Quiet Borderline! What is it? Mental Health Help with Kati Morton

Quiet Borderline! What is it? Mental Health Help with Kati Morton

Now BEFORE you watch this, please check out my first video about Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)!


That will help you better understand what BPD is so that you can then add on the idea of "quiet borderline" and what that may look like and feel like.

So the traditional way that we see and experience BPD is a very outward expressing or anger out way. We can be very volatile in our relationships and even struggle with suicidality. We worry a lot about others leaving us and almost cannot trust them to stay! So we can get very upset and hurt. We express this outwardly and it can be very hard on us and those who we are in relationship with.

However, there are many of us who may relate to the symptoms of BPD, but do not lash out or express any emotion outwardly. We may instead, express it inward, and take it out on ourselves solely. Obviously, everyone expresses their diagnosis differently, so you may identify with all or none of this. Just keep in mind that this is why we need to see a professional and get a proper diagnosis before we jump to any conclusions.

Those of us with a "quiet borderline" may have really needed a better or more nurturing parent. This can lead us to feeling like we don't really exist or that what we need and want is not acceptable. Another portion of BPD that could be seen as a "quiet borderline" trait are the areas of impulsivity. We may binge eat or use drugs or alcohol to cope, both of which are things that do to harm ourselves and could be done in private without sharing these struggles with anyone. So you can see how it can differ person to person, and some of us may not have the traditional BPD experience.

Please keep in mind that no matter what diagnosis we are given, we still need to ask questions and express your own feelings and symptoms so that our treatment team can better understand what we are going through, and make sure we are getting the proper support!


Self-Harm workbook http://goo.gl/N7LtwU
Eating Disorder workbook http://goo.gl/DjOmkC

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