Not Synced
[Introductory Music]
Not Synced
Welcome everybody.
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Before I go into my talk about the
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patterns of Basecamp's Application Architecture
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A little announcement
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about an hour and twenty minutes ago
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we released release candidate one.
[Audience applause and cheers]
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As well as branched for rails/4-0-stable.
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So, we're really close to having 4-0 done
and shipped.
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And it would be awesome if everybody who's here
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who is going to work on Rails code during
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the next four days could try it out.
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Because that's the best way for us to
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figure out what's still missing, or bugs, or
whatever else, have you.
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We sort of have, almost, this pattern of
putting out betas and release candidates
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and then we ship the final version and
fifty tickets come in with obvious defaults
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or things that are broken.
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So it'd be great if 4-0 could come out
and for the first week or two at least
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we wouldn't have to ship an update.
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So, if you guys can help us do that
that'd be amazing.
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So, the story of Rails is in many
ways intertwined with the story of Basecamp.
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This is a screenshot of the very first
version of Basecamp we released in 2004.
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I started working on Basecamp in 2003, before
I had any aspirations of working on Rails.
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Before I had any ideas that was I going
to work on was going to turn into a framework.
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So, the whole approach with Basecamp
and with the creation of Rails was that
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I was interested in an application.
I was interested in building something.
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The fact that I had to build my own tools
to get there was sort of secondary.
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It's certainly wasn't the primary objective.
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And that led to, in some ways unique
style of working, I think.
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That we've really embraced as a community,
and in Rails core.
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That, frameworks are not inventions,
they're extractions.
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We don't sit down and try to come up with
features that we could need, or would want.
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We build applications, things that actually
have to run in the real world.
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Things that actually have to matter to somebody.
Not example code.
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And from there we see, what are the pieces
that we keep using over and over again?
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For me, that's why Basecamp is so important.
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Because -- just about, for sure, every
single good feature I've put into Rails
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have come from Basecamp, or Basecamp
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A few bad features came exactly
when I thought I could invent good frameworks.
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It -- it never really worked.
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The question we're asking ourselves is not
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what would someone, somewhere, might
want to do with Rails?
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Because that sort of speculative development
style -- we've had to work
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I've had to work with a lot of tools
that were built like that.
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Teams assembled just to make tools, with
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influences of listening to people in various
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But the core motive to just build tools.
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And that is what I was running away from
in many ways as it came to Rails.
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I didn't want something built by somebody
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whose sole occupation was just to build
tools for me.
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Because those tools tended to never really
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to match the expectations I had for real-world
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So what we do instead is say:
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I'm not going to care about anybody else right now.
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I'm just going to focus on building Rails
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as the perfect framework for building Basecamp.
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That's my mental model.
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The side effect is that Basecamp, of course,
is not that special.
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Most of the things it does is same kind of things
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you want to do in a lot of different applications.
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But, because we attack the problems
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from this sort of concrete approach
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we get to extract something that just feels right.
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Something that feels like somebody's actually
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used it in anger.
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I mean, I've sworn and cursed my fair amount at Rails at certain times.
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So I've certainly used it in anger, and have changed things in anger.
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I find that that's really a lot of where a lot of the magic happens.
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When I'm so fucking annoyed that something
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takes four lines of code when it really should
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just take one, that's when good stuff happens.
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And it happens in sort of a different way
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than that example code driven development style
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that you often run into when people do this for full-time living.
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Because it's very easy to make pretty examples.
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We have lots of this in Rails where -- for example
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the standard scaffold for a long time
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it looked like it was not very DRY.
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It had a lot of duplication, right?
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People would often come to Rails and they would say, as the first thing:
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"Well this code you're generating it's verbose, I could optimize it in all these ways"
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A few people have tried, with various gems.
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And what you find is, yes, you can make example code
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really pretty by making a certain set of choices.
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But those same set of choices are usually the ones
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that makes it horrible for actual real web development.
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So, 2003, 2013, I've been working on Ruby on Rails
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and Basecamp for 10 years now.
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That's about a third of my life.
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So, I don't think it's any stretch to say
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this is my life's work, at least up until this point.
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And, it's funny, because in some ways, it feels familiar.
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When I looked at Rails code today, it looks and feels and smells
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very much like the Rails code I wrote ten years ago.
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Of course it changed in a myriad of different ways
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but it's much, much better now.
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But the kernals and the principles are very
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much still the same.
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And that's interesting to reflect on
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when you compare it to the things that changed.
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In 2003, this was a state of the art phone.
[Audience Laughs]
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Seriously. Flip phones was really back then.
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It's so funny because that seems so far away, right?
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I mean, flip phones? Seems like another era.
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Which it is in many ways
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because many parts of technology move very fast.
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It's interesting that we're here today and we're still
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working with and discussing and debating and improving a framework
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that is from the time of flip phones.
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So, that's sort of like the form factor of actually
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a lot of people interfacing with our applications today go through phones.
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If we look at other parts of technology
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just sort of the hardware we were on
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I looked up these prices yesterday
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and, it's like, half a gigabyte costs $50.
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Now you can just 16 times as much RAM for almost half the price.
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That's more than an order of magnitude change.
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Which is just, it's one of those things that's also
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interesting in terms of what does that change
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in how we approach things?
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Often times, people will almost lock their concept
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of what hardware costs and how it runs to the time
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they entered programming.
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If something was scarce, and expensive
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at the time they got into programming they'll
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think that's how it's going to be forever.
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Which, of course, this shows you can get
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8 gigabytes for $29. How much RAM do you use?
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Probably it doesn't matter as much as
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a lot of other things. Which is funny
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to me because that's always been --
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Matz, back in 1993, 20 years ago, 20 years ago Matz started working on Ruby.
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He had to care far -- I should've actually looked up
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what RAM cost back in 1993.
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But I'm sure it was fucking expensive.
[Audience Laughs]
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Yet, he sort of had the foresight to think
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well, I don't know if he had the foresight,
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but it turned out, that the thoughts
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that he was thinking about, how we should
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make programming languages, and development environments,
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like, I can make something now that -- ok, it's going to take more memory,
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it's going to be slower, and it's not going to matter
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because those things are going to improve
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drastically over time.
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What's not going to improve is programming brains.
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They're pretty much as mush as they were back in 1993.
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So we need to optimize for that.
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So, that's sort of the hardware side, that that moves really fast.
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Ok, not that -- we know that, Moore's Law, and all, right?
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Also funny to look at the things from 2003.
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Java was actually a real thing that people non-ironically wrote.
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[Audience Laughter and Applause]
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This was actually -- when Rails first came out,
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I was talking to a lot of Java programmers
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and they were serious.
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[Audience Laughs]
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And it's just funny to think back about this sort of battle, or whatever
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that we had in the beginning. And this was the relevant foe.
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This was who were trying to sort of say, there's a better way to implement
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a lot of the good ideas that you have.
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Because that was the second funny thing of course.
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Because Rails is from 2003, and the bulk of the
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thinking of how to structure, and create nicely
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factored web applications, and those
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types of applications came from the Java world.
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It's just that they were trapped inside that beast
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and we had to liberate it.
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So, there are still people programming Java.
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Of course, the JVM lives on and it seems like
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that has a long and prosperous future.
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And people are putting it to much better use
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than the Java language itself.
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The other thing, struts, that was actually
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a serious framework at that time that we were
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sort of trying to convince people why this was better
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why XML situps and so on, were not something you should to do.
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It's really interesting to think about all of these things
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that have changed, and how much the world
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of technology has changed in the 10 years Rails has been around.
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I've been trying to reflect on why that is.
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Why are we still here?
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Why didn't Rails go the way of Struts?
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Why wasn't it just a footnote in sort of a progression of things?
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Where were all these other things that were supposed
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to come afterwards. I certainly never
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thought, when I started working on Rails
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that I'd be here 10 years later and talking to
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1,500 people at a sold-out conference.
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That's a pretty measureable success.
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That's surprising I'd say in technology.
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Just like the flip phone is not here anymore
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and Struts, thankfully is neither.
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You should've thought that Rails would've gone away, right?
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I think the stuff I talked about last time -- or last year
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that pioneering spirit, I think is what makes the Ruby community
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and the Rails community unique.
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We are willing to continue west.
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We don't just stop when we find a comfortable resting place.
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There's a lot of other communities that value
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stability far higher than we do.
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That's not to say that stability is bad, it's just
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a trade-off. If you look at say,
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the Python guys, and how long they've taken
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to get on Python 3, they're not there yet, by the way.
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They're still going, and it's been years, right?
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How long did it take the Ruby community to move
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from 1.8 to 1.9 to 2.0? [Snap, snap, snap]
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And it wasn't because it was painless.
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How long did it take the Rails community to move
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from Rails 1, to 2, to 3, to now 4?
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Again, it wasn't painless.
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Anytime you want to make progress like this
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it's going to hurt.
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But we as a community are willing to take that hurt.
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That makes the community unique.
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We're willing to sacrifice for progress.
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I think what's interesting about that, the pioneering spirit,
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that we're willing to continue west.
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We don't just stop halfway and say,
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"Ah, fuck it, Kansas is good enough"
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[Audience Laughs]
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A lot of people just -- they stop in Kansas.
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Like that's just like, things are fine
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I've got my cows and the sun comes up in the morning, great.
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I mean, although, some Rails people have stopped in Kansas.
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[Audience Laughs]
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There are still a few people still running.
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This is the half-life of Rails where we are now.
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It came out in 2009, that's 4 years ago.
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Anyway, if you're still in Kansas, keep
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going west. California awaits you.
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The west coast awaits you, Portland I should say actually, my bad.
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We've continued west. We've gotten closer and closer
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to this sort of promise of the west coast.
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And I think as we've gotten closer and closer to that
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and it's taken years and years, because again
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it's a painful journey.
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It's a perfectly legit thing to say,
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I'm just not interested in any more progress, we're stopping in Kansas.
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And I will go on, and I will do Rails 2.3 for the next 4 years.
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A lot of people did and it wasn't like they were necessarily
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miserable. I mean people do lead good lives in Kansas.
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But, I think that there is something more important here
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to keep on pressing on, and not just because
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we keep our own interests and this is still interesting to go to
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if we had just stopped as a community and said
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Rails 2.3, that's our final resting place.
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Ruby 1.8, what did we end up at? Ruby 1.8.9? 1.8.8? Whatever it was.
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That's the final resting place, that's where we're gonna stop, right?
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That's just where we are going to park our ambition and say, that's good enough.
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I don't think we would be here because then these things would just be tools.
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Nothing wrong with just being a tool.
[Audience Laughs]
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There's just something more inspiring about pressing on and going further.
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About this whole notion of pressing on and going further,
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Joel Spolsky, in 2001, had this great essay: "Good Software Takes Ten Years, Get Used To It"
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At the time I read that, it was funny, I read that
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and was like "what a fucking jackass"
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[Audience Laughs]
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I can make something in fucking six months
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that's going to blow the doors off whatever you've been
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working on for ten years.
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But I think he actually had the long end of something.
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You can build something that's good for you in six months
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and it could be "good software".
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If you want to build something that has the kind of impact
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on community, on the programming community,
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on the world, for lack, for less sort of grandious vision.
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It does take a long time. We've slowly but surely built this up over time.
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That goes both for the work that I've put into Basecamp
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and the work that I've put into Rails.
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These things compound slowly over time if you keep investing in them.
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You can see the sort of progression of investment that we've had with Rails
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and the people who've been flowing into it on this chart.
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New contributors with their first commit to Rails.
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2004, first time I opened the code base and accept patches and let other people commit to it,
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a few people, 40 people I think had a patch go into Rails in 2004.
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The very next year, big boost, 280 people or whatever.
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Then we sort of had like, I don't want to call it flat face
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because this is all new people coming into the community
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and starting to add something. But, for a long time
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we had sort of a steady rate of new people
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joining the community. And then something interesting
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happens. In 2009 there's a small dip.
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Everybody thinks the world is going to end and
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everyone is getting fired and alright, I understand
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and then after that, what happens?
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There's a massive jump.
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And this is actually funny. So in 2009, our Kansas,
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so there's a baseline there, alright? We keep pushing.
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And people respond. A lot of people are interested
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in pushing on with us, interested in joining the caravan and continuing on.
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Which is really just sort of interesting to see just
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sort of the phase we can go through.
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By 2009 I've been working on Rails for 6 years.
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And we've had this steady inflow and then
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all of a sudden lots of people get interested
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in getting involved, awesome.
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If you look at the same chart, just compounding
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all of the committers, you can see it's more
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of a steady climb, but the same pattern is there,
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from 2009 and onwards, lots of new people got involved
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because we kept pressing through.
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We kept pressing through the comfortable phase.
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Even though, the funny thing is, when you
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do that you're sort of -- we have this
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saying with Basecamp were you shouldn't be afraid to let customers go.
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Sometimes customers are going to outgrow you.
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They're going to think, well you no longer represent what they need in a
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project management application, right?
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A natural reaction to a lot of people, or for a lot of people
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is to look, "Shit, we can't let that happen, no customer can leave, lock the doors"
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"We will do whatever we can to take them happy"
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We had that moment in 2009, where we could've said, let's just lock the doors.
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Let's just improve things for people who are already here.
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Big enough community, we're comfortable,
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we could be self-sustaining for a long time, that could be fine.
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We instead said nope, we're going to keep the doors open.
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What that's going to mean is that there are going to be some people who are unhappy.
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I've heard people say Rails 2.3 is the best version of Rails ever made.
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[Audience Laughs]
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Which is, it's sort of one of those funny nostalgic things of
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you just sort of lock your timezone, like the 80's that's when music peaked.
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[Audience Laughs]
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It's just a funny phenomenon, and it's real, and I think
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that's where a lot of technology circles an ecosystem, they stop.
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And then they just stay there for the rest of life.
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Anyway, we pushed on.
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Here are the stats for the last 12 months running.
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More than 1000 people were part of more than 8000 commits
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to rails/rails GitHub repo. That is fucking amazing.
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1000 people working, and this is just the people who get commits in.
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We have so many more people doing all sorts of
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other stuff around the codebase.
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This is just the people who got a commit into rails/rails itself.
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That is really and truly astounding.
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And I think that that shows and validates
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the approach, the uncomfortable approach that we have
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to keep pushing and to keep getting better
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even if it will ruffle the feathers of the people we already have.
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The customers, the developers, who are already using Rails
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that are somewhat uncomfortable with whatever new direction we have.
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It's also a funny match to Roger's Innovation Adoption Curve Idea.
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This is sort of an analysis describing how products are adopted.
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So obviously, from the beginning we had a lot of innovators.
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People who would use Rails even though there were
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a lot of things that were broken or didn't do whatever in the beginning.
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Small slice of the overall market of developers.
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Okay, we've got the early adopters.
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I think that's sort of our first crest.
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And you sort of hit this point where you have to
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make the jump from early adoptors to the
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early minority. I think that's exactly what that point in 2009 shows us.
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We did make that jump. We are now on sort of the next ride up.
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Which is, which is pretty cool.
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And I think it's also interesting for me in -- the original reason
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I got into open source, the original reason
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I wanted to release Rails was two-fold,
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first, I wanted to give back. I had been
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using Ruby, I had been using Linux,
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I had been using MySQL, I had been using Apache
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I'd been using all these open source projects
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so, when I had something myself to share
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I felt like, dude you're a dick if you don't release
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something like this that other people could find value in,
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when you've used all of their stuff.
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So there's that. Don't be a dick.
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The second part is, I'm having a lot of fun
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doing this stuff. Ruby is really a great programming language
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Rails enables me to use Ruby to build Basecamp.
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There's going to be a lot of other people out there
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who could benefit from Ruby so let's
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get as much programming joy out there in the world.
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So that's why this stuff is interesting because
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we've having a bigger impact, we're getting
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more people involved with enjoying their work.
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And not being stuck in Struts, or whatever painful torture instruments of the time.
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Anyway, so I think that's all great.
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And it's great to see there are more people getting involved.
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But you're also sitting there and have to stop
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and say okay, what are we actually doing here?
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What is the purpose? Why are we still working on this?
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What is the improvement path? Who are we?
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Who do we want to be?
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So, I think a while back, decided we want
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to have a big tent. There should be room
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for a lot of different people in the Rails community.
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Jugglers, musicians, clowns and elephants all invited, come on.
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And we pulled some things in, we did
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with Rails 3, we had a influx of good new ideas
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from, at the time, a competing framework
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called merb, which was sort of a
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good reflection of okay, it can be a big tent.
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We can have room for a lot of people in here
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who might not agree on everything,
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they might not all want to build Basecamp
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but we have a general principle, a general purpose
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that this is where we're going, and
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we agree on these things. And once we
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sit down and actually work on code together
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we realize we share more opinions than we don't.
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So, even so, even if you have a big tent
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and you have room for jugglers, and elephants and so forth
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and you're having fun, you're not a ferris wheel.
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There's got to be something you're not.
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You have to sort of define it in some sort of opposition
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there's limits to what this is, because if
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you try to be everything to everyone all the time
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you're nothing to nobody none of the time.
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Second, the title of this talk is "Patterns of Basecamp's Application Architecture"
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The whole idea of patterns is that you see a problem
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and there's a solution, but there's a third element,
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there's a context. There's a context in which
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that problem arises. Because you can encounter
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the same problem in two different contexts
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and you're going to want two different solutions to that.
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So, what is the context? What is the context of Rails?
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Of the work that I'm doing on Basecamp?
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For me, that context is Dynamic hypertext documents.
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What does that mean?
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It means that this is sort of what I'm trying to produce.
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It's funny because when you see HTML it looks like
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it's such a good, there are books like Learn HTML in 4 Days, right?
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It seems like such a low-level thing, it seems like such a simple thing,
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like sort of beneath us, kind of thing, we are "serious programmers" who do "serious work",
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like, all we're doing is just generating HTML, that's -- I mean, c'mon, that's for HTML monkeys, right?
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Like, I need something more grand. Well, to me
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the grandness is in embracing the simplicity.
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Is embracing what the web is, and not just what
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the web and HTML as the delivery mechanism,
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sort of the web and HTML as sort of a lot of
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side effects that are neat, in term of software deployment and development,
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don't have to install software, you just get it from one place.
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You could deliver a lot of different kinds of software where
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you just use HTML as a delivery mechanism.
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But, when I've been revisiting and going back through the Basecamp code base
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and especially the work I've done with the new verison of Basecamp.
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I realize that it's deeper than that, that this is not just a delivery mechanism.
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That the actual structure of HTML, the approach to the context of
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software development as a document is profound.
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That profound approach is not something we should try to escape.
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It's something we should try to embrace.
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So, you can think about a lot of different applications that are being delivered on the web
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on sort of on a contiuum. On the one end
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you have something that is basically purely document based
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and on the other hand you could have something that's
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almost like a GUI using HTML as a delivery mechanism
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but you certainly wouldn't describe it as a document.
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I think if you look at that sort of continuum from document to GUI and nothing falls perfectly at either hand.
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Perhaps these two, I mean Wikipedia is just a collection of documents.
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It's a pretty good to, I think, my vision at least of
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what I'm interested in, the kinds of applications
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I'm interested in, and thus, the kinds of tools
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I'm interested in building. I want to build tools
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for a document based web. That approach to software development is quite
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different from all sorts of other approaches that went before.
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If you look at software from before the web
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it looks different. I've been struggling to find a word to
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describe that style of applications, GUI is the best
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I can come up with, even though of course the web is a GUI, too.
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You sort of know what I mean.
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Maybe it's easier if you look at an example.
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If you look at Google maps for example, that doesn't feel
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like that's a document. That feels like
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this is using HTML as a delivery mechanism for
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the application that it provides. It doesn't mean
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it's not a great application. It's a great application.
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It just means that what we're trying to do is optimize for
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a version and vision for web applications that is more
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document based, this is not the primary thing
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we should optimize for. So, if you're trying to
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write the next Google Maps, maybe Rails, at least as
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a whole package, as a full-stack framework isn't
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the natural fit. You can pick parts out and you can have
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a good HTTP processor and you can do all sorts of
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other things that's interesting.
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So, if that' 100% the camp that you're in, the
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sort of not related to documents at all, maybe that's not it.
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Then it becomes interesting, because as I said,
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a few things are either one thing or another thing completely.
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If you look at Basecamp for example, we have this
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calendar there, that doesn't feel very much like
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a document. It doesn't feel like it fits HTML, what's the section
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what's the header, what's the paragraphs here?
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It feels like we're using HTML as a delivery mechanism.
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But it's a minority thing part of what we do
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so we try to fit it in and it should be possible, but it's
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not the main thing. The main thing is more
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stuff like this. Where it actually does look and
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feel like a document. This looks and feels
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like something you would not have before the web
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this would not be like what an application looked like.
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Because this is, that native development style of the web.
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If you look at something like GitHub, same thing,
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it feels like a document, it feels like a document that's decorated with some dynamic behavior
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and that's great, but the key part of it, it's essence and it's being, is the document itself.
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It's not just a delivery mechanism. That's the, the slice, and the part of information technology
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that I'm interested in. These kinds of document focused
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applications are not a bad thing. It's not something
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we should be trying to escape, the constraints
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that it puts on us to develop an application
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in this style, they're liberating.
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They're not bad. We don't want to start
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with an empty canvas and have to draw everything
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from scratch. The fact that HTML is there, and gives us
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a sort of semantically relevant containers to put
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certain things in, is a benefits, it's great.
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And, that's where, I guess, the insight for me is
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why is it that I was never interested in Java Applets?
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It wasn't just because it was Java, it's horrible enough in itself,
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but it was the notion that this was just a blank canvas,
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you could draw whatever you want, there are no limits here,
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you don't have to fall in line to some predescribed notion of a document.
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Or set GUI elements for a document, forms and so forth.
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You can do whatever you want.
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I don't wanna do whatever I want. I want a container, a base to put my ideas in.
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That's when I find, that they flourish.
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So, with that insight in mind, and with the insight in mind
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that the web is the most successful software development platform of all human history,
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that leaves me to think that it's not acutally that big a surprise that this failed.
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Because, the architects of this sort of canvas-base, let's
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use the web as a sort of delivery mechanism for
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the same application architecture that we had on the desktop
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they're wrong. That's not the part of the web that's interesting.
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It's not just these accidental properties of oh, it's easy
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to update software because it runs on my server.
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The things that brought the web to it's prominence with users
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and developers alike, we're the constraints.
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Was the fact that that style of interfacing with information technology is
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really user-friendly, really development-friendly, it's different.
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Not in a worse way. And that's usually what I --
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I had conversation, I think it was Rails Conf, maybe 7, or something,
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and some Microsoft guy was coming up and he was going
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to tell me about serverlite, and the pitch was
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"I'm finally going to free you from HTML"