Economic Calculation in a Natural Law / RBE, Peter Joseph, The Zeitgeist Movement, Berlin
0:08 - 0:10Hello, my name is Franky.
I work also with -
0:11 - 0:13an organization called The Zeitgeist
Movement as you already know. -
0:14 - 0:16I would like to
welcome everybody -
0:16 - 0:20from far and wide; everybody did come.
Thank you very much. -
0:20 - 0:24I would like to take this
opportunity to especially thank -
0:24 - 0:27the teams of The
Zeitgeist Movement. -
0:27 - 0:30Teams meaning the Linguistic Team,
the Web Team, the Technology Team, -
0:30 - 0:34the Activism Team and also
the Project Team that -
0:34 - 0:37coordinated this project.
0:37 - 0:41The whole German chapter
did a great job -
0:41 - 0:44with establishing this
event within a month. -
0:44 - 0:47I would like to thank
everybody personally. -
0:47 - 0:49Good to see you here.
0:49 - 0:52I think Peter Joseph doesn't
need any introduction. -
0:52 - 0:55I think everybody
here knows who he is. -
0:55 - 0:58So, short and
precise: thank you. -
0:58 - 1:01I hand the microphone
over to Peter. -
1:01 - 1:03[Sustained Applause]
1:13 - 1:17You can turn this mic off since
I'm not going to use it. -
1:18 - 1:20Ah, so it's the other mic.
1:21 - 1:23How's everybody doing? [Audience in unison]
- Good! -
1:23 - 1:26I really appreciate
you all being here. -
1:26 - 1:29I want to thank Franky
and the Berlin team -
1:29 - 1:32for moving so fast;
it's really phenomenal. -
1:32 - 1:36Having put on many events myself over
the years, it's not an easy task. -
1:36 - 1:38I'm always reminded when
I travel these days, -
1:39 - 1:42that The Zeitgeist Movement is truly a
global phenomenon at this stage, right? -
1:43 - 1:46No matter where any of
us end up on the planet, -
1:46 - 1:50you don't have to go very far to find
friends who share similar values -
1:50 - 1:52in this pursuit of
a better world. -
1:55 - 1:57The title of this talk
is "Economic Calculation -
1:57 - 2:00in a Natural Law/Resource-Based
Economy (NLRBE)." -
2:00 - 2:02For the past five years or so
2:02 - 2:05The Zeitgeist Movement has put out
quite a bit of educational media -
2:05 - 2:07with respect to its advocation,
2:07 - 2:10and the learning curve
has been rather intense. -
2:11 - 2:13There's been a
tendency to generalize -
2:13 - 2:16with respect to how things
actually work technically. -
2:17 - 2:19This is the contents
of this presentation. -
2:19 - 2:22In Part I and two
I'm going to refine -
2:22 - 2:25the inherent flaws of the
current market model -
2:25 - 2:27regarding why we need to change
2:27 - 2:29along with relaying
the vast prospects -
2:29 - 2:32we now have to solve
vast problems, -
2:32 - 2:35improve efficiency, and
generate a form of abundance -
2:35 - 2:37that could meet all human needs.
2:37 - 2:40The active term which has gained
popularity in the last couple years -
2:40 - 2:42is called "post-scarcity,"
2:42 - 2:47even though that word is a little
misleading semantically as I'll explain. -
2:47 - 2:51In Part III, I'll work to
show how this new society -
2:51 - 2:54generally works in its structure
and basic calculation. -
2:54 - 2:57I think most people on the planet
know that there is something -
2:57 - 2:59very wrong with the current
socioeconomic tradition. -
3:00 - 3:02They just don't know how to
think about the solution, -
3:02 - 3:05or more accurately, how to
arrive at such solutions. -
3:06 - 3:09Until that is addressed, we're
not going to get very far. -
3:10 - 3:13On that note, in a number of
months, a rather substantial text -
3:14 - 3:17is going to be put into
circulation, available for free -
3:17 - 3:19and also in print
form or download form -
3:19 - 3:22at cost (it's a
non-profit expression). -
3:22 - 3:24This will be finished hopefully
by the first of the year -
3:24 - 3:27and will be the definitive
expression (in the condensed form) -
3:28 - 3:30of the Movement, something
that's been long overdue. -
3:30 - 3:33It's called "The Zeitgeist Movement
Defined" and it will serve as both -
3:33 - 3:36an orientation and
a reference guide. -
3:37 - 3:40It will have probably over a
thousand footnotes and sources. -
3:41 - 3:44Once finished, an educational
video series will be put out -
3:44 - 3:47in about 20 parts to produce the
material along with a workbook -
3:48 - 3:51to help people who want to learn how
to talk about these ideas because -
3:51 - 3:54we basically need more people
on an international level -
3:55 - 3:57to be able to communicate,
as I try to do. -
3:57 - 4:00It's a very important thing, and I
think the future of the Movement -
4:00 - 4:03rests in part on our capacity
to create a well-oiled -
4:04 - 4:08international educational machine
with consistent language -
4:08 - 4:12coupled with real design projects
and their interworkings. -
4:14 - 4:17Part I: Why are we even here?
4:17 - 4:19Is this type of
large-scale change- -
4:20 - 4:22what the Movement
advocates- really needed? -
4:22 - 4:25Can't we just work to fix
and improve the current -
4:25 - 4:28economic model, keeping the
general framework of money, -
4:28 - 4:32trade, profit, power,
property and the like? -
4:33 - 4:36The short answer is
a definitive "No," -
4:36 - 4:38as I'm going to explain.
4:38 - 4:40If there's any real interest
to solve the growing -
4:41 - 4:43public health and
environmental crises at hand -
4:43 - 4:45this system needs to go.
4:45 - 4:48Market capitalism, no matter
how you wish to regulate it -
4:48 - 4:51or not regulate it, depending
on who you speak with, -
4:51 - 4:54contains severe structural flaws
4:54 - 4:56which will always, to
one degree or another, -
4:57 - 5:00perpetuate environmental
abuse and destabilization, -
5:01 - 5:05and human disregard and
caustic inequality. -
5:06 - 5:09Put another way, environmental
and social imbalance -
5:09 - 5:13and a basic lack of sustainability
both environmentally and culturally -
5:13 - 5:16is inherent to the market economy,
and it always has been. -
5:17 - 5:21The difference between capitalism
today and say, the 16th century -
5:21 - 5:25is that our technological
ability to rapidly accelerate -
5:25 - 5:27and amplify this market process
5:28 - 5:31has brought to the surface consequences
which simply couldn't be understood -
5:31 - 5:35or even recognized during
those early primitive times. -
5:36 - 5:39In other words, the basic
principles of market economics -
5:39 - 5:41have always been
intrinsically flawed. -
5:42 - 5:45It has taken just this long for
the severity of those flaws -
5:45 - 5:48to come to fruition.
Let me explain a little bit. -
5:49 - 5:51From an environmental
standpoint, -
5:51 - 5:53market perception simply
cannot view the Earth -
5:54 - 5:57as anything but an inventory
for exploitation. -
5:57 - 6:00Why? Because the entire
existence of the market economy -
6:00 - 6:03has to do with keeping
money in circulation -
6:04 - 6:08at a rate which can keep as many
people employed as possible. -
6:09 - 6:13In other words, the world economy
is powered by constant consumption. -
6:13 - 6:16If consumption levels drop,
so does labor demand, -
6:16 - 6:20and so does the available purchasing
power of the general population -
6:20 - 6:25and hence, so does demand for goods
as money isn't there to buy them. -
6:25 - 6:28This cyclical consumption
is the lifeblood -
6:29 - 6:31of our economic existence.
6:31 - 6:34The very idea of being
conservative or truly efficient -
6:34 - 6:37with the Earth's finite
resources in any way -
6:37 - 6:40is structurally
counterproductive -
6:40 - 6:43to this needed driving
force of consuming. -
6:44 - 6:46If you don't believe
that, ask yourself why -
6:46 - 6:50virtually every life support system
on this planet is in decline. -
6:51 - 6:54We have an ongoing loss of topsoil,
ever-depleting fresh water, -
6:54 - 6:56atmospheric and climate
destabilization, -
6:56 - 6:59a loss of oxygen-producing
plankton in the ocean -
6:59 - 7:02(which is critical to marine
and atmosphere ecology), -
7:03 - 7:05the ongoing depletion
of fish populations, -
7:05 - 7:07the reduction of rain
forests, and so forth. -
7:07 - 7:11In other words, an overall general
loss of critical biodiversity -
7:11 - 7:14is occurring and increasing.
7:14 - 7:18For those not familiar with the
critical relevance of biodiversity, -
7:18 - 7:21billions of years of evolution
7:21 - 7:26has created a vastly interdependent
biosphere of planetary systems. -
7:26 - 7:31Disturbing one system always
has an effect on many others. -
7:32 - 7:34This, of course, is
no new observation. -
7:34 - 7:40In 2002, 192 countries in
association with the United Nations -
7:40 - 7:44got together around something called "The
Convention on Biological Diversity." -
7:45 - 7:50They made a public commitment to
significantly reduce this loss by 2010. -
7:51 - 7:54And what changed eight years later?
Nothing. -
7:55 - 7:58In their official 2010
publication, they state: -
7:58 - 8:02"None of the 21 sub-targets
accompanying the overall target -
8:02 - 8:08of significantly reducing the
rate of biodiversity loss by 2010 -
8:08 - 8:11can be said definitively to
have been achieved globally." -
8:11 - 8:16"Actions to promote biodiversity
receive a tiny fraction of funding -
8:16 - 8:19compared to infrastructure and
industrial developments." -
8:19 - 8:21(Hmm, I wonder why?)
8:21 - 8:25"Moreover, biodiversity
considerations are often ignored -
8:25 - 8:27when such developments
are designed. -
8:27 - 8:32Most future scenarios project
continuing high levels of extinctions -
8:32 - 8:35and loss of habitats
throughout this century." -
8:36 - 8:39In a 2011 study published
which was in part -
8:40 - 8:45a response to an general call to
isolate and protect certain regions -
8:45 - 8:48to insure some security
of this biodiversity, -
8:48 - 8:51found that, even with millions of
square kilometers of land and ocean -
8:52 - 8:55currently under legal protection,
it has done very little -
8:55 - 8:58to slow the trend of decline.
8:58 - 9:03They also made the following
highly troubling conclusion -
9:03 - 9:07combining this trend with the state
of our resource consumption: -
9:08 - 9:12"The excess use of the Earth's
resources or overshoot is possible -
9:12 - 9:17because resources can be harvested
faster than they can be replaced. -
9:17 - 9:21The cumulative overshoot
from the mid-1980's to 2002 -
9:21 - 9:23resulted in an 'ecological debt'
9:23 - 9:27that would require 2.5
planet Earths to pay. -
9:27 - 9:31In a business-as-usual scenario,
our demands on planet Earth -
9:31 - 9:36could mount to the productivity
of 27 planets by 2050." -
9:39 - 9:43And there's no shortage of other
corroborating studies that confirm, -
9:43 - 9:46to one degree or another, we are
indeed greatly overshooting -
9:46 - 9:49the annual production
capacity of the Earth, -
9:49 - 9:52coupled with pollution and
collateral destruction -
9:52 - 9:55caused by industrial
and consumer patterns. -
9:56 - 10:00Again, this kind of research has
been published for many decades now. -
10:00 - 10:03Why is it that with all
this mounting data -
10:03 - 10:06we can't seem to curb
life support depletion -
10:07 - 10:09and our overshooting
consumption trends? -
10:09 - 10:11Is it because there are too
many people on the planet? -
10:12 - 10:14Is it because we're just
utterly incompetent -
10:14 - 10:17and have no conscious
control over our actions? -
10:18 - 10:22No. The problem is that we have a global
economic tradition still in place -
10:23 - 10:27rooted in 16th century pre-industrial
handicraft-oriented thought -
10:27 - 10:29that places the
act of consuming, -
10:29 - 10:34buying and selling as the core
driver of all social unfolding. -
10:34 - 10:38The best analogy I can think of is
to consider the gas pedal on a car: -
10:38 - 10:41the more consumption of
fuel, the faster it goes, -
10:41 - 10:43and buying things in
our world is the fuel. -
10:43 - 10:47If you slow down consumption,
economic growth slows, -
10:47 - 10:50people lose jobs,
purchasing power declines -
10:50 - 10:53and things become
destabilized and so forth. -
10:54 - 11:00So I hope it is clear that the system
simply does not reward or even support -
11:00 - 11:04environmental sustainability
in the form of conservation. -
11:04 - 11:08In fact, it doesn't even reward
sustainability in the form -
11:08 - 11:12of any kind of earthly
or physical efficiency -
11:12 - 11:14as I will talk more at
length of in a moment. -
11:16 - 11:19Instead, it rewards servicing,
turnover and waste: -
11:19 - 11:21the more problems and
inefficiencies we have, -
11:22 - 11:24not to mention the more
insecure, materialistic -
11:24 - 11:28and needy the population becomes,
the better it is for industry, -
11:28 - 11:31the better it is for GDP, the
better it is for employment, -
11:32 - 11:34regardless of the fact
that we may literally -
11:34 - 11:36be killing ourselves
in the process. -
11:38 - 11:43My friend John McMurtry, a philosopher
in Canada, refers to this state -
11:43 - 11:46as the "Cancer Stage
of Capitalism," -
11:46 - 11:50a system which is now destroying
its host, us and the Earth, -
11:50 - 11:54almost unknowingly because very
few today really understand -
11:54 - 11:59how unsustainable the core driving
principles of the market really are. -
12:00 - 12:04The second structurally inherent
consequence I want to mention -
12:04 - 12:07is the fact that market
capitalism is indeed -
12:07 - 12:10empirically socially
destabilizing. -
12:11 - 12:14It creates unnecessary
and inhumane inequality, -
12:14 - 12:17along with resulting
unnecessary human conflict. -
12:17 - 12:21In fact, I would say
capitalism's most natural state -
12:21 - 12:24is conflict and imbalance.
12:25 - 12:28I would categorize two forms
of conflict in the world: -
12:29 - 12:31national and class.
12:34 - 12:36I'm not going to spend much time
on the causes of national warfare -
12:36 - 12:40as it should be fairly obvious
to most of us at his point. -
12:40 - 12:43Sovereign nations which are in
part protectionist institutions -
12:43 - 12:46for the most powerful forces
of business have often engaged -
12:46 - 12:50in the most primal act of
competition- systematic mass murder- -
12:51 - 12:54in order to preserve the economic
integrity of their national economies -
12:54 - 12:59and select business interests
which invariably comprise -
12:59 - 13:03the political constituency
of any given country. -
13:04 - 13:08All wars in history, while often
conveniently masked by various excuses, -
13:09 - 13:12have predominately been about
land, natural resources, -
13:12 - 13:15or geoeconomic strategy
on one level or another. -
13:15 - 13:18The state institution
has always been driven -
13:18 - 13:22by commercial and property interests,
existing as both a regulator -
13:22 - 13:26of the basic day-to-day
internal economic operations -
13:26 - 13:30in the form of legislation and as
a tool for power consolidation -
13:30 - 13:33and competitive advantage by
the most dominant industries -
13:34 - 13:38of the national or even, in fact
more importantly, global economy. -
13:40 - 13:44There are many people in the world that
still look at this causality in reverse. -
13:44 - 13:48In some economic views, state government
is deemed the central problem, -
13:49 - 13:53as opposed to the self-interest and
competitive, advantage-seeking ethos -
13:53 - 13:55inherent to market capitalism.
13:55 - 14:00As the argument goes "If state power
was removed or reduced dramatically, -
14:00 - 14:04the market and society would be free
of most of its negative effects." -
14:05 - 14:07The problem with this
argument is that it forgets -
14:07 - 14:11that capitalism is just a
variation of a scarcity-driven -
14:11 - 14:15specialization and
property-based exchange system, -
14:15 - 14:19a system which actually goes back
millennia in one form or another. -
14:20 - 14:23Early settlements naturally needed
to protect themselves as resource -
14:24 - 14:27and land acquisition
moved forward over time. -
14:27 - 14:32Armies were created to protect resources
from invading forces and the like. -
14:32 - 14:35At the same time people
were working to engage -
14:35 - 14:37agriculture and handicraft,
14:38 - 14:43and it revealed labor and exchange
value in a very primitive form. -
14:44 - 14:46Hence property value, in the
midst of this scarcity, -
14:46 - 14:49demanded regulation and laws,
14:49 - 14:51not only to protect property,
but to protect commerce -
14:51 - 14:55and also avoid scams and
fraud in transactions. -
14:56 - 14:58This is the seed of the state!
14:58 - 15:01The market is a game
and people can cheat. -
15:02 - 15:04You need regulation.
15:04 - 15:06This is the basic problem.
15:06 - 15:09The market also allows-
and here's the punchline- -
15:09 - 15:12that regulation to be
purchased by money. -
15:12 - 15:15Therefore, there is no
guaranteed integrity. -
15:15 - 15:18The state and the market
both battle each other -
15:18 - 15:20and compliment each other.
15:20 - 15:24You will always have regulatory
power centers in a market economy. -
15:24 - 15:27The state and the
market are inseparable; -
15:27 - 15:29they go hand-in-hand.
15:30 - 15:33Now, as an aside, people
often challenge this reality -
15:33 - 15:36with moral or ethical arguments,
15:36 - 15:40which, I'm sorry to say, are
entirely culturally subjective. -
15:41 - 15:43In a world where
everything is for sale, -
15:43 - 15:47where the reward reinforcement,
the operant condition, -
15:47 - 15:51is directly tied to seeking
personal advantage and gain, -
15:51 - 15:55who is to say where the lines
should be drawn in that process? -
15:56 - 16:01This is why moral principles
without structural reinforcement -
16:01 - 16:03are useless.
16:04 - 16:08In the end, the question isn't what
is morally right or morally wrong. -
16:08 - 16:10The question is what
works and what doesn't. -
16:10 - 16:12And sometimes it takes
a great deal of time -
16:12 - 16:15for the truth of such
patterns to materialize. -
16:15 - 16:18For example, most
people, rightly so, see -
16:18 - 16:22abject human slavery historically
as a morally wrong condition, -
16:22 - 16:26but let's dig deeper into the
characteristics and think more deeply. -
16:26 - 16:31I think it is much more productive to
recognize that slavery didn't work -
16:31 - 16:35in the sense that it was
culturally unsustainable. -
16:35 - 16:38Bigotry in all forms
is not just ugly, -
16:38 - 16:42it is culturally unsustainable
because it generates conflict. -
16:43 - 16:45I'm not aware of any
slave-owning society -
16:46 - 16:48that did not undergo
large slave rebellions. -
16:49 - 16:52It's unstable and again,
therefore, unsustainable. -
16:52 - 16:55Market capitalism is
on the same path. -
16:55 - 16:57There are more slaves
in the world today, -
16:57 - 17:01operating within the bounds
of the market economy, -
17:01 - 17:04than anytime in human history.
17:04 - 17:07And I have little doubt that if we get
through this rough period of time -
17:07 - 17:10without destroying
ourselves by war, -
17:10 - 17:12uprisings or
ecological collapse, -
17:12 - 17:17people in the future will look back at
our world today with the same disgust -
17:17 - 17:21regarding our human-rights-violating
economic system -
17:22 - 17:27as we today look back upon the
period of abject human slavery. -
17:28 - 17:30Class Warfare.
17:30 - 17:33This leads as well into the
subject of class warfare -
17:33 - 17:36and socioeconomic inequality.
17:37 - 17:41The long history of so-called "socialist"
outcry has largely been about -
17:41 - 17:45this constant and inhumane
imbalance on one level or another. -
17:45 - 17:48A great deal of time has been spent
by many critics of capitalism, -
17:48 - 17:52describing how it is indeed
a system of exploitation, -
17:52 - 17:57which inherently separates a society
into stratified economic layers -
17:57 - 18:01with a higher class given dominance
over the lower, structurally. -
18:02 - 18:04It's structurally
built right in. -
18:04 - 18:07If you're one of those people that
doesn't agree with this reality, -
18:07 - 18:09ask yourself why there has been
one labor strike after another -
18:10 - 18:14in the past 300 years, why worker
unions even exist, why CEOs -
18:14 - 18:17often tend to make hundreds of times
more money than the common worker, -
18:17 - 18:22or why 46% of the world's
wealth is now owned by 1%, -
18:22 - 18:25which are almost exclusively
of what we could call -
18:25 - 18:28the capitalist ownership class.
18:29 - 18:33Inequality and class separation
is a direct mathematical result -
18:33 - 18:36of the market's inherently
competitive orientation, -
18:36 - 18:38which divides individuals
in small groups -
18:38 - 18:42as they work to compete against each
other for survival and security. -
18:43 - 18:46It is entirely
individualistically oriented, -
18:46 - 18:51driven by a core incentive system based
around isolated self-preservation, -
18:51 - 18:55assuming the need to constantly
reinforce one's security financially -
18:56 - 18:59since the market climate (the environment)
gives no certainty whatsoever -
18:59 - 19:04of well-being in and of
itself: fear and greed. -
19:05 - 19:07The rich get richer because
the model favors them, -
19:07 - 19:09and the poor basically
stay the same -
19:09 - 19:12because the system works
against them by comparison. -
19:12 - 19:15It is structurally classed.
19:15 - 19:18Those with more money have more options
and influence than those with less. -
19:18 - 19:21You are only as
free, as they say, -
19:21 - 19:24as your purchasing power
will allow you to be. -
19:25 - 19:27The credit system is
a perfect example. -
19:27 - 19:30Money is treated as nothing
more than a product -
19:30 - 19:32in the credit/banking system.
19:32 - 19:35Money is sold by banks
via loans for profit -
19:35 - 19:37which comes in the
form of interest. -
19:37 - 19:40If you miss payments or
violate your contract, -
19:40 - 19:43often the interest rate, does what?
It goes up -
19:43 - 19:46because you are now considered
a higher risk consumer. -
19:46 - 19:49If you fail to meet that
interest or future payments, -
19:49 - 19:51you might default on the loan.
19:53 - 19:56Your punishment is the ruining of
your credit rating or reputation -
19:56 - 19:58in the financial circles.
19:58 - 20:02Once that happens, your financial
flexibility is even more stifled -
20:02 - 20:05as your economic
access is limited. -
20:06 - 20:08People see this as just
"the way things are" -
20:08 - 20:10but they don't realize
how insidious this is. -
20:10 - 20:13This pounds the lower
classes to stay low -
20:13 - 20:17for reasons and forces of coercion
that are built into the structure -
20:17 - 20:20that are beyond their control!
I could give many other examples. -
20:20 - 20:23Everything in this system works
against you if you're not affluent -
20:23 - 20:26in this society. And guess what?
20:26 - 20:29These financial policies
were created by ... -
20:31 - 20:35self-interest-oriented
market logic, -
20:35 - 20:38not some politician
or some government. -
20:38 - 20:41I won't even go into the fact
that the interest charged -
20:41 - 20:45for the sale of money today doesn't
even exist in the money supply itself, -
20:46 - 20:49which creates a kind of
system-based social coercion -
20:49 - 20:53forcing in the inevitability
of credit default over time, -
20:54 - 20:56along with acts of economic
desperation such as -
20:56 - 21:01selling property you rather would
not, to meet your basic needs -
21:01 - 21:04or taking labor positions
that you do not appreciate. -
21:04 - 21:08The market generates desperation
as its method of coercion. -
21:09 - 21:13This leads into another very
common "free market" confusion -
21:13 - 21:16I often see in the very popular
laissez-faire community. -
21:17 - 21:22They talk about free trade as
trade that is entirely voluntary -
21:22 - 21:26as though such a thing could ever
exist in an empirical sense. -
21:26 - 21:30All decisions to trade come
from influences and pressures. -
21:31 - 21:34Only perhaps the super rich,
who literally have no need -
21:34 - 21:38to worry about basic
survival due to their wealth -
21:38 - 21:42could possibly be said to engage in
the act of voluntary free trade. -
21:43 - 21:47For 99% of the world, we either
trade or we don't survive, -
21:47 - 21:50and that pressure is
empirically coercive. -
21:50 - 21:53And no, it doesn't
have to be that way, -
21:53 - 21:56which is the whole point
of this new social model. -
21:57 - 22:00So with all that aside, and
with this understanding -
22:00 - 22:04that wealth inequality is
inherent to capitalism itself -
22:04 - 22:06- you can't regulate it out -
22:06 - 22:08the main issue I want to address
here has to do with what -
22:09 - 22:13class separation and social
inequality does to us -
22:13 - 22:15in the context of public health.
22:16 - 22:19It isn't just a simple issue of
some having more than others, -
22:19 - 22:22and others suffering the
mere material inconvenience, -
22:22 - 22:26or pressure to engage in labor or
trade they'd rather not have to. -
22:26 - 22:28It goes way beyond that.
22:28 - 22:31Socioeconomic
inequality is a poison, -
22:32 - 22:34a form of destabilizing
pollution -
22:35 - 22:39that affects people's psychological and
physiological health in profound ways, -
22:40 - 22:44while also very often accumulating
anger towards other groups, -
22:44 - 22:48and hence, that generation
of social instability. -
22:49 - 22:53The best term I know of that embodies
this issue is "structural violence." -
22:54 - 22:56If I put a gun to
someone's head, -
22:56 - 23:00say a 30-year-old healthy male,
pull the trigger and kill him, -
23:00 - 23:03assuming an average life
expectancy of say 84, -
23:03 - 23:06you can argue that
possibly 54 years of life -
23:07 - 23:10was stolen from that person
in a direct act of violence. -
23:10 - 23:13However, if a person
is born into poverty -
23:13 - 23:15in the midst of an
abundant society -
23:16 - 23:19where it is statistically proven
that it would hurt no one -
23:19 - 23:22to facilitate meeting the
basic needs of that person, -
23:22 - 23:25and yet they die at the age
of 30 due to heart disease -
23:25 - 23:29which has been found to statistically
relate to those who endure -
23:29 - 23:33the stress and effects of
low socioeconomic status – -
23:34 - 23:39is that death, the removal of those
54 years again, an act of violence? -
23:40 - 23:42The answer is "yes, it is."
23:42 - 23:45Our legal system has
conditioned us to think -
23:45 - 23:47that violence is a
direct behavioral act. -
23:48 - 23:50The truth is that
violence is a process, -
23:50 - 23:53not an act, and it
can take many forms. -
23:53 - 23:58You cannot separate any outcome from
the system by which it is oriented. -
23:59 - 24:03This is virtually absent
from the way people think -
24:03 - 24:06about cause-and-effect in
a socioeconomic system. -
24:07 - 24:10The effects of market
capitalism cannot be reduced- -
24:10 - 24:13or I should say cannot
be deduced- logically -
24:13 - 24:17from local or
reductionist examination. -
24:17 - 24:19[It's] like things are
working like a clock: -
24:19 - 24:23the market is a synergistic system,
the economy is a synergistic system, -
24:23 - 24:27and the behavior of the whole, meaning
large-scale social consequences -
24:27 - 24:30such as the perpetuation
of inequality or violence, -
24:31 - 24:35can only be assessed in
relationship to that whole. -
24:35 - 24:38This is why there has been
one big dichotomy between -
24:38 - 24:41what market theorists think is
supposed to happen in their world -
24:41 - 24:44and what is actually happening.
24:44 - 24:48For example, there is no doubt
that poverty and social inequity -
24:48 - 24:53is and has been causing a vast
spectrum of public health problems, -
24:53 - 24:56both in the context of absolute
deprivation, which means not having -
24:56 - 25:00the money to simply meet up with
basic needs such as nutrition, -
25:00 - 25:03and in the context of
relative deprivation, -
25:03 - 25:07which is a psychological
phenomenon related to the stress- -
25:07 - 25:10the psychosocial stress-
of simply living -
25:10 - 25:13in a highly-stratified society.
25:14 - 25:18One of the greatest predictors
of reduced public health -
25:18 - 25:21is now to be found
as social inequity, -
25:22 - 25:23social inequality.
25:24 - 25:28If you compare developed nations
by the level of wealth inequality -
25:28 - 25:32you will find that those more equal
nations have much better health -
25:32 - 25:35than those with less equality.
25:35 - 25:37This includes physical
health, mental health, -
25:37 - 25:41drug abuse, educational levels,
imprisonment, obesity, -
25:41 - 25:46social mobility, trust or social
capital, community life, violence, -
25:47 - 25:49teen pregnancies, and child
well-being on average. -
25:49 - 25:52These outcomes are
significantly worse -
25:52 - 25:55in more unequal rich countries.
25:56 - 26:00Yet, if you tried to reduce
and analyze a single person -
26:00 - 26:03for any of these noted
public health factors, -
26:03 - 26:07you could never know for sure if
that person is actually a victim -
26:07 - 26:12of the psycho-stress or the absolute
or relative violence condition itself. -
26:13 - 26:15The causality can
only be understood -
26:15 - 26:17on the large scale,
probabilistically, -
26:17 - 26:21which is the importance
of statistical analysis. -
26:21 - 26:24So again, the market
can only be perceived -
26:25 - 26:28as a whole to gauge the
truth of its effects. -
26:28 - 26:32This is why our legal system
is so base and primitive. -
26:34 - 26:39That aside, I would like to detail a few
more examples of structural violence, -
26:39 - 26:41as it obviously takes
many more forms. -
26:42 - 26:46When we see 1.5 million children die
each year from diarrheal diseases- -
26:46 - 26:49an utterly preventable
problem that isn't resolved -
26:49 - 26:52due to a financial
limitation across the world, -
26:52 - 26:56we are seeing the murder of 1.5
[million] children by a system -
26:56 - 26:59that is so inefficient in
its process it cannot make -
26:59 - 27:02the proper resources available
in certain regions, -
27:03 - 27:05even though that they are there.
27:05 - 27:07Drug addiction, which
has become a plague -
27:07 - 27:11of modern society across the
world, not only causing death, -
27:11 - 27:16but also a spectrum of suffering, has
been found to have roots in stress. -
27:16 - 27:19It has to do with a lack
of support which creates -
27:19 - 27:22a psychological chain
reaction that leads to -
27:22 - 27:26fill your feelings of pain
with self-medication. -
27:26 - 27:28You will rarely find a study
on addiction patterns -
27:29 - 27:31that does not see a
direct correlation -
27:31 - 27:34to unstable life
conditions and stress. -
27:35 - 27:39What is perhaps poverty's most
dominant psychological feature? -
27:40 - 27:43Feelings of insecurity
and humility. -
27:44 - 27:47Even the vast majority of
behavioral violence as we know it -
27:47 - 27:50arises due to preconditions
which have been tied -
27:50 - 27:53to poverty-induced
deprivation and abuse. -
27:53 - 27:57Former head of the Study of Violence
at Harvard, Dr. James Gilligan, -
27:57 - 28:00was a prison psychiatrist
for many decades -
28:00 - 28:03analyzing the reasons for extreme
acts of murder and the like. -
28:03 - 28:07In virtually all cases, high levels
of deprivation, neglect, and abuse -
28:07 - 28:11occurred in the life history of the offenders.
And guess what? -
28:12 - 28:15Poverty is the single
best predictor -
28:15 - 28:18of child abuse and neglect.
28:18 - 28:20In a US study, children
who lived in families -
28:20 - 28:22with an annual income
less than $15,000 -
28:22 - 28:26are 22 times more likely
to be abused or neglected -
28:26 - 28:31than children living in families with
an annual income of $30,000 or more. -
28:32 - 28:38Aristotle said "Poverty is the
parent of revolution and crime." -
28:38 - 28:42Gandhi said "Poverty in the
worst form of violence." -
28:42 - 28:44The interesting thing
about all this is -
28:44 - 28:48is that we are all possible
victims of its effects, -
28:48 - 28:50for every time you hear
about an act of theft, -
28:51 - 28:53violence, murder, or the like,
28:53 - 28:56chances are the origins of
that behavior were born -
28:56 - 28:59out of a preventable
form of deprivation. -
28:59 - 29:01I say preventable because today
29:01 - 29:04there is absolutely no technical
reason for any human being -
29:04 - 29:07to live in poverty and
resource deprivation. -
29:08 - 29:10Solving social inequality is
not just a nice thing to do, -
29:10 - 29:13it is a true public
health imperative. -
29:13 - 29:16Just like making sure our
water isn't polluted, -
29:16 - 29:18so we don't get diseases.
29:18 - 29:22And each of us have no idea when
we might be subjected to say, -
29:22 - 29:25the violence bred by
this deprivation. -
29:25 - 29:27It's a form of blowback.
29:28 - 29:31Just like how some social
theorists think about the reasons -
29:31 - 29:34for modern terrorism
from abused countries. -
29:34 - 29:36A country like the United
States bombs some town; -
29:36 - 29:40the people in that town lose everything.
Certain people are deeply affected -
29:40 - 29:42and find no other
emotional recourse -
29:42 - 29:45but to act in the most violent
way that can in revenge. -
29:45 - 29:49The next thing you know, a bomb
explodes at a coffee shop in your city, -
29:50 - 29:52killing your sibling.
29:53 - 29:57In short, if you want to produce a
violent criminal or gang mentality, -
29:57 - 30:00let them be raised in an environment
where they are reinforced -
30:00 - 30:03with the sense that society
doesn't care about them. -
30:04 - 30:07And hence they have no need
to care about society. -
30:07 - 30:09This is the trademark,
30:09 - 30:11this is the core characteristic,
30:11 - 30:14of the capitalist social order.
30:15 - 30:19As a final aside before I move on,
I find it incredibly interesting -
30:19 - 30:22that the vast majority of the
civil rights institutions today, -
30:22 - 30:25or human rights
institutions today, -
30:25 - 30:30which still demand more race, gender,
creed and political equality, -
30:30 - 30:35tend to do very little to address
the roots of economic inequality. -
30:36 - 30:38It's a very interesting contradiction.
I'm firmly convinced -
30:38 - 30:42that as time moves forward,
economic equality will morph -
30:42 - 30:46into the same role as
gender and race equality, -
30:47 - 30:50where meeting human needs and
facilitating a high standard of living -
30:50 - 30:56will be an issue of human
rights, not market expedience, -
30:57 - 30:59and the social Darwinism
to which it is based. -
31:01 - 31:04Part II: Post-Scarcity.
31:04 - 31:06I would like to spend
a moment clarifying -
31:06 - 31:09what an "Abundance Focused
Society" actually means -
31:09 - 31:12and give some tangible,
statistical extrapolations -
31:12 - 31:15to confirm this potential.
31:16 - 31:20A Natural Law/Resource-Based
Economy is not a utopia. -
31:21 - 31:26The Zeitgeist Movement seeks a high,
relative, sustainable abundance -
31:26 - 31:29relieving the most relevant
forms of scarcity. -
31:30 - 31:32Many who hear such distinctions
immediately dismiss -
31:33 - 31:35such qualifications
as mere opinion. -
31:35 - 31:38The fact is, it's not opinion
when it comes to life support -
31:39 - 31:41or empirical human needs.
31:42 - 31:44Relative sustainable abundance
31:44 - 31:48means seeking more than enough to
meet all human needs and beyond -
31:48 - 31:51while keeping
ecological balance. -
31:52 - 31:56The most relevant forms of
scarcity means we differentiate -
31:56 - 31:58between scarcity as it
relates to human needs -
31:58 - 32:01and scarcity as it
relates to human wants, -
32:01 - 32:03as they are not the same.
32:03 - 32:07Unfortunately, market logic
pretends that they are. -
32:07 - 32:10The market cannot separate
needs from wants. -
32:10 - 32:14And this gets to the root of the
life-blind, value-system disorder -
32:15 - 32:17which continues to
distort our culture. -
32:18 - 32:21The logic goes like
this: If there exists -
32:21 - 32:24any form of scarcity of
anything on any level, -
32:24 - 32:28then we need money and the
competitive market to regulate it. -
32:29 - 32:31Let me explain this
a little bit more. -
32:31 - 32:34One of our international lecture
team members, Matt Berkowitz, -
32:34 - 32:38did a radio interview with a very popular
Austrian economist a little while back, -
32:39 - 32:43and when the subject of scarcity came
up this economist responded with -
32:43 - 32:47"Not everyone can have a
fancy steak or a Ferrari!" -
32:47 - 32:51This was his definitive view
of what scarcity means. -
32:51 - 32:54Now that may be true.
Not every human being -
32:54 - 32:58can have a 500-room mansion with
three jets parked in the front lawn, -
32:59 - 33:02with half the continent of
Africa as his or her back yard. -
33:03 - 33:06In theory, we could
conjure up anything -
33:06 - 33:09and use such luxury-based
scarcity defenses -
33:09 - 33:12to support the existence
of the competitive market. -
33:13 - 33:16So what are human needs?
Are they subjective? -
33:17 - 33:19Human needs have been created
33:19 - 33:23by the process of our physical
and psychological evolution. -
33:23 - 33:28Not meeting these virtually empirical
needs results, as noted before, -
33:28 - 33:32in a statistically predictable
destabilizing spectrum -
33:32 - 33:36of physical, mental
and social disorders. -
33:37 - 33:41Human wants, on the other hand,
are cultural manifestations -
33:41 - 33:46which have undergone enormous subjective
change over the course of time, -
33:46 - 33:49revealing in truth something
of an arbitrary nature. -
33:49 - 33:54This isn't to say neurotic
attachments can't be made to wants, -
33:54 - 33:57so much so that they start
to take the role of needs. -
33:58 - 34:02That's a phenomenon that occurs readily
in our materialistic society, in fact. -
34:02 - 34:06This is exactly why the previously
noted wealth-imbalance issues, -
34:06 - 34:08namely the
psychosocial-stress response -
34:09 - 34:12resulting from social
comparison, is what it is. -
34:13 - 34:16It's a part of our evolutionary
psychology in many ways. -
34:16 - 34:19But this is partly why more
unequal societies also -
34:19 - 34:23are the more unhealthy societies,
because we perpetuate it. -
34:24 - 34:27The Zeitgeist Movement is not promoting
an infinite universal abundance -
34:27 - 34:30of all things, which is clearly
impossible on a finite planet. -
34:30 - 34:34Rather, it promotes a "post-scarcity'"
or "abundance" worldview, -
34:34 - 34:38with an active recognition of the
natural limits of consumption -
34:38 - 34:41on the planet while
seeking equilibrium. -
34:43 - 34:46And what separates the world
today from the world of the past -
34:46 - 34:48is that our scientific and
technological capacity -
34:49 - 34:51has reached an accelerating
point of efficiency -
34:51 - 34:55where creating a high standard of
living for all the world's people -
34:55 - 34:58based on current cultural
preferences, in fact, -
34:58 - 35:01is now possible within these
sustainable boundaries -
35:01 - 35:05without the destructive need to
compete through the market mechanism. -
35:07 - 35:10This is made by what has been
called "ephemeralization," -
35:11 - 35:14a term coined by engineer R.
Buckminster Fuller, -
35:14 - 35:16and the recognition
is very simple. -
35:16 - 35:20The amount of resources and energy
needed to achieve any given task -
35:20 - 35:23has constantly
decreased over time, -
35:23 - 35:27while the efficiency of that task
has increased, paradoxically. -
35:28 - 35:30An example is wireless
satellite communication -
35:30 - 35:33which uses exponentially
less materials -
35:33 - 35:36than traditional
large-gauge copper wire -
35:36 - 35:39and is more versatile
and effective. -
35:39 - 35:43In other words, we are doing
more with less continually, -
35:43 - 35:46and this trend can be noticed in all
areas of industrial development -
35:46 - 35:48from computer processing
or Moore's Law -
35:48 - 35:53to the rapid acceleration of human
knowledge or information technology. -
35:56 - 35:58And it isn't just
physical goods. -
35:58 - 36:01It also applies to
processes or systems. -
36:01 - 36:03For example, the labor system,
via automation today, -
36:03 - 36:05shows the exact same pattern.
36:05 - 36:10Industry has become more
productive with less people, -
36:10 - 36:12ever-increasing
machine performance, -
36:12 - 36:17with ever-decreasing energy and
material needs over time per operation. -
36:19 - 36:21As a brief tangent,
some might have noticed -
36:21 - 36:24I keep saying this phrase
36:24 - 36:27"High Standard of Living.
" What does that mean? -
36:27 - 36:30Who is to say what a high
standard of living should be? -
36:30 - 36:33The answer to that question
is not "who," it is "what." -
36:33 - 36:36And "what" determines
our standard of living -
36:37 - 36:39is the current state of
technology in many ways, -
36:39 - 36:42and what is required to keep
36:42 - 36:46social and environmental
sustainability on a finite planet. -
36:46 - 36:48That's basically the equation.
36:49 - 36:52If we as a society wish to keep the
value of constant materialism, -
36:52 - 36:57growth, and consumption, promoting
the virtue of having infinite wants -
36:57 - 37:00then we might as well just
kill ourselves right now, -
37:00 - 37:03as that is going to be the end
result if we continue to push past -
37:03 - 37:07the limits of the physical world with
respect to our resource exploitation -
37:07 - 37:09and the loss of biodiversity.
37:09 - 37:12So I want to make it very clear:
this new economic proposal -
37:12 - 37:15isn't just about seeing how the
market is obsolete per se, -
37:15 - 37:19given our new powerful awarenesses
of technical efficiency; -
37:19 - 37:22it is also about the
fact that we need -
37:23 - 37:26to get out of the market
paradigm as fast as we can -
37:26 - 37:29before it causes
even more damage. -
37:31 - 37:33OK, Post-Scarcity.
37:33 - 37:35The four categories I want to
cover in detail regarding this -
37:35 - 37:38are food, water, energy,
and material goods. -
37:39 - 37:41Please note that for
food, energy, and water -
37:41 - 37:45this is actually a very
conservative assessment, -
37:45 - 37:48using statistics and
measures based only -
37:48 - 37:51on existing methods that have
been put into industrial use, -
37:51 - 37:55not theoretical things that
people talk about all the time. -
37:55 - 37:57And all I'm going to
do is scale this out, -
37:57 - 38:00applying a systems
theory context. -
38:00 - 38:01Food.
38:02 - 38:04According to the United Nations, one
out of every eight people on Earth- -
38:04 - 38:08nearly one billion people- suffer
from chronic undernourishment. -
38:11 - 38:14Yet it is admitted that there
is enough food produced today -
38:14 - 38:16by traditional market
methods alone, -
38:16 - 38:21to provide everyone in the world with
at least 2,720 kilocalories per day -
38:21 - 38:24which is more then enough to
maintain basic health for most. -
38:24 - 38:27Therefore, just in
principle right now, -
38:27 - 38:31the existence of such a large-scale
number of chronically hungry people -
38:31 - 38:34reveals at a minimum that there
is something fundamentally wrong -
38:34 - 38:38with the global industrial
and economic process. -
38:39 - 38:43According to the Institution
of Mechanical Engineers, -
38:43 - 38:46"It is estimated that
30-50% of all food produced -
38:47 - 38:49never reaches a human stomach
38:49 - 38:51and this figure does not reflect
the fact that large amounts -
38:51 - 38:55of land, energy, fertilizers,
and water have also been lost -
38:55 - 38:59in the production of foodstuffs
which simply end up as waste." -
39:01 - 39:03While there is certainly an
imperative to consider the relevance -
39:03 - 39:06of these waste patterns, it
appears that the most effective -
39:06 - 39:10and practical means to overcome
this global deficiency entirely -
39:10 - 39:14is to update the system
of food production itself -
39:14 - 39:17with the most strategic
localization -
39:17 - 39:21in order to reduce the waste
caused by inefficiencies -
39:21 - 39:24in the current
global supply chain. -
39:24 - 39:27Perhaps the most promising of these
arrangements is something called -
39:27 - 39:30vertical farming which I
assume many are familiar with. -
39:30 - 39:33Vertical farming has been put
to test in a number of regions -
39:33 - 39:36with extremely promising results
regarding efficiency and conservation. -
39:37 - 39:39This method of abundant food
production will not only -
39:39 - 39:43use less resources per unit
output, causing less waste, -
39:43 - 39:45have a reduced
ecological footprint, -
39:45 - 39:47increase food quality
and the like, -
39:48 - 39:51it will also use less
surface of the planet, -
39:51 - 39:54uses less land area
than we're doing today. -
39:54 - 39:58It can even be done offshore-
it's that versatile- -
39:58 - 40:00enabling types of food as well,
that certain climates and regions -
40:01 - 40:03simply couldn't produce
because it's enclosed. -
40:04 - 40:07A vertical farm system in
Singapore, for example, -
40:07 - 40:09custom built, a
transparent enclosure, -
40:09 - 40:11uses a closed loop
automated hydraulic system -
40:12 - 40:15to rotate the crops in
circles between sunlight -
40:15 - 40:17and organic nutrient treatment,
40:17 - 40:22costing only about $3 a month in
electricity for each enclosure. -
40:23 - 40:26This system also has
reported to have 10 times -
40:26 - 40:30more productivity per square
foot than conventional farming, -
40:30 - 40:34again, using much less water,
labor, and fertilizer. -
40:34 - 40:37Students at Columbia
University in the US -
40:37 - 40:42determined that in order to feed
50,000 people, a 30-story farm -
40:42 - 40:45built on the size of a basic
city block would be needed, -
40:45 - 40:47which is about 6.4 acres.
40:47 - 40:51If we extrapolate this in the context
of the city of Los Angeles, California -
40:51 - 40:55(where I'm coming from) with a
population of about 4 million, -
40:55 - 40:58with a total acreage
of about 318,000 -
40:59 - 41:03it would take roughly 78
structures to feed all residents. -
41:03 - 41:09This amounts to about 0.1% of the
total land area of Los Angeles, -
41:09 - 41:11to feed the entire population.
41:12 - 41:14If we apply this
extrapolation to the Earth -
41:14 - 41:18and the human population of 7.2
billion, we end up needing about -
41:18 - 41:22144,000 vertical farms
to feed the whole world. -
41:22 - 41:27This amounts to about 921,000 acres
of land to place these farms -
41:27 - 41:30which, given about 38%
of the Earth's land -
41:30 - 41:33is currently being used for
traditional agriculture, -
41:33 - 41:36we find that we only
need about 0.006% -
41:37 - 41:39of the Earth's existing
agricultural land -
41:39 - 41:42to meet production requirements.
41:42 - 41:44Let's be a little bit
more consistent. -
41:44 - 41:47Within that 38% land-use
statistic for agriculture, -
41:47 - 41:50much of that land is also used
for livestock cultivation, -
41:50 - 41:52not just crop cultivation.
41:53 - 41:55So, if we were to
theoretically take -
41:55 - 41:59only the crop production
land currently being used, -
41:59 - 42:03which is about 4 billion acres,
replacing land-based cultivation -
42:03 - 42:08by dropping these 30-story vertical
farms side-by-side in theory, -
42:09 - 42:13the food output would be enough to
meet the nutritional needs to feed -
42:13 - 42:1634.4 trillion people.
42:18 - 42:23Given that we only need to
feed about 9 billion by 2050, -
42:23 - 42:29we only need to harness about 0.02%
of this theoretical capacity, which -
42:29 - 42:33it could be argued, makes rather moot
any seemingly practical objections -
42:33 - 42:36common to the aforementioned
extrapolation. -
42:36 - 42:40In short, we have absolute
global food abundance potential. -
42:42 - 42:43Water.
42:44 - 42:47According to the World Health
Organization about 2.6 billion people- -
42:47 - 42:49half of the developing world-
lack proper sanitation -
42:50 - 42:52and about 1.1 billion
people have no access -
42:53 - 42:55to any type of clean
drinking sources. -
42:55 - 42:58Due to ongoing
depletion, by 2025, -
42:58 - 43:01it is estimated that
almost 2 billion people -
43:01 - 43:04will live in areas plagued
by water scarcity -
43:04 - 43:07with 2/3 of the entire
world population living -
43:08 - 43:10in water-stressed areas.
43:11 - 43:14The cause?
Obviously waste and pollution. -
43:14 - 43:17But I'm not going
to talk about that- -
43:17 - 43:19the details, causes and prevention;
that's not the point of this. -
43:20 - 43:23Rather, let's take again, a
technological capacity approach only, -
43:23 - 43:28considering modern purification
and modern desalination systems -
43:28 - 43:30on the macro-industrial scale.
43:31 - 43:33Purification.
43:33 - 43:39The average person today globally
uses about 1,385m³ of water per year. -
43:39 - 43:43This factors in all industrial
activity as well, such as agriculture. -
43:44 - 43:47For the sake of argument, let's
consider what it would take to purify -
43:47 - 43:53all the fresh water currently being
used in the world on average annually. -
43:53 - 43:58Given the global
average of 1,385m³ -
43:58 - 44:00and a population of 7.2 billion,
44:00 - 44:04we arrive at a total annual
use of about 10 trillion m³. -
44:05 - 44:11Using a New York State USA
UV-disinfection plant as a base measure, -
44:11 - 44:15which has an output capacity of roughly
3 billion cubic meters a year, -
44:16 - 44:19taking up about 3.7
acres of land, -
44:19 - 44:22we would need 3,327 plants
44:22 - 44:27to purify all the water used by
the entire global population, -
44:27 - 44:30taking up about
12,000 acres of land. -
44:31 - 44:34Needless to say, there are many
other factors that come into play, -
44:34 - 44:37such as power needs, location, and the like.
That's fair enough. -
44:37 - 44:39However, this is a
minor inconvenience. -
44:40 - 44:4212,000 acres is
nothing compared to -
44:42 - 44:46the 36 billion acres of
land on the planet Earth. -
44:47 - 44:50To give this a more practical
example, the US military -
44:51 - 44:55alone has about 845,000
military bases -
44:56 - 44:58and buildings, I
should say, as well. -
44:58 - 45:03This has been reported to take up about
30 million acres of land globally. -
45:04 - 45:08Only 0.04% of that
land would be needed -
45:08 - 45:12to disinfect the total fresh
water use of the entire world -
45:12 - 45:16if that were even needed,
which of course it is not. -
45:17 - 45:19Desalination.
45:19 - 45:22Let's run the same theoretical
extrapolation on desalination. -
45:23 - 45:26The most common method of desalination
used today is called reverse osmosis, -
45:26 - 45:29and according the International
Desalination Association, -
45:30 - 45:34it accounts for 60% of the
installed capacity globally. -
45:34 - 45:37There are a lot of other methods
that are emerging quite rapidly -
45:37 - 45:40with high levels of efficiency [which]
can move water much more quickly. -
45:40 - 45:42But I'm not going to talk about that.
I want to stay only -
45:42 - 45:44within the common
methods applied today. -
45:45 - 45:47But keep in mind that
everything I'm speaking of -
45:47 - 45:49has dramatic improvements
coming very soon. -
45:49 - 45:51There's an advanced
reversed osmosis -
45:51 - 45:54seawater desalinization
plant in Australia -
45:54 - 45:58that can produce about 150
million m³ of fresh water a year -
45:58 - 46:00while occupying about 50 acres.
46:00 - 46:04Given the total annual water
use of the world today, -
46:04 - 46:07- it's about 10 trillion
cubic meters again - -
46:07 - 46:09it would take about
60,000 plants to produce -
46:09 - 46:12current global water
usage in total. -
46:12 - 46:15Using the dimensions of that
plant, which is quite large, -
46:15 - 46:18such a feat would take about
18,000 miles of coast land, -
46:18 - 46:22or about 8.5% of the
world's coast land. -
46:22 - 46:26Obviously, that's not really ideal,
that's a lot of coast land, -
46:26 - 46:28but this exercise is
about proportion. -
46:28 - 46:31Clearly, we do not need to
desalinate all water used, -
46:31 - 46:34nor would we bypass the use
of purification processes -
46:35 - 46:39or ignore the vast reforms needed to
preserve efficiency and fresh water -
46:40 - 46:44or, equally as important, the reuse
schemes that are coming to fruition -
46:44 - 46:47where buildings are able to
use water in multiple ways -
46:47 - 46:50by recycling water that comes
from a sink into toilets, -
46:50 - 46:54and other mechanisms that unfortunately
go unused for the vast majority. -
46:55 - 46:58Let's do a slightly more practical
real life extrapolation, -
46:58 - 47:01combining only purification
and desalination -
47:01 - 47:04with actual regional
scarcity statistics. -
47:04 - 47:08On the continent of Africa,
roughly 345 million people -
47:08 - 47:10lack access to freshwater.
47:10 - 47:13If we apply the noted global
average consumption rate -
47:13 - 47:16again of 1,385m³ a year,
47:16 - 47:20seeking to provide each of those
345 million people that amount, -
47:21 - 47:25we would need about 480 billion
cubic meters produced annually. -
47:25 - 47:29If we divided this number in half
and use purification systems -
47:29 - 47:32for one section and
desalination for the other, -
47:32 - 47:36the desalination process
would need about 1.9% -
47:36 - 47:40or 494 miles of coastline for
desalination facilities, -
47:41 - 47:46and only about 296 acres of land
for purification facilities, -
47:46 - 47:49which is a minuscule fraction
of Africa's total land mass -
47:49 - 47:51of about 7 billion acres.
47:51 - 47:54So, this is highly doable
even in this crude example. -
47:55 - 48:00In all cases, we would strategically
maximize purification processes -
48:00 - 48:02since it is clearly
more efficient -
48:02 - 48:06while using desalination
for the remaining demand. -
48:07 - 48:09In short, it's absurd for
anyone on this planet -
48:09 - 48:12to be going without freshwater,
not to mention, as an aside, -
48:13 - 48:1670% of all freshwater used today
48:17 - 48:22is used in agriculture in our grossly
wasteful agricultural methods. 70%! -
48:23 - 48:26If we, for example, apply
again vertical farm systems -
48:26 - 48:30which have been noted to reduce water
by upwards of 80% in comparison, -
48:31 - 48:32we would see an
enormous freeing up -
48:32 - 48:36of this unnecessarily
scarce resource as well. -
48:36 - 48:38Moving on to Energy.
48:38 - 48:43We live in one massive perpetual
motion machine known as the Universe. -
48:43 - 48:47The fact that we still use polluting
fossil fuel stores in the Earth -
48:47 - 48:50or the incredibly unstable
nuclear phenomenon -
48:50 - 48:53which gives very little
room for human fallibility -
48:53 - 48:55is truly frightening.
48:56 - 48:59There are four main
large capacity -
48:59 - 49:02"base-load," as they would
say, renewable energy means -
49:02 - 49:05which are currently most ideal
49:05 - 49:08as per our current state of
technological application. -
49:08 - 49:11These are geothermal
plants, wind farms, -
49:11 - 49:14solar fields, and
water-based power. -
49:14 - 49:17Due to time I'm not going to
explain what these mediums are -
49:17 - 49:19as I assume most know.
I'm just going to run through -
49:19 - 49:21the abundance comparison.
49:22 - 49:23Geothermal.
49:23 - 49:26A 2006 MIT report on
geothermal found that -
49:26 - 49:2913,000 zettajoules of power are
currently available in the Earth -
49:29 - 49:33with the possibility of 2000
zettajoules being harvestable -
49:33 - 49:35with improved technology.
49:35 - 49:38The total energy consumption of
all the countries on the planet -
49:38 - 49:41is only about half a
zettajoule a year. -
49:41 - 49:44This means literally thousands
of years of planetary power -
49:44 - 49:47could be harnessed in
this medium alone. -
49:47 - 49:52Geothermal energy also uses much
less land than other energy sources. -
49:53 - 49:56Over 30 years, a period of
time commonly used to compare -
49:56 - 50:00the life cycle impacts from
different power sources, -
50:00 - 50:03it was found that a
geothermal facility -
50:04 - 50:09uses 404 m² of land
per gigawatt hour -
50:09 - 50:11while a coal facility
50:11 - 50:16uses 3,632 m² per gigawatt hour.
50:17 - 50:20If we were to do a basic
comparison of geothermal to coal -
50:20 - 50:23given this ratio of m² to GWh
50:23 - 50:25we find that we could fit
about 9 geothermal plants -
50:25 - 50:28in the space of one coal plant.
50:28 - 50:31And that isn't accounting
for the vast amount of land -
50:31 - 50:33that is currently used
for coal extraction- -
50:33 - 50:36you know, those huge holes
that we see in the earth. -
50:36 - 50:39By the way, the beauty of
geothermal, and in fact, -
50:39 - 50:43all of the renewables I'm going
to speak of, is that extraction -
50:43 - 50:47or the harnessing location is
almost always the exact same place -
50:47 - 50:51as processing for the power
distribution as well. -
50:51 - 50:55All hydrocarbon sources on the
other hand require both extraction -
50:55 - 50:59and power production facilities
almost always in separate locations, -
50:59 - 51:02sometimes refineries as well,
in separate locations. -
51:03 - 51:07In 2013, it was announced that
a 1,000 megawatt power station -
51:07 - 51:09was to begin construction
in Ethiopia. -
51:09 - 51:13We're going to use this as a base,
theoretical for extrapolation. -
51:14 - 51:18If a 1000-megawatt geothermal power
station operated at full capacity -
51:19 - 51:2124 hours a day, 365 days a year,
51:21 - 51:26it would produce 8.7
million MWh a year. -
51:26 - 51:29The world's current annual
energy usage is about -
51:30 - 51:35153 billion MWh a year, which would
mean it would take in abstraction -
51:35 - 51:39about 17,000 geothermal
plants to match global use. -
51:40 - 51:45There are over 2,300 coal power
plants in operation worldwide today. -
51:45 - 51:49Using the aforementioned
plant-sized capacity comparison -
51:49 - 51:53of about nine geothermal plants
fitting into one coal plant, -
51:53 - 51:57the space of 1,940 coal plants
would be needed in theory -
51:57 - 52:01to contain the 17,000
geothermal plants -
52:01 - 52:04or 84% of the total
in existence. -
52:05 - 52:08Also, given that coal
accounts for only 41% -
52:08 - 52:10of today's current
energy production, -
52:10 - 52:13this theoretical
extrapolation also shows -
52:13 - 52:17how in 84% of the current
space used by coal plants, -
52:18 - 52:24geothermal could supply 100%
of total global power supply. -
52:26 - 52:28Wind Farms.
52:28 - 52:31It's been calculated that today
with existing turbine technology, -
52:31 - 52:33which is improving rapidly,
that Earth could produce -
52:33 - 52:36hundreds of trillions of watts
of power, many more times -
52:36 - 52:39than what the world
consumes, overall. -
52:39 - 52:42However, breaking this
down, using the 9,000 acre -
52:42 - 52:45Alta Wind Center in California
as a theoretical basis, -
52:45 - 52:51which has an active capacity
of 1,320 MW of power, -
52:51 - 52:55a theoretical annual output of
11 million MWh is possible. -
52:56 - 52:59This means 13,000
52:59 - 53:029,000-acre wind farms
would be needed to meet -
53:03 - 53:07total global demand
of 153 billion MWh. -
53:07 - 53:11This requires about 119
million acres of land -
53:11 - 53:16or 0.3% of the Earth's surface
53:16 - 53:19to power the world
in abstraction. -
53:19 - 53:22However as some may
know, offshore wind -
53:22 - 53:25is typically much more
powerful than land-based. -
53:25 - 53:27According to the Assessment
53:28 - 53:32of Offshore Wind Energy Resources
for the United States, a report: -
53:32 - 53:374,150 gigawatts of potential
wind turbine technology- -
53:37 - 53:40turbine capacity- from
offshore wind resources -
53:40 - 53:43are available in the
United States alone. -
53:43 - 53:47Assuming this power capacity was
consistent for a whole year, -
53:47 - 53:52we end up with an energy conversion
of 36 billion MWh a year. -
53:52 - 53:55Given the United States in 2010
53:55 - 53:58used 25.7 billion MWh,
53:58 - 54:01we find that offshore
wind harvesting alone -
54:01 - 54:04could exceed the national use
54:04 - 54:08by about 10.6
billion MWh or 41%. -
54:09 - 54:12And axiomatically,
extrapolating this national -
54:12 - 54:15level of capacity to the rest
of the world's coast lines, -
54:16 - 54:20also taking into account the
aforementioned land-based statistics, -
54:21 - 54:25it is clear that we can power
the world many, many times over -
54:25 - 54:27with wind, and
quite practically. -
54:29 - 54:31Solar Fields.
54:32 - 54:35If humanity could capture 0.1% of the
solar energy striking the Earth, -
54:36 - 54:38we would have access to
six times as much energy -
54:38 - 54:41we consume in all forms today.
54:41 - 54:43The ability to harness this
power depends on technology -
54:43 - 54:47and how high the percentage
of radiation conversion is. -
54:48 - 54:51The Ivanpah Solar Electric
System in California: -
54:51 - 54:54it's a 3,500-acre field
54:54 - 54:57with an annual stated generation
of about one million MWh. -
54:57 - 55:01If we were to extrapolate using
this as a theoretical basis, -
55:02 - 55:08it would take about 142,000 fields
or about 500 million acres of land -
55:08 - 55:11to theoretically meet
current global energy use. -
55:11 - 55:14That's about 1.5% of
total land on Earth. -
55:15 - 55:20Deserts cover about 1/3 of the
world or about 12 billion acres, -
55:20 - 55:23and they tend to be fairly
conducive to solar fields, -
55:23 - 55:27while often less conducive
to life support for people. -
55:27 - 55:31Given the roughly
500 million acres -
55:31 - 55:33theoretically needed to
power the world as noted, -
55:34 - 55:37only 4.1% of the world's
deserts would be needed -
55:37 - 55:39to contain these fields,
55:40 - 55:42land that pretty much just
otherwise sits there. -
55:44 - 55:46Water-Based Power.
55:46 - 55:50There are five dominant types of
water-based power: wave, tidal, -
55:50 - 55:52ocean current, osmotic,
55:52 - 55:55ocean thermal, and water course.
55:55 - 55:58Overall, the technology for
harnessing ocean in general -
55:58 - 56:01is in its infancy, but
the potential is vast. -
56:01 - 56:04And based on
traditional estimates -
56:04 - 56:07here is what the accepted
global potentials -
56:07 - 56:11have been estimated at
using existing methods; -
56:11 - 56:15we're not applying advanced technology
that's not in application yet. -
56:16 - 56:21This all figures up to be
about 150,000 TWh/year -
56:21 - 56:24or 96% of current global use
56:24 - 56:26of the half of a zettajoule,
56:26 - 56:31pretty much enough to power the world
in one medium alone if applied. -
56:31 - 56:34However to give a sense of
growing technological potential -
56:34 - 56:37(because I think this is important
considering how technology -
56:37 - 56:41and water-oriented power
is deeply in its infancy) -
56:41 - 56:44recent developments in 'ocean
current' harnessing technology -
56:45 - 56:47(the currents that go
underneath the ocean) -
56:47 - 56:50which can embrace much lower
speeds now than they used to, -
56:50 - 56:53it has estimated that ocean
current alone could now -
56:53 - 56:57theoretically power the entire
world if applied correctly. -
56:59 - 57:00So, let's recap.
57:01 - 57:04Wind, solar, water and
geothermal have shown, -
57:04 - 57:07as large scale, base-load
renewable energy mediums, -
57:07 - 57:11that they are capable, individually,
of meeting or vastly exceeding -
57:11 - 57:15current annual global energy
consumption at this time. -
57:15 - 57:19And obviously a systems approach,
harmonizing an optimized fraction -
57:19 - 57:22of each of those renewables
strategically is the key -
57:22 - 57:26to achieving a global,
total energy abundance. -
57:27 - 57:29For example, it's not
inconceivable to imagine -
57:29 - 57:32a series of man-made
floating islands -
57:32 - 57:36off select coastlines which are
designed to harness, at once, -
57:36 - 57:41wind, solar, thermal difference,
wave, tidal and currents, -
57:41 - 57:44all at the same time and
in the same general area. -
57:44 - 57:48Such energy islands would then
pipe their harvest back to land -
57:48 - 57:50for storage and distribution.
57:50 - 57:54It is only up to our design ingenuity
to figure things like this out. -
57:56 - 57:58Localization and Reuse.
57:58 - 58:00The final energy factor
I want to mention, -
58:01 - 58:04which builds upon this
systems-thinking explicitly, -
58:04 - 58:08has to do with localization
and re-use schemes. -
58:08 - 58:11Localized energy harnessing
isn't given a fraction -
58:11 - 58:14of the attention it needs today.
58:14 - 58:16Smaller scale renewable methods
which are conducive to -
58:17 - 58:19single structures or small areas
58:19 - 58:22find the same systems logic,
regarding combination. -
58:23 - 58:26These local systems could also, if
need be, connect back into the larger -
58:27 - 58:31base-load systems, creating a total,
mixed medium, integrated network -
58:31 - 58:34which happens sometimes
today with solar. -
58:34 - 58:37There are many localized systems
out there which can draw energy -
58:37 - 58:40from the immediate environment:
there's solar power arrays, -
58:41 - 58:43there's small wind
harvesting systems, -
58:43 - 58:45localized geothermal
heating and cooling -
58:45 - 58:48and even architectural design
that just simply makes -
58:49 - 58:51natural light and heat/cool
preservation more efficient. -
58:52 - 58:54Buckminster Fuller was great
with his dome structures -
58:54 - 58:57and how they actually contained
energy quite well. Same idea. -
58:58 - 59:00Extending outwards to
city infrastructure -
59:00 - 59:04we see the same wasted possible
efficiency almost everywhere. -
59:04 - 59:07A simple technology
called piezoelectric -
59:07 - 59:11is able to convert pressure and mechanical
energy directly into electricity. -
59:11 - 59:15It's an excellent example of an energy
reuse method with great potential. -
59:15 - 59:18Existing applications have
included power generation -
59:18 - 59:22by people simply walking on these
engineered floors and sidewalks, -
59:22 - 59:25streets which can generate power
as automobiles cross over them, -
59:25 - 59:28and train rail systems which
can also capture energy -
59:28 - 59:31from passing train
cars through pressure. -
59:31 - 59:35It has been suggested by
people who have studied this -
59:35 - 59:38that a stretch of road
less than one mile long, -
59:38 - 59:41four lanes wide, a highway,
59:41 - 59:43and trafficked by about
1,000 vehicles per hour -
59:44 - 59:46can create about 0.4
Megawatt of power, -
59:46 - 59:49which is enough to
power 600 homes. -
59:49 - 59:52Now extrapolate that out to the bulk
of all the highways in the world; -
59:53 - 59:56you have a very, very powerful
regenerative energy source. -
59:58 - 60:01Overall, if we think about the
enormous mechanical energy wasted -
60:01 - 60:05by vehicle transport modes and
high-traffic walking centers alone, -
60:05 - 60:08the potential of that possible
regenerated energy is quite substantial. -
60:08 - 60:11It's this systems-thinking
once again that is needed -
60:11 - 60:13in order to maintain
sustainability, -
60:13 - 60:18while also pursuing this
global energy abundance. -
60:19 - 60:22The final more complex
subject, energy aside, -
60:22 - 60:25will be the subject
of material abundance -
60:25 - 60:27and creating
life-supporting goods. -
60:28 - 60:33Unlike the prior, more simple
post-scarcity categories of food, -
60:33 - 60:37water and energy, the creation
of a broad material abundance -
60:37 - 60:41of all basic goods, which comprise
the current average, you could say, -
60:42 - 60:45of what is culturally considered a
'high standard of living' today -
60:45 - 60:47is substantially more
radical in its need -
60:48 - 60:50for industrial
revision and change. -
60:51 - 60:55As expressed before, the current
highly inefficient methods -
60:55 - 60:59we use in industrial design, production,
distribution and regeneration -
60:59 - 61:02is one of the main reasons
we are in a constant state -
61:02 - 61:04of global resource overshoot
61:04 - 61:08and destabilizing
biodiversity loss. -
61:09 - 61:12Also as noted prior, there
is no market incentive -
61:12 - 61:14for advanced states
of efficiency, -
61:14 - 61:17as efficiency always reduces
the amount of labor, -
61:17 - 61:20resources and service
needed for a given purpose; -
61:21 - 61:23and hence, reduces
monetary circulation. -
61:23 - 61:26I can't reinforce that enough.
61:26 - 61:29Therefore, a new synergistic
systems-view of industry -
61:30 - 61:33focused explicitly on material
and labor efficiency, -
61:34 - 61:38along with an optimized strategy
for sustainability, is in order. -
61:38 - 61:43For the sake of time and as a lead-in
to the final section on calculation, -
61:43 - 61:46I'm going to focus on a few
principles or protocols -
61:46 - 61:49and how each protocol
assists efficiency -
61:49 - 61:52towards this
post-scarcity abundance. -
61:52 - 61:55Otherwise it would take an
enormous amount of time; -
61:55 - 61:57it's not as simple as the
prior extrapolations. -
61:57 - 61:59However, in this book that I mentioned
there will be a whole chapter -
61:59 - 62:02dedicated to this issue
in great detail. -
62:07 - 62:09(1) Access, not property.
62:10 - 62:13A property-based society
incentivizes the preference to own -
62:14 - 62:16a given product,
rather than rent, -
62:17 - 62:19or gain access to as needed.
62:20 - 62:23I'm a filmmaker and while I do
rent some things occasionally, -
62:23 - 62:26it's much more cost-effective
and smart to buy things -
62:27 - 62:29because they have resale value.
62:29 - 62:32This incentive of universal
ownership is incredibly wasteful -
62:32 - 62:36when we examine actual use
time of a given good. -
62:37 - 62:41Facilitating a means of access where
things can be literally shared -
62:41 - 62:45will allow many more to gain use
of goods they otherwise could not, -
62:45 - 62:48along with there being less production
of those goods in proportion. -
62:49 - 62:51In a Natural Law/Resource
Based Economy -
62:51 - 62:55we seek to create an access
abundance, not a property abundance -
62:55 - 62:58which is inherently wasteful.
62:58 - 63:02As an aside, it's also important
to note that property -
63:02 - 63:04is not an empirical concept.
63:04 - 63:07Only access is
empirically valid. -
63:07 - 63:10Property is a protectionist
contrivance. -
63:10 - 63:13Access is the reality of the
social and human condition. -
63:13 - 63:16In order for you to truly
say "own" a computer, -
63:16 - 63:18you have to have had alone
63:18 - 63:22come up with the entire technological
process that made that thing -
63:22 - 63:24along with the ideas
that comprise the tools -
63:25 - 63:27you might have used to
make that computer. -
63:27 - 63:29This is literally impossible
63:29 - 63:33and is what destroys the
early labor theory of value -
63:33 - 63:36(property is stuff that's put
forward by classical economists). -
63:37 - 63:40There's no such thing as property.
There is only access and sharing, -
63:40 - 63:43no matter what social
system you employ. -
63:44 - 63:47(2) Designed-in Recycling
63:47 - 63:50Contrary to our intuition, there
is no such thing as waste -
63:50 - 63:51in the natural world.
63:51 - 63:54Not only from the standpoint
of the biosphere which reuses -
63:54 - 63:56everything in its process,
63:56 - 64:01the 92 main naturally occurring
elements in the periodic table -
64:01 - 64:05that comprise all matter
cannot be exhausted. -
64:05 - 64:08Humanity has given very little
consideration to the role -
64:08 - 64:12of material regeneration, and
how all of our design practices -
64:12 - 64:15must account for this recycling.
64:15 - 64:18In fact, as some may know, the
highest state of this recycling -
64:18 - 64:21will eventually come in the
form of nanotechnology. -
64:21 - 64:24Nanotechnology will eventually
be able to create goods -
64:24 - 64:28from the atomic level up and
disassemble them right back down -
64:28 - 64:31to the almost virtual
starting point. -
64:31 - 64:35It is the ultimate form of recycling.
By the way, I'm not suggesting this. -
64:35 - 64:38I'm not suggesting that nanotechnology
is even needed at this time, -
64:39 - 64:41as though that that's what
we're doing right now. -
64:41 - 64:44It's just [that] this is a
great principle to reference -
64:44 - 64:47as far as regenerative
importance. -
64:48 - 64:52Today, industry has little sense
of synergy in this context. -
64:52 - 64:55Recycling is an afterthought.
Companies continue to do things -
64:55 - 64:58such as blindly coat materials with
chemical paints, and the like, -
64:58 - 65:01that distort the properties
of those materials, -
65:01 - 65:03making the materials
less salvageable, -
65:03 - 65:06or maybe completely unsalvageable,
to current recycling methods. -
65:06 - 65:09It happens all the time.
So long story short, -
65:09 - 65:12strategic recycling
just might be -
65:12 - 65:15the most core seed of a
continued abundance. -
65:16 - 65:19Every landfill on earth is
just a waste of potential. -
65:20 - 65:24Number 3: Strategic
conformation of good design -
65:24 - 65:26to the most conducive
65:26 - 65:29and abundant materials known.
65:30 - 65:33You will notice this efficiency
qualification in what I just said: -
65:34 - 65:36conducive and abundant.
65:36 - 65:41Conducive means most appropriate
based on the material properties. -
65:41 - 65:45Abundant means you weigh
the value of conduciveness -
65:45 - 65:49against the value of how accessible
and low-impact the material is, -
65:49 - 65:54compared to other materials which
may be more or less conducive. -
65:54 - 65:57This is a synergistic
efficiency comparison. -
65:58 - 66:00(I'm sorry if the language sounds
a little bit complicated.) -
66:00 - 66:05Probably the best example of this
is home or domicile construction. -
66:05 - 66:08The common use of wood, bricks,
screws and the vast array of parts -
66:08 - 66:13that is typical of a common house is
comparatively, vastly inefficient -
66:13 - 66:18to more modern, simplified
pre-fabrication or moldable materials. -
66:19 - 66:21A traditional 2000 square-foot
home requires about -
66:22 - 66:2440 to 50 trees, about an acre.
66:24 - 66:28Compare that with houses that can be
created in prefabrication processes -
66:28 - 66:31with simple,
earth-friendly polymers, -
66:31 - 66:35concrete, or other
easily formable methods. -
66:35 - 66:383D printing, for
example, is on pace. -
66:39 - 66:44These new approaches have a very
small footprint as compared to -
66:44 - 66:47our destruction of global forests
which continue, for wood. -
66:47 - 66:50Home construction today is one
of the most resource intensive -
66:50 - 66:53and wasteful industrial
mediums in the world, -
66:54 - 66:57with about 40% of all materials
collected for construction -
66:57 - 66:59ended up as waste in the end.
67:01 - 67:05Number 4: Design conduciveness
for labor automation. -
67:05 - 67:08Now this is very
foreign to many. -
67:08 - 67:10The more we conform
to the current state -
67:11 - 67:14of rapid, efficient
production processes, -
67:14 - 67:16obviously, the more
abundance we can create. -
67:17 - 67:20If you read texts on
manufacturing processes, -
67:20 - 67:23they typically divide labor
into three categories. -
67:23 - 67:27There's human assembly, there's
mechanization and there's automation. -
67:27 - 67:29Human assembly means handmade,
67:29 - 67:32mechanization means machines
assist the laborer, -
67:32 - 67:35and automation means
no human action. -
67:37 - 67:40Imagine if you needed a chair
and there were three designs. -
67:40 - 67:44The first is elaborate and complex,
and could only be done by hand. -
67:44 - 67:47The second is more streamlined
where its parts could be made -
67:47 - 67:50mostly by machines, but would
need to be assembled by hand. -
67:50 - 67:57The third chair is produced by
one process, fully automated. -
67:58 - 68:01The latter chair design
would be the design goal -
68:02 - 68:04in theory of this new approach.
68:05 - 68:08What this would do is reduce the
complexity of the automation process -
68:08 - 68:10with little to no human labor.
68:10 - 68:14Imagine a production plant
that not only produces cars, -
68:14 - 68:17it can produce virtually any
kind of industrial product -
68:17 - 68:20comprised of the same
basic shared materials. -
68:20 - 68:22This is very feasible.
68:22 - 68:25This would increase
output substantially. -
68:25 - 68:29In other words, we are optimizing
the means of production. -
68:29 - 68:32And as an aside, many
who see stuff like this -
68:32 - 68:35think that this means there's not going
to be any variety in the future, -
68:35 - 68:39that it's just going to be cold and
uniform and everyone gets the same thing. -
68:39 - 68:43No. I'm just using this as an example
to make an efficiency point. -
68:43 - 68:46Being conducive to automation does
not mean universal uniformity -
68:46 - 68:49of design because the incredible
amount of variance possible -
68:50 - 68:53in our current automation technology
is amazing and accelerating. -
68:53 - 68:58Modular robotics, there's many
different self-changing machines -
68:58 - 69:00that can create a great
amount of variance. -
69:00 - 69:03All this means is the existing
processes in their current state -
69:03 - 69:06should be respected
to ease production. -
69:06 - 69:09Don't confuse this with the idea that
everyone just gets the same everything. -
69:09 - 69:12What they get is the same basic
sustainability principles, -
69:12 - 69:15which come in many different forms,
if you can understand that. -
69:15 - 69:19These four parameters set in motion,
along with the basic intent -
69:19 - 69:23to assist the trend of
ephemeralization on all levels, -
69:23 - 69:26there is little doubt
that every human being -
69:26 - 69:28could have a very high
standard of living. -
69:28 - 69:32It is simply about converting
all of the inefficiency we have -
69:32 - 69:36straight into productivity,
strategically. -
69:38 - 69:42I will conclude this section by noting that R.
Buckminster Fuller -
69:42 - 69:45is probably the only human
being that has ever attempted -
69:45 - 69:48to account and quantify the state
of resources and their potential -
69:48 - 69:51within the past hundred
years and, while primitive, -
69:52 - 69:56he was able to arrive at the
following conclusion in 1969: -
69:57 - 70:01"Man developed such intense
mechanization in World War I -
70:01 - 70:06that the percentage of total world
population that were industrial 'haves' -
70:06 - 70:09rose by 1919 to
the figure of 6%. -
70:09 - 70:11This was an abrupt
change in history. -
70:11 - 70:14By the time of World War
II, 20% of all humanity -
70:14 - 70:16had become industrial 'haves.'
70:17 - 70:21At the present moment the proportion
of 'haves' is at 40% of humanity. -
70:21 - 70:24If we up the performances of
resources from the present level -
70:24 - 70:29to a highly feasible overall
efficiency of 12% more -
70:29 - 70:32(increasing by 12%, our use,
holistically, on average) -
70:32 - 70:35all humanity can
be provided for." -
70:35 - 70:40The exponential increase in
information technology since 1969, -
70:40 - 70:42along with the applied
technology and advanced -
70:42 - 70:46synergetic understandings
we have today, -
70:46 - 70:48I suspect, now far exceeds-...
70:48 - 70:53we are way beyond the 12% efficiency
increase that he saw as needed. -
70:53 - 70:58The problem now is conforming to
industrial conduciveness appropriately -
70:59 - 71:01which is currently not done.
71:02 - 71:06This leads us to Part III: Economic
Organization and Calculation. -
71:08 - 71:10If you're wondering why
I spent so much time -
71:10 - 71:12on the prior points
of post-scarcity -
71:12 - 71:15and those two core problems
inherent to market capitalism- -
71:15 - 71:18social imbalance and
environmental imbalance- -
71:18 - 71:21it's because you cannot understand
the logic of the economic factors -
71:21 - 71:25involved in this model without
those prior awarenesses. -
71:27 - 71:30A Natural Law/Resource Based Economy
is not just a progressive outgrowth -
71:30 - 71:34of our increased capacity to
be productive as a species, -
71:34 - 71:37as though we would just gradually
evolve out of the market system -
71:37 - 71:39step-by-step into this approach.
71:39 - 71:43No. The dire need for
this system's removal -
71:43 - 71:45needs to be realized once again.
71:45 - 71:47It has to become
a part, in fact, -
71:47 - 71:50of the incentive structure
of the new model: -
71:50 - 71:54the historical understanding that
if we do not adjust in this way -
71:54 - 71:57we will revert right back into
this highly unstable period -
71:57 - 71:59we are in right now.
72:00 - 72:03An economic model is a
theoretical construct -
72:03 - 72:08representing component processes by
a set of variables or functions, -
72:08 - 72:11describing the logical
relationships between them. -
72:11 - 72:13Basic definition.
72:13 - 72:16If anyone has studied traditional
or market-based economic modeling, -
72:16 - 72:19a great deal of time is often spent
on things such as price trends, -
72:20 - 72:23behavioral patterns,
utilitarianistic functions, -
72:23 - 72:26inflation, currency
fluctuations and so forth. -
72:26 - 72:31Rarely, if ever, is anything said
about public or ecological health. -
72:31 - 72:35Why? Because the market
is, again, life-blind -
72:35 - 72:39and decoupled from the science of
life support and sustainability. -
72:39 - 72:42It is simply a proxy system.
72:44 - 72:48The best way to think about this economy
is not in the traditional terms, -
72:48 - 72:50but rather as an
advanced production, -
72:51 - 72:55distribution and management system
which is democratically engaged -
72:55 - 72:59by the public through a kind
of participatory economics -
73:00 - 73:04that facilitates input processes,
such as design proposals -
73:04 - 73:08and demand assessment, while
filtering all actions -
73:08 - 73:13through what we will call sustainability
and efficiency protocols. -
73:13 - 73:17These are the basic rules
of industrial action -
73:17 - 73:21set by natural law,
not human opinion. -
73:21 - 73:25As noted prior, neither of these
interests are structurally inherent -
73:25 - 73:29in the capitalist model, and it is
clear that humanity needs a model -
73:29 - 73:33that has this type of stuff built
right into it for consideration. -
73:34 - 73:37Structural System Goals.
73:37 - 73:40All economic systems
have structural goals -
73:40 - 73:43which may not be
readily apparent. -
73:43 - 73:46Market capitalism's structural
goal, as described, is growth -
73:46 - 73:50and maintaining rates of consumption
high enough to keep people employed -
73:50 - 73:55at any given time, and employment
requires also a culture of real -
73:55 - 74:00or perceived inefficiency, and that
essentially means the preservation -
74:00 - 74:05of scarcity in one form or another.
That is its structural goal. -
74:06 - 74:10And good luck getting a market
economist to admit to that. -
74:11 - 74:15This model [NLRBE] goal is to
optimize technical efficiency -
74:16 - 74:19and create the highest level
of abundance we possibly can -
74:19 - 74:22within the bounds of
earthly sustainability, -
74:22 - 74:25seeking to meet human
needs directly. -
74:28 - 74:30System Overview.
74:30 - 74:34One of the great myths of this model
is that it's centrally planned; -
74:34 - 74:36I'm sure many of us
have heard this. -
74:36 - 74:40What this means based on historical
precedent is that it is assumed -
74:40 - 74:44that an elite group of people basically
will make the economic decisions -
74:44 - 74:46for a society.
74:46 - 74:52No. This model is a collaborative
design system: CDS. -
74:52 - 74:54Not centrally planned.
74:54 - 74:57It is based entirely
upon public interaction -
74:57 - 75:01facilitated by programmed,
open-source systems -
75:01 - 75:04that enable a constant
dynamic feedback flow -
75:04 - 75:07that can literally allow the
input of the public on any -
75:07 - 75:11given industrial matter
whether personal or social. -
75:12 - 75:14Now a common question, when
you bring that up they say -
75:14 - 75:16"Well, who programs
this system?" -
75:17 - 75:19The answer is:
Everyone and no one. -
75:19 - 75:22The tangible rules of the
laws of nature as they apply -
75:22 - 75:26to environmental sustainability
and engineering efficiency -
75:26 - 75:29is a completely objective
frame of reference. -
75:29 - 75:32The nuances may change to
some degree over time, -
75:32 - 75:35but the general
principles remain. -
75:36 - 75:39Over time, the logic of such an
approach will also become more rigid -
75:39 - 75:42because we learn more as we
perfect our understandings, -
75:42 - 75:44and hence, less room
for subjectivity -
75:44 - 75:47in certain areas that
might have had it prior. -
75:47 - 75:50Again I'll be describing
this more so in a moment. -
75:50 - 75:54Also the programs themselves will be
available in an open source platform -
75:54 - 75:57for public input and review,
absolutely transparent. -
75:57 - 75:59And if someone noticed a problem
75:59 - 76:03or unapplied optimization strategy,
which will probably be the case, -
76:03 - 76:06it is evaluated and
tested by the community -
76:06 - 76:09kind of like a Wikipedia
for calculation, -
76:09 - 76:12except much less
subjective than Wikipedia, -
76:12 - 76:15without the moody
administrators. -
76:16 - 76:19Another traditional confusion
surrounds the concept -
76:19 - 76:22which has become to many
the defining difference -
76:22 - 76:25between capitalism
and everything else. -
76:25 - 76:28And it has to do with whether
the means of production -
76:29 - 76:31is privately owned or not.
76:31 - 76:34This is replete throughout
tons of traditional -
76:35 - 76:38literary treatments on
capitalism when they describe -
76:38 - 76:42how it's the ultimate manifestation
of human behavior, of society. -
76:42 - 76:45If you don't know what this
means, the means of production -
76:45 - 76:49refers to the non-human assets that
create goods such as machines, -
76:49 - 76:52tools, factories,
offices and the like. -
76:52 - 76:54In capitalism, the means
of production is owned -
76:55 - 76:59by the capitalist by historical
definition, hence the origin of the term. -
76:59 - 77:03I bring this up because there's been
an ongoing argument for a century -
77:03 - 77:06that any system which does not
have its means of production owned -
77:06 - 77:11as a form of private property is just not
going to be as economically efficient -
77:11 - 77:14as one that has or maybe
not even efficient at all. -
77:14 - 77:18This, as the argument goes, is
because of the need for price: -
77:18 - 77:20the price mechanism.
77:20 - 77:24Price, which has a fluid ability
77:24 - 77:27to exchange value amongst
virtually any type of good -
77:27 - 77:32due to its indivisibility of value,
creates indeed a feedback mechanism -
77:32 - 77:35that connects the entire market
system in a certain narrow way. -
77:36 - 77:40Price is a way to allocate scarce
resources amongst competing interests. -
77:40 - 77:44Price, property and money
translate, in short, -
77:44 - 77:48subjective demand preferences into
semi-objective exchange values. -
77:49 - 77:54I say "semi" because it is a
culturally relative measure only, -
77:54 - 77:58absent most every factor that gives
true technical consideration -
77:58 - 78:00to a given material or good.
78:00 - 78:03It has nothing to do with what
the materials or goods are; -
78:03 - 78:06it's just a mechanism.
78:06 - 78:09Perhaps the only real
technical data, in fact, -
78:09 - 78:11that price embraces very crudely
78:11 - 78:15relates to resource
scarcity and labor energy. -
78:15 - 78:17Resource scarcity
and labor energy. -
78:17 - 78:20You can basically
find that in price. -
78:20 - 78:23So in this context the
question becomes: -
78:23 - 78:25Is it possible to create
a system that can -
78:25 - 78:28equally, if not
more efficiently, -
78:28 - 78:32facilitate feedback with respect
to consumer preference, demand, -
78:32 - 78:36labor value and resource
or component scarcity -
78:36 - 78:41without the price system, subjective
property values or exchange? -
78:42 - 78:43And, of course, there is.
78:44 - 78:47The trick is to completely
eliminate exchange -
78:47 - 78:50and create a direct
control and feedback link -
78:51 - 78:54between the consumer and the
means of production itself. -
78:54 - 78:57The consumer becomes part
of the means of production -
78:57 - 79:01and the "industrial complex"
becomes nothing more than a tool -
79:02 - 79:05that is accessed by the
public to generate goods. -
79:06 - 79:10In fact as alluded to
prior, the same system -
79:10 - 79:13can be used for just about
any societal calculation, -
79:13 - 79:16virtually eliminating the
state government, in fact, -
79:16 - 79:18and politics as we know it.
79:18 - 79:22It is a participatory
decision-making process. -
79:23 - 79:27As an aside, as far as the fact
that there will indeed always -
79:27 - 79:29be scarcity of something
in the world, -
79:29 - 79:33which is the very basis of existence
of price, market and money, -
79:33 - 79:36human beings can again either
understand the dire need -
79:37 - 79:40to exist in a steady-state
relationship with nature -
79:40 - 79:43and the global human
species for cultural -
79:43 - 79:46and environmental
sustainability, or not. -
79:46 - 79:49We can either continue down
the same path we are now -
79:49 - 79:54or become more aware, responsible
to the world and to each other, -
79:54 - 79:58seeking post-scarcity and using
natural law rules of sustainability -
79:58 - 80:03and efficiency to decide how to best
allocate our raw materials, or not. -
80:04 - 80:07But I think the former is
the most intelligent path. -
80:08 - 80:10I state that because again,
this resource argument -
80:11 - 80:16always comes down to the abstractions ...
of scarcity. -
80:16 - 80:20It never qualifies what scarcity
is in certain contexts. -
80:20 - 80:23It doesn't separate scarcity
and that's its fatal flaw, -
80:23 - 80:25between human needs
and human wants. -
80:26 - 80:30Also, I want to point
out another fallacy, -
80:30 - 80:32which of this private ownership
of the means of production, -
80:33 - 80:35a fallacy of this broad
concept is its culture lag! -
80:36 - 80:39Today we are seeing a
merger of capital goods, -
80:39 - 80:42consumer goods and labor power.
80:42 - 80:45Machines are taking
over human labor power, -
80:45 - 80:49becoming capital goods,
while also reducing in size -
80:49 - 80:51to become consumer goods.
80:52 - 80:56I'm sure almost everyone in this
room has a home paper printer. -
80:56 - 80:58When you send a file to
print from your computer, -
80:58 - 81:02you are in control of a mini-version
of a means of production. -
81:03 - 81:05What about 3D printers?
81:05 - 81:07In some cities today there
are now 3D printing labs -
81:08 - 81:13which people can send their design
to print, in physical form. -
81:13 - 81:16The model I'm going to
describe is a similar idea. -
81:16 - 81:18The next step is the creation
81:18 - 81:21of a strategically automated
industrial complex -
81:21 - 81:23localized as much as possible
81:23 - 81:26which is designed to produce,
through automated means, -
81:26 - 81:31the average of everything any given
region has found demand for. -
81:31 - 81:34Think about it: on-demand
production on a mass scale. -
81:35 - 81:37Consider for a moment
how much storage space, -
81:37 - 81:39transport energy
and overrun waste -
81:40 - 81:42is immediately eliminated
by this approach. -
81:42 - 81:46I think the days of large,
wasteful mass producing economies -
81:46 - 81:51of scale are coming to an end,
well, if we want them to. -
81:52 - 81:55This type of thinking:
true economic calculation, -
81:56 - 82:00by the most technical sense of the
term, I can't reiterate that enough. -
82:00 - 82:03We are calculating to be as technically
efficient and conservative -
82:03 - 82:07as possible which again, almost
paradoxically, is what will facilitate -
82:08 - 82:13a global access abundance to
meet all human needs and beyond. -
82:13 - 82:16Structure and Processes.
82:16 - 82:19I'm going to walk through
the following 3 processes: -
82:19 - 82:22(1) the collaborative design
interface and industrial schematic, -
82:22 - 82:24(2) resource management,
feedback and value -
82:24 - 82:29and (3) general principles of
sustainability and the macro-calculation. -
82:30 - 82:34The collaborative design interface
is essentially the new market; -
82:34 - 82:36it's a market of ideas.
82:36 - 82:39This system is the first step
in any production interest. -
82:39 - 82:43It can be engaged by a single
person; it can be engaged by a team -
82:43 - 82:46if you have friends and you want
to put it together, sort of like -
82:46 - 82:49how businesses think; it can
be engaged by everyone. -
82:49 - 82:51It is open source
and open access, -
82:51 - 82:55and your concept is open to
input from anyone interested -
82:55 - 82:59in that good genre or anyone that's
online that cares to contribute. -
83:00 - 83:02Obviously it comes in the form
of a website, as I stated; -
83:02 - 83:05and likewise, whatever
exists as a final decision, -
83:05 - 83:08whatever is put into production,
even though in theory -
83:08 - 83:10everything will be under
modification at all times, -
83:10 - 83:14but what has been approved, if
you will, is digitally stored -
83:14 - 83:17in a database which makes that
good available to everyone. -
83:17 - 83:19Sort of like a goods catalog,
83:19 - 83:23except it contains all of
the information digitally -
83:23 - 83:25that is required
to produce them. -
83:25 - 83:28This is how demand is assessed.
83:28 - 83:30It's feedback and
it's immediate. -
83:30 - 83:33Instead, of course,
of advertising -
83:33 - 83:38and the unidirectional consumer
good proposal system, which it is, -
83:38 - 83:42that we have today where corporations
basically tell you what you should buy -
83:42 - 83:44with the public generally
going with the flow, -
83:44 - 83:48favoring one good component
or feature, using price, -
83:48 - 83:51if they don't like something then
clearly they won't produce it anymore -
83:51 - 83:53to weed out supply and demand.
83:53 - 83:55This system works
the opposite way. -
83:55 - 83:58The entire community has the
option of presenting ideas -
83:58 - 84:01for everyone to see and
weigh in on and build upon. -
84:01 - 84:04Whatever isn't of interest simply
won't be executed to begin with. -
84:04 - 84:07There's no testing here such as
you would see with marketing, -
84:07 - 84:10which is incredibly wasteful.
It's as simple as that. -
84:11 - 84:13The actual mechanism of proposal
84:13 - 84:17will come in the form of an
interactive design interface -
84:17 - 84:21such as we see with computer-aided
design, or CAD as it's called, -
84:21 - 84:24or more specifically
computer-aided engineering -
84:24 - 84:27which is a more complicated
synergistic process. -
84:28 - 84:32As an aside, some see computer-aided
design programs as they exist -
84:32 - 84:35as having an enormous
learning curve, and they do. -
84:35 - 84:37But just as the first computers
84:37 - 84:40were very difficult
code-based interfaces -
84:41 - 84:43which were later replaced
by small little programs -
84:44 - 84:46in the form of graphic icons
that we're all so familiar with -
84:46 - 84:51the future CAD-type programs could
be oriented in the exact same way -
84:51 - 84:53to make them more user-friendly.
84:54 - 84:57Obviously, not everyone
has to engage in design. -
84:57 - 85:01Some people, like most people today,
appreciate what's been created prior. -
85:01 - 85:04They absorb and they use what
other people have come up with. -
85:04 - 85:07So there's a diminishing law of returns
in a lot of ways, if you will. -
85:08 - 85:11Not everyone has to get in there
and has some role to do this. -
85:11 - 85:14But many will and many
will enjoy the process. -
85:15 - 85:18And you can customize things as
you go which is a great point. -
85:18 - 85:21There's minor things that can happen
with a product that someone doesn't know -
85:21 - 85:24anything about, but maybe they just
want to change the color and that's it. -
85:24 - 85:26Obviously, that doesn't
take a lot of education. -
85:27 - 85:30More importantly,
technically speaking, -
85:30 - 85:34the beauty of these design and
engineering programs today -
85:34 - 85:37is that they incorporate
advanced physics -
85:37 - 85:40and other real-world,
natural-law properties. -
85:40 - 85:44So a good isn't just viewable
in a static 3D model. -
85:44 - 85:46It can be tested, right
there, digitally. -
85:47 - 85:49And while some testing capacity
might be limited today, -
85:49 - 85:53it's simply a matter of focus
to perfect such digital means. -
85:53 - 85:57For example, in the automotive industry,
long before new ideas are built, -
85:57 - 86:00they run them through similar
digital testing processes, -
86:00 - 86:02and there's no reason to believe
86:02 - 86:05that we will not eventually be
able to digitally represent -
86:05 - 86:11and imitate and set in motion virtually
all known laws of nature in time, -
86:11 - 86:14and being able to apply
them to different contexts. -
86:15 - 86:18Similarly, and this is critical,
86:18 - 86:22this design that's proposed
in this system is filtered -
86:23 - 86:27through a series of sustainability
and efficiency protocols -
86:27 - 86:31which relate to not only the
state of the natural world -
86:31 - 86:33but also the total
industrial system, -
86:34 - 86:36in as far as what is compatible.
86:36 - 86:40Processes of evaluation and suggestion
would include the following: -
86:40 - 86:43strategically
maximized durability, -
86:44 - 86:45adaptability,
86:45 - 86:48standardization of
genre components, -
86:48 - 86:53strategically integrated recycling
conduciveness, as I mentioned before, -
86:53 - 86:56and strategically conducive
designs themselves, -
86:56 - 86:59making them conducive
for labor automation. -
87:00 - 87:02I'm going to go through
these, each quickly. -
87:02 - 87:06Durability just means to make the good as
strong and as long-lasting as relevant, -
87:06 - 87:10the materials utilized comparatively
assuming possible substitutions -
87:10 - 87:12due to levels of scarcity
or other factors -
87:12 - 87:14would be dynamically calculated
87:15 - 87:18likely automatically, in
fact, by the design system -
87:18 - 87:22to be most conducive to an
optimized durability standard. -
87:23 - 87:24Adaptability.
87:24 - 87:27This means that the highest
state of flexibility -
87:27 - 87:30for replacing component
parts is made. -
87:30 - 87:33Has anyone seen this thing
called "phonebloks?" -
87:34 - 87:35Brilliant.
87:35 - 87:39In the event a component part
of this good becomes defective -
87:39 - 87:42or out-of-date, whenever
possible the design facilitates -
87:42 - 87:44that such components
are easily replaced -
87:45 - 87:47to maximize full
product life span. -
87:48 - 87:52Standardization of
genre components. -
87:52 - 87:56All new designs either conform to
or replace, if they're updated, -
87:56 - 88:00existing components which are
either already in existence -
88:00 - 88:04or outdated due to a comparative
lack of efficiency. -
88:04 - 88:08Many don't know this, but a
man named Eli Whitney in 1801 -
88:09 - 88:12was the first to really apply
standardization in production. -
88:12 - 88:14He made muskets and back
then they were handmade, -
88:15 - 88:17and they were not interchangeable,
so the musket parts, -
88:17 - 88:20if anything broke, you couldn't
take a part from something else. -
88:20 - 88:22He was the first to actually
make the tools to do this, -
88:23 - 88:26and he basically started the
entire process of standardization, -
88:26 - 88:29and the US military was now able
to buy huge things of muskets -
88:30 - 88:32and interchanged them and,
much more sustainable, -
88:33 - 88:35even though they
were killing people. -
88:36 - 88:38Which is interesting for the military
because if you think about it, -
88:38 - 88:42the military is one of the most
efficient systems on the planet -
88:42 - 88:44because it's absent
the market economy. -
88:44 - 88:47If you really want to look to where
industrial efficiency was born, -
88:47 - 88:51as much as I dislike it, the
military is where it becomes, -
88:51 - 88:54where it's been harnessed
the most, excuse me. -
88:54 - 88:57Anyway, this logic not only
applies to a given product, -
88:58 - 89:01it's applied to the entire
good genre: standardization. -
89:02 - 89:05By the way, this efficiency will
never happen in a market economy -
89:06 - 89:09with its basis in competition,
as proprietary technology -
89:09 - 89:13removes all such collaborative efficiency.
No one wants that. -
89:13 - 89:15No one wants to share
everything like that. -
89:15 - 89:18Otherwise, people wouldn't have a
need to go back to the root company -
89:18 - 89:20and buy the part; they
would go somewhere else -
89:20 - 89:23where they'd have access
to it through other means. -
89:24 - 89:26Recycling conduciveness.
89:26 - 89:28As noted before, this means
every design must conform -
89:28 - 89:31to the current state of
regenerative possibility. -
89:31 - 89:34The breakdown of any
good must be anticipated -
89:35 - 89:38and allowed for in the
most optimized way, -
89:39 - 89:43and made conducive for
labor automation. -
89:43 - 89:46This means that the current
state of optimized -
89:46 - 89:49automated production is
directly taken into account -
89:50 - 89:52seeking to refine the process-
89:52 - 89:55excuse me- seeking to refine
the design that's submitted -
89:55 - 89:58to be most conducive to the
current state of production -
89:58 - 90:02with the least amount of
human labor or monitoring. -
90:02 - 90:07We seek to simplify the way materials
and production means are used -
90:07 - 90:10so that the maximum number
of goods can be produced -
90:10 - 90:14with the least variation of
materials and production equipment. -
90:14 - 90:16It's a very important point.
90:16 - 90:19These five factors will be
what we can call in total -
90:19 - 90:23the optimized design-efficiency
function, if you want to be technical. -
90:23 - 90:26Keep this in mind as I'm going to
return to all of this in a moment. -
90:28 - 90:31Moving on to the industrial
complex, the layout. -
90:31 - 90:34This means that the network of
facilities, which are directly connected -
90:34 - 90:37to the design and the database
system I have just described. -
90:38 - 90:41Servers, production, distribution,
recycling is basically it. -
90:42 - 90:46Also, we'd need to relate the
current state of resources, -
90:46 - 90:51critically important, as per the
global resource management network, -
90:51 - 90:55another tier, which I'm going
to also describe in a moment. -
90:56 - 91:00Production- this means of
course actual manufacturing- -
91:00 - 91:04would evolve, as expressed
before, as automated factories -
91:04 - 91:07which are increasingly
able to produce more -
91:07 - 91:11with less material inputs and
less machines: ephemeralization. -
91:11 - 91:15If we were to consciously design out
unnecessary levels of complexity, -
91:16 - 91:18we can further this
efficiency trend greatly -
91:18 - 91:21with an ever-lower environmental
impact and resource use -
91:22 - 91:25while maximizing, again, our
abundance-producing potential. -
91:26 - 91:28The number of
production facilities, -
91:28 - 91:31whether homogeneous or heterogeneous,
as they would be called, -
91:31 - 91:34would be strategically
distributed topographically -
91:34 - 91:36based around population
statistics, very simple stuff. -
91:37 - 91:39It's no different than how
grocery stores work today -
91:39 - 91:41where they try to average
distances as best they can -
91:41 - 91:43between pockets of people
and neighborhoods. -
91:44 - 91:46You could call this the
'Proximity Strategy' -
91:46 - 91:49which I'll mention
again in a moment. -
91:49 - 91:50Distribution.
91:50 - 91:53This can either be directly
from the production facility -
91:53 - 91:57as in the case of on-demand
custom one-off production, -
91:57 - 92:00or it can be sent to a
distribution library -
92:00 - 92:02for public access en masse,
92:03 - 92:05based on demand interest
in that region. -
92:05 - 92:09The library system is where
goods can be obtained. -
92:09 - 92:12Some goods can be
conducive to low demand -
92:12 - 92:15and custom production
and some will not be. -
92:15 - 92:18Food is an easy example of a
mass production necessity, -
92:18 - 92:20while a personal tailored
piece of furniture -
92:20 - 92:24would come directly from the
manufacturing facility once created. -
92:25 - 92:27I suspect that this
on-demand process, -
92:27 - 92:32which will likely become equally
as utilized as mass production, -
92:32 - 92:34will be an enormous advantage.
92:34 - 92:37As noted, on-demand
production is more efficient -
92:37 - 92:40since the resources are going to be
utilized for the exact-use demand, -
92:40 - 92:44as opposed to the block
things that we do today. -
92:47 - 92:50Distribution Library.
92:50 - 92:54Inventory is accessed in a
dynamic direct feedback link -
92:54 - 92:57between production,
distribution and demand. -
92:57 - 92:59If that doesn't make sense to you,
all you have to think about is -
92:59 - 93:02how inventory accounting
and tracking works -
93:02 - 93:05in any major commercial
distribution center today -
93:05 - 93:07with, of course, a few
adjustments made in this model. -
93:07 - 93:10We're already doing this
type of stuff already. -
93:10 - 93:13Regardless of where the
good is classified to go, -
93:13 - 93:16whether it's custom or not,
libraries or to the direct user, -
93:16 - 93:18this is still an access system.
93:18 - 93:22In other words, at any time
the user of the custom good -
93:22 - 93:24can return the item
for reprocessing, -
93:24 - 93:28just as the person who obtained something
from the library can, as well. -
93:29 - 93:31Since, as noted, the good
has been pre-optimized -
93:31 - 93:33(all goods are pre-optimized
for conducive recycling) -
93:34 - 93:37odds are the recycling facility
is actually built directly in -
93:37 - 93:40to the production facility or the
genre of production facility, -
93:41 - 93:44depending on how many facilities you
need to create the variety of demand. -
93:45 - 93:47So again, there's no trash
here: whether it's a phone, -
93:47 - 93:49a couch, a computer,
a jacket, a book, -
93:50 - 93:53everything goes back to where it came
back from, for direct reprocessing. -
93:53 - 93:56Ideally this is a
zero-waste economy. -
93:58 - 94:01Resource Management,
Feedback and Value. -
94:01 - 94:05The computer-aided and
engineering design process -
94:05 - 94:07obviously does not
exist in a vacuum. -
94:07 - 94:12Processing demands input from the
natural resources that we have. -
94:13 - 94:17So connected to this design
process, literally built into the -
94:18 - 94:21optimized design-efficiency
function noted prior, -
94:21 - 94:24is dynamic feedback from an
Earth-wide accounting system -
94:24 - 94:27which gives data about
all relevant resources -
94:27 - 94:29which pertain to
all productions. -
94:29 - 94:32Today, most major industries
keep periodic data -
94:33 - 94:35of their genre materials as
far as how much they have, -
94:35 - 94:37but clearly it's
difficult to ascertain -
94:37 - 94:40due to the nature of corporate
secrets and the like. -
94:41 - 94:43But it's still done.
94:43 - 94:48To whatever degree ...
technically possible this is, -
94:48 - 94:50all resources are
tracked and monitored, -
94:50 - 94:53and in as close to real
time ideally as possible. -
94:53 - 94:56Why? Mainly because we need
to maintain equilibrium -
94:56 - 94:59with the Earth's regenerative
processes at all times -
94:59 - 95:03while also, as noted before,
work to strategically maximize -
95:03 - 95:06our use of the most
abundant materials -
95:06 - 95:09while minimizing anything
with emerging scarcity. -
95:10 - 95:12Value.
95:12 - 95:15As far as value, the
two dominant measures, -
95:15 - 95:18which will undergo constant
dynamic recalculation -
95:18 - 95:20through feedback as
industry unfolds, -
95:20 - 95:23[are] scarcity and
labor complexity. -
95:24 - 95:27Scarcity value without
a market system -
95:27 - 95:30could be assigned a numerical
value, say one to 100. -
95:31 - 95:33One would denote the
most severe scarcity -
95:33 - 95:36with respect to the current rate
of use, and 100 the least severe. -
95:36 - 95:3950 would mark the
steady-state dividing line. -
95:39 - 95:42For example, if the use
of wood lumber passes -
95:42 - 95:45below the steady
state level of 50, -
95:45 - 95:47which would mean consumption is
currently surpassing the Earth's -
95:47 - 95:50natural regeneration
rate, this would trigger -
95:50 - 95:52a counter-move of some kind,
95:52 - 95:56such as the process of
material substitution, -
95:56 - 96:00hence the replacement for wood
in any given future productions, -
96:00 - 96:02finding alternatives.
96:02 - 96:05And of course, if you are a free
market mindset listening to this, -
96:05 - 96:08you are likely going to object at
this point by saying "Without price, -
96:09 - 96:12how can you compare value of one
material to another or many materials?" -
96:12 - 96:19Simple: you organize genres or
groups of similar-use materials -
96:19 - 96:23and quantify, as best you can,
their related properties -
96:23 - 96:27and degree of efficiency
for a given purpose, -
96:27 - 96:30and then you apply a general
numerical value spectrum -
96:30 - 96:32to those relationships, as well.
96:33 - 96:36For example, there are
a spectrum of metals -
96:36 - 96:39which have different efficiencies
for electrical conductivity. -
96:40 - 96:42These efficiencies
can be quantified, -
96:42 - 96:44and if they can be quantified,
they can be compared. -
96:44 - 96:50So if copper goes below the 50
median value regarding its scarcity, -
96:50 - 96:53calculations are triggered
by the management program -
96:53 - 96:57to compare the state of other
conducive materials in its database, -
96:57 - 97:00compare their scarcity level
and their efficiency, -
97:00 - 97:02preparing for substitution,
and that kind of information -
97:03 - 97:05goes right back to the designer.
97:06 - 97:09Naturally, this type of reasoning might
indeed get extremely complicated -
97:09 - 97:13as again: numerous resources and
numerous efficiencies and purposes -
97:14 - 97:17which is exactly why it is
calculated by a machine, not people. -
97:17 - 97:20And it's also why it completely blows
the price system out of the water -
97:20 - 97:25when it comes to true resource
awareness and intelligent management. -
97:26 - 97:28Labor Complexity.
97:28 - 97:32This simply means estimating the
complexity of a given production. -
97:33 - 97:37Complexity, in the context of
an automated-oriented industry, -
97:37 - 97:40can be quantified by
defining and comparing -
97:40 - 97:43the number of process
stages, if you will. -
97:44 - 97:46Any given good production
can be foreshadowed -
97:46 - 97:50as to how many of these stages
of production it will take. -
97:50 - 97:53It can then be compared to
other good productions, -
97:53 - 97:57ideally in the same genre, for
a quantifiable assessment. -
97:57 - 98:00The units of measurement are
the stages, in other words. -
98:00 - 98:02For example, a chair that can
be molded in three minutes -
98:03 - 98:05from simple polymers in one
process will have a lower -
98:05 - 98:09labor complexity value than a chair
which requires automated assembly -
98:09 - 98:13down a more tedious production
chain with mixed materials. -
98:14 - 98:17In the event a given process
value is too complex -
98:17 - 98:20or inefficient in terms of what is
currently possible in production, -
98:21 - 98:24or too inefficient by comparison
to an already existing design -
98:24 - 98:28of a similar nature as well, the
design, along with other parameters, -
98:28 - 98:32would be flagged and
would be re-evaluated. -
98:32 - 98:35And again, all of this comes from
feedback from the design interface; -
98:35 - 98:38and there's no reason to assume
that with ongoing advancement -
98:38 - 98:41in AI (artificial intelligence),
98:41 - 98:44we wouldn't be able to feedback not
only the highlight of the problem -
98:44 - 98:47but would also create
suggestions or substitutions -
98:47 - 98:50for you to understand
in the interface. -
98:52 - 98:54[Macro]-Calculation.
98:54 - 98:57Let's put some of this
reasoning together. -
98:57 - 98:59I hope everyone
can bear with me. -
99:00 - 99:02If we were to look
at good design -
99:02 - 99:05in the broadest possible way with
respect to industrial unfolding, -
99:05 - 99:08we would end up with about
four functions or processes -
99:09 - 99:12each relating to the four dominant,
linear stages of design, -
99:13 - 99:15production, distribution
and recycling. -
99:15 - 99:19The following propositions should be
obvious enough as a rule structure. -
99:19 - 99:23All product designs must adapt
to optimized design efficiency. -
99:23 - 99:26They must all adapt to optimized
production efficiency. -
99:26 - 99:29They must adapt to optimized
distribution efficiency, -
99:29 - 99:32and they must adapt to optimized
recycling efficiency. -
99:32 - 99:35Seems redundant, but this is
how we have to think about it. -
99:36 - 99:39Here is a linear block schematic and
the symbolic logic representation -
99:39 - 99:42which embodies the
subprocesses or functions -
99:42 - 99:44I'm now going to very
generally break down. -
99:46 - 99:49Process 1: The Design.
99:49 - 99:51Optimized Design Efficiency.
99:51 - 99:56A product design must meet
or adapt to criteria set -
99:56 - 100:00by what we have called the
current efficiency standards. -
100:00 - 100:04This efficiency process has
five evaluative subprocesses, -
100:05 - 100:07as noted before earlier
in the presentation: -
100:07 - 100:11durability, adaptability,
standardization, -
100:11 - 100:14recycling conduciveness, maximized
automation conduciveness. -
100:17 - 100:19Further breakdown of these
variables and logical associations -
100:20 - 100:22can be figuratively made
as well, of course, -
100:22 - 100:25which I don't think is conducive
for this type of presentation -
100:25 - 100:29because we're going to get lost
in ever- reductionist minutia. -
100:29 - 100:33But for more detail this stuff will
be developed much more and be put -
100:33 - 100:36into this text as I've just described
which will be available for free. -
100:36 - 100:40I'm going to try to do my best to give
the general efficiency process here. -
100:41 - 100:44In the end, when it comes to this
Design Efficiency process set, -
100:44 - 100:48we end up with this design
function at the top. -
100:49 - 100:53Just to see it, I'll list all of
the function meanings at the end. -
100:54 - 100:59We move on to process 2:
Production Efficiency. -
100:59 - 101:01In short, this is
the digital filter -
101:01 - 101:06that moves design to one of two
production facility types. -
101:06 - 101:09One for high demand
or mass goods -
101:09 - 101:11and one for low demand
or custom goods. -
101:12 - 101:14The first uses fixed automation,
101:14 - 101:18meaning unvaried production
ideal for high demand, -
101:18 - 101:21and the second:
flexible automation -
101:21 - 101:24which can do a variety of things,
but usually in shorter runs. -
101:24 - 101:26This is a distinction
that's commonly made -
101:26 - 101:28in traditional
manufacturing terms. -
101:29 - 101:32This structure assumes only
two types of facilities. -
101:32 - 101:36Obviously there could be more,
based on the production factors. -
101:36 - 101:39But if the design rules in
the process are respected, -
101:39 - 101:42as expressed before, there
shouldn't be much variety. -
101:42 - 101:45Over time things get
simpler and simpler. -
101:46 - 101:48So to state this, I'm just going
to run through it for those that -
101:49 - 101:51like to hear things
spelled out like this. -
101:51 - 101:53All product designs
are filtered by a -
101:53 - 101:56demand class
determination: process D; -
101:56 - 101:59the demand class determination
process filters -
101:59 - 102:04based on the standards set for
low demand or high demand. -
102:05 - 102:07All low consumer
demand product designs -
102:07 - 102:09are to be manufactured by the
flexible automation process, -
102:10 - 102:12all high consumer
demand product designs -
102:12 - 102:14are manufactured by the
fixed automation process. -
102:14 - 102:16Also both the manufacturing
of low consumer demand -
102:16 - 102:18and high consumer
demand product designs -
102:18 - 102:22will be regionally allocated
as per the proximity strategy -
102:23 - 102:26of the manufacturing facility.
This simply means -
102:26 - 102:29you keep things as close to you as
possible, as close to the average -
102:29 - 102:32of any given demand as far as what
type of facility you're using. -
102:32 - 102:35And this will change over
time as populations change, -
102:35 - 102:37so you keep updating.
102:37 - 102:39Process 3.
102:39 - 102:43Once process 2 is finished, the
product design is now a product -
102:44 - 102:47and it moves towards optimized
distribution efficiency. -
102:48 - 102:52In short, all products are
allocated based on the prior -
102:52 - 102:55demand class determination
as noted before, -
102:55 - 102:59so low consumer demand products
follow a direct distribution process, -
102:59 - 103:02high consumer demands follow
the mass distribution process -
103:02 - 103:04which would likely be the
libraries in that case. -
103:05 - 103:09Both low consumer demand and high
consumer demand products will be -
103:09 - 103:13regionally allocated per the
proximity strategy, as noted before. -
103:13 - 103:17And process 4, very simple, the
product undergoes its life span. -
103:18 - 103:21Ideally it's been updated and
adapted; ideally it's been used -
103:21 - 103:25to the highest degree and made as advanced
as it could within its life cycle. -
103:25 - 103:28Once it's done it becomes void
and moves on to process 4 -
103:28 - 103:31which is simply optimized
recycling efficiency. -
103:31 - 103:34All voided products will
follow a regenerative protocol -
103:34 - 103:37which is a subprocess that
clearly I'm not going to go into -
103:37 - 103:39because it's deeply complicated
103:39 - 103:41and is the role of engineers
to develop over time. -
103:42 - 103:44This is just a simple
macro representation; -
103:45 - 103:49again these subvariables or subprocesses
go on to quite a large degree. -
103:51 - 103:54Keeping all of this in mind, again,
a lot of this will be in the text -
103:54 - 103:56and hopefully others, I
think, can see this stuff, -
103:56 - 103:59that are fluent with this
type of thinking, and hone in -
103:59 - 104:01and perfect these equations
and relationships. -
104:01 - 104:04What I tried to do here
is to give a broad sense -
104:04 - 104:06of how this type
of thing unfolds. -
104:07 - 104:09As a concluding statement,
more or less, the way -
104:09 - 104:12this extrapolation of
sustainability and efficiency- -
104:12 - 104:14it's really quite a
simple logical thing. -
104:14 - 104:17You don't have to be a rocket scientist
to see how things work on this level. -
104:17 - 104:20Creating a real program
that can factor in -
104:20 - 104:24what are hundreds if not thousands
of subprocesses in algorithmic form, -
104:24 - 104:28as they pertain to such an
economic complex is indeed -
104:28 - 104:31a massive project in and of itself,
but it's more of a tedious project. -
104:31 - 104:34You don't need to be a genius
to figure this stuff out. -
104:34 - 104:37I think this is an excellent
think-tank program -
104:37 - 104:39for anyone out there that's
interested in projects. -
104:39 - 104:41I have a number of little projects
that I'm trying to get going -
104:41 - 104:44when I have time; one is simply
called The Global Redesign Institute, -
104:44 - 104:46which is a macroeconomic
approach to redesign -
104:46 - 104:49the entire surface of
the planet, basically. -
104:49 - 104:52And in this other programming concept,
we create an open-source platform -
104:52 - 104:54where people can begin to
engineer this very program -
104:54 - 104:56that I'm describing.
104:56 - 104:59That's it. I was going to make
a conclusion to this talk -
104:59 - 105:00but it was already way too long.
105:01 - 105:03So I just hope this gives a deeper
understanding of the model, -
105:03 - 105:05how it could work and
thank you for listening. -
105:05 - 105:09[Applause]
Show all
revision5 : I merged johnbastardsnow's work and Ozyamandias's work.
revision 6 to 7 : I synced Ozyamandias' text
I found a complete transcription of the document. If it's useful, here is the link.
The transcription Andrescentani told us looks great,
so I converted the text into a subtitle file(dfxp format).
You can check the file here.
I believe it can reduce much time making transcription,
but few problems remaining.
1) Amara Support Center says "If you overwrite the subtitle set that has been translated into other languages, the translations will no longer be editable side-by-side with the original."
so If I upload the file, subtitles of Spanish, Argentinian & Metadata:Geo may be affected.
2) I wrote a small program to split the text into phrases.
But the result is not perfect.
Some of the phrases are too short & too long.
We'd better adjust these manually,
though this is far easier than typing all spoken text.
Can I upload my subtitle file to Amara?
Claude Almansi
Hi Andrés and linoal.13.----- Thanks for the link to the full transcript, Andrés. ------ linoal.13: subtitles of Spanish, Argentinian & Metadata:Geo have already independently been affected by an Amara software bug, i.e. are no longer editable side-by-side with the original. So an upload of your version of the full transcript wouldn't mess them up further ----- However there is another problem: up to "1:52 - 2:00 The title of this talk is Economic Calculation in a Natural law Resource-Based Economy." in your English subtitles, the full transcript. So I'd say save your present subtitles - even just as TXT - in order to be able to copypaste them again easily over the first differing ones that will be created by uploading your version of the full transcript. ----- You could also do that in the English, British subtitles first, then transfer the result here in the English ones: this way if other people start translating from English in the meantime, they'll have your correct first subtitles to work from.
Claude Almansi
Reposting my former message as some words got cut: ---------------------------------------
Hi Andrés and linoal.13.----- Thanks for the link to the full transcript, Andrés. ------ linoal.13: subtitles of Spanish, Argentinian & Metadata:Geo have already independently been affected by an Amara software bug, i.e. are no longer editable side-by-side with the original. So an upload of your version of the full transcript wouldn't mess them up further ----- However there is another problem: up to "1:52 - 2:00 The title of this talk is Economic Calculation in a Natural law Resource-Based Economy." in your English subtitles, the full transcript has a different text. -------------So I'd say save your present subtitles - even just as TXT - in order to be able to copypaste them again easily over the first differing ones that will be created by uploading your version of the full transcript. ----- You could also do that in the English, British subtitles first, then transfer the result here in the English ones: this way if other people start translating from English in the meantime, they'll have your correct first subtitles to work from. ---------------------- (I wish Amara developers would fix these comments and let us use line breaks!!!!)
Hi Claude Almansi. Thanks for your comment. As you say, my subtitles contain some errors. But I don't think we need to save the present version manually, because Amara does this. If I upload the subtitle file, Amara saves it as revision 8. Then we can still see revision 1 to 7 anytime.
I uploaded the subtitle file.(revision 8)