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ALGORITHM: The Hacker Movie

  • 0:02 - 0:04
    Brand X.
  • 0:46 - 0:51
    Okay! Okay.
  • 0:54 - 0:56
    Good Morning
  • 0:57 - 1:01
    I'm Agent Peterson. And this is Agent Wallace.
  • 1:04 - 1:10
    Yeah. He's new. But, he's learning, so cut him a little slack for now.
  • 1:14 - 1:15
    Tell me your name.
  • 1:19 - 1:22
    ... your real name, for the record.
  • 1:23 - 1:26
    Charles Drake.
  • 1:29 - 1:32
    What ... what do you want from me?
  • 1:32 - 1:34
    What do we want? What do we want !?
  • 1:34 - 1:39
    You the motherfucker who likes to steal shit from the government! Huh? Huh !?
  • 1:47 - 1:50
    Not yet. Be Patient
  • 1:53 - 1:54
    See what I mean?
  • 2:00 - 2:02
    What do you do for a living, Charles?
  • 2:06 - 2:09
    I teach math, at Berkley.
  • 2:09 - 2:11
    Nice cover, asshole.
  • 2:14 - 2:19
    ALGORITHM: noun. a set of rules to be followed in problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.
  • 2:35 - 2:37
    A month ago I was a god.
  • 2:38 - 2:41
    Most people have no idea what a hacker can do.
  • 2:42 - 2:44
    I make the world you live in...
  • 2:45 - 2:49
    ...and I can reshape that world if I feel like it.
  • 3:07 - 3:11
    When I look around I don't see borders walls or locks.
  • 3:12 - 3:14
    I see puzzles...
  • 3:14 - 3:17
    ...games that entertain me while I do bigger things.
  • 3:39 - 3:43
    Things like breaking into the phone company to rewrite the code on their servers…
  • 3:43 - 3:46
    ...and give myself free unlimited service.
  • 4:49 - 4:55
    Swapping out my pre-burned SIM cards everyday at 6pm is a small price to pay.
  • 5:19 - 5:20
    I don't care about privacy.
  • 5:20 - 5:24
    or social status or accumulating stuff.
  • 5:25 - 5:27
    I don't care about the law or who makes it.
  • 5:28 - 5:32
    I live by one rule: information should be free.
  • 5:32 - 5:39
    And everything can be simplified, encoded and understood as information.
  • 5:40 - 5:43
    We call this the information age for a reason.
  • 5:46 - 5:50
    Companies and governments don't get it, so they are powerless against me.
  • 5:50 - 5:52
    You think there are rules?
  • 5:52 - 5:54
    You treat computers like you do everything else...
  • 5:54 - 5:57
    ...like it's an immutable fact of life and because of that…
  • 5:57 - 6:00
    ...your worldview is antiquated.
  • 6:00 - 6:02
    Get ready for a serious paradigm shift.
  • 6:02 - 6:07
    The geeks have inherited the earth... the rest of you just don't know it yet.
  • 6:09 - 6:11
    For your consideration, exhibit A.
  • 6:12 - 6:15
    I just hacked every computer within 20 feet of me.
  • 6:15 - 6:18
    I own them now.
  • 6:32 - 6:33
    Thanks for coming.
  • 6:38 - 6:42
    I think my wife is cheating on me.
  • 6:43 - 6:45
    So ditch her.
  • 6:47 - 6:51
    California's a No Fault state. She gets half regardless.
  • 6:52 - 6:54
    I want proof.
  • 6:55 - 7:01
    What for? Just call it "irreconcilable differences" and bail.
  • 7:03 - 7:05
    I want proof for myself.
  • 7:08 - 7:11
    I need to know.
  • 7:17 - 7:19
    What kind of proof?
  • 7:21 - 7:28
    You want video of her playing another guy's skin-flute?
  • 7:28 - 7:30
    'cause that's not what I do.
  • 7:30 - 7:32
    No, no, no, no, no. Look around.
  • 7:32 - 7:34
    If you find anything you send it to me.
  • 7:35 - 7:36
    Either way you still get paid.
  • 7:38 - 7:42
    That's the deal. You know my fee.
  • 7:46 - 7:48
    Why would I hack all these computers...
  • 7:48 - 7:52
    ...including the laptop of a man who just gave me five grand?
  • 7:52 - 7:54
    I don't care what he does for a living.
  • 7:57 - 7:59
    And if your wife finds out...?
  • 7:59 - 8:00
    She won't.
  • 8:02 - 8:07
    I understand the need for discretion, Mr...?
  • 8:08 - 8:10
    It's LU$er
  • 8:15 - 8:19
    I collect computers. Most of them don't lead anywhere interesting
  • 8:20 - 8:22
    so I just add them to my botnet
  • 8:22 - 8:27
    a massive set of computers I use to do whatever I feel like doing at the time
  • 8:27 - 8:32
    mostly, to cover any trace of the big hacks that I do that might lead back to me.
  • 8:36 - 8:40
    I can write the code I need to break into Dempsey's network.
  • 8:40 - 8:42
    But he lives in a very expensive neighborhood.
  • 8:43 - 8:48
    I can't just sit on his curb, outside his house, brute-forcing my way in.
  • 9:43 - 9:45
    I need another Can-of-Worm.
  • 9:47 - 9:48
    How soon do you need it?
  • 9:48 - 9:49
    Two days?
  • 9:50 - 9:52
    Are you coming?
  • 9:54 - 9:58
    Hackers come in two basic models: coders and makers.
  • 9:59 - 10:00
    Bitchan is a maker.
  • 10:01 - 10:03
    She has a degree in electrical engineering.
  • 10:04 - 10:11
    In other words, she's a lightning god, controlling and manipulating electricity to do her will.
  • 10:12 - 10:15
    As a side job, she modified gaming consoles...
  • 10:15 - 10:18
    ...so they'll played copied discs or games from anywhere in the world.
  • 10:19 - 10:21
    It's not to break the law.
  • 10:22 - 10:23
    That isn't even a factor.
  • 10:25 - 10:28
    She does it for the same reason I do. It's about information.
  • 10:28 - 10:32
    And region encoding is just another puzzle blocking the way.
  • 10:43 - 10:46
    So, is this the gig Decimate hooked you up with?
  • 10:47 - 10:52
    Yeah. It's residential. He lives in St. Francis Wood.
  • 10:53 - 10:57
    So, do the TV, the Wi-Fi, and anything else you can think of.
  • 11:00 - 11:02
    What about the firewall?
  • 11:03 - 11:06
    That too. They just upgraded to smart-meters.
  • 11:08 - 11:12
    If the worm doesn't get through in five hours
  • 11:13 - 11:16
    just reset the power to the house... force a reboot.
  • 11:17 - 11:20
    And when the can works?
  • 11:26 - 11:27
    How big?
  • 11:27 - 11:28
    It'll fit.
  • 11:35 - 11:37
    Can I spend the night?
  • 11:37 - 11:39
    When did you start asking?
  • 11:41 - 11:43
    I'm going to be here until morning.
  • 12:12 - 12:14
    We're not ADHD.
  • 12:14 - 12:19
    We just don't care that wind-speeds on Saturn can get up to 3,000 miles per hour.
  • 12:19 - 12:22
    I remember it because I collect information.
  • 12:23 - 12:26
    But it's worthless to me until I decide to build a probe to land on Saturn,
  • 12:26 - 12:30
    which doesn't even have a surface to land on anyway.
  • 13:20 - 13:24
    It's 5:55pm and Bitchan sent me a text letting me know
  • 13:25 - 13:30
    that the Can-of-Worm will run for 4 days passive, or 12 hours at full-power.
  • 13:38 - 13:39
    We like things that make us think.
  • 13:40 - 13:44
    Like, what's the most efficient way to run a Linux computer off of a battery?
  • 13:46 - 13:48
    How fast can I get this program to run?
  • 13:49 - 13:52
    What's the best way to break into a network?
  • 14:14 - 14:18
    What's the best time to launch an attack against a home network?
  • 14:35 - 14:41
    Between the hours of 3:00am and 5:00am everyone's asleep.
  • 14:41 - 14:44
    Even the police who normally patrol are sitting in their cars
  • 14:44 - 14:48
    in secluded parking lots, filling out drunk-driver arrest reports.
  • 15:32 - 15:36
    The first and probably easiest way into any home network is the TV.
  • 15:37 - 15:40
    All new TVs come with Internet-capable software
  • 15:40 - 15:43
    usually Wi-Fi enabled by default.
  • 15:44 - 15:48
    Most people don't keep their TV software updated with the latest security patches.
  • 15:48 - 15:51
    Of course, that doesn't always work.
  • 15:51 - 15:55
    There are two easy hacks to get past most firewalls.
  • 15:55 - 16:00
    The first is to use a vulnerability in the default security setup
  • 16:00 - 16:04
    in almost all routers built between 2009 and 2012.
  • 16:05 - 16:08
    The other is to turn the power off and back on.
  • 16:09 - 16:13
    For 60 seconds, while the hardware reboots, the entire home network
  • 16:13 - 16:18
    is completely insecure because the firewall software loads last.
  • 16:18 - 16:21
    The point isn't the method. It's the potential.
  • 16:22 - 16:24
    There's always a way in.
  • 17:02 - 17:05
    It might be a bit of a moral grey area to use one of the few
  • 17:05 - 17:09
    socially promoted bastions of free information to hack.
  • 17:10 - 17:13
    Or, it might be perfectly inline with the ideas of the librarians.
  • 17:14 - 17:17
    Who knows? I don't ask.
  • 17:18 - 17:21
    The point is, I'm not doing this from home.
  • 17:48 - 17:52
    I'm not destroying Mrs. Dempsey; she did that on her own.
  • 17:52 - 17:56
    I'm just exploiting the vulnerability her carnal excesses created.
  • 18:37 - 18:40
    Do you know where the weakest link in any security system is?
  • 18:41 - 18:43
    It's you, with your shitty passwords
  • 18:44 - 18:47
    and how you share every part of your life online
  • 18:47 - 18:52
    from geotagging everything you do, to a photo you post of your new ATM card.
  • 19:04 - 19:08
    And your willingness to click on links that promise something you want.
  • 19:19 - 19:22
    And now I own Sam Novak's computer.
  • 19:23 - 19:25
    Whoever he is.
  • 19:41 - 19:45
    Arthur C. Clarke wrote that any sufficiently advanced technology
  • 19:45 - 19:48
    is indistinguishable from magic.
  • 19:48 - 19:50
    This is where we make the magic.
  • 19:52 - 19:54
    Anyone heard of Emergent See?
  • 19:55 - 20:01
    Emergent See.... Big. Ugly. Nasty government contractor
  • 20:02 - 20:07
    Data-mining. NSA. CIA. Hardcore combinatorial math.
  • 20:09 - 20:12
    Is that it? Just data-mining?
  • 20:13 - 20:15
    What's your interest in Emergent See?
  • 20:15 - 20:19
    Oh. Just a side project I'm working on.
  • 20:26 - 20:28
    Tell me that you're using the neighbor's Wi-Fi.
  • 20:28 - 20:29
    Uh, yeah.
  • 20:38 - 20:39
    I need a drink.
  • 20:39 - 20:41
    Anybody else?
  • 20:50 - 20:54
    So, what's the uh... great LU$er up to tonight?
  • 20:55 - 20:58
    Finished with that client Decimate sets you up with?
  • 20:58 - 21:01
    This afternoon. How did you know about that?
  • 21:01 - 21:03
    Bitchan told me.
  • 21:04 - 21:06
    She a cheating slut?
  • 21:06 - 21:08
    Yeah. Something like that.
  • 21:11 - 21:13
    But, you'll never guess with who.
  • 21:13 - 21:15
    Does it matter?
  • 21:15 - 21:17
    Sam Novak.
  • 21:17 - 21:19
    Don't know him.
  • 21:19 - 21:21
    CTO of Emergent See.
  • 21:22 - 21:24
    No shit!?
  • 21:25 - 21:31
    I rooted his office computer this afternoon. I'm searching their network right now, as we speak.
  • 21:31 - 21:32
    Oh, no. Will, no, no.
  • 21:32 - 21:33
    I told you I wasn't.
  • 21:33 - 21:34
    It's too heavy for Backdoor.
  • 21:34 - 21:35
    I'm not using your network.
  • 21:35 - 21:37
    Yeah. And Hash told you what Emergent See does.
  • 21:37 - 21:41
    Large-scale data-mining. That means NSA. They'll find the intrusion.
  • 21:41 - 21:47
    If anyone sees anything, they're just going to think that Novak has his own botnet.
  • 21:50 - 21:54
    Fine. I think you can do it.
  • 21:54 - 21:57
    And I think you can get away with it. But, not here.
  • 22:00 - 22:01
    What is your problem?
  • 22:01 - 22:03
    Not. Here.
  • 22:12 - 22:16
    I don't go on dates. I don't go clubbing.
  • 22:16 - 22:19
    I don't care about celebrity hookups or which sports team just won.
  • 22:21 - 22:25
    My universe exists entirely within computers.
  • 22:25 - 22:29
    The moment we come up with a way to not have to eat, or sleep
  • 22:29 - 22:33
    or any of the other things required to stay alive... I'll be the first in line.
  • 22:34 - 22:38
    And by in line, I mean online, breaking in and reading about it.
  • 22:39 - 22:44
    Then, Bitchan and I will get together and bootstrap a homebrew version for ourselves.
  • 22:44 - 22:48
    Because copyrights, patents, trademarks, and all the other
  • 22:48 - 22:51
    ephemeral concepts of ownership are a time-bomb.
  • 22:52 - 22:56
    Animal trainers teach a dog by giving the dog some treat it likes.
  • 22:57 - 22:59
    They call this paying the dog.
  • 22:59 - 23:04
    I do what I do for love. Anything else is a form of slavery
  • 23:04 - 23:06
    a reduction of my humanity.
  • 23:06 - 23:09
    Which is why I feel the moral liberty to search through Emergent See's
  • 23:09 - 23:13
    network and download all of their recently developed programs.
  • 23:14 - 23:19
    After all, they are a government contractor. In this country, that means they work for me.
  • 23:21 - 23:26
    Ownership is an illusion. I don't value money.
  • 23:26 - 23:31
    I acquiesce to social norms only in so much as it's required
  • 23:31 - 23:34
    to keep myself alive... and connected.
  • 24:13 - 24:16
    Take a look at the world around you.
  • 24:16 - 24:20
    You get in your car, which is run by a computer.
  • 24:20 - 24:23
    You watch TV, which is run by computers.
  • 24:24 - 24:30
    Any concept you have a world that doesn't involve electronics is naive.
  • 24:31 - 24:36
    Of course, you can manufacture a reality to suit your delusions if you like.
  • 24:36 - 24:38
    What difference does that make to me?
  • 24:39 - 24:42
    It's just one less person I have to deal with.
  • 24:42 - 24:46
    Because, if that's your choice, then you are irrelevant.
  • 24:47 - 24:50
    You cease to exist in any meaningful way
  • 24:50 - 24:54
    except as extremely low-hanging fruit.
  • 24:54 - 25:00
    That is, until you get a seat on the senate and make idiotic laws
  • 25:00 - 25:02
    like the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.
  • 25:03 - 25:06
    Copyright hinges on two interrelated ideas:
  • 25:07 - 25:09
    One, scarcity.
  • 25:10 - 25:14
    Two, if we want a section of our society dedicated to making cool stuff
  • 25:15 - 25:18
    then we've got to keep the people who create that stuff alive
  • 25:18 - 25:20
    and doing what they do best
  • 25:20 - 25:23
    like Emergent See's program called Shepherd.
  • 25:23 - 25:28
    I open it up, read a few lines of hex, and quickly recognize none of it.
  • 25:29 - 25:34
    But Hash... he codes like stream-of-consciousness poetry.
  • 25:36 - 25:39
    Maybe he can make sense of Shepherd.
  • 26:14 - 26:17
    I slurped a bunch of programs from a network I hacked into.
  • 26:18 - 26:19
    Any cool ones?
  • 26:19 - 26:21
    One's interesting.
  • 26:22 - 26:24
    Where did you get it?
  • 26:24 - 26:27
    Emergent See.
  • 26:28 - 26:32
    That's some serious shit, man. Did you disable Wi-Fi?
  • 26:32 - 26:34
    Yeah. But, I don't know what it did.
  • 26:36 - 26:40
    Okay. To hell with it. Let's take a look.
  • 26:42 - 26:44
    Okay. So, type shepherd.
  • 26:45 - 26:47
    Shepherd? They called it Shepherd?
  • 26:48 - 26:49
    Pride comes before a fall.
  • 26:49 - 26:51
    I know, right?
  • 26:54 - 26:57
    Okay. It's a bit sparse.
  • 26:57 - 27:01
    This part looks like a standard terminal...
  • 27:01 - 27:06
    But, this code here looks like it's trying to start an SSH tunnel.
  • 27:10 - 27:11
    Where's it calling?
  • 27:12 - 27:18
    It's calling? I don't... I don't know.
  • 27:18 - 27:20
    Do you think it's government?
  • 27:21 - 27:24
    Who knows? We need to give it access to find out.
  • 27:25 - 27:28
    Well... they'll know where we are.
  • 27:28 - 27:32
    And that's why, my friend, we're so close to the neighbors.
  • 27:33 - 27:36
    It'll buy us a couple minutes.
  • 27:37 - 27:38
    Any preferences?
  • 27:42 - 27:47
    Ah... I love the communal nature of San Francisco.
  • 27:47 - 27:51
    So caring. So sharing.
  • 27:51 - 27:53
    So love-ed.
  • 27:54 - 27:57
    Best Mike Myers movie ever!
  • 27:59 - 28:02
    Okay. Well, that's as far as I go.
  • 28:02 - 28:05
    Whatever it is, they don't want company.
  • 28:08 - 28:13
    Be careful, Will. Sudonym was right.
  • 28:13 - 28:17
    Emergent See's nasty... like Orwellian and shit.
  • 28:20 - 28:23
    Maybe Decimate can hack in.
  • 28:24 - 28:28
    Well, meanwhile, I'm going to stream So I Married an Axe Murderer.
  • 28:29 - 28:31
    She stole my heart and my cat.
  • 28:54 - 28:56
    We know two things about Shepherd:
  • 28:56 - 29:00
    One, it's calling something outside itself.
  • 29:00 - 29:03
    Two, it leads to a login screen.
  • 29:04 - 29:07
    Doing that in public was not smart.
  • 29:11 - 29:15
    I've got to go someplace where Wi-Fi signals can't escape.
  • 29:20 - 29:24
    You know those crazy people who wear aluminum foil hats
  • 29:24 - 29:27
    to protect themselves from the brainwashing space-rays?
  • 29:29 - 29:33
    The space-rays don't exist. But the foil?
  • 29:33 - 29:37
    That reflects almost all radio signals in existence.
  • 29:38 - 29:41
    It's similar to what the CIA uses to make their black-rooms.
  • 29:41 - 29:45
    And yes, the do call them black-rooms.
  • 29:47 - 29:52
    Of course, if you don't ground it, the reflective metal becomes a giant antenna.
  • 29:52 - 29:57
    So, the crazies, with the foil hats are actually amplifying
  • 29:57 - 30:01
    the fictitious space-rays, if they wear rubber-soled shoes.
  • 32:46 - 32:51
    Today's questions are: what is Shepherd doing; and who is it built for.
  • 33:08 - 33:11
    Whoever wrote Shepherd spent a long time doing it.
  • 33:11 - 33:14
    The entire thing is written in a proprietary language.
  • 33:14 - 33:18
    And, since my debugger only understands standard languages
  • 33:18 - 33:21
    there's just too much code to know what it's doing.
  • 33:22 - 33:24
    On to question two.
  • 33:24 - 33:26
    Who is Shepherd built for.
  • 33:27 - 33:31
    Time for some Cartesian logic: any system can be understood
  • 33:31 - 33:34
    if you break it down to its component parts.
  • 33:34 - 33:37
    Study the parts, figure out what they do
  • 33:37 - 33:40
    then you'll have a pretty good idea of what the whole thing is doing.
  • 33:41 - 33:45
    But, like I said, it would take weeks to figure out all of Shepherd.
  • 33:46 - 33:49
    So, I look for one very specific part.
  • 33:50 - 33:53
    I only need to find out who it's trying to talk to.
  • 33:54 - 33:57
    That will be a single ingredient... one number.
  • 33:57 - 34:01
    The IP address of the server it's calling.
  • 34:28 - 34:31
    In the late 1950s, MIT hackers believed as I do
  • 34:31 - 34:34
    that information should be free.
  • 34:34 - 34:38
    This ideology leads people to call us crypto-anarchists
  • 34:39 - 34:42
    an oversimplification to the point of error.
  • 34:43 - 34:46
    Just because I don't hold to the tenets of a government
  • 34:46 - 34:49
    quickly devolving into fascism doesn't make me an anarchist.
  • 34:49 - 34:52
    I don't have a label for what I do... beyond "hacker".
  • 34:52 - 34:55
    You could just as easily call me a libertarian.
  • 34:55 - 34:59
    Except, I'm not sure government has a place at all
  • 34:59 - 35:03
    or what it might look like in a future without conventional trade.
  • 35:03 - 35:09
    Or, maybe communist is right... except that means that all are community property
  • 35:09 - 35:13
    as opposed to no one owning anything, which is closer to how I feel.
  • 35:21 - 35:25
    Godwin's Law states that as online discussions grow longer
  • 35:25 - 35:31
    the probability of comparisons involving Nazis or Hitler approaches certainty.
  • 35:31 - 35:35
    The reason for this is because we, as a species, don't like vagaries.
  • 35:36 - 35:39
    It's because we come from people who needed to know
  • 35:39 - 35:45
    whether or not there was a tiger in the woods. Their lives depended on it.
  • 35:56 - 36:01
    My neighbor Brian bakes meth for the Oakland chapter of an infamous biker gang.
  • 36:01 - 36:04
    Walter White, he's not.
  • 36:05 - 36:07
    The idiot must have blown himself up.
  • 36:07 - 36:11
    The sentence for manufacturing an illegal controlled substance in the
  • 36:11 - 36:14
    state of California is usually up to 7 years.
  • 36:15 - 36:19
    Normal computer crimes can be up to 9 years.
  • 36:19 - 36:24
    Breaking into top-secret government computer systems and copying files?
  • 36:24 - 36:27
    They call that terrorism now days
  • 36:27 - 36:31
    at which point the laws have been getting a bit hazy.
  • 36:31 - 36:37
    If I'm lucky, the fire that took Brian also melted any evidence in my loft too.
  • 36:37 - 36:41
    If not, DHS now has me on their list
  • 36:41 - 36:43
    somewhere near the top.
  • 36:46 - 36:51
    Excuse me, Katherine. Is Sudo... I mean, is Susan around?
  • 36:54 - 36:58
    It's Kat. And Sudonym's in the back.
  • 37:04 - 37:06
    You asshole.
  • 37:07 - 37:09
    What're you talking about?
  • 37:10 - 37:12
    Hash told me what you did.
  • 37:12 - 37:15
    After I told you not to.
  • 37:15 - 37:18
    An hour ago they came and took him.
  • 37:20 - 37:24
    You did that... asshole.
  • 37:25 - 37:28
    Hey! Hey!!
  • 37:28 - 37:28
    Wait a second...
  • 37:28 - 37:30
    Are you listening to me!?
  • 37:30 - 37:33
    You did that LU$er!
  • 37:33 - 37:38
    I don't know who those guys were, but they came in here because you decided to steal some government shit for lulz.
  • 37:38 - 37:38
    You don't understand...
  • 37:38 - 37:42
    No. It's not that I don't understand.
  • 37:42 - 37:45
    It's that I don't care... about you.
  • 37:45 - 37:47
    ...not anymore.
  • 37:53 - 37:55
    Why are you still here?
  • 37:56 - 37:58
    I don't have any place to go.
  • 37:58 - 38:00
    Do I care?
  • 38:00 - 38:02
    You did.
  • 38:03 - 38:08
    Do. I. Care?
  • 38:12 - 38:13
  • 38:15 - 38:17
    Get the hell out of my bar.
  • 39:01 - 39:07
    Correlation without causation: that's when two things seem to be related but aren't.
  • 39:08 - 39:11
    You have two data-points: Ice cream sales, and drownings.
  • 39:12 - 39:16
    You notice that as ice cream sales increase, so do drownings.
  • 39:17 - 39:20
    You could assume ice cream makes people drown
  • 39:21 - 39:24
    or you could just look at your calendar and realize it's summer.
  • 39:25 - 39:30
    So, at first, the two facts look related.
  • 39:30 - 39:33
    But, logic tells you they're not.
  • 39:34 - 39:38
    Then you see a third factor, that they are related
  • 39:38 - 39:41
    just not in the way you first thought.
  • 39:49 - 39:50
    What is Shepherd?
  • 39:53 - 39:55
    It could just be a login screen.
  • 39:58 - 40:00
    But, to what?
  • 40:01 - 40:03
    I don't know.
  • 40:05 - 40:08
    Whoever it is, they want it hidden.
  • 40:11 - 40:15
    Bit, this sucks.
  • 40:16 - 40:19
    Yeah? What did you expect would happen?
  • 40:19 - 40:21
    I don't know. Not this.
  • 40:23 - 40:28
    What about Hash? Sudonym hates me.
  • 40:31 - 40:35
    Figure it out. Maybe she'll forgive you.
  • 40:39 - 40:40
    What the hell, Will?
  • 40:41 - 40:42
    Come on...
  • 40:42 - 40:43
    Oh my god.
  • 40:44 - 40:47
    15 years and you're not even curious?
  • 40:47 - 40:52
    Jesus. No! You're Like my brother! And, you're drunk!
  • 40:54 - 40:55
    You might like it.
  • 40:55 - 40:57
    You might like jerking off.
  • 40:59 - 41:02
    What if Brian didn't cause the fire?
  • 41:03 - 41:06
    What if Emergent See traced Shepherd back to me?
  • 41:07 - 41:12
    Which still leaves the question: who's Shepherd calling?
  • 41:12 - 41:13
  • 41:13 - 41:18
    I watched Shepherd in action. I saw the login screen at the park.
  • 41:19 - 41:23
    So, why isn't the IP address working?
  • 41:23 - 41:24
  • 41:26 - 41:30
    About last night... I'm sorry.
  • 41:30 - 41:35
    I know. You're a guy. It's expected.
  • 41:36 - 41:40
    It's just that the bastards burned down my apartment. They stole my friend... they kidnapped him.
  • 41:40 - 41:45
    I don't know what they're doing with him or where. I don't know if he's even still alive.
  • 41:45 - 41:47
    Well, you did hack their network.
  • 41:51 - 41:53
    You're on their side?
  • 41:53 - 41:56
    What you did was pretty stupid, Will.
  • 41:58 - 42:00
    You don't even know what Shepherd does.
  • 42:01 - 42:03
    So help me find out.
  • 42:03 - 42:05
    So black-op agents can come and kidnap me?
  • 42:05 - 42:07
    That's not going to happen.
  • 42:09 - 42:13
    Please, tell me your plan... if you even have one.
  • 42:18 - 42:21
    Find out what they're doing and why.
  • 42:22 - 42:24
    Vague and probably impossible.
  • 42:27 - 42:31
    The moment you touch Shepherd something bad happens.
  • 42:33 - 42:35
    So, then, that's where we start?
  • 42:37 - 42:38
  • 42:40 - 42:46
    Whoever owns Shepherd... anytime they see it running, they send someone, right?
  • 42:47 - 42:50
    Twice doesn't make it a trend... but, sure.
  • 42:52 - 42:57
    So, we run Shepherd and let them come to us.
  • 42:58 - 43:01
    And when they come with their guns?
  • 43:18 - 43:20
    Nobody's coming. It's clear.
  • 43:31 - 43:33
    It's done. Come on.
  • 43:45 - 43:49
    Stakeouts are so much cooler in the movies.
  • 43:50 - 43:55
    Yeah. But if this works, we'll have something.
  • 43:58 - 44:02
    Yeah. If they don't see us... if they don't catch us, whoever they are.
  • 44:05 - 44:08
    Did you put your camera in my bag?
  • 44:08 - 44:10
  • 44:11 - 44:16
    Put your phone down. Keep watch.
  • 44:16 - 44:17
  • 44:17 - 44:19
    I have to pee.
  • 44:31 - 44:31
  • 44:31 - 44:33
    What? You think girls don't have to pee?
  • 44:34 - 44:36
    Feel free.
  • 44:37 - 44:39
  • 44:44 - 44:45
  • 44:45 - 44:47
  • 44:49 - 44:51
    I know you don't... like me.
  • 44:52 - 44:57
    Of course I like you. You're like my brother, and best friend, all in one.
  • 44:58 - 45:01
    No. I meant, attracted to me.
  • 45:01 - 45:04
    I know what you meant. I was just trying to let you off easy.
  • 45:05 - 45:06
  • 45:07 - 45:09
    I thought you said you were sorry.
  • 45:09 - 45:10
    I am.
  • 45:11 - 45:14
    Then why are you bringing this up again?
  • 45:16 - 45:17
    I don't know.
  • 45:19 - 45:25
    I'm just curious. Something to pass the time.
  • 45:26 - 45:28
    Why wait until now?
  • 45:28 - 45:33
    I didn't wait. That was just the first time you noticed.
  • 45:36 - 45:41
    Then what, Will? Suddenly, you think I'm going to invite you into my room?
  • 45:42 - 45:43
  • 45:44 - 45:46
    You could fuck me all night.
  • 45:46 - 45:48
    That's not what I meant.
  • 45:58 - 45:59
    What? What?
  • 45:59 - 45:59
    You see that?
  • 45:59 - 46:01
    Get the camera. Get the camera.
  • 46:02 - 46:05
    All we need is a licence... just get the license plate.
  • 46:07 - 46:09
    Get down, get down. Did they see us?
  • 46:10 - 46:11
    Did they see us?
  • 46:11 - 46:13
    I don't know.
  • 46:21 - 46:25
    Okay. Take the... take the picture.
  • 46:25 - 46:26
  • 46:38 - 46:41
    What's going on? Come on. Did they see us? Do you think they saw us?
  • 46:41 - 46:43
    I... I don't know.
  • 46:48 - 46:53
    Son of a bitch, that was close. Did you get it? Did you get it?
  • 46:53 - 46:55
    Let's just get out of here.
  • 47:03 - 47:05
    It didn't work.
  • 47:05 - 47:08
    We know that. Try the next one.
  • 47:16 - 47:18
    Now what?
  • 47:20 - 47:22
    When do you want to go back and get the Can?
  • 47:23 - 47:27
    It's only going to give us an IP address, not a password.
  • 47:31 - 47:36
    I have to go to work. I'll be back later tonight.
  • 48:10 - 48:15
    It's called port knocking. You want to talk to Server X, which won't respond.
  • 48:16 - 48:20
    The only way to get it to respond is to query Servers A through E
  • 48:20 - 48:23
    in a certain order, during a specified period of time.
  • 48:24 - 48:27
    Only then does Server X talk back.
  • 48:28 - 48:35
    In this case,
  • 48:36 - 48:39
    That's why the IP I got from the black-room didn't work
  • 48:39 - 48:42
    and why I just got a different IP from the Can-of-Worm.
  • 48:42 - 48:45
    Of course, that doesn't solve the login screen.
  • 49:03 - 49:06
    I'm not dressed.
  • 49:07 - 49:08
    I got the IP.
  • 49:10 - 49:13
    I went back and got the Can and it had the IP in it.
  • 49:20 - 49:22
    Did anyone see you?
  • 49:23 - 49:27
    Some nosey neighbor. I told him I was with the phone company.
  • 49:29 - 49:31
    How do you know he was local?
  • 49:32 - 49:35
    How do you know he wasn't with them?
  • 49:35 - 49:39
    That... that's just paranoid. I mean, he just walked up to me and...
  • 49:39 - 49:43
    Paranoid? Don't be an idiot, Will.
  • 49:43 - 49:46
    It's not just your shitty life on the line anymore, okay?
  • 50:38 - 50:41
    Dude! What is your problem? You ever heard of calling first?
  • 50:41 - 50:42
    You told me to come over.
  • 50:42 - 50:44
    Not a good time.
  • 50:44 - 50:45
    It's important.
  • 50:45 - 50:47
    Then why wait until we're inside? Tell me now.
  • 50:47 - 50:50
    I found the IP address Shepherd's been trying to reach.
  • 50:52 - 50:54
    I'll be back in a second.
  • 50:54 - 50:56
    And the ice?
  • 50:56 - 50:58
    Yeah. That too.
  • 50:58 - 51:02
    I know you think this is important, but it can wait.
  • 51:03 - 51:04
    It's 212.3...
  • 51:04 - 51:07
    .208.65, I know.
  • 51:09 - 51:09
  • 51:10 - 51:14
    Will? Will. What do I do for a living?
  • 51:15 - 51:16
    You're a hacker.
  • 51:17 - 51:18
    And who do I work for?
  • 51:20 - 51:21
    I don't know.
  • 51:21 - 51:25
    I work for governments. Major multi-national companies.
  • 51:25 - 51:28
    Finding an IP address is noob shit.
  • 51:28 - 51:33
    Mister Big Shot... I'm gonna need a few more tests.
  • 51:34 - 51:37
    Now, do you have something useful... or not?
  • 51:37 - 51:38
    They've got Hash.
  • 51:38 - 51:44
    I know. Kat came here for comfort, and I'd like to get back to that.
  • 51:45 - 51:47
    I need the password for the login screen.
  • 51:47 - 51:52
    I have to know what it does and why they're willing to kidnap people.
  • 51:53 - 51:59
    Will, whatever it is, it's bad. I know that; It always is.
  • 51:59 - 52:03
    It's going to be something you'll want to forget, but you won't be able to.
  • 52:03 - 52:09
    It will change your worldview. And, it will either make you an activist, or apathetic.
  • 52:10 - 52:12
    Is that what you want?
  • 52:13 - 52:14
  • 52:14 - 52:18
    Are you sure? There's no going back, Will. Not ever.
  • 52:19 - 52:21
    I need to know.
  • 52:21 - 52:23
    Time for your medicine.
  • 52:23 - 52:25
    Don't come in.
  • 52:33 - 52:35
    Are you sure about this?
  • 52:35 - 52:37
    What is it?
  • 52:37 - 52:39
    What do you think?
  • 52:41 - 52:42
    You wrote it down?
  • 52:42 - 52:44
    Sure. Why not?
  • 52:45 - 52:47
    That is the stupidest password I've ever seen.
  • 52:48 - 52:52
    It's actually pretty good: more than eight characters, a capital letter, and a symbol.
  • 52:52 - 52:54
    Props to Michael Mitchell.
  • 52:55 - 52:57
    Head of the NSA.
  • 52:57 - 53:02
    You wanted access. He's probably got the most. Have fun.
  • 53:03 - 53:05
    Wait, wait, wait. How did you get this?
  • 53:07 - 53:10
    He didn't give it to me, if that's what you're asking.
  • 53:15 - 53:19
    Thanks. I owe you.
  • 53:19 - 53:24
    No you don't. Not this time. Not for that.
  • 54:12 - 54:17
    It's not a puzzle anymore. Now, it's something else.
  • 54:18 - 54:20
    DHS probably thinks I'm dead.
  • 54:20 - 54:23
    They have everyone they think knows about Shepherd.
  • 54:23 - 54:25
    I could leave it alone and disappear.
  • 54:25 - 54:29
    Pull a Kevin Mitnick, sans the getting caught part.
  • 54:29 - 54:34
    Of course, Mitnick now makes millions as a security consultant.
  • 54:34 - 54:38
    I just need to terminate some of my social connections
  • 54:38 - 54:43
    So my trail never leads back to them... or from them to me.
  • 55:09 - 55:10
    Where were you?
  • 55:10 - 55:13
    I talked to Decimate.
  • 55:15 - 55:17
    Yeah. He had plans.
  • 55:17 - 55:22
    I know. How did you know?
  • 55:24 - 55:28
    So, what were you doing for the rest of the night?
  • 55:32 - 55:37
    Thinking. Wondering when... when does this thing end?
  • 55:41 - 55:43
    Are you staying here?
  • 55:43 - 55:44
  • 55:50 - 55:52
    You started it, Will.
  • 55:52 - 55:53
    I know.
  • 55:53 - 55:56
    So, what's the problem?
  • 56:00 - 56:02
    I think I should let it go.
  • 56:04 - 56:07
    What happened to your curiosity?
  • 56:08 - 56:10
    Too many people are getting hurt.
  • 56:10 - 56:13
    This country is supposed to be free.
  • 56:14 - 56:16
    I don't care about politics.
  • 56:17 - 56:20
    It's not about politics.
  • 56:22 - 56:25
    It's about an idea, Will. It's...
  • 56:25 - 56:28
    ...If people knew about this?
  • 56:38 - 56:43
    Finish this. It's not about you anymore.
  • 57:03 - 57:07
    An open Wi-Fi network is one more hop they'll have to make to find me.
  • 57:09 - 57:10
    Then, there's TOR.
  • 57:10 - 57:14
    TOR was designed by the Navy so their informants could login
  • 57:14 - 57:18
    and give them secret information from a country they're not supposed to be in.
  • 57:19 - 57:22
    Logging into Shepherd is scary however I do it.
  • 57:26 - 57:29
    The fact that it's a tracking program doesn't help.
  • 57:30 - 57:35
    Who can it track? I wonder if it can track Hash.
  • 58:01 - 58:03
    How would you wake him up?
  • 58:07 - 58:13
    No. No knives. Subtle, remember?
  • 58:21 - 58:24
    How hot's your tea?
  • 58:37 - 58:42
    Rise and shine, buddy. Rise and shine.
  • 59:08 - 59:11
    Movie time, Charles.
  • 59:13 - 59:17
    This is a video of you, at a park bench...
  • 59:18 - 59:22
    As you attempt to access a top-secret database.
  • 59:24 - 59:29
    Look, Hash. We know you did it. Okay?
  • 59:30 - 59:33
    Lying to us just makes life much more painful for you.
  • 59:36 - 59:44
    The video shows a man named William Vernor Stephenson giving you the laptop.
  • 59:44 - 59:50
    See, we were able to track his phone, but we lost his data around 6:00pm
  • 59:52 - 59:58
    Ah, but your phone... we got that for days.
  • 60:10 - 60:19
    Look. Just tell us where William is, and what you plan on doing with Shepherd.
  • 60:20 - 60:25
    What happens when I know everything: The Age of Aquarius, or 1984?
  • 60:25 - 60:29
    The U.S. government rarely builds its own technology.
  • 60:29 - 60:33
    They hire Raytheon to maintain a radar station in Alaska.
  • 60:34 - 60:39
    SAIC took over remote viewing when the Army got tired of it.
  • 60:39 - 60:45
    And Emergent See built the login app for the most powerful monitoring system ever conceived.
  • 60:45 - 60:46
  • 60:46 - 60:49
    And probably the search engine on the back-end too.
  • 60:49 - 60:52
    Kat, would you get her please. This is important.
  • 60:53 - 60:55
    What do you want?
  • 60:55 - 60:56
    We need to talk.
  • 60:57 - 60:58
    Then talk.
  • 60:59 - 61:01
    Not here. In the back.
  • 61:29 - 61:34
    Does it bother you that the NSA monitors everything that you do online?
  • 61:35 - 61:40
    Does it bother you that you're afraid of a government that claims to be for you?
  • 61:41 - 61:45
    That both private and public companies know where you are, right now.
  • 61:46 - 61:49
    Who gives a shit? Why should I care?
  • 61:50 - 61:51
    What's your name?
  • 61:52 - 61:53
  • 61:53 - 61:55
  • 61:55 - 61:56
  • 61:56 - 61:57
  • 62:00 - 62:03
    What were you doing last night, Eddie?
  • 62:03 - 62:05
    Sitting at home, watching TV.
  • 62:05 - 62:07
    What were you watching?
  • 62:07 - 62:10
    I don't remember. Something on Netflix.
  • 62:11 - 62:13
    That good?
  • 62:18 - 62:21
  • 62:23 - 62:26
    You got good taste in movies, Eddie. That's a good movie.
  • 62:26 - 62:28
    What the hell is this?
  • 62:28 - 62:30
    It's a tracking program.
  • 62:30 - 62:31
    What's it track?
  • 62:32 - 62:34
  • 62:35 - 62:39
    See what I mean? I don't do anything wrong. So, who cares?
  • 62:40 - 62:43
    That's good. You know who else didn't do anything wrong?
  • 62:43 - 62:49
    A guy named Robert Martin. At least, that's not why he was kidnapped two days ago.
  • 62:49 - 62:51
    You want to know what he's doing now?
  • 62:51 - 62:53
    Hey, that's enough.
  • 63:00 - 63:07
    I'm a software engineer at Dean & Dean. I don't even know what Shepherd is!
  • 63:08 - 63:12
    I want to believe you. I do. But we have records showing...
  • 63:12 - 63:15
    ...that you tried to access Shepherd from your house.
  • 63:15 - 63:20
    Oh, come on. I don't know. I don't. I told you everything I know.
  • 63:27 - 63:29
    Would you like a cup of coffee?
  • 63:29 - 63:30
    Sure. Remember, no cream.
  • 63:30 - 63:32
    And two sugars.
  • 63:32 - 63:33
    Only one today...
  • 63:33 - 63:34
    Why are you doing this?
  • 63:34 - 63:36
    Because you wouldn't talk to me.
  • 63:38 - 63:39
    You're an asshole.
  • 63:40 - 63:44
    Whatever the reason, that's what she said and I want to live long enough to enjoy my pension.
  • 63:51 - 63:54
  • 63:54 - 63:58
    Robert. This is just a job to me and I'm going to come in
  • 63:58 - 64:02
    tomorrow and it's either going to be you in that chair or somebody else...
  • 64:02 - 64:04
    ...and it really doesn't matter to me.
  • 64:04 - 64:10
    I've told you everything I know. Come on!
  • 64:10 - 64:13
    This can stop anytime or go on as long as you want.
  • 64:13 - 64:16
    Come on! No... no...
  • 64:25 - 64:27
    What the hell is wrong with you!
  • 64:27 - 64:28
    I know you're mad.
  • 64:28 - 64:33
    Mad!? You show torture, in my bar, in San Francisco.
  • 64:33 - 64:37
    Will, think for a moment!
  • 64:38 - 64:39
    There's something else.
  • 64:39 - 64:42
    Yeah. You're right. You logged onto a government website
  • 64:42 - 64:45
    to show a tracking program that tracks everything.
  • 64:45 - 64:47
    You saw me use TOR.
  • 64:47 - 64:51
    And you think the CIA or whoever's behind this, you think they haven't cracked TOR?
  • 64:51 - 64:52
    No. They haven't.
  • 64:52 - 64:55
    And you know this how? Because, if they have...
  • 64:56 - 64:59
    If they trace this back to me?
  • 65:00 - 65:04
    Damn it, Will. They kidnap people. They torture people.
  • 65:04 - 65:09
    Yes. That's what I wanted to talk to you about.
  • 65:09 - 65:12
    Just think about somebody other than yourself.
  • 65:12 - 65:15
    I have been. That's why I'm here.
  • 65:17 - 65:20
    They have Hash.
  • 65:23 - 65:27
    I know. I was here when they took him.
  • 65:27 - 65:33
    No. They have him and I found him.
  • 65:37 - 65:38
    Show me.
  • 65:43 - 65:45
    You're not gonna like this.
  • 66:06 - 66:08
    Where is he?
  • 66:08 - 66:12
    611 Folsom. Downtown, south of Market.
  • 66:13 - 66:16
    We gotta get him out.
  • 66:18 - 66:20
    This is Homeland Security.
  • 66:21 - 66:25
    They're working with the NSA and Emergent See.
  • 66:25 - 66:27
    We can't just leave him there.
  • 66:30 - 66:34
    Bitchan and I can break into their system.
  • 66:34 - 66:38
    But you're gonna need to be there to pick him up, when and if he comes out.
  • 66:38 - 66:40
    And we're gonna need your servers.
  • 66:40 - 66:43
    You want to just hack them?
  • 66:43 - 66:44
    They'll trace it, Will.
  • 66:44 - 66:45
    No, not this time.
  • 66:45 - 66:49
    They will trace it, and then who knows how many people you're gonna have to bail out.
  • 66:49 - 66:51
    I already have two.
  • 66:54 - 66:58
    There is another possibility, but it's a lot scarier
  • 66:58 - 67:01
    and it is going to add you to their list.
  • 67:03 - 67:06
    We gotta get him out.
  • 67:21 - 67:22
    If I don't come out...
  • 67:22 - 67:24
    Are you sure he's here?
  • 67:25 - 67:26
    This is it.
  • 67:28 - 67:30
    Get him out.
  • 68:10 - 68:13
    Are you ever gonna come in on-time?
  • 68:17 - 68:21
    You know what your problem is? You're too serious.
  • 68:24 - 68:28
    We're fighting terrorism. Alright? Do you want another 9-11?
  • 68:31 - 68:35
    Whatever. Someday, when you realize how much
  • 68:35 - 68:37
    shit actually goes down, you'll relax.
  • 68:38 - 68:42
    I don't know what I'm expecting. Maybe two armed guards and a full-body scanner.
  • 68:43 - 68:46
    This place looks more like a library, or a school.
  • 68:46 - 68:50
    Anything but a domestic prison for advanced interrogation.
  • 68:50 - 68:51
    What's this regarding?
  • 68:51 - 68:53
    Prisoner transfer.
  • 68:53 - 68:56
    I guess that's the point when you violate the people's trust on this scale.
  • 68:56 - 69:00
    Discretion is more important than function.
  • 69:00 - 69:03
    So, transfer. That's weird. What's this about?
  • 69:04 - 69:07
    I don't know. I don't ask.
  • 69:08 - 69:14
    I asked once. That's why I'm running these errands instead of being a field agent.
  • 69:16 - 69:20
    I know what you mean. I asked once and I didn't sleep for a week.
  • 69:22 - 69:24
    So, who do you want to work on today?
  • 69:28 - 69:30
    Martin's dead.
  • 69:32 - 69:36
    Sometimes Julie overdoes it a bit. I told her to take it easy.
  • 69:37 - 69:40
    Oh. It looks like Robert Martin isn't here anymore.
  • 69:41 - 69:43
    That's not what I was told.
  • 69:43 - 69:46
    The database was just updated.
  • 69:46 - 69:52
    Pneumonia I understand. But, letting a subject die during an interrogation?
  • 69:52 - 69:55
    That's just irresponsible.
  • 69:55 - 69:59
    Sorry. Anyway, Charles Drake should be coming right out.
  • 69:59 - 70:02
    That leaves Charles Drake.
  • 70:03 - 70:06
    Well. Drake it is.
  • 70:22 - 70:24
    How you doing today, Charlie?
  • 70:26 - 70:28
    They really went to town on you, huh?
  • 70:29 - 70:33
    I got some good news. You're getting out a here, buddy.
  • 70:40 - 70:43
    So, what do you want to try next with Drake?
  • 70:44 - 70:47
    I don't know.
  • 70:50 - 70:51
    How about the microwave?
  • 70:53 - 70:57
    I heard that wasn't gonna come in for another couple weeks.
  • 70:58 - 71:01
    No. It came in this morning.
  • 71:03 - 71:06
    That's right. Prisoner transfer.
  • 71:07 - 71:11
    I don't know where they're sending you
  • 71:11 - 71:13
    but it's gotta be better than this place, right?
  • 71:14 - 71:17
    Okay. Let's go.
  • 71:19 - 71:22
    Someone's gonna change your clothes and walk you out of here, okay?
  • 71:25 - 71:28
    He doesn't have any fillings, does he?
  • 71:30 - 71:32
    No. I checked earlier.
  • 71:32 - 71:36
    That's good. You don't want to see what happens to someone with fillings.
  • 71:37 - 71:38
    I've seen it.
  • 71:38 - 71:43
    Gnarly old burn marks all over the inside of their mouth. God.
  • 71:46 - 71:48
    And this guy, it wasn't even in his records.
  • 71:49 - 71:52
    He must have had it done in Tijuana or something.
  • 71:53 - 71:59
    Anyway, they turned the emitter on and sparks just started flying from this guys mouth.
  • 72:01 - 72:03
    And the emitter tech, he pukes on me.
  • 72:29 - 72:31
    Did they move him?
  • 72:32 - 72:33
  • 72:37 - 72:41
    So, he's in here. 'Cause I know he didn't escape.
  • 72:51 - 72:53
    No! He's not in here!
  • 72:55 - 72:56
    I know that.
  • 72:59 - 73:00
    So, they moved him.
  • 73:03 - 73:08
    That kind of thing happens all the time. Let's go check with the front desk.
  • 73:38 - 73:41
    Have you seen a Charles Drake?
  • 73:41 - 73:43
    Yeah. He just left.
  • 73:44 - 73:45
  • 74:04 - 74:06
    They're gone.
  • 74:06 - 74:08
    What? You're just gonna let them get away?
  • 74:08 - 74:12
    No. I'm going to send a team out after them and bring them back
  • 74:12 - 74:15
    the same way we did it the first time.
  • 74:28 - 74:30
    I'm saying we use the tools available to us.
  • 74:31 - 74:34
    Alright? Track them with their cell phones. They have GPS.
  • 74:36 - 74:37
    Where's Martin?
  • 74:37 - 74:39
    They probably killed him.
  • 74:39 - 74:43
    Wait. What? How do you know?
  • 74:44 - 74:48
    Two reasons: One, he wasn't there this morning.
  • 74:48 - 74:52
    Two, they don't transfer people out of there.
  • 74:55 - 74:57
    We can't go anywhere we've ever been.
  • 74:57 - 74:58
  • 74:58 - 75:01
    We... we. They know where we've been.
  • 75:01 - 75:06
    They know everyone that we know. They know everyone that we've ever talked to.
  • 75:07 - 75:11
    They're probably tracking us right now. Turn off your phone.
  • 75:11 - 75:12
    Where am I supposed to go?
  • 75:12 - 75:14
    I don't know!
  • 75:18 - 75:20
    Out of town.
  • 75:21 - 75:24
    Take 280 south. I need some time to think.
  • 75:25 - 75:28
    Can you bring up the lobby cameras for me please?
  • 75:28 - 75:29
  • 75:34 - 75:37
    Alright. Back that up five minutes.
  • 75:37 - 75:39
  • 75:42 - 75:46
    Alright. Wait. Pause. Who's that?
  • 75:47 - 75:50
    Can you enhance that resolution a little bit?
  • 75:50 - 75:55
    I can increase the contrast a little, but I can't add resolution that doesn't exist.
  • 75:55 - 75:58
    Alright. Whatever. Just, do that.
  • 75:59 - 76:00
  • 76:03 - 76:05
    Okay. Do an image search on him.
  • 76:11 - 76:12
    Damn it!
  • 76:12 - 76:15
    That's the kid from the park. That's Stephenson.
  • 76:17 - 76:18
    Go to Decimate's house.
  • 76:18 - 76:20
    I don't know where he lives.
  • 76:20 - 76:22
    Head north on 19th.
  • 77:04 - 77:06
    Up early, Will?
  • 77:06 - 77:07
    I need your help.
  • 77:07 - 77:09
  • 77:09 - 77:11
    I'm in trouble.
  • 77:11 - 77:12
    I warned you about that.
  • 77:12 - 77:14
    I know. I get it, more than you know.
  • 77:15 - 77:17
    I doubt that. But continue.
  • 77:18 - 77:20
    We got Hash.
  • 77:20 - 77:23
    Oh, don't tell me that.
  • 77:23 - 77:25
    He's in the car.
  • 77:25 - 77:30
    Whatever. Get inside before someone sees you. Douche bag.
  • 77:36 - 77:40
    You brought him here? Will, this is bad.
  • 77:40 - 77:42
    I know. We're going to get caught.
  • 77:42 - 77:44
    And they're going to try and take me down with you.
  • 77:44 - 77:47
    I'm sorry. But, I know what Shepherd is.
  • 77:47 - 77:49
    So do I.
  • 77:51 - 77:52
    I can't let it go.
  • 77:53 - 77:57
    So, you went the way of the activist. Does this mean you're
  • 77:57 - 77:59
    willing to accept the consequences?
  • 78:00 - 78:02
    They're going to come and get me.
  • 78:02 - 78:06
    I'm not asking you to hide me. I'm asking for your help in taking them down.
  • 78:06 - 78:08
    Shepherd is wrong.
  • 78:11 - 78:12
    What are you doing here?
  • 78:12 - 78:15
    Does it matter? Will, what the hell have you done?
  • 78:15 - 78:17
    What do you want this time?
  • 78:18 - 78:22
    We need to take them down, or at least break them before they find us.
  • 78:23 - 78:28
    You got Hash out, which I have to say, more than I thought you'd manage.
  • 78:28 - 78:33
    But, attacking DHS and NSA? Will, it's crazy, even for me.
  • 78:34 - 78:41
    We can't let them get away with this. I... I can't... I can't live with it.
  • 78:41 - 78:44
    The NSA is a company mainly populated by people like me.
  • 78:45 - 78:46
    You don't stand a chance.
  • 78:46 - 78:49
    Then we notify the media.
  • 78:49 - 78:52
    Haven't you ever heard the term "media conglomerate"?
  • 78:52 - 78:56
    Damn it, Decimate. Don't you believe in anything!?
  • 78:56 - 79:02
    Survival. And what you're talking about? Not how I do it.
  • 79:02 - 79:04
    Information should be free.
  • 79:04 - 79:06
    Don't be naive, Will.
  • 79:06 - 79:09
    Nothing is changing.
  • 79:09 - 79:14
    You either play the game and thrive, or fight it and lose!
  • 79:15 - 79:17
    I don't lose.
  • 79:21 - 79:24
    Will's right. We can't let them take him.
  • 79:24 - 79:29
    Sure we can. In fact, it's probably the best option we've got right now.
  • 79:30 - 79:34
    Sometimes the best way to deal with a thing... is to go through it.
  • 79:35 - 79:36
    I thought you were his friend?
  • 79:36 - 79:38
    I am.
  • 79:38 - 79:44
    After seeing you here though, I wonder if he feels the same way about you?
  • 79:46 - 79:49
    I have a lot of work to do before sunrise, so...
  • 79:50 - 79:52
    What happens at sunrise?
  • 79:56 - 80:02
    Don't wake them. They're going to need what little rest they can get.
  • 80:09 - 80:11
    When are you going to get some furniture?
  • 80:13 - 80:15
    When I get around to it.
  • 80:17 - 80:24
    Heat? Really? You are such a guy.
  • 80:29 - 80:31
    Good morning, people!
  • 80:31 - 80:35
    I've got some bad news.
  • 80:35 - 80:42
    DHS is outside and they've come for Will and Hash and Sudonym.
  • 80:42 - 80:44
  • 80:47 - 80:49
    How did they find us?
  • 80:50 - 80:51
    I turned you in.
  • 80:53 - 80:55
    You mean, we're just going to knock?
  • 80:55 - 80:57
    Those are the orders.
  • 80:58 - 81:00
    That's not a lot of fun.
  • 81:01 - 81:06
    I get that you're pissed. But, you're just gonna have to trust me.
  • 81:06 - 81:07
  • 81:07 - 81:09
    Because I've got a plan.
  • 81:09 - 81:11
    And if you're plan fails?
  • 81:17 - 81:20
    Punctual. I like that.
  • 81:21 - 81:23
    Where are they?
  • 81:24 - 81:27
    It's alright. They're not going to do anything rough.
  • 81:28 - 81:30
    That's part of the deal.
  • 81:35 - 81:37
    Look, I don't trust you.
  • 81:37 - 81:39
    That happens. Get up.
  • 81:52 - 81:55
    I don't know who you are or who you're friends with.
  • 81:55 - 82:00
    But, this could have been messy. You just made our job a lot easier. Let's go.
  • 82:01 - 82:05
    Anything I can do to help. Have a nice rest of your day.
  • 82:08 - 82:12
    Well that's done.
  • 82:16 - 82:19
    Words are about conveying ideas.
  • 82:20 - 82:25
    The words "twenty days later" don't even begin to convey my experience.
  • 82:28 - 82:32
    Maybe Sudonym was right. Maybe I should have left it alone.
  • 82:32 - 82:36
    Hey, it's Will, right? Let me get this off of you.
  • 82:44 - 82:49
    I got some news for you, Will. You hear me? Hey.
  • 82:51 - 82:56
    Now they're telling me... and I probably shouldn't even be here...
  • 82:58 - 83:01
    but your friend... Charles?
  • 83:03 - 83:05
    He didn't make it.
  • 83:08 - 83:11
    I'm sorry that it has to come from me.
  • 83:13 - 83:15
    They couldn't revive him.
  • 83:18 - 83:20
    You know, I'm sorry.
  • 83:27 - 83:31
    I don't know who I am anymore. Maybe that doesn't even matter.
  • 83:44 - 83:46
    Call Timothy Elliot.
  • 83:51 - 83:53
    You're up early.
  • 83:53 - 83:55
    Late, actually.
  • 83:57 - 83:59
    They've had Will for three weeks, now.
  • 83:59 - 84:04
    I know. I just got the word: they're closing the facility in a week.
  • 84:05 - 84:07
    Well, then it's time.
  • 84:29 - 84:34
    I could try to justify all of this to you but in the end it really doesn't matter.
  • 84:40 - 84:42
    What you did is important, Will.
  • 84:44 - 84:49
    It's a big deal. It's probably the biggest thing that you'll ever do.
  • 84:57 - 84:58
    What do you want?
  • 85:00 - 85:04
    I want you to work for us. What can you do.
  • 85:10 - 85:17
    I'm a... I'm a hacker... a coder.
  • 85:19 - 85:24
    That's what Timothy told us. You still feel up for it?
  • 85:36 - 85:39
    What will you do with my code?
  • 85:41 - 85:45
    Now, we could sit here and talk about the seemingly fluid nature of morality
  • 85:45 - 85:49
    and your particular take on it, but like I said, that doesn't really matter.
  • 85:49 - 85:55
    I can get you out of here. I can get you doing work that you'll be proud of.
  • 86:06 - 86:08
    How can I trust you?
  • 86:10 - 86:12
    Take a leap of faith, Will.
  • 86:17 - 86:19
    And my friends?
  • 86:22 - 86:24
    Friendly, would you come in here?
  • 86:29 - 86:34
    Would you help Will to the car where his friends are waiting for him.
  • 86:35 - 86:38
    Now Timothy told me your story, but I'd like to hear it from you.
  • 86:38 - 86:40
    Okay, here we go.
  • 86:40 - 86:42
    One, two, three...
  • 86:47 - 86:49
    What are you talking about?
  • 86:50 - 86:53
    Tell me whatever you think is relevant.
  • 86:53 - 86:54
    And don't worry about the time.
  • 86:54 - 86:58
    We've got a couple of hours before we have to get back to the office.
  • 87:00 - 87:06
    Okay. This started about a month ago.
  • 87:08 - 87:12
    A month ago... I was a god.
ALGORITHM: The Hacker Movie

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Maggie S (Amara staff) edited English subtitles for ALGORITHM: The Hacker Movie
Maggie S (Amara staff) edited English subtitles for ALGORITHM: The Hacker Movie
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