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Beatles - She Loves You [Lei ti Ama]

  • Not Synced
    Credi di aver perso il tuo amore,
  • Not Synced
    Dice che ti ama
  • Not Synced
    Dice che ti ama
  • Not Synced
    E adesso dice di sapere
  • Not Synced
    E mi ha detto cosa dire.
  • Not Synced
    E sai che dovresti essere felice
  • Not Synced
    E sai che dovresti essere felice. ooh!
  • Not Synced
    E sai che non può essere una cosa cattiva.
  • Not Synced
    E sai che non può essere una cosa cattiva.
  • Not Synced
    Ha detto di farti sapere
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  • Not Synced
    Lei ti ama, sì, sì, sì
  • Not Synced
    Lei ti ama, sì, sì, sì
  • Not Synced
    Lei ti ama, sì, sì, sì
  • Not Synced
    Lei ti ama, sì, sì, sì
  • Not Synced
    Quando l'ho vista ieri
  • Not Synced
    Sì, ti ama
  • Not Synced
    Sì, ti ama
  • Not Synced
    che non sei il tipo da ferire la gente.
  • Not Synced
    che è quasi impazzita.
  • Not Synced
    È a te che sta pensando
Beatles - She Loves You [Lei ti Ama]

La traduzione delle parole sotto (importate da YouTube assieme al video) apparirà quando la traduzione di questi sottotitoli sarà finita - se ci riesco.
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Verse #1
You think you lost your love,
Well, I saw her yesterday.
It's you she's thinking of
And she told me what to say.

She says she loves you
And you know that can't be bad.
Yes, she loves you
And you know you should be glad.

Verse #2
She said you hurt her so
She almost lost her mind.
But now she said she knows
You're not the hurting kind.

She says she loves you
And you know that can't be bad.
Yes, she loves you
And you know you should be glad. Ooh!

She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
And with a love like that
You know you should be glad.

Verse #3
Although it's up to you,
I think it's only fair,
Pride can hurt you, too,
Apologize to her

Because she loves you
And you know that can't be bad.
Yes, she loves you
And you know you should be glad. Ooh!

She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah

Bridge:with a love like that
You know you sho-o-o-ould
Be Glad!

Bridge:with a love like that
You know you sho-o-o-ould
Be Glad!

Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah Ye-ah.

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Claude Almansi edited Italian subtitles for Beatles - She Loves You
Claude Almansi added a translation

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