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GOD IS AWARE OF EVERY STEP OF YOUR JOURNEY! | #BrotherChris #Shorts #GodsWord #Encouragement #Sermon

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GOD IS AWARE OF EVERY STEP OF YOUR JOURNEY! | #BrotherChris #Shorts #GodsWord #Encouragement #Sermon

"Every step of your journey - God is aware. If you serve Him in truth and in faith, whatever comes your way - whether blessings or trials, storms or good times - it is as it should be by Divine will. He’s aware! No amount of human sympathy or sentiment can change the course of God. If ‘it is written’ that you must face this storm or pass through this trial - you must face it! You may think, ‘If I take a shortcut to dodge it, I will quickly overcome...’ All you are doing is postponing the evil day. You will still go back to face what you tried to escape. If ‘it is written’ that you must face this, don’t introduce sentiment into what has been prearranged from above."

You can watch the full sermon here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tCpHeGro_aw

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God's Heart TV
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