0:01 - 0:02(Beep)
0:02 - 0:03(Screaming)
0:03 - 0:19(Jazzy intro)
0:19 - 0:21How does it feel to be the
0:21 - 0:22Same sex as Donald Trump?
0:22 - 0:23How does it feel to be the
0:23 - 0:24Same sex as Sarah Palin?
0:24 - 0:25How does it feel to be the
0:25 - 0:26Same as Michelle Bachman
0:26 - 0:27How does it feel to be the
0:27 - 0:28Same sex as anybody
0:28 - 0:29You disagree with?
0:29 - 0:30Why does it even matter
0:30 - 0:31Whether or not you’re the
0:31 - 0:32Same gender as somebody else?
0:32 - 0:33I mean, I’m also the same
0:33 - 0:34Gender as Abraham Lincoln, Einstein,
0:34 - 0:35And the guy who introduced
0:35 - 0:37Chocolate to the western world
0:37 - 0:38So what are you even getting
0:38 - 0:39At with this question?
0:39 - 0:40Are you trying to say Donald Trump
0:40 - 0:42Is bad, and Donald Trump
0:42 - 0:43Is a man, therefore men are bad?
0:43 - 0:45Why do you hate rom-coms?
0:45 - 0:46Or do you feel like you
0:46 - 0:47Need to hate them?
0:47 - 0:48Everybody likes The Notebook,
0:48 - 0:50Everybody likes Beyoncé
0:50 - 0:51It’s just a fact.
0:51 - 0:53Men hate romantic comedies
0:53 - 0:53For the same reason you
0:53 - 0:55Hate video games with
0:55 - 0:56Over-sexualized female characters.
0:56 - 0:57The men in these movies are
0:57 - 0:58Always willing to sacrifice
0:58 - 0:59Their careers, their dreams,
0:59 - 1:00Even their lives to win
1:00 - 1:01The lead females’ affection.
1:01 - 1:03Now I don’t have any empirical
1:03 - 1:04Data to back this up, but
1:04 - 1:05It seems to me that
1:05 - 1:06Romantic comedies and
1:06 - 1:07Romance movies in general
1:07 - 1:08Cause women to have unrealistic
1:08 - 1:09Expectations of men and what
1:09 - 1:10Love should be like, and these
1:10 - 1:11Become the expectations
1:11 - 1:12That men have to live up to,
1:12 - 1:13And it’s unfair.
1:13 - 1:14Feminists like to bitch
1:14 - 1:15About poor representation of women
1:15 - 1:16In media intended for men
1:16 - 1:17Because they promote body issues
1:17 - 1:18And shit like that
1:18 - 1:20And I agree, to at least, an extent
1:20 - 1:22But its not any better for men
1:22 - 1:23When we’re expected to be Prince Charming,
1:23 - 1:25Ready and willing to sacrifice themselves
1:25 - 1:28Physically, mentally, and emotionally
1:28 - 1:29And we’re called selfish for daring to
1:29 - 1:31Have our own desires
1:31 - 1:32Or even misogynistic for daring to draw
1:32 - 1:34Attention to our own problems.
1:34 - 1:36These movies appeal to the female fantasy
1:36 - 1:37of having a night and shining armor
1:37 - 1:39swear their entre existence to pleasing them
1:39 - 1:41and thus reinforce these notions within
1:41 - 1:42their target audience of women like you
1:42 - 1:44that you somehow deserve and should expect
1:44 - 1:45to have your boyfriends and husbands
1:45 - 1:47give up everything that makes them who they are
1:47 - 1:49and basically dehumanize themselves
1:49 - 1:51for your pleasure and devote 100%
1:51 - 1:52of their time and energy to you.
1:52 - 1:54The fact that some of you watching
1:54 - 1:55this is scoffing at what I just
1:55 - 1:57said only proves my point.
1:57 - 1:58You have fooled yourselves into
1:58 - 2:00thinking that I'M somehow the one
2:01 - 2:02who's being selfish when I object
2:02 - 2:04the notion that men should be expected
2:04 - 2:05to cave into all of your demands
2:05 - 2:06for the sake of your perverted,
2:06 - 2:08idealistic conception of love and I
2:08 - 2:10have no doubts that some of you will
2:10 - 2:11accuse me of being bitter at some ex-girlfriend
2:11 - 2:13for saying that, but I'm not
2:13 - 2:14and I will pre-emptively characterize
2:14 - 2:16such an argument as out-cropping of
2:16 - 2:18the very mentality that I'm talking about.
2:18 - 2:19You expect your demands to be catered
2:19 - 2:21to, and any man who is unwilling
2:21 - 2:22or unable to cater to them must
2:22 - 2:23have something wrong with them.
2:23 - 2:25Us men are human beings with
2:25 - 2:27our own interests and goals and it's
2:27 - 2:29selfish for you to expect us to give all
2:29 - 2:31that up for you. But these movies condition
2:31 - 2:33you to expect exactly that, and that is
2:33 - 2:35why we hate romantic comedies. We don't see
2:35 - 2:38anything romantic about them. What we see
2:38 - 2:39is the reinforcement of unfair
2:39 - 2:42and unreasonable expectation about what we
2:42 - 2:44should be doing with our own lives also
2:44 - 2:46f***
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- Title:
- Description:
- Video Language:
- English
- Team:
Captions Requested
- Duration:
- 31:57
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ezizelmann edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED | |
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Sulu Mataifaaala Seumanu edited English subtitles for 36 STUPID FEMINIST QUESTIONS ANSWERED |