# We can laugh ha-ha\nWe can sing la-la-la-la\n
# We can make anything\n
# Hold my hand\n
# Make a magical land\n
# When letters get together\nwe go alakazam\n
# We can run, we can slide\nWe can hide in a box\n
# Are you ready for some fun\nwith the Alphablocks?\n
# Alphablocks! #\n
- No.\N{\1c&H00FFFF&}- Go on.{\r}\N- No.\N{\1c&H00FFFF&}- Go on.{\r}\N- No.\n
- Go on.{\r}\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Iee, Iee, Iee.\n{\r}\N- (TOGETHER)Nng.\n
Sss. Sss.\n
- Iee.{\r}\N- Nng.\n
# Sausages... #\n
Stop. We can't just\nsing any old thing.\n
We need to sing a...\n
Sing a... Sss...\n
Nng. Song.\n
# Everybody needs\nsomething to belong to... #\n
That's more like it.\n
# Everybody needs the sun\nto shine in spring\n
# Everybody needs\na song to sing along to\n
# Yes everybody needs\na song to sing. #\n
# A bell and a clapper can slap about\n
# But with us the bell can\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Rrr,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- iee,{\r}\N- nng\nRing\n
# Ring, ring, ring\n
# A bird in the sky can flap and fly\n
# But with us the bird can\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Sss,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- iee,{\r}\N- nng\n
# Sing\n
# I can sing, I can sing\n
# If you want the bell to ring\n
# If you want the bird to sing\n
# You have to agree you're\ngoing to need "ng"\n
# You can walk up and down\nwith your head in a crown\n
# But with us you can be\n
# Kee, ehh, nng,\nKing... #\n
I'm the king!\n
# The bell on your bike can\nbe as shiny as you like\n
# But with us it can go\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Tee,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- ehh,{\r}\N- nng\nTing\n
# Ting-a-ling-a-ling\n
# If you want to be the king\n
# If you want your bell to ting\n
# You have to agree you're\ngoing to need "ng"\n
# You can shake that thing\nif you want it to ring\n
# But with us it can go\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Paa,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- ehh,{\r}\N- nng\nPing... #\n
The thing that goes ping.\n
# The bells in your tower can\nchime on the hour\n
# With us they can go\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Daa,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- ehh,{\r}\N- nng\nDing\n
# Ding, ding... #\n
Try again.\n
# If it all goes wrong\nin the middle of a song\n
# With us they can go\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Da,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- ooh,{\r}\N- nng\n
# Dong\n
# Ding dong, ding dong\nding dong, ding, dong\n
# If you want the thing to ping\n
# If you want the bells\nto ding dong ding\n
# You have to agree\nYou're going to need "ng"... #\n
The thing that goes ping.\nWith me can go\n
- paa,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- ooh,{\r}\N- nng!\n
Ping pong.\n
- Ping pong.\nPing.\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Pong.\n{\r}
- Ping.\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Pong.\n{\r}
Ding dong, ding dong\n
- # Ring ring\n{\r}\N- Ting tong ting\n
# Ting-a-ling-a-ling\n
# Ping pong\nPing pong ping\n
# Ting tong\n
# Sing, I can sing\n
# Sing, I can sing\n
# I can sing\n
# Sing, I can sing\n
# I can sing\n
# Sing, I can sing\n
# I can sing\n
# If you want the bells to ring\n
# If you want the birds to sing\n
# With "N" and "G"\n
# You know you can't go wrong\n
# You have to agree\n
# You're going to need "ng"\n
# To sing a long to a sing-along song\n
# Everybody needs\nsomething to belong to... #\n
Hey, let's go out with a bang.\n
# Everybody needs the sun\nto shine in spring... #\n
- #\N{\1c&HFFFF00&}- Ba,{\r}\N{\1c&H00FF00&}- ahh,{\r}\N- nng\nBang.\n
# Everybody needs a song\nto sing along to\n
# Yes, everybody needs\na song to sing. #\n