This is the song writing lesson.
Music isa lot like a computer program.
The written notes and words tell
the singer exactly what to do.
Some parts of music are used over
and over again. We call this the chorus.
In a computer program, the parts of the program
used over and over again are called functions.
When you read song lyrics, and it says the word "chorus",
do you sing the word chorus?
No, you look at the top of the page
to see what words make up the chorus.
In this lesson, you'll learn a silly little song
called Little Bunny Foo Foo.
The song has a chorus that you will sing
several times over and over again.
A function is a piece of code that you
can call and use over and over again.
It makes programming easier
and more efficient,
so you don't have to write out the steps
of your function over and over again.
You can just write it once!