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上廁所看手機,會傳播疾病?醫生:不想“菊花殘”,如廁要專注! 【健康管理師李曉】

  • 0:00 - 0:05
    Hi, this is Li Xiao, a health manager
  • 0:06 - 0:27
    Many people like to play mobile phones in the toilet, it’s extremely unhygienic, many people don’t take it seriously
  • 0:27 - 0:52
    Escherichia coli and Salmonella in the toilet will stick to the mobile phone, which causes the spread of germs
  • 0:53 - 0:59
    Next, I will continue to talk about its other hazards
  • 1:00 - 1:46
    First, constipation. Playing phones will distract people, and people will ignore the thought of defecation, which will cause constipation over time
  • 1:47 - 1:57
    Second, hemorrhoids. Maintaining a bowel posture for a long time can cause anal congestion,
  • 1:58 - 2:19
    which can lead to diseases such as hemorrhoids and rectal mucosal shedding
  • 2:20 - 2:49
    Second, hemorrhoids. Maintaining a bowel posture for a long time can cause anal congestion, which can lead to diseases such as hemorrhoids and rectal mucosal shedding
  • 2:50 - 3:02
    Fourth, electronic screens can hurt the eyes in a dim environment
  • 3:03 - 3:29
    Fifth, maintaining a long-term defecation posture will harm the cervical and lumbar spine of a person
  • 3:30 - 3:56
    If you have this bad habit, please correct it in time. That is all, see you next time
上廁所看手機,會傳播疾病?醫生:不想“菊花殘”,如廁要專注! 【健康管理師李曉】

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Chinese, Simplified

English subtitles
