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Modded Minecraft :: Part 2 :: Tinkering With Tools

  • Not Synced
  • Not Synced
    How's it going guys?
  • Not Synced
    This is The Modded Minecraft Let's Play.
  • Not Synced
    My name of course, is SystemZee
  • Not Synced
    and you are awesome.
  • Not Synced
    Welcome to part two of the Let's Play.
  • Not Synced
    Today we are going to be
  • Not Synced
    dealing with Tinker's construct.
  • Not Synced
    It's really bright so I'm just
  • Not Synced
    going to zoom back in.
  • Not Synced
    But yes. we're going to be doing
  • Not Synced
    Tinker's Construct today which is exciting
  • Not Synced
    because that'll be the first time we're
  • Not Synced
    actually doing anything with a mod.
  • Not Synced
    Look at the background, that is beautiful
  • Not Synced
    Man, that's so cool!
  • Not Synced
    Anyways, that was some like...
  • Not Synced
    Grand Theft Auto lighting there.
  • Not Synced
    I got rid of the Hunger Overhaul MOD
  • Not Synced
    Because I didn't like it.
  • Not Synced
    And that's that. (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    It's not really that different, it's just,
  • Not Synced
    I go to not starve, as much.
  • Not Synced
    And I also get to stack food a lot more
  • Not Synced
    So, I just prefer it that way.
  • Not Synced
    And that's, we're just gonna
  • Not Synced
    end it at that. (laughs) No, no.
  • Not Synced
    If uh, if you guys are playing along
  • Not Synced
    then, you know, feel free to play with it.
  • Not Synced
    But I didn't like it, I needed to remove it
  • Not Synced
    Uhh, it was cool with this type
  • Not Synced
    of stuff though, so I'm a little,
  • Not Synced
    I'm gonna miss it in terms of farming
  • Not Synced
    because you could like, hold down
  • Not Synced
    Bone-Meal and just farm for days.
  • Not Synced
    But, uh it's not really worth it. (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    I just didn't like running around and like
  • Not Synced
    constantly losing hunger so quickly.
  • Not Synced
    But anyways, that's not what
  • Not Synced
    this episode is about.
  • Not Synced
    Like I said, we're doing Tinkers Construct
  • Not Synced
    So, I've got the basic materials for
  • Not Synced
    today's project, and it's gonna be
  • Not Synced
    really cool and I'm really excited.
  • Not Synced
    But first, we're gonna get rid of these
  • Not Synced
    and uh, and just quit the game.
  • Not Synced
    No. We are going to make an iron furnace
  • Not Synced
    Ba-da-boom. Which requires Iron Plates
  • Not Synced
    which requires a Forge Hammer.
  • Not Synced
    We've, we can easily do that
  • Not Synced
    Check it out, Boom, and then we'll
  • Not Synced
    do that and then that.
  • Not Synced
    Place it there. Do that.
  • Not Synced
    Make a sideways Thor hammer. Boom.
  • Not Synced
    And then, if we throw that in there
  • Not Synced
    and that in there, Uh....
  • Not Synced
    Come on, No. There we go.
  • Not Synced
    I can do that, and then we need
  • Not Synced
    like, what, 10. Yeah.
  • Not Synced
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 7, 8, 9, 10.
  • Not Synced
    How easy. (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    And then if we throw that in there,
  • Not Synced
    actually, we could just do that.
  • Not Synced
    That, and then. I thought I could do that.
  • Not Synced
    But I guess not. (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    It shows us the recipe though,
  • Not Synced
    so that's good enough I guess.
  • Not Synced
    Yeah, we'll do that, and then
  • Not Synced
    take one there. Boom. Boom.
  • Not Synced
    There we go!
  • Not Synced
    So, two iron furnaces.
  • Not Synced
    And what do those do, SystemZee?
  • Not Synced
    Well, good viewer, those are just
  • Not Synced
    faster furnaces and I, I love that.
  • Not Synced
    Or is it furni? (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    They're just faster and I love that.
  • Not Synced
    They just cook much quicker.
  • Not Synced
    About double the speed, at least,
  • Not Synced
    I think it's double the speed.
  • Not Synced
    Which is awesome.
  • Not Synced
    Let's go ahead and make these
  • Not Synced
    seared grout stuff. I am grout.
  • Not Synced
    I believe is what is says. I am grout.
  • Not Synced
    There we go. And we'll cool those up.
  • Not Synced
    Lovely. We're on our way to excellenceness
  • Not Synced
    I think that's the right pronunciation.
  • Not Synced
    But yeah, you can see it's cooking
  • Not Synced
    a lot quicker there, and we get a
  • Not Synced
    seared brick, which takes us on
  • Not Synced
    to what we're gonna do next.
  • Not Synced
    Which is of course, create the stuff
  • Not Synced
    we need, which is seared bricks.
  • Not Synced
    But, we're not gonna do that just yet.
  • Not Synced
    Actually, I should probably check and see
  • Not Synced
    how to make this. Oh NO!
  • Not Synced
    We're gonna need glass for a tank.
  • Not Synced
    I need more sand though. Um...
  • Not Synced
    Well, sand isn't really that hard to get
  • Not Synced
    considering it's like, right here.
  • Not Synced
    So, I'm just gonna grab one.
  • Not Synced
    Don't judge me.
  • Not Synced
    We'll come to the edge so it's
  • Not Synced
    not as noticeable, and... boop.
  • Not Synced
    There we go, but yeah, anyways
  • Not Synced
    I'm gonna use this as a time
  • Not Synced
    to talk about why I haven't
  • Not Synced
    really uploaded part 2 any sooner.
  • Not Synced
    Or any video for that matter.
  • Not Synced
    It seems like all I'm doing now is just
  • Not Synced
    making excuses, you know, day after day.
  • Not Synced
    And I'm really sorry about that.
  • Not Synced
    I, I do not like the idea of me just never
  • Not Synced
    really making consistent videos.
  • Not Synced
    Because I spent most of 2016
  • Not Synced
    try to do that, and to be honest
  • Not Synced
    it's just a unfortunate series
  • Not Synced
    of bad luck. Genuinely.
  • Not Synced
    Like, I got sick the moment I was
  • Not Synced
    able to record, the moment work
  • Not Synced
    slowed down, I caught a cold.
  • Not Synced
    And I don't know if you can hear it.
  • Not Synced
    It's, it's still pretty bad, but I'm
  • Not Synced
    feeling a lot better and I can
  • Not Synced
    actually breathe (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    Which allows me to record
  • Not Synced
    in the first place, uh, but now
  • Not Synced
    hopefully, nothing else will happen
  • Not Synced
    unless, just a magic earthquake just
  • Not Synced
    happens out of nowhere, uh,
  • Not Synced
    you know, the rare occurrence
  • Not Synced
    that it ever happens where I live.
  • Not Synced
    And then, just everything gets destroyed.
  • Not Synced
    That's the only thing I can really think
  • Not Synced
    that would stop me, other than laziness.
  • Not Synced
    But I'm not gonna be lazy.
  • Not Synced
    But anyways, I wanna show you guys
  • Not Synced
    what we're gonna do today, other than
  • Not Synced
    work with the Seared Bricks.
  • Not Synced
    Let me grab these apples, because
  • Not Synced
    apples are great. Apples are good.
  • Not Synced
    Gimme those. Alright that's good. (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    We're gonna run over here
  • Not Synced
    and throw that in there.
  • Not Synced
    Hush cricket, you're too loud! (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    We're gonna come right to this little
  • Not Synced
    piece of wood and stare at it
  • Not Synced
    for a little while... No, we're actually
  • Not Synced
    gonna be building a really cool little
  • Not Synced
    platform for our tinkerers construct
  • Not Synced
    thing, but I'm gonna do it in
  • Not Synced
    montage format because I have a series
  • Not Synced
    dedicated to building, and you guys
  • Not Synced
    can watch that if you wanna learn
  • Not Synced
    how to build. No, I'm kidding.
  • Not Synced
    I'm gonna do building here as well,
  • Not Synced
    but I do want to do this one in montage
  • Not Synced
    format, so let's go ahead and get started.
  • Not Synced
    I'm gonna use these materials here and
  • Not Synced
    I will see you guys once it's completed.
  • Not Synced
  • Not Synced
    And that, is pretty much how you build
  • Not Synced
    a smelter platform.
  • Not Synced
    Look at that. This think looks amazing.
  • Not Synced
    This is actually the second time
  • Not Synced
    I've built it, unfortunately (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    because apparently when I brought my
  • Not Synced
    camera account on here it didn't
  • Not Synced
    want to save, which is very unfortunate.
  • Not Synced
    And very unlucky, and I actually forgot
  • Not Synced
    something apparently, I hope I actually
  • Not Synced
    still have the resources. I uh, I cleaned
  • Not Synced
    things out, but yeah, I had to do it an
  • Not Synced
    entirely second time, what kind of
  • Not Synced
    luck us that? I need more Limestone now,
  • Not Synced
    actually, do I have any in there.
  • Not Synced
    I do, perfect. Perfect!
  • Not Synced
    That's what I forgot. I've wanted to add
  • Not Synced
    some of that in there, but yeah.
  • Not Synced
    Uh, I still included it, nonetheless,
  • Not Synced
    that way you guys could see me build
  • Not Synced
    it the first time, but this is a
  • Not Synced
    slightly different in shape, uh, edition.
  • Not Synced
    I don't know how I'm gonna fix that.
  • Not Synced
    Apparently, like, the save files
  • Not Synced
    must be different because I made sure
  • Not Synced
    to like, make it, you know,
  • Not Synced
    the continuity, like, one hundred percent.
  • Not Synced
    I think that's the word. (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    But, no. It was really weird, it just
  • Not Synced
    didn't want to work. So, uh, this is
  • Not Synced
    pretty much a new design.
  • Not Synced
    But that's not really any big deal.
  • Not Synced
    I think it looks really, really cool.
  • Not Synced
    We used this, uh, Dilomite
  • Not Synced
    and the Limestone, of course
  • Not Synced
    the Seared Bricks in the center
  • Not Synced
    as where...as where? (laughs)
  • Not Synced
    As well as Mud Bricks, which I had
  • Not Synced
    some mud, honestly, it was a cheat
  • Not Synced
    I'm not gonna lie. Uh, I got it
  • Not Synced
    essentially whenever I build, or
  • Not Synced
    crash-landed. Uh, (laughs) into this area.
  • Not Synced
    This is mud, as you can see, so
  • Not Synced
    that is kind of a cheat, but hey,
  • Not Synced
    it's just building, don't worry about it.
  • Not Synced
    (laughs) There's some of the mud balls.
  • Not Synced
    Um, but yeah, alright. So now, we are
  • Not Synced
    going to do...Where did I put it?
  • Not Synced
    Well, there's one glass, we need that
  • Not Synced
    of course, I think it's there.
  • Not Synced
    There we go!
  • Not Synced
    We are going to do the Seared Bricks.
  • Not Synced
    So, we're essentially gonna need
  • Not Synced
    you know what, we're gonna safe like
  • Not Synced
    half of them, uh, but we're just gonna
  • Not Synced
    need a few bricks and we're gonna make
  • Not Synced
    a cool design. Wait. only nine? What?
  • Not Synced
    They are some expensive bricks.
  • Not Synced
    Oh no! I needed some still.
  • Not Synced
    Lets, that's a bummer. Ahh no, I'm
  • Not Synced
    gonna have to go get more sand.
  • Not Synced
    I didn't know that it required that much.
  • Not Synced
    That's only thirty two, we need
  • Not Synced
    at least a little bit for a tank.
  • Not Synced
    That's not good. Oh no. I did not think
  • Not Synced
    it would be that expensive.
  • Not Synced
    We can get some of this sand though.
  • Not Synced
    I ne...uh...is there a sand machine?
  • Not Synced
    Let me know, is there a sand machine?
  • Not Synced
    I feel like, (laughs), there's gotta
  • Not Synced
    be something, like Mods are just crazy
  • Not Synced
    you never know, there could be
  • Not Synced
    a sand generator. There could
  • Not Synced
    be all sorts of stuff.
  • Not Synced
    Uh, alright, so we've got Gravel and Clay
  • Not Synced
    so I'm not really worried about that.
  • Not Synced
    Man, I did not think it would be
  • Not Synced
    that expensive. (whoosh sound)
  • Not Synced
    Okay, so I kinda understand now.
  • Not Synced
    It's essentially, I messed up.
  • Not Synced
    The bricks are expensive, but you don't
  • Not Synced
    need just the bricks, as you can see here.
  • Not Synced
    The Smeltery Drain is only Bricks,
  • Not Synced
    or well, one brick, instead of
  • Not Synced
    you know, block bricks, these things.
  • Not Synced
    So, that is why they're so expensive.
  • Not Synced
    So, I'm not really that worried
  • Not Synced
    about it now, uh, we're gonna need
  • Not Synced
    a casting table as well.
  • Not Synced
    We need a few things. This is
  • Not Synced
    exciting though, this is definitely
  • Not Synced
    the first time I'm getting to this area
  • Not Synced
    of Tinkers Construct. It's been a really
  • Not Synced
    long time since I've done anything with
  • Not Synced
    the Mod, I'm not gonna lie.
  • Not Synced
    Okay, so let's go ahead. I, I guess
  • Not Synced
    we're gonna need one more,
Modded Minecraft :: Part 2 :: Tinkering With Tools

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