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Session Understanding the Times Part 2 o

  • 0:08 - 0:12
    Unknown: Well, Shalom, and
    welcome back for part two of our
  • 0:12 - 0:16
    series on understanding the
    times. And last week we covered
  • 0:16 - 0:20
    a lot of information and I
    realized that and we're going to
  • 0:20 - 0:24
    do the same thing this week. So,
    I want you to know I'm offering
  • 0:24 - 0:29
    you a free outline of this
    seminar series, all four parts.
  • 0:29 - 0:38
    All you have to do is email me
    at Susan at ice j That
  • 0:38 - 0:45
    Susan at ice j requests
    the outline for understanding
  • 0:45 - 0:49
    that times and we'll be happy to
    send it to you because we do
  • 0:49 - 0:53
    cover a lot of information. And
    you might even want to get that
  • 0:53 - 0:57
    outline and then listen to it a
    second time and follow along.
  • 0:58 - 1:02
    We're living in absolutely
    historic days, and just as
  • 1:02 - 1:06
    miraculous as the gathering of
    the Jewish people to the land of
  • 1:06 - 1:11
    Israel. So is the miraculous
    shift of the Christian world
  • 1:11 - 1:16
    away from an anti semitic past
    and towards the Jewish people in
  • 1:16 - 1:21
    our days, we are getting grafted
    into that olive tree that
  • 1:21 - 1:25
    supports our faith. But before
    we began talking about this and
  • 1:25 - 1:29
    what a miracle it is, we must
    understand the past and
  • 1:29 - 1:33
    understand where we come from.
    So first, I want to talk to you
  • 1:33 - 1:36
    about anti semitism. And then I
    want to talk to you about its
  • 1:36 - 1:42
    influence on Christian history.
    You know, the hatred of the
  • 1:42 - 1:46
    Jewish people, anti semitism.
    It's a unique phenomenon in the
  • 1:46 - 1:50
    human experience. There's really
    nothing else that compares to
  • 1:50 - 1:54
    it. The first documented
    instance of anti semitism we
  • 1:54 - 1:59
    actually read about in the Bible
    and the story of Esther, where
  • 1:59 - 2:02
    we have Haman who wanted The
    Jews to bow down and reverence
  • 2:02 - 2:06
    him. And when they wouldn't, he
    turned against him with all the
  • 2:06 - 2:10
    might of the Persian Empire and
    he fully intended to wipe them
  • 2:10 - 2:15
    out. The reason we have that
    story, the Book of Esther, is
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    because of the absolute
    significance of what Esther did.
  • 2:19 - 2:23
    She saved the Jewish people from
    extinction, not just of the Jews
  • 2:23 - 2:26
    of the Persian Empire, you you
    have to understand, the Jews of
  • 2:26 - 2:31
    the Empire of the Persian Empire
    were the majority of the Jews of
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    the world had Haman succeeded in
    annihilating the Jews within the
  • 2:35 - 2:39
    Persian Empire. That would have
    been it for Jewish history, we
  • 2:39 - 2:46
    would have had no birth of Jesus
    500 years later. Now, you would
  • 2:46 - 2:50
    have thought then, eventually
    when these ancient kingdoms and
  • 2:50 - 2:53
    empires that were a little
    ruthless, once they gave way to
  • 2:53 - 2:57
    Christianity, you would expect
    the story to change but
  • 2:57 - 3:02
    unfortunately, we have the story
    of how The Christian kings who
  • 3:02 - 3:05
    were also the head of the
    Christian church, persecuted the
  • 3:05 - 3:10
    Jews, because of the church's
    teaching against Judaism. They
  • 3:10 - 3:14
    blame the Jews for killing
    Christ and said that they
  • 3:14 - 3:19
    deserved punishment and to be
    persecuted due to Jesus's
  • 3:19 - 3:22
    crucifixion. So I'm going to
    talk more about that in a
  • 3:22 - 3:26
    minute. But I want to give you
    an idea here about the
  • 3:26 - 3:33
    seriousness of anti semitism.
    Because once Christianity then I
  • 3:33 - 3:36
    have to say the age of the
    Enlightenment came and science
  • 3:36 - 3:41
    replaced Christianity as the
    primary source for authority in
  • 3:41 - 3:45
    the world. Now it was science.
    And so here we have science as
  • 3:45 - 3:49
    the backbone of the Nazi
    ideology of saying that there
  • 3:49 - 3:53
    were differences in races, and
    that the Jewish race was
  • 3:53 - 3:56
    subhuman. And it needed to be
    wiped out.
  • 3:57 - 4:00
    So these older forms of anti
    semitism, whether it's It was
  • 4:00 - 4:04
    the ancient empires or it was
    Christian anti semitism or it
  • 4:04 - 4:09
    was Nazi anti semitism based on
    racism. None of that's really
  • 4:09 - 4:14
    accepted today, thankfully. But
    instead, we have a whole new
  • 4:14 - 4:19
    form of anti semitism. It's
    raising its ugly head, actually
  • 4:19 - 4:23
    with two faces. One anti
    semitism is rife throughout the
  • 4:23 - 4:27
    Muslim world. And secondly,
    there's a political form of anti
  • 4:27 - 4:31
    semitism that is against the
    Jewish state, called anti
  • 4:31 - 4:35
    Zionism. So we're going to talk
    more about all of this. What I
  • 4:35 - 4:39
    want you to take away from this
    brief introduction is that the
  • 4:39 - 4:42
    evil pursuit of the Jewish
    people has continued for
  • 4:42 - 4:47
    millennia. And this is why the
    historian Robert wistrich called
  • 4:47 - 4:53
    it the longest hatred. It
    doesn't stop all it does is
  • 4:53 - 4:58
    reinvent itself with a new
    generation and a new ideology
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    with a new face. But the goal is
    always the same, and it's to rid
  • 5:03 - 5:08
    the world of the Jewish people.
    So now that you understand the
  • 5:08 - 5:14
    spiritually evil nature of anti
    semitism, I want to talk to you
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    specifically about its influence
    on the Christian story on
  • 5:19 - 5:26
    Christian history. Now, we all
    know that Jesus and the early
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    Christians were all Jewish. They
    kept the Sabbath, they kept the
  • 5:30 - 5:34
    feast. In the beginning, they
    worshiped right alongside the
  • 5:34 - 5:39
    Jewish people in the temple. But
    over time, certain tensions did
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    develop and a record of one of
    the earliest tensions is found
  • 5:44 - 5:48
    in the book of Acts, chapter 15.
    And this is when the Holy Spirit
  • 5:48 - 5:54
    has begun to fall on Gentiles.
    And the mainstream Jewish
  • 5:54 - 5:57
    community did not like this
    because it was bringing pagan
  • 5:57 - 6:01
    influences in through this
    messianic body. And the
  • 6:01 - 6:04
    Messianic Jews didn't know what
    to do with it. They hadn't been
  • 6:04 - 6:08
    expecting God to fall for the
    Holy Spirit to fall on the
  • 6:08 - 6:11
    Gentiles. So they had a church
    Council and thankfully the
  • 6:11 - 6:16
    finding of the church Council in
    Acts 15 was that you and I, the
  • 6:16 - 6:21
    Gentile believers coming into
    the body of Christ did not have
  • 6:21 - 6:26
    to become Jewish. We did not
    have to be sec circumcised. We
  • 6:26 - 6:32
    did not have to obey the law in
    order to follow Jesus. But this
  • 6:32 - 6:36
    did indicate to us that there
    were some tensions going on in
  • 6:36 - 6:40
    the book of Acts. It was between
    the Gentiles coming into the
  • 6:40 - 6:43
    body of Christ it was with
    between them and the Messianic
  • 6:43 - 6:47
    believers. And then it was
    between the Messianic believers
  • 6:47 - 6:53
    and the largest, the larger
    Jewish world. Now, as a result
  • 6:53 - 6:57
    of this ruling, and large scale
    missionary activities of the
  • 6:57 - 7:02
    Apostle Paul and the other
    apostles More and more Gentiles
  • 7:02 - 7:03
    are coming into the
  • 7:03 - 7:03
  • 7:04 - 7:06
    And it's taking on a different
  • 7:07 - 7:11
    face a different look. A lot of
    these Gentiles coming into the
  • 7:11 - 7:14
    church, they didn't have any
    appreciation for the Jewish
  • 7:14 - 7:17
    roots of Christianity. I mean,
    they didn't even understand a
  • 7:17 - 7:22
    lot of the laws or know about
    it. And so they were leading the
  • 7:22 - 7:25
    church in kind of a foreign way.
    And so there's more and more
  • 7:25 - 7:30
    tension. But then in 70 ad, we
    have a traumatic moment for the
  • 7:30 - 7:35
    people of Israel. When the Roman
    Empire comes in, they do a siege
  • 7:35 - 7:39
    of Jerusalem. It ends very
    badly, they destroy Jerusalem,
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    they destroy the temple. And now
    the headquarters for Judaism has
  • 7:45 - 7:48
    been destroyed. The temple was
    the headquarters,
  • 7:48 - 7:51
    the high priests that serves in
    the temple they were the
  • 7:51 - 7:51
  • 7:51 - 7:57
    So the the headquarters for
    mainstream Judaism moved up
  • 7:57 - 8:02
    north of the country into the
    region of time period. The early
  • 8:02 - 8:07
    church is still they're coming
    back to Jerusalem but they
  • 8:07 - 8:11
    actually had fled because of the
    Roman siege. So there's now like
  • 8:11 - 8:15
    a geographic difference between
    mainstream Judaism and the head
  • 8:15 - 8:19
    of the church, and then the head
    of the church is becoming more
  • 8:19 - 8:23
    and more Gentile. And we have
    leaders developing in other
  • 8:23 - 8:28
    cities like Antioch or
    Alexandria or or in areas that
  • 8:28 - 8:35
    are primarily Gentile and
    primarily pagan. Another main
  • 8:35 - 8:40
    moment in the history of this
    growing rift taking place was in
  • 8:40 - 8:47
    135 ad a hole 50 years later, 60
    years after the destruction of
  • 8:47 - 8:52
    Jerusalem, we have a small band
    of Jews that still try to rebel
  • 8:52 - 8:56
    against the Roman rule and try
    to reestablish Jewish
  • 8:56 - 9:00
    sovereignty and they followed a
    leader who was known as bar
  • 9:00 - 9:07
    coke. The bar kokhba revolt did
    not succeed. It failed. But in
  • 9:07 - 9:12
    the meantime the the Jews that
    were trying to follow bar kokhba
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    and trying to make this
    rebellion succeed actually
  • 9:15 - 9:20
    proclaimed him to be Messiah. So
    those Jews that follow Jesus as
  • 9:20 - 9:24
    Messiah could not have anything
    to do with following bar kokhba.
  • 9:24 - 9:30
    And it actually became bloody.
    There were missing Anik Jews
  • 9:30 - 9:32
    that believed in Jesus were
    actually killed during this
  • 9:32 - 9:37
    revolt because they didn't join
    in. This is known as the real
  • 9:37 - 9:42
    split. This is the Rift, this is
    it. It's all over between any
  • 9:42 - 9:47
    kind of unity between Judaism
    and Christianity between the
  • 9:47 - 9:54
    synagogue and the church. It's
    divided now. So throughout the
  • 9:54 - 9:57
    Gentile world, though we have
    the churches growing and growing
  • 9:57 - 10:00
    and church leadership is
    developing in these other areas.
  • 10:00 - 10:04
    areas of the Roman Empire. And
    then there's another form of
  • 10:04 - 10:07
    tension. And that is that
    throughout the Roman Empire,
  • 10:07 - 10:11
    Judaism was recognized as a
    legal religion. They were
  • 10:11 - 10:15
    allowed to practice Judaism. And
    as long as Christianity was seen
  • 10:15 - 10:19
    as a part of Judaism, it was
    protected. But once this
  • 10:19 - 10:22
    division took place, now the
    Christians are completely
  • 10:22 - 10:28
    unprotected. They're persecuted
    by the Roman authority. And
  • 10:28 - 10:31
    because of the bar kokhba
    revolt, then eventually the
  • 10:31 - 10:34
    Jewish religion is also
    outlawed, and it's a time of
  • 10:34 - 10:39
    great persecution of both Jews
    and Christians. And, but there's
  • 10:39 - 10:44
    a little bit of animosity here,
    between the two groups. All of
  • 10:44 - 10:51
    this changes in an a moment, in
    the year 312 ad, when the
  • 10:51 - 10:55
    emperor of the Roman Empire
    becomes Christian, and he
  • 10:55 - 11:00
    declares the state religion of
    the Roman Empire to be
  • 11:00 - 11:04
    Christian. Now this is a major
    thing for the Christians, all of
  • 11:04 - 11:08
    a sudden, they're no longer
    persecuted. They won. They're
  • 11:08 - 11:16
    victorious. But the poor Jews
    are still persecuted now, not by
  • 11:16 - 11:24
    the Romans as a pagan Empire,
    that by the Christian empire of
  • 11:24 - 11:29
    Rome. So as the church left its
    position as a persecuted
  • 11:29 - 11:33
    minority and took on political
    power, it became spiritually
  • 11:33 - 11:39
    corrupt, and its stance towards
    the Jews was very negative. As
  • 11:39 - 11:45
    the Church Fathers began to try
    to differentiate between the
  • 11:45 - 11:51
    church in those ugly Jews, those
    persecuted Jews, they began to
  • 11:51 - 11:56
    preach against Judaism. Now, the
    reason is that they didn't want
  • 11:56 - 12:00
    there to be any confusion
    between the Christians and the
  • 12:00 - 12:04
    Jews. Jewish religion so they
    they taught against Judaism that
  • 12:04 - 12:08
    this is the root of a problem
    that lasted for centuries. So
  • 12:08 - 12:12
    it's very important that you
    understand here. The preaching
  • 12:12 - 12:15
    was not against the Jewish
    people as individuals. It was
  • 12:15 - 12:19
    against the Jewish religion as
    Church Fathers attempted to draw
  • 12:19 - 12:24
    a distinction between
    Christianity and Judaism. But
  • 12:24 - 12:29
    they preached so negatively
    against Judaism, that they
  • 12:29 - 12:34
    actually paved the way for anti
    semitism and the persecution of
  • 12:34 - 12:37
    the Jewish individuals. So I'm
    just going to give you one
  • 12:37 - 12:44
    example. St. JOHN chrysostom,
    because he is known as the
  • 12:44 - 12:47
    golden tongue. He was a
    beautiful orator
  • 12:47 - 12:54
    of the love of God. Now listen
    to what he said. He said, The
  • 12:54 - 12:57
    synagogue is worse than a
  • 12:59 - 13:00
    It's a den of scouts.
  • 13:01 - 13:07
    It's the temple of demons. It's
    a place of meeting for the
  • 13:07 - 13:13
    Assassins of Christ. And as for
    me, I hate the synagogue. I hate
  • 13:13 - 13:18
    the Jews for the same reason.
    And he actually said, God hates
  • 13:18 - 13:23
    you, too. So this is the
    beginning of what we call
  • 13:23 - 13:28
    replacement theology. This is
    where the Church Fathers
  • 13:28 - 13:33
    preached that Judaism had been
    completely rejected by God,
  • 13:33 - 13:37
    because they had killed Christ.
    They were rejected, they were
  • 13:37 - 13:40
    cursed, and they were now
    replaced by the church, in the
  • 13:40 - 13:47
    plans and purposes of God. This
    teaching brought great damage to
  • 13:47 - 13:53
    the Jewish people for centuries.
    During the long ages of the dark
  • 13:53 - 13:57
    ages of the Middle Ages, every
    type of degrading law was then
  • 13:57 - 14:00
    passed against the Jewish people
    because remember, you know, Most
  • 14:00 - 14:06
    of us, we, I know, speaking as
    an American, I live in a
  • 14:06 - 14:09
    democracy and I don't really
    understand the whole concept of
  • 14:09 - 14:12
    a state church, and that the
    head of my government is the
  • 14:12 - 14:18
    head of my church. Back in the
    Middle Ages, this was very much
  • 14:18 - 14:20
    the case. And these
  • 14:20 - 14:21
  • 14:22 - 14:26
    secular leaders were the head of
    the church and they took this
  • 14:26 - 14:31
    anti Jewish preaching in the
    church and used it to pass laws
  • 14:31 - 14:34
    against the Jewish people. So
    the Jewish people weren't
  • 14:34 - 14:38
    allowed to work certain jobs,
    they weren't allowed to own
  • 14:38 - 14:42
    property, they weren't allowed
    to prosper in any way. And they
  • 14:42 - 14:48
    were frequently given the option
    of being baptized or being
  • 14:48 - 14:53
    persecuted or being even
    expelled and sometimes their
  • 14:53 - 14:57
    children were kidnapped and
    forced to be baptized. Now, I
  • 14:57 - 15:01
    want to read for you some
    excerpts from A confessional
  • 15:01 - 15:06
    that a Jewish person had to
    confess when they were baptized
  • 15:06 - 15:10
    into Christianity. You'll
    understand now why the Jewish
  • 15:10 - 15:14
    people look upon conversion in
    such a negative way because this
  • 15:14 - 15:18
    is what was forced upon them.
    And this is what a little bit of
  • 15:18 - 15:20
    what they had to say it's a very
    long confession. I've only
  • 15:20 - 15:24
    pulled out a few sentences. But
    this is the heart of it. They
  • 15:24 - 15:30
    had to say, I renounce every
    right and observance
  • 15:30 - 15:32
    of the Jewish religion.
  • 15:33 - 15:37
    I promise that I will never
    return to the vomit of Jewish
  • 15:37 - 15:42
    superstition. We will not
    practice carnal circumcision, or
  • 15:42 - 15:44
    celebrate the Passover,
  • 15:44 - 15:49
    the Sabbath, or any of the feast
    days connected with the Jewish
  • 15:49 - 15:58
    religion. I renounce absolutely
    everything Jewish so you can
  • 15:58 - 16:02
    understand why baptism became a
    very dirty word for the Jewish
  • 16:02 - 16:06
    people, it meant a betrayal of
    everything that they'd ever
  • 16:06 - 16:11
    known as Jewish and against
    their families and against their
  • 16:11 - 16:15
    heritage and against their
    forefathers. So it's very, very,
  • 16:15 - 16:23
    very sad part of history. Now,
    in addition to force baptisms,
  • 16:23 - 16:27
    we had them being forced to live
    in walled in neighborhoods in
  • 16:27 - 16:33
    the cities called a ghetto. This
    began in Venice, Italy. But then
  • 16:33 - 16:37
    they that progressed, and it
    wasn't enough just to have them
  • 16:37 - 16:41
    living in a Walden section of
    the city that was locked on
  • 16:41 - 16:45
    Sundays and locked on Christian
    holidays so that these dirty
  • 16:45 - 16:48
    Jewish people couldn't come out
    into the streets and mix with
  • 16:48 - 16:51
    the Christians as they went back
    and forth to church or as they
  • 16:51 - 16:56
    celebrated their Sunday. That
    wasn't bad enough. So churches,
  • 16:56 - 17:00
    some countries began to expel
    the Jews. You know, the The
  • 17:00 - 17:06
    first country to expel the Jews
    was England. And in 1290, King
  • 17:06 - 17:10
    Edward the first of England was
    the first to expel Jewish
  • 17:10 - 17:15
    citizens from his nation. And
    they were expelled from them
  • 17:15 - 17:19
    France and Italy and Hungary and
    Switzerland and Germany and
  • 17:19 - 17:23
    Austria. And if you know your
    map, you can see how that they
  • 17:23 - 17:26
    would flee one country into the
    neighboring country. And then
  • 17:26 - 17:29
    they'd have to flee that country
    and go into the neighboring
  • 17:29 - 17:32
    country. And then they had to
    flee that one and they went
  • 17:32 - 17:35
    next, and then they had to flee
    there. And you can actually
  • 17:35 - 17:40
    follow this on the map. You
    know, here in the United States,
  • 17:40 - 17:46
    we we have a little saying that
    in 1400 92, Columbus sailed the
  • 17:46 - 17:54
    ocean blue and Columbus founded
    America. But in 1492, Spain also
  • 17:54 - 17:59
    expelled every two. This was
    during the Spanish Inquisition.
  • 18:00 - 18:03
    So I know that at this point in
    the story, a lot of you are
  • 18:03 - 18:08
    thinking, but I'm not Catholic.
    I have nothing to do with that
  • 18:08 - 18:12
    background. I'm Protestant. I'm
    evangelical, I'm a boring
  • 18:12 - 18:17
    employee, real Christians
    wouldn't do that. And that's why
  • 18:17 - 18:22
    I'm, we always have to tell you
    the story about the father of
  • 18:22 - 18:27
    the Protestant Reformation,
    because it's just more of the
  • 18:27 - 18:34
    same. Martin Luther, and when he
    broke away from the Catholic
  • 18:34 - 18:38
    Church, and he had a lot of very
    tough things to say about the
  • 18:38 - 18:43
    Catholic Church. But one of them
    was that he said, No wonder the
  • 18:43 - 18:46
    Jews have been converted to
    Christianity. You know, our
  • 18:46 - 18:50
    Pope's and our monks have
    treated them, like dogs, not
  • 18:50 - 18:54
    even human beings. And so he
    began to reach out in a very
  • 18:54 - 18:58
    friendly way to the Jewish
    people. But it wasn't genuine.
  • 18:58 - 19:01
    All he wanted was for them to
    convert to Christianity and when
  • 19:01 - 19:05
    they didn't convert, then at the
    end of his life when he was
  • 19:06 - 19:11
    older, and according to the
    historians, he was quite grumpy
  • 19:11 - 19:15
    in many ways and his health was
    bad. But he really turned
  • 19:15 - 19:20
    against the Jewish people. And
    he wrote a book called The Jews
  • 19:21 - 19:24
    and their lies. And I want to
    quote to you from Martin Luther,
  • 19:25 - 19:30
    the father of the Protestant
    Reformation. He said here,
  • 19:31 - 19:36
    perhaps I will attract some of
    the Jews to the Christian faith.
  • 19:37 - 19:40
    But when he didn't, sorry, on to
    the next quote, next quote, he
  • 19:40 - 19:46
    said, First, their synagogue
    should be set on fire. Secondly,
  • 19:46 - 19:49
    their home should likewise be
    broken down and destroyed.
  • 19:50 - 19:54
    Thirdly, they should be deprived
    of their prayer books and town
  • 19:54 - 19:58
    moods and their rabbis must be
    forbidden under threat of death
  • 19:58 - 20:01
    to teach anymore and their
    parents Sports and traveling
  • 20:01 - 20:06
    privileges should be absolutely
    forbidden to the Jews. To sum it
  • 20:06 - 20:11
    up dear princes and nobles who
    have Jews in your domain, if
  • 20:11 - 20:15
    this advice of mine does not
    suit you, then find a better
  • 20:15 - 20:22
    one, so that you and we may all
    be free of this insufferable
  • 20:23 - 20:26
    devilish burden the Jews.
  • 20:28 - 20:33
    Now what's so alarming is that
    400 years later, in luthers,
  • 20:33 - 20:39
    country, Germany, Hitler came up
    with the final solution, and it
  • 20:39 - 20:46
    was extermination. So I want to
    be very clear here now that
  • 20:46 - 20:52
    Christianity did not create the
    Holocaust. Nazi ism was not
  • 20:52 - 20:57
    Christian. It was anti
    christian. But Christian anti
  • 20:57 - 21:04
    semitism made the Holocaust
    possible. Without the history of
  • 21:04 - 21:10
    anti Jewish persecution and anti
    Jewish legislation, the
  • 21:10 - 21:13
    Holocaust would have been
    inconceivable. Hitler and the
  • 21:13 - 21:18
    Nazis found in medieval
    Christian legislation, a model
  • 21:18 - 21:24
    for their own and they read, and
    they reprinted and distributed
  • 21:24 - 21:29
    Martin Luther his writings in
    order to validate what they were
  • 21:29 - 21:34
    doing and get public support for
    it. Hitler told to Catholic
  • 21:34 - 21:37
    Bishops that did actually
    question his policies on the
  • 21:37 - 21:42
    Jews and he said he was only
    putting into effect what
  • 21:42 - 21:47
    Christianity had preached and
    practiced for 2000 years.
  • 21:49 - 21:50
    Now, the
  • 21:52 - 21:56
    Holocaust historian Raul
    hilberg. In his book The
  • 21:56 - 22:00
    destruction of the European
    Jews, he said it this way He
  • 22:00 - 22:05
    said First, the early church
    declared, you have no right to
  • 22:05 - 22:10
    live amongst us as Jews. Then
    their secular rulers followed
  • 22:10 - 22:14
    and said You do not have the
    right to live amongst us. And
  • 22:14 - 22:18
    then the Nazis came and said,
    you do not have the right to
  • 22:18 - 22:23
    live. Now, this is the deadly
    progression of anti semitism.
  • 22:24 - 22:27
    And the fact that the Christian
    church had any role to play in
  • 22:27 - 22:31
    this history is a shame. And
    it's something that we all have
  • 22:31 - 22:38
    to come to terms with. But the
    good news is after such a sad
  • 22:38 - 22:43
    history, and as such a terrible
    stain on the history of
  • 22:43 - 22:47
    Christianity in the world, that
    today, you and I are privileged
  • 22:47 - 22:52
    to be a part of an amazing shift
    in history away from that anti
  • 22:52 - 22:56
    semitic past and towards the
    Jewish people. And to understand
  • 22:56 - 23:01
    how this shift is taking place,
    there's three things The
  • 23:01 - 23:06
    foundation for it began about
    500 years ago, when the Bible
  • 23:06 - 23:10
    began to be translated into the
    everyday languages of the
  • 23:10 - 23:16
    people, and was mass distributed
    through the printing press. More
  • 23:16 - 23:19
    and more people were then able
    to read the Bible for
  • 23:19 - 23:23
    themselves. And they began to
    see that the Bible was full of
  • 23:23 - 23:27
    promises to the Jewish people
    that one day, they would be
  • 23:27 - 23:31
    drawn back to their land, and
    that God had made all these
  • 23:31 - 23:35
    promises that were still yet to
    be fulfilled. And they began to
  • 23:35 - 23:38
    actually pray for the
    restoration of the Jewish people
  • 23:38 - 23:42
    to their homeland, and the
    fulfillment of God's promises to
  • 23:42 - 23:46
    them. Of course, these prompt
    these Christians also knew that
  • 23:47 - 23:51
    a one of those promises was the
    return of the Messiah to the
  • 23:51 - 23:57
    land. But that laid a great
    foundation. But there's two
  • 23:57 - 23:59
    other things in history that
    have happened that have
  • 23:59 - 24:04
    solidified This turn from our
    anti semitic past because
  • 24:04 - 24:08
    remember, even Martin Luther had
    the scriptures in his language.
  • 24:08 - 24:15
    So that's not a failsafe. But we
    have learned from the heart and
  • 24:15 - 24:22
    the tragedy of the Holocaust.
    And we have understood the role
  • 24:22 - 24:27
    of Christian anti semitism. And
    it brought about a monumental
  • 24:27 - 24:30
    shift nothing less than an
    earthquake within Christianity.
  • 24:31 - 24:36
    The Catholic Church learned and
    and has repented of its guilt
  • 24:36 - 24:41
    here. They have they reevaluated
    their theology towards the
  • 24:41 - 24:44
    Jewish people, they actually
    even change some of their
  • 24:44 - 24:48
    liturgy, their Good Friday
    liturgy, and they have really
  • 24:48 - 24:53
    made a great effort to build a
    relationship of mutual respect
  • 24:54 - 24:59
    with the Jewish people and the
    Jewish religion. Now, the other
  • 24:59 - 25:03
    thing that has happened, though,
    has been the birth and the
  • 25:03 - 25:07
    existence of the State of
    Israel. So you and I were not a
  • 25:07 - 25:10
    part of the Catholic Church,
    maybe in that shift, maybe you
  • 25:10 - 25:15
    are. Also the Lutheran Church
    made a huge shift. They actually
  • 25:15 - 25:18
    disavowed the writings, the anti
    semitic writings of their
  • 25:18 - 25:22
    founder, Luther. There's been
    other moves in the historic
  • 25:22 - 25:27
    churches in Europe, but but some
    of us don't feel connected to
  • 25:27 - 25:32
    that we're a part of an
    evangelical church and, and we
  • 25:32 - 25:36
    have been more profoundly
    affected by the existence of the
  • 25:36 - 25:39
    State of Israel. Because we've
    been able to go there on tour,
  • 25:39 - 25:42
    we've been able to see where
    Jesus walked. But while we were
  • 25:42 - 25:46
    there, we came to know the
    Hebraic culture, the Jewish
  • 25:46 - 25:50
    religion of Jesus and to meet
    his brethren, the Jewish people,
  • 25:50 - 25:54
    and we have begun to build a
    relationship with the Jewish
  • 25:54 - 25:58
    people built on mutual respect.
    So these three things together
  • 25:58 - 26:03
    the translation of the Bible The
    which brought about a whole
  • 26:03 - 26:07
    movement of Christianity, which
    today is the fastest growing
  • 26:07 - 26:11
    segment of Christianity, the
    evangelical segment, and will
  • 26:11 - 26:15
    one day be the largest segment
    of Christianity. So the
  • 26:15 - 26:20
    translation of the Bible, the
    lessons of the Holocaust, and
  • 26:20 - 26:24
    here the existence of the State
    of Israel has brought about a
  • 26:24 - 26:28
    change that you and I are
    privileged to be a part of. No
  • 26:28 - 26:32
    longer are we looking down on
    the Jewish people and heaping
  • 26:32 - 26:36
    condemnation on them and
    instead, or honoring them, just
  • 26:36 - 26:40
    as the Apostle Paul said, to
    honor them as the roots of our
  • 26:40 - 26:44
    faith, because they support us.
    He said, We don't support them.
  • 26:44 - 26:48
    They support us. So this is a
  • 26:48 - 26:52
    change and what a privilege to
    be a part of this generation,
  • 26:53 - 26:56
    that we can be a part of the
    positive part of Christian
  • 26:56 - 27:00
    history, and our relationship
    towards Israel and the Jewish
  • 27:00 - 27:03
    people. This is at the very
    heart of the Ministry of the
  • 27:03 - 27:07
    International Christian embassy
    Jerusalem, we have helped to
  • 27:07 - 27:11
    pioneer a whole new relationship
    with the Jewish people in
  • 27:11 - 27:15
    Israel, and through our branches
    all around the world. I know
  • 27:15 - 27:18
    that here in the United States,
    I've been a part of a major
  • 27:18 - 27:24
    shift, and a tremendous
    relationship between Jews and
  • 27:24 - 27:28
    Christians. It's been such a
    blessing, such a privilege to be
  • 27:28 - 27:31
    a part of this. I'm so thankful
    that I'm a part of this
  • 27:31 - 27:36
    generation. But we don't
    understand what a miracle that
  • 27:36 - 27:41
    we are a part of. And the Jewish
    people look at us as a miracle.
  • 27:41 - 27:44
    Sometimes they look at us and
    they don't really believe us
  • 27:44 - 27:48
    because they know all that
    history. And that's why it's so
  • 27:48 - 27:51
    important that you also know
    that history so that as you
  • 27:51 - 27:56
    engage with the Jewish people in
    your nation, that and here in
  • 27:56 - 27:59
    Israel, that you know, this
    history because they certainly
  • 27:59 - 28:03
    do and You can help build a
    whole new relationship with them
  • 28:04 - 28:09
    built on mutual respect, and
    unconditional love or not in
  • 28:09 - 28:12
    this because of anything, we
    think we're going to get back
  • 28:12 - 28:15
    out of it. We're in it because
    God's hand is on them. He's
  • 28:15 - 28:19
    brought them back to their land.
    He's blessing them. And we want
  • 28:19 - 28:26
    to be a part of that blessing.
    Praise the Lord. So as I said in
  • 28:26 - 28:29
    the beginning, if you'd like to
    have an outline of today's
  • 28:29 - 28:32
    teaching, along with actually
    the whole series, send me an
  • 28:32 - 28:39
    email at Susan and ice j. u. s. asked for the
  • 28:39 - 28:43
    understanding the times outline
    and we'll send it to you and
  • 28:43 - 28:47
    I've got another free offer for
    you. If you want to know more
  • 28:47 - 28:51
    about anti semitism, I have a
    free booklet that you can
  • 28:51 - 29:01
    download. Just go to www.ic e forward slash Asch
  • 29:01 - 29:06
    free booklet and you can
    download a free booklet on anti
  • 29:06 - 29:11
    semitism. It reviews this
    history. It reviews anti
  • 29:11 - 29:15
    semitism around the world today,
    and what you and I can do in
  • 29:15 - 29:21
    order to stand against it. I'm
    so grateful that you spent this
  • 29:21 - 29:25
    time to learn about this painful
    history and the miracle you're a
  • 29:25 - 29:28
    part of I asked the Lord to
    bless you as you go forward in
  • 29:28 - 29:31
    your week. Please come back.
    Listen to part three. We're
  • 29:31 - 29:35
    going to talk about the
    spiritual battle against Israel
  • 29:35 - 29:38
    and the Jewish people how we see
    that and how we can stand
  • 29:38 - 29:43
    against it. So be sure not to
    miss part three, and I'll see
  • 29:43 - 29:43
    you there.
  • 29:43 - 29:45
    God bless you. Shalom, Shalom.
  • 30:24 - 30:28
    like everywhere else Israel has
    been hit by the Coronavirus. You
  • 30:28 - 30:32
    come here to Ben Gurion Airport
    and you see that there are very
  • 30:32 - 30:36
    few planes in and out of the
    country. But the few that are
  • 30:36 - 30:39
    coming are bringing Jews on them
    from all around the world who
  • 30:39 - 30:44
    are desperate to make aljada
    Israel they see Israel as safer
  • 30:44 - 30:47
    as having a better economic
    potential for the future for
  • 30:47 - 30:52
    them. And Israeli officials have
    managed to bring evacuation
  • 30:52 - 30:57
    flights even amidst all the
    corona travel bans and it's
  • 30:57 - 31:00
    exciting to report that the
    Christian embassy has brought
  • 31:00 - 31:04
    over a thousand Jews on these
    rescue flights over the past
  • 31:04 - 31:09
    four months since February.
    Every month around 250 Jews
  • 31:09 - 31:14
    coming home to Israel on flights
    sponsored by the Christian
  • 31:14 - 31:17
    embassy. And we want to
    challenge you to help us keep up
  • 31:17 - 31:22
    this pace. In the coming months
    that we bring at least 250
  • 31:22 - 31:28
    Jewish people home on alioth
    flights, you can go to our site
  • 31:28 - 31:36 slash rescue 250 and
    you can help book a seat for
  • 31:36 - 31:41
    some Jewish family to come home.
    The flights that are coming now
  • 31:41 - 31:46
    are bringing Jews who are stuck
    in limbo. They thought they were
  • 31:46 - 31:50
    going to make Ollie all this
    year and they left their jobs.
  • 31:50 - 31:55
    They sold their apartments and
    all of a sudden Corona hit. And
  • 31:55 - 31:59
    many of them have been
    destitute. We've also had cancer
  • 31:59 - 32:03
    patients who needed to Get to
    Israel for life saving surgery.
  • 32:03 - 32:08
    Many emergencies help us with
    our rescue 250 campaign,
  • 32:09 - 32:14
    bringing at least 250 Jews home.
    Despite the corona you could be
  • 32:14 - 32:19
    part of this remarkable story
    that even amid the Coronavirus,
  • 32:19 - 32:23
    all the Bible prophecies about
    the Jewish people coming back to
  • 32:23 - 32:27
    the land of Israel in the last
    days, it is still happening.
  • 32:27 - 32:31
    Nothing has been able to stop
    it. But we need your help. Go to
  • 32:31 - 32:36
    our site and help book a flight
    for a Jewish family today.
Session Understanding the Times Part 2 o
Video Language:

English subtitles
