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B12 Explained: Should Vegans Supplement?

  • 0:04 - 0:07
    Vitamin B12 is made by neither animals nor plants
  • 0:07 - 0:08
    but by microbes
  • 0:09 - 0:12
    A whole foods, plantbased diet can help prevent, treat and reverse
  • 0:12 - 0:14
    many of our leading causes of death
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    But because of current agricultural practices
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    it's difficult to obtain vitamin B12 naturally anymore
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    Before we started destroying the soil an washing things,
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    we used to get it from things like
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    unwashed vegetables and well water
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    Non- human animals still get some from there
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    and some from eating their own feces
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    It can also be found in dead animals
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    because they get some from the soil and farmers inject them with it
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    But since B12 can be destroyed by some forms of heating,
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    meat, dairy and eggs aren't necessarily a reliable source
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    Both Vegans and non- Vegans can become deficient
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    if they don't supplement
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    But it's fortified into many everyday products like cereals
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    so most people don't have to think about it
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    Our bodies can re- absorb it from our intestine
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    so it can take years for a deficiency to occur
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    As a Vegan you can get it from fortified foods like
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    dairy- free milks, yeast flakes or Marmite
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    You can also get it from tablets, sprays and injections
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    Since credible doctors like Michael Greger recommend
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    supplementing B12 as a Vegan,
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    the simplest option is to take a weekly B12 supplement
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    providing at least 2 500 μg
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    ”Everybody needs to insure regular, reliable source of vitamin B12
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    that's including those people who eat meat
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    Yes, they get it from meat, but that's not where you
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    wanna get your nutrients
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    It's lacking all these wonderful things we want like
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    fiber, um-
  • 1:27 - 1:29
    And has some things that we don't want like saturated transfats,
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    cholesterol ect.
  • 1:31 - 1:35
    Just like we can't get the iron in beef without the saturated fat,
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    the protein in pork wihout lard,
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    the calcium in dairy without hormones,
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    we can't get the B12 in animals without also
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    consuming stuff we don't want
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    like cholesterol
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    For example, to get 47 μg of B12 from eggs
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    because the absorbtion is so low,
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    we'd have to literally eat hundrends of scrambled eggs a day
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    200 to 400 eggs a day
  • 1:59 - 2:02
    The hygienic source, the safest source
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    the healthiest source, the cheapest source
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    is vitamin B12 supplements
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    The cheapest way to get our B12 is
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    probably one 2 500 μg supplement, chewable or liquid supplement
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    of ccyanocobalamin once a week
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    It's easy to dismiss supplementation as unhealthy and unnatural
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    But in the world we live in, this kind of purity
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    is illogical and unhealthy in itself
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    Keep in mind that clothing is a supplement
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    just as a toothbrush is
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    But they do as good
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    So we shouldn't refuse them
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    The reason why we you have to take is that-
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    500 years ago we got our B12 the same place
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    the deer and antilope did
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    We drank stream water
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  • 2:38 - 2:40
    pulled up unwashed vegetables and ate them
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  • 2:40 - 2:42
    The B12 is made by the soil bacteria
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    and they (mumble) in the water
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    And because of modern sanitation
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    those sources've been taken away from us
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    And for that reason you need to take a B12 supplement
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    and feel okay about it
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    It's okay to take those supplements
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    Don't neglect it, it's serious business
B12 Explained: Should Vegans Supplement?

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English subtitles
