♪ (jazz music) ♪
Growing up profoundly different from birth, size-wise
that I was on stage all the time.
I mean I'd walk out of my house
and people would look, and stare at me.
I'd go to the grocery store, or ride my bike
and people would stare, come up and talk to me
I could never be anonymous,
so many people try to not be
I had that, whether I wanted it or not
the second I walked out of my house.
So when I found the stage,
it was the only time I could control people
looking at me.
And, how they felt about me.
I couldn't control how they felt about me
out at the grocery store.
(male interviewer) How is that sometimes?
It's really annoying.
I've come to the realization that
it's them, not me, that whole thing.
And so I feel very comfortable with that.
Whenever I do, you've been so kind to let
me do a couple of workshops for
Meet the Biz. I think what I try to
express more than anything to other actors
is, you have to know yourself. In and out.
And know all the tricks you use to cover-up
the things you're insecure about.
Know those and really understand them,
you may not always get underneath that,
but you have to be so aware of yourself.
I mean, I think a lot of people think of
acting as playing somebody else, so I'm
going to put on this facade and be
somebody else. I feel like, you can't unless
you really know yourself. All your flaws,
and atributes.
♪ (jazz music) ♪