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What ping-pong taught me about life

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Ping pong a tajemnica zwycięstwa
Pico Iyer

Growing up in England, Pico Iyer was taught that the point of a game was to win. Now, some 50 years later, he's realized that competition can be "more like an act of love." In this charming, subtly profound talk, he explores what regular games of ping-pong in his neighborhood in Japan have revealed about the riddle of winning -- and shows why not knowing who's won can feel like the ultimate victory.

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A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
A. Konstancja Wiszniewska edited Polish subtitles for What ping-pong taught me about life
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