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10 Top Plants for a Food Garden in Subtropical Climates- Florida Gardening

  • 0:00 - 0:03
    Rob: Florida is a state where most people
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    go to the supermarket to buy their food,
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    but they don't realize that they can
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    grow most of their food right at home.
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    Today, I'm really excited to have
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    Pete Kanaris on the channel.
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    He's going to introduce you to
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    10 different plants that you can grow
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    that are super-abundant and resilient
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    for the Florida climate to help you grow
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    a large amount of your food at home
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    and be able to skip those trips to
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    the grocery store.
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    This doesn't just apply to Florida,
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    though. Semitropical climates exist
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    around the world -- the Caribbean,
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    Central and South America,
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    southeast Asia, parts of Africa, and
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    parts of Australia, just to name some
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    places, are all places where this can
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    be a super-helpful video to you.
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    Pete: Alright, what's up, guys?
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    What's growing on?
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    Pete Kanaris here with Green Dreams
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    and I'm coming at you from Tampa,
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    Florida. I'm about 20 miles north of
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    Tampa and we're growing in a
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    subtropical environment here, in 9B,
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    and I'm taking over Rob Greenfield's
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    channel today. I'm putting a video
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    together for you all on our top 10
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    food crops to grow in a subtropical
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    environment for self-sufficiency.
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    These are the top 10 go-to food crops
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    that are super-easy to grow.
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    Something I'll tell you guys is we
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    focus on plants that thrive on neglect,
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    that grow with ease. Most of these
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    crops are perennial crops. By perennial,
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    I mean something that doesn't need
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    to be replanted every year, like you
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    would an annual. This is plant it one
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    time and typically forget it.
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    Perennial crops are crops that live
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    two or more years.
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    The first one I want to talk to you
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    guys about is actually right here,
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    behind me, just over my left shoulder.
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    This is chaya, or tree spinach.
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    You can see the big, giant leaves off
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    of this tree. This is a really easy one
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    to get established in your garden.
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    This is one that I tell people about
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    all the time and the first thing that
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    scares them about this one is that
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    it has to be cooked. Chaya does
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    need to be cooked for about 10 minutes.
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    There's an offgas of cyanide that comes
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    off of there. You definitely don't want
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    to use an aluminum pot, but this is
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    a big-time staple crop in Central America.
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    This is a really easy one to propagate
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    and start, so if you wanted to share
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    this with your friends, you would simply
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    take a cutting like this, stick it in the
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    ground, take off the leaves, and it will
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    start growing. It's really that easy.
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    The leaves from this are actually
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    quite delicious. I find this tree
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    to be really, the flavor of the leaves
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    to be hearty. They're really filling.
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    They go really well in a soup, really
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    well in a dish. Also known as tree
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    spinach. This is four times as
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    nutritious as typical spinach and it
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    wants to grow here. It wants to grow
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    here, through our hot summer,
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    our humidity, and our full sun.
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    The #2 plant I want to talk about that
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    is a must-have for your garden is
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    sitting here behind me. This is moringa
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    oleifera. This one likes full sun. If
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    you noticed, I had that chaya in a
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    dappled light, understory situation.
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    This one wants to be out in full sun.
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    I look at this tree as like having a
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    health food store in your back yard.
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    This one is like 22% protein, by
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    weight; 68 different antioxidants;
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    four times the calcium of milk.
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    I could go off about all the
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    different minerals and nutrients
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    that are inside of this plant.
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    This one is literally one of the
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    fastest growing trees we also have on
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    the farm. Commercially, they grow these
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    trees about a foot apart and they
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    prune off the new growth every week.
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    Most commonly, you would dry those
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    leaves and powder them, but you
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    could put this fresh into a salad. You
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    could put this fresh into a smoothie.
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    You could eat this fresh, like this.
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    The tree is also known as the
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    horseradish tree. That's because the
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    leaves can be a little bit on the spicy
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    side. I prefer this as a supplement.
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    I prefer this in a smoothie. I find
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    it to be a little bit on the strong
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    side, but it grows so well and is so
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    nutritious. The powder from
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    this tree goes for $30-40 -- I remember
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    when it was $60 a pound.
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    So, super-nutritious.
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    My #3 must-grow crop for Florida would
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    be what Rob would like to call yucca
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    or cassava or manihot. We got a
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    lot of comments on that one from
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    the videos we did together.
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    This is a must-grow crop, a super easy
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    to grow crop down here in Florida.
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    This is what they would make tapioca
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    pudding from. Cassava is a root crop
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    and it's really easy to get started in
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    the garden. It's one that you
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    literally, just like I showed you on
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    the chaya, you take a cutting of,
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    so probably something a little older
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    than this. You want three nodes above
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    and three nodes below the soil.
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    You just stick this guy in the ground
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    and it'll grow. Usually, cassava is
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    about an 8-9 month crop. You'll get
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    a root crop off of that. I just did a
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    specific video on cassava, on cooking
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    it, on harvesting it, on growing select
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    varieties, with my good friend, Josh,
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    from Hart. If you want more detail
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    on that, head over to my channel and
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    you'll see more specific stuff with
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    Josh -- how they cook it, how they
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    prepare it. I had cassava bread while
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    I was there. There are many different
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    ways to eat this.
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    Cassava? Must grow it.
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    The fourth crop I want to talk to you
    about today are sweet potatoes.
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    Many people, when you think sweet
    potato, you think of that typical orange
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    sweet potato, but there are hundreds
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    of heirloom varieties of sweet potato.
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    There are white sweet potatoes, purple
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    sweet potatoes, typical orange sweet
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    potatoes, but what a lot of people
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    don't know is you can eat the leaves
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    and the roots of a sweet potato.
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    Sweet potatoes just happen to be
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    one of the most nutritious crops in
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    the world for that reason.
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    What I really like to do is pull all
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    of these young leaves off of here.
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    This isn't a very good example of a
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    sweet potato patch. I just have a
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    couple of slips that we planted here
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    maybe a month ago, that are starting
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    to take over, but I can tell you, if I
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    came back in this area in just a few
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    weeks, this would be a solid sea of
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    green. The leaves are just starting
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    to fill in. You would start sweet potatoes
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    by buying just organic sweet potatoes
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    at the grocery store, sticking them in
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    some soil, letting the sprouts come
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    off and you break those off and that's
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    what would be called a slip. If you
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    don't start it from a potato, you
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    actually order slips in spring from a
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    sweet potato company. Like I said,
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    there are many different varieties
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    and types. Not only do you get this
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    awesome potato at the end of the
    season, which is really fun to dig up,
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    to pull them out of the ground. You
    don't have to eat them right away.
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    They can last 6-9 months inside of
    your house, but during that entire time,
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    you can eat the leaves off the sweet
    potatoes. So, sweet potatoes are
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    super-exciting for me because I love
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    the flavor of the greens. They're great
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    sauteed with just a little salt and
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    pepper on them, make a great side dish,
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    and then you get potatoes at the end
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    of the season. Digging up sweet
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    potatoes is one of my
    favorite events on the farm.
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    My #5 favorite perennial vegetable
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    to grow down here in the food
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    forest is sisso spinach or Miami spinach.
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    This one makes a really nice ground
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    cover. It can take full sun or dappled
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    light. You can see I accidentally
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    ripped a little bit of that root out.
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    I can stick it back in the ground.
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    It will easily grow. This is one
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    that doesn't need to be cooked.
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    It can be eaten raw. It really has a
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    nice texture to it, not too slimy, goes
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    really great in a salad, goes really
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    great just eating it fresh or in
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    any type of dish. This is a great
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    perennial vegetable that I planted
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    one time and it's been here for
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    multiple years, that's here all
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    summer long if I want to come outside
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    and have something to add as a
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    green in a salad or to a plate, so
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    sisso spinach is definitely worth
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    growing if you're in a subtropical
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    environment. We've got one or two
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    varieties of this one. It is just
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    great. Like I said, it has a nice crunch
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    to the leaf, it's not too slimy. It makes
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    a great perennial vegetable to add
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    to your landscape, so #5.
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    My #6 must-have for a sustainable
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    garden in Florida is definitely going to
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    be katuk. Katuk is an awesome
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    perennial vegetable, super-high in
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    protein, very similar to moringa,
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    where it's like 20% protein and it
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    tastes delicious. It literally tastes
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    like raw peas. It's one that really
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    has a nice flavor raw. Kids like
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    it. Everyone I've given it to is like,
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    wow, that tasted pretty good.
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    I have a variegated variety and
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    a green variety. They both thrive on
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    neglect. These plants never get
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    watered. These plants never get
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    fertilized. There is no irrigation here.
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    They live and thrive on neglect
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    all year long. With a lot of these
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    perennial vegetables -- sisso spinach,
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    moringa, katuk -- that young growth,
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    that new growth that's coming off
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    the top is going to be the most
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    tender, the softest. So, as I work my
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    way down the plant, these bottom
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    leaves are going to be a little
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    tougher. They're still great to eat.
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    They can still go in a dish. Probably
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    better in a cooked dish to break
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    them down a little bit, but for
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    eating fresh, I find the raw tips are
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    always best. So, katuk? Grow it.
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    My #6 food crop to grow here in
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    Florida, which probably would not
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    typically be looked at as a vegetable,
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    is papaya. Papaya was something that
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    I really enjoyed, spending time with
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    Rob. It's something he commonly made
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    in his dishes. I think my favorite was
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    his Thai coconut curry with the papaya
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    in it. I love green papaya. I think
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    it's great as a vegetable. I love
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    papaya salad at a Thai restaurant
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    and I love the flavor of a good, ripe
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    papaya as a fruit. Papayas don't have
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    to be eaten ripe; they can be eaten
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    green, like a vegetable. We're starting
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    to get some little papayas here and
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    you can get these while they get
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    larger and they're green, or you can
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    wait until they get ripe and eat it
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    as a fruit. This one doesn't
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    have a lot of fruit on it right now.
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    The other ones I have are tall and I
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    need to cut them back. You can cut
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    your papayas back every couple of
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    years. One of my mentors, a guy I
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    feature a lot on my channel, is
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    Jim Kovaleski. He's got a papaya tree
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    in his front yard that's 5-6 years old,
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    so these trees can last a while.
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    They can be perennial. They can
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    die back if you're further north,
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    but you can start them in your
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    greenhouse and get them outside
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    right after that last frost and
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    potentially get a green fruit in six
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    months, so papayas are worth
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    growing. Find a good one, grow the
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    seed. Easy to get started.
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    Highly suggest growing it.
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    #7, I've been really busy the last
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    couple of weeks with the nursery
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    business and all of my plants out
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    in the ground for these last three have
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    been cut down for cuttings and
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    propagation, so I'm over here, in
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    the nursery, where I have some
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    better examples. What I want to
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    talk to you about now is edible leaf
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    hibiscus. That's this big-leafed plant
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    behind me. This can be used as a
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    wrap. It can be eaten raw, chopped
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    up in a salad, be used as a green.
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    This is one that might be a little
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    bit more on the mucilaginous side,
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    maybe slightly slimy, some would say.
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    That's really good for lining our
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    insides. This variety is actually less
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    slimy than the variety I have over here,
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    on this side. This one definitely has
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    a little bit more mucilaginous to it.
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    I have a couple of different varieties.
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    I have this skinny-leafed variety. I
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    have this fat-leafed variety. There are
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    a couple of different names for
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    this one. I like to just call it
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    lettuce leaf hibiscus. I really like
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    this one as a wrap. If you wanted
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    a green wrap, something that's
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    gluten-free, you can grow this
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    for your wrap.
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    The #9 must-have for the sustainable
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    garden in Florida, this is one that the
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    kids really like: cranberry hibiscus.
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    The leaves are beautiful, nice deep red.
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    Some people call that like a mahogany.
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    These are sweet. They're sour. They're
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    delicious just raw. They go nice in a
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    salad, if you chop them up. My favorite
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    thing to do is, if I'm making a sandwich
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    or packing something for the day, I'm
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    going to be on the road, I come out and
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    get a handful of fresh leaves and,
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    just like I talked about with the
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    katuk, the younger leaves, the fresh
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    growth, like this is a really fresh
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    red one. You can see this is an
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    older leaf. You can see a color
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    difference. You see how that one
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    is pale and that one is dark red?
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    The younger growth is always going to
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    be the most tender and the sweetest.
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    Nothing wrong with the old growth; it's
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    just not going to be the best,
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    flavor-wise. So, cranberry hibiscus is
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    not only a stunner in the landscape,
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    a pretty-looking plant, but it has a
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    really nice edible factor and I
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    guarantee if you give it to one of the
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    kids, they're going to enjoy it too.
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    This one has been a perennial
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    here. It will set flowers. All hibiscuses
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    have edible flowers. You can eat the
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    flower on this, but after it's done
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    setting a flower, it's going to set
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    seed that you could save to replant
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    if you're in a more northern type
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    climate. So, cranberry hibiscus is
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    another must-have.
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    If you're into gardening down here,
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    in Florida, and you don't have it,
  • 11:58 - 12:00
    this is one to add to your system.
  • 12:00 - 12:02
    Last, but not least, must-have perennial
  • 12:02 - 12:03
    for a sustainable garden
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    in Florida or in any subtropical
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    climate is Okinawan spinach.
  • 12:06 - 12:08
    This is one that we've been propagating
  • 12:08 - 12:10
    really hard the last few weeks. This is
  • 12:10 - 12:12
    also one that the squirrels like,
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    that I have a hard time keeping
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    going in the beds, but I really like
  • 12:15 - 12:17
    the flavor of it. It's really nice to
  • 12:17 - 12:19
    eat raw. It's nice to eat cooked. It's
  • 12:19 - 12:21
    nice to put in a dish. It's very
  • 12:21 - 12:23
    similar to the longevity spinach,
  • 12:23 - 12:25
    which is right here, behind me,
  • 12:25 - 12:27
    but I think the longevity spinach
  • 12:27 - 12:28
    is a little stronger, a little
  • 12:28 - 12:30
    more like a medicine. The squirrels
  • 12:30 - 12:31
    don't like it as much, so it
  • 12:31 - 12:33
    grows here a lot better.
  • 12:33 - 12:34
    I've noticed that we plant these two
  • 12:34 - 12:36
    for clients all the time, longevity
  • 12:36 - 12:38
    spinach and Okinawan spinach. The
  • 12:38 - 12:40
    Okinawan is a little prettier. It's got
  • 12:40 - 12:42
    some purplish-red to the underside
  • 12:42 - 12:44
    of the leaves. It's hit or miss.
  • 12:44 - 12:45
    Sometimes the Okinawan does better
  • 12:45 - 12:47
    on your site, sometimes the longevity
  • 12:47 - 12:49
    does better on your site. I would say both
  • 12:49 - 12:52
    of these are a tie for #10, but this
  • 12:52 - 12:53
    one tastes a little better.
  • 12:53 - 12:55
    I hope you guys enjoyed this
  • 12:55 - 12:57
    video. Thank you, Rob, for the
  • 12:57 - 12:58
    opportunity. It's been a blast.
  • 12:58 - 13:00
    I can't wait to work with you
  • 13:00 - 13:01
    again. I can't wait for your next
  • 13:01 - 13:03
    challenge. I can't wait for you to get
  • 13:03 - 13:05
    back to Florida so we can do some
  • 13:05 - 13:06
    fun stuff. Thank you guys so much
  • 13:06 - 13:08
    for following. What we like to do
  • 13:08 - 13:10
    around here is pound dirt!
  • 13:10 - 13:11
    Rob: I hope you got a lot of
  • 13:11 - 13:13
    inspiration and education out of
  • 13:13 - 13:15
    this time with Pete. He is a wealth
  • 13:15 - 13:17
    of knowledge. He is an expert in
  • 13:17 - 13:19
    growing food and he helps a lot
  • 13:19 - 13:21
    of people to do this, both in person
  • 13:21 - 13:23
    and through his YouTube channel.
  • 13:23 - 13:25
    Make sure to subscribe to his
  • 13:25 - 13:27
    channel. The links to follow him are
  • 13:27 - 13:29
    in the description. If you got a lot
  • 13:29 - 13:31
    out of this video, make sure to
  • 13:31 - 13:33
    subscribe to this channel as well,
  • 13:33 - 13:34
    where I'll have many more
  • 13:34 - 13:36
    guests to come, as well as videos
  • 13:36 - 13:40
    led by me. Also, share this, comment,
  • 13:40 - 13:43
    and like it to spread it out into
  • 13:43 - 13:45
    the world and get this information out
  • 13:45 - 13:47
    there to people who need it, but
  • 13:47 - 13:48
    don't know it's there.
  • 13:48 - 13:50
    I love you all very much and I'll see
  • 13:50 - 13:51
    you again real soon.
10 Top Plants for a Food Garden in Subtropical Climates- Florida Gardening

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Video Language:

English subtitles
