even fucking worse.
I'm animated. I'm alive.
My heart's big. It's got hot blood going through it fast!
Because let’s be real.
Trump’s a fucking dipshit who doesn’t know what the fuck he’s doing.
They're remaking Indiana Jones without Harrison Ford!
You can't do that!
And now they're making Ghostbusters with only women... what's going on?!
But he’s surrounded by some seriously fucking dangerous pieces of shit.
And with the Republicans consolidating control of
both the House and the Senate, these dangerous turd-tokers
are going to have a shit-ton of leeway when it comes to
implementing their hyper-repressive, corporatist agenda.
From his Vice President, Mike Pence, a hawkish, homophobic, born-again Christian,
Koch brothers frontman, climate change denier, and darling of the Tea Party,
who will be the real power behind the throne….
to Rudolph “9/11” Giuliani,
who sits poised to be the next Attorney General…
a man who as mayor of New York was instrumental in introducing
“Stop and Frisk” and Broken Window policing,
and who has repeatedly gone on the record calling
Black Lives Matter protestors racist.
Why do we have to say that Black Lives Matter?
Now I admit, that is not the best slogan...
but McDonalds already took “you deserve a break today.”
White nationalists, vigilante militias and neo-nazi groups
will now feel even more emboldened to use paramilitary violence
against their racial and political opponents,
immigrants will be rounded up and deported
at even higher rates than before,
and the pigs will be given a free hand to shoot and repress
whoever the fuck they want without having to worry about
having their feelings hurt by being
gently chided by the President.
In other words, shit’s about to go from
really bad to even mothafuckin worse.
The thin veneer of liberal respectability that hid
the brutality of the Obama administration will be ripped off,
once again revealing, in all its hideous clarity,
the unrestrained white supremacist,
heteropatriarchal, colonial violence
that lies at the heart of American society.
So, the question to the mothafuckin resistance is….
what the fuck are we gonna do about it?
In the wake of Trump's election, liberals and so-called “progressives”
have been freaking the fuck out.
What do you mean he won?!
Oh my god... we're gonna die!
Why didn't Hillary try harder dude!?
Why would she fuck up with the emails, man?
She deserves to be the first female president..
and that's what makes me so sad.
There's got to be a pony in this crap pile.
As the cold realization of his imminent victory
started to sink in on election night...
I'm gonna grab a Xanax from the bedroom.
OK, will you grab me six?
Yeah, I'm just gonna bring the whole bottle.
many of these peeps started scrambling for the escape pods.
I've gotta get out of here! I've gotta get out of here!
In their unbridled haste to run away from
the looming fight on their doorstep,
tens of thousands of Americans
flooded the website of Immigration Klanada...
so many that they fucking crashed its servers.
Opposing Donald Trump doesn't really make you a political refugee.
It makes you a Twitter user!
The day after the election,
a crowd at Cornell university gathered
together for a so-called “cry-in”,
while volunteers handed out play-dough, tissues,
colouring books and hot chocolate to a mass of people
who were so stunned by the shattering
of their social-media induced blinders,
that they literally fucking regressed into childhood.
Now... I can completely understand that millions of peeps
are feeling scared, nervous and upset.
Buuuuuuuuuuuut if I can be real with y'all,
this shit is some of the most pathetic
and spectacularly self-indulgent acts
of collective fucking cowardice
I've seen in my fucking life.
Let's sincerely hope that this is a temporary phenomenon
and that these peeps can get their shit together
and start to deal with the challenging
and urgent tasks at hand.
Get it all together and put it in a back pack.
All your shit... so it's together.
Because despite what people might wanna believe,
this isn't a nightmare... it's real fucking life.
This is us... this our country. It's real.
Those Democrats who weren't attempting to
flee the fucking coop,
or reduced to a quivering display of public sobbing
were busy angrily pointing fingers at whoever didn't line up
behind their own corrupt, millionaire
war criminal candidate of choice.
I think you're the cause of all this.
I think you're evil.
From the poor, non-college educated Trump voters
that they look down on as irredeemable
and irrelevant white trash...
I just think you're dumb, okay?
I think you're fucking dumb!
to so-called Bernie bros,
Why couldn't I have attracted young female fans?!
to peeps who voted for third-party candidates,
or those who, given the choice between
two horrible options,
decided not to vote at all.
Anyone they could cast their blame at,
in order to not have to take a
long hard look in the fucking mirror.
Fuck me? Fuck you!
Because at the end of the fucking day,
the liberal defenders of the status quo
bare much of the blame
for the state of affairs that created the movement
that catapulted Trump and his corporatist cabal into power.
From the DNC's Machiavellian media manipulation
in support of Trump during the Republican primaries,
to their inevitable shafting of Bernie Sanders
and the resulting disillusionment of
his base of idealistic young voters
You're being ridiculous!
the extreme arrogance of Hillary Clinton, her supporters,
and the well-oiled machine of the Democratic Party
came back to fucking bite them, and all of us, in the ass.
Got bit in the ass today son.
I told you. I told you.
You ain't tell me shit!
It should come as no surprise that many of
the smug, condescending liberals
who are always telling anarchists and other radicals
that using violence against Nazis
makes us as bad as them,
are now taking Hillary's lead in tearfully accepting that
there's nothing to do now but line up
behind Trump and wait 4 years
until peeps are given another kick at the electoral can,
because that's how democracy works.
Well, fuck you.... and fuck your bullshit democracy!
From the Ferguson uprising,
to the courageous and ongoing
land defenders at Standing Rock,
and every riot, blockade and protest in between,
the mothafuckin resistance has been fighting against the state
and its oppressive security apparatus under Obama,
and this resistance must now continue and intensify under
President Trump.
As white liberals are crying and soul-searching
about how this could possibly happen to them,
racialized peeps are being hunted and harassed in the streets
by emboldened racists drunk on their fascist champion’s victory.
The time is long past due for people
to start getting serious about
how to defend our communities
from the onslaught of repression.
Because it’s coming…whether we’re ready or not.
We're in some real pretty shit now man!
Are you finished?!
So….. On that cheery note,
and in order to make a little more sense
of just what the fuck’s going down,
and what peeps can do about it…
I recently caught up with Conor and Beth,
two members of Redneck Revolt.
Hey y’all, how the fuck are you?
Really, just about as good
as we were last week.
About as good as it can be
in the end times, right?
In the immediate aftermath
of the recent election,
we've heard a lot of talk about how
the United Snakes has become
a deeply divided nation.
Is this something new...
or has this always been the case,
and people just didn't notice?
Well, I think it's obvious that
the country's always been divided
into the rich and everyone else.
Our part in that discussion is
to draw attention to the historical divide
between workers of colour
and the white working class.
A majority of white working folks
have been recuperated into being
foot soldiers for landlords, bosses,
the state, thinking that that would buy
them access into white supremacy
as a system that benefits them,
when in reality a lot of white workers
and their family end up being poor
because they have aided the enemy,
the rich, in keeping power.
The working class has been divided
by turning their justifiable class rage
against migrants and workers of colour,
instead of the rich.
I also think that American capitalism is
so deeply embedded in
the bootstraps mentality
that it's almost like a religion.
Not only has that mindset kept
white working-class folks from
blaming the state for their struggle,
but it has been really effective at
creating an aspirational identification
with the middle class and to some extent
even the upper class,
and it's much easier to divide
an oppressed working class from
solidarity with their neighbours when
you create this culture that looks down
on their struggle and really
makes them believe they can
do better if they just work harder.
There's also been a lot of finger-pointing
going on lately,
with many leftists, liberals and so-called
“progressives” pinning much of the blame
for how the election went down
on the supposedly backward nature
of uneducated white working-class voters.
Why do you think these peeps were
so shocked by the scale of support
for Trump, and what does that say
about the current state of the left?
So, obviously the white working class
isn't backwards.
The major issue is that they've been
completely abandoned to the right
and the right has been able to
recuperate them by offering easy answers
to very complex problems and speaking
directly to the conditions that most
working-class folks are facing every day.
And the left has failed to do that.
It's also been a huge problem where
the people of power in the left -
like the politicians, but also the leaders
of a lot of social movements –
come from the affluent classes
of white folks.
And so they don't have anything in common
with the white working class.
They treat the white working class as
though they are this separate population
that they need to study and understand
and speak to in a different language
rather than actually trying to meet them
on the ground where they're at.
And so why would they be so surprised
that they completely alienated
that demographic?
The problem with liberals across the board
is that they weigh too heavily on
this idea that they were the party or
the group that wasn't doing any evil...
but at some point folks are gonna demand
receipts for all the alleged good
they were doing.
And there just isn't much to show for it.
The Trump campaign served as
a clarion call for a loose coalition of
neo-nazis and other white reactionaries,
many of whom have coalesced under
the umbrella of the so-called alt-right.
What do you make of this movement
and how do you expect things to play out
now that their candidate has been elected?
Well, I fully expect there's gonna be
resistance to Trump, just like there was
to Obama and the Tea Party movement.
I think if the resistance is successful
even in a minor way, which it very well
could be, there's a good chance that
these folks on the alt-right will mobilize
to defend everything that they hoped
could have happened under
a Trump presidency.
Following his win, we've heard talk of
Trump adding far-right economic
conservatives to his Cabinet
and transition team.
So this makes it clear that as time
progresses and Trump's policies have
a chance to play out, that they're gonna
negatively impact working and
poor people's lives.
Obviously we've known this, but this is
gonna cause fissures to open up
among his supporters.
And our network intends to be active
in exploiting these splits and to be ready
to work with newly disillusioned people
who found hope in Trump's campaign
at one time.
How the fuck did a billionaire real estate
tycoon like the Donald manage to pull off
playing the role of
the anti-establishment candidate?
Because the institutional left, and
especially our social justice movements
have really entrenched this idea of,
like, “everything you're doing is wrong,
and how could you not already know that?”,
I think folks are just genuinely relieved
to have somebody that they saw as
a potential leader who didn't approach
things that way, or talk to them that way.
He also came out really strongly against
neoliberal capitalist models like NAFTA.
And folks recognize that they are feeling
the daily effects of those jobs, y'know,
being outsourced.
And so having somebody speak directly to
those realities and talking sort of
like them goes a long way.
The other thing, though, is that
there's just a general mentality around
wanting change.
Y'know the people on the left are just as
easily fooled and recuperated into
a “change” candidate.
We watched them do the same thing
with Obama.
We watched them do the same thing
with Bernie... and so this tendency
to look at everything that folks on the right
do as not recognizable within
our own structures is part of what's
making that conversation so difficult.
Over the past several years
the United Snakes has witnessed
a dramatic rise in reactionary
white paramilitary violence.
Can you speak to the role that this type
of violence plays in terms of
maintaining white supremacy and
reinforcing the domination of the state
and capitalism?
Historically when populations of folks
have lost a lot of access to resources,
y'know, call it privilege, whatever...
there has been this shift to blame.
In this case we're talking about
the loss of jobs, homes,
y'know, opportunities for advancement,
long-term security, food... y'know...
these are all really vital things
that have been slowly slipping away and
people are looking for somebody to blame.
And since very few of the elements on
our side of the barricade are
actively trying to organize folks
to target their actual enemies,
and the right wing is heavily focused
on that, they continue to play
the foot soldiers of white supremacy
and divide the working class.
They keep the struggle and the violence
contained within the working class,
which again re-institutes the power
of the state overall.
It benefits the neoliberals as well.
We also need to take a really hard look
at the way that the institutional left
has, again, driven the conversation about
the resistance of folks of colour and all
the uprisings that we've seen over
the last several years,
into these very useless, academic
hand-wringing conversations about
white guilt and privilege.
White folks recognizing that they have
a stake in the fight against
white supremacy itself is
incredibly important.
As well as addressing the obligation
that we have to use our access to
white spaces and our complicity in
white supremacy to actively work
against it.
But we are much more effective
working against it when
we're not being hampered by
white guilt and liberal ally politics.
What strategies should revolutionaries
in the United Snakes be undertaking
to address this recent surge in
racially-motivated attacks?
White anti-racists and revolutionaries
need to be digging in for a long fight
for the hearts and souls of
our neighbours, family members,
friends and community members.
We need to be taking over and making
space for anti-racist education
from a working-class perspective in
the cultural spaces already dominated
by the white working class.
Anywhere people use as spaces of
convergence: gun shows, concerts,
swap meets, bowling alleys,
BBQs, baseball games...
places where our families and
friends frequent.
We need to be actually organizing in
our communities against white supremacy
and capitalism.
At the same time we gotta be able to
defend our neighbourhoods, communities,
and collaborate with others to build
strong movements of resistance.
We advocate for coalitions of
community defence initiatives that
work to build armed and unarmed defence
of marginalized communities,
including white working-class communities,
from reactionary attacks
at both the street and systemic levels.
As long as our enemies are heavily armed,
we need to be knowledgeable of how to
fight that threat without resorting to
oppressive state power.
We also have to insert ourselves directly
into the areas where militant
reactionaries radicalize and recruit.
We have to meet people where they're at,
y'know? Otherwise we're always going to
have a steady flow of people ready
to plan these attacks.
This is our dual strategy that we offer
at Redneck Revolt.
Organize and prepare to defend.
Can you tell us a bit about your group,
Redneck Revolt and your affiliate project,
the John Brown Gun Club?
So Redneck Revolt is a national umbrella
which attempts to offer resources,
direction and organization to individuals
and branches across the country.
And we're encouraging individuals
interested in forming a branch to
contact us, find out if a branch
has already been formed,
or find out how to form one of their own.
Branches will engage in activities ranging
from outreach with historical, political,
economic and social analysis,
networking with other groups of
marginalized folks, leftists, and
anti-capitalists and anti-racists,
to basic firearm acquaintance and safety,
community defence, legal assistance
and more.
A number of chapters have already formed
and interest is growing by the day.
We've gotten... especially since
the election, we've just gotten dozens
of emails and messages on our
facebook page about, y'know,
“do you have a chapter here”...
“I wanna start a chapter here”.
Several chapters have chosen to
stick with the name Redneck Revolt,
and then, like Phoenix for example
has chosen to call their branch
the John Brown Gun Club,
of course in reference to the legacy of
John Brown, but also referencing a
similar project undertaken years ago
right here in Lawrence that became
the inspiration for Redneck Revolt.
Thanks y'all.
And that about does it for this sedition
of it's the end of the world as we know it
and I feel fine.
In case you didn't know, peeps
are planning a massive mobilization
to unwelcome Donald Trump on January 20th
in Washington DC.
To get the deets, visit:
Next month will mark the 10th anniversary
of this fucking show.
Can you believe that shit?
We have a very special show planned
and due to drop on December 12th.
So mark your fucking calendars!
Call you peeps and get your popcorn ready.
As always, this show is independently
funded and that has allowed us to run our
mouth against Bush, Obama and now
this orange-faced anomaly.
This month, the following wage slaves
dropped some Trump dollars in our tip jar.
So, many mothafuckin thanks to:
Olivia, Clara, Sawyer, Kaley, Jason,
Ranko, Jacob, Masiege, Brian,
Daniel, Matthew, Anthony, Jennifer,
Francois, Shannon, Stephen, Jonathan,
Max, Margaret, Martin, Derek, Megsha,
Sam, Jania, Gregory, Luigi, John,
Matt, Maya, Liam, Jorge, Luise,
Louis, Sebastian, Yifan, Renzo,
Christopher, Lara, Tom, Scott, Jeremy,
Jonathon, Jacob, Gavin, Wolfgang, Ryan,
Benjamin, Kate, Justina, Veronica,
Jonie, Kirk, Zav, Marisol, Joseph,
Sawyer, Phillip, Stephen, Coby, Sebastian,
Juliano, Brett, Volkov, Carlos, Phillip,
Corey, Gabrial, Michael, Bear, Flynn,
Glencora, Pear, Laura, Andrew, Alex,
Karen, Jaime, Andrew, Jann, Jane,
Kyle, Erodor, Steve, Blake, Jim,
Carley, Peter, Jay, Jaws, Raul,
Namivida, Roger, Thomas, Bretton,
Deda, Hanson, Nicholas, Alberto,
Robin and Anton.
Mujara Fritas!
This month I'd like to welcome the newest
members of the taconspiracy: Enabler, Kyle
Anonymous, Kate, Ryan and Sawyer.
With that said... we've been here before,
so don't panic.
Get organized and disrupt G20!