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1st Foundational Falsehood of Creationism

  • 0:01 - 0:06
    The US population seems pretty evenly divided over whether the human species is biologically related to
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    other animals or whether we were specially created as part of a flurry of miracles.
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    Even our collective politicians seemingly all of them are wrapped up in this controversy,
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    yet it's hard to find even one of them who knows what it's about.
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    Why is it that there's such concern in so many great schools, K through twelve, about teaching evolution,
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    yet there is still a complete consensus among scientists all over America and the rest of the world
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    that evolution is the backbone of modern biology and a demonstrable reality historically as well.
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    Most people don't understand science.
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    What it is, how it works, what hypothesis and theories are, or even the purpose behind it.
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    Sadly even those on your school faculty or state board of education often need an education themselves
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    before they can be trusted to govern how or what our kids will be taught.
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    And that's why I thought I would speak up and do what I can to help.
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    To adequately understand evolution,
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    you not only have to understand how to be scientific, which is the real trick for most people,
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    but you also have to know something about cellular biology, genetics, anatomy,
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    geology, particularly paleontology,
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    as well as environmental systems, tectonics, atomic chemistry and especially taxonomy
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    which most people don't know squat about at all.
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    Most people who accept evolution also tend to know a whole lot about cosmology,
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    geography, history, sociology, politics, and of course religion.
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    But to believe in creations you don't have to know anything about anything and it's better if you don't.
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    Because creationism relies on ignorance. It is not honest research.
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    It is a scam, a con job exploiting the common folk and preying on their deepest beliefs and fears.
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    Creationist apologetics depends on misrepresented data and misquoted authorities
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    out of date and out of context and uses distorted definitions, if it uses definitions at all.
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    There are basically two types of creationists.
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    The professional or political creationists, these are the activists who lead the movement
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    and who will regularly deliberately lie to promote their propaganda.
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    And the second type, which are the innocently deceived followers
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    commonly known as "sheep".
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    I know lots of intellectual christians, but I can't get any of them to actually watch the tele evangelists,
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    because they either already know how phony they are or they don't want to find out.
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    But that only allows a radical fringe to claim support from the masses they now also claim to represent,
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    so there's nothing to stop them.
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    Professional creationists are making money hand over fist with faith healing scams
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    or bilking little old ladies out of prayer donations, or selling books and videos at their circus-like seminars
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    where they have undeserved respect as powerful leaders.
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    All of them feign knowledge they can't really possess and some of them claim degrees
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    they've never actually earned.
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    "You are a scientist, correct?"
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    "Oh that's right, I have a PhD in Truthology from Christian Tech."
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    Were it not for this con they'd have to go back to selling used cars,
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    wonder drugs and multilevel marketing schemes.
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    They will never change their mind, no matter what it costs anyone else.
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    So it is obviously the 'sheep' whom I am attempting to reach with this speech
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    so that they might not be sheep anymore and will stop feeding fuel in the manipulative movement.
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    Because it is one thing to believe something which might be true,
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    like God in general or christianity specifically,
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    even though neither can be substantiated or tested in any objective way,
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    but it's a whole other matter to willfully deceive other into believing things which are definitely not true,
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    like creationism.
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    Especially when we can also prove that those doing this know their assorted arguments are bogus
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    and know they're lying to our children and that they hope to continue doing so under the guise of
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    Creationism extorts support through peer pressure, prejudice and paranoid propaganda
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    and sells itself with short simplistic slogans
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    which appeal to those who don't want to think too much, or are afraid to question their own beliefs.
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    Worst of all, it actually forbids critical inquiry and promotes anti intellectualism
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    and is based on at least a dozen foundational falsehoods.
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    First and foremost among them is the idea that accepting evolution requires the rejection of theism
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    if not all other religious or spiritual beliefs as well.
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    For decades those behind the creationism movement have tried very hard to portray the illusion
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    that one cannot accept evolution and still believe in God.
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    They know better
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    but they still want you to believe that evolution is atheist
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    and that it is either evolution without God, or God creating without evolution.
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    That's been their central claim since the creatiionism movement began
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    but this supposed controversy never was about whether or not there is a God.
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    Most people believe there is a God
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    and they believe he is in control of all the seemingly random events of our lives.
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    This is true of most of the people who accept evolution also, most of them believe in God as well
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    and they believe that God is in control of evolution,
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    that evolution like every other system in nature is part of God's design.
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    Of the couple hundred different and often violently conflicting denominations of christianity,
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    the largest of them by far is catholicism followed by orthodoxy.
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    Both of these have stated support of evolution and denounced creationism.
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    Pope Benedict recently described evolution as an enriching reality and
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    described creationist contest against it as absurd.
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    Both of the Popes before him advised christians around the world
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    to consider evolution to be more than a hypothesis
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    and not to fear acceptance of that as being any challenge to their faith in Christ.
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    The early proponent of evolutionary science were all initialy christians including Darwin
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    and many of the leading proponents of modern evolutionary science are still christian today.
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    For example, microbiologist Dr. Ken Miller
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    who testified against intelligent design creationism in Kitzmiller vs Dover, is a catholic.
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    Another outspoken proponent of evolution, Dr. Robert T. Bakker,
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    who has PhDs from both Harvard and Yale
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    is not only one of the leading and most recognizable paleontologist in the world today,
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    but he also happens to be a bible believing pentecostal preacher,
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    though he interprets genesis differently than literalists would.
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    In his book "Bones, Bibles and Creation" he says that
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    to treat the bible as though it were common history is to degrade its eternal meaning.
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    One of the earliest geneticist , Theodosius Dobzhansky,
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    was an orthodox christian who many times professed his belief that life was created by God
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    but that nothing in biology made sense except in light of evolution.
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    All these men agree that even if there really is a God
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    and even if that God is the christian God,
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    and even if that God created the universe and everything in it, which they all believe,
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    evolution would still be at least mostly true
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    and creationism would still be completely wrong.
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    Of all the developed nations throughout christendom
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    only the United States has a significant number of creationists, and they're the minority even here.
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    Every other predominantly christian country tends to regard creationism as
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    an incredulous, if not insane, radical fringe movement
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    which is an almost exclusively american phenomenon and not taken seriously anywhere else.
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    Poll after poll continues to reveal that around the world
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    most evolutionists are christian and most christians are evolutionist.
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    So evolution is not synonymous with atheism and creationism is not synonymous with christianity either.
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    Most creationists aren't even christians.
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    There are millions more muslim and hindu creationists than christian ones.
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    Regardless which religion they claim,
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    creationism can be collectively defined as the fraction of religious believers who reject science.
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    Not just the conclusions of science but its methods as well and I mean all of them.
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    From uniformitarianism and methodological naturalism to the peer review process
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    and the requirement that all positive claims be based on testable evidence.
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    These people rely instead on blind faith and the assumed authority of their favorite fables.
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    In all cases, creationism is an obstinent and dogmatic superstitious belief
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    which holds that members of most seemingly related taxonomic groups did not evolve naturally,
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    but were created magically,
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    that plants and animals were literally poofed out of nothing,
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    fully formed, in their current state, unrelated to anything else despite all indications to the contrary.
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    Creationists may side with western abrahamic religions,
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    being the judeo christian islamic mythos in which there are conflicting versions of the same tales,
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    or creationists may belong to one of the many eastern religions
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    where the sacred stories of creation are much older,
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    completely different and dedicated to other Gods and pantheon.
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    But in every case, the proposed creator is supernatural,
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    meaning that it is not a part of perceptible reality,
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    therefore it is undetectable by any testable means
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    and can only be assumed to exist through subjective emotional reasons or as a result of cultural indoctrination
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    rather than because of any measurable evidence or logical rationale.
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    In other words, there's no way to say if it's really there.
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    Worst of all there's also no way to distinguish anyone's Gods or ghost
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    from the imaginary being some primitive folks just made up either.
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    This doesn't mean no God exist, but it does mean that science can't say anything about them.
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    Because even if Gods are real, they still don't appear to be,
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    and apparently don't want to since all the holy books demand that they be believed on faith alone.
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    As there is nothing anyone can verify and thus actually note, be correct about Gods,
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    then science is unable to make any comment about them at all.
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    Because science can only ever investigate things with demonstrable evidence
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    which can be tested or measured.
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    From the creationist perspective,
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    the method or mechanism of creation, which these mystical beings use,
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    is nothing more than a Golem spell, where clay statues are animated with an enchantment.
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    Or it's an incantation in which complex modern plants and animals are spoken into being.
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    That's right. Magic words, which cause fully developed adult animals to be conjured out of thin air.
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    Or a God simply wishes them to exist so they do.
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    That's it.
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    There really is nothing more to it than that. Pure freaking magic by definition.
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    Remember that the next time you hear anything from a creation 'scientist'.
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    So for those who believe in God, the question really is 'how God created' and
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    whether that was by one of many inextricably integrated natural systems he seemingly designed
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    or whether he simply blinked, wiggled his nose, wished upon a star and said
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    "Abra cadabra!".
1st Foundational Falsehood of Creationism

My personal rant against one of foremost falsehoods of the creationism movement; the idea that accepting evolution is tantamount to declaring atheism, or that one need be creationist to be Christian.

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