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HWAITING Ep. #1 | Eric is Over Ear! (FULL EPISODE)

  • 0:12 - 0:14
    Hello! Ah!
  • 0:16 - 0:19
    Hi? Hi! I'm Eric Nam!
  • 0:22 - 0:25
    And I'm your host of this new show, it's called Hwaiting!
  • 0:26 - 0:29
    Yeah, uh, this is the first ever episode
  • 0:29 - 0:33
    of what I'm pretty confident will be our first and last season to ever exist.
  • 0:33 - 0:35
    So thank you for watching this amazing show.
  • 0:36 - 0:38
    Uh, but why are we here? Why is the sky blue?
  • 0:38 - 0:41
    What is the meaning of life? And who invented pencils?
  • 0:41 - 0:42
    I actually have no idea
  • 0:42 - 0:45
    But I do have an answer to just one of those questions.
  • 0:45 - 0:49
    Last night, I set up a booby trap. And we managed to snare
  • 0:49 - 0:53
    a lot of k-pop stars. So many k-pop stars.
  • 0:53 - 0:58
    And we thought: what's the best way to use their time, my time, and your time?
  • 0:58 - 1:00
    How about play games? Yeah.
  • 1:00 - 1:02
    Exciting? Yeah? No? Just me?
  • 1:02 - 1:04
    [Bird cawing]
  • 1:04 - 1:08
    Games! Well what kinds of games you ask? Whoa. Whoa, whoa there, hold your horses.
  • 1:09 - 1:13
    We're gonna get to that real soon. Before we do that. Let's go ahead and introduce today's catch.
  • 1:13 - 1:15
    Our first player:
  • 1:15 - 1:19
    She likes to kiss people and force her friends to watch: it's Amber Liu.
  • 1:25 - 1:27
  • 1:27 - 1:29
    [Amber] What?
    [Eric] Come on!
  • 1:29 - 1:33
    [Amber] I was going to have this grand intro and then you were like I kissed people...
  • 1:33 - 1:33
    [Eric] Wait, you-
  • 1:33 - 1:35
    [Amber] I was going to like do like a
  • 1:35 - 1:37
    summersault and all these things.
  • 1:37 - 1:40
    And like do this to the camera and then you just like ruined it.
  • 1:40 - 1:42
    [Eric] All right next up. He's um....
  • 1:43 - 1:45
  • 1:45 - 1:46
  • 1:46 - 1:48
    [Peniel] Yeah, it's me
  • 1:50 - 1:52
    [Eric] It's Peniel!
  • 1:52 - 1:55
    How did you know? Okay, next up:
  • 1:56 - 1:59
    Oh, yeah... She just scares me, it's Jamie Park.
  • 1:59 - 2:03
    [Jamie] JYP! JYP!
  • 2:08 - 2:09
    JYP! Hi guys, I'm Jamie.
  • 2:09 - 2:16
    [Eric] All right, and next up: he's not little and not a chicken and yet it's Jae of Day6.
  • 2:16 - 2:17
    [Jae] Brrrrah!
  • 2:23 - 2:28
    [Jamie, Amber, Jae] JYP! JYP! JYP!
  • 2:28 - 2:34
    [Eric] All right, next up, is it your favorite girl group member or is she your local Kumon teacher?
  • 2:34 - 2:36
    [Peniel] What?
  • 2:36 - 2:42
    [Eric] Well, it's tricky because they're both named Ashley Choi. It's Ashley Choi from Ladies Code!
  • 2:45 - 2:47
  • 2:47 - 2:48
    [Ashley] Hi
  • 2:48 - 2:49
    [Eric] So next up,
  • 2:49 - 2:55
    He's a big, big man with kind, kind eyes and really...
  • 2:55 - 2:55
    [Peniel] What?
  • 2:55 - 2:58
    I'm just gonna stop there, it's BM of KARD.
  • 2:58 - 2:59
    [Matthew] Ayyyy
  • 3:02 - 3:04
  • 3:04 - 3:05
    [Matthew] Big titty gang!
  • 3:05 - 3:06
    [Laughter] -Yeah
  • 3:06 - 3:08
    -Gang, gang!
  • 3:08 - 3:10
    Best gang in the world! Save a titty, join the committee, ayyy!
  • 3:10 - 3:12
    [Jamie] Oh my god.
  • 3:12 - 3:15
    [Eric] All right, well, thank you everybody for coming to this game.
  • 3:15 - 3:16
    [Jae] Is your mic not plugged in?
  • 3:16 - 3:17
    [Eric] It works.
  • 3:17 - 3:18
    [Jae] Gotcha
  • 3:18 - 3:20
    [Peniel] You don't see the cord, only kind people can see it.
  • 3:20 - 3:21
    [Jae] Oh is that how that works?
  • 3:21 - 3:22
    [Peniel] Yeah
  • 3:22 - 3:24
    [Laughter] -You're evil.
  • 3:24 - 3:27
    [Eric] All right, so everybody welcome to Hwaiting. Thank you for joining us.
  • 3:27 - 3:30
    We're gonna go ahead and have everybody say hello real quick.
  • 3:30 - 3:32
    We'll start with Ashley. We'll just go down the line. Ashley, go ahead.
  • 3:32 - 3:35
    [Ashley] Hi, I'm Ladies Code Ashley. Great to be here today!
  • 3:36 - 3:38
    [Jamie] Hi guys, it's your girl Jamie and I love JYP.
  • 3:41 - 3:43
    [Amber] Hey, what's up you guys, I'm Amber from f(x).
  • 3:43 - 3:45
    [Peniel] Hello!
  • 3:45 - 3:47
    I'm Peniel of BtoB.
  • 3:47 - 3:48
    [Jae] Hi, my name is Jae.
  • 3:48 - 3:52
    [Matthew] What's up guys? I'm BM from KARD. I'm from DSP.
  • 3:52 - 3:54
    대표님사랑합니다! (I love you, boss!)
  • 3:54 - 3:54
  • 3:54 - 3:58
    [Eric] All right, well, thank you guys for making time to join us on Hwaiting!
  • 3:58 - 3:59
    [All] HWAITING!
  • 3:59 - 4:02
    [Eric] Yes. All right, so to explain it.
  • 4:02 - 4:04
    Today we're gonna be playing a bunch of games.
  • 4:04 - 4:08
    The games will vary and you will be playing in teams, in pairs, and alone.
  • 4:09 - 4:11
    This will test your teamwork and how well you guys know each other,
  • 4:11 - 4:13
    how much you guys care about each other.
  • 4:13 - 4:16
    Not that any of it matters because all of it is individual game play.
  • 4:16 - 4:19
    At the end of the day your individual score determines what you take home.
  • 4:19 - 4:20
    [Jae] Wait, so there are prizes?
  • 4:20 - 4:22
    [Eric] Yes, there are prizes.
  • 4:22 - 4:28
    Anyways, you guys will be gaining points through the games. I can also take away points as I see fit.
  • 4:28 - 4:32
    Why? [Ashley - Why?] Because I'm the host and they said I could do it and I could do whatever I want.
  • 4:32 - 4:35
    So not only that, there is a winner, but there is also a loser.
  • 4:35 - 4:39
    The biggest most loseriest loser will have incredible penalties.
  • 4:39 - 4:40
    [Matthew] Oh!
    [Jamie] That's gonna be Jae
  • 4:40 - 4:44
    [Eric] At the end of the entire show. A very special experience if we can say.
  • 4:44 - 4:45
    [Peniel] Can there be more than one loser?
  • 4:45 - 4:48
    [Eric] There can be more than one loser. But there is one loseriest loser.
  • 4:48 - 4:49
    [Peniel, Jamie] Oh, okay, okay.
  • 4:49 - 4:51
    [Jae] Oh, there's like one person doing the penalty at the end?
  • 4:52 - 4:56
    [Eric] Uh, there's a penalty for every game and then there's a major penalty at the very very end.
    [All] Oh no!
  • 4:56 - 4:57
    [Jamie] Ew, Eric.
  • 4:57 - 4:59
    [Eric] I'm sorry.
    [Jamie] You're disgusting.
    [Amber] Whyy?
  • 4:59 - 5:02
    [Eric] I know. Okay, focus children. [Peniel - Yes.] Let's go.
  • 5:02 - 5:06
    We're going to kick off our first episode with a very very very very simple game.
  • 5:06 - 5:08
    Okay, what's this brilliant game called?
  • 5:08 - 5:10
    [Terrible English accent] Eric is Over Ear!
  • 5:10 - 5:11
    [Jae] This is a weird game...
  • 5:11 - 5:12
    [Peniel] Wait what? We have to-
  • 5:12 - 5:13
    [Jamie] Can we, can we just-
  • 5:14 - 5:16
    [English accent] -Episode one: Eric is Over Ear!
  • 5:44 - 5:49
    [Eric] Alright, here we go. So this is the way the game works. Everybody put your hands up like a zombie.
  • 5:50 - 5:52
    Two hands up. Let's go!
  • 5:55 - 5:59
    Ashley's feeling those ears. Oh, okay.
  • 5:59 - 6:02
    [Jamie, Amber] Wait, but it's not you, obviously.
  • 6:02 - 6:04
    [Laughter] [Amber] It's not you!
  • 6:05 - 6:07
    [Eric] I'm gonna shut up. All right, here we go
  • 6:07 - 6:09
    [Ashley] This is so weird....
  • 6:25 - 6:27
    This is hard!
  • 6:27 - 6:28
  • 6:28 - 6:29
    [Peniel] Eric!
  • 6:29 - 6:31
    It's too thin for Eric.
  • 6:34 - 6:36
    [Amber] This is a very weird game.
  • 6:36 - 6:37
    [Jae] This one has really soft ears.
  • 6:39 - 6:42
    [Matthew] All right, I think I got it. That was definitely Eric.
  • 6:42 - 6:44
    [Amber] Does Eric have cold hands?
  • 6:44 - 6:45
    [Jae] They all feel the same!
  • 6:46 - 6:49
    [Jamie] No, the third person has small ears.
  • 6:49 - 6:52
    [Matthew] This is definitely Eric! Actually, this ain't Eric... I know this ain't Eric...
  • 6:52 - 6:53
    [Jae] Three's not Eric.
  • 6:53 - 6:54
    [Matthew] Number two is Eric, I already know.
  • 6:54 - 6:56
    [Peniel] Yeah, number two!
  • 6:56 - 6:58
    [Eric] Everybody, you can take your blindfolds off.
  • 6:58 - 7:00
    [Matthew] Yes, sir!
  • 7:00 - 7:02
    [Eric] I'm gonna step right back in the middle here with you guys.
  • 7:03 - 7:05
    Don't touch me! So uh...
  • 7:05 - 7:07
    [Jamie] Eric's ears are red!
  • 7:07 - 7:09
    [Eric] My ears just got felt up, dude!
  • 7:09 - 7:11
    [Matthew] You got violated!
  • 7:11 - 7:13
    [Eric] My ears just got felt up!
  • 7:13 - 7:18
    We're gonna go ahead and guess which ear was Eric Nam's ear. By show of hands,
  • 7:19 - 7:21
    A: Eric Nam is A.
  • 7:21 - 7:21
    [Ashley] Number one?
  • 7:21 - 7:24
    [Eric] Yeah, number one. Okay, the ladies are three. Number two?
  • 7:26 - 7:28
    Okay, and then nobody for number three?
  • 7:28 - 7:29
    [Peniel] Yeah.
  • 7:29 - 7:30
    [Jae] It might've been number one.
  • 7:30 - 7:31
    [Matthew] Number three was obvious.
  • 7:31 - 7:34
    [Jamie] Like, can someone hear with that small ear?
  • 7:34 - 7:35
  • 7:35 - 7:37
    Do we need to shout at this person?
  • 7:37 - 7:38
  • 7:38 - 7:40
    [Eric] This person has feelings, okay?
  • 7:40 - 7:41
    [Jamie] Sorry
  • 7:41 - 7:45
    [Eric] The big reveal is: Eric Nam's ear. [English accent] I'm over ear!
  • 7:46 - 7:48
    [Normal voice] I was number one.
  • 7:48 - 7:50
    [Cheers and yelling]
    [Jae, to Peniel] I trusted you!
  • 7:50 - 7:53
    [Cheers and yelling]
  • 7:53 - 7:54
    [Peniel] Are you serious?
  • 7:54 - 7:57
    Yeah, number one! Number one!
  • 7:57 - 7:59
    [Jae, Matthew] Who was number two?
  • 7:59 - 8:01
    [Eric] Number two-
  • 8:01 - 8:02
    [Matthew] Ahhhh
    -Oh, wait!
  • 8:02 - 8:04
    [Jamie] He looks like Eric, he looks like-
  • 8:04 - 8:06
    [Peniel] Ah that was your hair?
  • 8:06 - 8:12
    [Eric] All right, okay. So, if you want- Stop touching my ears! Well congratulations to the ladies.
  • 8:12 - 8:16
    [Jamie singing Eric Nam - Congratulations]
    [Peniel] -Yeah, we won! No. 1!
  • 8:16 - 8:17
    [Jamie] We have Day6!
  • 8:17 - 8:20
    [Singing Day6 - Congratulations]
  • 8:20 - 8:22
    [Congratulations] -Ooo-whoa!
  • 8:22 - 8:26
    [Eric] So the ladies all start off this series of Hwaiting with a point each.
  • 8:26 - 8:28
    Guys, you guys are all negative one point.
  • 8:28 - 8:29
    [Jamie] Guys, learn!
    [Matthew] Whaaaaat
  • 8:29 - 8:30
    [Eric] All right, so, uh
  • 8:31 - 8:34
    Here's the penalty: we're gonna do, in Korean it's 얼굴 몰아주기,
  • 8:34 - 8:39
    which in English is like make one person look decent and everybody else looks kind of....
  • 8:40 - 8:43
    Wack? I will look decent and I will be surrounded by you guys.
  • 8:43 - 8:45
    [Peniel] You're gonna look like a college oppa?
  • 8:45 - 8:47
    [Eric] Like this.
  • 8:47 - 8:47
    [Jamie] College appa.
  • 8:47 - 8:49
    [Amber] FOMO!
  • 8:53 - 8:55
    [Amber] Come on! Come on! Come on!
  • 8:55 - 8:56
    [Eric] All right, forget it.
  • 8:56 - 8:56
    [Ashley] What is the point-
  • 8:56 - 8:59
    [Eric] All right, forget it, everybody get in.
  • 9:01 - 9:01
    [Eric] Okay.
  • 9:07 - 9:09
    That wraps the first episode of Hwaiting!
  • 9:09 - 9:11
    [All] HWAITING!
  • 9:12 - 9:14
    [Jamie] I don't know who's gonna watch
  • 9:14 - 9:17
    Us touching Eric's ear, but I hope you watch the next episode.
  • 9:17 - 9:18
    [Peniel] It's gonna be a better game than touching ears, right?
  • 9:18 - 9:21
    [Eric] It is, it's gonna be a much better game than touching ears, I promise
  • 9:21 - 9:23
    [Amber] I quite enjoyed that game!
  • 9:23 - 9:28
    [Eric] Everybody, please be sure to like and follow DIVE Studios on Facebook pages.
  • 9:28 - 9:33
    Engage with us so you can see all the behind the scenes content, footage, photos, etc.
  • 9:33 - 9:36
    And leave us a comment in terms of who you think is going to take it all.
  • 9:36 - 9:39
    [Jamie] 좋아요와댓글 (Please like and comment)
    [Amber] 남겨주세요 (Please leave them)
  • 9:39 - 9:40
    [Matthew] 악플보다는 무플 (No thanks to hate comments)
  • 9:41 - 9:45
    [Eric] Be sure to tune in next week's episode and here is a little sneak peek!
  • 9:46 - 9:48
    This game is charades, yay!
  • 9:48 - 10:07
    [Music, laughter, chaos]
HWAITING Ep. #1 | Eric is Over Ear! (FULL EPISODE)

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Video Language:

English subtitles
