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Who cares? COVID-19 in care homes for older people | Carmel Hughes | TEDxQueensUniversityBelfast

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誰在乎?存在於長者安老院的新型冠狀病毒 (COVID-19)| 卡梅爾·休斯| TEDx皇後大學貝爾法斯特分校

Professor Carmel Hughes considers the impact of COVID-19 in care homes for older people and if, following the pandemic, society’s approach to such care may change.

Professor Carmel Hughes is a pharmacist and head of the school of pharmacy at Queen's University Belfast. Professor Hughes’s main research focuses on the use of medicines in older people, particularly those living in care homes.
She was formerly joint clinical lead for the Northern Ireland Clinical Research Network (Primary Care), was the first pharmacist to have been awarded a Harkness Fellowship in Health Care Policy, and was the only pharmacist to have received a National Primary Care Career Scientist Award from the Research and Development Division of the UK’s Department of Health.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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