Dr Ben Bikman - Why We Get Sick from Insulin Resistance

Dr Ben Bikman - Why We Get Sick from Insulin Resistance

In today’s interview I get to speak with Associate Professor, Dr Ben Bikman, about how insulin resistance makes us sick, causing more than just diabetes. He is also back to answer some of your commonly asked questions.

Ben is very passionate about how improving insulin resistance can prevent a wide range of diseases.

In a previous interview with Ben we talked about what insulin resistance was, how to test for it and Ben also gave us advice about the best diet for bringing insulin resistance back to normal.

Today, we talk more about what the latest research says about how insulin resistance is at the root cause of many diseases.

From heart disease, to kidney disease and Alzheimer's, Ben explains how we can improve or prevent a number of conditions by keeping our insulin levels healthy.

If you know someone who is interested in learning more about:

�What is making us sick
�How insulin resistance is connected to a wide range of non-communicable disease
�Why insulin is a better marker than glucose
�Are low ketones and too much a problem?
�What happens when you combine fat and carbohydrates?
�Advice on mitigating the insulin response

Then this interview is for them.

I always enjoy talking to Ben and was glad to have him back sharing some more of his nuggets of wisdom.

Special thanks to Ben for joining me on the show. Enjoy the episode!

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Added   by Arvind Patil
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