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Evaluate a formula using substitution

  • 0:00 - 0:08
    Express twenty five degrees Celsius as a temperature in degrees Fahrenheit using the formula Fahrenheit
  • 0:08 - 0:16
    or F is equal to nine fifths times the Celsius degrees plus thirty two, so they're telling us that we have twenty five degrees
  • 0:16 - 0:28
    Celsius. So, we can put that in for "C" here and we'll get the temperature in Fahrenheit degrees. So, lets do that! So, we get "F" is equal to nine over five
  • 0:28 - 0:36
    times, now for "C" we are going to put in twenty five, times twenty five plus thirty two...and now we
  • 0:36 - 0:40
    can simplify this before we multiply twenty five times nine. Now remember, that's the same thing as nine
  • 0:40 - 0:46
    fifths times twenty five over one. We can essentually devide the numerater and the denominator of our
  • 0:46 - 0:53
    eventual product by five. If we devide twenty five by five we get five. If we devide five by five we
  • 0:53 - 0:59
    get one. So, this boils down to nine times five plus thirty two. So our Fahrenheit degrees are going to
  • 0:59 - 1:08
    be nine times five is forty five plus thirty two degrees or it's equal to forty five plus thirty two
  • 1:08 - 1:16
    is seventy seven. So this is seventy seven degrees Fahrenhiet.
Evaluate a formula using substitution

u10_l1_t4_we1 Evaluate a formula using substitution

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charlesdavidlane added a translation

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