What Does Cage-Free Mean?

What Does Cage-Free Mean?

What does "cage-free" mean? In the simplest terms, cage-free means exactly what it sounds like: laying hens are never caged. But the simplicity of this label ends there.

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• The truth of humane claims in the European Union: https://bitesizevegan.org/health/the-best-we-have-to-offer-how-ireland-exposes-humane-farming/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=yt_description&utm_campaign=post-link&utm_content=ireland-speech
• All about eggs: https://BiteSizeVegan.org/series/all-about-eggs/?utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=yt_description&utm_campaign=taxonomy-link&utm_content=all-about-eggs_series


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Chapter markers for navigation:
00:00 Introduction
01:15 How most hens live: battery cages
02:17 Battery cage bans: not what you may think
03:50 What does cage-free mean?
05:40 What's wrong with cage-free eggs?
05:44 Overcrowding
06:04 Mass killing of male chicks
06:28 Debeaking
06:47 Light manipulation
07:07 Forced molting (starvation)
07:49 Hens are killed when no longer "profitable"
08:05 Reduced air quality and particulate pollution
08:43 Do more hens die in cage-free facilities?
12:26 The bottom line on cage-free eggs

#eggs #chickens #cagefree

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Added   by Emily Barwick
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This video is part of Amara Public.

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