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Jiu-jitsu: when martial arts becomes a philosophy | Makram Barazi | TEDxNDULouaize

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Jiu-jitsu: quando le arti marziali diventano una filosofia | Makram Barazi | TEDxNDULouaize

With his tattoos and Harley Davidson bike, Makram Barazi, known among his friends as 'Big Mac', might seem to be the kind of guy you'd rather stay away from. His hobby? Yes, you guessed right: He's a fighter. But why does Makram fight? Watch his TEDx talk to find out why.

Makram spent 30 years of his life as a martial artist, from student to fighter to coach. He's also a father, a biker and an artist. Makram teaches Brazilian Jiujitsu and Mixed Martial Arts and, with that, he changes the lives of his students ranging from abused women to bullied kids to people who are just looking to be fit and staying in shape, as well as those who are searching for inner peace. Makram's motto: As the great Bruce Lee said: "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one."

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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closed TED

Italian subtitles

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