In this video, we're going to be
looking at how we might
differentiate. Functions of Y
with respect to X.
Let's begin by looking at an
equation like this.
X squared
Plus Y
squared. Minus
4X. +5 Y
minus 8 equals
0. Now here the X
is and wiser all tangled
together and the wise Y squared
and Y. It will be quite
difficult to rearrange this, so
it said Y equals a function of
X. We could perhaps given values
of X workout what values of why
were and thereby draw graph.
But nevertheless, these things
are intimately connected, and
differentiating something like
this is going to be much harder,
so it would seem than if it just
said why equals some function of
X. But that's what we're going
to have a look at in this video.
How can we differentiate a
function and equation that looks
like this where the X and wiser
all tangled up together?
We're going to use something
known as the chain rule or
function of a function. It's got
those two names. Chain rule an
function of a function.
I'm going to try and stick with
using the name chain rule, but
you may know it as function of a
function. There is a video which
covers this particular rule
explicitly. So I'm just going to
revise it. So let's take
an example such as Y
equals. 5 + 2
X to the 10th power. And
let's say I want to
differentiate this. Then the
chain rule says that if I
port. You
equals 5
+ 2
X. Then
Why will be equal to you to
the power 10?
And we can form
the why by DX
by doing DY by
du times DU by
DX and it's this.
That is the chain rule.
Or some of you may know it
function of a function.
So this is what we've got to do.
We've got to work out the why by
DU and workout. Do you buy the
X? So I'm going to turn the
page. I'm going to virtually
write this out again in order to
make sure that I've got the
space in which to do it.
So we begin with Y equals
5. Plus 2X to the
power 10. We put
you equals 5 +
2 X and then
Y is equal to
U to the power
10. DY by the X
is given by the Y by
EU times. Do you buy the
X and we can workout each
of these two divided by DU&U
by DX. So let's have a
look at that why by EU
is the derivative of U to
the power 10 with respect to
you. Which is 10 U to the power
9. Remember we multiply by the
index and take one of the index
to give us nine and so that's
10. 5 + 2 X
to the Power 9 replacing EU
by 5 + 2 X.
And we can calculate you
by The X.
That's the derivative of 5
+ 2 X.
With respect to X, and that's
just two because the derivative
of five 5 is a constant stats
zero, the derivative of two X is
just two. So now we know what
divided by du is. It's this and
we know what do you buy the
access. It's this so we can
write those in.
10 Times 5
+ 2 X to the
9th. Times by two and
of course, the two times by 10
gives us 20.
So we've used our
chain rule in order
to be able to
differentiate this function.
So let me just
write our chain rule
down here DY by
X is equal to
Y by DU times
du by X.
Now. Let's suppose that we
had zed. And said was a
function of Why?
Then D zed by the
X would be equal to
D zed. Bye.
DY times DY
by X. Using
our chain rule again.
Let's take an example.
Let's say that zed is
equal to Y squared.
Then these Ed by the
X would be equal to.
The derivative of Y squared
with respect to Y.
Times DY by the X
and the derivative of Y
squared with respect to Y
is equal to two Y
times DY by X.
Notice what we seem to have done
is just differentiated. Why
square root respect to Y and
multiplied by DY by the X? And
I'll draw attention to that
again later on. For now, let's
have a look at some examples.
Begin with this one Y squared.
Plus X cubed.
Minus Y cubed plus 6.
Equals 3 Y. We want to
differentiate this with respect
to X, so we're looking for the
derivative of Y squared with
respect to X.
Derivative of X cubed
with respect to X.
Derivative of Y cubed with
respect to X.
Derivative of the six with
respect to X and the derivative
of three Y with respect to X.
Not remember how we said we
would do this? We said we will
take the derivative of Y squared
with respect to Y.
And multiply by DY by the X that
was our chain rule.
Plus this is straightforward,
don't need to worry about this.
This is the derivative of X
cubed with respect to X. We know
that is 3 X squared multiplied
by the index and take one away
minus. And here again, we've got
to apply our chain rule. So
we've got the derivative of Y
cubed with respect to Y.
Times by DY. By
The X. Plus
Now the derivative of six well
six is just a constant, so we
know its derivative is 0.
Equals and again we want the
derivative of three Y, so our
chain rule tells us this is the
derivative of three Y with
respect to Y times DY by DX.
Now we can go back and work out
each of these derivatives with
respect to Y, so that will give
us 2Y. DYIDX
plus three
X squared.
Minus the derivative of Y Cube
with respect to Y is 3 Y
squared divided by DX. We can
ignore the zero.
And the derivative of three Y
with respect to Y is 3 times
divided by DX.
Now. If we get together all the
terms that have a DY by the X in
them. Then, having done that, we
can sort out what divided by DX
actually is, so I'm going to
gather together all the terms in
do I buy DX over on this side of
the equation so I can keep .3 X
squared there on its own. So I
have three X squared equals.
Now here on this side I've
got 3D Y by X.
I'm going to take this away from
each side, so that's minus two
Y. DY by X and I'm going
to add this term to both sides
plus three Y squared DY by The
X. what I can see here is that
I've got a common factor of the
why by DX that I can take out,
so that's what we're going to do
next, so will have.
Three X squared equals.
Bracket. And taking out
that common factor of the why
by DX. So let's just go back
and have a lot. What do I
buy? DX was multiplying. It
was multiplying A3.
It was multiplying a minus two Y
and it was multiplying A plus
three Y squared, so it was
multiplying a 3 - 2 Y and
a plus. 3 Y squared. So now
we can get divided by DX on
its own if we divide throughout
by this expression sode, why by
DX is equal to three X squared
and dividing throughout dividing
both sides by 3 - 2 Y
plus three Y squared.
And then we've got our
expression for DY by DX.
That was a reasonably
straightforward example. The
work that many complications and
it followed very directly from
our first look at this. So now
let's look at a slightly more
complicated example, one where
in fact we've got other
functions. Of X&Y. So in this
case will start up with a sign
Y where we've got the Axis and
the wise actually combined
together, so we've got X
squared times by Y cubed.
Minus calls X and let's say
equals 2 Yi. Want to be
able to differentiate this with
respect to X, so that's the
derivative of sine Y with
respect to X plus the derivative
of X squared Y cubed.
With respect to X minus the
derivative of Cos X with respect
to X equals the derivative of
two Y with respect to X.
Now let's remember what our
function of a function rule
tells us that this is done
as the derivative of sine Y
with respect to Y times by
DY by DX.
This one. Bit of a problem
'cause This is X squared times
by Y cubed. So it's a product.
It's a U times by AV, so let me
just write a little U over the
top and a little V there.
You is X squared and
V is Y cubed.
So this is plus.
Let's remember how we
differentiate a product. We take
you. And we multiply it by
the derivative of V. That's the
derivative of Y cubed with
respect to X.
Plus the an we multiply that
by the derivative of U, which
in this case is the derivative
of X squared.
Minus now we can do this one.
The derivative of Cos X with
respect to X. The derivative of
causes minus sign, so a minus
and minus makes a plus sign. X
equals the derivative of and
again my chain rule tells me
that this is the derivative of
two Y with respect to Y times
by. Divide by The X.
So this has been much more
complicated, but notice how it
follows the standard rules that
we've already got for
differentiation. So now the
derivative of sine wired with
respect to Y is just cause why.
DY by X.
Plus X
Times by now this will be the
derivative of Y cubed with
respect to Y.
Times by DY. By The
Plus this one Y cubed times by
now the derivative of X squared
with respect to X is just 2X.
Plus sign X.
We've already done that one
equals and hear the derivative
of two Y with respect to Y.
These two times DY by The X.
Almost done now we still
got a little bit of
differentiation in here to do
so. Let's do that cause
YDY by DX plus I
think I can fairly safely
remove these brackets now. X
squared times 3 Y squared
DY by X +2 XY
cubed plus sign.
X equals 2 DY
by The X.
Where at the same stage as we
were last time we've got the
differentiation Dom and it's
this thing. The why by DX that
we want. So what we gotta do is
get all those terms that
involved why by DX on one side
of the equation and the other
terms on the other side. Now
these are the two terms that
don't have a divided by DX in
them, so I'm going to keep them
at this side. So it's two XY
cubed plus sign X.
Two, XY
cubed plus
sign X
equals. Let's just go back and
see what we've got. We've got a
2 divided by DX here.
DY by The X.
And we're going to bring these
two terms over to this side by
taking them away from both
sides. So we're going to take
away 'cause why do I buy the X?
On both sides, minus cause YDY
by the X, and then we're going
to take away the other term.
This is the X squared times by
three Y squared divided by DX,
right that a little bit
differently. When I do it, so we
have minus three X squared Y
squared divided by X.
Again, we see we've got a set of
terms here, each with divided by
DX as a common factor.
Two, XY cubed plus sign
X is equal to.
Let's take out this common
factor of DY by The X.
Well, it's multiplying two, so
we've got a two there. It's
multiplying minus cause Y, so
we've gotta minus cause why
there? And it's multiplying
minus three X squared Y squared
minus three X squared Y squared.
And now finally we can get
divided by DX on its own,
because we can divide throughout
divide both sides of the
equation by what's in this
bracket. So we have two XY cubed
plus sign. X all over 2
minus cause Y minus three
X squared Y squared.
And there's our divide by
the eggs.
Now let's just look back at this
one. Look at all this
complicated differentiation that
we had here.
Now I went through it slowly and
carefully, but when we're doing
calculations on our own, we
might make slips. It would be
helpful if we could automate
some of this process so it
instead of writing down the
derivative of sine wave with
respect to X is and going
through the chain rule.
We went automatically to all we
need to do is differentiate sign
wired with respect to Y. That's
cause Y an multiplied by divided
by DX. So we automate we would
miss out at least these two
lines and go direct from there
to there. Similarly, the
derivative of two Y with respect
to X would be the derivative of
two Y with respect to Y two
times divided by DX. And so we
go direct from there.
To there, so let's have a look
at that in another example.
So we'll take
Y squared plus
X cubed minus
XY plus cause
Y. Equals note this time
we're going to go.
Direct to the differentiation,
we're not going to go by the
chain rule. We're going to use
it, of course, but we aren't
going to write it down, so we
want to differentiate this with
respect to X. So the first term
is Y squared, so we know that to
differentiate Y squared with
respect to X, we differentiate
this with respect to why that's
too why. And we multiply by
DY by DX.
Now we want the derivative of X
cubed with respect to X, so
that's 3X. Squared
Now I am going to write this
down in full because it's the
derivative of XY with respect to
X. It's a product again, it's X
times by Y.
Plus, the derivative of Cos Y
with respect to X, which we do
as a derivative of cause Y with
respect to Y that's minus Sign
Y. Times DY by DX,
the derivative of 0 is
just zero. So let's get
these two terms together because
they both got the why by DX. So
I have two Y minus Sign Y.
Times Ty by DX
plus three X squared.
Minus. Now this is
a product. It is a U times
by AV. So we
want you. Times the derivative
of Y with respect to X, which
is just the wise by The X.
Plus V, which is Y Times
the derivative of X, which is
just one. Equals
So we see here that we've got
another term now involving the
why by DX it's minus X, so we
can put that in the bracket so
we can have two Y minus sign Y
minus X. DY by the
X plus three X squared
and then minus this term
here minus Y equals 0.
If we take this over to the
other side, In other words, we
take this away from both sides
and add that to both sides. You
have two Y minus sign Y minus X
times DY by X is equal to.
Adding this one to both sides.
Why taking this one away from
both sides, we get that.
Now it's clear how we would
finish this off. We will take
this factor here and divide both
sides by it.
So we get DY by
the X was equal 2.
Just go back. We've got Y
minus three X squared to go
in the numerator on the top.
And this factor to go on the
bottom in the denominator two Y
minus Sign Y.
X. And then
we have. Our derivative,
Let's just take one
more example.
X. Sign
Y. Plus Y squared
over X. Equals
Again, all the axes and Wise
bundled up together if possible.
We want to be able to do this
directly. We want to be able to
differentiate it straight away
without going through the chain
rule. So the derivative of Y
cubed with respect to Y times by
DY by DX. So that's three Y
squared times DY by X minus.
We want the derivative of this.
This is a product so let's see
if we can do it all in one
go. Again you want X Times the
derivative of sine Y with
respect to X. That's X times
cause YDY by X.
And now we want sign Y times the
derivative of X so that sign Y
and the derivative of X is just
one. This one is a bit trickier.
This is a quotient Y squared
over X, so we want plus. Now
let's remember what we do with
the quotient. It's V which is on
the bottom that's X Times the
derivative of what's on the top.
The derivative of Y squared with
respect to X, which is the
derivative of Y squared with
respect to Y2Y times DY by the
X minus Y squared times the
derivative of V, which in this
case is just X.
All over V squared, which is
X squared equals 0.
Now this needs a little bit of
tidying up. We've got a
denominator here that we can
probably multiply out by, so
let's do that.
And do some tidying on the way,
so this will be three X squared
Y squared DY by The X.
Minus X cubed cause
YDY by the X
minus X squared Sign
Y. +2 XYDY by
X minus Y squared equals 0,
so I've multiplied throughout by
this X squared so the X
squared is appeared there,
multiplying that it's appeared
there inside that X cubed,
multiplying that it's appeared
there, multiplying the sign Y,
and it's gone. From here, 'cause
we've multiplied by so.
Multiplying and dividing by, in
effect, leaving this on changed.
Now let's get together all the
terms in DY by DX, so we
have the why by DX times this
term, three X squared Y squared.
This term minus X cubed
cause why? This
term +2 XY.
And here I've got minus X
squared sign Y or I think I want
to add that to the other side.
So that's plus X squared sign Y,
and here I've got minus Y
squared. Again, I think I want
to add that to both sides, so I
get plus Y squared over there.
Now why by X is
equal to X squared sign
Y plus Y squared in
the numerator and dividing by
this expression as the
denominator. Three X squared Y
squared minus X cubed cause
Y, +2 XY.
Notice how much shorter
automating that
Differentiation's made? What's
quite a complicated problem, and
that's something you want to
work at. Trying to automate your
differentiation so you don't
have to go through the rules and
write them down every time.