(MAC News opening theme)
Hello. Welcome to our MAC News channel.
I'm representing MAC News channel,
and today I'm going to talk about our recent activities.
Chemistry isn't often associated with competition.
However, Mehmet Akif College proves it CAN be.
In an attempt to fuse playing
competitively and learning,
this school held a competition to see
who can memorize the periodic table.
Hello, I'm Krenare Qatani.
I'm a student at Mehmet Akif College Prizren.
Today our chemistry teachers have prepared
an activity for our high school students.
To explain better what this competition is about,
we're gonna have a conversation with
chemistry teacher, Mr. Harun.
Hello, teacher--
(Harun Özokutan) Hello.
Could you tell us something [about] this activity?
This is about drawing [the] periodic table.
We have eliminated four classes, and now we will make final.
And 9A, 9B and 12B, 12C;
now they will compete [against] each-other --
and they will draw the periodic table.
They have memorized -- all class.
They shared the elements and they will
draw now, for four minutes.
(Krenare) What are your expectations from this activity?
For this competition, our purpose is --
for the students -- they will memorize the elements
and they will see the periods and group numbers,
and they will memorize.
And they will see how to work together.
(Krenare) Thank you very much, teacher.
(Harun) Alright, thank you.
Now we're gonna have a conversation with
a student from this competition.
Hello, Arionita.
Do you like this activity?
Yes, I like it because it makes chemistry easier
and it is very fun.
And it helps us to work in groups, of course.
(Krenare) Thank you very much.
(Arionita) Thank you.
Like every year, Mehmet Akif Colleges organize
olympiads at the national level for Chemistry and English.
This year for the ninth time, students
from other schools compete for prizes
and a scholarship from our school.
After this year's olympiad, participants were shown
several experiments performed
by students of our school.
Hello, here we have the chemistry
teacher, Anduena Ramadani,
who's going to explain to us how the
management of the chemistry competition
in our school went today. Hello, teacher.
Hello, Krenare.
(Krenare) Teacher, how did the
chemistry competition go today?
Very well. Today the chemistry
competition was held at our school,
the Mehmet Akif College.
So far, everything went very well.
Participating were students from
different schools such as
schools from Prizren, Rahovec, Suhareka
(Theranda) and Dragash.
About 200 students took part in the competition.
(Krenare) Could you tell us a
bit more about the details of
the olympiad procedure?
Of course. The olympiad procedure starts like:
first the students from the
other schools come here,
they arrive at the secretary
for admission via the lists --
which class they'll be in and
where the test will be held.
The test lasts about 80 minutes,
it contains 50 questions.
After the test ends, all the students
are free to participate in
the activities held by our school's students.
They're the practical or experimental
part of chemistry, which are
quite interesting and attractive for the students,
which you're going to see later
from the videos published from
the students or the staff of our school.
(Krenare) Thank you very much, teacher.
Don't mention it, Krenare.
Albania was declared on 28 November 1912.
For 105 years, we have celebrated the
independence of our nation,
despite the borders dividing our countries.
We have celebrated along with an hour long
of traditional feast, and an amazing
performance from our students.
Let's see how this carried on.
(loud traditional Albanian drum music)
"He bought the land for 150,000€
for your soul's sake."
How do you buy land for 150,000€?!
Do you know what kind of land it is, Agim?
Oh brother, now that land is worth 500,000€!
"My last will is to not let your
brother ruin himself
since you know how much trouble he got
into by fighting in uprisings for Kosovo
and for a better day."
Heey, our house is screwed up, why this letter?
♪ ("Vallja e Shotës") ♪
Good afternoon.
Good afternoon, how are you?
How did it go? Did you like the
atmosphere here?
Yes, the atmosphere was very good.
No doubt, the program was incredibly good.
We liked it a lot.
The last part's always going to stay the best.
(Edmonda) Yes, it was one of the best.
Thanks a lot for being here.
You're welcome anytime.
Thank you too.
♪ ("Kuq e Zi" - Elvana Gjata & Flori) ♪
That's all that we have prepared today.
Thank you for watching us.
Hope you enjoyed watching MAC News.
See you next time.