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Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist …

  • 0:03 - 0:06
    Waiter: May I help you sir?
  • 0:08 - 0:10
    Customer: Uh, let's see.
  • 0:10 - 0:12
    Waiter: We have pan seared registry error
  • 0:12 - 0:14
    sprinkled with the finest corrupted data,
  • 0:14 - 0:16
    binary brioche, RAM sandwiches,
  • 0:16 - 0:17
    Conficker fitters,
  • 0:17 - 0:20
    and a scripting salad with or
    without polymorphic dressing,
  • 0:20 - 0:23
    and a grilled coding kabob.
  • 0:27 - 0:29
    Customer: I'd like a RAM sandwich
  • 0:29 - 0:33
    and a glass of your finest Code 39.
  • 0:33 - 0:35
    Waiter: Would you like any desserts, sir?
  • 0:35 - 0:37
    Our special is tracking cookie.
  • 0:37 - 0:40
    Customer: I'd like a batch of some
    zombie tracking cookies, thank you.
  • 0:40 - 0:42
    Waiter: Coming right up, sir.
  • 0:42 - 0:46
    Your food will be served shortly.
  • 0:46 - 0:50
  • 0:53 - 0:56
    Maya Penn: I've been drawing ever
    since I could hold a crayon,
  • 0:56 - 0:58
    and I've been making animated flipbooks
  • 0:58 - 1:00
    since I was three years old.
  • 1:00 - 1:03
    At that age, I also learned
    about what an animator was.
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    There was a program on TV about jobs
  • 1:05 - 1:07
    most kids don't know about.
  • 1:07 - 1:09
    When I understood that an animator
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    makes the cartoons I saw on TV,
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    I immediately said, "That's what I want to be."
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    I don't know if I said it mentally or out loud,
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    but that was a greatly defining moment in my life.
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    Animation and art has always been my first love.
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    It was my love for technology that sparked the idea
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    for "Malicious Dishes."
  • 1:29 - 1:31
    There was a virus on my computer,
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    and I was trying to get rid of it,
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    and all of a sudden, I just thought,
  • 1:34 - 1:37
    "What if viruses have their own
    little world inside the computer?
  • 1:37 - 1:40
    Maybe a restaurant where they meet up
  • 1:40 - 1:41
    and do virus-y things?"
  • 1:41 - 1:45
    And thus, "Malicious Dishes" was born.
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    At four years old, my dad showed me
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    how to take apart a computer
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    and put it back together again.
  • 1:50 - 1:52
    That started my love for technology.
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    I built my first website myself in html,
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    and I'm learning Javascript and Python.
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    I'm also working on an animated series
  • 1:59 - 2:01
    called "The Pollinators."
  • 2:01 - 2:03
    It's about bees and other
    pollinators in our environment
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    and why they're so important.
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    If plants aren't pollinated by the pollinators,
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    then all creatures, including ourselves,
  • 2:10 - 2:12
    that depend on these plants, would starve.
  • 2:12 - 2:14
    So I decided to take these cool creatures
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    and make a superhero team.
  • 2:18 - 2:23
  • 2:26 - 2:29
    (Foot stomp)
  • 2:29 - 2:34
  • 2:36 - 2:38
  • 2:38 - 2:41
    Character: Deforestsaurus! I should have known!
  • 2:41 - 2:43
    I need to call on the rest of the Pollinators!
  • 2:43 - 2:49
  • 2:55 - 2:58
    Thank you. (Applause)
  • 2:58 - 3:01
    All of my animations start with ideas,
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    but what are ideas?
  • 3:04 - 3:07
    Ideas can spark a movement.
  • 3:07 - 3:11
    Ideas are opportunities and innovation.
  • 3:11 - 3:15
    Ideas truly are what make the world go round.
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    If it wasn't for ideas, we wouldn't be
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    where we are now with technology, medicine,
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    art, culture, and how we even live our lives.
  • 3:23 - 3:25
    At eight years old, I took my ideas
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    and started my own business called Maya's Ideas,
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    and my non-profit, Maya's Ideas for the Planet.
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  • 3:33 - 3:36
    And I make eco-friendly clothing and accessories.
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    I'm 13 now, and although I started my business
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    in 2008,
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    my artistic journey started way before then.
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    I was greatly influenced by art, and I wanted to
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    incorporate it in everything I did, even my business.
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    I would find different fabrics around the house,
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    and say, "This could be a scarf, or a hat,"
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    and I had all these ideas for designs.
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    I noticed when I wore my creations,
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    people would stop me and say,
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    "Wow, that's really cute. Where can I get one?"
  • 4:02 - 4:05
    And I thought, I can start my own business.
  • 4:05 - 4:07
    Now I didn't have any business plans.
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    I was only eight years old.
  • 4:09 - 4:11
    I only knew I wanted to make pretty creations
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    that were safe for the environment
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    and I wanted to give back.
  • 4:14 - 4:16
    My mom taught me how to sew,
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    and on my back porch, I would sit and make
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    little headbands out of ribbon,
  • 4:19 - 4:22
    and I would write down the names
    and the price of each item.
  • 4:22 - 4:24
    I started making more items like hats,
  • 4:24 - 4:26
    scarves, and bags.
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    Soon, my items began selling all over the world,
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    and I had customers in Denmark, Italy, Australia,
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    Canada, and more.
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    Now, I had a lot to learn about my business,
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    like branding and marketing,
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    staying engaged with my customers,
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    and seeing what sold the most and the least.
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    Soon, my business really started to take off.
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    Then one day, Forbes Magazine contacted me
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    when I was 10 years old.
  • 4:50 - 4:52
  • 4:52 - 4:54
    They wanted to feature me and my company
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    in their article.
  • 4:56 - 4:58
    Now a lot of people ask me,
  • 4:58 - 5:01
    why is your business eco-friendly?
  • 5:01 - 5:03
    I've had a passion for protecting the environment
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    and its creatures since I was little.
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    My parents taught me at an early age
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    about giving back and being a
    good steward to the environment.
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    I heard about how the dyes in some clothing
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    or the process of even making the items
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    was harmful to the people and the planet,
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    so I started doing my own research,
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    and I discovered that even
    after dyeing is being completed,
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    there is a wast issue that gives a negative impact
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    on the environment,
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    for example, the grinding of materials,
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    or the dumping of dried powder materials.
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    These actions can pollute the air,
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    making it toxic to anyone or anything that inhales it.
  • 5:36 - 5:38
    So when I started my business,
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    I knew two things:
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    all of my items had to be eco-friendly,
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    and 10 to 20 percent of the profits I made
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    went to local and global charities
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    and environmental organizations.
  • 5:49 - 5:53
  • 5:53 - 5:55
    I feel I'm part of the new wave of entrepreneurs
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    that not only seeks to have a successful business,
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    but also a sustainable future.
  • 6:00 - 6:02
    I feel that I can meet the needs of my customers
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    without compromising the
    ability of future generations
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    to live in a greener tomorrow.
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    We live in a big, diverse, and beautiful world,
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    and that makes me even more passionate to save it.
  • 6:13 - 6:15
    But it's never enough to just
    to get it through your heads
  • 6:15 - 6:17
    about the things that are happening in our world.
  • 6:17 - 6:19
    It takes to get it through your hearts,
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    because when you get it through your heart,
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    that is when movements are sparked.
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    That is when opportunities
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    and innovation are created,
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    and that is why ideas come to life.
  • 6:29 - 6:30
    Thank you,
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    and peace,
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    and blessings.
  • 6:34 - 6:40
  • 6:40 - 6:43
    Thank you. (Applause)
  • 6:43 - 6:46
    Moderator: So you heard Maya talk about
  • 6:46 - 6:49
    the amazing parents that were behind
  • 6:49 - 6:51
    this incredible woman. Where are they?
  • 6:51 - 6:54
    Please, Mr. and Mrs. Penn. Would you just—Ah!
  • 6:54 - 6:58
Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist …
Maya Penn

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