KIDS! Just Say No to MILK
0:00 - 0:02Hi there! If you’re a kid...
0:04 - 0:11...this video is
for you! Although I suppose the adults can watch too- if you want to let them. -
0:16 - 0:21Hi it’s Emily from Bite Size Vegan and welcome
to another vegan nugget. So this is the first -
0:21 - 0:26time that I’m making a video specifically
for you- and it’s something that I hope to do -
0:26 - 0:32more of. Of course you're welcome to watch
any of my videos, but I wanted to make one special just for you. -
0:32 - 0:36So today we’re going to talk about milk.
Maybe you're interested in not eating -
0:36 - 0:41animals, or being what we call “vegan”
and your parents may not support you. -
0:41 - 0:46Or, it could be that your parents or family
members want to stop eating animals and be -
0:46 - 0:52vegan and you don’t quite understand why.
All of those things can be confusing and scary, -
0:52 - 0:58and frustrating. You you might be feeling
angry or sad, or upset, and that’s okay. -
0:58 - 1:03One thing I want to tell you is that just
because you’re a kid, or basically just -
1:03 - 1:08because your’e younger than me- cause I’m
pretty old!- doesn’t mean I’m going to -
1:08 - 1:13talk down to you. If you’re watching this
video, I’m sure you’re pretty smart. And -
1:13 - 1:18if your parents are showing this video to you, that
means they know you’re smart. I believe -
1:18 - 1:22that you deserve to know the truth just as
much as any adult. -
1:22 - 1:27But I also want you to know that I’m not
going to show you anything scary, so don’t -
1:27 - 1:33worry about that. Also, I will be talking a bit about
you as a baby with your mom but if you didn’t -
1:33 - 1:38grow up with your mom, that’s okay. You
can still apply what we’re going to talk -
1:38 - 1:43about, because you have family in your life
who love you and that’s what we’ll focus on. -
1:44 - 1:48So what’s wrong with drinking milk? I’m
sure you’ve had adults tell you that it -
1:48 - 1:53helps you grow big and strong. You probably
see all your friends drinking it and kids -
1:53 - 2:00on TV and movies. You may have even had a
doctor tell you to drink your milk, so how can it be bad? -
2:00 - 2:05Well, let’s first talk about why milk isn’t
really good for our bodies. -
2:06 - 2:10When you were born, the first food you ever
eat was your mother’s milk. Your mom’s -
2:10 - 2:17body made that milk just for you with everything
you needed to grow. You see, babies grow really -
2:17 - 2:21fast and they need to be eating the best foods so
they can be healthy. -
2:21 - 2:27Once you were big enough to eat other foods,
your mom’s body stopped making milk because -
2:27 - 2:29it knew you didn’t need it anymore.
2:29 - 2:36Well cows, the animals that we get our milk from,
have bodies that work just like that. Mother -
2:36 - 2:42cows carry their babies for 9 months just
like your mom did. And once they have their -
2:42 - 2:45babies, their body creates milk for them,
just like your mom’s did. -
2:46 - 2:52Now I probably don’t have to tell you, but
you were a lot smaller than a baby cow and -
2:52 - 2:58didn’t really look the same. So it would
make sense that you needed different milk -
2:58 - 2:59than a baby cow, right?
2:59 - 3:07I mean, drinking milk from a cow is like
trying to wear the pants of an elephant, if -
3:07 - 3:11elephants wore pants… It’s just not a
good fit. -
3:12 - 3:18And here’s the even weirder thing- we adults
often keep drinking milk from cows long after -
3:18 - 3:23we stopped drinking our mom’s milk and long
after the baby cows stopped drinking their -
3:23 - 3:29mom’s milk. It’s like we’re wearing
elephant pants every day, which is just about -
3:29 - 3:31as silly of an idea.
3:32 - 3:37Now there’s another big reason vegans
don’t drink cows milk, and this one is really -
3:37 - 3:42important. We’re going to talk about some
things are sad, but I’ll be here to help you through it. -
3:43 - 3:48Remember how we said that your mom’s body made
milk for you and how a momma cow’s body -
3:48 - 3:54does the same for her baby? Well, baby cows
will drink all of their mother’s milk right up. -
3:54 - 3:59Just like they’re supposed to and just
like you did, and there wouldn’t be any left for people. -
4:00 - 4:05But because so many people want to drink the
milk of mother cows, the dairy farmers have -
4:05 - 4:09to take the baby cows away so that they can
give the mothers milk to people. -
4:09 - 4:15Now I know your mother and family must love
you so very much and she probably tells you -
4:15 - 4:21that a lot. Can you imagine how scared and
sad she would be if someone took you away -
4:21 - 4:27from her? Can you imagine how scared you would
be if you were taken away from your mother and family? -
4:28 - 4:32I know that’s not a nice thing to think
about, but remember, I told you I would tell -
4:32 - 4:38you the truth no matter what, and that’s
what happens to the mommas and babies that we get our milk from. -
4:38 - 4:44Now, after being taken from their mothers,
the baby cows are put into tiny little cages -
4:44 - 4:49with no room to turn around, which is even
scarier because they don’t have their moms -
4:49 - 4:54to protect them. The momma cows will cry for
days for their babies because they miss them -
4:54 - 4:57so much, just like your mom would miss you.
4:57 - 5:02When they’re only a couple months old, the
baby cows are killed to made into a type of meat -
5:02 - 5:09called veal. Just like hamburgers or “beef”
comes from the bodies of cows, veal comes -
5:09 - 5:15from the bodies of baby cows. Now I don’t
have to tell you how sad that is. And all -
5:15 - 5:18so that we can have milk that we don’t even
need. -
5:19 - 5:24Now you may think that cows always make milk.
And don’t feel bad because a lot of adults -
5:24 - 5:29think that too. But remember how we talked
about your mom’s body making milk for you -
5:29 - 5:33and how it stopped making milk when you were
big enough and didn’t need it anymore? -
5:34 - 5:39Well, when the baby cow is big enough, the momma
cow’s body also stops making milk. -
5:39 - 5:45So the only way for us to get the milk we
drink from cows is for momma cows to have to have -
5:45 - 5:51more and more babies, more than they would
if they could choose. And every baby is taken -
5:51 - 5:56away. This is probably one of the saddest
things you can imagine. I’m sure your mother -
5:56 - 6:03and family would never let anyone harm you
or take you. And the momma cows want to protect -
6:03 - 6:04their babies just as much.
6:05 - 6:11Now you may wonder why no one has ever told you
this before. Or why we adults keep doing this -
6:11 - 6:18to momma and baby cows. Well, sometimes I wish
I knew too. A lot of it has to do with money, -
6:19 - 6:22which you will learn makes people do really
funny things. -
6:22 - 6:28And I know that if you knew this before, you
wouldn’t ever want to drink cows milk, because -
6:28 - 6:31I know you don’t want to hurt mother and
baby cows like that. -
6:31 - 6:37Well, here’s the good news, there are all
kinds of milk you can drink that don’t hurt -
6:37 - 6:43anyone. And I’ll tell you a secret- they
taste a whole lot better than cows milk. -
6:44 - 6:51Though I’m sure the baby cows would disagree,
and they're actually really good for your body! -
6:51 - 6:57There’s even flavors like chocolate, vanilla,
and strawberry, and there are delicious yogurts -
6:57 - 7:03and even cheese that all come from plants.
So you can be happy and healthy, and the baby -
7:03 - 7:05cows, and their mommas can be too.
7:05 - 7:11I have links to these products and more information
for you if you want on my website, which I’ve -
7:11 - 7:16linked up there and in the video description.
Feel free to ask for help from your family -
7:16 - 7:22if you need help finding it. And you can contact
me anytime at the bottom of my website. -
7:23 - 7:27I hope that this was helpful. And thank you
for listening even in the hard parts. -
7:28 - 7:33I had a feeling that you were smart enough and cared
enough about animals to tough it out. Now -
7:33 - 7:39you know why we don’t drink milk and my
hope is that you’ll choose not to too. Let me -
7:39 - 7:42know what you thought of the video in the
comments. -
7:42 - 7:45I need your help to make sure that I'm doing the best job that I can do.
7:46 - 7:49So feel free to tell me what you liked and what you didn't like.
7:49 - 7:53And if you have other things that you’d like me to cover, let me know!
7:53 - 7:58If you liked this video, give it a thumbs
up and share it around to help other kids -
7:58 - 8:02learn the truth. If you’re new here, do
hit that big red subscribe button down there -
8:02 - 8:07for more awesome vegan content every Monday,
Wednesday, and some Fridays, and to not miss -
8:07 - 8:12out the on the rest of my videos for kids.
If you want to help support Bite Size Vegan, -
8:12 - 8:16check out either of the support links in the
video description below or click on the Nugget -
8:16 - 8:18Army icon there or the link
in the icard sidebar. -
8:19 - 8:24You can also check out some of my videos here for lots of tasty food that you can eat that's vegan.
8:25 - 8:32I have entire recipe playlists that are based around Christmas or Thanksgiving, but you can eat that food any time of the year.
8:32 - 8:35Now go live vegan and I’ll see you soon.
8:35 - 8:38Now, no video would be complete without Ooby.
8:38 - 8:41This is Ooby and she is vegan too.
8:43 - 8:46So even Ooby can eat in a way that doesn't hurt other animals.
8:47 - 8:52Now, I don't have a kid myself but if anyone took Ooby away, I'd be really sad.
8:53 - 8:57So, that's what I try to think about when I look at milk and other dairy products.
8:58 - 9:00Say 'Bye Bye!' Ooby. 'Bye Bye!'
- Title:
- KIDS! Just Say No to MILK
- Description:
This video is for kids! Because kids deserve to know the truth. We talk about why milk isn’t really good for you & about the cows milk comes from. Maybe you want to stop eating animals & your parents aren’t supportive, or maybe your family wants to & you’re confused. I hope this video can help! To leave a comment: (you'll also find more info on non-animal milk products there too!)
_____________________ - Video Language:
- English
- Duration:
- 09:02
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Emily Barwick edited English subtitles for KIDS! Just Say No to MILK | |
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KevinFrias74 edited English subtitles for KIDS! Just Say No to MILK | |
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KevinFrias74 edited English subtitles for KIDS! Just Say No to MILK | |
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Emily Barwick edited English subtitles for KIDS! Just Say No to MILK | |
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Amara Bot edited English subtitles for KIDS! Just Say No to MILK |